Interested in Linux, FOSS, data storage systems, unfucking our society and a bit of gaming.

Nixpkgs committer. (Probably won’t be active much anymore.)

This profile is from a federated server and may be incomplete. Browse more on the original instance.

Atemu, avatar

I can tell you that my Celeron J4105 (the N100’s predecessor) can run paperless and most other NAS/home server tasks just fine. I haven’t dabbled with Immich and its ML though. The 10W are pretty accurate. With hard drives, HBAs and PSU inefficiency, my home server comes out to about 20W from the wall under full load IIRC.

Also look out for RAM extensibility; you probably want 32GB in the not too distant future.

Atemu, avatar

Well, according to ark the J4105 also only supports 8G and mine’s been running 16G ever since I got it.

Atemu, avatar

This release is from August. What you linked is probably just auto-generated blogspam.

Atemu, avatar

Indeed. You should rather post the blog post itself then; it explains that they’re posting it a couple months after the release.

I still don’t see any value in posting a blogspam article announcing the release from 4 months ago with little to no extra insights that the actual new thing (the blog post) contains.

Atemu, avatar

You’re basically looking for DRM and I’m not aware of any DRM system that you as a non-media-conglomerate can use.

I’m also not aware of DRM that is actually effective. It’s mostly snake oil or, at best, “please don’t steal”-signs.
The ultimate Achilles’ heel of any DRM system is the analog hole: As soon as the user has an image on their screen, they can take a photo of said screen and share that in any way they want.

As with multi-media piracy, you cannot solve this issue using technology.

(solved) I can't get my linux system to run properly

I chose to use opensuse tw kde based on some vm tests. The installation was easy but for some reason the video playback on youtube is terrible. It stutters. First thing I did after install was to use opi to install codecs. Then I used Yast to get the Nvidia repo. Lastly, I used the software manager to install the video g06...

Atemu, avatar

If this is a VM, video playback stutters do not surprise me one bit. There’s many layers between the video and the image you see on screen here and they’re not optimised for viewing fidelity. This is likely not due to Linux but because you’re running this inside a with an emulated GPU. GUIs in VMs usually suck.

Optional codecs won’t help for Youtube since they serve royalty-free codecs such as VP9 or AV1 most of the time rather than patent-encoumbered codecs such as H.264 and free codecs are always installed.
That would also not fix stutters, only videos not playing back at all (because there’d be no decoder that could).

If this is a VM, installing the Nvidia driver also won’t do anything because the machine has no access to your host’s GPU. Not that the nvidia driver would change anything about videos since no sane browser supports their proprietary crap driver, so it’s software decoding either way.

You should try this on real hardware. You technically don’t even need to install as most GUI distros have a graphical installer with Firefox etc. pre-installed that you can use to test this.

If you have an Nvidia GPU, I’d recommend you to try !pop_os.

Atemu, avatar

These can however get stuck sometimes. It’s harmless but you can fix it by re-subscribing and then reloading the page.

Atemu, avatar

Haha you see, that’s the trick: It’s not your game. Our corporate overlords in their absolute perfection merely granted you permission to temporarily enjoy their impeccable creation. Hail them.

You will own nothing and you will like it. See this new amazing GamePassCloudStreamXNextWowUltime service we’re offering? It’s super cheap! (For now.)

Atemu, avatar

While this may be true today, note that European countries (well, the rich ones anyways) might just be behind the curve here. We’re certainly on our way towards a U.S.-style disaster.

It’s very hard to generalise this though as cultures here are very heterogenous here. You’d never in 100 years expect the Dutch to fall for the car industry’s strategy of getting everyone dependant on cars to anywhere near the same degree as the U.S. has while you absolutely couldn’t say the same about Germany; we love sucking on those exhaust pipes (especially our politicians).

Atemu, avatar

This is a common misbelief.

There’s a small subset of U.S. citizens who do live in the middle of bumfuck nowhere and actually do need a personal vehicle to get around. The vast majority does not.

Atemu, avatar

My argument does not hinge on any arbitrary state borders. Read again.

Atemu, avatar

You should be spending very little time, if any, in that folder.

Hahaha, tell that to

Atemu, avatar

Were you using the Google espionage services on GOS? If so, you’d likely gain a little privacy because of µG.

Some devices can lock the bootloader but that’s not a generally supported feature on /e/OS.

Wie viel Geld gebt ihr fürs Rasieren aus?

