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[FIXED]How do I adjust the screen color while streaming from PC?

I’m playing Station to Station, Cyberpunk, and Miles Morales currently. I’ve noticed when I stream from my main rig to the Deck the colors are drastically different from both what the game looks like natively on the SD and my rig’s own monitor. I’m curious as to what gives, and how/where to fix it....

Bartsbigbugbag, (edited )

Steaming in my experience significantly degrades colors. Idk if it drops to 4:2:0 or what, but it definitely doesn’t look as good as 4:4:4 that I have when directly connected. This may not be relevant to your situation, but it’s what came to mind reading your post.

Also, typically, you handle color calibration in the monitors settings, not the OS.


1440 looks nice up close, on smaller screens, but it’s definitely not got the pixel density to compare to 4k on larger panels. Both have their place and use cases.


What ps5 games are you playing that get 20-30 fps in performance mode? All the ones I own, which is almost every major ps5 title, has performance modes that either do 60fps dynamic resolution, 1440p60 wrapped in 4k, or 40fps at 4k120, or dynamic 4k60. Some get 45+ on average with unlocked framerate and dynamic refresh rate.

What desktop card do you have? Must be a pretty pricey one to outperform the ps5 at 4k. My 2070 is smoked by the ps5. I’m going to upgrade to the 5070 when it comes out.

Does the ps5 still not support native 1440p? Is that why you pick 1080p?


Ahh you said performance mode was getting 20-30, I think that may have been a typo?

Horizon gets a pretty solid 30, but it’s much better at 40 for sure in the performance mode. Ghost you should just run in performance mode also, it’s a PS4 game, so it can crank the graphics pretty high and still get a solid 60fps. I don’t think I’ve ever even tried the quality mode in that one. Returnal is 60fps no matter what if I remember, but I could be wrong. Most games run at 60 in performance, which is why I was confused when you said 20-30. Performance mode will also automatically adjust internal resolution while still outputting 4k in most cases, so you still get your interface at native resolution. Demons Souls for example, runs at 1440p60 with 4k interface and it’s so gorgeous.


Yeah Horizon really struggles when you’re trying to get 60, it’s much more stable at the 40fps 120hz mode, but that only helps like… 3% of people at most.


Really, foreign powers went into Japan, colonized it, held it for decades, and then gave it to a group of people who aren’t from there and forced 700,000 indigenous Japanese to leave their country and live in a concentration camp?


No, what he’s saying is almost every Muslim country has sent investigators to China, and not one has found evidence of torture or abuse.


My bad, I’m terrible about that. Thanks for politely calling me out, it reinforces in me the need to not assume gender online.


Have you had your tv calibrated? It may just be poorly set up, I had a Samsung 4K, and I returned it because the image ghosting was too much, but the HDR itself was immaculate once I calibrated it properly.


Titanfall is the only game I’ve seen that took surfing, and not only did it on purpose, but built the whole game around it. That’s why I love it so much, you literally just use your surf skills to fly around the maps like a fighter jet, doing dive bombs on people and just overall being a menace.


Huey Newton visited China in 1971, he knew what it was like before 1972. Many other revolutionaries from many other countries also visited China before 1972.


Yea, democracy is nice. That’s why China has workers councils embedded into its constitution, to ensure democracy in the workplace.


Private companies aren’t bound to make profit. I purposefully tanked my companies profit to literally 0 during the pandemic so I could keep my employee on at full wage while only open half time. A private company can make profit for shareholders, but it doesn’t have to. It can do whatever the shareholders want it to do, within the boundaries of the law.


Thus why nearly every state has made it illegal for any company that works with the government to be BDS-positive.


The wf-1000mx3 are earbuds, and they have some of the best noise cancelling on the market… or did when they came out. I guess they are a few years old now, but it’s significantly better than any non-Sony ANC I’ve ever used, headphone or earbud.


And those secureboot implementations in mobile devices are frequently called out as primarily a way to prevent usage that the manufacturer doesn’t want you to do.


None of them. Side roads are almost always better around here.


The Deck can’t handle the ps2 games? I can play MGS2 on my Anbernic handheld at full speed except in the rain in the tanker mission, and it is significantly less powerful than the Deck.l, so I’m surprised to hear you say that.


