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React isn’t even bad or hard to learn. You just are stuck in your ways.

  • Software Engineer of 10 years so not a recent boot camp dev

Chiquita bananas. They literally stole entire south/central American countries and used death squads and the CIA to enslave the workers and kill them when they asked for such unreasonable demands like being paid in actual currency


I see this answer given a lot on reddit when this paradox is brought up so I’ll post it here too. There is no paradox of tolerance because tolerance is not a rule but a social contract. When someone is intolerant they have violated said social contract and thus are no longer covered by it and are not granted tolerance. We tolerate those who tolerate others.

AnarchoYeasty, (edited )

When I was 18 I was a right wing libertarian. When I became a software engineer and started making good money I became a progressive democrat. Now that I make 6 figures I’m an Anarchist Communist. Question: when does my career of the last decade become a “real job” and make me a conservative asshole? Because I’m still waiting.


Fuck man I wish our world leaders would actually take action on stuff like this. Direct war with Russia appears to be becoming more and more an inevitable conclusion. They are going to cross a line sooner or later that will necessitate it. The only question is how long will we allow them to fuck over Ukraine/Their neighbors/The world before we do so. I’m anti wars of imperialism but despite what edgy tankies might believe the only imperialism at play in Ukraine is Russian imperialism. And I am absolutely in favor of war to end genocide and Russia is committing genocide.


Except that isn’t remotely true. For example we can set up trade embargos and cut Russia off from all trade under US sphere of influence so they’ll only be able to trade with Brazil India Iran and China. We can also seize foreign owned assets owned by Russians in western nations. More aggressively we can send US/NATO war ships to Ukraine to provide an armed escort for Ukrainian ships carrying grain in order to ensure that shipments do not delay.


You are mistaken friend. It was actually western capitalists disguised as Russians who invaded Ukraine. Don’t you know that at least 1/3rd of the “troops” invading Ukraine is actually notorious war monger Joe Biden himself in disguise? Stay woke.


I had hoped the imagery of capitalists pretending to be Russian soldiers and 1/3rd of the soldiers being Joe Biden in disguise and saying stay woke was all clues enough that I didn’t need to drop a /s on there but alas


Yeah that stood out to me. Although they don’t need a seat at the table to be held accountable


Nothing will ever top FF6-9. It was such a great time in Final Fantasy story telling.


Stardew isn’t 80’s console style at all? It’s just pixel art? And doesn’t even look bad.

Recommendations for open world games with focus on interaction instead of exploration or survival

I would like recommendations for open world games where the player has abundant ways to interact with the world, be it with the NPCs or buildings, and does not have to worry about survival aspects of the character or spending time exploring a static world. I would not mind if it comes at the cost of a smaller sized world, as...


Life is strange is pretty far from a open world game though and the options for meaningful interactions are virtually non existent.

Twitter, Threads, and the misunderstood nature of engineering (

Complex internet services fail in interesting ways as they grow in size and complexity. Twitter’s recent issues show how failures emerge slowly over time as relationships between components degrade. Meta’s quick launch of Threads demonstrates how platform investments can compound over time, allowing them to quickly build on...


This is clearly a post talking about investing in engineering capabilities and prioritizing the retaining of talent and not a discussion around the ethics of the businesses involved.


Language Server Protocol. It’s how programs (language servers) can talk to your editor (like vs code or nvim) and provide refractors and intellisense and what not.


Any taxonomy that doesn’t include the Berlin interpretation or consider it’s existence is missing an important piece of roguelikes history and elements imo


Anarchist philosopher and writer Pyotr Kropotkin wrote this amazing article called “Are we good enough” and I’m going to copy paste part of it here because it’s really relevant to your point about preventing bad people from taking over

Men are not good enough for Communism, but are they good enough for Capitalism? If all men were good-hearted, kind, and just, they would never exploit one another, although possessing the means of doing so. With such men the private ownership of capital would be no danger. The capitalist would hasten to share his profits with the workers, and the best-remunerated workers with those suffering from occasional causes. If men were provident they would not produce velvet and articles of luxury while food is wanted in cottages: they would not build palaces as long as there are slums.

If men had a deeply developed feeling of equity they would not oppress other men. Politicians would not cheat their electors; Parliament would not be a chattering and cheating box, and Charles Warren’s policemen would refuse to bludgeon the Trafalgar Square talkers and listeners. And if men were gallant, self-respecting, and less egotistic, even a bad capitalist would not be a danger; the workers would have soon reduced him to the role of a simple comrade-manager. Even a King would not be dangerous, because the people would merely consider him as a fellow unable to do better work, and therefore entrusted with signing some stupid papers sent out to other cranks calling themselves Kings.

