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Anecdotally, since COViD it seems like for right on red, people blast through at full speed without slowing. It ‘s certainly scary trying to cross a street even with a walk sign, but I haven’t died yet


It doesn’t even have to be much separation, just enough that you can mentally leave it. I work from home but don’t have space to dedicate an office.p, so set up my laptop in my dining room. However I have a deskchair I only use for work, and only use that end of the table for work. That seems to be enough for me to mentally leave when I physically leave it

Unfortunately I get work email and slack on my phone. Slack is not a problem because it’s work only. However maybe that’s why I rarely check my personal email these days


But people do say “I’m NOT a feminist”, meaning not that


With oversight and with parents actually trying to educate. I live in a very liberal, very educated area and have met quite a few homeschoolers. They have the best intentions and none were overly religious. However, I thought only one homeschooling family was actually benefitting their kids, and I’d describe it similarly to you. Actually, they happened to be the most religious of those I met but were committed to doing the best for their kids.

I do think many home schoolers from both ends of the spectrum are a problem


That’s a great ideal, but it doesn’t seem to work out in reality. Most homeschoolers are ideological to the detriment of the kid, or unrealistic about their qualifications to the detriment of the kid, or want to take back their school taxes to the detriment of all kids.

There certainly are good parents doing effective home schooling for good reasons, but it really seems like a minority. How can we protect the kids when the majority of cases are really not in their best interest? How do we even evaluate hat fairly without putting ourselves into the situation of judging personal beliefs?

The most fair solution is kids must goto an accredited school of some sort, whether public, parochial, or charter, and meet a standard of education. Parents should feel free to educate on their belief system at home or on weekends. People here love to blame religion, but most religion is perfectly fine. Certainly where I live, parochial schools teach proper science and exceed public school standards, in addition to teaching Ethics, Theology, and encouraging Community Service. Or public schools are pretty good and religions/ethnicities/cultures run “Sunday School”. It’s a good model.

Of course a huge part of the problem is places that don’t value education for their kids. This is truly horrible and as a parent I just can’t understand what sort of narcissistic monster would be like this. But they voted for how they want their tax dollars used, so what can I say except not live there? I’m willing to send aid, especially to help lift their kids out of the dismal future they’re locked into


As a parent who sent my kids to parochial school, I never expected it to be paid for. Send your kids wherever you want, but that shouldn’t change that your taxes go toward public school, whether you use it or not.

The problem is when public school money is diverted to something that can’t benefit all kids


Just a picture. You wouldn’t know her, she goes to a different school.


Crazy, I waited “until everyone got it”, so I wouldn’t have to wait. This past weekend I scheduled an appointment at my grocery store pharmacy for flu and COViD shots. There was no line so they took my kid and I immediately, and we were out the door ten minutes before appointments

Actually, this one was the worst for me, although I have no way of knowing which shot was. The problem is I’ve been getting enough sleep lately, so there was just enough of an annoying ache in my arm to keep me up without my normal exhaustion. Also had minor congestion, but I was developing allergy symptoms before the vaccinations, so who knows


Wait until you learn about k8s


You missed the second biggest


I think it’s the “banana republic” idea all over again. Some countries are just a mess: violent, corrupt poor, but it doesn’t affect us nor is there a way for us to affect it. Israel is a modern, developed country, a democracy, it’s capitalist, one of us, like anything in Western Europe. Shit like this doesn’t happen


The clock doesn’t yet say it’s winter time, but Saturday hit 83°, like summer, Sunday rained all day, like Spring, and Thursdaywill be our first day below freezing, like winter

EPA to strengthen lead protections in drinking water after multiple crises, including Flint (

About four decades ago, when the Environmental Protection Agency was first trying to figure out what to do about lead in drinking water, Ronnie Levin quantified its damage: Roughly 40 million people drank water with dangerous levels of lead, degrading the intelligence of thousands of kids....


The agency did not force utilities to eliminate lead in drinking water, but instead required them to test for lead in homes and add anti-corrosive chemicals.

