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I was coming here for this comment!

Didn’t know Colleen Ballinger was into MMORPGs!


Holy shit, thank you. My husband thinks I’m crazy for not enjoying this film. We saw it for the first time at a special event thing at a theater because he’d always wanted to see it, and I was so fucking bored.

I remember falling asleep to some dude jogging in a gigantic circle, and I woke up and was like “Omg it’s still playing.”

HAL was neat. Have no idea what was going on with the giant space fetus.

I came out saying that it was the most boring yet gorgeous film I’d ever seen. Because I mean, it WAS fucking pretty.


I think it’s just called you guys being contrarian


Omg that’s hella cute! Once you really nail down your process/get more comfortable doing it, you should sell them on Etsy or something!

I’d love one of those guys as a little “Guardian” for D&D!


Ah, I see my husband has made a Lemmy account.

For real though, he is not there for the story or the rp, he’s there to rage out and fight. Meanwhile I’m doing shitty voices and putting on a full Oscar worthy performance.

There are such broad dynamics between what players want, and I fucking love how flexible D&D is for that.


Definitely something to keep in mind the next time he denies me the standing ovation I deserve for my performance. 💅


Also reporting in from USA, Texas. Hopefully moving somewhere else relatively soon though!


Got my husband a light for his desk that is in the shape of the bon fire spawn/save point in the Dark Souls series. It’s in one of those clear resin blocks and it glows. Then we’re going to a bougie ass resort for a 2 day stay cation where he doesn’t have to worry about anything!

Got one of my besties who enjoys D&D a bottle opener called “Tool of Opening”, a dunce cap for his dice when they disappoint him, and a t-shirt that says: “Lawful in the Streets; Chaotic in the Sheets”. Basically a bunch of little kitschy things based on his interests.

Another bestie is (probably) getting some kinda Critical Role merchandise. Maybe a wooden sign for his room that says “Entering Dave’s Dungeon Roll for Initiative”. Still deciding on him.

When we sold our house, I opened investment accounts for my niece and 2 nephews, and I just throw money in there for every birthday/Christmas. As infants/toddlers they’re going to be too young to appreciate it for a while, but I grew up bouncing between “lower class” and “lower middle class” so I want them to have more opportunities starting out than I did. They’ll appreciate it one day. I hope.


I’m on your side bruh. We’ve owned our home since 2013. It’s appreciated $100K, but we also spent $60K last year alone in windows/siding/getting the whole house replumbed because there ended up being a massive leak in the foundation.

We had planned for the windows/siding, plumbing was just a nice bonus (it was noticed by our siding contractor actually).

We’ve also replaced the HVAC, leveled the foundation, replaced the HWH, replaced the roof (that was a lucky insurance thing though due to a massive hail storm), replaced the gutters, and the flooring over the years since buying.

So…if we ever decide/need to sell, we’ll break even.

And we didn’t buy a shitty house either. It was built in 1995. It was already 18 years old when we got it, and it’s nearly 30 now. People don’t realize that this shit doesn’t last forever.

That being said, while I will be Team Renter when we leave this duty station, I’m also in a privileged position being that I’ll have a pension. I completely understand people who don’t have that safety net wanting a little more stability/security.


Damn Treebeard hit that Ozempic hard.


I’m now on my husband’s lap as he driving us 70 mph on the highway.

That seems highly unsafe.


Bruhhhhh whenever I finally start losing this weight I’ve been packing on, I look forward to a stroopwafel warmed over my black coffee every Wednesday morning.

Holy fuck people don’t know what they’re missing.


There is one whole Culver’s in San Antonio, Texas.

That frozen custard is dope af.


I understand this. At work parking is hella bad, so I routinely get to work over an hour early just for parking, and then most days I bring lunch or don’t eat because I don’t want to lose my parking during the day.

That being said, because I know parking sucks there, I’m extra quick when I do have to leave because I know the feeling of driving around looking for parking, becoming hopeless, and resigning to the quarter mile walk from the next closest available parking.

I’ve never understood the people who purposefully just sit there and stare at the person needing a parking spot in their rear view mirror waiting for them to leave. My dad does this, and I’m always just like “Aren’t you taking more time away from yourself now too just to stick it to someone else?”


Honestly, I feel like it’s so easy, especially in gun crazy states like Texas to run a Democrat who includes enjoying days at the range in their campaign advertisements, that Southern Dems have to be throwing their campaigns on purpose for some reason.

That’s not to say we should be advocating for unlimited magazines and fully auto weapons. But there should be a candidate who is like “Hey, you like your constitutional right to protect yourself? Me too. How about we start funding/investigating the programs that are already supposedly in place to catch red flag purchasers, and find out where the issues are there?”

I feel like a pro-choice, pro-LGBTQ, pro-immigratjon candidate would actually make some headway if they just let go of the gun argument, or at the very least dialed it back substantially.


Yes I was a huge Beto Stan. Had his sign in my yard. But even after his reversal, I kept seeing his “HELL YEAH IM TAKING YOUR GUNS” quoted in headlines all over the state 🙄🙄🙄🙄

Of course Abbott was drowning out all the more sensible shit Beto actually said.