Vor etwa 10 Jahren hatte Gillette mal einen Werbeslogan “Rasieren für nur 1€ pro Tag”. Was ich sehr teuer fand. Schnellvorwärts auf heute und Rasierinfluencer auf Youtube sind nicht nur real, sondern sie erzählen mir auch, dass man mit ihrem superteuren Rasierhobel im Affiliatelink 75€ im Jahr spart, weil die Klingen...

Atemu, avatar

Stromkosten nahe 0 für den Elektrorasierer, der mir vor vielen Jahren mal geschenkt wurde.

Atemu, avatar

Why bother with such micro optimisations when the purpose is to be used extremely infrequently for compatibility reasons?

What distro would you recommend for a 32-bit old Acer One laptop? (

It's an old model (Acer One D257) Processor is Intel Atom. Memory is 1GB DDR3 with 320 GB of HDD. I currently Have MX 21 running on it, but I need to reinstall because I forgot the root password. Since I'm reinstalling the OS, I thought I'd ask here for recommendations for an OS that makes the most of this oldie.

Atemu, avatar

See if you can get the memory upgraded. DDR3 SO-DIMMs should be dirt cheap.

I’d also get a cheap SSD aswell, especially if this is for a child who might not be very careful with the machine.

Atemu, avatar

there’s a different nvidia driver for each kernel version. Already a stupid design

That’s not a stupid design at all. A nvidia kernel module artifact is only compatible with exactly one kernel ABI. Thus you need one binary nvidia package for each kernel you ship.

Arch also has one package for every kernel ABI they ship: nvidia and nvidia-lts.
Though it should be noted that their design assumes that these two ABIs are the only possible ABIs which isn’t strictly the case as the zen, hardened or RT variants may sometimes lag behind their regular counterpart. That’s a stupid design if anything as it increases the friction of kernel ABI upgrades as a kernel package maintainer.

We at NixOS also ship the nvidia module for each of our ~50 kernel variants; all major versions of the Nvidia module compatible with that kernel in fact.
The only possible way to access these nvidia kernel modules is via a certain kernel’s linuxPackages attribute set that contains all packages that rely on a kernel ABI such as kernel modules or packages like perf. That’s good design if you ask me but I’m obviously biased ;)

Atemu, avatar

These aren’t all versions per se but mostly variants, versions and versions of variants. For example, we have packaged the xanmod kernel which is a modified kernel optimised for desktop use but it has two variants: Main and LTS. We have packaged both.

Here are the names of all of our kernels currently to give you an idea (as a JSON list):

