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Explains my lag so well. Everything freezes. Except my controllable character. But everyone else is standing still. I can’t interact with anything. Can only wait for the game to catch up. Was never a problem until I got to baldurs gate.


Google employees use Google. They’re just better at it than you.

You can enter a lot of information about your search to narrow down your results if you just know how.


Some crimes punish themselves.


Not when it’s smashed to pieces, scattered all over a landfill


Their entire business model here is to maintain the whales who play at the top 1% level of Great Rifts that spend the most time in the game.

When that’s your business model, you can’t let players get too strong without having to spend a lot of time in the game. Because getting strong is the goal, so the more time you spend, the more invested you get, the more likely you are buying these extra things.

They need to feel stronger than others. So they can justify the time spent. But when everyone can be superman. Well, then no one is superman.


Don’t get your hopes up…


Surprised the battery lasted that long. My gold cartridge is dead since way back.


I agree. Here in Sweden we’ve had a huge surge in online casino ads on TV for the last 5 years. Maybe even more. Super annoying. Everyone hates them. But not much is done despite that.

Gamers who have gamed for a long time

do you find it difficult to get into games? I’ve got Epic Games and Steam Games libraries chock-full of classic top-tier games along with many other newer games like Stray or 2077, and a bunch of indie titles. I just can’t be bothered to download and install them, much less try to get into the characters and storylines. Used...


Play whatever you enjoy. Maybe you feel like you don’t have the time to sit down and invest yourself in a story die to other commitments like work or family. That’s normal.

It’s your free time. Gaming should be a fun hobby, not a chore.

Wish more games would have a “I have not played this in a month and need a quick recap” mode.


US homicide rates in 2020 were still not good… You’re rapidly heading back down to that level. Which is a good negative trend. But it’s still high. Really high.


It’s still really high compared to the global average. Why is that so difficult to accept?


I mean… pretty expected. Funny how so many seems to think Palestine = Gaza.

Yes, Gaza is part of Palestine. But there is more to palestine than just Gaza. Israel is not at war with Palestine (officially). They’re at war with Hamas. Which have been governing Gaza kind of like a city state for quite some time now.

Also, regardless of what you think about the situation. I think you’d have to be pretty optimistic, if you don’t think this will end with Gaza being reduced to rubble.


They’re not colonizing Palestine. They’re eradicating it.

And this has been going on for almost 80 years. Anything anyone does, is always, in response to some shitty thing someone did before. But fact of the matter is, Israel benefits more than Palistine to have a conflict. So much that the time when it actually looked like someone could talk both sides to a peaceful conclusion. Israel had him assassinated.


Look. I get that you heard that word somewhere. But everything isn’t colonizing.

Annexing would be a better description to what they’re doing.

Samsung joins Google in RCS shaming Apple (

Samsung has released a new video in support of Google’s #GetTheMessage campaign which calls for Apple to adopt RCS or “Rich Communication Services,” the cross-platform protocol pitched as a successor to SMS that adopts many of the features found in modern messaging apps… like Apple’s own iMessage.

Atomic, (edited )

Apple don’t want it because it removes part of their marketing strategy. (Being, if your friends have Apple, you also need apple)

Apple Users don’t know what it is.

You say you don’t know what it is or does. Yet you say you’d love to have it. That’s quite contradictory don’t you think?

And it WOULD impact their experience.

It amazes me that people like you, who don’t actually know or understand the topic, can be so vocal about your opinions and conclusions. About something you don’t know.

It’s the USB-C standard all over… “Apple and majority of their users don’t care”. And that’s still not what it’s about. It’s about setting a standard so we don’t need 9 different cables and 7 different apps, just to send a God damn picture or video.

Edit: I misread the comment. I take back what I said that’s striked over. My bad. Sorry.


My bad. I completely read that wrong. Could have sworn I saw a “not” in there.


Reading the comments, smiling at the fact that so much people complaining about is already illegal here and not a problem.

Personally. I’d make it illegal to start small talk about the fucking weather. I can see that’s raining too. Yes that is annoying. Haha, no I won’t put shampoo in my hair on my way home. I don’t know when it will stop. Do I look like a meteorologist?


