@AFaithfulNihilist@lemmy.world avatar


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@AFaithfulNihilist@lemmy.world avatar

I think even on balance, considering fractions of skeletons in whole people, you’re going to end up with more than one skeleton per person despite some of those people missing bones or limbs.

It’s like one sixth of a percent more than 1:1 if there are 135 million babies born each year on earth, but that’s not nothing.

what's your best "insecure boss" story? (lemmy.world)

The image is formatted in a tweet with image format. The caption says “handle with care” over two pictures. The first picture is of an Amazon package with “fragile” written in sharpie. The second picture is on the inside the box with a paper and the text “a middle manager’s ego” on it.

@AFaithfulNihilist@lemmy.world avatar

I quit, gave 30 days notice, set about training my replacements and one of the bosses fired me 2 weeks into that period. They ended up owing me money.

It basically let me take a year off of work and just try out different kinds of art.

@AFaithfulNihilist@lemmy.world avatar

More arcade style multiplayer hack and slash RPG stuff in the spirit of gauntlet dark legacy or even something that stretches the concept like Armada 2 and makes it a space-based drop-in drop out multiplayer free-for-all frenzy that’s just for fun.

@AFaithfulNihilist@lemmy.world avatar

Israel also has goals incompatible with peace. Hamas and Likud are partners in this crime. Unfortunately we’ve never known what happens if Israel stops considering that the illegal settlements, apartheid state, and starvation of Gaza has been ongoing for decades.

@AFaithfulNihilist@lemmy.world avatar

Russia wants piece… of Europe.

@AFaithfulNihilist@lemmy.world avatar

I have found the commenters on Lemmy to be far more thoughtful and reasonable even when they are tearing me apart as a human being. Most commenter seem to be really nice and enthusiastic though.

Maybe it’s just a volume thing and we haven’t attracted enough of the shit heads yet to overwhelm every thread with nonsense.

@AFaithfulNihilist@lemmy.world avatar

You should go out and find a good stick.

@AFaithfulNihilist@lemmy.world avatar

There is a widespread, socially disruptive, and sometimes life threatening epidemic of unfuckable dudes.

There are challenges with expectations and entitlements on all sides, but the unfuckable dudes are not rising to meet the challenges.

@AFaithfulNihilist@lemmy.world avatar

They aren’t shooting up night clubs, marauding through cities, or lashing out violently out of sexual frustration and a lack of purpose.

Men are doing those things. Look, I get that ‘both sides’ impulse, but unfuckable women don’t pose an existential risk to society, and to be honest, women have to be pretty far gone to qualify as unfuckable.

Angry women aren’t as violent or dangerous as angry men, and the social validation most men are cultured to seek through income, physical prowess, and social success is not as accessible as it once was.

When I was little I noticed that all the father’s were just absent. It seemed to me then that the role of ‘dad’ had been demoted to a placeholder and was existentially diminished in terms of meaning and value. This has a deleterious effect on the sense of purpose of many young men, myself included, but it doesn’t have to define us.

Women are seizing an opportunity for their own self actualization from the oppressive society we live in to find purpose and meaning. Maybe some more men need to do the same.

@AFaithfulNihilist@lemmy.world avatar

I like to think that I am a good man, and I know my girlfriend is a good woman.

I know that I wasn’t really ready for the seriousness of relationship some of my ex’s wanted with me and I had to grow up, but I also remember frustrations with some of them not being mature and self reliant enough to be a reliable partner.

I am very fortunate to be on good terms and friendly with many of my previous partners, and I’m lucky to have been in love several times in my life. I know I am a better person because of the love I have shared and that which has been shared with me.

I’ve seen shitty groups of women do things I thought only happened in strawman arguments, like protest a college club of minority men sharing legal and social resources relevant to their community because ‘mens rights is anti feminist’ or other nonsense. I have also seen men joke about vaginal credit card and bitch about their own odious unfuckablity in the same breath.

People can be shitty, that doesn’t mean you need to make assumptions about them. If you give most people a chance, they will tell you who they are.

