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I assumed that would be the case. It is difficult to find a non toxic section of Facebook


Where do I go to buy a list of your location history off Google if it’s not true?


I feel like they should be labeling their content as NO AI generation… Then actually do that


The wrong kind of users though… The people on Facebook likely to use Threads, are the ones who I’d hate to federate with. Discussions would quickly change to low effort karma grabs and inside jokes.

You’re also likely to get a lot more people doing stealth/viral marketing, more bots, etc

That’s why I use Beehaw honestly… It actually feels like I’m talking to people


The comment by op kind of feels weird…

But. More options are always good, and this provides more options, with the added benefit of creating helium (which is a limited resource, and gets mainly harvested when mining fossil fuels at the moment).

So this actually helps solve more than 1 problem, if they can get it to work


Its probably the same game as GTA V, but with different music anyway, especially judging by the trailer


Why is anyone still using Spotify?

They have money to pay Joe Rogan an absolutely obscene amount of money which could have made hundreds of artists life awesome apparently (which feels more like a bribe). So it is clear, they have the cash to pay others too. They just choose not to


Tried tidal and didn’t work well for me with Android auto. You can actually use something like tune my music to copy your playlists to every main service for testing.

I used apple music. I don’t like Apple in particular, but they pay artists, and don’t pay Joe rogan

I actually found the music suggestions were way better than Spotify which mostly just repeated stuff I heard


Yeah… Takes note of everything you listen to, and when… But only when you’re using spotify lol

I stopped using Spotify because it doesn’t integrate well with home automation platforms (only with sonos) and because they wasted 100 mil on Joe Rogan (which made it clear I’m not their target market). I hate apple, but even they pay their artists

I want a service which is a bit more targeted, and its not really worth much. Its not exactly valuable information what I listened to lol (except to other music services)


Honestly, it doesn’t matter that they’re doing all this other stuff. But, because they also own the online store too, that gives them the power to be anti competitive. If they didn’t, none of these other businesses would likely work


Found out I didn’t get COVID from the boss last week… But sore from too not enough gym I think.

But kind of annoyed… Need to work out how to tell my housemate that if his girlfriend is Staying with us half the week, Has the door code and is here at times he’s not, its it’s fair for her to start paying some bills…

Especially considering he’s seemingly complaining about my new housemate needing to buy paper towels and such or “its not fair” (despite the fact we have solar, and he leaves his computer and fan and such on all night, even if he’s not even there). Also, when the other housemate accidentally broke his blender, he’s demanding payment, but when his dog chewed up and damaged my stuff, he just hid the damage…

He also once gave me a spiel that he was sick of people getting help from other people, and “some people were just here because they need somewhere to stay”. So doesn’t even feel like I should be giving him any length of string…


The Paris Mayor? Is this really a major story?

Lots of people have left or silent quit… At this time, its hardly a story anymore honestly

Auzy, (edited )

I don’t think honestly he gets enough credit.

If you check SystemD, its a HUGE step up, which is why everyone is using it now (whereas, the old scripts had race conditions, were a pain to write and other issues). Anyone who has written both can tell you how much better things are now…

The fact this issue is happening on both Pipewire and Pulseaudio also suggests it’s more likely a bug in the drivers… It might not be obvious on ALSA directly, but that doesn’t mean an issue doesn’t exist there…

And honestly, the situation before PulseAudio was awful. Audio not working was a common issue, and low latency audio was the least of anyone’s problems. Whereas, these days, because of Pulseaudio, even gaming is a thing now (back then, I even saw issues on tuxracer, and Unreal tournament back in the days).

In regards to setup, most distributions will handle that anyway I’m guessing. So not sure why the configuration process should matter unless you’re in Arch or Slackware? As long as the distribution handles it, it shouldn’t matter. It’d really a non-issue honestly.

I do a lot of middleware development and we’re regularly blamed by users for bugs/problems upstream too (which is why we’ve now added a huge amount of enduser diagnostics/metrics in our products which has made it more obvious the issues aren’t related to us). In practice, very few people have issues with Pulseaudio (I haven’t seen issues since launch). Sometimes as well, keep in mind it can be the sound interface (especially if its USB)


I agree. I think I played it 10min. It felt like more a university project I recall.


Doesn’t help on Reddit that everyone on Facebook uses it and feels like it’s full of lobbyists getting paid to promote their causes in a dodgy way


I upvote because I’m on beehaw… and fairly sure I can’t downvote


I actually hate to say it, but I switched to Apple Music the moment Spotify paid joe rogan 200 million dollars.

Obviously Spotify has money to pay artists, but they’re choosing to screw them. They’ve really high-balled a nobody


They’d rather pay 200 mil to people like Joe Rogan. It doesn’t matter how you look at that deal, he’s not worth that much, and there would be 0% chance of getting that money back (thats a lot of additional subscriptions)


I don’t blame Beijing honestly. Bigots will just run around screaming “China Flu”, claim its from a lab or whatever. And they’re the same people who don’t trust WHO, or vaccines or whatever anyway

I’m not sure they have much to gain from collaborating unfortunately.


