@AtomicPurple@kbin.social avatar


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@AtomicPurple@kbin.social avatar

I literally said "what" out loud three times while reading this.

@AtomicPurple@kbin.social avatar

My partner has DID, and I've done a ton of research into it as a result. This story sounds extremely plausible to me.

I've read multiple case studies where people with multiple personalities will get out of whatever situation was causing the disassociation, and over time some of the personalities will vanish / die off. There was also a very extreme case I read about where the fractured personalities managed to coalesce into a new whole, but it was a different personality than the original. Basically a fully formed identity that was suddenly living the life of someone they didn't identify as, and whose memories they couldn't really recall.

Even in my partner's much less severe case of DID, the less prominent personalities will sometimes go dormant for months at a time. Haven't had any of them disappear fully yet, but it's at least theoretically possible from what I understand.

@AtomicPurple@kbin.social avatar

Not to mention that useful information was harder to find and more difficult to verify, especially for niche technical topics like the inner workings of specific games.

@AtomicPurple@kbin.social avatar

I missed that, but I remember around 2011 there was some new-age cult leader guy doing a call-in live stream that got trolled until he rage quit.

@AtomicPurple@kbin.social avatar

No, that's not it. It was a video livestream that had the stereotypical hippie looking host sitting on the floor behind a table taking calls. I don't know if anyone recorded it at the time, but I'd recognize it instantly if I saw it.

@AtomicPurple@kbin.social avatar

The water jets they use to cut metal only work because the stream is so narrow. Hydro pump is more like getting hit with multiple full-blast fire hoses at once

@AtomicPurple@kbin.social avatar

The version I've always heard isn't that the expansion pack "randomly fixed it", but rather that the issue was a memory leak that would cause the game to run out of RAM and crash after a couple hours. The extra memory of the expansion pack would just delay the crash for an additional 6-7 hours. I'm curious how true this is actually is now, as it seems like it would be easy enough to test.

@AtomicPurple@kbin.social avatar

My dreams tend to be way more intense when I'm stoned, but I have a much harder time remembering them afterwards.

@AtomicPurple@kbin.social avatar

Referring to his hypothetical children as "offspring" is what tipped me off.

@AtomicPurple@kbin.social avatar

Which sucks, because Arkane was one of my favorite developers before the quality of their output fell off over the past five years. I loved the Dishonored games, and Prey is the single best immersive sim ever made. I was looking forward to DeathLoop, but it ended up being kinda meh, and Redfall has been so universally panned that I haven't even bothered to try it.

@AtomicPurple@kbin.social avatar


I was vaguely interested in Dark Souls for years, but every time I tried, I bounced right off it. I went through a cycle where every year or two, I would pirate one of the souls games, try it out, give up on it after an hour or so, and do it all over again the next time I was sufficiently compelled to give the series another shot. This happened until several years ago when I tried Dark Souls II, and for some reason it finally clicked. I played my pirated copy of Dark Souls II for about 10 hours, before a random crash corrupted my save file.

After that happened, I immediately bought the game on Steam and proceeded to play it for the next month and a half, until I eventually beat it. I've since purchased every souls game plus Elden Ring on Steam, and recently imported a copy of Bloodborne GOTY edition after spending $700 on an exploitable PS5, just so I could play it at 60FPS. None of these legitimate purchases would have ever happened if I hadn't been able to repeatedly pirate Dark Souls for about five years.

@AtomicPurple@kbin.social avatar

No, it was inaccurate, even at the time. The Famicom was built to cost and and mainly used cheap off-the-shelf components that were already obsolete when the system first released in 1983. The NES released in North America the same year as the Commodore Amiga, a system that actually was cutting edge, and represented a big leap forward in what home computers could do graphically. By the time Mega Man released, the Amiga was on it's second revision and other home computers were rapidly catching up to it's capabilities.
While Mega Man was one of the best games on the NES, it ran at the same resolution as every other game on the system, and was stuck working within the same limited color palette and low sprite limit that were more than five years behind the curve when it released.

