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For me, my “education” with math was "when you see this: 5/73¥π7^t then you use 5-8(25&6)_9gh8/6 not 5&6(9!4_89) ok memorize it for the test.

Oh you want to know why or what it does or what it even is? No that’s college work. You’re in highschool, memorize it because reasons.

Yeah… That’s not how my brain works no matter how badly I wish I did. I need to UNDERSTAND not memorize! I can’t memorize seemingly arbitrary bullshit that has no explained meaning. My brain instantly tosses it as irrelevant information.


We almost had a 4 day work week implemented, but some Big Brain said “NO! We need to be shipping 5 days a week!”

90% of the time we don’t ship things out on Friday…


That would be amazing, or if he installed Kamala Harris, or Barak Obama. MAGA heads would explode from the racist outbursts that cannot be contained.


For me it’s nice to have someone playing the same game as I am while I’m playing, the streams are usually long so I don’t need to worry about stopping to find something new to put on and I learn stuff about the game I might have missed or just never knew. I live alone so, depending on the streamer, the conversation is also nice to have around.

I can’t say I’m one of those that only watches a stream though, I need to be doing something other than just watching lol


This is 100% me, I just commented elsewhere a similar thing, for me I love that the streams tend to be long. I like having things playing for long periods at a time so having to stop and find a new video every 10 minutes is maddening especially if I’m at work and it’s more like background noise about a topic/game I enjoy.


#ff06b5 because I’m a nerd, but a slightly different kind of nerd lol


With that group of asshats it all depends on one important criteria for your friends acceptance:


This doesn’t sound bad lol

Sliced onions, feta cheese, olives, and a bunch of liquid gold extra virgin olive oil. Man now I want some…


My biggest complaint is how they absolutely murdered the modding scene for the sake of greed… They wanted their cut of a thing they had NO input in so they forced their way in to have input and in the process ruined modding for those that were good at it…

Seeing how amazing Skyrim was with mods gave me so much hope for what this game could become and now I’m just sickened by what they did… So much potential gone. Now you’ll have to pick between what 4 mods you want as you’ll have to spend $5+ for each one… Yeah I’m not spending $100+ just to make your game fun for you while also paying you…


Read: console support and changes to modding so they could take more money for the lesser product they provided… The need to be on shitty older consoles kills games ambition and scope. I hate it so much.


It’s the changes they made to the way you mod in order to sell mods that screwed with how modding works supposedly. Apparently a few of the good modders have already said “fuck this garbage” and bailed. That coupled with starfields flop leaves less people interested in fighting the system to get mods to work anyway :(


Tin foil hat time!

Elon wanted to kill it, and after successfully killing it he changed the icon to a literal X as in closed, or no as a “subtle” declaration.


For one, propaganda is a hell of a drug. Fox two minutes hate “news” will tell anyone who listens that every single problem you have is the fault of Goldstein liberals/leftists/Democrats.

A point for Trump is that “conservatives” are also completely jaded and cynical about the system as well as we are, their chosen method is to use Trump to burn it all to the ground and “start new” with their “strong man” who will force the change they want to see. They see Biden as a feckless, weak, liberal who not only can’t fix the issues we have, but won’t do it because he’s in x,y,z persons pocket (completely ignoring that Trump doesn’t need to have someone to serve as he’s serving himself.)

I think we’re all fed up with the system, but the neoliberal greed is good 80s assholes will continue the beatings until morale is improved.


Those in government that make the rules are following the Gordon Gekko “greed is good” mentality (from a movie: that corporations should always seek maximum profit because It Will Make Us All Richer™ (somehow?) everyone driven by self interest will grow the economy, etc… and they’ll continue to enforce that mentality to the detriment of us all.

We’ll keep suffering and the extremist views of left and right will continue to grow in response so “the beatings will continue until morale improves” joke implys that they’re going to continue to do the same thing that’s driving us insane and somehow expect the results to change for the better.



Blue collar factory schmuck here: Look at me, I’m the Captian worthless one now.

I’d figuratively kill for some options lol


Sauteed mushrooms and onions on a blackened burger with blue cheese on it is absolutely amazing and no one should deprive themselves of that lol


All I can say is The Big Brain Economists have said that “the labor value theory is absolutely bunk and has no basis in reality.” Along with “only marxists believe this drivel.”

I’m not A Big Brain or an economist so I can’t say why they say these things, but I have seen a lot of pushback on this concept. I think it all comes down to the “agreement” we make when we accept a job, not that we have a choice. “Not working” is only an option for those that are already rich.


Caregivers may not produce a product but they provide a service.

