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Large homogenous objects make noise. Most theories i've heard think it's a result of vibration/internal stresses.


From the way they talk about it... sometimes I'm not sure that there actually is a game at all.

If it came out tomorrow that it was all an elaborate hoax, I don't think I'd be super surprised.


It's still a good time, just not for a long time.

They made a huge universe and then filled it all with copies of a very small subset of items. It feels like Fallout/Skyrim/etc had a lot more unique content on launch even though the 'world' of starfield is technically a lot larger and that makes it feel even emptier.


I think the issue is that it's not actually a job as there is no pay involved.

Free software in education will take a step back -- republicans are going after school board positions nationwide in the US (

Since last year, republicans have launched a campaign to get conservatives on school boards. This is the political party in the US who favors privatization of everything. They are sympathetic to giant corporations and champion #citizensUnited (which elevates corporations above humans). #Ohio has a large number of extremists...


Source was included in OPs post, not sure of the reasoning behind putting it through the wayback machine, but to each their own. There's a few more links within the article with other details.

The spreadsheet linked in the post is a bit weird but also has a lot of other interesting supporting details.


I feel like the primary aim is to create a minimalist art piece first and a functional device as an afterthought. If you stop thinking of it as a phone, and think of it purely as an attempt at creating a status symbol, it all kind of makes sense.

I’ve just released Gatekeeper 1.6.0. It’s a single executable that turns any Linux machine into a home gateway. Now with realtime traffic graphs, LAN autoconfiguration, full cone NAT and better looks. (

Hi all home network administrators :) Haven’t posted anything here since June, when I told you about Gatekeeper 1.1.0. Back then it was a pretty bare-bones (and maybe slightly buggy) DNS + DHCP server with a web UI with a list of LAN clients. Back at 1.1.0 Gatekeeper didn’t even configure your LAN interface or set up NAT...


Right there with you on the UI. This would overlap in functionality with a lot of other items in my network, but I'm trying to find a reason to use it just so I can play with the UI.


For me, I love the franchise and have really fond memories, but this one feels like a free to play game, but then they also want $70 for it. A game with a premium price point can be okay and a game with microtransactions can also be okay, but trying to be both is going to result in those of us who've been around awhile just taking a pass.


There's always the main story of Diablo, but for a lot of us, the real game, and the reason we kept coming back was to get those cooler items. It's what turns Diablo from a play once experience to a put 100s of hours into it experience for me, and now it's turned into a pay $30 experience which feels really bad.


I really think Gabe woke up one day and just decided he wanted to own the best of every vehicle.

I'd put good money on him having plans he's working on to some day own the fastest plane in the world.


Satisfactory doesn't care, but Factorio makes it the point of the game.

Wipe out the native Flora and Fauna and cover the whole world in glorious concrete for a move speed buff.


I can't find a scenario where doesn't come out on top when compared to the version of paint that ships with Windows and it's free.


I asked our Intel guy about it once. After you've dealt with vendors and sales engineers for long enough, you start to learn to detect when they have no clue how one of their offerings work. I'm not sure that I've ever heard so many non-specific comments, meaningless buzzwords, and attempts to redirect the conversation.

I didn't get it even a little bit until I found an open source project based on Intel AMT, and that's apparently just a piece of ME.


This is one of the issues with having TOS characters in this show. I know they kind of have to be, but their story is already established and that seriously limits how they can be used. Unless we were going to have some more time travel or other weirdness repeating itself, the relationship was doomed to failure from the start.


Probably some kind of horrific bomb.

It looks like the big technological leap in relation to 'How can we use superconductors to hurt things' is to use them in making advanced EMP devices. It doesn't seem like anyone has figured out any other obvious use cases for them that massively change or improve upon the other horrific devices that we've already come up with.

In regards to potential for use in war crimes, it could be a lot worse.


I have a Tampermonkey extension which hides posts after an upvote/downvote. Because of this, I'm voting on basically everything in my subscribed feed.

I do want to call out some concerns here. I'm not excusing op's behavior, but indiscriminate downvotes is the kind of thing I'd say we don't want here and I'd say you're both in the wrong even if one of you is farther down the path.

In all that is wrong with recycling to begin with, do I even need to put cardboard and paper into recycling; or does it just break down easily in all the garbage?

Edit to say - I’m really glad I asked my stupid question. I was so jaded by the con artists in recycling I forgot that when done right there’s so much good - and still loads of consequences to not finding a place to reuse the paper products. I’m not huge with using packaging - and thanks for all the thoughtful answers :))...


Wait, hold the fuck up, do we have the RemindMe bot here now?


