Interested in programming, politics (especially local politics), law (especially copyright/patent law).

Nazi's and genocide deniers can fuck right off. For the love of all that isn't evil stop using lemmy and providing genocide deniers power.

This profile is from a federated server and may be incomplete. Browse more on the original instance.

AshDene, avatar

Ugh, and 10A somehow also hasn't been banned yet (and a quick check to his profile shows that he isn't just still making bad-faith arguments about "free speech" but is also still spreading xenophobia, fake news about the last election, and so on).

I'm out. Anyone know of a kbin (not lemmy) instance with reasonably good moderation?

AshDene, avatar

I'm not expecting perfection, but there hasn't even been visible commitment to a strong moderation policy. ernst has as far as I can tell remained mostly silent on the matter, occasionally deflecting to "tools aren't ready yet", but also not really committing to what he wants to be done with the tools.

10A is a particularly prolific problematic user, and as a single user (unlike the flood of porn spam) it's a simple matter to ban him. It should not have been a hard decision to make by now.

Personally, a bit over a month ago, I defined banning 10A (as well as one other individual) as the canary that would let me consider recommending other people come here. I was willing to give it some time, but it hasn't happened yet. Whether this is an explicit policy of weak moderation, or simply an accidental one thanks to putting it at too low a priority, I don't know. But I don't particularly want to be on a site that I don't feel comfortable recommending other people use. So I'm taking my own (lack of) recommendation for now and going to take a long break from this site.

AshDene, avatar

And my comment. In a private window I can see that he replied to my comment as well, despite the fact that I blocked him, so blocks are still not working properly apparently.

AshDene, avatar

Republicans have traditionally been the party of "regulation doesn't work, elect me and I can prove it to you".

Maybe Musk is just taking the logical counter-part to this "regulation doesn't work, put me in charge of a heavily regulated company and I can prove it to you".

Florida bans AP psychology over gender identity, sexual orientation lessons | Orlando Sentinel (

ORLANDO, Fla. — Florida will not allow public school students to take Advanced Placement psychology because the course includes lessons on sexual orientation and gender identity, topics forbidden by the state, the College Board said Thursday. That could mean that a week before school starts in many districts, about 5,000...

AshDene, avatar

On what basis would it?

Surely the government is allowed to teach what courses are run in government run schools by government employees in general. I mean, someone has to, and who else would it be?

Or if you're referring to the religion aspect of the first amendment... this seems religiously neutral?

The constitution doesn't ban bad governance, just some particularly easy to enumerate forms of it.

AshDene, avatar

Olive oil?

You wouldn't live long, but compared to the other options you're listing...

AshDene, avatar

This is just completely untrue. Musk founded SpaceX from nothing, there was no prior entity he acquired or invested in.

There are lots of legitimate reasons to dislike Musk, there's really no need to make up lies about him to justify having an extremely low opinion of him.

What does blocking someone actually do? (

What does blocking on kbin actually do? I’m asking because it seems incomplete, to put it mildly. If you block someone, they can still see what you post and reply to you and you’re still sent notifications of their replies, even though you can’t see the comment itself (or any replies other people make to comments of an...

/kbin logotype
AshDene, avatar

Just wanted to chime in that I had the same experience. I was rather unsatisfied with the fact that a user I blocked could apparently see (while logged in) and reply to my comment at all.

If blocking someone is just license for them to make terrible replies to my comments without giving me the chance to answer them... that's unsatisfying.

AshDene, to politics avatar

I'm neither an expert nor an american, but the idea that RFK Jr running as a third party candidate will hurt the democrats seems strange to me.

His policies, which can be summed up as "deny reality", align very closely with the modern republican party, not the democrats. It's hard to imagine that he would pull more votes away from Biden than Trump. Are there some people who would vote based on name recognition? Maybe... but surely it can't be that many? Meanwhile "Trump but not a rapist" must appeal to a number of the evangelical republicans...


AshDene, avatar

The word "potentially" is doing a lot of work there.

In many cases of piracy, the result of not pirating the work would not have been more income for the rights holder, it would have been the person just not acquiring a copy of the work at all.

Wife's boss is on a power trip. Is this legal?

