@Angry_Maple@sh.itjust.works avatar


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@Angry_Maple@sh.itjust.works avatar

I don’t get some of these comments. You can want to avoid random nudity without bring a prude or jealous.

I’d argue that a LOT of people are not interested in seeing 99.9% of the population naked, and there should be nothing wrong with that. I don’t care what they look like. Sometimes people just don’t want to look at rectums.

The mindset of “you have to be happy about unexpectedly seeing a stranger naked or you’re a prude” also doesn’t sit right with me.

I would have just stopped using twitch, personally.

@Angry_Maple@sh.itjust.works avatar

Don’t get me wrong, I’m not about telling other people how to dress or what to wear. Not at all.

To be honest with you, I don’t really go on twitch. When I made my comment, I had some of my earlier experiences with lemmy on my mind. I just turned off nsfw in my app settings though.

My main reasoning was so that certain things didn’t show up when I was showing something else to family, or if a coworker saw my phone over my shoulder. There are some jobs where you really don’t want your boss to see certain things, but most other forms of slacking off are ok.

For me, it wasn’t even about anyone’s chest. It was not wanting furry porn haha. They really should have thought about this before instating it.

Now people will be upset regardless of what they do.

@Angry_Maple@sh.itjust.works avatar

It’s almost too easy to get flagged online sometimes.

On one hand, there’s probably something related to that word that should be flagged.

On the flip side, I think of the fox from Sonic when I see that word. There are probably a lot of people with random flags haha

@Angry_Maple@sh.itjust.works avatar

When my city first installed roundabouts, we had more than a few people straight-up launch themselves into the air by trying to race through the middle.

I’m not sure if those people legitimately thought that that would work, or if they played GTA too much and wanted to try a ramp in real life. The fact that I can’t be sure which option caused it is a little terrifying.

@Angry_Maple@sh.itjust.works avatar

Ahhh ok that makes more sense, thank you for clarifying.

@Angry_Maple@sh.itjust.works avatar

I misread it as arachnid capitalism, and I was trying to figure out which spiders were apparently pro-capitalism lmao

@Angry_Maple@sh.itjust.works avatar

I’ve always known blizzard to be like this, although I didn’t really game until around 2010.

The first thing that comes to mind was/is the World of Warcraft subscription cost that still doesn’t include all of the expansions. A base subscription is almost $200 CAD/year alone. They are also now selling mounts at $32 CAD each. Personally, especially if I was paying $200 a year, I wouldn’t want to be pushed to pay even more money for content.

Part of me kind of wishes that I could have seen the era you’re talking about.

@Angry_Maple@sh.itjust.works avatar

I almost want to disagree with you, but this is legitimately how my friends and I would have responded to a later start time lol

@Angry_Maple@sh.itjust.works avatar

Clean drinking water would also be a good start ffs

@Angry_Maple@sh.itjust.works avatar

Admitting that there’s a problem usually also means that you admit that changes should happen. People like feeling comfy, and people like dealing with what they know. Change is uncomfortable, and it takes effort. It’s the “fuck you I got mine” mindset. I hate it, and I strongly believe it’s hindering the entire planet’s progress in almost every form.

“All young people are bad” until they need life saving surgery. “Disability payments are bad” until dear ol’ dad has an unexpected stroke that leaves him completely paralyzed. “Minimum wage is bad” until their personal lifelong industry dies. “Young people are stupid” until they need young people to take care of them in hospice. (Even then lmao) It’s selfish and it’s short-sighted.

When I get old, I aspire to be that old person who plants trees that I’ll never see bloom. I want to help people in ways that I’ll never see. That shouldn’t even be a “good person” thing. That should just be “being part of a society that doesn’t want to cease existing after a few generations”.

I would feel like I had miserably failed at life if I ever ended up vying for the failure of future generations in the name of my own personal success. It’s also a pretty weak goal to limit yourself to just “doing better” at life than complete strangers. I take pride in what I’ve done, personally. I don’t need to “do better” than the next set of people to feel that pride. It’s sad that so many need to treat others poorly to feel good about themselves. I would be embarrassed to act the way that I’ve seen many people act, personally.

What a state of things.

@Angry_Maple@sh.itjust.works avatar

These types people always talk as if they’re immune to sudden, life-changing events. It’s all fun and games until some random a-hole hits you while driving drunk and makes you permanently disabled. Maybe you’re unlucky and have your entire city/neighbourhood burn down from an uncontrolled wildfire.