From my experience men’s jeans are cheaper than women’s. And they have something very important that women’s jeans just don’t have. Decent pockets.


They’ll be executed because they’re not Muslim. And if they are Muslim. They’ll be executed anyway because they’re the wrong type of Muslim.


Fighting ISIS among other things.


Killing as many Kurds as possible. Among other things.


It lacks so many more things than just endgame.

You comparing D4 to D3 at launch is just ridiculous. That’s the standard you have? For it to be better than D3 launch? I’ve seen flash games better than D3 at launch. It’s not exactly an achievement.


I can’t exactly fault developers for focusing on 99.99% of customers that doesn’t have disabilities.


Just because someone has a disability, doesn’t mean it’s game-breaking. Yes, 8% of men are red/green colour-blind. But that doesn’t mean 100% of those can’t tell the colours apart. You can be more or less colour-blind. Or so my friend says, because he is colour-blind, but have never experienced that to be an issue in games. Red for him doesn’t look like red does to me. But he still knows what red is. And believe it or not. Most developers don’t exactly use a colour-blind test palette for their gameplay or menus.

Subtitles have been around since at least the playstation2 era. I feel like you would almost struggle to find a modern game that doesn’t have subtitles these days.

You may think my hyperbole is laughable but your response does nothing but follow suit. If you suffer from bad hearing, I’m sorry to say that you might not be able to fully experience a game with speakers. Might want to get a pair of headphones, so that you can 1. Amplify the volume if needed. and 2. raise or lower frequencies you can’t hear, into a range that you can hear. It’s going to sound a little distorted perhaps but at least you will be able to hear it. I’m sure developers do their best to create captions that are important. But I don’t think you understand just what a monumental task it would be to create an automated system for full CC captions of the ambience in a game.

And I’m sorry, did you just list lack of reflexes and reaction time as a disability to gaming? If you don’t have any arms, basketball might just not be for you. If you suffer from bad reaction time. Maybe pick a game that doesn’t rely on reaction time. That’s not on the devs. That’s on you.


Catering, and ignoring. are two completely different words with two completely different meanings. Did you read the article?

Everything they touch on is so incredibly vague that there is no way to make out what the problem actually is.

“fast-paced gameplay (34 per cent)”

34% complained about the gameplay being too fast-paced. What where they playing? No one knows. Could be sitting playing Call of Duty and raging about being 360 no scoped for all we know.

The article is vague on everything. And that’s always on purpose. They’re vague on purpose to maximize outrage. Oh this sounds horrible, look at this, the devs are not catering to disabled players. Should we mention that the kid with 1 hand is upset he can’t play CS:GO competitively? Nah, just call it “lack of customisable control options”


The sad part is that tomorrow they could release “Assasins Creed: Reflection”. And people would make the exact same mistake all over.

You know Ubisoft has a shit reputation. You know Bethesda is famous for broken, buggy, glitchy games. You know Blizzard Activision isn’t the same as old Blizzard. Don’t you guys have phones?

I didn’t buy this game. I didn’t buy Starfield, and I didn’t buy Diablo IV.

Anyone not blinded by hype could see this coming to all those games from a paid pre-alpha deluxe collectors gold season battle pass track booster mile away.


Paying for a pirated game? If I wanted to pay for it, I wouldn’t be looking into pirating it in the first place.

I also would not pirate anything at all because it’s illegal and I’m only speaking hypothetically.


In short, the pathing of units in AoE2 is primitive enough that it seemingly mimics the way ants move, giving them opertunities to test models in the game before trying it on real ants. That’s pretty neat. Someone, please make these guys an ant mod for the game


Scientists are stunned as they learn of ants forming a wrecking ball


It’s a very US-centric view because their states seemingly doesn’t enforce rules and regulations while also not having rent control. Creating a situation where landlords can demand pretty much whatever they want in a housing crisis while also not spending their revenue on actually maintaining the apartments they rent out.

The complaint is fair. For them.