Just an option, there are a lot of places out there that will sell you a 'refurbished' phone with 1-3 year warranty. eBay even has an integrated program for it, I think they call it 'certified refurbished'.

Stanford researchers find Mastodon has a massive child abuse material problem (

Mastodon, an alternative social network to Twitter, has a serious problem with child sexual abuse material according to researchers from Stanford University. In just two days, researchers found over 100 instances of known CSAM across over 325,000 posts on Mastodon. The researchers found hundreds of posts containing CSAM related...


This is kind of problematic... By creating a community driven hashlist that is freely shared, you've also kind of created an index of CSAM content that could easily be extrapolated for people actively looking to find/share that content.


Super useful, it's very similar to how magnet links for torrenting works. I know of a few less popular file sharing services that can act and search for files based on hash alone.

A lot of other areas online make use of hashes as identifiers already too. If you search for a hash of a file you've downloaded, just the hash and nothing else, there's a very good chance you'll get multiple results.

/r/place: Our beautiful lemmy banner above the 3rd party app protest has been wiped out, please help us rebuild from the right at 38,-25 (

xQc came and totally wiped us out. We have a lot of work in front of us and we are a bit too small a team to hold this space if someone decides to take it from us. I’m really proud of how well we’ve been able to advertise Lemmy and fuck things up with our allies in Fuck Spez and Black Company (doing the 3rd party apps...


I think the fleeting nature is actually kind of what makes it great. Run it once a year for a week. Not sure how you'd accomplish something similar with the fediverse though. Someone would try to run it off-site without the community as a whole getting on board and then you end up with like 8 people participating.


Kind of bummed that the r/LifeProTips mod team seems to have submitted a real request to take over. Just kind of disappointed in the team over there.


It's still pretty rough to selfhost an LLM. You can get one that's kind of okay on an average computer, but to get a really competitive one running locally at a good speed, you need a huge amount of RAM that is still beyond most average users (VRAM for GPU based projects).

I've been trying to get Vicuna going and the RAM usage is rough, 60gb is suggested, and I've got 64 and I think I need a lot more honestly.


Just a note, as a storefront, there are plenty of competing options that work with Steam. Think Humble Store and other resellers, Steam doesn't take any cut from those sales and while they do enforce some standards (Things like staying close to price parity with Steam on alternate storefronts) and can refuse to give out keys, the market there is definitely very healthy.


Man, I thought I was the only one who had this stuck in my head after the last meme.

Are NUC hardware good for self hosting?

Pretty much what the title says, I was wondering, since I want to invest on self hosting applications and my raspberry pi 3 b+ can barely function. I don’t have enormous expectations, just docker containers, nextcloud, pihosted, jellyfin… Any further suggestions (regarding the hardware) will be much appreciated.


Very similar, but usually dramatically cheaper... Look into the Lenovo Tiny line of PCs, you can get a used model with a surprising amount of power for a lot less than you'd see in a comparable NUC and in my experience, they're usually hardier machines.


I think you may have responded to the wrong person.

The Lenovo tiny line isn't related to Raspberry Pi/etc and I didn't mention a Raspberry Pi. I have a server running on an M900 tiny with an i7-6700 in it and 32gb of RAM. That is the high spec config from Lenovo, but there are room for upgrades if you were willing to buy parts separately, however the value proposition starts to fall apart rapidly when buying non-standard parts and compatibility is kind of a coin flip. Even the lowest spec ones should almost always outpace a Pi though (usually by a healthy amount) while still being very small compared to a typical computer. Solid chance the tiny will also be cheaper than a Pi. Compared to laptops, they'll usually also easily outpace those too in terms of performance in terms of money spent, but that's obviously a lot more variable.


Wow... Did someone tell Reddit that April Fools was in July or something? It's this close to being a bad joke.


The argument from Signal seems to be that they don't want to expend resources supporting it or potentially federating with them. They do seem to have past experience doing this with CyanogenMod, and it sounds like it went poorly.


This is one of those things that's hard to define. If a popcorn kernel gets too hot, it pops and it's almost like it's trying to run from the heat. How is that different from a jellyfish reaction to pain? There's a lot of good arguments on both sides.

Sometimes, I wonder how far away we really are from the popcorn kernel.


It is a difficult problem, but there have been a lot of cracked Denuvo games, even in this article, it mentions that about half of the released Denuvo games have been cracked out of a total of 127, that's not a small amount.

It is true though that Denuvo is complex and there's currently only one person who has been doing them for a bit and that person is presenting as very very mentally ill and may also be on a break... it's amazing reading, but it's hard to tell conclusively what's up with Empress.


