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Wow, you only eat meat from animals which you yourself raised, slaughtered and prepared?

Even if that were the case (which it isn’t), not everyone can do that.
Do you know, why that is?

Because eating animals is wasteful as fuck.

Btw. What do you think you “animals raised on grass” (which they aren’t) are fed with? Maybe soy from monocultures?


Habe 3D-Drucker gelesen und dachte mir schon, dass das mega interessant klingt.

Aber Laserdrucker + Bügeleisen ist auch eine geile Idee!


Sehr geil es Ding, aber bitte doch den Link nicht übersetzen.


The fun thing is, that those filters cannot work.
The request begins with a normal looking https request to a non illegal (DNS) server. Then comes the secure handshake with one of the many cloudflare IPs and then the connection goes on like that.

The only way of stopping or recognizing this traffic at this point is via the IP. So they would have to ban all cloudflare IPs to block that and no western politician will survive that.

Those filters would only work on small sites that don’t use cloudflare, since then you might have a small number of static IPs.

And they way to report illegal sites is there. You just write cloudflare and they will most certainly deal with the CSAM.


Bei der Geschwindigkeit lohnt sich schon das Vorbeifahren für alle umstehenden.

Xkcd What-if für alle Unwissenden


Nach Angesicht des Landgerichts hätte der Autofahrer auch aussteigen und mithilfe einer Fußgängerbedarfsampel eine Grünphase für seine Spur auslösen können.

Habe das mal für Autofahrer*innen übersetzt.


I like how it’s a full stack but years of experience for each individual part position.

Yeah, just have 10 years of Javascript, C++ and rust. Also you must prove to have designed and built huge systems of microservices. And also be a product owner with your customer-facing awesome communication skills (which they have listed twice btw.).

No biggie.

Oh and also we won’t even give hints about pay, but we do up to the minimum legal requirements in non-financial benefits.


Which is a shame, since this movie is really good and the message is great.

It’s a solarpunk-y movie about the dangers of fossil fuel and living with your environment.


That is also not completely correct.

You can get infinite sick days. It just has to be a different illness every 6 weeks. (not repeating the same year)


Have you tried getting your stuff from the Usenet?

Where the content is, depends on the uploader and if latin american countries mainly use the Usenet there could be more for you.


Who also guesses buffer overflow or use-after-free?


I’m an OpenSCAD stud wizard.


And rust also has the “🤦”.chars().count() which returns 1.

I would rather argue that rust should not have a simple len function for strings, but since str is only a byte slice it works that way.

Also also the len function clearly states:

This length is in bytes, not chars or graphemes. In other words, it might not be what a human considers the length of the string.


Stay at localhost wear a class C subnet mask.


I know, but I wanted to make this as long as possible.

Class-based Networks are superceded by CIDR since the 90ies.

I mean yeah, but what do they know anyway? :D

(at work we still call them that)

The joke usually has ~ or ~/ instead of as I recall it, which makes more sense.

mr_MADAFAKA, to steamdeck avatar

Top 20 games played on Steam Deck in the past month, sorted by playtime.



Slay the Spire?

Binding of Isaac?

Fucking Stardew Valley!

What are you talking about? Nearly half of them are indie games.

Hitler, Hetze, Holocaust – was die „Itioten“ der Hessischen Polizei für Humor halten ( German

Polizist:innen aus Frankfurt am Main haben sich über Monate in einer WhatsApp-Gruppe ausgetauscht. Ihre Nachrichten sind so menschenverachtend, dass Ermittler darin mehr als 200 Straftaten sahen. Vor Gericht standen die Polizist:innen bis heute nicht. FragDenStaat und das ZDF Magazin Royale veröffentlichen erstmals den...


Alle Namen und Telefonnummern der Gruppenmitglieder haben wir anonymisiert.

Warum? Ganz ehrlich, was soll das? Leaked Es einfach mit den Namen und dann wird sich das schon regeln. Auch wegen sowas gibt es nie Konsequenzen. Stellt solche menschenverachtenden Individuen doch gerne mal an den öffentlichen Pranger! Springert mal richtig rum und lasst euch auf deren Niveau herunter.

Zwei Wochen später könnt ihr dann ja “hupsi, vergessen, die Namen zu anonymisieren” schreiben und gut ist. Die Rüge vom Presserat würde ich mir dann sogar als T-Shirt Aufdruck kaufen.