This is us here in Boston: MWRA softens the water to prevent lead from leaching, and monitors. There at least was a big program to replace water mains and targeted pipes, but I stopped paying attention years ago

From my understanding, since I have an older house and it looks like my water pipe is copper, lead paint is a bigger worry, including contamination of soil from leaded exterior paint. My kids were tested frequently and we were strongly advised against vegetable gardens within ten feet of the house - that seemed to work

It’ll be interesting to see how this will change things here

AA5B, (edited )

My town is that perfect medium (for me). It’s a small city as a bedroom community for a major city. I live in a single family home. I just got back from walking with my kid and dog down into the town center. We have a Common, some government buildings and businesses, mixed with higher density housing up to six stories, and a great walkable “main street” lined with shops and restaurants. This is clustered around a train station that is also a bus hub, taxi stand, bikes and scooters, and they’re just finishing a rail trail, that will eventually connect to a state-wide network

I have to admit I never took advantage of all of this until COViD. Suddenly we couldn’t drive anywhere nor go out anywhere crowded. So we made a habit of spending a weekend afternoon walking around enjoying the town - typically grab takeout from one of the many restaurants, and eat dinner on a bench on the Common!


Taxi? wheelbarrow? Cart? Steal a shopping cart?

I used to say things like this when I lived without a car, but it took me way too long to realize other people walking to the grocery would take a taxi/Uber home. It makes it a lot easier to carry the load and it’s not too expensive in one direction for a short distance


That’s kind of the point. Russia already announced withdrawing from ISS and said they would build their own. The Soviets did build a couple small space stations back in the day, leading up to ISS so in theory they just need to dust off the plans and gather any spare parts. Even if that was it, I can’t see this happening


Or some sort of personal issue as the cause. Maybe you slept with someone he liked, maybe you are someone he liked, could he have looked up to you and then in your eyes you came crashing down?


Streaming services have been a life changer for me. Previously I rarely listened to music because radio was too much blather and I never got my music collection to the point of being convenient. However since I started subscribing to a streaming service, I listen constantly, to music from various genres and time periods, and have rediscovered music I like that had previously been too much hassle.

Most importantly I discovered the genre that most spoke to me was one that I rarely heard in my region, or among people I knew


evil communist plot to take away their freedom

This is why I disagree with people who want all or nothing, people who think in binary and expect to perfectly achieve their version of ideal. It doesn’t happen

It helps that I experienced this directly: lived in a great place where everything was convenient by walking, with an unlimited train and bus pass so I had freedom to go anywhere any time (that the trains were running). I still “needed” my car. The best way to encourage more people like me to go carless is to accept the reality, and include a place to stash cars long term. Feel free to make it inconvenient, even. Just let me keep a car until I’m ready to give it up. Give me the freedom to choose on my own terms.

I’ve even experienced this in several small towns, where you have a walkable downtown but need to drive everywhere else. My ex in-laws lived in a farming town of a thousand or so (because 400 college kids)and they had these great old fashioned streets with alleys behind. The streets were quiet and walkable, people hung out on their front porches , there were small town shops and restaurants, they seemed to know everyone they passed …. If you needed your car, you walk out back to the garage and drive down the alley. If you were coming from a farm, you’d park in the lot behind a pub or restaurant and walk to other places in town. Great combination of a 15 minute small town, still allowing for cars but out of the way

Elon Musk gives X employees one year to replace your bank - ‘You won’t need a bank account... it would blow my mind if we don’t have that rolled out by the end of next year.’ (

“If it involves money. It’ll be on our platform. Money or securities or whatever. So, it’s not just like send $20 to my friend. I’m talking about, like, you won’t need a bank account.”...


All true, but there’s no detail in that article saying that’s what he wants to do. Copying Apple’s approach where they’re a front end to an existing bank, also fits the narrative.

I wonder if an app to unite all your online services would be legit, but I can’t see those services cooperating with that, so you’d effectively have to be malware


Here’s their potential path, maybe ….

