MirrorAyako, to allstartrek
@MirrorAyako@universeodon.com avatar

7/27: Starting at 8PM Eastern, we live toot Star Trek episodes playing on the H&I network, using the hashtag . If you don’t get the H&I station, you can also stream. Join our group @allstartrek for updates!

This is the episode where Seven theorizes that the moon landing was filmed at a movie studio and JFK was assassinated by the CIA.

TOS (8ET): The Paradise Syndrome
TNG (9ET): The Vengeance Factor
DS9 (10ET): The Sword of Kahless
VOY (11ET): Voyager Conspiracy
ENT (midnight): Precious Cargo

MirrorAyako, to allstartrek
@MirrorAyako@universeodon.com avatar

7/26: Starting at 8PM Eastern, we live toot Star Trek episodes playing on the H&I network, using the hashtag . If you don’t get the H&I station, you can also stream. Join our group @allstartrek for updates!

Quark has plans for world domination in tonight’s DS9!

TOS (8ET): The Enterprise Incident
TNG (9ET): The Price
DS9 (10ET): Little Green Men
VOY (11ET): One Small Step
ENT (midnight): Vanishing Point

MirrorAyako, to allstartrek
@MirrorAyako@universeodon.com avatar

7/25: Starting at 8PM Eastern, we live toot Star Trek episodes playing on the H&I network, using the hashtag . If you don’t get the H&I station, you can also stream. Join our group @allstartrek for updates!

Everyone’s favorite remote controlled Spock is on tonight! Just kidding but The Enemy is a great Geordi episode.

TOS (8ET): Spock’s Brain
TNG (9ET): The Enemy
DS9 (10ET): Starship Down
VOY (11ET): Dragon’s Teeth
ENT (midnight): Singularity

@KI5SMN@mastodon.hams.social avatar
MirrorAyako, to allstartrek
@MirrorAyako@universeodon.com avatar

7/24: Starting at 8PM Eastern, we live toot Star Trek episodes playing on the H&I network, using the hashtag . If you don’t get the H&I station, you can also stream. Join our group @allstartrek for updates!

Riddles is one of my favorite Tuvok/Neelix episodes. I’ll see you all for that one!

TOS (8ET): Assignment: Earth
TNG (9ET): Booby Trap
DS9 (10ET): Rejoined
VOY (11ET): Riddles
ENT (midnight): The Communicator

MirrorAyako, to allstartrek
@MirrorAyako@universeodon.com avatar

7/23: Starting at 8PM Eastern, we live toot Star Trek episodes playing on the H&I network, using the hashtag . If you don’t get the H&I station, you can also stream. Join our group @allstartrek for updates!

Tom, pull yourself together! You’re not looking so great. And get a shave!

TOS (8ET): Bread and Circuses
TNG (9ET): The Bonding
DS9 (10ET): Indiscretion
VOY (11ET): Alice
ENT (midnight): The Seventh

@KI5SMN@mastodon.hams.social avatar

@MirrorAyako @allstartrek

“…watching you, I’d thought you practiced by trial and error.”

This is such a soul-crunching burn every damned time.

#StarTrek #StarTrekTOS #StarTrekTNG #StarTrekDS9 #StarTrekVOY #StarTrekVoyager #StarTrekEnterprise #StarTrekENT #TOS #TNG #DS9 #VOY #ENT

MirrorAyako, to allstartrek
@MirrorAyako@universeodon.com avatar

7/21: Starting at 8PM Eastern, we live toot Star Trek episodes playing on the H&I network, using the hashtag . If you don’t get the H&I station, you can also stream. Join our group @allstartrek for updates!

Pretty strong line up! We witness some Klingon bullies tonight.

TOS (8ET): The Ultimate Computer
TNG (9ET): Who Watches the Watchers
DS9 (10ET): Hippocratic Oath
VOY (11ET): Tinker, Tenor, Doctor, Spy
ENT (midnight): Marauders

MirrorAyako, to allstartrek
@MirrorAyako@universeodon.com avatar

7/19: Starting at 8PM Eastern, we live toot Star Trek episodes playing on the H&I network, using the hashtag . If you don’t get the H&I station, you can also stream. Join our group @allstartrek for updates!

There’s never enough Gowron in my opinion.

TOS (8ET): By Any Other Name
TNG (9ET): The Ensigns of Command
DS9 (10ET): The Way of the Warrior, Part 2
VOY (11ET): Survival Instinct
ENT (midnight): Dead Stop

MirrorAyako, to allstartrek
@MirrorAyako@universeodon.com avatar

7/18: Starting at 8PM Eastern, we live toot Star Trek episodes playing on the H&I network, using the hashtag . If you don’t get the H&I station, you can also stream. Join our group @allstartrek for updates!