@AFaithfulNihilist@lemmy.world avatar

I don’t really know how to add multiple pictures to a single Post I don’t even know if it’s possible on mobile.https://lemmy.world/pictrs/image/d1d92075-31f3-401a-9a86-9dd554517301.jpeg

@AFaithfulNihilist@lemmy.world avatar

Water, apple, handful of nuts, Walk around for at least 15 minutes. If a headache isn’t on the way out then maybe try to shift the problem to your liver with some ibuprofen or Tylenol but it shouldn’t be the first thing people try.

AFaithfulNihilist, (edited )
@AFaithfulNihilist@lemmy.world avatar

I’m trying not to feel picked on, I don’t think I’m a normie by any stretch of hope or imagination, but I am kind of the anti-spez crowd and I definitely left Reddit completely after all that nonsense.

I’m certainly not blood thirsty, but I do think some people represent an outsized portion of the violent inspiration in the world. I think their anguish is too great for us to endure and they must necessarily be caged so that polite society may live. I definitely don’t take the cage lightly or seek excuses to put more people in them, but fuck man these are some bad dudes.

@AFaithfulNihilist@lemmy.world avatar

She definitely has a thing for the puer aeternus, maybe she’s just making sure they never grow up.

@AFaithfulNihilist@lemmy.world avatar

When I’m having a barbecue And I ask, “Do you have any dietary restrictions” I’m really just asking do I need to use separate implements and surfaces to handle your food, not your philosophy of human nutrition.

@AFaithfulNihilist@lemmy.world avatar

Is this different than how Israel sees all Palestinians as Hamas? … Because Israel has made it clear that it won’t stop bombing Gaza until all of Hamas is dead and it looks like they won’t believe they’ve done that until there’s no beating hearts left on that side of the prison walls.

@AFaithfulNihilist@lemmy.world avatar

Dances with FernGully except there’s no Tim Curry.

AFaithfulNihilist, (edited )
@AFaithfulNihilist@lemmy.world avatar

It’s land, and Israel has no greater claim than Palestine does.

If they can’t live together in that area I don’t think we should let them have governments. Maybe they should just become a vassal state and maybe in a hundred years after every one of the people who are alive and part of this conflict are dead they can be permitted to start electing their own leadership again.

Israel has proven that it can’t self-govern without genocide, and Palestine doesn’t have a government because it’s literally a nation of children who weren’t born when the government was elected.

@AFaithfulNihilist@lemmy.world avatar

A lot of them are shorthand for phrases that exist in other programming languages. If you watch the whole video you can see him type things like match to get the ≅ or something like that I don’t know I didn’t follow at all It’s pretty heady shit.

@AFaithfulNihilist@lemmy.world avatar

Surely you must be joking. Matt Gaetz spent several days telling everybody that he was going to oust Kevin McCarthy. Then he did.

The Republican speaker of the House was removed from his position by the craziest contingent of the Republican party.

The self sabotage is nutty.

@AFaithfulNihilist@lemmy.world avatar

Taxpayers need to be forced to pay for the consequences of the decisions of voters. The taxpayer is not a victim here.

The victim is a little girl and her family that will be forever shattered and never made whole.

The taxpayer let this happen by hiring incompetent goons and then not punishing them properly when they fuck up. If the taxpayer feels like this shouldn’t happen then maybe the taxpayer should do something about the actual problem rather than complain about the cost of cleaning it up.

@AFaithfulNihilist@lemmy.world avatar

Severely narrowing qualified immunity would allow officers to be directly sued for much more of their misconduct. You could then make them carry malpractice insurance, leveraging the indefatigable might of the insurance industry to bring some form of accountability tracking to prospective officers.

Removing internal affairs departments from police departments and making them civilian managed has proven to work very effectively provided the civilian review board has any power to punish the officers without the consent of the police.

Prosecuting law enforcement corruption with specific prejudice should be the model going forward. They should not get reduced time or extra consideration for wearing the badge, that badge should disqualify them from any presumption of acting in good faith when they have broken the law.

The taxpayer and more directly the voter has an obligation to demand politicians that are willing to reform the police. Until the taxpayer is willing to vote for somebody who thinks the need for police oversight is more important than broken windows policing the taxpayer is on the hook for the consequences of that very poor decision.

