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HP says I should have known its £399 laptop bargain was too good to be true (

[…] Parcelforce texted the delivery slot. No delivery. Parcelforce and HP’s tracking systems then claimed I had refused the parcel. I scheduled a redelivery for the next day. Parcelforce then rang me and the agent acknowledged a delivery had not been attempted and that the tracking information was false. It claimed HP had...


I just switched from an e5470 to a 5420. I miss i8k, but welcome USB-C (and the faster speed so compiling AUR packages doesn’t suck anymore).

And as someone that used various Dell systems for some time now: The only annoying part is the missing drivers for Linux.


So basically the Dunning Kruger effect.


Hab ich nicht gesehen, bin ich froh drüber


Die Lehrer beschweren sich, weil sie ja so wenig Platz hätten, und dann würden sich ja auch noch die Schüler drauf stellen. Deshalb muss es jetzt unbedingt einen, nie ansatzweise vollen, Lehrerparkplatz geben.
Wenn die nicht mit mehr als nem Meter Platz zwischen sich stehen würden, könnte ich’s verstehen.

Bei uns Schülern ist es manchmal nicht besser, aber immer weil sich irgend ein Elternteil mit nem halben Bus schräg auf unseren Parkplatz stellt, sodass Schüler dann daneben parken müssen, und wenn der Spack wieder fährt ist da ne Lücke wo 2.9 Autos, aber keine 3 rein passen.

Heißt als Schüler fährt man dann auch mal weiter, in irgendwelche Schotterstraßen gegenüber der Einfahrt von irgend welchen Leuten. Die einen dann Anschnautzen weil “Siehst du nicht dass da ein Wohnmobil steht??”
Ja, aber damit wirst du wohl kaum um 10 Uhr weg fahren, und das Ding hat auch keinen Wendekreis von nem Laster.

Als Gegensatz dazu steht zB. der Parkplatz vor dem örtlichen Feuerwehrgerätehaus. Immer alles schön säuberlich exakt zwischen den Linien, nicht zu weit vorne und nicht zu weit hinten. Auch im Einsatz.


My father was lucky, I wanted a minecraft server so bad that I accepted to learn how to handle an Ubuntu Server, with ~10 years.
Then I kinda had my edgy hacking phase with 12, and installed Kali as dual boot.
As my Windows install got older, dirtier and buggier, I decided to just f it and installed Pop over everything.

So, get them to be interested in having/doing something requiring Linux, then show them the wonders of the Linux desktop, preferably not Kali, but something more user friendly, and finally wait till they want to reinstall for whatever reason, like a new PC (with AMD or Intel GPU).


On the other hand: Why not?


1 cm shorter (that’s what she said)


Dass die Bahn 3 Minuten überhaupt zählt, wäre mir neu. Entweder ist er später als 5 Minuten, dann heißt es verspätet. Wenn er unter 5 Minuten zu spät ist heißt es pünktlich, und wenn er ausfällt zählt er einfach nicht.


Yup. Took me weeks to figure out why I explicitly need to use sudo nvim for my nginx config on my Pi, while on my server my little helper script could automatically use sudo for me. Turns out, I chmoded the sites-available and sites-enabled on my pi to 644 but left them untouched on my server.

I still don’t know what numbers would be 644 but with execute permissions, but in the end, idc.


Mine disappeared already, but I just used C all the time. Maybe the femboy clothes and tailplug helped?


One hand would be 25 = 32 (0 to 31) and two would be 210 = 1024 (0 to 1023).

And if you use 3 states per finger (down, half raised and raised), you can have 3**10 = 59049 (0 to 59048).


50 Unterschriften? Das muss die Taliban doch überzeugen.


The only thing ChatGPT etc. is useful for, in every language, is to get ideas on how to solve a problem, in an area you don’t know anything about.

ChatGPT, how can I do xy in C++?
You can use the library ab, like …

That’s where I usually search for the library and check the docs if it’s actually possible to do it this way. And often, it’s not.


I was kinda shocked to switch from an i5-6300U to a i5-1145G7 and not find more options in /sys/power/mem_sleep, but literally only s2idle. At least it works (i believe).

Maybe actual hibernation works now, too.


It’s not like I had a choice, both (or rather: almost all of my devices) are just sorted out tech my dad brought home from work. Even old desktop PCs are good as servers. And my current Laptop just has some small marks, that wouldn’t look good for an employee representing a company, but are irrelevant for me.