I’m not defending them, but maybe you could name some reasons why cooperating benefits them?

I’m not arguing it wouldn’t be good if they cooperated, but just genuinely interested in what the perceived benefits would be to them?


Unless I’m reading it wrong, that’s not what the article said? It seemed to suggest it was ride sharing companies which bought them and stopped ride sharing


Every time I’ve gone back to Reddit, I’ve just seen the local communities I used to like getting incredibly right wing with the increasing number of wolf whistles in the comments. Or pro weed nonsense

And honestly, it just felt like doom scrolling and a waste of time. It has grown now to the point it’s just basically the Facebook crowd.

Lemmy is sufficiently busy, and much better quality. And there is more to think about when reading comments


Yes… But then more humans will survive by avoiding certain diseases, which as a result, will produce a worse environmental outcome


Funny you mention that, but in a way that’s also true via the same mechanism.

Isn’t the Gates Foundation focusing on stopping diseases from mosquitos?…/the-gates-foundation-a…


The purpose of this lawsuit is so musk can claim it’s bs.

If he loses, right wingers will only remember the lawsuit, not the loss (they’ll just blame the judge)


The worst part is that a Youtube Premium Subscription costs more than Netflix or other streaming providers here in Australia… And you’re basically paying for ad removal of a metric ton of low quality content (and their music service, which isn’t as good as others I found)

That being said, this might not be true (I’ve seen lots of BS online regarding browsers in the past)


That’s actually my suggestion. Clearly the wife is nuts


I’ve already had these conversations online…

  1. At the moment, they’ve already shifted to claiming EV cars are worse for the environment…
  2. Yanking on about Towing capacity. They still haven’t worked out that literally so few cars on the road (at least here in Australia), even have a towbar. Even less use it (even during long holidays)…
  3. Range. These guys haven’t worked out yet, that they aren’t going to be driving 16 hrs a day… And, for those applications, if unavoidable, worst case scenario is then Fuel cells.

Ridiculous situation?

Are you referring to this post?

It feels like you’re not mentioning something in this post. Either way… Don’t speed in the country either


The problem with Hydrogen, is that its not efficient (fuel cells apparently are only 40-60% efficient). In contrast, batteries are 90% or more efficient (and improving)

So, you’d be wasting 50% of the power generated, and wasting fresh water too… Thats all assuming too that the additional minerals in the water won’t cause extra issues either.

Battery costs keep dropping, and the technology keeps improving rapidly.

If they can get the efficiency much higher, maybe… It also might make sense for long range cars (at the moment) due to energy density

But, in practice, companies like BP and traditional gas companies are the main ones who benefit from a hydrogen economy. Because they can use non-renewable to undercut everyone


That’s just like any company Lol

Auzy, (edited )

I’ve noticed on facebook, that every anti-EV clown out there seems to think everyone is towing on a daily basis too.

The irony is, that the people who drive these large trucks are actually the people who tend to require the least towing capacity. In fact, I’ve maybe only ever seen 1 or 2 of those large Utes here in Australia actually tow anything remotely big. And for most tradies, Vans are actually a far better option than Utes anyway (much more secure)


You do get paid for unused solar, it’s just less than it used to be. The idea is that you’re meant to shift your loads to the day. Even without the additional feed in, 6.6kw only costs 2.5k and pays itself off within 4 years if you’re shifting your loads to the solar peak

Also, it feels like you’ve installed an overly big battery system.

Panels and batteries are subsidised here in Victoria and the panels only costs 2500aud for a 6.6k system. Most people spend 20k on batteries or less

  • Do things like turn on the dishwasher/dryer/washing during daytime instead using timer
  • Also, switching a heat pump hot water system and turning it on during day is effectively like a battery too. I got rid of gas (electric is healthier anyway). Most heat pump hot water systems are designed to turn on during day only

You can get devices which hook into your smart meter and measure energy usage, and optimise for that.

The reason you don’t get much feedin anymore (unless you’re a Virtual power plant, at times more power is needed), is because previously, people were just generating too much excess power during the day, and forcing non-renewables to turn on again at night (so it was pointless). Ideally, you should be trying to export 0kwh back to the grid


I’m willing to bet even the people he hires at SpaceX feels the same about any input he offers


I switched back to Apple recently, but used to sell them.

1 week before Bootcamp was released, I was selling Apple gear, and I showed a sales manager who was visiting how we got Windows running on the new Intel Mac Mini, and explained how this was great, because it was a great transition technology

In front of customers, as I was explaining, he basically called me an idiot, and said “why would anyone want to run windows on a mac”.