Du hast ja prinzipiell recht.

Aber das erinnert mich an eine Mischung aus dem Spruch “Wenn du einen Mörder tötest, bleibt die Anzahl der Mörder gleich” und dem Toleranzparadoxon.

Ja, wir sollten uns nicht auf deren Niveau herablassend müssen, aber sieh, wo es uns hingebracht hat!

Ich kann es nicht mehr ertragen, dass diese sogenannten Gesetzeshüter auf Recht und Menschen scheißen, damit ungeschoren wegkommen und die ganze Gesellschaft immer rechter und dümmer zu werden scheint.

Elon Musk teilt Beitrag mit Aufruf zur Wahl der AfD ( German

Der Tesla-Gründer und Milliardär Elon Musk hat seine Internet-Plattform X (vormals Twitter) genutzt, um sich eine Woche vor den Landtagswahlen in Bayern und Hessen in die deutsche Politik einzumischen. Am Freitag teilte er ein Videoclip eines migrationskritischen X-Nutzers namens „Radio Genoa“, in dem zur Stimmabgabe für...


Es gibt schon

Also könnte die Umstellung tatsächlich JETZT erfolgen.


Of all the comments on the Internet, why is it this one you take issue with?


Noch entscheidender ist aber, dass die AfD erfolgreich Themen adressiert, die deutliche Mehrheiten der Bevölkerung besorgen und beschäftigen - und für die viele Menschen offenbar bei anderen Parteien zu wenig Verständnis finden.

Und das ist der Teil, den ich nicht verstehe. Wieso ist pampiges Kleinkindverhalten für die Leute so attraktiv? Die AfD macht doch nur Scheiße!

Die maulen rum, sind schnippisch und ignorant, und ihre Lösungen sind entweder, dass jemand “weg” muss oder dass was verboten gehört. Wie funktioniert das?


I don’t wanna give them bad ideas, but the only logical next step is to have 2TB of CPU cache.


Oh yeah, I never had to do this on windows!

Wait! That’s not correct.


I know what you mean and Linux can be the operating system with less issues as well. E.g. I never had printer issues with my system but have to troubleshoot others’ printers regularly.

If you only use Linux for browsing and light office work you probably never encounter problems. Even if you play games via steam and Proton there probably will never be something.

The same is true for Windows. If you only use it for a small subset of tasks (browsing, light office work or playing recent games) you will rarely encounter problems.

But if you try to do so without a Microsoft account or if you don’t want a bloated start menu, it starts to get tricky.

And don’t get me started on playing old games or getting some programming dependencies running. This can be hell.

I know the flaws of windows (I’ve used it up until last year and still have to use it at work) and I also know the limitations of Linux. They are both not perfect, but Linux is free and Windows becomes more and more shit (as you’ve said). And this is where I don’t understand all the people saying, that windows is easier. It really isn’t anymore. It was a few years ago though.


Well akschually it’s even worse/better?

Because crusade is on the list of cards, banned for being “racist or culturally offensive”

Other cards on this list are:

Invoke Prejudice
Stone-Throwing Devils
Pradesh Gypsies


Since they mainly developed a CI-system before, I guess that this would be less experimental then the forgejo/gitea one.


But sometimes it’s really fucking stupid.


The jail sentence has nothing to do with this happening.

This will keep happening while people are forced to bear kids they don’t want in financial situations, where nothing can be afforded and everything is shit.

The mother was torturing her child because she needed to vent and her kid seemed like the root of all her problems, not because there were only 30 days of jail sentence.


I have kids and wouldn’t harm them even if there was no jail sentence and I would gain money from it. What is your point?


Do you have evidence this woman was forced to bear this child?

I do not, but I also rather meant my text as generalization for parents harming their children this much.

Okay, let’s look into the article to see if a jail sentence would help.

Authorities said while the officer was taking McDonald to jail, she said that her actions were done as a test to see if the child’s father “gave a f–k at all,” adding she waterboarded her baby to try and make Neal come back to the apartment.

She allegedly admitted her actions were done “out of spite.”

I would argue, this crime has nothing to do with the sentence and everything to do with the circumstances I and others have mentioned.

And maybe she didn’t want to abort, but also maybe she would have chosen to, if it were more accepted and education in that matter was better.