My wife works in a restaurant, and the power-tripping manager has instituted a new policy where all shift changes must be approved by management. I think that is reasonable enough, but they’re also asking the originally-scheduled employee why they are switching shifts, then approving or denying based on the answer....

AshDene, avatar

Yeah, I don't know what Colorado's laws are on this in general, but even if it's technically legal it seems like a huge risk that someone is going to plausibly allege that given the specific facts denying them time off was race/religion/family status/... discrimination. It might be legal (don't know), but it's a stupid policy for a number of reasons.

AshDene, avatar

Eh, the gender imbalance is bad, but not 0/12 bad... here are some stats

AshDene, avatar

Isn't the fact that he's repulsive sort of the whole complaint?

AshDene, (edited ) avatar

The entire paper is already sub-field (AI) in industry (software engineering) specific. No stats are perfect, but I think these ones are pretty damn good for something where peoples role are pretty poorly determined in the first place. Of course you're welcome to try and find better ones.

The "pure tech" companies I've worked at have been roughly equivalent or better than these stats, but at that point I'm sampling from software engineers in general (not having worked at an AI specific company), and my sample is unlikely to be unbiased anyways.

AshDene, to apple avatar

Apple's Vision Pro is incredibly cheap. Low in price, not expensive.

It's easy to get sticker shock because so are all modern computers, and it's ever so slightly less incredibly cheap, but it's still incredibly cheap.

The general rule of thumb for pricing is to start by asking "how much value does this provide to the purchaser" and try and price it just under that. The average professional uses a computer as their main tool of trade, it is absolutely necessary for their trade, and makes them $$$/year. Apart from competition driving prices down, that's how much computers would cost. The vision pro is an order of magnitude below that price. If you view it as targeted at the class of people that fly around the world constantly (and thus can't use a desktop) it might even be two orders of magnitude below that price.

The average American owns 4/5ths of a car (including kids and so on in that statistic). The average price of a new car in the US is just shy of $50,000. That's an order of magnitude more than the Vision Pro costs. Indeed just the difference between the sale price and the base models of a car is an order of magnitude more than the Vision Pro costs. To suggest that there isn't a population that can afford to buy (new) computers at Vision Pro prices is ridiculous.

While we're at it, for a good portion of the population computers are more important than cars, despite the fact that they spend an order of magnitude more on cars than computers.

All this is to say, the money is there, Apple is just trying to capture it. Given that there are no serious (capable) competitors at this point, there's no reason to believe that they'll fail because of pricing.

AshDene, to gaming avatar

Pet peeve of the day: Games with "puzzles" that can only be solved by trying a bunch of different plausible answers.

If you know the right answer (but not that it is the right answer), and the reasoning behind the right answer, but you still can't tell that it's the right answer without engaging the games mechanic to check if it's the right answer, it's not a puzzle. It's just a game a brute forcing answers.


AshDene, avatar

@Yazer The immediate "puzzle" that inspired this complaint was "Conundrum Unsolved" from Pathfinder Wrath of The Righteous

AshDene, avatar

Blocking makes your experience more pleasant, but it doesn't protect the community. If the community doesn't defend itself, it will become worse and worse over time until it is no longer a place you want to be. Recommend reading.

AshDene, avatar

Both "on the earth" and "on the moon" provide about the viewing angle of the sky (a semi-sphere). Unless we're tracking an object with multiple of these spaced around the earth to get 24/7 recordings the moon doesn't seem worse...

Even then, with two of these you could put them opposite eachother just barely into the "dark side" (side facing away from earth) of the moon and get nearly 360 degree coverage. You'd have to not literally be on the boundary/leave an earth sized gap in the coverage, but it would be pretty damn close.

AshDene, avatar

Satellites go beyond the moon, but not starlink satellites (or any future competing large mesh network of satellites), they are in in low orbit to minimize latency. I haven't double checked with math or anything but I don't think they should be high enough to be in sight of much more of the moon than the earth is.

AshDene, avatar

The manipulation of the numbers suggests that you just need the right letters in the right order...

AshDene, avatar

The treason party has to find some way to please Putin and distract from his war after all.

AshDene, avatar

If your accounts are on different instances (with different admins who aren't sharing logs, it would be weird if they were) then I don't think there is anything to correlate beyond analyzing the writing style.

