@AutisticAdam@autistics.life avatar


@[email protected]

These days you will find me on BlueSky.

I do however check back in here every now
and then. Autising my way through life...

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AutisticAdam, to actuallyautistic
@AutisticAdam@autistics.life avatar

Many autistic people have so much anxiety because, from a young age, we’re taught that our natural differences, as well as innocent things we do for ourselves (and things we can’t do), can anger other people and result in them punishing us, even when they’re not affected by them.

@actuallyautistic #actuallyautistic

AutisticAdam, to actuallyautistic
@AutisticAdam@autistics.life avatar

As an autistic child, I would get in trouble for not doing tasks other kids instinctively did. I’d respond with “I didn’t know I needed to do XYZ - I hadn’t been told to”. This would cause uproar, as seeing others do things should’ve “influenced” me. It did not and yet all these years later.. It still doesn’t.


AutisticAdam, to actuallyautistic
@AutisticAdam@autistics.life avatar

Autistic people often have an interesting relationship with spare items. It's just how it goes with alot of us. Some of us gain a strong sense of security and inner peace from knowing we won’t run out of things we love any time soon, but
of course some of us also find spares pressurising and like to have only one of everything.


@AutisticAdam@autistics.life avatar

@ScottSoCal @actuallyautistic

Good strategy 🙂

AutisticAdam, to actuallyautistic
@AutisticAdam@autistics.life avatar

Being autistic for me is that eye contact usually makes me feel like someone’s eyes are burning my retinas, but occasionally it makes me feel like gentle waves are beautifully and intimately caressing my soul. It seems to mostly depend on who I’m making eye contact with.


@AutisticAdam@autistics.life avatar

@ScottSoCal @actuallyautistic

I can only imagine that would of been really difficult to do.

Yet we do these things to.. fit in ?!

AutisticAdam, to actuallyautistic
@AutisticAdam@autistics.life avatar

Never try to rewrite history when speaking to an autistic person. There’s a high chance that they will remember exactly what you said five years ago or more, and - if you wrote or recorded it - they will probably locate proof that you’re lying forthwith, and calmly send you a copy.


AutisticAdam, to actuallyautistic
@AutisticAdam@autistics.life avatar

If they can’t handle your burnout, they don’t deserve your dopamine highs.

It's as simple as that.

@actuallyautistic #actuallyautistic

AutisticAdam, to actuallyautistic
@AutisticAdam@autistics.life avatar

The worst part about being Autistic is people expect you to behave like you ain't Autistic.

@actuallyautistic #autisticadam #actuallyautistic

@AutisticAdam@autistics.life avatar

@AutisticMumTo3 @actuallyautistic

That hits hard. The amount of times I have been told that.

I'm not a tap, I can't turn it off.

Or they assume your a maths wizz.

I'm rubbish at maths.

I could go on like this all night.

But I need rest.

AutisticAdam, to actuallyautistic
@AutisticAdam@autistics.life avatar

To be clear: I feel emotions of happiness, joy, fear, sadness, & grief. I experience empathy, but it may take me a minute or so to understand why non-autistics find certain things difficult.


AutisticAdam, to actuallyautistic
@AutisticAdam@autistics.life avatar

Autistic people are often criticised for “reading too much into things” and “assuming” the worst, but usually what we deduce is highly accurate, thanks to our pattern-spotting and dot-connecting abilities. I think the real issue is we typically unearth truths others want to remain hidden.


AutisticAdam, to actuallyautistic
@AutisticAdam@autistics.life avatar

Does anyone else think it’s messed up that a lot of what are considered ‘socially inappropriate’ behaviours are just traits of being Autistic?

If you’re too straightforward, you’re rude.

If you’re too passionate, you’re dramatic.

If you’re too quiet, you’re not a team player.

The list goes on.


PeteLittle1970, to actuallyautistic
@PeteLittle1970@neurodifferent.me avatar

My wife is due back tonight after being away for 10 days. I've done my best to keep the house in order, look alter her cat and water the plants.

I've even mostly managed a modicum of self care, remembering to eat (albeit junk and usually late) and keep myself healthy.

However, I have been left to my own devices and I'm notoriously bad with my executive functioning.

