
@[email protected]

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According to the wiki article that you linked:

However, due to many legal, regulatory and technological obstacles, cable television in the United States in its first 24 years was used almost exclusively to relay terrestrial commercial television stations to remote and inaccessible areas. It also became popular in other areas in which mountainous terrain caused poor reception over the air. Original programming over cable came in 1972 with deregulation of the industry.[1]

So basically for that first 24 years - around '1948 -'72 it was primarily used to get broadcast television to people in areas with poor reception.

Then came cable companies, producing content… without as many commercials as OTA t.v. I wasn’t born early enough to know the 70’s, but did grow up with antenna television and remember being introduced to cable. First thing I noticed was that there weren’t any ads at all on some channels. When I was a kid the ad free channels on my setup were 09, 10, 19, 20, 21, and some others I’m likely forgetting. I didn’t actually have too many more than that, and a lot of that was filler. The ad free channels were the meat and potatoes of my experience!

So, maybe history doesn’t say it was marketed that way, maybe the cable companies didn’t either, I won’t claim to know, but I will tell you that seeing channels without ads was a pitch on its own back then, you noticed it when you visited others homes and talked about it, others noticed when they visited out home and thought about getting it themselves etc.

Maybe it wasn’t a pitch, and the whole deal, but it was damned sure a selling point.

We got reception just fine, somehow even in my rural area, what we didn’t get was relatively new, commercial free movies, or titties.


Downloaded it, checked disable ads and it asks for a configuration Id? Assuming I make one on their site but can’t figure how I would connect this app to the site


What makes it a tabby cat? Asking for a friend that claims her cats are anything but tabby


Oh wow, so during a strike the union pays employees? Never realized this happened but it makes so much sense now, so the employees can strike without having to worry about going broke. Would be cool if that funding were extended so that if an employer decides to give strikers the middle finger, those people can ride that funding until another job is found. Reducing the hold companies have on employees.


Where is this set up at? I’d like to see


With everyone self hosting huge servers like this, my question is… how can I access some large ones like this? Kodi, Plex?

Could we use AI to update 4:3 media to 16:9?

I’ve been re-watching star trek voyager recently, and I’ve heard when filming, they didn’t clear the wide angle of filming equipment, so it’s not as simple as just going back to the original film. With the advancement of AI, is it only a matter of time until older programs like this are released with more updated...


Is that for movies, images or what? Either way it’s interesting


Really happy to see people accepting “y’all” lol, It just makes so much sense!

BallsInTheShredder, (edited )

Am actually super experienced in this. I’ve been the fart maker, I’ve been the manager, I’ve been the co-worker tolerating it. Here’s what you do.

Call a team meeting, preferably with HR discussing behavior similar to this, without pinpointing fart jokes but close enough that the message gets across. Maybe say there have been anonymous complaints. Definitely do if possible this will come in handy later.

With step one done, here’s how you deal. If at all possible, develop a bond with the guy, pretend to like the fart jokes. Maybe even make one or two yourself so he feels you’re in this together.

Then, when you tell him to stop, blame HR.

“Haha! Oh, how I love our fart jokes, but we should lay off of them before HR calls us in!”

“Can’t let you get fired over that, I need you here bud, not fired over a fart joke haha”

This typically has worked from what I’ve seen. When you make someone else, especially a company, the “big bad” and get people to feel like you’re on their side/fighting for them they’re typically more willing to bend a little bit.


The context is the am/pm after


I won’t disagree on that and do see your point, 100% context for sure

We do have more context than it seems though, if someone tells me to show up to work at 7, I can assume it’s a.m. If someone says they’ll meet me at 12, it’s going to be mid-day etc. If it’s 7 and bright outside it’s in the am, if it’s 7 and dark it’s p.m. It’s not too tricky with context clues

But, being my own devil’s advocate, you are right. No ambiguity in 24 hour time. I don’t have an issue with 24 hour time, was raised on 12 hour so it’s natural but 24 isn’t bad either, and is more exact in some ways.

I do prefer 12 hours though, makes the day feel shorter like working two 4 hour shifts instead of a solid 8. Same time but one feels shorter so I apply that to most days. As another mentioned, working a 9-5 seems short when compared to working a 9-17 😂

If it were up to me though, A.M and P.M would be visible on every 12 hour clock, I do agree it’s weird that some are made without it, sure it is easy to figure out whether a.m or p.m via context clues but having any ambiguity in a form of measurement seems odd, but making a dinner date for 7 and showing up at 7 a.m would be odd as well I guess, though not everything is so clear.