Sir I use my space heater in my home in July, and I live in the US South.

I’m shocked my husband has not divorced me over it yet tbh, but he can pry it from my (literally) cold, dead hands.


Tip over protection ftw!

In all seriousness, I do point it away from him explicitly because he swears he can feel it across the room.


I mean, it’s a large part of the reason I want out of Texas so badly. I have never been pregnant, nor do I ever plan to be. And I have an IUD. But I don’t want my money funding a place like Texas. I don’t want my money funding any place that’s anti-woman/anti-minority/anti-LGBTQ+/anti-immigration.

I want my tax dollars and the money I spend in the local economy to go to treating human beings like human beings. Robust social programs and the like.

Tbf tho, you did say miniscule, and I can only speak for myself and my husband - so literally no one. It’s just…politics can absolutely influence where a person wants to move to if they have the capabilities of making said move.


Gave me hope to see last night! I was so fucking stoked! I’m so happy for you Ohio!


That’s exactly what I’m worried about in places like Texas/FL/MS/MO/etc etc. I’m also mid 30s so pretty damn close to being considered a “geriatric pregnancy” if I ever were to get pregnant. Hopefully that would be enough to get left alone and no one looking into me.

However, my heart is broken for all the young women who are born here, or who end up here through life’s circumstances and have no choice for their own bodies. I found out about that high school in South Texas for specifically pregnant teen girls, and I was so fucking distraught over it (well I still am). The “pregnancy crisis” centers that are legally allowed to spread misinformation. Ugh, it’s so fucking much here.

Then Bexar county voting down Prop A (which would have decriminalized abortion in San Antonio) earlier this year, and I just kinda gave up on this state.


Good thing abortion isn’t murder.


Flavor Blasted Goldfish. One o’them big ass cardboard cartons.


Bruh, I think you’re thinking too deep into this. Some people don’t like the flavor profile of pineapple. It likely started as a teasing joke to their friends when they were young and didn’t know comedy:

“Eeeewwww pineapple on pizza?! Gross! 😂”

And then the joke just kinda blew up from there because enough people agreed on it.

Then you become an adult and realize people just genuinely like different things. I hate pineapple in general, so I don’t get it on my pizza. My husband loves Hawaiian pizza.

I love anchovies, and he can’t stand them. He says the “juice” affects the rest of the pizza even when I only get it on my half.

We order 2 different pizzas and everyone is happy.

I don’t think either of us (or anyone who still pretends to be shocked that pineapple on pizza is a thing) is “gatekeeping pizza” or shaming poor people from tryna eat whatever they have. It is legit on the same level as. “OMG you use APPLE?!?!? I COULD NEVER!”.

It’s just harmless teasing.


Bruh I live here. And I as a woman cannot WAIT to get out. It’s not great, and we shouldn’t pretend like it is. And I’m fortunate enough to be stuck in a pretty blue area. I just gotta finish serving my contract and then I’m running for the blue states ASAP.


Yup! The second my contract is up I’m out of here and never looking back!

In the meantime, I’ll vote, and pressure others to do so as well. I’m trying to remain optimistic, but I gotta tell you, watching Greg Abbott get re-elected nearly made me lose hope in this state. I’m still hoping it can be turned around, but that hope is hanging on via life support at this point. And if Republicans still remain in power when I’m out, then fuck this state. I did my best while I was here.

Which reminds me, it’s time for me to re-up my Deputy Voters Registrar cert in my county! Let the drives begin!


I’d take refugee status in the US if it meant Texas (and Florida) were annexed out of the US.

Though, that’d suck for any future generations who are born with half a brain.


I just went to the Stasi Museum in Berlin last year. Holy fuck that was frightening.

In general, the Stasi were fucked up, but their ability to lie/brainwash/indoctrinate and make citizens believe that they had an actual duty to report their neighbors was hella insidious.

On top of everyone just being afraid that the Stasi was spying on them so they just said whatever they could about Joe and Tanya down the street to get out from under the Stasi eye.

My…how quickly we forget as a society. The Stasi were actually around in my lifetime, and I’m only mid-30s.


There are dozens of us! Dozens!


Omg I always thought that was a snot bubble and I had no idea wtf that emoji was supposed to convey.

Holy fuck I’m dumb sometimes.

Why wasn't NYC's Central Park concept copied by other cities?

I’m talking about a massive park in the absolute heart of the city. Located such that is naturally surrounded by city high rises. *People are giving examples of parks that are way off in the boonies. I’m trying to say located centrally, heart of the city, you know where the high rises are. Yes I understand nyc has more, the...


Baltimore, Maryland has a gigantic green space (second biggest woodland park in the United States according to Wikipedia) right in the center of the city called Leakin Park. It’s gorgeous during the day time, but unfortunately during the evening most people avoid it because it’s become a dumping ground for bodies.

It’s become known in the region as one of the most dangerous parks in the United States, which super sucks.


Bruh I’m an extreme Extrovert. I always want to be around people and be engaged in society. Literally all the time.

