@BackOnMyBS@lemmy.world avatar


@[email protected]

I’m back on my bullshit.

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@BackOnMyBS@lemmy.world avatar

Still I could go for an orgy and some figs if anyone is in the mood.

Yeah, I’m down too.

How will we ever get away from plastics when they are ubiquitous for safety

Plastic seals food, sterile medical implements, medicine, beverages, etc… it’s seems like plastic is used as a way to seal things safely. Post pandemic rising, I see even more. My work used to be have plastic utensils in the cafeteria, for example, an already wasteful thing. Now, post-2020, every fork, knife, and spoon is...

@BackOnMyBS@lemmy.world avatar

And the plastic on some of those shrink wraps have a terrible squeak.

@BackOnMyBS@lemmy.world avatar

I think it’s fairly obvious that they mean Arch because they are sharing which distro they use without being prompted, which is inline with a common running joke about doing the same thing, btw.

@BackOnMyBS@lemmy.world avatar

that looks sooo freaking uncomfortable

@BackOnMyBS@lemmy.world avatar

We’re usually saying that it would legitimize these elections

Imagine the audacity of the US to say they legitimized an election when one of their own parties, previous president, and losing candidate can’t legitimize the past election and is already refusing to legitimize the next one.

@BackOnMyBS@lemmy.world avatar

I hate the implication that there are two sides. While I agree that US politics has broken into two teams, I think the ideal situation would be that there is only one team (the country as a whole), and that the voting system would not need observers from the candidates’ parties to ensure that no one each cheating. Instead, every single one of us should be expected to be vigilant and protect democracy as a fundamental virtue of our society.

My personal belief is that having someone from the Trump party is basically having someone with increased access to cheat. They are not trying to enforce democracy. They are trying to dismantle it so that they could stay in power. Trump doesn’t believe the election was a fraud based on objective information and rational logic. He believes it because he is severely mentally ill and needs the delusion to avoid a deep sense of shame and despair. As such, there is nothing anyone could say for him to accept that the election is valid.

If we were going to accept that Trump will not be punished for his crimes nor go away, then we need to find an avenue for him to be able to come up with a delusion that maintains that he “won”. Not that he won the election per say, but that he “won the battle between him and Joe Biden” and “is better than him”. Again, ideally, we wouldn’t want to enable a narcissistic personality, but if we were going to, then we would have to find a way to do so and maintain democracy at the same time. Having observers will not achieve this because his personality holds that he is better, so any facts that refute this will be dismissed.

@BackOnMyBS@lemmy.world avatar

To sum up, he did commit to a peaceful transition,

I don’t know if you are referring to Trump, but if you are, I disagree. My position is that he attempted to overthrow the election with a flood of false claims and frivolous lawsuit, intimidating state election authorities to sway the election in his favor, and the whole Jan 6 insurrection. If you don’t agree that’s fine, but I would like to not discuss that. If anyone at this point disagrees, then there is no point in having a discussion about it because we are not working in the same reality with the same rules for logic.

we don’t have much to lose by implementing an even stronger surveillance of the procedure for the next elections.

My argument is that placing people loyal to Trump in any process that involves handling or monitoring the election is giving them an opportunity to cheat the election in favor of Trump. Trump have convincingly demonstrated a complete lack of integrity and connection with reality. If you disagree, that’s fine as well. However, I do not want to debate that for the same reasons as above.

@BackOnMyBS@lemmy.world avatar

Thanks for the chat

Same! 🙂

@BackOnMyBS@lemmy.world avatar

I don’t think I get this joke. Is the joke that there’s a place called Autism Peak? If so, what does kissing have to do with it? Is thee a thing where people say, “What if we kiss at [some place]?” and the point is to find weird places to kiss? I’m so confused by this joke.

@BackOnMyBS@lemmy.world avatar

Um, so then kissing is something that people would like to remember as an enjoyable and sacred experience (of course), but doing so at Autism Peak would be counterproductive to that because the location is associated with looking weird, thus sabotaging the experience and memory? If that’s the case, I can see how it’s funny now…Ohhhhh! Okay. lol It’s kind of like, “What if we kissed at Vertigo Peak” since being dizzy would seem counterproductive to a smooth kissing experience.

Fun fact: I had seen this meme before, and found it funny because someone made the meme, but I didn’t know the joke. The humor to me was that someone made this because it seemed so pointless. Also, that there’s a place called Autism Peak. Since I knew I truly didn’t get the meme, I shared it with friends to see their reactions and maybe get an idea of what was funny about it. However, the friends I shared it with are NTs and just felt uncomfortable with the meme while I was laughing. I wonder what I missed with that interaction…

I finally switched back to Linux as my daily driver after a couple of years of being on nothing but Windows.

I ran Manjaro Linux as my daily driver a few years ago but slowly phased it out for Windows for some reason, and I’m finally back using Linux (currently Linux Mint). I gotta say, I don’t know why I ever switched back to Windows. There’s just so much freedom Linux gives you right off the bat that Windows is just plain...