Some in Swedish but I’ll write down the literal translations first. Some I can’t even begin to explain… kind of just have to be Swedish to get them

To cook soup on a nail. (Something impossible and ridiculous, can be used both seriously and ironically)

Clean as a watch (a smart solution, or good response to a problem can be, “clean as a watch”. The expression is never used to actually describe something that’s literally clean)

A bear favor (doing someone a favor that will do more harm than good, i.e. doing someone’s homework for them)

In the time of the Duke. (When something was just in time)

Ice in the stomach (to keep your cool and be patient)

Fire for the crows (Being wasteful with fuel, you’re basically just keeping your roof warm and cozy on the outside for the birds)

Acting like a larvae (being ridiculous and/or childish, not taking something seriously when you should)

And if you got this far down, I’ve got Spanish speaking extended family who sometimes call me what I’ve been told, literally means “lightbulb thief” (cause I’m tall I guess) but I forgot the Spanish word. Maybe someome can help me out with that.


It has the same meaning here. I guess it depends on how you say it. And maybe my explanation wasn’t the best either. But by making something out of nothing. You’ve done what could be considered impossible.

I think most of our idioms are interchangeable due to how close our cultures are. How do you say it in Norwegian? Spisa soppa på spik?


If they can send you, your own password in plain text. That’s already bad enough. Just not good practise.


Racism doesn’t require it to be systematic. The moment you dismiss someone based on their race and/or ethnicity it becomes racism. By definition.

Anyone can be racist. Anyone can experience racism. Just because it affects some more than others, doesn’t make it less racist.

The ethnicity of Europeans isn’t as easy as just. White, black and brown. You have white people being racist against other white people. Because they belong to a different white ethnicity than someone else. Racism isn’t limited.

Racism isn’t a fucking competition. Racism is racism.


Because they’ve idolized Russia for so long that to now admitt that they’re doing bad things is seen as a personal loss.

And some just genuinly believe the propaganda being fed to them. It’s very difficult to admit you were fooled and led to believe things that wasn’t true. It’s far easier to double down and confine yourself to an echo chamber where they can all agree that it’s somehow because NATO or US sponsored the Ukrainian uprising and rigged the Ukrainian election.

So when you think about it, they’re the good guys trying to restore order to Ukraine.

So… if someone is on the fringe. Don’t insult them. Dont belittle them. Welcome them, and congratulate their strength to say “I was wrong” without making them feel bad for doing it. Not directing that to you, just a statement in general.


Tricky subject with no easy answer. What I will say, is that I think the governments should not grant allowance to burn religious scripture, or destruction of important symbols outside of embassies. That I think is 100% taking it too far. You are now purposefully, intending to incite a group of people. And there is no doubt that, that is your intent.

Personally I’ve been back and forth on my stance as I’ve reflected on the proposal, various arguments for and against, and my thoughts. I’m leaning towards it shouldnt be banned in public in general. But it should not be allowed directly outside of embassies as the only intention to wanting to do that is to incite others.


Not nope. You do not have the freedom to incite violence.

Come up with a better argument than “freedom is freedom” because that simply does not exist.

You also do not have the freedom to roam the streets nude.

We have freedom of speech and freedom of expression. That doesn’t mean you can say anything you want. You can’t express yourself in any way you want.

Hate speech is not protected speech here.

And it’s not about giving in to extremeists. They may want the same thing. That doesn’t mean it’s the reason for it.

If you have an actual argument for your stance. Please share it.

You seem to think I’m offended by burning books. I’m not. Doesn’t mean I can’t understand the viewpoint that it can be seen as incitement.


As mentioned already. You can justify it by classifying the action as incitement.

Incitement is illegal. What the bill proposes. Is to classify burning of religious texts as incitement.

The reaction to the burnings can also be illegal, if that reaction is violence and/or threat of violence. Two wrongs doesn’t make a right.

The violent reactions are also not the only ones. Those are just the ones you hear about, because making an article of how some people talk about why they think it’s wrong and hateful in a peaceful way just doesn’t sell as many papers or generate nearly as many clicks.


