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Most of this (313k) is temporary work visas and student visas according to the article and makes sense given the absolute collapse of these numbers during COVID and the fact that applications for school often happen a year out, last year was the first year for any new international students, this year is the first “normal” year.

It’s also worth noting, this is around 2.4% growth in the population annually, so while the absolute number is high(bigger population, bigger numbers) the percentage growth is actually not that high compared to historical norms.…

That doesn’t mean it isn’t causing problems for Housing. It absolutely is, but if you take away international students our education system will collapse since Canada is a massive exporter of education and we use it to fund domestic students.

BlameThePeacock, (edited )

Dropping support for Israel is going to result in is more dead Israeli citizens, because Hamas sure as hell won’t stop attacking Israel just because Israel stops bombing them. Iran would laugh all the way to the bank where they would grab some more money to fund Hamas.

The government of the Gaza Strip (Hamas) was behind an intentional attack on Civilians that prompted this whole mess.

The government of Israel is intentionally attacking civilians in retaliation, mostly because those civilians are being used as human shields or are complicit with or supporting Hamas.

The whole thing is shit, and likely will not be resolved until Iran or the US back down on their support and the other side pushes out whoever lost support.

Edit: To all you idiots downvoting. Do you think Ukraine should jus give up territory to save civilian lives too? You’re being naive. There’s a reason why the governments of the western nations are still supporting these countries. These situations are a lot more important than you think for the balance of world power.


People in that region have been killing each other for thousands of years.

You want to look at historical attacks. There were entire Jewish cities in the wiped out a thousand years ago under the ottoman empire by Islamic citizens of the region.

You want to talk with the big boys perhaps do your research before you spout off.


The apartments and condos are a problem for sure, but everyone can charge at a house. I went 3 months charging my EV using a standard level 1 charger on a normal house plug, and I have a fairly long commute of about 80km total. The level 2 charger just allows me to only charge a couple times a week, rather than it being something I do every time I get home (it takes about 15-20 seconds to plug in a charger)

You can also get smart splitters for your existing dryer circuit (as long as it isn’t on the opposite side of house) that allows you to only run one at a time and therefore saves you needing to upgrade your overall electrical service.


Yes you can charge two cars on one circuit, you just need a more advanced charger that can either load balance between two connectors simultaneously or switch between them when one’s completed. It’s probably cheaper to just have a single normal charger and alternate days they’re plugged in though. That’s what we expect to do once we switch our second vehicle over to EV in the next few years.


one can only hope


It’s stolen in the fact that these people are using Image-2-Image generative AI. That means that his original image is directly used as an input to make the resulting pictures, which then compete against his original image for attention on the internet. Fewer people will then see his original, and perhaps purchase one of his carvings.

Is it “real” theft? No Does it harm him? Yes

It’s a very tricky situation, given that there’s no way to stop it. We cannot shove this back into Pandora’s box. Even if you made it illegal, it would be almost impossible to enforce in a court because of the lack of jurisdiction across borders.

I suspect our culture is about to see a seismic shift again, I just don’t know how yet.

Issue Loading Subscribed with Lemmy Server v0.19

After the server upgrade to v0.19, when I scroll past the first loaded Subscribed “page” in the Jerboa app (v0.0.54), it provides a “Posts failed loading, retry” message. It seems to dynamically load multiple pages for “Local” and “All” just fine. I have no idea if this is a server/ or...


Happening to me on as well.


Strongest Solar Flare of Solar Cycle 25 | NOAA / NWS Space Weather Prediction Center (

An X2.8 flare (R3) occurred from Region 3514; located over the far NW area of the Sun. This is likely one of the largest solar radio events ever recorded. Radio communication interference with aircraft were reported by multiple NWS Center Weather Service Units (CWSU) co-located at FAA facilities. These impacts were felt from one...


Not exactly the stone age, but yes, a large enough CME could absolutely fry a good portion of our tech and it would end up killing billions of people due to disruptions to communications, agriculture(primarily), healthcare, and logistics. There is equipment that would survive, there are items that could be repaired, and most of our knowledge wouldn’t be lost.

It would not be fun.


I don’t have a problem with people disrupting traffic to protest, I have a problem with people doing it for a purpose that the government can’t actually achieve, with only a few people, or in places that don’t make sense for the cause.

If you want to disrupt it over some local (to at least the country) issue, and you have enough popular support to host an actual rally with hundreds or thousands of marchers blocking the road, go right ahead and disrupt traffic. If you’re marching about the environment, rally at a park then march to a government office. If you’re marching about police brutality, go sit down outside a police station.