I have no idea the limitations of this approach, if any, but just experienced it a few days ago. I bought something expensive online, and the timing was sensitive, else I’d lose out on a lot of money. Then I got down to the final payment. It made me really nervous and would have reconsidered if I knew about it, but the final payment could only be done through bank transfer, but they wouldn’t let me provide the standard routing and account numbers. They had a web app that brings up your banking app, has you login to that, and appears to scrape data. They were able to see my accounts and balances, as well as initiate the transfer. This was so scary, exactly like I’d expect malware to be.

Bviously I changed my passwords immediately and verified there was only one transaction and exactly as I’d expect. However yes, they controlled my bank8ng without being a bank and without any apparent cooperation from my bank. All it takes is normalizing the behavior that will get us all robbed of all we own


What’s your definition notion of speed? This one major street in my town was restricted from two lanes down to one through lane with turn lanes. They also reduced the speed limit and adjusted traffic lights.

Result: much safer AND you reliably get through in less time. No stop and go, no weaving or merging, just slow and steady winning the race


Part of getting old, my guy. I would really suffer the next day if I drank that much, these days.

Honest question: what was Hamas' long-game with respect to kidnapping Israelis? Did they think Israel would just negotiate rather than retaliate?

It just seems crazy to me given the power imbalance. A cynical part of me suspects that things are playing out exactly as some evil strategists hoped they would, which, given all the children dying, is super-depressing....


I think was essentially a recruitment drive. Provoke Israel to attack, then sign up all the desperate Palestinians with recent losses


A few but nowhere near enough. I do pay a few “optional” subscriptions to support good services but not many


But they used very little electricity, almost none


My 2006 Civic was a lemon. I had to replace it after only 10 years


Not to excuse those fascists, but a simpler explanation is just lack of communication. Some incompetent somewhere didn’t bother with part of their job, and everyone else assumed it was done


For the people where 24h time is normal …. Is that a more recent development it’s the ubiquity of digital clocks, or would people have also used 24h time with analog clocks, despite them not having a way to display that?

—- looking around, realizing I still hav analog clocks all over because I wanted my kids to be familiar with them. That boat sailed


You have a very cool picture of the future though


Fascinating. Here in the US it seems similar when talking, but I almost never see 24 hour time, even in writing, except in “military” or similar context. Plus I really haven’t noticed any changes in these habits during my adult lifetime.


I don’t. Keychain had pretty good coverage of authentication stuff. Put that together with 2fa and I have very few PINs left. I can remember those

AA5B, (edited )

I don’t. Combination of keychain has good coverage, I’m mostly mobile/cloud, and I’m not doing real projects at the moment, I have no need personally.

At work, IT has some enterprise solution

In both cases, 2fa is mainly tied to my phone, and is backed up encrypted , or a hardware token. Also in both cases I use open source where I can, so I really don’t have any tokens or licenses.

Closest I come is when my kids were little I made them tell me their passwords in case I needed to help with something. However now that they’re teens, it’s none of my business.

Edit: I think the only piece of purchased software I use is TurboTax, and the license is on paper plus I only need it a few weeks


parts still require users to call in to activate them

How else would you do it? Phone theft used to be way too common. I’m fine with Apple reducing phone theft by making it harder for thieves to get value from stolen devices

I’m buying my phone as a functioning device: I may need to repair it or replace the battery but why would I want to mod it? Those who do, can go through the extra steps

This is far different than a server, which I buy with very different expectations


Why would preventing someone from replacing a broken part without calling in to Apple, prevent phone theft?

Digitally locking some of the major components together make it harder for a thief to part out the phone - you can’t just buy a new screen from someone on the street who stole a phone and took it apart, and expect it to work


That’s what I was gonna say: it’s not that i use sufficient bandwidth to really need 1gbps but the line is never even temporarily saturated. Just rock solid


The tech is just a bunch of air


having fuel truck networks, fueling stations, etc. continue to exist, would make hydrogen likely less disruptive to the existing model

That’s crazy:

— US gas 140,000 EV chargers and it’s nowhere near enough, even with most charging fine at home

— US had 57 places to fuel hydrogen, all in California

— we don’t even have a cost effective way to produce green hydrogen yet, most will continue to come from fossil fuels for decades

And you think it’s cheaper and easier to build entire industries across the US and worldwide, for a fuel source still dependent on fossil fuels, at a cost probably in the trillions of dollars? And it’s desirable to save large oil companies trying to hold desperately to their existing business?

