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Yeah…he literally put $1400 in your pocket, assuming you’re American, at the beginning of his administration in response to the covid-19 virus.

Trump did it twice, plus Biden promised $2000 and walked that back when he was in office.

Ignoring everything else, Trump pushed for the checks and called on congress to make increases to what was given out. Biden sent out a lower amount than what he promised and then presided over the clusterfuck that was the end of the pandemic.


There’s a good reason for the going for the last one: Opportunity Cost.

If you’re in a situation and have an ability that can only be used once a day, you can never really know if this encounter will be the optimal use. So you hold off on it and thus get less utility. Even if you are regularly using it, having something you can always get utility out of is far more valuable than something that is strong but wasted sometimes.


I hate their unconscious brains but I think their consciousness is okay.

Humans are driven more by unconscious monkey brain then they care to admit. The people they like, hate, and pay attention to are largely unconscious behaviors. In this way, a human in a social setting is pure animal. The personality and ego are mere tools used by the human organism to navigate these social situations.

The human organism is a unconscious, cruel thing that should be abandoned as soon as possible. The egos created from it are okay. But asking them to separate themselves is hard for the trained let alone the layman.


Kissinger’s death primarily.


I hate having to explain this shit to literal Comp Sci majors.

Even if ChatGPT was literally a perfect copy of a human being it would still be 0 steps closer to a general intelligence because it does not fucking understand WHAT or HOW to actually do the things it suggests.


95% of the “wholesome human moments” are more or less tribalism/nepotism malfunctioning.

It’s like when a mother cat adopts ducklings because she came across them shortly after birth. But if it was 8 hours before she’d hunt and eat them. The cat doesn’t care about the ducks, it’s just a brain chemistry acting in a weird case. Humans are not different, they just imagine their emotions/unconscious social calculations to be a part of themselves.


A single-player fantasy game with no skill points/upgrades beyond equipment. I want the entirety of the progression to be the skills of the player. You end up losing fights to more than one goblin at a time, but then you learn to start dealing with groups. A long enough time pasts and you’re slaughtering hordes of enemy like clockwork. But if someone took control of your character they’d still lose to a goblin or two.

I want something where split second reaction times and skill determine how a fight goes. Both me and the enemy should be able to kill each other in 2-3 seconds given the right circumstances. I want extremely punishing mechanics for both enemies and the player. Something like a first-person Hotline Miami but with really good swordplay.


I think of so many games where the whole point is just a 2-3 second bit at the end like this.


If you can pay someone $1.50, then you can pay them $1. You can’t even pull a “I don’t have a smaller bill” or other shit.

If you try to pay $1.50 then you’re just being a trouble maker.


This will do nothing to stop Google Chrome’s market share tbh.

Installing an ad blocker is like the easiest thing in the world to do. Literally takes less time than watching the ad yet even most young people don’t use it. It’s the reason why Edge has such a high market share despite not being all that great. It’s the default for many people so inertia will carry it forward. Google Chrome could literally record your screen at all times and sell it to the highest bidder and it would still dominate the market.


DuckDuckGo is also so much better for search results since Google made theirs shit.

I can find websites pretty easy on DuckDuckGo which just don’t exist on Google.

when will be your last time to vote for the "lesser of two evils"?

When will be your “this is the last fucking time I’m voting for the ‘lesser of two evils’, then I don’t care after that, let this country burn to the ground”? For me, this is basically it. This is last election I’m going for that " lesser of two evils" bullshit. After that I’m done. It’s just pointless. Let’s...


It should have been in the 80’s. If those lesser evil folk bit the bullet and refused to vote for whatever shitty candidate they had at that point them maybe the Democratic party wouldn’t feel so comfortable shoveling Biden down our throats. It is 100% the fault of past Democratic party voters that we’re in this situation and it could have been avoided.

In a purely 4-year cycle, it is better to vote for a Dem because they’ll be slightly better. But since we repeated that 10x already, the Dem has gotten to be so horrific that it isn’t worth it anymore. It’s like trying to decide how much grain to use to feed a village and how much to plant for the next season. In the short term, it’s better to feed the people and reduce the amount planted next year. But we did that so much that now there’s no more food.

Boomers fucked Millennials and Gen Z with climate change. Gen X and Millennials fucked over Gen Z over with lesser evil voting.



Le epic redditer moment

Your vote matters just as much as everyone else’s.

Unless you live in non-swing state in which case your vote literally means nothing as you’re a minority voter for at least the next 30 years. Even then, the vote of someone in a state with a small population gives more of a share of electoral college votes than a populous state. Plus the whole 2 senators a state thing etc etc.

