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2xsaiko, avatar

I have 9.3. It works for me on a local file system on the client as well as the server, just not through NFS.

2xsaiko, avatar

It is NFS4:

<span style="color:#323232;"> on /nfs/nas type nfs4 (rw,relatime,vers=4.2,rsize=1048576,wsize=1048576,namlen=255,soft,proto=tcp6,timeo=600,retrans=2,sec=krb5p,clientaddr=2001:470:7391::ce,local_lock=none,addr=2001:470:7391::c0,_netdev)
2xsaiko, avatar

Yeah, OP must have some weird user style or something applied. Looks fine here

2xsaiko, avatar

Here’s some more:

  • Bought Rocket League and immediately stopped maintaining the perfectly working Linux version that people paid for
  • Sold people Fortnite Save the World (PvE mode) and stopped caring about it when the Battle Royale mode took off, it was never finished

Also I don’t know if this is really anti-consumer but as an Unreal fan I still hate them for it:

  • Stopped working on the new Unreal Tournament when Fortnite Battle Royale took off
  • Took the old Unreal games off the store for no real reason
2xsaiko, avatar

A PTS is a single character device. Writing to it causes output to appear on the terminal buffer, reading from it reads from the input buffer. So, writing to it like you do from a separate shell effectively does the same as calling print() from python which has it as inherited stdio. There is a way to write to a PTS input buffer but it’s not straightforward and works in a completely different way. Use something like tmux instead, or better, sockets.

2xsaiko, avatar

I used the beta UI for a while and imo the new one is worse since it brings backs some of the old UI (i.e. the 1:1 port of the desktop UI for the server sidebar). What they had in the beta UI for server selection was so much better

2xsaiko, avatar

That’s an absolutely insanely well done project. Holy shit. Three years well spent.

Also loving the Thief posts here recently, good to see this game getting some attention.

2xsaiko, avatar

Does right click on the tab bar, click Customize Toolbar, drag the “Flexible Space” where you want it to be work?

2xsaiko, avatar

Double the cost?! Jesus, if it were that high here I wouldn’t. I basically order from two restaurants when I do, for one of them that uses one of these delivery apps it’s around 20% more since they list higher prices per dish than on their menu and have a 1.50€ delivery fee on top, but the restaurant I usually order at where you can order delivery directly has a flat 1.50€ delivery fee with same prices as the menu so that’s around 7% more than going in person (usually I order for around 20€).

It doesn’t arrive cold since they put it in one of these isolation boxes. Especially in the winter I think that’s better than me getting it myself which is a 10 minute bike ride, without an isolation box. I’m gonna have to try that next summer though. Never hurts getting a bit of exercise and I actually never checked until now and assumed it would be more like 30 minutes lol

2xsaiko, avatar

Three windows, with 7, 4 and 1 tab respectively.

2xsaiko, avatar

Google, should be self explanatory, but for me specifically for pretty much making YouTube worse with every change they make since that’s the only service of them I still use. And I’m not going to also pay them to sell my data.

Epic Games, for continuously fucking over Linux players and Unreal fans (and well players in general but specifically those two groups).

2xsaiko, avatar

I love that the Thief community is still very much alive, with many talented developers like the team who made this campaign. Thief 1 and 2 are two of my favorite games of all time and it’s always great to see really cool projects like this come out.

Highly recommend, this is quality stuff, like probably everything that skacky is involved in.

2xsaiko, avatar

My parents got me one of those when I was a kid. It didn’t help me at all, back then at least :(

Glad it worked for her though!

2xsaiko, avatar

This is rather a replay of the past ~two months since I’ve switched to Apple Music sometime in September, but here!

(For some reason Apple Music has two artist profiles of Ember Falls, that’s why they’re there twice)

2xsaiko, avatar

That’s a lot of minutes listened! I’ve still yet to beat the 100k minutes, last couple years I had around 90k :D

2xsaiko, avatar

Also, as for current favorite artist/album/song, I would say:

  • Favorite Artist: This one is hard to decide because there’s a lot of candidates, but in terms of “will I like probably anything they release?” probably Young Medicine.
  • Favorite Album: CCL Dive by Cityfires. This has been my favorite album for a long time. Make sure to listen to it with headphones or in a quiet room, because it has a lot of quiet parts and small details.
  • Favorite Song: daisy chain by wishlane, jacob geoffrey & defsharp. Absolute banger, love the energy and I definitely listened to this on repeat for a while when I found it.
2xsaiko, avatar

That’s awesome! Would love to go one day.