@Angry_Maple@sh.itjust.works avatar

YMMV. You have situations like the one you describe, and you have situations like mine. There’s a unit down the hall that keeps everyone on the damn floor awake. There’s a nice dude who lives there and raises his grandkids, and there’s also the kid’s father. The kids and the grandfather are great. They’re respectful, kind, and very friendly.

The kid’s father has this “fun” habit of sleeping with complete randos. You do you, yadda yadda. I try to mind my own business.

He makes it EVERYONE’S business. Every single time he gets dumped, he throws an enormous hissy fit. Screaming incoherently, banging on every door in the hallway, stomping about, etc. He doesn’t work, yet he throws a hissy fit when he has to watch his own kids because the grandfather has to work. It doesn’t matter if it’s 2am or 2pm, there’s a decent chance that that guy is pissed at something. It wasn’t uncommon to see him crying by the front doors.

It’s a great personal reminder to never start doing hard drugs. I only know that the guy does hard drugs because of the grandfather was venting to me about it. I can’t even begin to tell you how many times the cops have been called on him by other people.

Fuuuck I wish it was cheaper to move.

@Angry_Maple@sh.itjust.works avatar

You could put one in a hot dog and shock it if you want to try it without making your nose toasty

@Angry_Maple@sh.itjust.works avatar

I think I first learned about Opera from the one Episode of Drake and Josh. The episode when Josh freaked out because he ran over Opera with his car.

Can’t say I’ve really heard much since, but I don’t exactly go looking either

@Angry_Maple@sh.itjust.works avatar

Ontario got rid of theirs for any newly built/designated residences. Now you also have to look at what year the damn unit was first rented in. If you aren’t careful with that, your landlord could legally hike up your rent by $10,000 or however much they want to, for absolutely no reason. November 15, 2018 is the date to watch out for, specifically. Anything after that is taking on a big risk, imo.

This is all so fucked. Here’s an example of what I was talking about.


@Angry_Maple@sh.itjust.works avatar

It’s probably not feasible or realistic for most people, but I met people through working for a temp agency in my early twenties. Sometimes I would work with up to three different teams of people in one week. The pay was shite, but it actually really helped me curb a lot of my social anxiety. I met some awesome people that way.

@Angry_Maple@sh.itjust.works avatar

One of my coworkers struggles with this too, but maybe for different reasons.

My coworker projects that he just wants a long term relationship. That’s fine and dandy on the surface, but hear me out for a second. Would you rather date someone who loves you specifically, or someone who just wants to be in a relationship? Would you rather be with someone who finds you amazing, or someone who is only dating you because other people their age are dating?

This can also cause the person you’re interested in to be concerned about whether you are who you say you are. It may cause them to question if you did really fall for them, or if you’re playing the part to avoid being single. People who have experienced that will be more cautious dating anyone who just wants to be with someone.

I’m not saying that’s the case for you, but I’ve seen it happen a lot. I think that’s also a part of what people mean when they tell you to focus on building yourself up, and to let love happen when it happens. Don’t be like my coworker.

You are still very young, and you have a lifetime ahead of you. Don’t count yourself out yet.

@Angry_Maple@sh.itjust.works avatar

There’s also verifying that you have the right oils. There are some scented oils that aren’t meant to be burnt

StarCraft could return, according to Blizzard president, but not necessarily as an RTS (www.pcgamer.com)

While Blizzard is very much focussed on its big money-makers like its various Warcraft games, from WoW to Hearthstone to Warcraft Rumble, as well as Diablo and the much-maligned Overwatch 2, he’s still open to StarCraft making a comeback. That said, RTS fans shouldn’t get their hopes up. While the series might return, that...

@Angry_Maple@sh.itjust.works avatar

It feels like it’s been ages since I’ve played WoW.

I remember the days of the spiffworld youtube videos, where Jonathan Coulton songs were played in the background while WoW characters dancing/acting along to the lyrics.

@Angry_Maple@sh.itjust.works avatar

PFAS is seriously polluting the great lakes, too. There are recommended limits for how many fish you can safely consume in a year or month.

@Angry_Maple@sh.itjust.works avatar

What would you do with the fish?