We have no issues with the plumber providing you a service and getting paid well for it, I don’t know why we have such a hard time with caregivers… :(


Along those lines, “smartphones” should NOT autocorrect me by default. My phone is the most arrogant asshole on the planet that it thinks it knows what I meant to say more than I do, that and any word that is also a brand automatically gets capitalized…

No phone I’m not talking about Tide pods, I’m talking about the damn ocean…


Boooooooo! Lol :P

I’m just so sick of games being dumbed down, ambition curtailed, and shit controls because a game has to be made to run on a garbage console first and then cheaply ported over to PC suffering from all the decisions that were made due to the limitations the console had.


I was starting to question myself here lol everyone acting like a hot 20 year old is no longer hot when you’re older meanwhile I see someone I consider attractive they’re always attractive, I just won’t approach them if they’re young.

The only way this doesn’t work is “upward” for me. 40s weren’t attractive when I was younger but they are now, but a hot 20 year old will always be hot to me (I think).


And you get no security of retirement! Thanks ever increasing rent!


I have the exact opposite problem, I’m sick of moving. I have to move just about every 2 years because of some bullshit my landlord pulls… I just want stability, to know I don’t have to worry about looking for a new place so damn often…

Can anyone else feel sensations in their brain?

Last time I checked there aren’t nerve endings in our brain, so it should be impossible to feel sensations in my brain. However, at random times during my life, like seeing the plot twist in Fight Club for example, I’ve felt feelings in my brain. I just felt it again now while doing some intense introspection, and I just...


There is one very specific feeling I’ve experienced “in my brain” and it’s the exact same feeling when I either take anti depression/anxiety medication and when I take something like acid or mushrooms, it feels like an “overload” of sorts, like there’s too much sensory input and I can “feel” it in my head.


With all the political talk on social media I was so confused what being a lefty had to do with cutting wrapping paper lol



Thanks for the context lol I was like wtf is nnn?


And an alternate comic where the responses are “not this week, it’s them over there this week. We’ll get that movie next week, but if you want to watch it 2 weeks from now you have to go to that 3rd guy over there.”

It’s so absurd what this has become.


The worst of us always live the longest.

People say “if there’s a god then why do these people live forever consequence free?”

I actually think it’s proof of a god. If you read the Bible he’s an absolute monster, a real piece of shit. That tracks with the worst of us getting the longest lives lol


What the pathologically greedy can’t seem to comprehend is that in order for them to remain wealthy and for their businesses to grow, they need stability. Their actions throughout the “western world” undermines that stability in the most astoundingly shortsighted ways (as usual)…

Apparently they’d all fail the marshmallow test we give children. They all want the marshmallow now even though they’d get more in the end if they weren’t so goddamn greedy…


I’m completely disgusted by the thought, but I’m like 90% sure they half assed everything “knowing” modders would fix it and they fully intend on charging you for those mods…

It’s absolutely fucking disgusting that Bethesda feels entitled to the profits of other peoples work to fix their shit games… They are testing out the new creation store with an update to Skyrim coming very soon and have already built starfield with that in mind (modders have already spoken about the difficulty of modding starfield at the moment because of these changes.)

They pitch it as a boon to modders as they’ll get paid, but modders always had links to patron accounts that Bethesda/(now Microsuck) couldn’t get their greedy fingers on… I hope no one mods the game to be honest even though I preordered it with the high hopes of modding making the game even better than Skyrim… Greed kills again.


Literally eating a homemade bun right now.

Can confirm, it’s addictive and my stomach is having a very conflicting love/hate relationship with me for it lol


For me there are few feelings better in the world than having an entire meal not only cooked by yourself, but grown too! I love grabbing veggies from the garden and making dinner. Something so cool about being almost entirely self sufficient.


They didn’t mention taste so I’ll begrudgingly agree lol

As far as taste though, Authentic messy bush leaf pizza > Domino’s any day lol


And if they are serious it doesn’t make sense, ray tracing, path tracing, global illumination, make a game leaps and bounds more enjoyable for me. Realistic lighting is everything, I cannot wait for the day they finally get the new global illumination system in star citizen…


Does that mean not using a publisher? You can either make a great game, or you can use a publisher, we apparently can’t have both.

Edit: nope… "In a statement on the studio’s founding, NetEase said the company was hoping to build franchises “with depth and possibility that can’t be contained in a single game, or even a single medium”.

So they want to take one game and break it into many (probably $70+) games and they want to make it on multiple consoles which means it has to be dumbed down for the lowest common denominator.