2xsaiko, avatar


idmap only works with Kerberos auth, but iirc I didn’t have to set anything up specifically for it. Though I’ve also never really had to test it since my UIDs match coincidentally, I just tested with the nfsidmap command.

2xsaiko, avatar

Really cool to see that they’re porting their old games!

Your turn, Valve.

2xsaiko, avatar

Windows 8 being unusable on my shitty laptop I had back then, IIRC it would bluescreen 9 out of 10 times on startup (this same bug still persisted when eventually Windows 10 came out). I essentially switched to Linux full time after that.

2xsaiko, avatar

I actually went through and customized all the Plasma keybindings to be more like Mac a couple days ago. It works pretty well, but yeah unfortunately only in KDE applications. And there’s still some stuff you can’t change such as the “extend selection to start/end of word” shortcuts always being set to ctrl+shift+left/right even if you set the “move to start/end of word” keys to option+left/right.

2xsaiko, avatar

Pipewire exposes both a JACK and Pulseaudio client interface, so you don’t need to run the JACK daemon anymore.

2xsaiko, avatar

qjackctl will actually connect to pipewire, I use its graph window a lot to route audio when the default volume control isn’t enough. But yeah it does (or can) replace jackd.

Can it sync transports?

I’m not sure, I’m not a pro audio user. Sorry!

2xsaiko, avatar

Their source code management must be an absolute disaster for these kinds of things to keep happening.

2xsaiko, avatar

It lets you configure macOS with Nix, at least. Options where they exist are kept similar so you can share some NixOS configuration with nix-darwin. These and these modules in my configuration are shared between both, for example.

Is it just me, or has the BS with OpenAI shown that nobody in the AI space actually cares about "safeguarding AGI?"

Money wins, every time. They’re not concerned with accidentally destroying humanity with an out-of-control and dangerous AI who has decided “humans are the problem.” (I mean, that’s a little sci-fi anyway, an AGI couldn’t “infect” the entire internet as it currently exists.)...

2xsaiko, avatar

I would even argue the only way to get self-driving cars that actually work well is with AGI. I don’t think we’re going to get either in a very long time.

2xsaiko, avatar

mkstage4 is exactly for this. It’s basically just a wrapper for tar which excludes unneeded directories for you already.

2xsaiko, avatar

How does it “feel official”? It’s just what a lot of mods do:

  • Portal: Prelude
  • Portal: The Flash Version (though this one is a standalone game)
  • Half-Life: Echoes
  • Half-Life: Caged

These are just a few I can think of, you can find more on Steam and ModDB.

2xsaiko, avatar

I saw it in my subscribed feed earlier.

Anyone knows about calm Windows games with 1-finger touch screen support?

What I am searching for is for games that support touch screens and can be played with 1 finger / one hand. No action games with fake joysticks on the screen, just games that work with a single finger or at least one hand while lying in bed and trying to wind down. One very good example is Civilization V, which has a dedicated...

2xsaiko, avatar

I use ext4 on bcache with an SSD and 5TB HDD for my home drive. Can recommend. Gonna try the new bcachefs soon too.

2xsaiko, avatar

They made it worse even. I had to deal with a friend’s Windows 11 computer the other day and it looks like even if you enable showing file extensions, it will still hide them if you go to rename the file (you know, the reason you’d usually want to enable it for). There’s probably still a way to make them show all the time but this was over a voice call so I didn’t want to mess around with it too much. Absolutely unusable.

2xsaiko, avatar

It’s just the network effect. Here unfortunately it’s WhatsApp, you pretty much have to use it because people organize events in groups with it and whatnot, and you’re the weirdo if you don’t have it. I actually deleted my account for a couple years but recently caved and made one again because people just wouldn’t use anything else and having someone else relay messages is annoying for both them and me.

I use iMessage when it’s available but I wish for groups (or just in general tbh) everyone would just use Signal because it’s both not tied to an expensive device and also not owned by a corporation with a track record of shamelessly exploiting user data.

2xsaiko, avatar

Okay, sure, that’s just all of Apple’s software though. With a few exceptions (Apple Music and Safari for Windows (RIP) I believe) all their software has only been available for their own operating systems. And (especially since I’m a Linux user) it would be great if cross-platform software were the standard, I don’t think software can be truly cross-platform without being open source. And as much as I think forcing every company to open source all their code would be epic, I don’t think it’s reasonable, as much as I don’t think it’s reasonable to force them to port to every platform.