The pandemic was the first time I understood how my introverted friends feel when I pressure them to hang out. I used to be notorious for just constantly hammering them to do stuff with me if I knew they were home and had no plans.

When we locked down, I literally felt like I was mentally cracking. I could not deal with it at all. Massive depression and heavy alcohol usage. Heavy anxiety and a lot of self hatred just constantly reliving every shitty thing I’ve ever said. I was exhausted and just wanted to sleep despite doing nothing all day. It was rough.

That being said, it definitely put the whole introversion thing into perspective for me. It made me able to relate where before I couldn’t. I could not wrap my head around how some people just wanted to spend life at home when there’s so much world to explore! People to meet and things to do! So overall, it did make me a better person/ friend.

I still hope to never fucking lock down ever again though.


I was struggling with Biology for my associates degree back in 2007. I happened to teach Tae Kwon Do to the daughter of one of the state university Biology professors (I was only in community College at the time) and I asked the mom to tutor me.

And goddamn. As smart as she was regarding Biology, she bought into Christianity hook, line, and sinker (her husband was a pastor).


Right? These comments are wild. I used to browse r/dogfree because I thought it was (mostly) satire and OTT on purpose, and I’d laugh at a lot of it. I thought it was parodying something else.

Every once in a while there’d be stories that made me empathize and feel bad for the person, like some people were saying that they had severe debilitating allergies and they couldn’t frequent their favorite restaurants anymore because pet patios were installed - yeah that sucks.

Some stories were even straight up super sad, like people who were traumatized from being bitten/attacked earlier on in their lives. Yeah - I’d probably be wary of dogs too if that happened to me.

But the vast majority of those comments were like “OMG DOGS STINK AND THEY SLOBBER EVERYWHERE. HOLY SHIT THEY LICK THEIR NUTS LOL FUCK DOGS AMIRIGHT?! THEY POOP ON THE FLOOR - GROSS.” I genuinely thought those were purposeful parody stories because hating dogs for just existing is such a…weird stance.

Apparently it’s a thing though 🤷‍♀️.

AquaTofana, (edited )

Last time I checked

Edit: Wait…am I being mistaken for a bot? Because now I’m concerned.


Not to take away from your shower thought OP, but more to soften the blow (because yeah, we for sure are worshipping billionaire fucksticks like Elon Musk as a society), we are still awarding the Nobel Prize to people who make strides in scientific areas that benefit humanity.

The people who discovered mRNA technology and prepped it for clinical use were just given the Nobel prize this week:…/nobel-prize-goes-to-scientists-who-made…


That’s me as well. A bunch of my friends could handle watching the murder and dismemberment of other people. I’ve never been able to. Not unless I know for sure it’s fake (like in a horror movie, that kind of gore is fine). I’ve never had a desire to see any sort of “snuff film”. Hell, I did see the hanging of Saddam video, and I still looked away.

That being said, I have seen 2 Girls One Cup, and the One Man One Jar video. But I’d advise against both. Neither of those are sad, just revolting.


Meh, fuck the downvotes. Its an important daily post in an important community. I really enjoy the accountability it provides.

But is not gonna be for everyone. Most people are normies who are good with never drinking or only have one or two every few weeks at best.

Maybe they just want it off their homepage. Who knows?

Edit: And I saw it suggested elsewhere it could just be a misclick, which is very possible. Either way, just keep on keepin’ on!


That makes me kinda sad actually, but the reality is, you could be right.

It’s a pretty hard thing to wrestle with the idea of sobriety if someone can’t imagine living their life that way. I get it. I’m a partier at heart who always wants to be out and about with people socializing, and the bar is the easiest place to gather other adults.

Hopefully if they are someone who wants to cut back, (and can do so safely), they take a peek in and see that it’s not meant to be judgey. If someone checks in for a day or two and not the next, no one is coming after anyone/shaming anyone/questioning anyone. Just come back the next time you don’t wanna drink. It’s that low threat and chill.

I’m a verbose individual so I write novels, but most folks are legit just like “Not drinking today”, and leave it at that. Whatever works, right?


Fuck yeah. Diet Coke, Black Coffee, and Water are the 3 constants in my life.


I spent some time in Germany last year, and the pretzels/sauerkraut/doner/spaetzel/currywurst are all top notch.

But holy fuck, fleishkase. I haven’t been able to stop thinking about it since I returned to the US. I’ve looked up how to make it several times, but it seems pretty complicated. Damn me and my lazy American tendencies.

That and the beer. I discovered that Dunkels are my fucking jam. Ugh, so good.


This fucking killed me. Holy shit. 😂 Thank you for that.


Okay that caught me off guard and made me fucking laugh.


I’m a Black Coffee girlie IRL, but in this the PSL definitely describes me better.

I can fix Astarion. I swear it!


Imma big Real Housewives fan. And there were two hella active subs back at the old site. But over here…I’m pretty sure I’m the last person who posted anything, and that was back in July-ish.

So I wish the Bravo peeps had migrated over with the rest of us. I haven’t been on a Bravo forum in months.


I’ve heard Chianti pairs well with liver

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