Right. But we’re not talking about where you are from. We’re talking about where this bill is ongoing. Which is Denmark. What is and isn’t allowed elsewhere isn’t really relevant now is it?


What? There doesn’t have to be a violent response for something to be incitement.

Do you understand what incitement means? It’s what we call actions that intend to provoke unlawful behavior.

There does not need to be a response for something to be provokiotive. The question is. How much provocation us too much.

You have to balance freedom against what is too much provocation. We do it all the time. If you go into town and just start to insult random people. You might be charged with disturbance of the peace. Freedom isn’t limitless.

You can be charged with “Incitement against ethnic/religious groups” that is already illegal. And we decided those are actions punishable by law. That already exists.

They are arguing that burning their holy scripture in public, is a form of hateful incitement. That it is inciting enough that it shouldn’t be allowed in public.

Others are arguing that it is not inciting enough to be deemed unlawful. Even if done in public.

You are, and will be allowed to burn whatever book you want in private. No one is banning that. No one is taking that right away from you. This is solely about if it should be allowed in public. If it’s just a form of protest. Or if it is too inciting.

Personally. In general. I don’t think it is too inciting to be banned in public. Unless done outside of embassies or religious buildings. I think that’s too far, that is too inciting with the sole purpose of needless incitement.

If your opinion differ that’s fine.


Let me be more specific. You are not allowed to be butt naken in the streets of copenhagen. That would be disorderly conduct.

You do not have the freedom to be naked wherever you please.

The argument of “freedom is freedom” is not a good one. Because that doesn’t exist anywhere. Your freedom is always limited one way or the other.


If you are confident in you assessment. I implore you to go and try it out for yourself. Please.

You can repeat that phrase as many times are you wish. It doesn’t make it true.

You are bound by the laws and responsibilities that come with being a citizen of whatever country you’re a citizen of. Some may have more freedom than others. But if you truly believe that your freedom doesn’t have any bounds. You are nothing but disillusioned.

Go 1 year without paying your taxes, and you’ll see just how much freedom you truly have.


Steam can also leverage their insanely huge userbase. Even with the 30% cut, a company will probably see more profits if they use steam and give up 30% than trying to launch it outside.

At this point. The 30% is just the cost of doing business


I like how OPs response to your comment was nothing but sarcasm. You didn’t insult, you didn’t belittle. Just a very straight up explanation arguing your point that Russia made their own bed and now have to sleep in it.

I suppose that was too much reason for them to handle.

They claim orgs from 33 countries have signed up. Would be interesting to see which ones. If even true.


So, the organizers email is listen on their page as


I guess that’s: [email protected]

Would be a shame if their email was signed up on a bunch of shady porn sites.

Their website also looks like it was made in 2005…


I’m born 94. I remember mowing lawns of the neighborhood and selling all of my pokemon cards in 2006 because my parents explain to me we were struggling. They didn’t ask me to do it. I did it on my own. Because I wanted to help.

I didn’t need to be and adult to experience an economic crisis. And it didn’t exactly stop in 2007 either now did it?

I remember 2001 as well. It was a very big deal.

Y2k was nothing. Or so I was told when I asked what the fuzz is about. Since some people acted like the Mayan calendar was coming to an end.

So I don’t see why you feel like you need to gatekeep who did and didn’t “genuinly” experience certain events. Those who knows, knows. Isn’t that enough?


You say they are different. That’s true. But that doesn’t make it any less genuine or felt.

I may have been 12 when the economy turned sour in 2006. But so what? I can Guarantee you, I felt that just as much as anyone else.

Good for you that you were insulated from protests and strikes. I cant say I was insulated from an economy that collapsed. I didn’t lose a job. Because I didn’t have one. But that doesn’t really seem to matter at all when I was affected by it just like everyone else.

I didn’t lose a job. But I had to eat oatmeal 3 times a day. I chose to sell my stuff and do extra work to provide some extra money to my household. Because times were rough. So tell me again how me being a kid matters?


No. That is not what I’m arguing. Would you like to read my comment again and apply more than a kindergarten level of reading comprehension?

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