
@[email protected]

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Very similar to a puzzle from a collection that I play on Android:…/net.html


And there’s a Lemmy community for it, where the creator is pretty active: !pixeldungeon


What sort of games do you consider good? By “droid” do you mean F-Droid, or Android?


Do you have more info or a link? I don’t use hearing aids. Is this using hearing aids with your computer via Bluetooth?


There’s various well-known tracking parameters that can be stripped, like UTM parameters. Stripping all query parameters would break a lot of sites, like anything in the vein of


After you hit a billion dollars, you should get a party and a nice trophy that says “You Won Capitalism!”, and then you should start from scratch again.


Man what a clusterfuck. Things still don’t really add up based on public info. I’m sure this will be the end of any real attempts at safeguards, but with the board acting the way it did, I don’t know that there would’ve been even without him returning. You know the board fucked up hard when some SV tech bro looks like the good guy.


Just saw this community on the community list and it’s now a new favorite: !iso


It is decentralized. None of the issues you bring up are proof of centralization. If you get banned from one instance or don’t like email verification or whatever your beef is, find an instance with whatever policies you like. If you can’t find such an instance, start your own.

If nobody federates with you because your instance is full of people that got banned from everywhere else, that’s decentralization in action and maybe you should stop to consider if there’s a reason nobody wants to interact with you?


Wheel of Time on Amazon should’ve been animated. It might not have sold as well or whatever the execs wanted but it would’ve been way cheaper to produce something so much better.


I’m sure Google has their own shitty reasons, but also get bent, shitheads 🖕


Since Word documents are one of your bigger concerns, you can download LibreOffice on one of your current machines and try them out. That’s the same program you’d be using on Linux.

It’d have to be a pretty unusual video format to have issues. Similar to above, you can try VLC on Windows and see if there’s any issues.

Based on your description, I’d be surprised if you encountered any major issues. I’d recommend trying either Pop! OS if you’re OK with a slightly different UI from Windows, or Mint if you want something more comfortable. Note that you can create a LiveUSB stick of either of those, or any other distro. You can then boot your computer from it and take it for a spin to see if there’s any obvious issues.

BitSound, (edited )

VLC is the sort of software where if it can’t play it, I don’t know what else could. I guess I’d also try the ffmpeg command line tool to see if it can figure out what the video file even is, and maybe it could convert it to a regular format.

Also TBH such a video file would be interesting enough that you could probably post it here (if possible, or any metadata you can extract from it) and see if anyone knows how to play it.


It’s a nice thought, but doesn’t work out so well


I realize we’re probably not going to convince each other over some internet comments, but that’s not a philosophy I’d sign up for. Morality is subjective, and I’d rather choose moral principles that don’t involve me accepting being massacred.


I know it won’t happen, but it’d be nice if Linux switched to GPLv3. That would at least help somewhat here


Magnatiles are surprisingly fun

FlorisBoard | FOSS keyboard that respects your privacy (

I came across everyday topic on Techlore Discussions about free and open source keyboards for Android and discovered this little gem. It is FlorisBoard, a virtual keyboard for Android which respects privacy of the user. I can sigh with relief and finish my search for that singular keyboard for typing stuff on the go....


Oh neat. Development had died down, but looks like it’s picking back up again and the creator is finding more maintainers. It’s what I use on my phone.


Documentation is sorely lacking in many different open source projects. Often just making sure the documentation is up-to-date is very helpful


Within our dataset of several hundred thousand visitors tested in the past 45 days, only one in 4244.39 browsers have the same fingerprint as yours.

Currently, we estimate that your browser has a fingerprint that conveys 12.05 bits of identifying information.

Firefox mobile with various addons, most important of which is probably NoScript

BitSound, (edited )

Good to hear that people won’t be able to weaponize the legal system into holding back progress

EDIT, tl;dr from below: Advocate for open models, not copyright. It’s the wrong tool for this job


The rules I’ve seen proposed would kill off innovation, and allow other countries to leapfrog whatever countries tried to implement them.

What rules do you think should be put in place?




I wouldn’t be concerned about that, the mathematical models make assumptions that don’t hold in the real world. There’s still plenty of guidance in the loop from things such as humans up/downvoting, and people generating several to many pictures before selecting the best one to post. There’s also as you say lots of places with strong human curation, such as wikipedia or official documentation for various tools. There’s also the option of running better models as the tech progresses against old datasets.