A week or so later, bootcamp was released, and he was back… He was now using the arguments I made a week early as a template for bragging about bootcamp to us and explaining the benefits. No apologies for any of the previous discussion.

They make decent products otherwise, and management doesn’t even need to act like wankers or be deceptive either

I only now using Apple again because Microsoft has finally pushed me over the edge with windows (literally, when they started hijacking my chrome tabs EVERY bootup, and opening Edge automatically), and the fact my Xbox Series X wouldn’t even play remote on Windows (their own OS)


Absolutely agree. Unfortunately, Apple attracts the kind of idiots too who think they know what they’re talking about too. When I was selling them, I had a customer tell another that Macs can’t get viruses as I was talking to them.

I used a lot of Linux in the past too (everything from playing unreal tournament on Gentoo in 3DFX days to Ubuntu more recently), and unfortunately, in the past Linux tended to also attract the upstuck crowd too.

But, slowly, the LInux culture does seem to be changing. But, we still regularly see people argue about things like SystemD vs Init Scripts (and anyone who has ever written a Init script knows exactly what a pile of crap they are to write) and Pulseaudio vs AlSA/OSS/ESOUND/ETC (whereas, any old school user also remembers the pain of sound servers conflicting with each other). Linux does finally appear to be on the right path to improving things, improve interoperability and the general common sense crowd finally seems to be drowning others out (and new technologies like Wayland or Pipewire are no longer getting heavy blowback). It may also be because Linux developers these days tend to be a lot better at communicating the benefits (Compiz was another case where the benefits were well communicated).

There’s a lot of things honestly Apple should be fixing


I used to use Linux exclusively (I was actually the top poster on a few major Linux news sites, and my linux project once got published in LinuxWorld Magazine).

Whilst it has certainly gotten better, I still feel some parts of linux need refining. Also, one thing both Microsoft and Apple do have is available integration of mobile apps… I thought Apple could do both via Parallels (android in windows, iPhone in MacOS), but turns out Android in Windows on parallels won’t work.

For the type of development i do, windows and macos are still the best options unfortunately too. If Linux had more seamless mobile app integration, I probably would have highly considered it to be honest


Running mobile apps on computer. It’s really the one use case Apple does extremely well, and it’s a pity because Linux could actually do it well if distros sorted themselves out


I left Optus the moment they hired a politician (Gladys) who was still in the process of being investigated for corruption, and the evidence was solid.

That said everything I needed to know about the way management at Optus operates

She’s also one of the main people who screwed us during the pandemic. If she wasn’t in charge, we would have ended lockdown much earlier


How do you expect Elections to work? All the soldiers take a few hours off of fighting to put their ballots in?

The rest of the citizens amass themselves in a few concentrated areas?

People who are being bombed or in hiding from russia leave their shelters and are exposed for the day? I’m sure if they wear an official uniform, that Russian soldiers won’t be tempted to copy the uniform, and replace the ballots.

So, who wants to volunteer to hand out the ballot papers? I’m sure Putin would be more than happy to


I actually think its more than that… He’s seen how bigotry managed to empower Trump’s audience. Now it feels like a power grab


On my Mac studio m2, half of my USBC ports on the back don’t seem to connect well to my 4k monitor. I suspect it must be a shielding issue on the Mac

Auzy, (edited )

I got a Mac Studio recently, but my huge hesitation is that the CPU’s TOTALLY suck lol. I only switched because I was genuinely sick of windows. And windows must have had a bug, because it kept hijacking my Chrome session with Edge EVERY Reboot.

But, now that the M3’s have raytracing, maybe they’ll suck less. Unfortunately, some areas, mac has definitely fallen behind on (like Aero Snap, we need magnet on Mac OS)


I used to sell apple gear at a reseller. They literally used to send messages to our customers for applecare.

The difference is that Apple simply uses the data for it’s own benefit and competes against everyone (including people developing for their system)


Definitely not saying Google is any better.

But don’t forget, Apple gets billions of dollars from Google too, to be default webpage… So they’re totally complicit, and in practice, they’re effectively selling your user data to google.

The biggest issue with Apple has always been their dodgy marketing. 20 years ago, they were living off the incorrect claim that “MacOS can’t get Viruses”, and now, seems to be just as dodgy with privacy.


Yes Please. Twitter is dead, and we’re just reminding people to go take a look at it constantly. Just let the internet forget about him.


Lol. Both sides argue? Most tweets are by a small number of people. Before, right wingers were complaining it’s all bots, now suddenly, Elon pushes dodgy Right wing accounts to the frontpage and you guys reckon it’s not true anymore.

How many people do you know who actually use Twitter? I can only think of one, and fairly sure he left it ages ago.

Twitter is growing in irrelevance. Just because people have accounts on it doesn’t mean they use it either.

Do you really think Twitter is growing? Lol.

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