Ahh that makes sense. I was only testing, not actually playing, and the cutscenes were definitely skipped. I bet my handheld struggles even more than the deck there. I have 3 on PSVita, so I never even tried 3, but given it’s much higher quality, I imagine it would struggle greatly.


It’s so funny he’s trying to copy WeChat. WeChat is just so far ahead of Twitter, by the time he adds one feature, he’s even further behind than he was before. WeChat is seriously an amazing app, and Twitter… isn’t…

Bartsbigbugbag, (edited )

Yep. And a right libertarian. I stopped watching him when he went from repair content to months long complaining about taxes and talking up Florida and Texas as some great place. Honestly, I am 100% convinced that the only reason he even cares about right to repair is for his work. He has shown no signs of caring about anyone else other than himself in any of the dozens of hours of content I watched of his.

I’m so glad I trained under Jessa at iPad Rehab instead of taking his course.


Yeah I was in the industry when he got big, and it was hard not to love his anger towards Apple, but eventually it became apparent he was just an angry person and Apple was only his current target. Once he had secured his platform, he felt more comfortable to share his absurd views, and I fear he influenced many impressionable people towards the right with his rhetoric. Dude is not who I want representing the repair community.

Bartsbigbugbag, (edited )

The Machine (2021). It’s not so much obscure as it is just niche. It’s wonderful. Multiple playthrough, knowledge retains between runs, so you can unravel more and more of the mystery of The Machine. Highly recommend for anyone interested in political games. I bought the actual cartridge, but you can also buy the rom for like $1, and there’s a demo on I’m pretty sure.


Bro be careful eating your shit, that stroganoff looks much more tasty.


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  • Bartsbigbugbag,

    Do you have the og picture? I really like it.


    No it doesn’t. You mean outstrips? That’s not what you said, and why the comment before was making fun of you.


    Unfortunately, the more noche your hobbies, the less lemmy is able to replace Reddit. Stuff like news, gaming, politics? Lemmy is great. Do you want a community for an obscure martial art? Then you go to old school forums or Reddit.


    Achievement: New level of para social relationship UNLOCKED


    Say you don’t understand the political economy in the United States without saying you don’t understand the political economy in the United States.


    Literally the only Patreon i patron. So much in my life has been either influenced or soundtracked by Against Me! Or Laura herself.


    Against Me! Was from Gainesville, and she talks about going to school there in one of her unreleased songs, so she at least grew up there for part of her childhood.


    You think they couldn’t Google what the Ukrainian first division is? No, they just thought it was more important to be anti-Russian than anti-Nazi.


    At least some of their displays still are. The current 16” MacBook Pro has a 3456x2234 (what else uses 1.5:1 aspect ratio, so weird…) resolution, with HDR1000, and pre-calibrated profiles for a variety of film and graphic design color spaces. Just a monitor matching those specs is close in price to a base model 16”. Then professionally calibrating it if you’re not set up to do so yourself isn’t cheap either.


    Is this Guy related to Chris Farley? I definitely see some resemblance.


    What a sad, miserable existence armed creatures must live. I just use one of my many eyestalks to do anything an arm could do and more.


    set screws are typically a hex bit. If it’s an American product it might be an imperial hex, anywhere else it is likely a metric hex.

    Bartsbigbugbag, (edited )

    Whoa that’s neat!

    Do you pirate? And do you justify pirating? i.e., what is your piracy philosophy?

    Well, my friend, he’s kinda poor he can’t afford some books and some streaming services, so he pirates. He pirate books, audiobook and videos and other stuff. Sometimes he buys books he likes a lot out of loyalty to the author (yeah, I don’t understand it either), he likes to read physical books, but yeah, if he hates the...


    I don’t pirate anymore, it’s more convenient for me to purchase in most cases, but I fully support the right of anyone to pirate anything, and in the few cases where I can’t find what I’m looking for I have no qualms with trying to pirate it. P2P file sharing is honestly the coolest part about the entire internet. Social Media, Web 2.0, it’s all mediocre compared to the absolute wonder that is p2p file sharing. Lemmy and other decentralized non-crypto web 3 projects are the first time I’ve been excited about the internet since I discovered p2p 20 or so years ago, and it’s because it feels like an evolution in peer to peer community. I hope one day we don’t have to rely on centralized servers too because p2p finds a way to have paper light websites run distributed across everyone’s devices.