Assuming you’re serious; It would be nearly financially impossible to do this just from the sheer amount of water we’re talking about. Have you seen how big the lakes are in person? I’ve only been on lake Huron, but you can get to a point where the horizon is just water. These lakes can also have deadly storms, since they are massive bodies of water. You would need the find a power source that would have to nearly be infinite. You would need a cooling system that suits it. You would need a LOT of maintenance. You’d spend a lot on materials, too. That’s all assuming that it would even work. That money would have to come from somewhere, and it would probably be one of if not the most expensive machines to exist. The scale of the filter would have to be miniscule to catch those chemicals.

We just don’t have the capacity for that yet. We would have to split things on such a small scale that it wouldn’t be a reasonable solution. It would be as difficult as trying to find a grain of sugar in a pound of sand.

We would have done this if we were at that point, at least somewhere. Who wouldn’t want credit for solving the world’s water problems? A filter of that size would make sea water drinkable. It would have to be on a molecular scale.

@Angry_Maple@sh.itjust.works avatar

I don’t know if other people do this, but sometimes they can be a bit of a way-marker.

“Oh, coming from this way, it will be the third house after the trail” -getting directions to a friend’s house

“When I pass this trail, I know I’m halfway there”- during a long car trip

They should just put an icon or a pin instead of laying out the trail. It would stop a lot of the questions about liability, and more people would hopefully look elsewhere for the trail details and hazards. It’s crazy how often gps-related deaths happen.

Dozens of health organizations pledge ‘full support’ for federal ban on menthol cigarettes and flavored cigars (www.cnn.com)

Eighty national public health groups, including the American Heart Association, the American Medical Association, the American Academy of Pediatrics and the American College of Preventative Medicine, placed a full-page ad in Sunday’s edition of the Washington Post in support of a federal ban on menthol in cigarettes and all...

@Angry_Maple@sh.itjust.works avatar

That’s not even getting into the possible “fun suprises” we’ll have from all of the microplastics in our bodies.

@Angry_Maple@sh.itjust.works avatar

I almost quit at the start of covid, to be honest. It was manual labor, in food production.

My team had some people with serious health conditions, and some people who had family members with serious health conditions. Our GM called everyone together for a meeting, and people understandably asked what policies the company would put in place to keep everyone safe.

The GM decided to be a complete asshole, and went on a long spiel about how we were lucky to even have jobs and that if we didn’t continue working as if nothing happened, the we wouldn’t have jobs. He said he didn’t want to hear anyone’s “sob stories” (those words), and that we had better not lose productivity. Thank fuck for the mandates on workplaces. That guy is long gone, thankfully. He had no business overseeing other people. The kicker is that it was a family company.

But yeah, those stressful years were NOT great. The whole covid thing fucked up so many things for SO many people. I was shocked by how disgustingly people in that industry were treated by the general public. I feel horrible for everyone who had to deal with the public. No one should have to deal with vile, terrible people just to make a living.

With how much I’ve seen people struggle to even wash their damn hands, I wouldn’t be shocked if some other mass disease appears in my lifetime.

@Angry_Maple@sh.itjust.works avatar

My partner doesn’t use reddit and hasn’t used lemmy. She was permabanned despite not commenting or posting for about 6 months. The comments that were there were just asking questions about video games.

No reason or explanation was given. The only recent behaviour was subscribing to a trans-supportive community. We figure that might have pissed off an admin somehow. That’s the only activity that she did during those 6 months. If either of us should have been banned, it should have been me, to be honest. We have different IPs, so there shouldn’t have been any confusion on who was who. My account stayed active, even though I admittedly wasn’t always friendly with people. Every account she made was also banned without reasoning.

I initially stopped using it because I thought that was dumb, then a few months later the whole API thing happened.

Best of luck to you, I hope you continue to have a better experience than we did lol.

@Angry_Maple@sh.itjust.works avatar

I wonder if it might be one or two admins who power trip. They’re just as human as the rest of us after all.

@Angry_Maple@sh.itjust.works avatar

That’s brutal, and I’m very sorry to hear that. No one should have to struggle to find help, especially for stuff like that.

I think this whole system is stupid, even from a business sense. If you want quality labour, “happy employees” are the way to go. If you prevent people from getting much wanted/needed help, you’ll have a lot less of those “happy employees”. You’ll also have fewer taxes being paid, less money being spent, fewer people attending events and buying non-essential things, etc. The current set-up makes no sense to me. Instead of imporving anything, let’s just keep continuing to make things worse and then complain that society is getting worse. That will totally fix things. It hasn’t worked for the past couple of decades, but it will totally magically change tomorrow. Assholes.