@BackOnMyBS@lemmy.world avatar

On KDE Neon, I go to Online Accounts in the system settings and add my cloud drive. Then, I can access it directly from my file manager as if it were a directory on my computer. On Linux Mint, I think I had to install Gnome Online Accounts or something like that to get a similar setup.

@BackOnMyBS@lemmy.world avatar

What do you mean flip flopping back and forth between devices? If you’re trying to access the same cloud drive from separate devices, I’m thinking it’s likely that whatever app is maintained by the cloud drive you are using will work on both Windows systems.

@BackOnMyBS@lemmy.world avatar

What about Panic Disorder Survival Horror? You have to get through a full week, including 5 work days, 2 social events, and an errand…except you can have a panic attack at any time but also have a heart condition, so you’re not sure if you’re really having a panic attack or heart attack. If you guess wrong, you lose. Also you have to have a completely empty bladder and colon so you don’t soil yourself at work and get fired or in a social setting and lose friends out of embarrassment if you happen to have a panic attack in those settings. Easy mode comes with a script for xanax. Hard mode comes with an abusive stalker ex and their family.

@BackOnMyBS@lemmy.world avatar

For people on Linux, hit [Ctrl]+[Shift]+[u] then type [0] [0] [f] [1]. That will enter an ñ when you hit the next key.

@BackOnMyBS@lemmy.world avatar

ñ…woah! I just tried it by switching the [Menu] key to a compose key. That’s so much easier. Thanks for sharing 🙂

@BackOnMyBS@lemmy.world avatar

I’m probably way too elementary for this post, but just in case someone doesn’t know about SohCahToa (pro. soh-cah-toh-ah).


  • sin is opposite over hypotenuse


  • cos is adjacent over hypotenuse


  • tan is opposite over adjacent

I made it through my college trigonometry class by just remembering that one simple pneumonic. Everything else that was taught could be derived from it.

@BackOnMyBS@lemmy.world avatar

I’ve made online friends via the chat rooms for Lemmy communities, that lead to other chat rooms, an online chess buddy, and even a Minecraft server. Perhaps try engaging in some avenues to have more of a conversational style so that you can get to know other users through regular interactions and they can get to know you too. Eventually, you might find a group that you fit in well, and something might come of it.

@BackOnMyBS@lemmy.world avatar

I will!

@BackOnMyBS@lemmy.world avatar

Yeah, I had that thought too. This might be a fruitless attempt lol

@BackOnMyBS@lemmy.world avatar

Alternatively, if you want a similar experience but with the latest Plasma version and less bloat, go with KDE Neon.

@BackOnMyBS@lemmy.world avatar

I use KDE Neon, but highly recommend Linux Mint for new users. I’m not in the computer industry, yet I have tried a lot of distros over the past ~15 years. Out of all of them, Linux Mint had the easiest setup by far. The drivers worked without difficulty, the installation was intuitive, the Timeshift app helped me undo any problems I created while tweaking the system, and forums.linuxmint.com is quite helpful. Compare this with KDE Neon, that had me using a second computer for hours to figure out how to get my specific wifi card drivers working. Now that I have had enough time to learn about Linux and troubleshooting, I prefer KDE Neon for the desktop environment, but Linux Mint really is so easy. Again, I highly recommend it.

Thanks for the write up, OP!

@BackOnMyBS@lemmy.world avatar

I’m autistic, and I literally think this every single time I see an enderman. “There’s my autistic buddy!” They also

  • like to hang around you while they do their own thing,
  • lose their minds if you move the block they placed (ie move their things)
  • like to stare
@BackOnMyBS@lemmy.world avatar

Same for the same reasons! If they say it’s not a distro, then what do they say it is?

@BackOnMyBS@lemmy.world avatar

We can decide to never go back to our ex and also warn others if it comes up, while still moving on with our lives. However, if we’re just bringing it up out of nowhere, we’re still hung up on them.

@BackOnMyBS@lemmy.world avatar

Another casualty of the Cold War. RIP.

@BackOnMyBS@lemmy.world avatar

maybe Shakespeare did that to you

@BackOnMyBS@lemmy.world avatar

criminal diversion programs

@BackOnMyBS@lemmy.world avatar

The amount of messed-up that would be in this “prank” would be so…messed up.

  1. The girl seems like she was excited and happy over the proposal, which would later turn out to be disappointment, anger, and sadness when she finds out it was fake.
  2. She would be embarrassed that he doesn’t want to marry her but she really wanted to. There’s nothing wrong with one partner being ready and the other not, but having that displayed as a mockery is embarrassing.
  3. She didn’t recognize that it was his twin brother, which is troubling. Even if she was unaware that he had a twin, I would expect her to pick up on some flags that it wasn’t her partner: 1) different mannerisms, 2) very limited knowledge of shared experiences and her particular tastes, 3) no jointly understood scripts for showing affection, and more.
  4. When she is legitimately proposed to, she will have at least some considerable doubt that it’s real and prevent her from engaging safely and freely, thus damaging the real proposal.
  5. She will now have to decide if she’s okay with marrying into a family that pulls “pranks” like that. Also, considering that her partner’s brother was fine with doing that, she may wonder if she is missing some serious flags with her partner.