    This is the only caffeinated drink I still regularly drink, I’m pretty sure. One before my martial arts class is just enough of a perk to help me remember what I learn.


    You do not know anyone’s nature but your own. You cannot assume anyone’s behavior except your own. By definition, you are entirely wrong, because your entire conception is based upon assumptions about people you’ve never met and likely never will. You are definitively the narcissist in this thread, making everything about you. You need to pull the tapeworm out of your ass.


    No one owes you a social circle, so no one can deny it to you. Social connections are forged, not given. How can people you’ve never met lie about you? They can’t, by definition. There is absolutely no possibility that you’ve met every person even within your community, much less the world, in order to be able to make that assertion. It sounds like, you’re abusive, and blame it on your prior trauma, and when people don’t accept being abused by you, you claim that they’re liars or narcissists. Nearly everyone has had trauma in their life, many people have had trauma worse than can be imagined without experiencing it, and yet, they don’t become violently angry anti-social assholes.

    Your response to trauma is a choice, and you have made a choice that prevents ever healing and creates further trauma.


    This is literally by definition delusions of grandeur.


    There is no such thing as “earning” a social connection. You don’t deserve them, you cannot earn them or buy them or trade them. Again, you forge them. They are a product of mutual vulnerability and compatibility.

    I made my friends from those who others rejected, and it made all of us stronger for it. I specifically seek out those in need and offer myself to them, and those who do not fit in other social circles. None of my friends are like me, we are all very different, with very different lifestyles and goals, and we do not even agree on basic things, yet because we have forged bonds together, no amount of difference can break us apart.

    You assert many intentions to me, which is your right, however, it’s no surprise why you lack bonds when you treat people such and view the world through a warped, transactional point of view. There’s no brownie points in the real world, behaving like a human does not entitle you to friends. It is the bare minimum standard of mutual humanity. You must go farther than that.

    Why do you assume the entire world is telling lies about you? Why do you care what other people say about you? Where are you that you genuinely think most people want to murder and dominate you, and what attempts have you made to relocate to somewhere more amenable to you? Do you find beauty in nature? Do you frequently engage with nature? How many social media accounts do you have? When was the last time you went to a social event by yourself where you know absolutely no one? How much time per day do you spend on self improvement, be it mental or physical? What are your goals for the immediate future? And further out?

    Cheers, my angry friend.


    Humanity’s common nature, beyond the last few hundred years, is actually one of mutual aid and cooperation. I’d encourage you to look into the various Peoples Histories of the various parts of the world. It is increasingly clear the more data is gathered that the current system of elevating greed, avarice, selfishness etc, is a historical outlier on a history that stretches back hundreds of thousands of years of people collectively cooperating.


    Now you’re asserting more and more to me. I’ve read plenty of books, we could go through some we’ve read if you really want to. Have you read Graeber and Wengrow’s “Dawn of Everything: A New History of Humanity”? How about Paulo Freire’s “Pedagogy of the Oppressed”? They’re pretty popular books, I wouldn’t be surprised if you have, but if not I’d recommend them. Do you have any recommendations for me?

    Bartsbigbugbag, (edited )

    So, you’re extrapolating your entire worldview based on experiences you had during school, a period of most people’s life notorious for tribalist cliques and irrational behaviors? School sucked for me too, that’s why I finished and didn’t go back. I’ve had all the classics, I’ve been pantsed, had a swirly, been physically beaten, robbed, stolen from, rumors spread about me, catfished before catfishing was a term, etc etc.

    School sucks, the structure of it sucks, it encourages such behaviors and is filled with hierarchies and domination. The banking model of education is inherently flawed and hinders development of critical thinking and empathy, for sure. That doesn’t mean that all of humanity is that way though.

    You say you’ve never even been to a social event outside of school, and that you have no mutual compatibility with actionsanyone. You have no hobbies you could share with anyone, nor do you believe there is anyone with a shared experience of school that might be a potential point of rapport? What do you do when you go to the book store, do you glare at the cashier because of your assumptions regarding them? Or do you greet them warmly and ask them how they are with genuine desire to know?

    And whether or not I am your friend, you are my comrade. I care about unique, interesting people, and while we may not share a worldview, you most certainly are a unique and interesting person.


    Which moral philosophy do you subscribe to?

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