AcitivtyPub doesn't forward on metadata like "what IP address sent this".

AshDene, avatar

Same as on twitter.

On reddit only reddit knew who you voted for (so long as your preferences were set so that votes weren't public).

AshDene, avatar

I have to say I'm lowkey dissapointed, it was fun seeing my score bouncing around 0.

Bluesky temporarily halts sign-ups because so many people are joining from Twitter (

Bluesky, a decentralized Twitter-like social network, is pausing new signups “temporarily” to try and resolve performance issues it’s been experiencing after Twitter introduced limits on the amount of tweets you can see in a day. Even though you still need an invite code to be able to join Bluesky, it seems that the influx...

AshDene, avatar

But it claims it will become decentralized (unless something has changed in the last month or so).

AshDene, avatar

Just in case you're not aware, armored trains are (or were) a thing. In the US they were used from the US civil war to early in the cold war (at the end there to transport nuclear weapons).

In the rest of the world... the most recent use is by Russia in their invasion of Ukraine.

AshDene, (edited ) avatar

It looks like it's a giant quadcopter with wheels and a car shaped shell. It's hard to believe it has the lift to lift multiple people anyways...

I'm betting on ultralight. And toy for rich people, not for practical use.

AshDene, (edited ) avatar

Pretty sure these people are trying to build a stylish helicopter more than anything else.

AshDene, avatar

I don't believe so. They'd have to remove identifying information, but my imperfect understanding is outside of that they are allowed to keep the content.

AshDene, avatar

A single world spanning country.

If we don't kill ourselves off first it will probably happen eventually. Country sized used to be limited by things like communication latency, and the time it took to move forces around. Technology has shrunk the world so that those things no longer matter. The natural size limit on a country is almost certainly as large as the earth now.

It won't happen soon, cultures will take time to become similar enough to merge. Leadership structures take time to be absorbed into a greater one (EU style) or have to forcefully taken over (Chechnya style, thankfully very rare these days). But with no real impediment to countries growing larger, it will happen eventually. With no-one able to fund or support rebellion and modern technology making police actions extremely effective it may well last effectively forever.

Whether it's a democratic utopia, a dictatorial nightmare, or something in between for the common citizen is not yet defined. Either way, war, as in peer to peer conflict between sovereigns, will be over.

AshDene, (edited ) avatar

With the capability of modern surveillance technology (making it extremely hard to organize a rebellion), and the sophistication of modern weaponry (making it extremely hard to arm an army without state support) it strikes me as unlikely that you would ever get civil war in a single country world.

Civil war is already incredibly rare with plenty of outside actors happy to support trouble.

I certainly don't rule out mass strife and protests, but the question was about war, not suffering.

AshDene, to apple avatar

I'm new to this whole development thing.

Am I right in thinking that I need to upgrade to the MacOS 14.0 beta to use the new SwiftData apis?

How bad an idea is it to use that beta on my laptop?

Is it safe to assume that 90%+ of users quickly upgrade to new MacOS versions after they're released?

AshDene, avatar

Phrasing it as "spotting potential swatting calls" is approaching it from the wrong direction.

Instead it should be "confirming that there is probable cause before moving in with weapons". A single call should not probable cause make.

AshDene, avatar

Thanks, I love it.

AshDene, avatar

What I expected:

Randos asking for it on /r/redditrequest

And if that didn't work out poorly paid workers in some cheap country somewhere, like facebook does.

AshDene, avatar

Youtube is allowed to encourage you to say things. That's guaranteed by the free speech rights of the people that make up youtube.

AshDene, (edited ) avatar

I went a bit farther and used the built in variable to set color, as well as setting the font weight down to match the "n hours ago" text, and changing " - " to "@" so that the uesrname matched the standard fediverse string that you can put into search boxes

I'll publish this properly as soon as greasyfork sends me an email to authenticate my new account, but in the meantime here's the source. EDIT: Email has yet to arrive 13 hours later, I doubt it's going to. Anyone interested feel free to publish this somewhere it's easier for people to install.