Why should they? Copyright is an artificial restriction in the first place, that exists “To promote the Progress of Science and useful Arts” (in the US, but that’s where most companies are based). Why should we allow further legal restrictions that might strangle the progress of science and the useful arts?

What many people here want is for AI to help as many people as possible instead of just making some rich fucks richer. If we try to jam copyright into this, the rich fucks will just use it to build a moat and keep out the competition. What you should be advocating for instead is something like a mandatory GPL-style license, where anybody who uses the model or contributed training data to it has the right to a copy of it that they can run themselves. That would ensure that generative AI is democratizing. It also works for many different issues, such as biased models keeping minorities in jail longer.

tl;dr: Advocate for open models, not copyright


But personally I’ll continue to advocate for technology which empowers people and culture, and not the other way around.

You won’t achieve this goal by aiding the gatekeepers. Stop helping them by trying to misapply copyright.

Any experienced programmer knows that GPL code is still subject to copyright […]

GPL is a clever hack of a bad system. It would be better if copyright didn’t exist, and I say that as someone that writes AGPL code.

I think you misunderstood what I meant. We should drop copyright, and pass a new law where if you use a model, or contribute to one, or a model is used against you, that model must be made available to you. Similar in spirit to the GPL, but not a reliant on an outdated system.

This would catch so many more use cases than trying to cram copyright where it doesn’t apply. No more:

  • Handful of already-rich companies building an AI moat that keeps newcomers out
  • Credit agencies assigning you a black box score that affects your entire life
  • Minorities being denied bail because of a black box model
  • Being put on a no-fly list with no way to know that you’re on it or why
  • Facebook experimenting on you to see if they can make you sad without your knowledge

Stable as in the UI doesn’t get changed often, or stable as in unlikely to crash?


Linus wrote git before anything like github existed, and the best way to do it was email. They just haven’t switched away from using email


Can’t promise anything, but a few years has made a pretty huge difference here. If the game you want to play is on Steam and doesn’t have weird anticheat, it’ll likely just work. If it’s not on Steam, try Lutris.

If the game you want to play still doesn’t work, post here and say “LINUX BLOWS BECAUSE IT CAN’T PLAY THIS GAME” and then you’ll get a dozen different ways to make it run


Dunno what permissions issues you’re hitting, but I organize everything with beets on my desktop and then sync everything using syncthing to the main Music folder on my phone and it all works nicely. I use an old app that I think isn’t even available on the app store anymore named MortPlayer that uses the synced folder structure to organize things.

I don’t use m3u files, but I imagine you could just sync them to the main Music directory next to the music files and have it work out, I guess depending on which app you use


Along those lines, this language might have some loan words that don’t really fit in. What would’ve caused that to happen? Did some king get an arrow through the eye like Harold II and the language got loan words from the conquerors? Taking inspiration from historical events worked pretty well for GRRM.


They would just say that they have a different definition of E2EE, or quietly opt you out of it and bury something in their terms of service that says you agree to that. You might even win in court, but that will be a wrist slap years later if at all.

What languages are well suited for testing SDKs written in multiple other languages?

I am working on an application that has SDKs in multiple languages. Currently Java, JavaScript, Dart, and Go, but ultimately we’d like to have an SDK for every major language. Our primary test suites are written in Go, which means our other SDKs are not well tested. I do not want to write or maintain test suites in four or ten...


I don’t think you really have a choice TBH. Trying to do something like that sounds like a world of pain, and a bunch of unidiomatic code. If you can’t actually support 4 to 10 languages, maybe you should cut back on which ones you support?

One interesting thing you could try if you really don’t want to cut back is to try having using an LLM to take your officially supported code and transliterate it to other languages. I haven’t tried it at this scale yet, but LLMs are generally pretty good at tasks like that. I suspect that would work better than whatever templating approach you’ve used before.

If neither of those approaches works, everything speaks C FFI, and Rust is a modern language that would work well for presenting a C FFI that the other languages can use. You’re probably not hot on the idea of rewriting your Go tests into another language, but I think that’s your only real option then.


The biggest problem is, who can tell if they’re telling the truth, and ensure that it continues to be true? Not the general public, that’s for sure. This is why we need regulation with auditors.


Seems like it’s kind of a both/and situation. “Why did the character do this? Hmm, because of space elves! Now where do they fit in to the world?”