So, wearing this T-Shirt today to greet my wife when she gets home later this evening.. Just in case. ;)

@allautistics @actuallyautistic

@AutisticAdam@autistics.life avatar

@PeteLittle1970 @allautistics @actuallyautistic

I want one of these t shirts 🙂

AutisticAdam, to actuallyautistic
@AutisticAdam@autistics.life avatar

We are at a disadvantage in interviews. Interview success typically requires you to intuit what a (usually) NT interviewer wants and say it to them in a way they want to hear it (hard when you’re not NT), and any typical behaviours are seen as red flags.

Giving us time to process a suggested change is important. If we have to respond instantly, there is a chance we’ll say “no” to something positive, because we haven’t had a chance to fully assess it.

@actuallyautistic #actuallyautistic

AutisticAdam, to actuallyautistic
@AutisticAdam@autistics.life avatar

Can someone who is autistic love ?!

Yes of course. Love is a feeling/emotion that, as human beings, we are more than capable of experiencing. Alot of us may show our love in "our unique way" (perhaps by giving you our time and knowledge instead of heartfelt declarations) but that doesn’t mean that we don’t feel it just like others.


eo, to actuallyautistic
@eo@dads.cool avatar

Does this happen to you:
I often have trouble focusing while my hearing fades in and out at about 1 second intervals. It's like there's some muscle or something pulsing behind my ears at the back of my nasal cavity.
I used to think it was an anxiety thing, before it was diagnosed with autism (but after I was dx GAD and CPTSD). But I have never heard of a similar experience in anyone else.

@AutisticAdam@autistics.life avatar

@markusl @EternalOutsider @eo @actuallyautistic

Looking at a phone screen before bed stimulates the eyes to light which could possibly make it difficult to sleep too.

(Hes says while on here before bed)

I usually lay down in complete darkness for like over an hour. I have mixed results however but its better than looking at my phone late at night.

AutisticAdam, to actuallyautistic
@AutisticAdam@autistics.life avatar

The autistic urge to reveal everything you know about a topic you like the second someone brings it up, feeling as though you may burst if you don’t, even though the person you’re speaking to probably has only a mild interest in the subject and will be shocked by your passion.


AutisticAdam, to actuallyautistic
@AutisticAdam@autistics.life avatar

You going to stay angry/upset with me forever?”

Autistic, traumatised me: will call a truce and be polite, but will remain scarred and wary of them forever


AutisticAdam, to actuallyautistic
@AutisticAdam@autistics.life avatar

@june @claudegohier @allenstenhaus @ivy @actuallyautistic

I have also got soundcore headphones.

Mine are the Q35.

Had them over a couple of years now.

I'd recommend them for sure.

Bonus they came in a nice case to store them away.

I don't know what I'd do without them.

At some point I know I will have to upgrade but it will probably be with sound core.

AutisticAdam, to actuallyautistic
@AutisticAdam@autistics.life avatar

Being autistic means that I’m always either: incredibly suspicious and able to spot any potential danger or problem, or so naive that I practically run into red flags with open arms, as my brain hasn’t registered them. There’s really no in between for me.


AutisticAdam, to actuallyautistic
@AutisticAdam@autistics.life avatar

Autistic people have a reputation for fearing change, yet non-autistic people typically fear any changes we suggest, even when those changes would actually help them. I think autists’ fear is simply expressed more, as we have extra variables to consider and change is rarely in our favour.


AutisticAdam, to actuallyautistic
@AutisticAdam@autistics.life avatar

The Autistic urge to share your entire thought process when offering advice, so you can prove you’ve considered every variable and inspire people to have faith in what you say and not write off your opinion due to you being how you are.


AutisticAdam, to actuallyautistic
@AutisticAdam@autistics.life avatar

The autistic urge to pack everything you own and bring it with you whenever you leave your home. You might only be going to the shop/mall down the road, but you’ll be prepared for an apocalypse.


@AutisticAdam@autistics.life avatar

@Tarrenvane @actuallyautistic


I don't go there often however as It's pretty much a cert that I will leave from there with stuff I didn't initially go in to purchase.

@AutisticAdam@autistics.life avatar
@AutisticAdam@autistics.life avatar
AutisticAdam, to actuallyautistic
@AutisticAdam@autistics.life avatar

Does anybody else feel like your simply being "chucked under the bus" or "left to get on with it" because your an adult and not a child anymore with autism?!

I do feel like It does.

I understand this might well create abit of a backlash, but it's not necessarily something I have seen talked about on here.