// ==UserScript==
// @name        kbin social add home-instance name to username (modified)
// @namespace   english
// @description  kbin social add home -instance name to username, modified to match style and fediverse formatting
// @include     http*://**
// @version     1.16
// @run-at document-end
// @require
// @license MIT
// @grant       GM_addStyle
// ==/UserScript==

$( document ).ready(function() {
    $( ".user-inline" ).each(function() {
        // get username URL and text, then remove username from URL and paste the instance name after username (not if instance is home-instance of

        var homeinstance = $(this).attr('href') ;
        var myname = $(this).text().trim();

        var homeinstance2 =  homeinstance.replace( "/u/@" + myname + "@"  , '');

        if( homeinstance2  !=   "/u/" + myname ){ //show nothing if home-instance kbin
            console.log(homeinstance2 );
            $(this).append( "<span>@" +  homeinstance2 +"</span>" );
}); //end each username a href

var style = document.createElement('style');
style.type = 'text/css';
style.innerHTML =   '#content a.user-inline span{color: var(--kbin-meta-text-color); font-weight: 400}' ;


AshDene, avatar

You mean the thing you get when you hover over someone's profile pic?


AshDene, avatar

It's literally a fork of wine.

But from a practical perspective, you tell steam to start the game and it starts it, installing and using proton as necessary. If the developers haven't configured it you have to first click a button in preferences that says "use proton" (paraphrased), but that's it.

"Antiwoke" magazin on posting bullshit like "how to end Wokeness" and "Time to reject the extrem trans lobby harming our society" How to report ? he is the moderator of that magazin. (

@ernest how do I report a Magazin on ? There is a usere called "ps" who is posting to his own "antiwoke" Magazin on Please remove this and dont give them a chance to etablish them self on When I report his stuff it will go to him because he is the moderator of the magazin? Seems like a...

AshDene, avatar

It depends on your definition of free speech, the US constitution does consider it part of free speech.

The US constitution also considers free speech a right that protect a websites right not to repeat hate speech, not a users "right" to force a website to host their speech. In the constitutions view of the world free speech is protection against the government, not a tool to force other people to host your speech.

AshDene, (edited ) avatar

I'm actually not from the US, I was just giving it as an example because it is the most famous one that unequivocally does include it.

What I'm really saying is "free speech" isn't really one thing. It means different things in different contexts. For instance the breadth of "free speech" you should allow in what you promise to repeat (that's what hosting something is) is much smaller than the breadth of "free speech" that you should not think less of someone for saying is in turn much smaller than the breadth of "free speech" that you should not wield the power of government to punish. And people legitimately disagree on where each of those boundaries lie.

I do think I missed the mark with the comment you replied to rereading it. I raised it because when someone says "It's not a free speech platform and no one ever said it was" they are using the american republican-troll's definition of free speech that means "anything but child porn", and I think your reply was misunderstanding their comment as a result. But I don't think I successfully conveyed my point.

AshDene, avatar

With the very rare exception, absolutely.

AshDene, (edited ) avatar

Speaking for myself I've seen both 10A and ps making these comments. 10A has managed to amass at least -2732 downvotes, ps -653, that's not a trivial amount of interaction. I came across an antiwoke post on the front page (I think just right after it was posted, so bad luck). And I'm holding off advocating people move to kbin until I see a moderating policy that results in banning them.

AshDene, avatar

It sounds like you were viewing the “new” tab?

I don't think so, but I couldn't swear to it.

thats not a lot of interaction

Probably we just have different thresholds for a lot. People seeing hate 3000 times on the platform seems like a lot to me.

AshDene, avatar

And where do you think a woman has more power? In a meeting on women's empowerment, or a meeting on... I don't know... how many weapons to give to Ukraine?

If you pull women away from the latter to send them to the former that is negatively impacting women's empowerment.

Like I said, the optics in this case make it worth it anyways, but it is not a clear cut rule where that is always the case, and it's easy to do it too often.

AshDene, (edited ) avatar

Rather I think they're diplomats in senior government rolls, because they're at the G7. In US terms think state department, not DOD.

Regardless the exact nature of the other meeting isn't the point. The general fact that DEI work is usually not the most impactful work you can be doing in terms of personal development and growth in the organization is, so saying that under-represented people need to lead it harms under-represented people.

AshDene, avatar

Toronto, and the law I'm referring to is a city bylaw.

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