Your whole position is flawed. You’re reversing the responsibility of ensuring people get to vote. Politicians are well paid professionals whose entire job is to ensure that their political plans come to fruition. Blaming some doomer online for the failures of the party is completely missing the point.


If you believe your vote doesn’t matter, you either believe: all votes are not equal (within a given election).

Yeah, like I explained in my original comment in great detail exactly how and why certain votes are not equal.

I struck a nerve with the redditor comment considering you responded to that 4 word sentence but not the paragraph explaining basic American Electoral structure.


You fool! Youve taken the bait. I am 3 moves ahead and your fate is sealed

Grown adult saying this btw. God, I was less cringe in high school.


Nevermind, that’s a normal amount of cringe for your age.


Physical but I have to use digital. An e-ink reader plus an external hard drive allows me to read entire libraries worth of books anywhere I go. You keep two hard drives with a RAID system and you can store those with almost zero risk of failure barring two mechanical faults occurring at once.

Americans of Lemmy, what is your approach to next year's election?

2020 was… truly unique. It was so hard to stay away from doom scrolling, and I (and many others) were pretty disillusioned by the sad fact that so much of our country legitimately supported the Orange Man. I didn’t get a wink of sleep the night of the election because I genuinely considered it to be a make or break decision...


Hope my liver can outlive either Biden or Trump depending on who gets elected.


This wave knocked me on my ass and it’s been the only wave to have done this despite being 5 times vaxxed including the bivalent for 2 months before getting sick.

Maybe it’s just bad luck but the people around me seem to be getting sicker and sicker from this wave.


They can be friendly if you treat them right and they’re mostly low commitment.

Dogs need cuddles and pets daily. Cats can take care of themselves on a day-to-day basis.


No age limit, you could literally be 80 at my door in a walker and you’d still get candy.

It’s not like Candy is a valuable resource, if they want to dress up to get some M&M’s then more power to them.


no batista is going to ruin your day.

Idk, Fulgencio Batista was pretty bad all things considered.


Disagreeing with me on the internet.

Will the world ever stop being anti-intellectual?

One of the most aggravating things to me in this world has to be the absolutely rampant anti-intellectualism that dominates so many conversations and debates, and its influence just seems to be expanding. Do you think there will ever actually be a time when this ends? I'd hope so once people become more educated and cultural...


Ayn Rand once said “It is not I who will die, it is the world.” I will never stop being anti-intellectual personally so when I die it can’t change.

Sorry, the answer is no but if you trust the quote the world will only exist for another 30-40 years so I wouldn’t worry.


Nah it’s a bit. No one actually unironically identifies as anti-intellectual.

I’m kinda of a Diogenes figure. Sometimes you get “behold a man” and sometimes you get a homeless man yelling at passerbys.


Oh look another “materialist” who relies on the pan-psychic influence of others to determine reality. How Jungian of you. Thatcher once said, “there is no society, only individuals.” Do you disagree? I imagine so. Even Marx called out Commodity Fetishism but you put the greatest fetish of all on society and reality as something inherent. If reality is just an interplay of individuals, the truth proven by both Rand and Marx, then an individual is free to form their own reality away from your own.

You'll never know the true truth because you're still enslaved the collective unconsciousness.

Also, did you really think someone was actually identifying as anti-intellectual. Come on, I know you couldn’t understand the the ironic Freud in your “I want dommy mommy to step on me” thread but this is ridiculous. Looks like you got owned on two fetishes, mommy and commodity.


No. You’re just being obnoxiously smug while expecting people to praise you as some sort of eccentric philosopher.

Literally describing myself as a homeless man and anti-intellectual. No one is taking it seriously but you man.


You believe you are the Main Character of the universe and that everything ceases to exist when you die

Man you really don’t understand when people are doing bits. You think people would just go on the internet and not mean literally everything they type?

Hexbear needs a villian, don’t you understand UlyssesT? You wouldn’t be having half of the enjoyment in this conversation if I just did a normal comment. But now I got to do a silly bit and you got to pretend you’re arguing with someone serious.

Discussion on the internet is inherently worthless because no one ever changes their opinions. It’s a black box in which no matter the inputs, the outputs remain the same. Is it really so wrong then to lay down ideas like “seriousness” if it doesn’t change anything? Your answer will be of course that I’m delusional and only doing this to cope or something because that’s what your opinion started as. No matter what you or I say, we cannot change.

Stop posting and touch grass if you want truth, nothing here matters.


Anyone got any good reccs for Linux? Preferably something that plays nicely with both laptop and desktop.


why is inclusion in an often patriarchal/misogynistic and conservative institution as marriage the end-all-be-all of queer rights?