AA5B, (edited )

At home charging will replace entire toxic polluting industries, including tens of thousands of gas stations, distributors, storage , transportation, refining, etc, beyond all the mining related activities. I will be very happy to never have to visit a local gas station again: just like my phone, plug it in at night and it lasts me a normal days activities. Just like my phone, I’ll occasionally need to top off during a road trip

There’s no reason people in apartments and condos can’t do the same, it’s just more complex to align competing interests on who pays vs who benefits

Its only people who park on the street who don’t yet have a good answer, and there are several possibilities we need to develop, but level 1 or 2 chargers are cheap, so no big deal if we need millions of destination chargers

FYI - I guess mine is a level 2 charger and uses similar power to my stove or air conditioner. It can be configured as a set of up to 6 to intelligently share limited power plus can be configured to bill whoever uses it, to pay for my electricity, although I’ll probably just whitelist only my vehicle so no one else can run up my power bill. It is on order for about $500 and wiring costs. It may be expensive but this is not the huge deal you’re making it out to be

While we do need hydrogen for things batteries can’t scale to, the many fewer, more industrial uses mean we don’t have to recreate those entire industries. Good riddance

AA5B, (edited )

Of course we’ll need superchargers at rest areas along major roads, just like we’re already building out. It is not your neighborhood gas station. Just park and plugin, stretch your legs, use the restroom, grab some fast food, and you’re back on the road

Here’s a map of Tesla’s superchargers. You can see they already cover major highways and population centers enough to make most trips with confidence. They’re also continuing to expand faster than all other charger networks combined (in the US)


replaces the need to have giant mining and manufacturing industries for the batteries.

Dude, really? Yes, batteries add mining costs to the environment and human rights … to the tune of tens of pounds per vehicle to last the life of the car, and already 90%+ recyclable into the next car. Compared to the continuous flow of hydrogen needed to power a car throughout its lifetime? You’ll find it just the opposite


What a boring life that would be. If the goal is to be more inclusive, how about the opposite direction and be more inclusive?

Still celebrate Halloween with costumes and candy and stuff but also Holi (I realize different theme) and Dia de Los Muertos. We really really need a holiday where we throw colored water balloons at each other (apologies if that offensive). How is that not global? But, for the love of God, not Carnevale, you haven’t seen what my co-workers look like


They’re thinking ahead : Prime Day and Target Day are becoming big sales events not attached to any holiday

Does the advancement of AI make people apathetic about starting new projects?

I was thinking about starting a new creative project recently. But then I thought - with how quickly AI is advancing, in just a few years an AI will probably be able to do this in just minutes. So it made me feel kind of apathetic and think, “Why should I bother starting this big project now if an AI could do it for me in a...


So far AI is pathetic on ideas for things to do, requirements to fulfill, imagination. It’s really not a factor. Your great idea for your needs is still your great idea.

I see AI mainly as a tool to help implement, like documentation, google, stackoverflow. AI is already good enough to help generate templates or boilerplate, so now is the time to get comfortable with it as a productivity tool. Use your great idea to get yourself up to speed on the new tool


Use the AI as a productivity tool, not the final product. Let it write where creativity is not a value - tech doc, contracts, porn, but you use it as a starting point to get more of your ideas out faster


Pontiac Aztec was the worst ever. The concept was so cool and they claimed almost ready for production. It would have been YUGE! …… then somehow they released a completely different disaster of a vehicle that is now part of history as one of the worst ever


If you count k-cups ….

Or occasionally as an ingredient for baking


12% of renters don’t own vehicles

They counting college students? I don’t know anything about George Mason but it’s pretty big

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