If I buy a Laptop, it will definitely be a Framework. Costs like a (cheap) MacBook, but is better in basically every way. And: Fully Team Red,

lukasmiz, to firefox avatar

I have seen so many inbuilt ad blockers of browsers fail, especially at YouTube, even before the recent changes, that I was surprised to see them still being used and promoted by eg. Louis Rossmann.
IMO basically nothing can beat addons, at least if seen for all browsers or just firefox.
Browser devs can’t focus on ad blocking functionality. And their team developing ad blockers will certainly be smaller than the team of devs for adblock addons; the browser just needs somewhat functional stuff while the addon depends on delivering a very good to perfect to be used and to receive donations.
On chromium, with Manifest V3 at our doors, built in ad blockers will win over addons by far, just because they have more power.

This creates an interesting situation, at least in my mind fed by my bubble:
Tech nerds will use firefox, probably with adblock addon
Tech illiterates will use whatever comes preinstalled - Edge, without any adblock
Users that know the concept of browsers will probably use Chrome, or other browsers they heard before - possibly a Chromium browser with built in blocker

Now, what happens if the built in blockers fail - again and again and again? Will the somewhat knowledgeable user care and switch to another browser, maybe the one pushed the most for adblocking: FF with uBlock?


I use 27 addons on my desktop, in firefox. There are no extensions I would need but don’t exist for firefox. The only extension I had to replace with a Tampermonkey script was Vencord, because the devs removed the firefox version of it.

And on my phone I use 12 addons. On chrome, or any other browser not based on FF, I could use exactly none.


In my understanding, a website should only be able to detect addons if they directly change the website in any way, eg. the css or html. So let’s just go through the list and check:

  • Augmented Steam: Only affects steam, where I’m logged in anyway.
  • Auto replay for YouTube: I’m logged in anyway, and mostly use some piped instance.
  • Buster: Captcha Solver: I guess it just uses JavaScript to click whatever it needs to. And if changes would be detected, the captcha would probably not let me through anyway.
  • Clean twitter: I don’t use twitter. Yeet.
  • Dark reader: This is probably one of the only extensions actually changing the website significantly. So I’m one of a million users, if we assume my user agent is real.
  • DeArrow: Again, only YouTube.
  • Defund Wikipedia: I’m honestly not concerned about Wikipedia fingerprinting me.
  • Disable Youtube seek my numbers: You know the drill.
  • DDG privacy essentials: 1.6 million users, and I would be surprised if an extension designed to protect from fingerprinting is easily fingerprintable itself.
  • I don’t care about cookies: (Because I block them anyway) Also just simulates clicking.
  • Kagi search: Just adds a new menu and changes the default search engine.
  • Karrinator: Only changes the name of a German politician. And I basically never see her name anyway, and if so either only on Lemmy, (reputable) Newspapers or the official website of the German Government. They have my fingerprint anyway, and it’s the only definition they know.
  • KeePassXC: Again, only inserts and clicks.
  • NoScript: Is ironically probably the best way to fingerprint, if it’s configured incorrectly and a fingerprinting script is still allowed.
  • Return Youtube Dislike: You know.
  • Shortkeys: Browser only.
  • Simple Tab Groups: Browser only.
  • Simple modify headers: Should not change anything that would be possible for the website to check, and is only activated for discord anyway.
  • SponsorBlock: Youtube again.
  • Tampermonkey: Only has one script for discord.
  • uBlock: Should block fingerprinting, or the main use of it, but even if not its behavior is probably very similar to other AdBlockers and there are more than 7 million users (just on FF).
  • UnloadTabs: Browser only.
  • User-Agent Switcher and Manager: Should not be transparent to websites.
  • Vencord Web: Now absolete as it was dicontinued for FF natively. Yeet. It’s a Tampermonkey script now, and only active on discord.
  • Video DownloadHelper: Should only read contents, and only if I want it to. yt-dlp is often better anyway.

I just copied my whole root partition to a new Laptop over netcat. It still has close hardware (Intel CPU, no extra GPU, etc.), but some differences in interfaces etc.

Things one might have to consider:

  • /etc/fstab will need to be redone
  • All interfaces changed, so network configs may need to be updated
  • Other programs relying on hardware or paths that don’t exist anymore need to be updated (eg. conky did not work due to i8k being not supported, other interface ids etc.)