I hate when our wife says things like that


But us common idolators want to mob them

Does the advancement of AI make people apathetic about starting new projects?

I was thinking about starting a new creative project recently. But then I thought - with how quickly AI is advancing, in just a few years an AI will probably be able to do this in just minutes. So it made me feel kind of apathetic and think, “Why should I bother starting this big project now if an AI could do it for me in a...


I get what you’re saying and there is a market for all that but it’s getting smaller by the day.

Physical game copies are only wanted by collectors and for many it makes more sense to just emulate as you can tweak settings, save any time, swap controls/controllers etc.

Bikes? Less and less. Gone are the days, in my town when you would see droves of youth biking from home to home visiting friends.

Who rides bikes around my area now? Tbh mostly wealthy suburbanites with free time and money. I live in the “sticks” so guess that’s by default, but it’s rare to see a bicycle in our big cities right now too. I travel to one of the biggest cities in the country quite often and it’s all E-scooters at the moment, a bike is seldom seen.

Manual transmissions? It’s rare to see those as well. I work in the automotive field and from what I can see, automatics have taken over. The only sticks I’ve seen in years have been on older work/farm vehicles/equipment and that’s only because the owners can’t afford to upgrade. When I have seen them upgrade, it’s almost always automatic when applicable.

What I’m saying is, sure, maybe these things aren’t officially dead yet but they’re not really thriving either.

Just like these things, give it 20 years and AI will be the default. Those who make “real” art will be a small minority, like a person still receiving calls through a landline or something.

Or maybe it won’t? But this is how it’s usually gone in my lifetime. I’ve yet to see much stop the winds of change, but people do still read paperbacks even though kindles exist so who knows. Just seeing a big push for AI rn and the only way it won’t take over is… well I can’t imagine what would stop it. People are paying to use it, and I’ve yet to see something that’s profitable not be expanded upon.


No one’s saying creativity will completely die, but experience tells me that when a function isn’t completely necessary, many people forget.

When the internet came, libraries became less necessary.

When print came, cursive became unnecessary.

When kindles came, physical books lost value.

We can be optimistic about it, but it will have an impact.

Bad thing? Who knows. Major changes in life? Absolutely.

It’ll make life easier, at the cost of losing certain skills we have, that’s how it’s been happening for a while now.

Give a man a calculator, why would he do math in his head?

Teach print, why write in cursive?

Give me a library on my phone, why have a physical building?

All of these things exist, sure, but to say that all change is positive is… not good. People make mistakes, not all modern advancements are for the good of humanity, or the individual.


Blast my body out into the ocean and let the fish eat me

Or, I like the idea of becoming a tree, where they put you in a bag beneath a tree and plant it so the roots will absorb… whatever is left that they possibly can, I think that’s the coolest (imo) way to go and would like to somehow become a tree… don’t want to be reincarnated as an animal, nature is brutal.

Cat maybe…


My pain isn’t the knowledge of death, it’s the experience of life and I feel like sleeping outdoors, having to kill to eat etc. Wouldn’t be as pleasant of an experience as say eating a bowl of chili and watching a movie before crawling into a comfy bed

Also, when I step on my cat’s foot it meows like it hurts, not sure what you’re saying tbh not being snarky just confused what kind of pain do animals not experience? Depression, trauma etc?


I get where you’re coming from but still beg to differ. Sure, the suffering of a broken leg may end sooner for an animal because death but what about the life without comfort that proceeded that energy? The savage wild where everything seems to want to murder you? Going without shelter, food etc? Meanwhile even in major poverty humans tend to have some form of shelter, some food, some support, friends, maybe benefits from the government etc.

Even people in prison have it better than animals and I’m not sure how dying faster = better life? Sure, it sucks (for some) that life is drawn out while others (especially the rich) live long happy lives enjoying every minute of it?

Not saying I don’t understand where you’re coming from just seems oversimplified to say they have it easier because they die faster


Thanks for sharing a branch from your knowledge tree!

That was a (bad) pun, tr-hee hee!

But really, I can’t wait to become a tree so I can throw apples at tin people.


I have a bevy of prior drug experience and still consider the way excess caffeine makes me feel to be what my idea of a mild high is.

The mind and body work hand in hand. Change one and the other feels it!