Rather I think that generally all software anyone can legally obtain should require any sort of file format, network protocol, or other protocols that are used to transfer information between computers to have (usable) public domain documentation, plus, in case the protocol makes use of device authentication, anyone to obtain a valid certificate for their device. This would solve the iMessage problem because it would allow anyone to write clients for it for any platform, but it would solve the same problem for iCloud, Microsoft Office (LibreOffice could have so much better compatibility if they didn’t have to reverse-engineer the file format), Photoshop, Dis “custom clients are against TOS” cord, and thousands of other proprietary software. Because those are all the same exact problem as far as I’m concerned.

Maybe you’re saying something along the same lines. But I don’t think it’s specifically an iMessage problem.

2xsaiko, avatar

Louvre: C++ library for building Wayland compositors. (

Hello, yesterday I officially released Louvre v1.0.0, a C++ library designed for building Wayland compositors with a primary focus on ease of development. It provides a default method for handling protocols, input events, and rendering, which you can selectively and progressively override as required, allowing you to see a...

2xsaiko, avatar

Ohh, that’s cool. How far do you want to go with this? I had the idea of using a custom wayland protocol to make per-app global menus instead of per-window so you can have an app open without any windows, like on macOS, in the compositor I wanted to write. However writing a compositor using wlroots is still incredibly difficult if you have no prior experience so the whole thing didn’t get very far yet. If that’s something you want to do too, I’d be very interested in this.

(Speaking of, why did you decide not to build this on top of wlroots?)

2xsaiko, avatar

Well that’s awesome. I’ll take a closer look at this in a couple days. Maybe even contribute if I have the time :P

2xsaiko, avatar

You don’t need to maintain a list. Either don’t have it at all or make it a free form text input.

2xsaiko, avatar

Okay, that’s different. In most cases it’s there for display purposes only.

2xsaiko, avatar

Also, can I “normally”/traditionally install software on NixOS, e.g. through Steam?

Depends on what you mean by traditionally. Steam works without needing any special setup by enabling it in your configuration, just programs.steam.enable = true. There’s also imperative package management with nix profile (don’t use nix-env -i which you will probably come across, it’s broken by design). Personally though I recommend sticking with the declarative configuration and nix-shell which temporarily brings packages in scope for the current shell only.

2xsaiko, avatar

There’s two different ways of identifying a nix package: its attribute path in the package set, and the name it self-identifies as. Here’s an example where those differ, firefox-esr. Its attribute path is firefox-esr while the package name it reports is firefox.

It’s very fast to find a package by its attribute path since that’s essentially one or more map lookups. In contrary, the package name isn’t unique (for example, firefox and firefox-esr both have a package name of “firefox” because they are built from the same package file just with different sources) and also doesn’t have an index, so to find a package with a matching name you have to search through the entire package set and evaluate every package to get its name and check if it matches.

nix-env -i searches packages by their package name, which as a consequence makes it slow and also unreliable since you might not get the package you were looking for, but instead another with the same name. nix-env -iA somewhat fixes this by installing packages by their attribute path, but even if you use that you get the same issues with nix-env --upgrade since that always searches for packages to update by the installed packages’ names (it might even replace one package with a completely unrelated one which coincidentally has the same name!).

The new nix profile however stores the attribute paths a package was installed from so doesn’t have any of these problems.

2xsaiko, avatar

Wayland by default


The Breeze app style has gotten the visual overhaul you’ve all dreamed of: no more frames within frames!

Yeah, it regularly appears in my nightmares /s. Sorry Carl, but I’m gonna have to patch this out. I hope this will get a config option like the change to the Dolphin details view that made the click area to open a file span the whole row (doesn’t look like it’s configurable as of now). I kept patches to undo that for a while as well…

Spectacle has gained support for rectangular region screen recording!

Oooh, I’ve been waiting for that. Very cool! Now I hopefully don’t have to fiddle around with OBS anymore to record a section of the screen.

2xsaiko, avatar

Are you talking about this?

At least two FIDO® Certified* security keys that work with the Apple devices that you use on a regular basis.

I think “the Apple devices that you use on a regular basis” is the part that belongs together.

2xsaiko, avatar

Well, then it means you have nothing to worry about since you don’t have any devices it could be incompatible with.

2xsaiko, avatar

They’re not doing it because every single one of these breaks after folding it 10 times. /hj

How come there isn't more torrent based technology

Most of the problems in the current internet landscape is caused by the cost of centralized servers. What problems are stopping us from running the fediverse on a peer to peer torrent based network? I would assume latency, but couldn’t that be solved by larger pre caching in clients? Of course interaction and authentication...

2xsaiko, avatar

Is it stored in the balls?

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