I think it sucks that ee have to pay so much extra because so many of our compatriots are boot licking shitheads, but the alternative is to not have any corrective measure to punish the party that has agency to make a change.

@AFaithfulNihilist@lemmy.world avatar

Using cloudflare is more reliable than using your own stuff which is still an option that nobody chooses anymore because it’s better to choose cloudflare or something similar.

I’m going to go ahead and assume you don’t work with internet security in any way, have no experience in web development, and have never attempted to provide web application services to more people than you can count on your fingers, but if you had, cloudflare is mana from heaven.

@AFaithfulNihilist@lemmy.world avatar

Capitalism requires regulation. If you don’t have regulation you can only have capitalism for an incredibly short amount of time. This was all detailed in Adam Smith’s book when he invented capitalism.

@AFaithfulNihilist@lemmy.world avatar

The Dread Ensign Westley Snipes Crusher

This is the orange menace himself, The Dread Ensign Westley Snipes Crusher.

@AFaithfulNihilist@lemmy.world avatar

Remind me again, what is the center between “gay|black|Jewish people have equal human rights” and “a little bit of genocide is needed”?

@AFaithfulNihilist@lemmy.world avatar

Really dig in her heels on the idea that 50% is not equal to 1/2. Thinking she must be joking I wrote a two-page proof explaining all of the reasons why 50% is equal to 1/2 and she was more than a little bit mad at me for not letting it go…

I ended up having to appeal to her department chair who walked into the room during my class, sat down at her computer, changed my grade on that test, and said to her, “I really shouldn’t have had to come down here to do this myself. I don’t want to have to come down here again. I’m asking you to drop it.”

She didn’t say another word for the rest of that class period and was not in school the next day. For the life of me I can’t understand what the fuck she was thinking was going to happen. Math doesn’t recognize opinions or authorities outside of math and she should have known that.

AFaithfulNihilist, (edited )
@AFaithfulNihilist@lemmy.world avatar

America and more broadly western money doesn’t really tolerate the locals to participate in the democracy in countries that might come to the wrong conclusions democratically. In those situations, we install a management layer into their government that is easily mistaken for vassal state puppetry by the people who actually see it in action.

From the perspective of the locals, this ‘democracy’ was installed by an externally funded military coup and is a tool of foreign hegemony. Democracy is what we wrote on the package, but it’s not what they got when they opened it up.

Edit: I’m sure it’s just a coincidence that all these coup leaders were trained by American military.

@AFaithfulNihilist@lemmy.world avatar

The only way to prevent a coup is through national domestic tranquility coupled with unchallenged military supremacy. Since we have yet to see such a thing emerge on Earth, it’s governments are still subject to being violently overthrown, sometimes publicly, sometimes covertly.

@AFaithfulNihilist@lemmy.world avatar

They were trying to say that at the time.

If you talk to most boomers and even a lot of Gen X they’ll say they remember that’s what happened. Saying anything else at the time would get you called a conspiracy theorist despite the obvious demonstrable proof that the Iraq war had nothing to do with 9/11.

Even mentioning Abu Grahib would get eye rolls and be meet with coruses of “you just hate America” or “you are one of those ‘blame America first’ people!”

@AFaithfulNihilist@lemmy.world avatar

For anyone wondering I’m pretty sure this is the track they are talking about: Raphael’s Final Act

@AFaithfulNihilist@lemmy.world avatar

It seems like the exception carved out for quasi legal processes must include some form of due process which isn’t present if you are unable to confront your accusers.

It’s shitty that this protects a lot of really heinous crime. It’s really shitty that no one’s come up with a better solution than having due process for everybody. The solution is not to carve out exceptions for people accused of crimes that someone might think doesn’t deserve to defend themselves.

@AFaithfulNihilist@lemmy.world avatar

The jokes on you, I’ve always been in pain!

In fact I only recently discovered that not everybody feels this way all the time and that has been oddly encouraging.

@AFaithfulNihilist@lemmy.world avatar

Even his old stand up was just not very good. He seems to be likable on a personal level though so he got along well with the actually funny comedians. I think the Golden age of his career started when he went on Tom Green’s internet TV show and got the idea to do the Joe Rogan experience.