But literally nothing that would break anything. Because Arch is usually installed manually, one knows what needs to be cared for, what could break or could cause certain issues.


Ne me, cuz I’m only 18, but my grandparents do still have them. Only for really old photos tho, even they are only using their phone and tablet now.


Offensichtlich weil das Wochenende vorbei ist.




nvim + LaTeX extension


Why would I see leather when googling GIMP? I only associate gimp with the FOSS GNU Image Manipulation Progrsm


Kagi still put as a search result for “gimp suit”.

But I’m very surprised I didn’t know this meaning of gimp, thanks!


There’s much phobia here, notably Windowsphobia and Applephobia, also known as Scamphobia.


Sag mal Streichholzschächtelchen


To be fair, Signal, Threema and Discord use Electron, and therefore are just crappy bullshit on Wayland.
Using a dedicated FF instance uses less RAM, CPU and disk space, and gives you more control over the application/website.

Discord has a web version, even if it doesn’t support some features, so I use it in FF. WhatsApp has a web version, so I use it in FF.
Signal does not. So it’s barely usable on my Nvidia desktop.
We do not need ““native”” Applications, made with a mix of a web version and a D tier browser engine, if we could just use the already installed, better and perfectly working browser.

  • Discords Electron was outdated and vulnerable for years, FF would be patched in days or hours in case of a zero day.
  • Electron uses much more resources than FF. Because every company thinks they need a custom version of electron, every app brings its own bloaty electron environment, despite there being a system one.
  • Electron/Chromium is extremely buggy on Wayland + Nvidia, to the point I cannot use Spotify, Discord or Steam correctly.

And cheaper. Literally.


Grillcamembert mit Preiselbeeren


Ich als Techie habe keinen Bock, weil ich genau zwei Leute kenne, die sich überhaupt dafür interessieren und es nicht aggressiv ablehnen würden. Und mit denen kommunizieren ich wenn nur per Mail, weil’s dann auch an die anderen Kameraden geht.


Und ich!

Aber die waren einfach nur horny mit 20, kein Vorwurf.


Because most Apple users don’t even know what a phone actually is and don’t give a fuck about anything related to anything technical, apart from having the newest (same as always) device. Otherwise they wouldn’t be Apple users.


Bis zur siebten Klasse hatte ich gar keine Probleme. Obwohl ich immer gelesen habe, und null aufgepasst. Nachdem der Stoff schwerer wurde, und ich gar keinen Plan von lernen hatte, wurde es richtig schlimm. Und mit Corona, zu Hause, am schlimmsten.


Yup. Near the wood stove, it’s obvious why. For outside there’s the garden hose, and if that doesn’t help there’s still the fire department. Basically a 1 minute drive there, while officially calling, waiting 4 minutes for the others to arrive and half a minute back lol


Just that your whole plan would collapse if they’re voluntary and therefore chilling at home/work/whatever, until an official 911 call is made, exactly as in my case.


And 100 is boiling, so cooking is easier


C++ is better ofc /s


Macht die DB unterm Strich aber auch nicht weniger beschissen, generell und als Transportalternative.


The rate was around 100MB/s. So I think the bottleneck was probably the read/write speeds of the SSDs, considering I have ~900Mbit/s down from, and this setup removed every hop except the old and new Laptops Gigabit Lan Port and the Gigabit patch cable between them. But with larger files/partitions over the internet this would probably help


The only problems with my Arch install were

  • /etc/fstab, which I forgot about because I didn’t read the whole install article again
  • custom configs (notable conky) because i8k is not available and all interfaces changed

I’d guess many distros would’ve had errors with preinstalled and configured helpers. Debugging them would be a pain

Gentoo, LFS, Arch etc. are installed manually, so one typically knows their system very well, including packages and configs they might have to hard configure interfaces etc. in


I just noticed I did not fully expand the fs on the target machine after shrinking it on the source machine to be sure it fits. No problem, growing ext4 file systems with resize2fs (indirect dependency of linux and base) works on mounted fs’ too, the Kernel just needs to be newer than 2.6 (so since 2003).
Took less than 1 second and works flawlessly, live. Conkys fs_free just jumped from 20 to 76. Still time to clear my caches.


At least e621 isn’t an obvious name


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