I hope things get much better for you and your father soon. Y’all deserve MUCH better than this.

@Angry_Maple@sh.itjust.works avatar

Have you been able to try it? If a friend has a copy, or if you can rent/buy it and then return it, I would try it if you can.

I used to also be very against playing anything turn-based. I thought it was odd and unrealistic. In older games, that was definitely the case at times.

This game though, it draws you right in. You can be very creative with how you fight your enemies, and there is nearly always something new to discover. In my opinion, this game’s turn-based mode is more of a strategy game than it is a click and fight. I kind of love that about it.

I initially started playing on my girlfriend’s insistence, but sometimes I find it very difficult to put down.

I hope this doesn’t come off as pressuring you to play. I’m still kind of shocked I like a turn-based game now, to be honest. I thought that I would always dislike them.

Mike Johnson Said Same-Sex Marriage Would Lead to People Marrying Their Pets, Wanted to Sentence Abortion Doctors to “Hard Labor” (www.vanityfair.com)

By now you’ve likely heard that Representative Mike Johnson—the congressman Republicans finally elected as the new Speaker of the House after 22 days of chaos—played a significant role in the plot to overturn the 2020 election, a lowlight on his résumé that is obviously deeply concerning for the future of democracy. Also...

@Angry_Maple@sh.itjust.works avatar

It also partially excludes those who don’t earn a lot, at least where I live (Ontario, Canada).

You earn around 30k a year? Hey, you get some benefits! Two people earning 50k a year? Well, obviously you don’t need those benefits anymore. In fact, let’s cut your collective returns down by a nice $342.

Nothing changes if you’re just roommates, but they sometimes really want to verify that you’re not secretly common-law. You can get in legal trouble if you get caught.

It was kind of messed up the first year that my partner and I filed taxes together, to be honest. We couldn’t do that until we were living together for 2 years (federal government), and 3 years (provincial government).

They didn’t tell us to both save the entire previous year’s GST, and it ended with us having to pay between $500 and $700. That was a fun birthday suprise. The bad parts of common-law start before any of the benefits, apparently. They also seem to start before you can legally file. I tell everyone who I know is moving in with a partner, because fuck that noise. I wish someone told us earlier. Anyone, really.

<span style="color:#323232;">                                *rage* 
@Angry_Maple@sh.itjust.works avatar

I wonder if they’ll make a smart speaker version for this one too

@Angry_Maple@sh.itjust.works avatar

Tbh, I almost caved and got premium, but I have a lot of the same issues with Youtube that you have.

A big YouTuber was doxxed recently by another big YouTuber, and Youtube did nothing about it. If I was him, I would be going to court.

Angry_Maple, (edited )
@Angry_Maple@sh.itjust.works avatar

If you’re like me and freeze on the spot, you could also write your symptoms down before going in.

I was diagnosed super young, but then I had to change doctors after my first one retired. I took medication for about a year as a teenager, but I didn’t start medication again until I was in my 20’s.

I was anxious that the new doctor wouldn’t believe me, but my speech patterns apparently partly gave me away lol. I try SO hard to speak at normal speeds, but I’m not always successful. Anyways, having stuff written down before I went to the doctor helped me a lot. Instead of worrying about if the doctor believed me, I was worried about reading the list properly.

If these things are making life more difficult for you, I would absolutely go. Don’t be afraid to get a second opinion if your doctor happens to be someone who “doesn’t believe” in ADHD. Starting medication honestly probably saved me from falling through the cracks. I’m better with timing, attendance, social skills, emotional regulation, paying attention, and many other things.

Best of luck!

@Angry_Maple@sh.itjust.works avatar

Vyvanse gave me so much anxiety that just missing the bus on a quiet day made me feel like I was suffocating. It’s crazy that these medications affect us all so differently.

@Angry_Maple@sh.itjust.works avatar

Some of the takes that I’ve seen on this are bizarre.

You can hate that Hamas has murdered innocent civilians, and you can ALSO hate that Israel has murdered innocent civilians.

Some of us are just genuinely disgusted by the sheer amount of innocent people dying. It’s terrible, and nothing anyone says will ever make me believe that those innocent people deserved to die like that. Some of them only have the “crime” of being born there.

I’m not from the US, but it irks me to see so many people calling anyone from there a hypocrite for being upset over it, solely because of the United States’ previous involvement. Many of the people commenting are probably not the same people who wanted to join the war back then. Many of the people commenting may have not been old enough to vote for the government at the time. Millions of people are not one single homogeneous life form. Every person has their own mix of thoughts, feelings, experiences, emotions, hopes, and dreams. These things help fuel how they see the world around them. No two peoples stories are exactly alike.