Please feel free to discuss.


@AutisticAdam@autistics.life avatar
AutisticAdam, to actuallyautistic
@AutisticAdam@autistics.life avatar

So, your house becomes a crammed and cluttered full of stuff. All for the sake of basic survival. It's not that you're a messy person by nature, in my case it's hidden away and under my bed. Lots of stuff.

It's that you don't have the privilege of buying EXACTLY what you need when you need it.


AutisticAdam, to actuallyautistic
@AutisticAdam@autistics.life avatar

If someone in person tells me something bad has happened to them, my first response is to share a similar experience I have had, as a way to show solidarity and remind them they're not alone.


@AutisticAdam@autistics.life avatar

@fishidwardrobe @actuallyautistic

I know what you mean.

I get mixed responses.

AutisticAdam, to actuallyautistic
@AutisticAdam@autistics.life avatar

If an autistic person is in meltdown, give them time and space.

Do not continue to pester, criticise, shout or even judge.

I can't express how vital this actually is.


AutisticAdam, to actuallyautistic
@AutisticAdam@autistics.life avatar

Me: subconsciously masks my Autistic tendencies to make/keep friends

Them: i feel like you’re always holding back! You can open up to us.

Me: starts to unmask

Them: why are you acting like this? you didn’t act like this when we first met. Were you being fake???


@AutisticAdam@autistics.life avatar

@Tooden @actuallyautistic

10000000 % This 👍

AutisticAdam, to actuallyautistic
@AutisticAdam@autistics.life avatar

The trash needs to be taken out”


“Would you mind taking the trash out today?”

When asking an Autistic person to do something, attaching a time frame and defining who needs to do the task lets them know it’s a request & not a statement. This makes such a difference.


AutisticAdam, to actuallyautistic
@AutisticAdam@autistics.life avatar

Autistic people try their best every day to adapt to non-autistic people, exhausting ourselves.

Do non-autistic people ever try to adapt for autistic people?

@actuallyautistic #actuallyautistic

@AutisticAdam@autistics.life avatar

@ratcatcher @actuallyautistic


Lucky you mate.

@AutisticAdam@autistics.life avatar

@ratcatcher @actuallyautistic

I love this post.. or should I say toot.

Thank you for sharing 👍

@AutisticAdam@autistics.life avatar

@Sci_Fi_FanGirl @actuallyautistic

No offence but your husband shouldn't be doing that.

That would just increase my anxiety.

That's not very supportive at all.


AutisticAdam, to actuallyautistic
@AutisticAdam@autistics.life avatar

It's not a good look when someone comes on here to tell the world they have a new autism diagnosis, only for autistic people to attack them for using the 'wrong words'.

Or when someone doesn't agree with words that you say about being Autistic because they don’t experience that themselves.

I don't like this. It feels really unpleasant to me.


AutisticAdam, to actuallyautistic
@AutisticAdam@autistics.life avatar

Autistic tax:

  • All the clothes and foods you buy that don’t meet your sensory needs and can't be returned or that you can't return.

  • The costly taxis you take because public transport is too overwhelming.

  • All the necessary sensory tools you must buy to regulate your sensory experience - earplugs, stim toys, sunglasses.

List yours below.

@actuallyautistic #actuallyautistic

AutisticAdam, to actuallyautistic
@AutisticAdam@autistics.life avatar

An autistic person not wanting to be touched is not a problem to be solved.

Your offence taken at the person not wanting to be touched is the problem.


AutisticAdam, to actuallyautistic
@AutisticAdam@autistics.life avatar

Small talk can be bad for a lot of autistic people because:

It follows rules we don't understand - for example how much information is allowed and what I'd deemed 'too much.'

@actuallyautistic #actuallyautistic

@AutisticAdam@autistics.life avatar

@Uniflame @actuallyautistic

Yeah I don't tend to do the "I'm fine thanks you ?" Standard response ethier.

@AutisticAdam@autistics.life avatar

@Uniflame @actuallyautistic

What normally tends to happen with me, is I go into a story about my day which really nobody wants to listen to.

@AutisticAdam@autistics.life avatar

@dorgaldir @Uniflame @actuallyautistic

I'm going to try to do that.

@AutisticAdam@autistics.life avatar

@Uniflame @actuallyautistic

Are you actually weird though, or are you quite simply being yourself 🙂👍

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