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does anyone else feel enslaved?

When I was growing up the internet was a place to be liberated from the world say what you want to say, be whoever you want and form genuine communities with shared interests. Now the internet feels like a tool to enslave the mind with identity echo chambers and any deviation leads you to being banned and blocked shunned and...


Ahhh see you exposed yourself. This is about you being pissed about pride flags. I got that sense when you used the word enslaved. We get it no one is more oppressed than the straight cis white man. You miss the old days of the internet when browns and queers and women didn’t force you to acknowledge they exist.


Aaron has very little to do with reddit. Please stop bringing up his memory as a digg against reddit. We’ve left the site we can move on.


Except it’s true. Aaron didn’t cofound reddit. That doesn’t diminish what he did do.


Thus spoke reality? Aaron founded another startup at the y combinator when it got merged into the reddit startup. But the fact that they merged at the y combinator would suggest that reddit already was founded before Aaron was involved. This is all easily verifiable information you’re just so angry that you aren’t on your favorite website that you are just making shit up at this point.


You mean Lucas Arts? They had a logo very similar to this


That’s a whack article whose author is pretty confused. Antihierarchical action is inherently not authoritarian unless you are creating new hierarchy. Also isn’t it convenient that our system of liberalism is good and just and normal people believe it but only crazy dangerous psychopaths believe in a ideology founded on liberation from the forces that oppress us.

There are plenty of articles discussing how capitalists are fucking psychopaths too.


Messages from and to X are known as Drunken Mistakes


From their repo (

Create .cargo/config.toml in your project directory with the following:

[target.x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu] linker = “clang” rustflags = [“-C”, “link-arg=-fuse-ld=/path/to/mold”] where /path/to/mold is an absolute path to the mold executable. In the example above, we use clang as a linker driver since it always accepts the -fuse-ld option. If your GCC is recent enough to recognize the option, you may be able to remove the linker = “clang” line.

[target.x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu] rustflags = [“-C”, “link-arg=-fuse-ld=/path/to/mold”] If you want to use mold for all projects, add the above snippet to ~/.cargo/config.toml


It ships with additional tooling around building and submitting your app to app stores, running your app while in development on your phone deployed via qr code, and a web based playground for quick prototyping and collaboration with others like a stackblitz type thing. It also comes with a number of apis for accessing the native maps, notifications, camera and gyroscope and other sensors, surface to draw with openGL/Skia and honestly a ton more.

I don’t know why you wouldn’t use expo if you are using react native. I’d feel like you were missing out on a lot


Right these are all tools and components for react native.


Reminds me of an ace poster here the other day who was acting like it’s gross and unfathomable that people are attracted to other people’s bodies. You’re not superior because you’re ace.


He bought a company that got bought by PayPal. He didn’t build anything he didn’t run anything. He bought an existing company that got bought out. At SpaceX and Tesla they have entire structures created to stop Elon from fucking up shit and to manage him. If you need your company organized to manage the owner and stop them from fucking shit up you don’t get to claim to be smart or to build amazing stuff. In every case it’s the engineers that build amazing things despite Elon’s involvement. Elon himself is an idiot.


My favorite let’s player is Mr Samuel Streamer

Constant uploads (1-2 a day most days all high quality) funny memes, and a real focus on story telling and not just meta gaming which leads to chaos and more fun times. Also makes ridiculous mod packs for the games he plays. Mostly RimWorld and Crusader Kings stuff.


Mistakes made when drunk and lonely


A bear costume??? A bear costume??? Sir that’s a Rilakkuma hat put some respect on it. Which admittedly Rilakkuma is a lazy bear… Who wears a bear costume. So I guess it’s accurate. It’s funny though because my wife has that exact hat.


Fuck transphobia and fuck chuck Norris and his racist right wing ass


God can you please keep me stuck in 2011 too. I want out of this timeline


Back when I was a USSR style tankie I was very open about it and people would talk about communism with me at work. I had a Ukrainian woman join my team and I wanted to make sure I didn’t say anything to offend her because even though I thought at the time that the USSR system was ideal I acknowledged the evils that occured especially against Ukraine. So I asked her to tell me if I ever said anything that crossed a line and that I’d try and make sure I didn’t do that as well. Imagine my surprise when she told me she actually thought communism was great because before the USSR collapsed her city had everything they needed and her family was doing great. Her parents had higher degrees of education for free. It was when the USSR collapsed and capitalism came in that life in Ukraine got super hard again.