@AtomicPurple@kbin.social avatar

Dry vaporizing takes time to hit you (5-10 minutes)

I primarily use a vaporizer, and this isn't really true in my experience. Usually, I start feeling it within 5-20 seconds of taking the first hit, and it ramps up in intensity over the next 20 seconds to a minute. If I didn't feel anything for 5-10 minutes, I'd be concerned.

@AtomicPurple@kbin.social avatar

My handheld vaporizer isn't nearly that efficient, but it is still crazy how efficient is is compared to smoking. Awhile back I was given a pickle jar full of bud, and it took my partner and I about 2 months to get through 1/5th of it. We ended up giving the rest to a friend who mainly rolls joints, and he burnt through all of it in under two weeks. I was genuinely shocked when he told me he had used it all already.

AtomicPurple, (edited )
@AtomicPurple@kbin.social avatar

Do they even need to replace him though? There's a 25-year back catalog of recorded voice lines to recycle, and most of those consist of "Let's-a-go" and "Yahoooo!" I think the most complex sentace I've ever heard Mario speak in game is "Thank-a-you so much for playing my game". Combine that with AI voice recreation, and there's literally no reason to ever hire a replacement. Just cut Martinet a big-ass check for perpetual use of his voice, and they're golden.

@AtomicPurple@kbin.social avatar

I'm pretty sure all the edutainment titles predate Charles Martinet as the voice of Mario, and I don't think Nintendo would ever make a game like that these days.

@AtomicPurple@kbin.social avatar

Because you're my 5 year old god daughter who always wants to play as "Uwiigi".

@AtomicPurple@kbin.social avatar

I have a somewhat large share on Soulseek. It's fun to occasionally go through the chat rooms and ban all the blatant racists and homophobes.

@AtomicPurple@kbin.social avatar

Unironically, yes. Multiple studies dating back years have found a link between high intelligence and various mental health issues.
There was one particular paper I read about a decade ago, where researchers surveyed a bunch of collage students to find demographic trends based on their preferred operating system. From what I recall, the demographics of Windows users were not too far off from those of the university as whole, and Mac users were similar, aside from women being significantly over-represented. Linux users on the other hand, were almost all men, and nearly every mental health issue imaginable was over-represented by a huge margin.

@AtomicPurple@kbin.social avatar

I'm surprised that Gran Turismo was number one is 2005. I remember Star Wars Battlefront II being the hot new game everyone was playing at the time, and Star Wars being huge in general due to Episode III releasing that year. Just the fact that a PS2 exclusive driving sim, beat out a multi-platform Star Wars game that was one of the most hyped releases at the time is insane to me.

@AtomicPurple@kbin.social avatar

There's gamecopyworld for game cracks, I'm not sure about general software though.

@AtomicPurple@kbin.social avatar

Completely agree. This post is an incredible example of of "Yes, and... ", but I would never want to see it anywhere near actual improv due to the racism.

AtomicPurple, (edited )
@AtomicPurple@kbin.social avatar

I see several people have already mentioned Soulseek, the one other place I'd recommend is rutracker. You have to sign up, and it's in Russian, but it's probably the easiest place to grab entire discographies, and you can occasionally find things there that aren't on Soulseek.

Of course if you're really serious about music piracy, getting into the private tracker scene is the only way to go. redacted.ch specifically, is probably the most comprehensive music archive on the Internet right now.

Edit: I just realized no one has mentioned stream rippers yet. If what you want is on a steaming service like Deezer or Qobuz, and hasn't been shared elsewhere, there are tools to download it directly from the streaming service in full quality. Getting these set up can get a bit technical, and they often require a premium account, but there are Discord and Telegram bots that act as a fronted for these tools running on a server somewhere, which is the easiest way to use them.

@AtomicPurple@kbin.social avatar

I think people pay for streaming services, which is what I assumed was meant by the original post.

