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@1simpletailer@startrek.website avatar

Man 5e really needs another INT caster and has too many CHA casters too. Every party is full of charismatic dumbfucks which I guess fits with how most players play.

1simpletailer, (edited )
@1simpletailer@startrek.website avatar

It really just depends on the fandom. Three more I know of are Bulbapedia for Pokemon, The Unofficial Elder Scrolls Pages for the Elder Scrolls, and Wookiepedia for Star Wars. They are all very comprehensive and functional.

Edit: Forgot about the Super Mario Wiki too.

@1simpletailer@startrek.website avatar

I’ve always been a skeptic but when I was a teenager Ghost Hunting shows were a guilty pleasure of mine. Tried watching some of the Ghost Hunters revival recently and holy shit its all so fake. Its a good 45 mins of the team “feeling” something with the rare instance of them claiming to witness activity that is conveniently off camera. Why don’t they wear body/head cams? Because then they wouldn’t be able to pull that shit and claim their anecdotal experience as “evidence” the location is haunted.

Btw they say every location is haunted now. Even when the best evidence they can find is some odd ambient sound or “EVP” that they suggest vaguely sounds like a noise a person can make. Notice how the person they are presenting the evidence too can never tell what the “EVP” is saying until the Ghost Hunters suggest something. At least in the old days they used to debunk stuff on occasion. They also used to occasionally find more substantial evidence, but I think in the era of HD TV’s and Cameras + the scrutiny of the internet they know they cant get away with faking that shit anymore. They basically just go around giving businesses “evidence” to market that they are haunted and enabling delusional homeowners. I’m honestly ashamed that I was ever gullible enough to consider that they may have been legit.

@1simpletailer@startrek.website avatar

Hot take, but Chris Nolan is the master of making films that feel smart but are actually pretty dumb. He’s like Zack Snyder but he’s good enough at pulling it off that his movies are a hit with critics. People who tend to overestimate their own intelligence will often hold Nolan in high esteem. He’s also a cryptofacist.

1simpletailer, (edited )
@1simpletailer@startrek.website avatar

Trick R Treat is a Halloween Classic, watch that if you haven’t

Gonna recommend some slower artsy horror films that I really enjoyed but aren’t for everyone. If you enjoyed the movies like The VVitch and Hereditary they may be right up your ally.

-A Dark Song (Slow Burn Occult Horror inspired by an actual ritual done by Alester Crowley)

-The Endless (Low-budget Cosmic Horror story about two brothers returning to the UFO cult they escaped from as children)

-Annihilation (Cosmic Horror. A team of female Scientist must cross a growing barrier which allows no people or communication to escape.)

-Men (Folk Horror. A traumatized woman retreats to a quiet English village but finds herself tormented by its inhabitants.)

-The Empty Man (Based on a graphic novel, sort of a mix of a Slasher and Cosmic Horror. A bit overlong and needed to be edited, but enjoyable none-the-less)

-Suspiria (Both the original and the 2016 remake, they are best enjoyed together as the remake compliments the original rather well. A young American woman enrolls in a prestigious German dance school where not everything is as it seems)

-His House (A refugee family flees to the UK. Can they escape the ghosts and trauma of their past while attempting to adjust to their new life?)

-Amulet (Another topical horror film involving refugees in the UK. An ex-soldier moves in to a new flat occupied by a woman and her ill mother where he is tormented by ghost past and present.)

-The Blackcoats Daughter (Slow Burn Religious Horror. Two girls are left alone at a Catholic boarding school over winter break when one of them begins to exhibit unsettling behavior)

Might update with more later if I think of them.

@1simpletailer@startrek.website avatar

The same duo behind The Endless and Resolution released a film on Netflix called Synchronic that also has ties to the other two. Personally I found it to be the weakest of the trilogy but it was worth watching. Its much more accessible to mainstream audiences and is more a sci-fi thriller then horror.

1simpletailer, (edited )
@1simpletailer@startrek.website avatar

The reality is Western countries aren’t going to bother accommodating climate refugees. Full on Fascism is still relatively fringe, but when your average person starts to feel the real fear and insecurity from the climate crisis it will be embraced. Walls and detention centers will be expanded, those seeking refuge in the “civilized” world will be met with bullets and gas chambers. There will be no safe havens.

