@BackOnMyBS@lemmy.world avatar


@[email protected]

I’m back on my bullshit.

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@BackOnMyBS@lemmy.world avatar

The code states that “male students’ hair will not extend, at any time, below the eyebrows or below the ear lobes,” CNN previously reported.

Why do male and female students have different dress codes? WTF does the school system care if boys have longer hair? Apart from safety issues like being in a workshop class, why does anyone in the school system think they have the right to control who can and can’t have certain hair lengths?

Yo, is anyone else getting really sick of this overreach of power and authority? I’m not referring to the economic and political relations. Those aside, I’m talking about this crap where people are starting to get involved in personal matters of appearance, medicine, gender, and even straight bs crap like a high school band finishing a song. This is getting way out of hand. Our culture is rotting with power and control issues at the expense of individual liberties.

@BackOnMyBS@lemmy.world avatar

the dick = la pinga, which is female

the pussy = el bollo, which is male

until next time, friends! 👋

@BackOnMyBS@lemmy.world avatar

I know you, hi! 👋

It’s exciting when I see users I recognize 😋

@BackOnMyBS@lemmy.world avatar

Is the original Simpsons episode making fun of people that climb Mount Everest as a feat while also paying the Sherpas to carry all their equipment, food, & water?

@BackOnMyBS@lemmy.world avatar

I like that exercise actors do where they watch a clip that made them cry in the past. That scene whwre Dr. Gregory House indirectly saves the quadraplegic with single shot of cortisol gets me every time. Such a soft spot for those who heal and are healed.

BackOnMyBS, (edited )
@BackOnMyBS@lemmy.world avatar

sort by new and scroll all the way down 😉

@BackOnMyBS@lemmy.world avatar

I like FOSS not being mainstream because it takes a special type of personality to break with standard convention and make the extra effort to learn about FOSS. This weeds out a lot of people that would otherwise turn FOSS into Facebook or Instagram. Remember how Reddit used to be ~12 years ago? Look at it now. While it’s not entirely mainstream, the general population has at least heard about it, and it’s slowly become the crap it is today.

I’m happy Lemmy isn’t mainstream. We do miss out on some benefits of dependent on a large user base, such as specific niches, but at the same time, we have a respectful community that mostly adheres to solid values and ethical standards. People here are building a supportive community.

That wasn’t my experience with Reddit for about the last 5 years. It became an idea popularity contest, where the same repeated joke was the top comment and dissenting voices were buried under a sea of downvotes. Discussions were about who was right rather than what idea made better sense for the topic. While Lemmy still has remnants of that stemming from the recent migration, but it is nowhere near to Reddit’s level.

Coincidentally, I was already on my way out of Reddit when the API fiasco happened and got lucky enough to hear about Lemmy before I completely left. I’m never going back to Reddit, just like I’m never going back to FB and IG. Hopefully, if Lemmy starts becoming mainstream and the culture changes, the ability for instances to defederate will be helpful at maintaining the community-feel of this place.

@BackOnMyBS@lemmy.world avatar

I bet she’s got so much dirt on him.

@BackOnMyBS@lemmy.world avatar

Vulcan Shaders have stepped into the ring

Thousands sign up to experience magic mushrooms as Oregon’s novel psilocybin experiment takes off (apnews.com)

Psilocybin tea, wind chimes and a tie-dye mattress await those coming to an office suite in Eugene to trip on magic mushrooms. For roughly six hours, adults over 21 can experience what many users describe as vivid geometric shapes, a loss of identity and a oneness with the universe....

@BackOnMyBS@lemmy.world avatar

The worse version of lemmy ie reddit

oh no, you did NOT just say reddit is a version of lemmy. take that back! TAKE THAT BACK!! 😭

@BackOnMyBS@lemmy.world avatar

!autism uses a rainbow infinity symbol as their background image.

@BackOnMyBS@lemmy.world avatar

he didn’t bribe the right people

@BackOnMyBS@lemmy.world avatar

Not the hero we need, but the hero we deserve

@BackOnMyBS@lemmy.world avatar

I’m already there 😎👍

@BackOnMyBS@lemmy.world avatar

Please stop trying to rationalize with them. Please stop tolerating their hate. These people don’t care about logic or morality. The guy in the photo at the Nazi rally with the tatted face and meth teeth blames his problems on Jews. They only understand power. That’s all they know. That’s the only way they’ll be stopped.