But men are not those free-minded, independent, provident, loving, and compassionate fellows which we should like to see them. And precisely, therefore, they must not continue living under the present system which permits them to oppress and exploit one another

To answer the question you presented at the end of your comment, Kropotkin says no. There is no way to prevent this and thus we must destroy the positions of power to stop men from using it to oppress others.

Full link to Are We Good Enough…/petr-kropotkin-are-we-g…

And in video format for those who prefer to listen instead of read


Anarchism is not simply the lack of rules / rulers. Anarchists believe in tearing down vertical power structures (hierarchies) and replacing them with horizontal egalitarian structures. We believe that society should structure along the lines of small unions of workers and neighbors and artists and whatever who gather freely to advocate for their own needs and desires and to coordinate efforts. These unions or communes if you’d prefer, would federate alongside other unions/communes to create a federation that works together to meet the needs of all. Should that federation stop meeting the needs of all or should new needs arise then the unions can defederate and federate with others.

This serves two purposes. 1.) It prevents these federations from becoming new governments (you can leave at any time) and 2.) It provides a system of organization that allows smaller groups to stand up to threats.

For a real life example that we are all familiar with. There exists this Anarchist “nation” called The Fediverse and recently a war lord by the name of Meta who attempted to infiltrate the federation of the Fediverse and the people recognized that this would upset the balance of our new egalitarian way of life. So all of the largest unions (servers) of the Fediverse organized and formed a new coalition to unite against Meta and prevent them from gaining control and shut them out of the process entirely. Thus they were able to protect the Fediverse and keep it going.

That’s how Anarchism will protect itself from outside influence.


It’s been awhile since I read this so I’m going to mess up the details so I apologize. But I believe it was in the book Debt the first 5000 years that David Graeber shares a story from an African tribe that he had an account of.

In this tribe it was custom that if someone remarked on something or asked for something that the people of the village were obligated to give it to the asker. And there was a man in this tribe who every day would go to the fisher and comment on the best fish they had caught so if course the fisherman were obligated to give it to him. And then he’d visit the weavers and comment on the best basket they had. And so on and so forth up and down the coast he would do this and everyone knew who he was and that he would do this and the merchants got upset and got together to decide what to do. Custom says they cannot refuse him when he asks so they concluded that there was only one logical and egalitarian thing left to do. And so they formed a mob and killed the guy.

So what do you do if someone is shitting up stream and won’t stop? First you try talking to them. If that doesn’t work then you get your union to talk to their federation to pressure them into cooperating. And if all else fails then we fight to protect our health and our way of life. Anarchism isn’t pacifism. We can protect ourselves from those who will destroy our way of life and oppress others.


I’m a sr software developer at a consultancy firm where I now build software for different companies. It’s a pretty sweet gig, good pay, company has been full time remote since the late 90’s. Not the most exciting work in the world but it’s work.

My previous position I was a director of engineering of a tech startup. I was actually in line to become CTO. I was employee number 1 on this company and had been there for 7 years. I got removed from my position due to being a good communist and being betrayed by one of my workers.

While running my team I noticed a lot of inefficiencies in the way our team operated. There was a major bottleneck in people needing my help my approval my guidance. Except I had my own work to be doing as well. I started looking into alternatives and how we could fix it when I came across something called Mob programming. Basically instead of everyone working on their own tasks everyone works on one task together. We all sit on a zoom call and take turns typing while everyone else discusses the problem and provides solutions. Every 15 minutes we switch positions and every hour we take a 15 minute break. By elevating the problem from your mind to the collectives mind we are able to make continuous progress on problems quickly. Some people were looking for bugs or optimizations while others took a first pass at solving the problem so our code we were writing was optimized and written to best practices as best as possible. I did this on a two week trial without permission of my company and it worked amazingly we never were so productive. So I told my bosses about it and got the ok to keep doing this.

What I didn’t tell my company is that this was extremely draining and tiring to do. And if I find an efficiency for the workers under me I’m not going to pass the benefit to the company I’m going to be a good communist and pass it to the workers. I instituted 6 hour days for my team. We did this for a year and my team loved it. We put in a solid work and got done early and felt true team cohesion because while we were working we were also chatting and joking and laughing. Work was fun. We called it The Dream and it was fucking good.

Until C came along. C was a sr developer who joined my team who was originally very cool and a great addition to the team and a natural leader. I had told C that when I become CTO I’d tap him to become Director of Engineering. C was a black man and so this was something I was proud of, because not only was he the most qualified but it would put a POC in one of the highest positions in the company. It honestly stings how excited and how much hope I had in C because he betrayed me hard.