@Angry_Maple@sh.itjust.works avatar

I’d argue that anyone who was happy to make education worse for future generations was “fucking stupid”. They cut their nose off to spite their face, so to speak.

Why would someone want doctors, surgeons, scientists, and everyone in every other skilled profession to have less of an education? What part of that isn’t “fucking stupid”? Too many people don’t think about the long term consequences. What’s going to happen when the older generations retire?

I hope that you’re trying to stop education cuts, otherwise you’re a part of the problem that you’re talking about.

@Angry_Maple@sh.itjust.works avatar

They don’t care about the company’s future beyond their own personal gains from it.

Tbh, I doubt that they would care in the slightest if the entire company closed the day after they left/retired. It seems like almost all CEOs have that target these days.

@Angry_Maple@sh.itjust.works avatar

It’s tough to read tone over text, so just in case. Do you know the truth behind the lemmings? They don’t actually kill themselves in large groups.


I can’t tell if you didn’t know, if you just made a joke, or if you’re implying that someone caused these birds to die for the sake of film.

Angry_Maple, (edited )
@Angry_Maple@sh.itjust.works avatar

What part of Ontario are you talking about? Did you not get any of the ice storms last year? Ottawa was hit with 38.mm of freezing rain just back in April.

IIRC a lot of people were stuck at home around the holidays, too. At some points the snow was blinding. I agree that there is less snow overall through. It’s sad to see.

@Angry_Maple@sh.itjust.works avatar

What is forgiveness to you?

To a lot of people, forgiveness comes when the person who did wrong feels regret over their actions. Not regret for the consequences, but regret for the harm that their actions caused.

Tbh, if someone is hoping that just paying false lip service will guarantee then forgiveness from an all knowing being, I’ll wonder what exactly it is that they believe. An all knowing God would know whether you actually regret harming someone, or if you just regret not getting into heaven. Is there any chance you could explain that to me? I have seriously never understood why some religious people believe that they could fool an all knowing God.

If that amount of sin is forgiven easily, I would argue that many of the harmless actions that current organized reliegon is against would also be forgiven.

@Angry_Maple@sh.itjust.works avatar

You also have to love how it’s a federal holiday in some places. People who work for the government got the day off, but there was practically nothing for the legit indigenous other than seeing people wearing orange shirts.

Idk, it’s weird to me because the government played a massive role in what happened. It’s odd that the provincial government gave themselves a long weekend over it.

@Angry_Maple@sh.itjust.works avatar

I think that that bot might actually be preventing the AITA community from growing. Yeah, it’s easy enough to block the bot. I don’t disagree with that at all.

The majority of new users may look at the community and see nothing but bot posts. I don’t know about you, but if all I see on a community are bot posts, I tend to skip that community. I don’t always care to go digging through numerous posts to see if it’s worth it to block a bot. Doubly so, if there is so much bot posting that the normal posts are practically hidden. A new user may just assume that the community is intended for bots and just skip it altogether.

I don’t care about AITA anymore to be honest, but too many bot posts can definitely hinder the growth of a community. I think that would be true for many communities.

Imo, it’s a touch worse when the community is based on personal stories. No one will really benefit from voting/discussing. Instead, you’re reading posts that someone else intended for another group on another website. There isn’t really a lot of “community” that you can get with that. Short story readers group, I guess? The actual OP certainly won’t get any of the input.

@Angry_Maple@sh.itjust.works avatar

That’s almost 3 football fields!

@Angry_Maple@sh.itjust.works avatar

Bonus points: Neither of those texts would exist if the sender had just listened to you any of the first two or three times that you told them.

yaaay troubleshooting. I have to say though, on the bright side, it’s doing wonders for improving my patience.

@Angry_Maple@sh.itjust.works avatar

I don’t think they do, but I’ve seen them announce things like " company name teamed up with x charity and we managed $200,000 !"

Conveniently forgetting to mention that they donated little to nothing themselves.

@Angry_Maple@sh.itjust.works avatar

I haven’t been able to play much yet, but I’ve been able to dig up a chest. I also had the option to dig up a grave, but I didn’t go for it.

@Angry_Maple@sh.itjust.works avatar

Youtube won’t care unless/until it becomes too expensive to ignore

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