<span style="color:#323232;">[
</span><span style="color:#323232;">  </span><span style="color:#183691;">"linuxPackages"</span><span style="color:#323232;">,
</span><span style="color:#323232;">  </span><span style="color:#183691;">"linuxPackages-libre"</span><span style="color:#323232;">,
</span><span style="color:#323232;">  </span><span style="color:#183691;">"linuxPackages-rt"</span><span style="color:#323232;">,
</span><span style="color:#323232;">  </span><span style="color:#183691;">"linuxPackages-rt_latest"</span><span style="color:#323232;">,
</span><span style="color:#323232;">  </span><span style="color:#183691;">"linuxPackages_4_14"</span><span style="color:#323232;">,
</span><span style="color:#323232;">  </span><span style="color:#183691;">"linuxPackages_4_19"</span><span style="color:#323232;">,
</span><span style="color:#323232;">  </span><span style="color:#183691;">"linuxPackages_4_19_hardened"</span><span style="color:#323232;">,
</span><span style="color:#323232;">  </span><span style="color:#183691;">"linuxPackages_4_9"</span><span style="color:#323232;">,
</span><span style="color:#323232;">  </span><span style="color:#183691;">"linuxPackages_5_10"</span><span style="color:#323232;">,
</span><span style="color:#323232;">  </span><span style="color:#183691;">"linuxPackages_5_10_hardened"</span><span style="color:#323232;">,
</span><span style="color:#323232;">  </span><span style="color:#183691;">"linuxPackages_5_15"</span><span style="color:#323232;">,
</span><span style="color:#323232;">  </span><span style="color:#183691;">"linuxPackages_5_15_hardened"</span><span style="color:#323232;">,
</span><span style="color:#323232;">  </span><span style="color:#183691;">"linuxPackages_5_18"</span><span style="color:#323232;">,
</span><span style="color:#323232;">  </span><span style="color:#183691;">"linuxPackages_5_19"</span><span style="color:#323232;">,
</span><span style="color:#323232;">  </span><span style="color:#183691;">"linuxPackages_5_4"</span><span style="color:#323232;">,
</span><span style="color:#323232;">  </span><span style="color:#183691;">"linuxPackages_5_4_hardened"</span><span style="color:#323232;">,
</span><span style="color:#323232;">  </span><span style="color:#183691;">"linuxPackages_6_0"</span><span style="color:#323232;">,
</span><span style="color:#323232;">  </span><span style="color:#183691;">"linuxPackages_6_1"</span><span style="color:#323232;">,
</span><span style="color:#323232;">  </span><span style="color:#183691;">"linuxPackages_6_1_hardened"</span><span style="color:#323232;">,
</span><span style="color:#323232;">  </span><span style="color:#183691;">"linuxPackages_6_2"</span><span style="color:#323232;">,
</span><span style="color:#323232;">  </span><span style="color:#183691;">"linuxPackages_6_3"</span><span style="color:#323232;">,
</span><span style="color:#323232;">  </span><span style="color:#183691;">"linuxPackages_6_4"</span><span style="color:#323232;">,
</span><span style="color:#323232;">  </span><span style="color:#183691;">"linuxPackages_6_5"</span><span style="color:#323232;">,
</span><span style="color:#323232;">  </span><span style="color:#183691;">"linuxPackages_6_5_hardened"</span><span style="color:#323232;">,
</span><span style="color:#323232;">  </span><span style="color:#183691;">"linuxPackages_6_6"</span><span style="color:#323232;">,
</span><span style="color:#323232;">  </span><span style="color:#183691;">"linuxPackages_custom"</span><span style="color:#323232;">,
</span><span style="color:#323232;">  </span><span style="color:#183691;">"linuxPackages_custom_tinyconfig_kernel"</span><span style="color:#323232;">,
</span><span style="color:#323232;">  </span><span style="color:#183691;">"linuxPackages_hardened"</span><span style="color:#323232;">,
</span><span style="color:#323232;">  </span><span style="color:#183691;">"linuxPackages_latest"</span><span style="color:#323232;">,
</span><span style="color:#323232;">  </span><span style="color:#183691;">"linuxPackages_latest-libre"</span><span style="color:#323232;">,
</span><span style="color:#323232;">  </span><span style="color:#183691;">"linuxPackages_latest_hardened"</span><span style="color:#323232;">,
</span><span style="color:#323232;">  </span><span style="color:#183691;">"linuxPackages_latest_xen_dom0"</span><span style="color:#323232;">,
</span><span style="color:#323232;">  </span><span style="color:#183691;">"linuxPackages_latest_xen_dom0_hardened"</span><span style="color:#323232;">,
</span><span style="color:#323232;">  </span><span style="color:#183691;">"linuxPackages_lqx"</span><span style="color:#323232;">,
</span><span style="color:#323232;">  </span><span style="color:#183691;">"linuxPackages_rpi0"</span><span style="color:#323232;">,
</span><span style="color:#323232;">  </span><span style="color:#183691;">"linuxPackages_rpi02w"</span><span style="color:#323232;">,
</span><span style="color:#323232;">  </span><span style="color:#183691;">"linuxPackages_rpi1"</span><span style="color:#323232;">,
</span><span style="color:#323232;">  </span><span style="color:#183691;">"linuxPackages_rpi2"</span><span style="color:#323232;">,
</span><span style="color:#323232;">  </span><span style="color:#183691;">"linuxPackages_rpi3"</span><span style="color:#323232;">,
</span><span style="color:#323232;">  </span><span style="color:#183691;">"linuxPackages_rpi4"</span><span style="color:#323232;">,
</span><span style="color:#323232;">  </span><span style="color:#183691;">"linuxPackages_rt_5_10"</span><span style="color:#323232;">,
</span><span style="color:#323232;">  </span><span style="color:#183691;">"linuxPackages_rt_5_15"</span><span style="color:#323232;">,
</span><span style="color:#323232;">  </span><span style="color:#183691;">"linuxPackages_rt_5_4"</span><span style="color:#323232;">,
</span><span style="color:#323232;">  </span><span style="color:#183691;">"linuxPackages_rt_6_1"</span><span style="color:#323232;">,
</span><span style="color:#323232;">  </span><span style="color:#183691;">"linuxPackages_testing"</span><span style="color:#323232;">,
</span><span style="color:#323232;">  </span><span style="color:#183691;">"linuxPackages_testing_bcachefs"</span><span style="color:#323232;">,
</span><span style="color:#323232;">  </span><span style="color:#183691;">"linuxPackages_xanmod"</span><span style="color:#323232;">,
</span><span style="color:#323232;">  </span><span style="color:#183691;">"linuxPackages_xanmod_latest"</span><span style="color:#323232;">,
</span><span style="color:#323232;">  </span><span style="color:#183691;">"linuxPackages_xanmod_stable"</span><span style="color:#323232;">,
</span><span style="color:#323232;">  </span><span style="color:#183691;">"linuxPackages_xen_dom0"</span><span style="color:#323232;">,
</span><span style="color:#323232;">  </span><span style="color:#183691;">"linuxPackages_xen_dom0_hardened"</span><span style="color:#323232;">,
</span><span style="color:#323232;">  </span><span style="color:#183691;">"linuxPackages_zen"
</span><span style="color:#323232;">]