@1simpletailer@startrek.website avatar

Avatar 3: The Way of Earth

Avatar 4: The Way of Fire

1simpletailer, (edited )
@1simpletailer@startrek.website avatar

Holy shit do these movies need to edited down. Watched the latest one a few weeks ago and man was it 90 minutes of plot stretched into a 3 hour film. Felt like I was just watching James Cameron fellate himself on screen. Oh yeah Jimmy, such a beautiful and imaginative world. Shame it’s wasted on the blandest characters and most simplistic themes imaginable.

@1simpletailer@startrek.website avatar

I mean the Na’vi are an infantilized hodgepodge of several shallow stereotypes of indigenous people precision designed to be sexy so the lowest common denominator sympathizes with them. The commenter may be referring to that.

1simpletailer, (edited )
@1simpletailer@startrek.website avatar

As much as I wish they could all be in a DS9 revival I don’t see why they have to. Sisko ascended, Odo returned to the founders, and it would be easy to say that Nog is just stationed on the far side of the Federation or on a deep space mission. The first two could easily be off screen presences who effect the story but are never seen. That still leaves Bashir, Dax, Kira, Worf, and Jake. Could be a smaller, more personal story that follows up on plot elements from DS9. Like what they tried to do with the first two seasons of Picard, just hopefully better written.

@1simpletailer@startrek.website avatar

Its odd that Voyager had a better chance at a film. DS9 had better ratings when they were both on and received more critical acclaim. Yet somehow Voyager has remained more in the popular consciousness and had more enduring popularity. I think a lot of it had to do with Berman favoring Voyager. Its reruns also saw a lot more syndication. I was a teenager in the 2000’s so I only ever saw reruns of 90’s trek growing up and it was usually Voyager and rarely TNG. I never saw any DS9 until it became available on streaming.

@1simpletailer@startrek.website avatar

Hell I’d take any TNG two-parter over any of the TNG movies. Even a mid one like Gambit or Descent.

@1simpletailer@startrek.website avatar

There’s a spoiler for Generations in DS9’s season 4 premier but you don’t have to watch the movie to appreciate the show.

@1simpletailer@startrek.website avatar

Serious answer. TNG has a lot of shit like this. Leftover plot hooks that completely lack follow-up. Far too many to wrap up in one season of modern prestige TV.

It’s just how TV was back then. You wrap the story up in 45 mins. Maybe some things get revisited, if the writers and producers don’t forget about them and the actor is available. Serialized stories were the exception not the rule back then.

Honestly I feel like this makes the Star Trek universe seem bigger. Every character has a lot going on and not everything that happens to them revolves around one storyline. There’s a whole galaxy out there full of things constantly happening! A lot of these would be followed up in books. Iirc it’s mentioned in one that Worf and Jeremy exchange letters regularly and he does visit on occasion. We just accept that this happens off-screen because Worf has a life beyond the brief glimpses into it we see. Modern TV is too tidy, with everything tied to one or two storylines and everything being wrapped up tidily with maybe one or two cliffhangers. It makes fictional settings cough Star Wars cough seem small and insuler.

@1simpletailer@startrek.website avatar

I think late DS9 and now SNW balance it well enough. You just have to mix episodic and serialized story-telling. I agree on the Internet being a problem though. Can you imagine if something like cinimasins was around nitpicking TNG when it was on air?

@1simpletailer@startrek.website avatar

Apparently the time frame was shifted to shoe-horn the Brotherhood of Steel into the game. Originally their roles was going be filled by just the reminants of the national guard or something. Needed that brand recognition!

@1simpletailer@startrek.website avatar

Because Kira was right there with them blowing stuff up and sometimes killing civilians in the name of a free Bajor and the Prophets… hey wait a minute!

@1simpletailer@startrek.website avatar

Its made very clear later in the series that Kira considered civilian targets acceptable. Paraphrased from her own words “If you aren’t with the resistance you are with the occupation.”

DS9 could have never gotten away with its nuanced portrayal of the terrorism/freedom fighter debate post 9/11, but its more relevant today then it ever has been.

Well, Cities: Skylines 2 is here, and it's another broken game release.

I don’t really understand how people make the review threads, but we’re sitting at a 77 on OpenCritic right now. Many were worried about game performance after the recommended specs were released, but it looks like it’s even worse than we expected. It sounds like the game is mostly a solid release except for the...

@1simpletailer@startrek.website avatar

Between this and Star Trek: Infinite seems like Paradox’s new MO is to set unreasonable deadlines and rush games to release. You should basically consider all their games early access at this point, except they’ll charge you for updates. They’ve learned that a buggy half-baked release wont effect their sales, and they can just patch the game and crank out new features as dlc.