Note: Please excuse me if I’m being too judgemental, picky, or similar. I found my cat of 3 years dead today, so I’m definitely more vulnerable and emotional.

@BackOnMyBS@lemmy.world avatar

Thank you. He was such a sweet being. The world feels less loving without him 😢

@BackOnMyBS@lemmy.world avatar

Thank you. It’s been a rough time, but we’re getting through it slowly.

@BackOnMyBS@lemmy.world avatar

Yeah, definitely! Proposals are expected to be a once in a lifetime event, so I think it’s best to keep it sacred.

And thank you :)

@BackOnMyBS@lemmy.world avatar

Yeah, it’s terrible. The worst part though is that I’m sad he lost his life. It’s not that I wont have him, but that he can’t live anymore. He deserved so much better than that.

Sorry for your loss too. To me, the thing with losing animals is that they’re so sincere. You know exactly what they like doing and how much they care about you, so when it’s gone, it’s clear what’s missing from the world.

@BackOnMyBS@lemmy.world avatar

Happy to contribute! lol

@BackOnMyBS@lemmy.world avatar

Good luck! It’s a hard job, and I imagine even moreso for a politically-charged community like news. Please remember that the vast majority of the users of this community are well-meaning individuals that sometimes make mistakes. Don’t let the trolls get to you.

Thank you for your contribution to making an enjoyable and important space!

@BackOnMyBS@lemmy.world avatar

Found the guy in the comic

@BackOnMyBS@lemmy.world avatar

ah yes, The Final Generation

@BackOnMyBS@lemmy.world avatar

red snapper and king fish can also be eaten off of the bones

@BackOnMyBS@lemmy.world avatar

no one would ever lie about their name by saying that it’s Dr Peepee…omg in seriously laughing lollll 😂

@BackOnMyBS@lemmy.world avatar

i case you haven’t tried it, ghee butter is the best oil for this in my opinion

@BackOnMyBS@lemmy.world avatar

when Pakistan and India boil over some years from now

What’s going on with that? Why are you expecting that to happen?

@BackOnMyBS@lemmy.world avatar

Great question! Initially, I was 100% against doxxing because it turns into vigilante justice when people gang up on a suspect that hasn’t been properly tried in a court, so innocent people could become victims for something they didn’t do or pay excessive consequences. However, with your question, I think it points out some nuance.

In the case of the Jan 6 insurrectionists, the FBI was trying to find them to press charges, so I think it was appropriate to doxx them. Protesters that didn’t partake directly in the insurrection were also outed and I’m iffy on that one. Their presence still had an impact on the insurrection because it gave energy to the thing and possible increased intimidation. Imagine if there was 1 person outside your house with a guillotine vs 100 people with a guillotine. The latter would likely instill more fear.

Ultimately, I think the main issue is not with being doxxed, but with the vigilante justice that people like to enact when someone is doxxed. Rather than say firing this dentist, the people that had the power to do so could have just accepted that the dentist had his own opinion on the matter irrelevant to his employment and left it at that. Yet, they acted on the desire to punish him by firing him. I think that’s messed up because for all we know, he might have had a valid reason for that behavior or at the very least, it was not affecting his work. I think it’s normal to be frustrated with the situation and have emotional responses to it. Rather than punish and isolate him, they could have had a compassionate talk with him to hear him out and possibly come to a collaborative stance to help ameliorate the situation. After all, conflicts aren’t resolved by increasing antagonism. It’s resolved by engaging in understanding and healthy interdependence. If anything, all they did was further radicalize the dentist.

This concludes my TED Talk.

@BackOnMyBS@lemmy.world avatar

Um, this is strange behavior acting as righteousness…WTF. Imagine if you were his son and got pinged that your dad is watching porn. I would be totally grossed the hell out if that happened between me and my dad. I’m grimacing as I type this. Or, imagine being the dad watching porn and knowing your son is actively aware that you are doing that. What the hell would be going through your mind to make that okay?

Or, think about what the son is really learning from this relationship. Sex is bad and people should be monitored for sexual activity. Also, he’s learning that controlling others to that level is acceptable and celebrated. This kid might turn out to be a highly abusive partner that thinks it’s okay to monitor their partner’s phone at all times.

It also tells us that Mike Johnson is probably interested in monitoring people’s internet habits, especially when it comes to accessing porn. Personally, that is not what I would like for a congressman.

The whole thing is uncomfortably odd and seems like a major red flag.

@BackOnMyBS@lemmy.world avatar

Interesting! I find the whole idea of personalities that creepy and uncomfortable, so I kind of unconsciously avoid those topics. Still, I know it’s reality, so I could benefit from learning about it. I’ve been interested in reading that book, so I might give it a shot, though I’m concerned that it will affect my mood.

Relevantly, you might find this video on the behaviors of leaders interesting. If you watch it, let me know what you think and if it’s relatable to The Prince.

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