(Note that some of these are aliases; linuxPackages_latest is currently linuxPackages_6_6 for example.)

Each of these has the following nvidiaPackages (modulo incompatibilities):

<span style="color:#323232;">[
</span><span style="color:#323232;">  </span><span style="color:#183691;">"beta"</span><span style="color:#323232;">,
</span><span style="color:#323232;">  </span><span style="color:#183691;">"dc"</span><span style="color:#323232;">,
</span><span style="color:#323232;">  </span><span style="color:#183691;">"dc_520"</span><span style="color:#323232;">,
</span><span style="color:#323232;">  </span><span style="color:#183691;">"latest"</span><span style="color:#323232;">,
</span><span style="color:#323232;">  </span><span style="color:#183691;">"legacy_340"</span><span style="color:#323232;">,
</span><span style="color:#323232;">  </span><span style="color:#183691;">"legacy_390"</span><span style="color:#323232;">,
</span><span style="color:#323232;">  </span><span style="color:#183691;">"legacy_470"</span><span style="color:#323232;">,
</span><span style="color:#323232;">  </span><span style="color:#183691;">"production"</span><span style="color:#323232;">,
</span><span style="color:#323232;">  </span><span style="color:#183691;">"stable"</span><span style="color:#323232;">,
</span><span style="color:#323232;">  </span><span style="color:#183691;">"vulkan_beta"
</span><span style="color:#323232;">]

(Again, some of these are aliases.)

This is useful to have because users might have hardware constraints. It’s not hard to imagine a scenario where a user might have a WiFi chip that only works with kernel ABIs < 5.4 and require the 470 nvidia driver for their old GPU. Packaging just the latest kernel and just the latest Nvidia driver would make this user unable to use their system.

Atemu, avatar

Make it redirect to whatever the current PM’s website is.

Atemu, avatar

<span style="color:#323232;">ncdu ~/.cache/
Atemu, avatar

Yeah, something like that. Something that still sounds very much like your name but is comprehensible to Spanish people.

Atemu, avatar

Don’t. Use a proper package manager for permanent installation of things. There’s a reason we have those.

Atemu, avatar

That and ease of deployment.

If you as a developer wanted a non-technical user to test a thing you fixed for them, you could ask them to try an AppImage from your CI pipeline and they would easily be able to install it. They’re great for that.

Also, trying out a package can leave unwanted system state around in traditional imperative system package managers. AppImages OTOH are self-contained and user-installable.

Atemu, avatar

have google privacy issues been replaced

Note that, while µG minimises data sent to Google, if an app uses Google’s services in any way or has its own Google analytics or whatever, Google privacy issues still exist. Though in most cases to a much lesser degree.

Atemu, avatar

Yeah, as a nixos-unstable user, you’ve been running “23.11” for the past 6 months ;)

Google Researchers’ Attack Prompts ChatGPT to Reveal Its Training Data (

ChatGPT is full of sensitive private information and spits out verbatim text from CNN, Goodreads, WordPress blogs, fandom wikis, Terms of Service agreements, Stack Overflow source code, Wikipedia pages, news blogs, random internet comments, and much more....

Atemu, avatar


Spam calls and texts are driving me fing crazy anyone have suggestions?

After repeated data breaches that no company really seems to give a s— about my phone is blowing up with literally hundreds of spam calls and texts month. I get and make MAAAAYBE 2 or 3 important calls per month, 180-200 of the rest are literally all spam. Anyone have any suggestions, apps ect that they have found refuge with?...