Unfortunately, The US government is not the Israeli government. The most they could do is exert pressure on Israel, which to be fair is quite a lot of pressure given it’s the US, but I highly doubt that Israel would stop immediately even if the US asked them to. In this case, from the pictures, they also only had enough people to make a single line across the road. The location isn’t relevant to anything either.


After the bombings? That would have been done by primarily US troops, so of course he could stop it with a phone call.


I thought you might be referring to the 1983 attacks.

I was a little underdeveloped at that age to be aware of everything going on.

Doesn’t look like he stopped anything though, given that fighting continued despite the ceasefire for a few more years, and that Israel still attacks Lebanon on a regular basis because of Hezbollah.


Stolen land? Every single person alive today is on stolen land. The only difference is how recently their ancestors stole it.

Even the first nations of North America stole land from other tribes for a few millenia before the Europeans showed up and stole it all.

The world has never been, and will never be, a static place.

There are plenty of reasons to help out disadvantaged or oppressed groups, ownership of land just isn’t one of them.


Each other.

These people fought, they aren’t some sort of saints that always got along peacefully for 60,000 years.

This part of history always gets ignored, but there are archeology studies showing it definitely happened.


You’re grouping together people who were not together. The different tribes that existed were similar to the countries that exist today, though obviously a little less formal in nature.

It’s not a civil war when two different tribes fought. Any more than it would be a civil war if Canada and the US fought.


Should we shut down public funding for schools while we’re at it?

How dare the government spend money to keep the public educated and informed!


P.S. You’re an idiot.


The Conservatives fully support Israel, and have both party policy and recent statements proving that.

They don’t like the CBC, but bias on this topic is not one of the issues they have with them.


“The attack came hours after a Palestinian carried out a drive-by shooting in the town, causing no injuries.”

Welcome to war, if you start shooting at people, they’re going to shoot back.

People act like it’s all shocking that countries attack each other and take their land. It wasn’t very long ago the world divided up parts of Germany after defeating them in multiple wars, or when China invaded and annexed Tibet, or even when a bunch of European countries invaded the Americas and took a good chunk of both continents.

People who support Palestinians setting up their own state, do you think the First Nations in North America would be justified in attacking the cities and people that now exist in order to set up their own countries? Don’t try to tell me that reserves are the same thing, they aren’t their own countries at all they still fall under US laws for almost everything. Plus the US courts keep trampling their rights anytime anything of value gets discovered/blocked by a treaty or reserve.


The breakup of Germany is only 80 years ago. The invasion of Tibet was less than 70.

This is what I’m saying about current people. They think they’re special because it didn’t happen in their lifetime. This shit has been happening for millenia, and it’s not about to stop now just because a bunch of people pray hard enough.


The Palestinians are being funded by Iran to attack Israel. Giving them state hood won’t change that.


You’re uneducated. They aren’t at all.


You want examples of civil wars wiping out ethnic groups recently? There’s even more examples of those.


Harmless games, also bought and shut down by Sony.


Factorio’s expansion looks to be just as good as Factorio.

96% positive all time reviews, and 98% recent reviews…

It’s no wonder I have thousands of hours in this game, the devs and community are geniuses.


The liberals are toast at this point in 2025, even if they switch leaders ahead of it. Nothing they can do will make things more affordable for voters prior to that election, and that’s going to be the number one reason people are voting.

Probably a better long-term Liberal electoral strategy is for Justin to lose, resign quickly, and get replaced for the 2029 election than to have a new leader come in prior to the 2025 election and lose, and then have that same person try for 2029.

Having a new leader for 3 years, and 4 years of people getting mad at the Conservatives for not actually improving things like they’ve been saying they can magically do is more likely to lead to a Liberal election success for that follow up election in 2029.

Just my nickel.


The students receive something of value (education they can’t get at home) for either money directly if they have it, or cheaper labour to pay for that education and support themselves.

It’s bad for Canadian workers because it suppresses wages, but it’s not exploitative by default. Nobody is forcing them to come to Canada, and nobody is forcing them to work at these types of jobs. Almost all the companies employing them meet the minimum Canadian labour and pay standards.

Not that there aren’t specific businesses being assholes and breaking the laws, but overall it’s not exploitation.


The international students literally subsidize the local students.