AnarchoYeasty, (edited )

Web front ends currently require a backend service that then routes to your intended destination because Lemmy servers by default are configured with cors to only allow requests from their intended domain. There is a PR to fix it but I don’t believe it’s been merged in. This may be out of date but that was true as of a few weeks ago per the dev of Voyager which is the web frontend I use

edit: this is no longer true. A PR 2 weeks ago fixed this issue and web front ends are able to work just as well as a native app now.


Turns out the cors issue was fixed the other week. Nevermind then.


1.) Turns out this is no longer true because the cors issue is fixed as of two weeks ago.

But to answer your question:

Well that’s the really silly part about it. You see, the way CORS works is that it only works if the client making the request implements cors. In this case when I say client I’m talking about your web browser itself. Native applications, or hitting an API directly via network calls, don’t implement cors and thus you can make the calls all you want and the server responds. So even when cors was configured to only allow requests from the correct domain it only affected people with web browsers.

However two weeks ago a PR was merged into the Lemmy source code setting the cors to by default allow requests from anyone instead of a specific domain.


It’s 425

You can find it if you Google existential comics anarchism chomsky


Would you feel better about this if it was a stock photo of a white woman yeeting their baby rather than using a comic? A comic that the meme maker didn’t create? Should the meme maker recolor the baby and woman white to make things better for you? This isn’t racist because one of the meme images happens to be of black people.


People who tie up girls with long hair. Do you tie up women or femininity?


Even gTLDs aren’t entirely safe. .dev is iffy right now because only Google can give those out and Google domains is going away.


And I’m sure that comforts them when the mental health crisis gripping them leads to another suicide or more alcoholism or drug abuse. I know when I’m struggling with the weight of everything in dealing with I tell myself “Well, at least white people control the economy and nation.” And then all my problems go away and I continue happy knowing I can oppress minorities and women /s


The pain and oppression he feels is real and it’s caused by patriarchy And capitalism. Not the LGBTQ community. Other forces have validated those feelings but pointed to gay and trans and brown people as the cause. Rather than dunking on them with “are you even oppressed bro?” Like many others here are suggesting which they admit would never work because of course it wouldn’t work who responds well to that, the best way to change someone’s mind is to talk with them validate their feelings and struggles and fears and point out that it isn’t minorities causing these issues but direct them to the real cause. I know it’s hard to empathize with people who see you as the problem but it’s the only way to actually change their mind and get them on the right path if that’s what you actually want to have happen. If it isn’t then go ahead and hit them with a “check your privilege shit lord” and go about your day knowing you just owned the patriarchy


You and I and everyone here knows it’s not caused by LGBT people. But commentators on the right have been pointing out all the problems that men face and point the finger directly at LGBT, Feminists, and POC. Just like how the Nazis did the Jews. Yeah it’s not true that it’s LGBT people’s fault. But thanks to propaganda he now believes that’s true. It’s up to OP now to decide whether this friend is worth keeping and help deprogram him, or whether it’s time to leave him and move on. And that’s a deeply personal question that OP will need to decide. There isn’t a right or wrong choice it’s just whether it’s worth the effort of deprogramming them or not.

What type of game do you want to play that doesn't really exist?

Have you ever played a game and wondered what if you could do something that it doesn’t really allow you to do, for example being able to move around blocks in Minecraft fluidly instead of in sectors, edit the world in Hogwarts legacy with spells, be able to fly in a world like Elden Ring or Elder Scrolls with epic sky...


Unreal world is a roguelike based in iron age Finland which fits almost exactly like you are describing except it’s a single pawn you control and not a colony.


Capitalism has pretty much one defining feature. The private ownership of capital goods. Worth also repeating that anti capitalists are opposed to private property (of capital goods) and not personal property (your house your car your toothbrush)


Every Social Democracy is built upon imperialism and exploiting goods and labor from the third world. Social democracies are the epitome of well it works for me and people who look like me but fuck everyone else. Plus social democracies almost always are very restrictive of who gets to participate in said social democracy since the state can only provide these services to so many people before things collapse because it fundamentally does nothing to break from the destructive capitalist systems. They also tend to be really really racist too.


I don’t think is those things. When capital goods are privately owned then by definition the workers do not have autonomy or control. If the workers of a coop own the capital goods I would consider that collective ownership of capital goods. Not quite public ownership (you still have to be in the group to access it) but not private either.