Atemu, avatar

That reminds me, STT, TTS and a tiny LLM are feasible to run on phone hardware these days. You could conceivably build something like Google’s data gobbling solution but fully local and offline.

Atemu, avatar

gov-enforced list of numbers that you are forbidden to call for advertisement. If there is one, put your number there.

As a scam caller from some country the US has no influence over, that would be a great resource!

Atemu, avatar

Sounds like your flatmate should invest in a lawyer. That company probably owes them a ton of money.

Atemu, avatar

Funny story but that’s how the patent law works in Germany and I believe at least Japan aswell. I don’t know about other places but I wouldn’t be surprised if this applied to the majority of the industrialised world.

If you come up with an idea that could be patented while employed, you must to tell your employer about it and offer it to them. In return, they must either register it themselves and give you an appropriate compensation or decline ownership of it; allowing you to register it yourself.

Rationale behind that, if you work in i.e. IT and invent an IT-related thing after you’ve clocked out for the day, you probably wouldn’t have had the idea if you hadn’t spent the majority of your day working on the topic for a couple years.

I think this is actually quite fair as, even if the company decides to keep it for themselves, it’d register, use, license and defend the patent for you (for a great cut of course).

Atemu, avatar

I’ve been prohibited from expressing a political opinion in public

That doesn’t sound enforceable unless you’re an official representative of the company.

Atemu, avatar

it’s become more of a community for general, genuine questions, rather than one seeking subjective experience or thoughts.

I wasn’t around back then but I’m pretty sure it was the same for AskReddit back in the days.

One of the most famous Reddit posts is an AskReddit question where the user somehow set their Reddit interface to Spanish and asked for tech support setting it back to English and everyone responded in Spanish which is hilarious.
Such a question would instantly be removed in modern AskReddit. Well at least it would have a few months ago before the apocalypse, I don’t know about the current state of affairs.

Atemu, avatar

Hm, copying the first link “without site tracking” still gives me this:…/B0B3CLN8PX/?_encoding=UTF8&amp;p…

Atemu, avatar

There’s no such thing as a FOSS service. The software they use might be FOSS but a service cannot be.

There are free services that are genuinely free but they have nothing to do with FOSS.

Atemu, avatar


I don’t think the release these bridge apps on BSDs or smaller OSs

As long as your weird OS is supported by Go, you should be able to build and use it.

I don’t see them not releasing binary builds for such niche platforms as a strong argument.

you’re forced to use their apps on Android & iOS

I see nothing preventing the use of an alternative client.

Besides, both clients are FOSS:

These free-tier-loss-leading strategies are expensive too.

As a paying PM user, I think it’s fine. I can afford to pay ~$50/year for something as basic as e-mail. Not everyone is as privileged as me though and it’s great that they can have a slightly less featureful version for free.

Privacy in the most basic element of modern communication shouldn’t be reserved for the privileged.


Could you point me to the “heavy” advertising? I’ve yet to see any.

Atemu, avatar

The code? Free and Open Source Software.

An instance of the software running as a service? A service.

The official Bitwarden service has a free and a more featureful paid tier.
Element offers paid hosting as a service with a limited free tier.
OSM isn’t software?
Mastodon and Lemmy are hosted and financed by individuals or organisations who usually choose to offer their service free of charge.

All of these are FOSS underneath but have very different costs. There is a difference between commercial for-profit services (BW, Element) and non-profit/public benefit ones (Lemmy, Mastodon) with the latter usually being free of charge.

There’s very little difference between a commercial FOSS application as a service and a commercial non-free software as a service.
For example, you could also buy Slack as a service as opposed to Element. In the end it’s a bill of $x/user/month. Nothing “free” about that other than the hosted software’s source code.

Atemu, avatar

you still have to use their clients on mobile OSs even if you prefer running a client like K-9

If you made K-9 speak their protocol, I’m sure that would work. Additionally, there’s also nothing preventing you from running the bridge on your Android (or whatever) device; it’s a statically linked Go binary.

What your point boils down to is basically that they don’t use or support IMAP. In order for IMAP to work however, the mail server must have access to all of your emails in plain text.
Do you see how that’s an issue when your service is intended to provide privacy to the user? The fact that PM cannot read your emails at rest (even if they wanted to) is one of PM’s explicit selling points. See

This is the primary reason why PM (and Tutanota for that matter) don’t support IMAP. As a software engineer, I can also imagine they wouldn’t want to base their entire operations around such an old and crufty protocol though.