With that said, can some of y’all come down here to Florida? We’ve got a Nazi problem that’s getting out of control and can use some support. They’ve been here this whole time in hiding, but since the government has recently been tolerant of their intolerance, they’re coming out in pride. They’re cowards that blame their own issues on vulnerable people. They don’t blame their problems on dominant peoples or cultures in power, just the minorities. So, with enough show of strength, they’ll go back into hiding or move away to Argentina.

Look at their little insurrection attempt. One Capitol officer misled them due to their lack of organization, and another officer fired one round. All it took was a distraction to jack up their plans and one shot for them to tuck tail and run. A coup failed due to a deception and one bullet.

Imagine if the real Nazis would have been stopped before they built their war machine. That’s where we’re at right now. Things can get soooo much worse if we allow them time to gain more power.

@BackOnMyBS@lemmy.world avatar

$5 DeSantis pardons him with some bullshit “freedom of speech” argument

@BackOnMyBS@lemmy.world avatar

Good luck for us all I guess :-)

🤞😬 haha!..😩

@BackOnMyBS@lemmy.world avatar

have you ever been bit by one?

@BackOnMyBS@lemmy.world avatar

Fuck me too.

You eventually left, and now you advocate against them. Don’t be so hard on yourself for being compassionate and giving them the benefit of the doubt. It’s what good people do.

@BackOnMyBS@lemmy.world avatar


🔫😡 = 🇺🇲

🍺😵‍💫 = 🇬🇧

BackOnMyBS, (edited )
@BackOnMyBS@lemmy.world avatar

I’m up to my tits in Linux and privacy guides

omg I’m seriously loling rn 😆 there’s so much fucking linux on this site. ive been using linux for ~14 years (exclusively for 2), and i have no idea what most linux posts are going on about, nor do i know anyone with a linux pc in my real life. us on lemmy have somehow managed to find each other.

i give it a few months until i have my own instance, a pi hole (whatever tf that is), and completely blocked google from tracking me in any way.

@BackOnMyBS@lemmy.world avatar

yo, i just left Jerboa for Sync. i second the other commenter by suggesting you give Sync a shot.

@BackOnMyBS@lemmy.world avatar

yeah, it’s engaging and entertaining. i spent half an hour yesterday going through a thread where OP argued for the use of linux in business settings and the comments were reaming OP for his arguments. i was like, “jeez. dont make a mistake on this site. people will let you have it.” OP should wait a few weeks, make an alternate account, and argue for the use of Win over linux in business settings to get the other end covered. 😆

@BackOnMyBS@lemmy.world avatar

see‽ im already getting sucked in

@BackOnMyBS@lemmy.world avatar

I don’t think this will certainly hurt the GOP representatives. Regardless of nationwide voters’ opinion on their stupidity and assholery, the main thing that matters to each individual representative is if their specific district will re-elect them. Since each one of them is pandering to their district, they’re fine. So no matter how much I despise McCarthy or MTG, it has almost absolutely no impact on their power.

@BackOnMyBS@lemmy.world avatar

me, a Linux Mint user, reading that comment

Should I give Arch a shot?

I’ve been using Linux as my main OS for a couple of years now, first on a slightly older Dell Inspiron 15. Last year I upgraded to an Inspiron 15 7510 with i7-11800H and RTX3050. Since purchasing this laptop I’ve used Manjaro, Debian 11, Pop OS, Void Linux, Fedora Silverblue (37 & 38) and now Debian 12. I need to reinstall...

@BackOnMyBS@lemmy.world avatar

on the other end of the spectrum, if you really don’t want to learn shit about linux, use Linux Mint. it’s easier to install than Windows, and I only use the terminal for updates using lolcat so I can feel like a rainbow hacker.

frequent questions and thoughts I have as a Linux Mint user:

  • why tf is everyone arguing about over whatever systemd is?
  • wow, that guy uses Arch, btw 😮
  • I don’t understand this Linux meme
  • where is this program installed??
  • wtf are Vulcan Shaders?
  • should I use apt or apt-get to install? eh, it depends on how lazy I’m feeling
  • check out my screenfetch. I’m such a hacker.
  • i wonder if the people on Linux Mint forums are sick of me asking for help without helping anyone else.
  • all these Linux privacy benefits don’t mean shit since I use Chrome
  • how come no one ever brags about Cinnamon?
@BackOnMyBS@lemmy.world avatar

I appreciate the info. If you don’t mind, what’s directX?

I went with Cinnamon because I assumed that LM was streamlined for it, but I have used both Gnome and KDE, and I really liked KDE. I can install it and give it a shot again. Thank you for the info!!