I will do that and am sure he’ll react some type of way, will update asap


I actually really appreciate that and will tell him! He’s a very interesting friend tbh glad to hear he’s loved!

Does any form of multi-fediverse account type of thing exist?

I mean by this, is there any website that with one sign up would allow you to have a matrix account, lemmy account, mastodon account, etc. If it couldn’t be done with just one url it could be made a thing where it would be (so an example would be Is there anything that already...


Awesome idea! Signed up immediately but am curious about the payment options, I’m seeing options to sign up for an instance of mastodon, or 10 accounts, or one account with the single account being $9 yearly?

My question is, will I have to pay every single month for every account that I own?

For example, if I have an account on mastodon,,, lemmy.nsfw, beehaw etc. Would I have to pay for all of them individually?

I’m probably missing something! It’s just that while $9 a year for a single mastodon account is cheap @ less than $1 a month, I’d like to have every possible instance available for this one account which under my understanding would cost me hundreds every year?

It’s a great idea, don’t think I’m shitting on it in any way! Just asking questions bc I’d like to use it just not sure I want to pay for every individual instance I join


I miss back in the day. Used to be able to store all my stuff on CD-R’s, hell before that it was floppy’s. File sizes have grown exponentially, programs/apps all have huge sizes. Pictures and videos is my biggest issue, but I’d also like to backup games that I’ve downloaded so I don’t have to download again. I can backup old games no problem, but modern games? Many are 100+ GB now, and in time they all will be and 200GB will be the standard, then a terabyte and more.

Anyway, until I can afford and find a 20 tb sad I’m just using DVDs for everything but games and large programs. Quick to write, solid, tangeable etc. If I could afford a bunch of flash drives I’d probably do that instead.

If you can afford it and it’s important data I’d ofc recommend backing up to a large SSD, THEN to a cloud (or more) as a failsafe… then also using flash drives/DVD’s etc. For an additional failsafe for the super important stuff.

I mean, if it’s important backup all you can.

I’ve got priceless memories in my Google photos library but ofc Google removed being able to view them on my native photos app and download easily… so instead I either have to backup and save ALL of it in Google drive or download specific albums… idk so I wouldn’t personally recommend google as a true backup as you never know, personally I’d just use DVDs and flash drives for that stuff


Can’t lie I still love tropic thunder sooo much today. I get that the climate has shifted and understand why but I still feel like we’ve lost something valuable in the process. Robert Downey in black face was… wrong but at the same time felt perfect. It wasn’t the black face that got me, he really could’ve been dressed as anyone and I would’ve laughed the same. What got me was his inability to break script, even when not filming. Can’t remember the full context but the scene in which someone is calling him out on not breaking character and, in iirc the only time he breaks character throughout the movie he breaks down and says “I don’t break character until after the DVD commentary!” Idk why but it broke me and I can’t help but chuckle about it today.

That movie is full of “no-no’s”, sure, but so was Chappelle’s show, Sanford and son etc.


Hmm… but what if I’m on the federated instance in theory? Assuming I’d see it then sorry I’m still figuring this place out


Yess… teach me about the federation… my Lord


There’s a mechanic advice community that’s not memey…


It’s still getting it’s bearings but should be g2g in a little bit

how do i pick out a good avocado

Edit: 10/23 I took a lot of advice from here, I bought an avocado yesterday and I tried it today. It was perfect! The taste was incredible. I didn’t need to salt/season it to hide anything. I am in a different state right now but when I get home I’ll buy one at home using my knowledge I now have and hopefully it’ll be...


Idk about avocados but try boost and maybe your app won’t be bugging so much


Hey I have a question because this actually interests me and contrary to popular opinionn on this sub I think this idea would work!

Since migrating I’ve found myself wanting to search Reddit dozens of times for content I needed but was too damned pissed to provide them with any traffic.

My input is: it seems that the main beef of most people here is the lack of engagement, making Lemmy seem like a ghost town. Would we be able to comment on the mirrored posts (on Lemmy) thus solving the engagement problem? I’m no techspert but feel like allowing comments underneath mirrored posts for Lemmy, not Reddit would be possible I guess? Or at least some equivalent?

I’m also interested in this because I have my own little feed I’m setting up, and it would be cool to be able to add more content very easily. I don’t really want it to be from Reddit but, just anything different I could do would be nice, and hey if there is something important I’d like to add from there or even just to take notes that’d be nice so I for one would use it.