Exactly, and to anyone reading this: the absolute DUMBEST most useless form of communication is insulting someone you don’t agree with. I see it way too much here to be honest. All that does is make you feel better (masturbation) while it makes the recipient more defensive, less inclined to listen, and it reenforces their beliefs that the “opposite side” is just full of angry ignorant people.

If the purpose of your attempt at communication was actual communication and understanding then insulting someone is completely antithetical to that.


Aesthetics or athletics, they see it as a team sport too lol Gotta support the reds even if they really really suck this… Century.


Isn’t that the town Ford had built to make rubber so they could practice"vertical integration?" (Thanks stuff you should know podcast!) Lol

Edit: thanks Wikipedia and Caligvla, NO thanks to stuff you should know! Interesting history there lol


I don’t even think they aimed for the stars, they built a building and then “aimed for the planetarium” that they shoved in that building that wasn’t built to hold a planetarium.

There are some people that think cloud imperium games (star citizen) is aiming to sell their game engine (see: starengine video) and personally I really hope they do. Then all these so-called “AAA” publishers can be as money hungry and lazy as they want and we’ll still have an amazing platform for devs that actually give a shit to work off of.


They can’t and won’t. For whatever reason they decided to take what has made their last 3-4 games long lasting (modding) and changed their system so much that modders have been saying it’s simply too difficult to mod now (past smaller graphical things) and something about a file structure they used to use is now bastardized in some way that the game will always break their mods way beyond what a normal update would have done in the past when they do update the game or add DLCs.

From what I remember seeing some “big names” in modding Skyrim/fallout have said they’re skipping starfield and moving on to better games.

To Paradox games (cities skylines 2) and Microsuck: ruining modding is so unbelievably short sighted it actually makes sense you did it. Corpos always go for short sighted moneygrabs… But we get it, a modder makes something similar to what you want to sell that means less potential money for you… So they give modding the shaft until their get their DLCs out and then they’ll throw us a bone, except by then it is too late and we’ve all moved on.


There are at least 2! One with a K and I’m forgetting the other lol


If we didn’t introduce new currency into the economy the hoarders owners would have all of the wealth. There wouldn’t be money to pay people because you get paid less than the owner takes in, eventually they’d end up with literally everything. Of course they’re trying that now anyway, but still, odd as it is to say, we need inflation.




Man just take starfields art direction, fps combat, and NPCs (no man’s sky’s NPCs are too dull.) mixed into no man’s sky and i’d be thrilled!! I hate the “cartoony” style, extra vibrant colors of NMS and the gunplay is absolutely atrocious, but swap that with starfield and you’d have a real gem.


From what I’ve seen others say who have been in contact with the “big names” in modding apparently Suckthesda decided to make changes to the engine that made modding way more difficult than it was in the past and changed how some file structure works so combine that difficulty with an already super lackluster game and they basically gave up on it.

Bethesda shot themselves in the foot big time by paying lip service to modding, but actively making it worse.

My money is on money. The same reason Paradox make Collosal Order dumb down cities skylines 2 modding capabilities. They want to sell you content, not let modders create it for free. Once they get their dlcs out then they’ll open modding up to whatever degree it’s possible with the changes they’ve made.


So the game devs weren’t too far off with the “boss kicks your ass” … “Boss joins team and is as effective as a wet napkin.” Looks like it’s actually a real thing! Lol


The difference between Canada and the US: She gets sacked there, here shed be presidential material and gain 10s of 1000s of social media followers.


I see this take often and I see the same kinds of responses, but it’s really upsetting to see the main culprit is never mentioned.

Yes, some of us are just hateful, but most of the people voting for Trump are exposed to and consume wayyyyy too much propaganda.

Our media has failed us in sooooo many ways all to chase the Almighty Dollar™. We have literal entertainment networks masquerading as “News” because they’re allowed to act however they wish. We have actual “news” corporations acting like entertainment. We have Fox News and Newsmax straight up fabricating a reality for their consumers that is almost exactly the opposite of reality, and then we have CNN, MSNBC, etc, that would rather follow The Days Of Our Trumps T.V drama as opposed to actually doing hard news.

We have 1/3 of our population living in a fantasy reality, 1/3 being made to be enraged about an orange man’s dumb tweet instead of learning about potentially good candidates to vote for, and 1/3 that’s just apathetic to it all.

We have a gigantic media propaganda problem… We have no real press that the 1st amendment was made to protect, instead we have corporations that are taking advantage of those protections to do whatever they want to make the most money, to hell with what happens to the country…

Edit: all that to say, the people that we see as “OMG how could you possibly vote for him again, are you a monster?” Think “Trump was the best president ever, every news show or podcast or Facebook interaction I have had or watched says as much and proves it.”

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