Where I definitely don’t agree tho is the free-tier thing.

That’s fine. I can see both sides. Though, as stated, I’m clearly in the “socialistic” “pay more to support less affluent people” approach to commercial services product camp.

Having access to the bridge cut off as well as not {Cal,Card}DAV is a real pain that forces the premium subscription

For us power users who need that, yes, that’s the point. We should pay.

For your average Joe, they get a fancy web UI calendar and calendar app for free; just like they do with Google but private. I personally find that quite amazing.

If there was no free tier to subsidize everyone could pay a lot less & get “premium” features others deem as essential.

[citation needed]

Atemu, avatar

That doesn’t change the fact that they’re services, not software. These are fundamentally different things.

Atemu, avatar

The software is the “primary component” but a service is far more than just a piece of software.

It’s providing infrastructure for the software to run in, maintaining said infrastructure, providing support to customers, billing/accounting, hiring people to do all of that etc. I’d even go as far as saying that the software being hosted ifself plays no major role in the service part.

Atemu, avatar

It’s also not altruistic to pay more for to subsidize in the manner you are alluding too

Whether something is altruistic or not is more of a philosophical debate.

Fact of the matter remains that unprivileged people using PM for free is only possible because us paying users pay at least slightly more. I don’t care whether that’s altruistic or not.

My affordable provider encrypts their servers & the account storage just fine without needing to reinvent the old, tested protocol

That’s nice but that’s just simple disk encryption at rest. That’s not at all comparable to zero-access encryption. Please read the Link in my last reply.

Atemu, avatar

And now you get to be the only one who breaks your system on a regular basis ;)

Signal leaked random contacts to me! (

When I press on some message to forward it, it shows me Random usernames of contacts I don’t know. And it even shows some Mobile Numbers I don’t know. For example, one number starts with +964 that’s Iraq. I’m from Europe tho. These contacts and numbers are from all over the place....

Atemu, avatar

Could it be that these are spam numbers that tried to reach you at some point but were blocked before they could?

Atemu, avatar

You are also DuckDuckGo’s, StartPage’s and Qwant’s products. They sell your space on screen for ads. Now, they haven’t enshittificatied to nearly the same degree as Google and full enshittification happening is of course not a given but making the user a product is basically step #1 to enshittification.

With Kagi, the product is the search engine service. You pay money and in return you get search results, lenses, bangs and all those neat little features. You are not being sold to 3rd parties. (At least not right now but I honestly don’t see that happening any time soon.)

Atemu, avatar

Their operations are very small scale still. I imagine as the economy of scale does its thing, that price/search will fall drastically.

Atemu, avatar

You also have no idea what kagi is doing with your data

We in fact do have an idea what they do and don’t do:

  • Searches are anonymous and private to you. Kagi does not log and associate searches with an account.
  • We do not log or store your IP address. Your IP address is used only temporarily when enriching location/maps searches, and is not shared with any other party.
  • We only store cookies needed for site functionality.
  • We do not use any web browser analytics or other frontend telemetry.
  • We do not display any ads, or have any first-party or third-party tracking in service of ads.
  • We do not share customer data with third parties, except as needed to perform explicitly accessed services. In those cases, we will share the minimum amount of data needed to provide the service, and will do so in an anonymous way.
  • We collect only the data needed to provide and protect the service.
  • We proxy all images to prevent tracking from third parties.
  • We use HTTPS encryption everywhere. All passwords are hashed and salted.

These terms are legally binding. If they did log searches despite these terms, that could end their business.

it’s inherently eventually unprivate since it relies on a login.

Not anonymous != unprivate.

Even if it was, I don’t think it’s different for all of the other search engines. For example: I do not believe for one second that Google can’t identify you without being logged into your account; even with all the blocklisting your typical ad-blocker does.
Go try and fool if you want to go try how little even things like incognito mode help against identification on the web and this is all just relatively simple client-side analysis without behaviour tracking.

There is nothing wrong with ads

I disagree that there is nothing wrong with modern propaganda but that’s a topic for another discussion.

The search results on free search engines are also the product here, since they only get paid from using them for results.

No. That’s the thing, they’re not. Search results only serve to attract users. They only need to be good enough to be acceptable to users; everything beyond that is a waste of time and money from a business perspective.
They receive exactly $0 from you as a user. There is no sale contract between you. Therefore, you are not their customer, you are the product they sell to their actual customers.

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