@AFaithfulNihilist@lemmy.world avatar

Paying for a failed attempt. So it’s kind of impotence squared if it happens.

That’s $100,000 that won’t get to those people unless somebody else raises it because I doubt very seriously Kim Davis has $100,000.

@AFaithfulNihilist@lemmy.world avatar

This came too late to pump up the demand for Geno to be brought into Smash, but I’m excited none the less.

Every part of the original game was top notch. Awesome characters that fit into an expansive world with lots of side quests and engaging combat. It game had awesome music too. And this looks like a real remake not just a port.

@AFaithfulNihilist@lemmy.world avatar

It sounds like she’s trying to pretend that she’s a news show when in reality she’s just an actress reading jokes about the news. She certainly is not more newsworthy than the daily show or Seth Meyers and they are off for the strike.

It sounds like she doesn’t want to follow the rules and is salty because people are holding her to some kind of standard.

@AFaithfulNihilist@lemmy.world avatar

It’s poorly optimized code, and the comments from the top brass has been “lol your PC sux” when they can’t even get it running right on their own hardware.

It’s not the variations of PC that’s the issue, it’s a design and quality control issue. Direct X and Vulkan are the bread and butter of PC gaming. Microsoft developed direct X to establish a common graphics framework for Windows and Microsoft game studio still fucked up working with it.

@AFaithfulNihilist@lemmy.world avatar

Yes. Europeans tend to think Americans get the government we vote for and that we must like Trump since he was the president and isn’t going away. It’s ignorant, but I understand that they have this notion and I will, out of compassion and tolerance, explain that I am not a deranged bootlicking reactionary and do not support forever war, Christian nationalism or corporate hegemony.

@AFaithfulNihilist@lemmy.world avatar

No democracy here.

Democracy would mean that Al Gore and Hillary Clinton won their elections Just because more people voted for them.

Republicans at every level of government get fewer votes yet hold more seats than Democrats.

That’s not democracy, That’s something else.

@AFaithfulNihilist@lemmy.world avatar

Most doctors aren’t paid enough either, and the supply of doctors is kept low to keep the price of care high, the cost of becoming a doctor is inflated by, among other things, the amount of residency programs available is limited making them very expensive to get into.

The whole thing is engineered to extract wealth, not functionally deliver a supply of goods and services to those who do work.

Trump’s Truth Social tipped FBI to man killed during arrest attempt for Biden threats (www.cnbc.com)

The social media company owned by former President Donald Trump in March tipped off the FBI about threats made by a Utah man who was fatally shot Wednesday by FBI agents as they attempted to arrest him for threatening to kill President Joe Biden, NBC News reported.

@AFaithfulNihilist@lemmy.world avatar

The articles you link not only don’t make your case, but seem to oppose it.

The Congressional shooter was protesting taxes and fired at his local congressman.

Your other link details a bunch of cops responding with deadly force to protesters.

Which part of this is supposed to show that liberals are violent or approve of violence? Not a huge fan of liberals myself, but they aren’t out there conspiring to kidnap governors or making pipe bombs to threaten Congress. Liberals aren’t stockpiling guns and sending threatening letters and manifestos to politicians.

Right wing nationalists are doing those things and they are getting off too lightly if they are even punished at all so the problem is getting worse, not better.

US Navy sailor's mom encouraged him to pass military details to China, prosecutor says (apnews.com)

The mother of a U.S. Navy sailor charged with providing sensitive military information to China encouraged him to cooperate with a Chinese intelligence officer, telling her son it might help him get a job with the Chinese government someday, the prosecution said Tuesday.

AFaithfulNihilist, (edited )
@AFaithfulNihilist@lemmy.world avatar

They would be under surveillance if they were protesting oil or trying to form a union.

Instead they are just being allowed to use fear and intimidation to undermine the freedoms some immigrants will experience in America. Strange that law enforcement seems to be ignoring the rival gang in its entirety.

@AFaithfulNihilist@lemmy.world avatar

There was just too little of it.

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