@AtomicPurple@kbin.social avatar

It's been alive and well for quite some time now. I've been using it since 2018.

@AtomicPurple@kbin.social avatar

I can't believe this fake-ass greentext is still getting reposted almost a decade later.

@AtomicPurple@kbin.social avatar

Jellyfin running on my jailbroken smart TV.

@AtomicPurple@kbin.social avatar

If it's webOS based, you can jailbreak it and install Jellyfin.

@AtomicPurple@kbin.social avatar

If you have an LG smart TV running WebOS, there's an exploit in the web browser you can use to gain root access and install the homebrew channel. It's literally just going to a website and clicking a couple buttons. From there, you can install a number of different homebrew apps including the aforementioned Jellyfin, as well as ad-free YouTube, RetroArch and of course Doom.

The homebrew channel also lets you run an ssh/telnet server that gives you remote access to the TV's back-end command line and filesystem. I found this functionally extremely useful for allowing the TV to still get online while having it behind a DNS server that blocks access to all of LG's telemetry domains.

@AtomicPurple@kbin.social avatar

Looks like it's limited to 2020 and newer actually, but I also don't think this existed when I got my TV in 2021.

@AtomicPurple@kbin.social avatar

Came here to post this, but you beat me to it. Jdownloader is incredible and also works wonders for downloading massive collections from archive.org

@AtomicPurple@kbin.social avatar

And if you don’t get dysphoria you’re not actually trans.

Even if this statement was correct (it's not BTW), there would still be women with dicks who have no desire to get them removed, due to how much dysphoria varies. Physical dysphoria is only one type of dysphoria among several, and even with physical dysphoria, there's no guarantee that it will apply to one's genitals specifically.

I'm nonbinary, and the majority of dysphoria I experience is social. I find many of the gender roles and social norms applied to my AGAB confusing and distressing to participate in. I do have some physical dysphoria as well, but it mostly pertains to body hair. Frankly, I like my penis and have no desire to get rid of it.

Either educate yourself on the various ways gender dysphoria can manifest, or kindly fuck off.

@AtomicPurple@kbin.social avatar

I think I had things removed once or twice in the eight years I was on Reddit. I'm not sure why this sentiment keeps cropping up because I've never had this experience. Do people just not read the sidebar before posting things in random subreddits? That's the only way I could see this happening with such frequency.

@AtomicPurple@kbin.social avatar

I haven't bothered with any sort of NUS downloader in years because converting the content has always been a pain in the ass. In the past couple years there's been multiple WiiU rom collections uploaded to archive.org . Just recently, I set up my WiiU with a 4TB hard drive and used JDownloader to pull the entire North American WiiU library in USB installer format over the course of a couple days. Installing everything was a bit of a chore, but at least I didn't need to deal with any conversion on the PC side.

@AtomicPurple@kbin.social avatar

The only torrent I ever removed my seed cap for was a set of DVD-audio ISOs. I had it downloading for months, but it never got above 5%. Eventually I found the same disc images on another site, so I dropped them in the download folder and rechecked the torrent, which came back 97% complete. The only files missing were box art scans and NFOs. I let that thing seed for about five months.

@AtomicPurple@kbin.social avatar

On one hand, this feels like it's in very poor taste. On the other hand, holocaust education is abysmal, at least in the US, so this might be a good thing.

@AtomicPurple@kbin.social avatar

If it's good, I have no reason to bring it up.

This describes my relationship with Dell perfectly. I never buy anything from Dell, and I always tell other people to avoid them. The best thing I can say about most of their products is "at least it's not HP", and the few decent things they sell tend to be massively overpriced.
Despite that, I have a ton of Dell products that I've either saved from the trash or have been given second hand over the years, and my experiences with many of them have been just fine, maybe even bordering on pleasant in some cases. The monitor I'm looking at right now is a Dell, and it's pretty good.
On the other hand, I've spent afternoons ripping my hair out trying to adapt power supplies for their stupid proprietary motherboards, or figuring out how to compile a fan controller driver for Linux, because their laptop fans won't fucking spin until a proprietary driver is loaded in the OS.
Guess which Dell products I tell people about when they ask me what computer to buy? It's sure not the ones that are decent, but otherwise unremarkable.