A bridge that allows us access to reddits content, driving up their traffic (and server costs) - the whole reason for the API changes WHILE refusing them any engagement? Sounds like a win-win to me.

A little rant about

I like a lot of the communities on that instance, but every once in a while I just get hit with a random wave of toxicity by them for no reason. For example, there was a post asking which communities from Reddit do you wish existed on Lemmy, and I answered honestly saying more car related communities as they are one of my...




It’s only really been active for a little bit, maybe that’s why? Aside from that, I’d guess that maybe it’s an issue with different instances though couldn’t say for certain as I’m Lemmy inept. Are you on


I figured you could! That is strange. I searched it just now and got it, the only difference I can think of other than being on would maybe be the app you’re using? I’m not savvy enough to have much of a guess tbh but it would be nice if people could find us!

I know I was bummed out when I couldn’t find a community for it, one of the biggest miffs I had about leaving Reddit!


Almost a dozen dozens!


That’s what I thought while reading this. After being on reddit for so long posts like these are such a breathe of fresh air. In my time on Reddit the trend was ALWAYS 1: bad changes 2: worse change 3: nothing, it just becomes the new normal then, if anything 4: even worse changes.

Blows my mind to see a site be cognizant of their users, listen to them and actually idk, work to fix things? Bravo.


Wow, I had actually forgotten about those. Not to mention that every time I checked my inbox I was being blanket banned from a host of subs because I had accidentally commented to a no-no sub, or said something mildly controversial… I’m not even that controversial of a person haha but not fitting in perfectly and submitting to the echo chambers meant punishment… just so strange


Fuck Reddit, but I also feel like Boost will give us a boost. It’s got some features I’ve yet to find on other apps and hopefully will make Lemmy a little easier for people like me who made the switch

It’s also pretty much exactly like the app for reddit was which had a big following so hopefully will make it easier for former boost on Reddit users to switch to lemmy

Cyberpunk runs 30% faster on linux than on windows 11 (

The YouTube channel “Maximum Fury” conducted a technical test of the new Cyberpunk add-on called “Phantom Liberty” on an older AMD hardware system, testing it separately on Linux and Windows 11. The Linux system, specifically the Fedora distribution called Nobara, performed significantly better, delivering 31% more...


Haha, what a crazy coincidence! I had the original cyberpunk last year on windows 10. It was glitchy as hell but ran semi decent on my hardware.

Deleted it, and last night just installed phantom liberty.

Ngl, the gameplay and feel is so far 10x better than it was before the update. It’s actually complete now and if you hated it before I’d honestly recommend another try as so far I’m actually sort of enjoying the gameplay whereas I hated it before and only played for the story.

Anyway, my issue is that with all of the updates it’s not running anywhere near as nice as it was before. I’m having to run it on the lowest resolution with every graphic option disabled which stinks because with the gameplay being fixed somewhat I’d really like to enjoy it graphically as well.

I’ve installed Ubuntu dual boot on my ssd before and can do that again but any tips? I wouldn’t know about where to even get phantom liberty on fedora or how to install it?


Damn, you know what? I actually sort of liked windows 11 when I had it on an empty SSD but now that I’ve added all my software I’ve noticed it’s much less snappy than win10 was.

Now I’m thinking of down(upgrading) back to windows 10 but Feel like it’s going to be a hassle. I’m not as tech savvy as I used to be and can’t even recall how to go back to win10 without just installing it fresh


I can definitely add it to steam as a non steam game but which drop-down? Would be awesome if this worked, thank you!

Oh and I played it exactly how I’m playing it now but not on steam, heck idk I just have a cyberpunk icon I click to open it on win11, I don’t open it with steam or anything but will try for the dropdown


Not sure we’re on the same page, I have installed it and it runs, just not as smoothly as it did before.

But you’re talking about something having to run in the background to emulate steam since I’ve installed from elsewhere, correct?

How could I use bottles or lutris?


Oh! You’re talking about getting it to work on Linux sorry I was so confused. So I can use the same cyberpunk setup.exe on Linux or do I have to download a different one? This is great news didn’t realize it would be so simple


I’m sorry, I’ve been confusing myself in the comments haha thought you were advising about how to get the windows version to run better now realize we’re on Linux sorry!

So lutris is for running windows .exe on Linux! Good to know, and no I’m not dual booting yet just windows 11 just considering install Ubuntu/fedora or something to dual boot with and running cyberpunk from it instead of win11, or just going back to win10 and seeing if it helps

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