Climate critiques are definitely in the realm of capitalism. Your house and your land you use to live on is personal property. But if you are running a factory or a farm for other reasons than for your own use then that then ceases to be personal property and falls into private property which is capitalism.

I’ve not seen a better difference between capitalism and socialism than capitalism is private ownership of capital goods while socialism is the collective or public ownership of capital goods. Social democrats are not socialist because they are not addressing the ownership of capital goods. They just share the profits via state provided safety nets and benefits.

This understanding is also inclusive of the different forms that socialism can take. State (🤮), Market, or Gift/Library/Communism. I’m open to other opinions on it if someone has critique or a better definition. This is just the one that’s made the most sense to me over the last 7 years of me being a leftist

Enough with the Mark Zuckerberg Love (

The article criticizes recent media coverage portraying Mark Zuckerberg as “cool” again based on his success with Threads and a shirtless photo he posted. The author argues that Zuckerberg’s photo looks like that of a middle-aged man cheating on his wife, and that Threads’ success is questionable given it is mostly used...


Yeah just because the author is fat and lazy and is surrounded by fat and lazy friends doesn’t make this true. This is one of those telling on yourself comments.


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  • AnarchoYeasty,

    Except the thread was specifically talking about whether people who identify as straight are into women or into femininity. The person in the post responded they were into women because he is sexually attracted to women’s curves (namely their breasts) and some ace person decided that it was disgusting for him to say that because they (the ace) don’t find people’s bodies attractive therefore anyone who does find people’s bodies attractive is super gross and the OP was just responding back defending himself. This wasn’t some unsolicited comment about trans people.


    It’s harder to break into but I make 150k and barely graduated high school. Software engineering is largely a field that doesn’t care about degrees but about ability. It’s harder these days to break into the field than it was 10 years ago when I did but it’s absolutely still possible


    Also not a fan of the new name sorry. like others said it sounds too much like trying to be firefox


    Not only that, but Mormons view patriotism as a religious virtue. We were raised that America is God’s chosen place, and next to serving a mission the best thing you could do is serve your nation.

    The guys who created the CIA book on how to tortue were both Mormons. I hope that if I am very very wrong and Mormonism does turn out to be right, that God fucking punishes these sick fucks for thinking that torture is ok, or even good.


    Honestly, seems pretty sus. The link you posted is just a screenshots of some word documents in a folder, the original source they posted was removed by the mods of /r/exmo which they would not do if there was credibility of this being real because /r/exmo loves being able to destroy the church. People who saw the post before it was taken down say the documents are written by someone who is not a native english speaker, and contain links to news articles but little else. I want this to be true because I hate the cult and what it did to me, but this doesn’t seem credible. Even if some of the things they discuss in it might be. I’d believe it more if it came from a more credible source than some guy who posted “look what I found” on /r/exmo


    Terrorism is when another nation resists your genocide and the more they resist your genocide the more terrorism it is


    It’s not just you meditation is really scary and hard for lots of people because being alone with your thoughts is really fucking scary especially when you are already on the verge of no longer wanting to live. A key part of the process however is realizing that you are not your emotions or your fears. That you are something fundamentally different than those and that you can place distance between yourself and how you feel. And that distance allows you to observe without internalizing. It’s really fucking hard but honestly it’s so good for you. Just start small. And like the other poster said talking about it helps.


    Except math isn’t real and was entirely made up. Including the order in which the operations are calculated.


    Math is our representation of real world phenomena. The universe is not calculating any computations when gravity takes effect. This is basic mathematical knowledge that they teach you when you first learn physics. So no, math is not real and is entirely made up.


    I’m sure they had a reason. Doesn’t mean it wasn’t a completely arbitrary reason


    My ex really loved that song and thought it was so deep. She’d say shit like “I just love how he doesn’t have a type you know? Like if your bad it doesn’t matter” but I was just confused because a bad bitch is a type. And it wasn’t her.


    Andrewism is great. The majority of the video is discussing David Graebers Debt the first 5000 years which for a book about the history of debt and the relations between people in society is surprisingly entertaining. I’d recommend checking it out.…/david-graeber-debt-the-…


    The anime is called New Game and it’s honestly really fucking good. As a developer who dabbles in game dev it’s honestly pretty true to life and accurate in many ways. I’m usually more of a action anime guy but my wife introduced this one to me and I loved it. It stopped after 2 seasons because they used up all the material but the manga recently released enough chapters that we could get a season 3 so hopefully the anime studio decides to pick it back up again.

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