@1simpletailer@startrek.website avatar

Way to completely misread my post there bud. Its not about the dlc, its about Pdox (who isn’t exactly a small indie publisher anymore) rushing buggy, feature-bare games to release with the intent of abusing their dlc-centric business model. FFS I guess wanting a game that’s complete and works on release is whining.

@1simpletailer@startrek.website avatar

Yeah the fucks up with all the Paradox apologia in this thread? I also remember Cities: Skylines on release It ran fine and my rig was shitty back then. It was a perfectly functional little city builder. People loved it and it was called the new Sim City! “Just wait two years and put down another $50 on dlc bro. Ur dumb for expecting it to be good now.” Nah this shits unacceptable. If a game needs to be supported for years before its considered good then an honest developer would call it an early access game. Ya know, those games that get years of support, updates, and features for free.

@1simpletailer@startrek.website avatar

Publishers still have a lot of power in a games development. They can set deadlines and dictate the direction they want a games development to take. Seeing as this is a recurring problem with games Paradox both develops and publishes, its easy to see who is to blame here.

@1simpletailer@startrek.website avatar

Of all the TES games Oblivion has aged the worst. If you didn’t play it at the time its really hard to be objective about it now. Too much Bloom and ugly potato faces combined with its floaty, clunky combat make it a chore to play today. Game had some great quest writing though and Shivering Isles is a GOAT expansion. It also has an undeniable, if somewhat unintentional, goofy charm to it that I love.

At the time a lot of Morrowind fans hated it for going against established lore and “dumbing down” the series, but it did well critically and was generally well received by the public. It got a lot of people, including myself, into the series. I went back and played Morrowind and loved it so I can see a lot of Oblivion’s weaknesses more clearly, but I still have a soft nostalgic spot for it in my heart.

@1simpletailer@startrek.website avatar

Seems to be pretty much what I expected. Mid overall, but if you’re a Trekkie who likes 4x games you will probably enjoy it. I’ll probably pick it up this weekend. The fact that its half the price of a typical release makes its flaws an easier pill to swallow for sure.

@1simpletailer@startrek.website avatar

Playing Devils advocate, it looks like they put a lot of flavor and assets into each of the playable factions which is why there is a limited selection. Still more would have been better. I can understand the decision to keep the Borg as an AI controlled faction, but Stellaris already has mechanics that fit the Ferengi well.

@1simpletailer@startrek.website avatar

One thing I’m very curious about, does the Dominion appear as a Mid or End-game crisis or is it just the Borg? I feel like a lot could be done to make that interesting with the dynamics of the 4 factions, making uneasy alliances and having the weakest of the 4 join the Dominion. Maybe I’m asking too much of this game though.

@1simpletailer@startrek.website avatar

Same. Share my account with a couple friends. I mostly watch Trek, but it has a decent selection of movies and older TV too.

@1simpletailer@startrek.website avatar

Geordi can see through the cards, and Data is a supercomputer. I guess its just a testament to how Godly of a Poker player Riker is that he could consistently clear that table. Poor Worf never stood a chance.

@1simpletailer@startrek.website avatar

Voyager was the wrong direction to take Trek. They were trying to recapture the TNG spirit, but TNG had been running out of steam during its last season and it’s formula was already dated. DS9 was daring and innovative, but Voyager basically ignored all that. It was looking backwards at a time when TV was moving forward. It could have worked if it was better written I guess, but the premise was flawed from the start.

Not saying I can’t enjoy Voyager. It’s the most mid of the 90’s shows but it has its moments where it really shines and like the poster above said Kate Mulgrew is great! It was just the begining of the end for its era of Trek.

@1simpletailer@startrek.website avatar

Starfleet is driven by love and passion, just not in the toxic way that Angel is. Its a passion for exploration and discovery, and a love for your comrades and fellow lifeforms. Angel is right, she just goes about it in entirely the wrong way.

@1simpletailer@startrek.website avatar

Redditors when you imply there may be some ethical problems with modern meat consumption: VEgaNs ArE a BuNcH of PreCHy SnoWflaKes!!1! PETA MurdERS iN THier SHelteRS!!1!!

Ding goes the oven, your Tyson nuggies are ready!

@1simpletailer@startrek.website avatar

Why reflect on my unethical consumption habits when I can just listen to meat industry/fast food propaganda? Mmmmm Chicken sure is tasty!