@BackOnMyBS@lemmy.world avatar

Thank you! Now I at least know what’s taking my games on Steam so long to start

@BackOnMyBS@lemmy.world avatar

So I installed Kubuntu, and I LOVE KDE. Thanks for the encouragement 😀

@BackOnMyBS@lemmy.world avatar

One thing I’ve realized about US healthcare is that it would rather restrict meds from those that need them than to give access to those that would abuse it.

@BackOnMyBS@lemmy.world avatar

I have put people on pedestals that were neither really good looking, nor good people, they just seemed like that superficially.

Same. As I got to know them, I learned that it was all a facade. They practiced that look, both in trying to seem really attractive and also trying to seem like they weren’t trying to be attractive, when in reality, their lives revolved entirely around that false image.

@BackOnMyBS@lemmy.world avatar

Test Android Community on Lemmy (do not respond)

@BackOnMyBS@lemmy.world avatar

this guy USAs

@BackOnMyBS@lemmy.world avatar

Dido was starting shit for all of history, then kills your people to take their resources. Too bad there isn’t the possibility for a civilization to overthrow their leader. You could have supported a revolutionary movement in her civilization so she would have been guillotined a la mode, then become allies with the new government.

At least it sounds like the other civilizations learned not to fuck with you.

@BackOnMyBS@lemmy.world avatar

dont bullshit me, bro. OP is asking about Kernel Sanders that runs the Appalachians in Task Manager

Fact check: Biden falsely claims he was at Ground Zero 'the next day' after 9/11 (www.cnn.com)

He did it three times in a single speech last month – falsely claiming to have witnessed a bridge collapse in Pittsburgh in 2022 (he actually visited the site more than six hours after the collapse), falsely claiming his grandfather had died just days prior to his own birth at the same hospital (his paternal grandfather died...

@BackOnMyBS@lemmy.world avatar

Kellyanne Conway would’ve been there too, but she was busy helping relief efforts of the Bowling Green Massacre

@BackOnMyBS@lemmy.world avatar

Private mental health providers in the US are pretty unsupervised and have a conflict of interest in that they make more money by keeping their patients/clients unwell, which can lead to negligence and abuse. The only thing keeping in line is the possibility of someone informed and insightful enough to report them to the licensing board or pressing a lawsuit.

For example, if a provider has poor integrity, it is in their best interest to not treat depression, but rather help the patient/client feel good for the moment. What the patient/client experiences is that they feel better when they see their provider, so they become dependent on their provider. This ensures the provider a reliable source of revenue.

Another issue is that masters level therapists, while capable of providing treatment for simple cases such as a clear depressive episode, are not properly trained to conduct thorough assessments for complex cases, meaning they can misdiagnose quite easily. Complex cases would be better treated by a well-trained psychologist that can conduct thorough psychometric assessments that are quite sophisticated and take lots of time to analyze. These services are costly and the vast majority of insurance policies won’t cover them.

Relevantly, yet another issue is insurance for mental health. Most insurance policies that pay for mental health services pay low, so the care you receive can be substandard since the more effective providers are charging what they’re worth in a market economy. One example that comes to mind is Better Help. They pay providers insultingly low, like around $30/hour, while effective providers are charging ~$150/hr out-of-pocket. That means that when someone uses Better Help to obtain care, they’re getting the bottom of the barrel therapist.

Lastly, the majority of family and marriage therapists aren’t properly trained in narcissistic emotional abuse. This can mean that therapy would not only be a waste of time, but can make things much worse as they can help the narcissist abuse the victim even further. Narcissistic abuse is quite complicated and requires a relationship therapist that specializes in that to properly assess and help the victim escape.

Tips: If you have been seeing a therapist for 12 sessions, and you haven’t realized any considerable long-term changes, find another therapist. Also, if your therapist doesn’t call you out on your bullshit, let’s you ramble about tangential matters, or focuses on helping you overcome specific weekly struggles, rather than helping you develop skills and restructure deep cognitive matters to address them yourself, find another therapist. An effective therapist would develop a clear treatment plan with you that aims to meet objectively measurable goals within a certain time frame.

Note: I am not a therapist. I have just worked in the mental health field and have friends that are therapists.

@BackOnMyBS@lemmy.world avatar

Ah, but it’s not Florida pressing separate state charges, just Washington DC pressing federal charges, correct?

@BackOnMyBS@lemmy.world avatar

I’m using Pixelffed to get replace Imgur and IG at the same time. One, it’s federated image site I can use to share image links on Lemmy. Two, while I haven’t found any of my social circle on there, it let’s me see all pictures posted throughout the Pixelfed fediverse while a lot from Mastodon. I like this feature because it helps me expand my exposure to users and images I wouldn’t have seen otherwise on IG.

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