This isn’t necessarily a bad thing either, it’s just exporting education (like you would export lumber or automotive parts)


Is the government allowing exploitation of Canadians by letting them work at these companies? Canadian citizens have the same costs of living, and it’s not like Tim Hortons(just an example) doesn’t employee local students too.


That isn’t the definition of exploitation.


Uncle Roger has reviewed Wang and loved him.


The median age in gaza is 18, so of course it would be high.


It’s even more complicated than that. Netanyahu and Hamas are both just players in this. The actual war is the US with allies vs Iran. It’s just happening in Israel.


Would they? I doubt it. The money and weapons for Hamas aren’t coming from inside Gaza. They can’t be stupid enough to think it is, Gaza is poor as fuck.

There’s even a fucking Wikipedia article created in 2013 about the whole thing.–Israel_proxy_conflict


The US has been sending literally billions of dollars every single year to Israel for multiple decades and you think they aren’t puppet mastering this one? It’s not strictly the US, but without US and western support Israel would have lost this war a long time ago.


It’s easy to keep inflation down when your population is decreasing by 0.5% per year and accelerating downwards, with far more people aging out of the workforce than entering it. Japan is going to be in for a world of economic hurt over the next two decades.

China’s population has peaked too, and it’s economic outlook is going to be very dire when the big age cohort currently in their 50s starts retiring in 10-15 years.


Considering that their population only started decreasing about 4-5 years ago, I don’t know how “decades” is possible.


They did commit vandalism, but I do agree this kind of police response is way out of line for such an offense.

I’m fairly pro Israel in this conflict, but even I don’t think this vandalism was hate motivated based on what I see in the posters or what was said.


War sucks but this war won’t end if Israel stops because Hamas(and Iran who’s funding them) has goals incompatible with peace. It will just be a genocide against Israelis instead.


I didn’t say anything about violence.


For the future, if you ever buy pork for pulling, cut it up into 1-2 pound chunks before freezing. Makes the process much easier for you later.


It’s very simple, where’s the money coming from?

The government would bankrupt itself very quickly if it paid for enough land and construction for even 5% of the population.

New home buyers don’t want to pay anywhere near market rates to move into a co-op, and that’s how much it would cost to buy the property and build them out right now. Developers/construction companies aren’t the ones making buckets of money, it’s the existing landowners that are raking the profits in.

Co-ops are a hedge against future cost increases, not a solution to current problems.


Every dollar spent on housing is coming out of the pockets of taxpayers. It doesn’t make sense to bankrupt the government to try to house a few more people, because then everyone is going to be far worse off.

The housing mostly exists already or we’d have absolutely massive homeless populations (its less than 1%) its the price and allocation that is the problem.

Pricing problems can use alternative solutions. Raise property taxes on only the land by 10x, then return all of that money to every citizen equally. People who are using too much property for themselves will sell that off right quick to either a larger family or a developer. Congratulations you just made land cheaper everywhere and didn’t have to spend a single tax dollar.


We have more of a massive over housing problem than we do an underhousing problem.

There are far more couples living in 3+ bedroom houses than 4 person families living in 2 bedroom units.

The problem is distribution and pricing, not total units.


South Korea doesn’t have cheap labour, they’re definitely not just pouring concrete and putting up walls.

The most hilarious part about this is that Polievre is shouting about it, despite his government putting the rules in place.


I’m pretty heavily in favour of the Microsoft 365 platform, but loop has not found a spot in my toolkit at this point. I’d rather just use OneNote.

I get that these tools are supposed to make collaboration easier, but it really doesn’t add much in my opinion.


While there are some frustrating parts I’ve found that it gets the job done reasonably well and integrates well across the products. I’m a power user so I can often find workarounds for even the things that bother me. Teams communicates well, sharepoint stores the files for my group just fine, office does what it always does, then I get these other useful tools for forms, databases, video sharing, etc.

I think the biggest problem for most people is that they never received adequate training. I trained myself so I skipped that limitation.


Ownership rates are around 65%, but mortgage rates in Canada are only about 30%.

So less than half of homeowners have a mortgage, and another good chunk of those mortgages were small to begin with and are approaching being paid off.

You don’t need to sell the house to benefit from owning it or it having a higher price either. You get to live in it for the cost of taxes and maintenance, that’s a massive amount of freed up monthly cash flow. The house value being higher means you’re paying less comparable to someone who has to rent at current market values (like a young adult moving out)

It would be less beneficial to own the house if the value was lower and rents were dirt cheap.

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