@1simpletailer@startrek.website avatar

Its also just totally a false equivalency. Lets entertain for a moment the fact that Peta is an imperfect organization that doesn’t always do the right thing. Okay and? The industry they protest exploits not just animals, but Children and Workers. Its carbon footprint is playing an instrumental role in destroying the biosphere. But sure, PETA is imperfect so I guess we’ll all just keep eating meat.

@1simpletailer@startrek.website avatar

I mean have you been outside recently? I’ll weather the apocalypse with my AI Mommy thank you.

@1simpletailer@startrek.website avatar

Not the guy you’re responding to, but I also watched the movies before watching TOS. Well I actually did try watching TOS first, but “The Cage” turned me off to it for awhile. Anyway I honestly recommend this approach to anyone who is struggling to get into TOS. The movies stand on their own pretty much, even WoK gives you all the information you need to enjoy the movie. It’s a good way to get into the characters in a more accessible format.

@1simpletailer@startrek.website avatar

Yeah Gene Roddenberry could see the direction capitalism was taking humanity, his optimism was that enough of us would be able to survive the collapse and we would rebuild better in its aftermath. That part remains to be seen, but Star Trek has always been collapse aware.

@1simpletailer@startrek.website avatar

Not since Daggerfall, but been a big TES fan since falling in love with Morrowind. Each subsequent entry to the series has been more disappointing then the last, but Skyrim was decent enough that I still put a good chunk of hours into it. Now though, TES is basically a dead series to me. I’m not remotely interested in seeing where the series goes in modern Bethesda’s hands. It will take overwhelming evidence that Bethesda has somehow changed for me to pick up TES 6.

1simpletailer, (edited )
@1simpletailer@startrek.website avatar

The writing is the worst part. I could forgive almost everything else if the game told a good engaging story with compelling characters. Instead we get corporate approved blandness. It may steal the aesthetics of Star Trek and Starship Troopers, but in the end it’s Sci-fi with nothing interesting to say.

@1simpletailer@startrek.website avatar

Oh yeah. Didn’t want to get too into the politics in my original post but the game is frustratingly neo-liberal. The two main factions are libs that are sliding into fascism and libertarian cowboy larpers. And this is supposed to be an optimistic future? The cons may screetch about pronouns, but leftist the game is not.

@1simpletailer@startrek.website avatar

Liked the episode overall, was good to see Rom and Leeta again and I like to continued progress we see among the Ferengi. However, there is absolutely no way I will be able to conceive of the Ferengi joining the Federation, at least at this point in the timeline. The Federation has notoriously strict rules for who they allow to join. As we see in the episode, in spite of the progress made under Grand Nagus Rom the Feregi still have a culture that revolves around exploitation. We see people enslaved in mines for lying about being a couple to get a discount at a restaurant! An alliance would make much more sense then an application to join.

@1simpletailer@startrek.website avatar

You’re right it is beautiful! Not to be that guy though, but Data is Ops, not Science.

@1simpletailer@startrek.website avatar

All good friend! I’m just too much of a Trek nerd to not correct it. It’s an easy mistake to make too, seeing as Data handles a lot of the science related stuff on the show and the Enterprise-D is notably lacking a Chief Science Officer. Behind the scenes Data was originally going to be in Sciences, but the producers didn’t like the way a blue uniform looked with his skin so they made him Ops.

@1simpletailer@startrek.website avatar

I highly doubt he has ever sat through an episode of Trek. Well maybe he watched some Discovery. At any rate he is simply saying this because there is a public perception of Trek being nerdy and intelligent which fits his brand the the public persona he tried to cultivate, and its a show that stoked his ego once before.

@1simpletailer@startrek.website avatar

Starfield just doesn’t look or play like a game that came out in 2023. Fallout 4 was already behind the curve for it’s time, and Starfield is basically just Fallout 4 in Space 8 years later. Rpgs have evolved in both gameplay and narrative and Bethesda just isn’t keeping up. Don’t know if it’s a skill issue or it’s corporate suits playing it safe and setting unreasonable deadlines, probably a mix of both.

Starfield may be a success financially and find a fan base for now, but it’s going to be forgotten soon by most and definitely won’t be seeing rereleases a decade later.

@1simpletailer@startrek.website avatar

This tracks. There was the whole Hyenas debacle and their flagship series has been struggling. There is no need or desire for yearly Total War releases, they are just a waste of time and money. Warhammer 3 has been bungled from the get-go. There were a few bright spots where it seemed like they could turn it around, but now its seemingly in a downward spiral from which I doubt it will recover. RIP. Easy money blown down the drain by a severely mismanaged company.

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