Legal protections mostly. If you get married, you have a right to see your spouse in the hospital. Otherwise, they’re just another person even if you’ve been living together for 50 years. You also have a right to inheritance, the right to receive pensions and 401k, etc etc. An unmarried partner is essentially left with nothing unless explicitly stated in a will and even then they don’t have all the legal protections.

Imagine living with someone for 20 years and they get into a car wreck, you can’t see them before they die because you’re married. You get kicked out of your home because legally you’re just a roommate and have no right to stay in that house. Then, all the money your partner invested goes to their shithead parents who kicked them out as a child. None of that would happen if you were married.

Marriage is an outdated contract but the functions it provides are still important to society.

Edit: Obviously I support China but marriage isn’t just a “proof of love” or some other sentimental thing.


So much for smartest animal on Earth!

Take that Douglas Adams!


It just seems like you picked a font from photoshop, put a black border around it, and shipped the meme.

Use Impact font and add a drop shadow next time. It gives a slight depth and Impact is the traditional meme font.


2-4. One longer one in the morning for cleaning myself. A 2-3 minute one when I workout or get sweaty. And a final short one before climbing into bed.

Sometimes I just decide I need to destress and take another 10-15 minute long one. If I have an easily accessible sauna at a knobs turn then you bet I’ll be using it.

What makes you enjoy "generic" Youtubers?

I don’t want to offend anyone by the term “generic”, but by that term I mean the typical Youtubers who generate the same repetitive content over and over and over and over and over again and it’s usually content that is made with little effort and often with filler, such as unnecessary jokes. For obvious reasons I...


Mostly nostalgia and all the in-jokes were jokes I was there for. It’s the same reason you enjoy watching movies/tv you’ve already seen.


Calamity Mod turned my 2000 hour Terraria profile into a 4000 hour one.


I went to a bistro who’s main thing was extremely expensive food in very small portions but the price actually reflected that.

So you get 2-3 bites of steak for an order but it was only $6. My favorite was these brandy prunes that were wrapped in bacon and roasted. The total meal cost was $30-40 per person but I got to try 8 different really expensive items. Lots of fun but not practical. But I’d definitely say it was worth since I wasn’t dropping $100+ just to try one of these things.


Love that movie, Baraka is also a good choice.


“Come and See” is my top pick. I think the main thing to get across to aliens is not intimate details about our culture but rather an honest look at our faults.

“Look, this movie is how we are at our worst and our best. Both sides represent some facet of humanity. But for every evil humanity wrought upon ourselves, there were people who fought against it to the death.”


Do you have a link to this somewhere? I can’t find any torrent and it sounds cool.


I kinda want to get into Roblox dating now just so I can say my Dark Ninja Cat and Katana helped me get laid irl.


spotify-premium-apk for the mobile devices, soulseek for the desktop.


I wonder what happened to MLK and all the people who started the BLM protests in America which guarantees freedom of protest and speech. It really sucks that they all were either murdered or committed suicide and the police were never able to do anything about it.

Oh well, gotta let go and let god. Btw, did you hear that the evil Chinese Government sent someone who threw a firebomb to jail? Nasty stuff, glad I live somewhere civilized.


You said you supported Social Democracy not Democratic Socialism. Dem Socs are well-meaning but idealistic, not optimistic but the political philosophy of idealism. Soc Dems are supporters of a kinder capitalism for the Imperial core but keeping the child slaves mining cobalt in the Congo.

The fact that you think these are the same proves the original posters point that you should read theory. They were harsh but you were implying that keeping exploitation of the third world is preferable to socialism.

Dude you still don’t stop worker exploitation, don’t solve the contradiction of working and capitalist classes, don’t end imperialism or colonialism (social democracy outsources exploitation to the third world)

Ok let me know how your method works out


What a terrible mistake to make! Perhaps you should have assumed it was the correct orientation of the two words that are spelled exactly the same.

Your beef is with the English Language not me. How is it my fault that you misidentified yourself? Funnily enough, you still don’t identify your actual political position. It’s clear that the only political position you’d take is what gives you an advantage in the argument. Fucking debatebros lol.

I have, but thanks for the suggestion.

Reading so much theory that you confuse two different political ideologies. Sometimes I read so much theory that that I claim to be a monarchist when I really mean to say I’m an anti-monarchist. Obviously the other person should have understood what I meant. Your literally on a communication medium that allows you to plan and edit your comments. You have no excuse for making this grade school mistake.


The word ‘social’ is referring to ‘socialism’ and so is the relation between ‘democracy’ and ‘democratic’.

I guess social security = socialism security in your world? Social welfare programs are not socialism and if your political education included anything beyond Elizabeth Warren’s policy page you’d know that.

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