Another great Enterprise episode on tonight! We get to learn a little more about the enigmatic Malcolm Reed.

TOS (8ET): Patterns of Force
TNG (9ET): Evolution
DS9 (10ET): The Way of the Warrior, Part 1
VOY (11ET): Equinox, Part 2
ENT (midnight): Minefield

MirrorAyako, to allstartrek
@MirrorAyako@universeodon.com avatar

7/17: Starting at 8PM Eastern, we live toot Star Trek episodes playing on the H&I network, using the hashtag . If you don’t get the H&I station, you can also stream. Join our group @allstartrek for updates!

Vulcan first contact happened a lot earlier than first imagined.

TOS (8ET): Return to Tomorrow
TNG (9ET): Shades of Gray
DS9 (10ET): The Adversary
VOY (11ET): Equinox, Part 1
ENT (midnight): Carbon Creek

MirrorAyako, to allstartrek
@MirrorAyako@universeodon.com avatar

7/16: Starting at 8PM Eastern, we live toot Star Trek episodes playing on the H&I network, using the hashtag . If you don’t get the H&I station, you can also stream. Join our group @allstartrek for updates!

Kolrami was a pretentious, smug man. Hope Data can take him down.

TOS (8ET): A Private Little War
TNG (9ET): Peak Performance
DS9 (10ET): Facets
VOY (11ET): Warhead
ENT (midnight): Shockwave, Part 2

MirrorAyako, to allstartrek
@MirrorAyako@universeodon.com avatar

7/14: Starting at 8PM Eastern, we live toot Star Trek episodes playing on the H&I network, using the hashtag #AllStarTrek. If you don’t get the H&I station, you can also stream. Join our group @allstartrek for updates!

One of my favorite Klingon ladies is on tonight!

TOS (8ET): The Immunity Syndrome
TNG (9ET): The Emissary
DS9 (10ET): Shakaar
VOY (11ET): Relativity
ENT (midnight): Shockwave, Part 1

#StarTrek #StarTrekTOS #StarTrekTNG #StarTrekDS9 #StarTrekVOY #StarTrekVoyager #StarTrekEnterprise #StarTrekENT #TOS #TNG #DS9 #VOY #ENT

MirrorAyako, to allstartrek
@MirrorAyako@universeodon.com avatar

7/13: Starting at 8PM Eastern, we live toot Star Trek episodes playing on the H&I network, using the hashtag . If you don’t get the H&I station, you can also stream. Join our group @allstartrek for updates!

Never, ever go to Risa. I guarantee it won’t turn out well.

TOS (8ET): A Piece of the Action
TNG (9ET): Manhunt
DS9 (10ET): Family Business
VOY (11ET): 11:59
ENT (midnight): Two Days and Two Nights

MirrorAyako, to allstartrek
@MirrorAyako@universeodon.com avatar

7/12: Starting at 8PM Eastern, we live toot Star Trek episodes playing on the H&I network, using the hashtag . If you don’t get the H&I station, you can also stream. Join our group @allstartrek for updates!

I always thought Doc and Seven made a great couple. Another missed opportunity!

TOS (8ET): Gamesters of Triskelion
TNG (9ET): Up the Long Ladder
DS9 (10ET): Explorers
VOY (11ET): Someone to Watch Over Me
ENT (midnight): Dessert Crossing

MirrorAyako, to allstartrek
@MirrorAyako@universeodon.com avatar

7/11: Starting at 8PM Eastern, we live toot Star Trek episodes playing on the H&I network, using the hashtag #AllStarTrek. If you don’t get the H&I station, you can also stream. Join our group @allstartrek for updates!

The Klingon’s mortal enemy is on tonight!

TOS (8ET): The Trouble With Tribbles
TNG (9ET): Samaritan Snare
DS9 (10ET): The Die Is Cast, Part 2
VOY (11ET): Juggernaut
ENT (midnight): Fallen Hero

#StarTrek #StarTrekTOS #StarTrekTNG #StarTrekDS9 #StarTrekVOY #StarTrekVoyager #StarTrekEnterprise #StarTrekENT #TOS #TNG #DS9 #VOY #ENT

MirrorAyako, to allstartrek
@MirrorAyako@universeodon.com avatar

7/10: Starting at 8PM Eastern, we live toot Star Trek episodes playing on the H&I network, using the hashtag . If you don’t get the H&I station, you can also stream. Join our group @allstartrek for updates!