It’s rather refreshing to see a redesign that introduces a simplified interface but doesn’t forget about the power users. From a title like “A New Chapter”, I was expecting to see some Gnome-like “Here’s what we’re doing now and you’ll like it”


Have you used either of them before and have opinions on them vs HA?


One good part about having a kid is that you get to re-experience all of the fun kid stuff you remember, both as an adult and through the eyes of your kid. You can introduce your kid to your favorite shows/books/etc that you remember (and cringe at some of the stuff you forgot was in there).


I’m pretty excited about PRQL. If anything has a shot at replacing SQL, it’s something like this (taken from their FAQ):

PRQL is open. It’s not designed for a specific database. PRQL will always be fully open-source. There will never be a commercial product.

There’s a long road ahead of it to get serious about replacing SQL. Many places won’t touch it until there’s an ANSI standard and all that. But something built with those goals in mind actually might just do it.


I’m too lazy to convert that by hand, but here’s what chatgpt converted that to for SQL, for the sake of discussion:

<span style="color:#323232;">SELECT 
</span><span style="color:#323232;">,
</span><span style="color:#323232;">    a.artist_name -- or whatever the name column is in the 'artists' table
</span><span style="color:#323232;">FROM artists a
</span><span style="color:#323232;">JOIN albums al ON = al.artist_id
</span><span style="color:#323232;">JOIN nominations n ON = n.album_id -- assuming nominations are for albums
</span><span style="color:#323232;">WHERE al.release_date BETWEEN '1990-01-01' AND '1999-12-31'
</span><span style="color:#323232;">AND n.award = 'MTV' -- assuming there's a column that specifies the award name
</span><span style="color:#323232;">AND n.won = FALSE
</span><span style="color:#323232;">GROUP BY, a.artist_name -- or whatever the name column is in the 'artists' table
</span><span style="color:#323232;">ORDER BY COUNT(DISTINCT DESC, a.artist_name -- ordering by the number of nominations, then by artist name
</span><span style="color:#323232;">LIMIT 10;

I like Django’s ORM just fine, but that SQL isn’t too bad (it’s also slightly different than your version though, but works fine as an example). I also like PyPika sometimes for building queries when I’m not using Django or SQLAlchemy, and here’s that version:

<span style="color:#323232;">q = (
</span><span style="color:#323232;">    Query
</span><span style="color:#323232;">    .from_(artists)
</span><span style="color:#323232;">    .join(albums).on( == albums.artist_id)
</span><span style="color:#323232;">    .join(nominations).on( == nominations.album_id)
</span><span style="color:#323232;">    .select(, artists.artist_name)  # assuming the column is named artist_name
</span><span style="color:#323232;">    .where(albums.release_date.between('1990-01-01', '1999-12-31'))
</span><span style="color:#323232;">    .where(nominations.award == 'MTV')
</span><span style="color:#323232;">    .where(nominations.won == False)
</span><span style="color:#323232;">    .groupby(, artists.artist_name)
</span><span style="color:#323232;">    .orderby(fn.Count(, artists.artist_name)
</span><span style="color:#323232;">    .limit(10)
</span><span style="color:#323232;">)

I think PyPika answers your concerns about

What if one method wants the result of that but only wants the artists’ names, but another one wanted additional or other fields?

It’s just regular Python code, same as the Django ORM.


You might’ve seen this already, but here’s someone’s recreation of the Windows 98 theme in CSS:


Human nature is greedy and all that jazz. It was just a lot harder to be a bad person when your community was your life. It’s a lot easier though when you’re talking modern nation states composed of way too many people for your monkey brain to comprehend.

Giving up on selfhosted email / Any sane email setups?

So I’ve been running self-hosted email using Mailu for a couple of months (after migrating out of Google Workspace). Today it turned that although my server seems to be capable of sending and receiving emails, it also seems to be used by spammers. I’ve stumbled upon this accidentally by looking through logs. This seems to...


For mobile with fastmail, I use fairemail. Works great with it, and provides a nice merged view with my non-fastmail work emails.

Can the risks of vaping cannabis be reduced by sucking into the cheek and only indirectly "inhaling"

This might sound really stupid (be gentle) but I wonder if some of the risks of directly and forcefully inhaling cannabis vapour can be attenuated by kind of sucking into one’s cheek rather than directly unmediated the normal way and then indirectly sort of vaguely breathing it indirectly....


It’s probably not studied enough, but if you’re concerned about it, stick to gummies?

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