It is a justification. Still abhorrent and unforgiven, but it is still better than just seeing this as a singular incident with no corralation to any other such occurrence. Highlighting this as a systemic problem would really help all involved.

Shunning those who point these errors out will not help however.


… And apparently the place is not the comment section under the link to the article. Cool.

Have it your way, but be careful to never think about systemic problems too much. It may hurt your brain.


Oh, Mr. “pretty messed up” doesn’t want to hear an no-no-word directed at them? Shocking.


Yes, I wrote this somewhere else, but my point still stands. The kid seemed as the root of all her problems and the jail sentence did never occur to her.

This is not an excuse (as some people said) it is still a horrible thing to do. I just want to make people aware, that these thing point to systemic problems and not necessarily evil people.


Did I write that somewhere? No.

Did I mean it? No.

Okay, but do you think, that maybe her life was so shitty, that she didn’t even care for her kid and that this is maybe even a systemic problem and she has no way of solving that herself?


That was a really good read.

And although I also preferred the default being immutability for comprehension reasons, I never though about the runtime.

Klara Indernach: Die KI-Redakteurin beim Kölner Express ( German

Diesen Text wollte ich mit euch teilen, weil mich interessiert, wie eure Einstellung zu KI-generierten Zeitungsartikeln ist. Ich würde diese aus Prinzip nicht lesen, da diese für mich keinen Mehrwert bieten. Darum finde ich es den Lesern gegenüber unverschämt, wenn man einen “echt” wirkenden Autorennamen (sogar mit...


Weil Dinge, die von KIs erstellt werden immer realistisch wirken, bis man sich WIRKLICH damit beschäftigt.

“Oh, da ist noch Finger extra, den man fast nicht sieht.” oder “Hmm, wenn ich die Text Quelle suche, finde ich nix.”

Mit solchen Dingen muss man rechnen. Das Problem hierbei ist, dass jemand, der, wie im Artikel erwähnt, nicht bis zum Ende liest, gar nicht mitbekommt, dass es ein KI-“geschriebener” Text ist. Dadurch kann der gelesene Text auch nicht korrekt eingeordnet werden.

Wir haben ja jetzt schon das Problem, dass die Leute (ich auch) zu oft nur die Überschrift lesen und diese dann im Text widerlegt oder ignoriert wird. Jetzt wird es selbst für Leute, die wenigstens noch einen Teil des Artikels oder Zitate daraus lesen, schwierig, einzuordnen, ob dieser Text so stimmig ist.

Und jetzt mal ganz ehrlich, die machen diese Vorstellung nur, damit sie später den Namen drunter schreiben und sich den Hinweis auf KI sparen können und dann kann es niemand mehr nachvollziehen.


Ich weiß, worauf du hinaus willst, aber verstehst du meinen Punkt tatsächlich nicht?


Okay, ich verstehe deine Position jetzt auch.

Agree to disagree. 🙂


Warum sind die Frösche keine kleinen Elefanten?

Verschenktes Potenzial.


Unfortunately tidal is actually not renewable.

This may sound stupid, but tidal probably destroys the environment faster than fossil power.


In Spain, dozens of girls are reporting AI-generated nude photos of them being circulated at school: ‘My heart skipped a beat’ (

Police investigation remains open. The photo of one of the minors included a fly; that is the logo of Clothoff, the application that is presumably being used to create the images, which promotes its services with the slogan: “Undress anybody with our free service!”


You are right, they own my photos, this of course doesn’t grant them the right to do anything with it and it as well doesn’t give someone else the right, but what do you know? You are some lonely little sit harassing others online.

Delete your CSAM collection and then yourself please. Do something for us all, thanks.


Wow, you have to be one of the most stubborn, stupid, insolent, arrogant, self-absorbed assholes, I ever had the displeasure of exchanging words with.

Eat a dick!


Bitte nicht anmaßend oder als Angriff verstehen, aber hast du schon mal versucht mit einem Corona- oder Klimawandelleugner rational und nüchtern über Studienergebnisse, die Funktionsweise von peer review oder das Falsifikationsprinzip versucht zu diskutieren?

Ja, klappt nicht, egal wie schlau die Person sonst auch sein mag. Aber genau deshalb ist die genannte Bildung so wichtig und je früher, desto besser.


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