My boss gave me a deadline to accomplish a task in 3 months. Realistically we would have needed 5 but I calculated that if everyone pushed hard and we temporarily changed from the 6 hour day to the 8 hour day and if I gave up all of my nights and weekends (me not my team I never once asked for overtime from my guys) I could do it. In return for making the deadline my boss said we could run a trial of a 4 day work week (as in work 32 hours instead of 40) with no pay cut.

I told the team about this and there was hesitation for sure. It was hard but I explained how I’d shoulder the overtime and that we’d just need 2 more hours a day, the original 8 we were supposed to work. Most people accepted this. But not C. He went off on me and really scared the rest of the team off from feeling like we could do it. Saying oh we are being set up to fail etc etc. I told him that next time I need him to come to me with those concerns instead of upsetting the team like that. A few days later it happened again he was telling everyone how unsafe it was to be working this hard (8 hour days of grueling… Web development?? It’s hard but unsafe? Yeah no) so once again I told him to come to me with this stuff instead of fear mongering the team.

Motherfucker reported me to the federal government saying I was union busting and stopping him from discussing working conditions with his co-workers. An investigation from the labor board was launched and now I had to come clean to my bosses about everything. The 6 hour days included.

The company removed me from leadership immediately and threatened to not offer legal resources should the labor investigation turn into a lawsuit and would leave me out to dry. Luckily that didn’t happen and I was able to move to my new position without any issue.

It really hurt a lot because A.) I put everything I had into this company for 7 years. Nights weekends and holidays. My wife missed out on so much of my time and attention. Missed and cancelled date nights because something came up. And I was left to dry. And B.) Everything I did I did to protect my workers and make their lives easier. I only took the position because the last leader (the #2 employee) was so incompetent he got himself fired and it was either I step up or someone is brought it from outside the company. I had no desire to be a manager. I’m an anarchist for gods sake. But I took to position because I knew that me as a leader would look out for my guys better than any capitalist would. Most of my team saw and appreciated that and we had a great relationship where I never had to order anyone. We worked together. I consulted their opinions and we came to agreements. I tried to run my team as egalitarian as possible. I acted more as a spokesperson than a boss. I tried to be the best boss I could since not having a boss wasn’t possible. And to have one of my guys backstab me like that and burn everything to the ground fucking hurt like hell. I almost gave up on leftism and embraced the khaki and puff vest world of startup bros. That’s why I went for my current job. I clock in I clock out. I’m not in charge of anyone.

I do miss start ups though. In my spare time I’m starting to work on various startups that can more or less run themselves once set up and would only require bug fixes and occasionally new features since B2B. The goal here is to earn enough money to switch from senior dev work to junior dev work since I can knock that out in like 2-3 hours and reclaim the rest of my day. Ideally I can make enough to survive off of those SaaS apps enough to not have to work anywhere else at all. Most ideal would be to grow large enough that I require starting a cooperative to maintain it all.


He was on board with the mob programming. Until we hit crunch time (which in this case was just working the 8 hours we were required to work) and I don’t know what the hell he was thinking with blowing everything up. He made work so much worse for so many people. He just decided to burn everything down one day.

And I’m a full time employee of a consultancy company. So I don’t find clients my company does and assigns me to a contract with them. I’ve been at my first client for a year but tomorrow is my last day before I switch to a new client on Monday. Consultancy is ok. I miss being a part of a product development team in house since I feel disconnected from the work I’m doing. It’s temporary after all. But it’s been a real nice break to decompress from the years of stress from the startup.


Check out dark net markets on TOR. There’s a whole marketplace with ebay style reviews so you can know who to trust. I always buy from people with thousands of 5 star reviews to put my mind at ease. Probably done about 5 dozen or more trips and the only time I’ve gotten fake/the wrong/laced drugs is when Ive gotten them in person.


I love Sabines channel. Fantastic communicator of advanced ideas and you wouldn't necessarily expect it from the tone of her voice while she talks but her humor is top notch too


Ok you could say the same thing about France. Also you repeated the same groups multiple times. The Romanovs were Tsars. Stalin Lenin and Gorbachev were all Bolsheviks, and although there was a struggle when Stalin took over Lenin to Stalin was just the passing of the torch between one revolutionary leader to the next. So really your long list of regime changes were: Catherine the Great from 1796, the Tsars who lost power in 1917, and Gorbachev who brought the USSR down in 1991. I'll give you that Russia went through a period of intense chaos in the 90s between the dissolution of the USSR and when Putin took over. But 3 regime changes over 250 years isn't that much.


Overuse of the spread operator and creating functions inside of functions are two of the biggest culprits of performance issues in modern is


Implying their great-grandfather was fighting on the allied side. Or even that America was setting out to stop the Nazis. Similar to the union in the civil war, the war was about protecting empire, and not stopping evil.

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