I was in middle school with a guy who ate a tremendous amount of ketchup, I feel like it must have started as a shock value thing, but who knows why other people do things. A bottle a day for him at lunch was not unheard of.

He was not a healthy kid, dude was pretty overweight and had heartburn problems, again this was in middle school. I remember him having to leave school for a bit because of serious stomach problems and then when he came back he was on a super restrictive diet. I think I only ever saw him eating green vegetables and basic salads after that.


A lot of us had kind of been looking forward to it honestly.

One common thread I've seen with nearly every mod post stating that they're probably going out is a general sense of relief.


Note the statement to remove any and all offensive content. If they're still going the malicious compliance route, they're implying they're going to nuke the sub.


r/programming was one of the earliest subreddits, I think it was actually #2. Can't view it anymore, but the moderation team of r/programming would have been pretty reddit admin/staff heavy. Pretty sure spez was listed on the moderation team at one point.


It looks like the current plan is just to archive subreddits, turn off comments, and leave them public until the IPO.

Unless you happen to be r/programming of course and someone noticed the ChatGPT bots that seem to consistently be posting statements supportive of the admins. Then we got to force the subreddit to private immediately.

Unrelated segue, did you know that Sam Altman, current CEO of OpenAI, responsible for ChatGPT, was a long time reddit board member, and despite claims that he left last year, is still listed as being on the board of reddit?

Also, anyone else find it weird that in a lot of the threads talking about the protests on reddit... While the most upvoted comments usually favor the admins, if you look at the sheer number of comments speaking out on a lot of major threads and don't worry about the upvote/downvote ratio, the number of comments in favor of the protests near completely dwarfs the number of comments in favor of the admins. Just another interesting data point.

It's almost like there was a way for someone who owned the website to manipulate things in their favor and then call in a favor from someone with an interest in the company to help them do a very poor job of making it seem like it was all justified by the community.


One point in favor of the devs, they do so far seem committed to keeping politicization isolated to the instances they run themselves (the two .ml domains), and have publicly claimed a few times that they are committed to supporting anyone who runs a lemmy instance regardless of their political ideologies.

moohamin12, to kbinMeta


Does anyone know if there is any plans for a mobile app for Kbin?

It is really the only thing left for me to move to Kbin totally.


@moohamin12 There are several 3rd party apps in development, but kbin currently doesn't have a real API for it, so it's kinda slow. I think Artemis is probably the closest to release, but is still in testing.


Oh shit, are we having our first post-migration memestorm?

Are we ready? Do we have an OutOfTheLoop community already out here somewhere?


I used to be on Facebook Dating, when I go awhile without logging in to facebook, it seems to remember that I was on it and starts telling me about potential matches with photos that seem to slowly get more attractive.


It's not a TOC, you don't have to agree to it. They're just kind of telling you what they feel like they can get away with. I don't see anywhere in the new terms where they outright assert that they own it though, but they just kinda say "Yo, if we can see it, we're going to use it to train AI".

Eigengrau, to kbinMeta avatar

Probably controversial opinion , but kbin should stay mascotless



Why does our mascot have to be an animal?

How about just a nice bin with a 'K' on it? Maybe throw some googly eyes on there?


Realistically, the easiest solution is not to do anything shady, but just to throw money at the corporate instances until they're a better experience than the non-corporate ones. People will flock to the ones that are faster, have more features, or cool extras and abandon the independent instances.

From there, they probably will eventually do a variation of your idea though, I doubt they'll try to make them illegal, likely just defederate based on them slowing down the network, harboring spammers, or find one small group on them doing something unsavory and then start the propaganda machine you mentioned trying to brand all the users on non corporate instances as supporting whatever that group was doing. Even easier would be taking over the development cycle and just implement breaking changes that require items that independent instances just can't keep up with.


They want to start developing an account age first usually, will probably be awhile before they activate.


Some random items will work, and some instances seem to work better than others. I have a pretty good track record from communities on and I've managed to subscribe to a few from but it is probably just chance. I haven't been able to get a single community from to load despite seeing their users all over the place, federation is obviously working at least somewhat.


Hey, okay, that explains it, was looking at my reputation to check and see if this was legit and couldn't get the numbers to match up. I'm not some crazy person counting up 100s of posts, I've only got like 6, pretty quick math.

Thanks for all you do ernest, loving it here!


I think the only real way for anyone to get it is to experience it. I thought it was bullshit propaganda too and I also thought I was relatively far left before first arriving at the .ml domain and further lemmygrad. I am still kind of surprised that we have a community out there that large that seems to legitimately identify with the 'tankie' ideology.

It's a bit of a culture shock realizing that you might just be a progressive moderate.

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