Scotty is accused of being Jack the Ripper tonight! Oh no.

TOS (8ET): Wolf in the Fold
TNG (9ET): Q-Who?
DS9 (10ET): Improbable Cause, Part 1
VOY (11ET): Think Thank
ENT (midnight): Vix Sola

MirrorAyako, to allstartrek
@MirrorAyako@universeodon.com avatar

7/9: Starting at 8PM Eastern, we live toot Star Trek episodes playing on the H&I network, using the hashtag #AllStarTrek. If you don’t get the H&I station, you can also stream. Join our group @allstartrek for updates!

It looks like an episode of Quantum Leap but it’s not!

TOS (8ET): Obsession
TNG (9ET): Pen Pals
DS9 (10ET): Through the Looking Glass
VOY (11ET): The Fight
ENT (midnight): Detained

#StarTrek #StarTrekTOS #StarTrekTNG #StarTrekDS9 #StarTrekVOY #StarTrekVoyager #StarTrekEnterprise #StarTrekENT #TOS #TNG #DS9 #VOY #ENT

MirrorAyako, to allstartrek
@MirrorAyako@universeodon.com avatar

7/7: Starting at 8PM Eastern, we live toot Star Trek episodes playing on the H&I network, using the hashtag . If you don’t get the H&I station, you can also stream. Join our group @allstartrek for updates!

Tonight’s Voyager was always a creepy one for me and has a Twilight Zone feel.

TOS (8ET): The Deadly Years
TNG (9ET): The Icarus Factor
DS9 (10ET): Distant Voices
VOY (11ET): Course: Oblivion
ENT (midnight): Oasis

MirrorAyako, to allstartrek
@MirrorAyako@universeodon.com avatar

7/6: Starting at 8PM Eastern, we live toot Star Trek episodes playing on the H&I network, using the hashtag . If you don’t get the H&I station, you can also stream. Join our group @allstartrek for updates!

The Ferengi Dream Team played by Jeffrey Combs, Ethan Phillips, Matt Malloy and Clint Howard is on tonight’s Enterprise.

TOS (8ET): Friday’s Child
TNG (9ET): Time Squared
DS9 (10ET): Visionary
VOY (11ET): The Disease
ENT (midnight): Acquisition

MirrorAyako, to allstartrek
@MirrorAyako@universeodon.com avatar

6/30: Starting at 8PM Eastern, we live toot Star Trek episodes playing on the H&I network, using the hashtag . If you don’t get the H&I station, you can also stream. Join our group @allstartrek for updates!

I may need to stay up past midnight to watch ENT tonight. 😱 Shuttlepod One is one of my favorite, if not the favorite, episodes in Enterprise.

TOS (8ET): I, Mudd
TNG (9ET): The Dauphin
DS9 (10ET): Heart of Stone
VOY (11ET): Bliss
ENT (midnight): Shuttlepod One

MirrorAyako, to allstartrek
@MirrorAyako@universeodon.com avatar

6/29: Starting at 8PM Eastern, we live toot Star Trek episodes playing on the H&I network, using the hashtag . If you don’t get the H&I station, you can also stream. Join our group @allstartrek for updates!

Wow! Another great line up tonight. Data’s life and personal autonomy are on the line. Boo…hiss…Maddox.

TOS (8ET): Catspaw
TNG (9ET): Measure of A Man
DS9 (10ET): Life Support
VOY (11ET): Gravity
ENT (midnight): Shadows of P’Jem

MirrorAyako, to allstartrek
@MirrorAyako@universeodon.com avatar

6/28: Starting at 8PM Eastern, we live toot Star Trek episodes playing on the H&I network, using the hashtag . If you don’t get the H&I station, you can also stream. Join our group @allstartrek for updates!

Another great line up tonight! I like every single episode. I do have to showcase Bride of Chaotica just for the fun and campiness.

TOS (8ET): The Doomsday Machine
TNG (9ET): A Matter of Honor
DS9 (10ET): Past Tense, Part 2
VOY (11ET): Bride of Chaotica
ENT (midnight): Sleeping Dogs

MirrorAyako, to random
@MirrorAyako@universeodon.com avatar

6/26: Starting at 8PM Eastern, we live toot Star Trek episodes playing on the H&I network, using the hashtag . If you don’t get the H&I station, you can also stream. Join our group @allstartrek for updates!

If you have a goatee, that means you’re on the dark side (with the exception of Benjamin Sisko).

TOS (8ET): Mirror, Mirror
TNG (9ET): The Schizoid Man
DS9 (10ET): Fascination
VOY (11ET): Counterpoint
ENT (midnight): Silent Enemy

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