@AtomicPurple@kbin.social avatar

I have ARFID, and at least in my case, my diet isn't as restrictive as most stereotypes portray, even though my list of safe foods hasn't really expanded since I was in middle school. I was raised vegetarian, and have never eaten meat in my life AFAIK, and I that think helped me to have broader, or at least healthier tastes than many with my disorder.

I of course have some stereotypical safe foods, like fries, pizza (on which the only topping I will tolerate is pineapple) and mac & cheese, but that list also includes things like sweet potatoes, corn on the cob, and tofu stir fry.
The list of foods that I will not eat also has some things you may not expect, like most juices, sodas, and energy drinks, anything cherry flavored, and chocolate, which I will only eat if it's mixed with something like caramel or peanut butter.

There are some genuine benefits to ARFID as well in my case. The smell of red meat makes me nauseous, which has ensured I've stayed vegetarian into my adult life. it's also prevented me from getting hooked on caffeine or alcohol, as I can't stand the taste of coffee, tea or any alcoholic beverage.

My biggest barrier to eating healthy is actually executive dysfunction, rather than ARFID. The healthy foods I like all take some active prep work, whereas I can grab a box of cheese-its or throw tater tots in the oven with almost no effort.

@AtomicPurple@kbin.social avatar

It might be because I'm high right now, but I hurt my brain trying to follow that.

@AtomicPurple@kbin.social avatar

I don't think this is entirely accurate, as sites like Facebook and YouTube have had large mod teams on their payroll for years and still have safe harbor protections for user created content.
What I could see happening in this case, is safe harbor protections no longer applying to accounts with mod privileges, possibly even those who aren't being paid. If Reddit started paying mods, it could be reasonably argued that mod status constitutes an endorsement / publication by Reddit inc for anything a mod account posts. It would also give anyone working as a volunteer mod cause to sue for unpaid wages.

@AtomicPurple@kbin.social avatar

If you have an extremely high end PC, it's possible to play it at an almost stable 60 FPS

@AtomicPurple@kbin.social avatar

That would have been the original Soul Reaver. Soul Reaver 2 was a PS2 exclusive

@AtomicPurple@kbin.social avatar

I like it, but it's not as good as the original Soul Reaver or Defiance.
The biggest issue this game has is the save system. In the first game where you could save pretty much anywhere and just had to navigate back to the last area you were in after loading. In Soul Reaver 2 you can only save at preset points which can be few and far between. There are sections of the game that take multiple hours to complete on a first playthrough, where you don't have access to a save point and quitting means losing your progress.
The world design has also been downgraded somewhat IMO. The environments look much nicer and there's a wider variety of them, but the world as a whole is much less interconnected. The first game was a pseudo metroidvania, where completing an area would unlock shortcuts and everything linked back to a central hub. Soul Reaver 2 is much more linear, and the parts where you do have to backtrack are more tedious as a result.

@AtomicPurple@kbin.social avatar

I think the implication is that no competent legal council would sign off on the messages sent by Reddit admin, therefore Reddit's legal department must have been sacked. As for the rest of it, I can't say.

@AtomicPurple@kbin.social avatar

Honestly, you're probably better off just re-downloading everything at this point. iTunes sound quality is not great by modern standards, and if your files are old enough to be DRM protected, then the quality is even worse. Anything you can get on iTunes is almost certainly going to be available on Soulseek, likely at a higher bitrate, and with no DRM to boot.

@AtomicPurple@kbin.social avatar

It wouldn't hurt, but I'm not aware of ISPs ever going after people for using Soulseek. If you're sharing a lot of files publicly it may be an issue, but it's not like a torrent swarm where someone can see all the connected peers and report them.

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