MirrorAyako, to allstartrek
@MirrorAyako@universeodon.com avatar

11/9: Starting at 8PM Eastern, we live toot Star Trek episodes playing on the H&I network, using the hashtag . If you don’t get the H&I station, you can also stream. Join our group @allstartrek for updates!

Tonight’s ENT is one of my favorite Malcolm episodes!

TOS (8ET): Whom Gods Destroy
TNG (9ET): Suspicions
DS9 (10ET): When It Rains
VOY (11ET): False Profits
ENT (midnight): Minefield

@kcarr2015@mstdn.social avatar

@MirrorAyako @allstartrek
's another great episode from ! 👍

MirrorAyako, to allstartrek
@MirrorAyako@universeodon.com avatar

11/5: Starting at 8PM Eastern, we live toot Star Trek episodes playing on the H&I network, using the hashtag . If you don’t get the H&I station, you can also stream. Join our group @allstartrek for updates!

A fun shore leave episode on Risa on tonight’s ENT!

TOS (8ET): Plato’s Stepchildren
TNG (9ET): Starship Mine
DS9 (10ET): Penumbra
VOY (11ET): Basics, Part 2
ENT (midnight): Two Days and Two Nights

@kcarr2015@mstdn.social avatar

@MirrorAyako @allstartrek
After two episodes in transit, do our heroes finally ACTUALLY get to a well earned vacation on Risa? Tune in to find out!🤦‍♂️

(...or, look it up on , the show is 20 years old, guys.🤷‍♂️😂)

brymc81, to allstartrek
@brymc81@mas.to avatar

Loving the Indiana Jones vibe of this Vulcan monastery

@allstartrek #AllStarTrek #StarTrekEnterprise #TheAndorianIncident

mythopoetica, to academiccommunity
@mythopoetica@hcommons.social avatar

I'm kind of resigned that I worked through the four day weekend.

And semester starts tomorrow here in my neck of the woods.

I'll be spending the week prepping for classes which I'm only going to start on the second week because the first week's usually orientation stuff. But at least I've got three articles submitted and the fourth will go in once the server comes back to life. Probably tomorrow.

For this evening, music practice, and for the week. I'm gutted by the ending of and join fans in being outraged at the finale. Didn't expect the series to make this big of an emotional impact on me.


richard, to allstartrek
@richard@cylon.space avatar

In canon pecan pie is not only good for building the strength needed to maintain a warp reactor, but also for negotiating for alien technology.


MirrorAyako, to allstartrek
@MirrorAyako@universeodon.com avatar

9/27: Starting at 8PM Eastern, we live toot Star Trek episodes playing on the H&I network, using the hashtag . If you don’t get the H&I station, you can also stream. Join our group @allstartrek for updates!

Kurosawa is either really flattered for the hat tip to the Seven Samurai or he’s rolling in his grave.

TOS (8ET): The Changling
TNG (9ET): Hero Worship
DS9 (10E): The Magnificent Ferengi
VOY (11ET): Prime Factors
ENT (midnight): The Aenar, Part 3

MirrorAyako, to allstartrek
@MirrorAyako@universeodon.com avatar

9/26: Starting at 8PM Eastern, we live toot Star Trek episodes playing on the H&I network, using the hashtag . If you don’t get the H&I station, you can also stream. Join our group @allstartrek for updates!

This is one of the many times we see Harry Kim die.

TOS (8ET): Who Mourns for Adonais?
TNG (9ET): New Ground
DS9 (10E): Statistical Probabilities
VOY (11ET): Emanations
ENT (midnight): United, Part 2

MirrorAyako, to allstartrek
@MirrorAyako@universeodon.com avatar

9/25: Starting at 8PM Eastern, we live toot Star Trek episodes playing on the H&I network, using the hashtag . If you don’t get the H&I station, you can also stream. Join our group @allstartrek for updates!

It really sucks to go into pon farr. Kirk is wondering, “how did I get sucked into this?!”

TOS (8ET): Amok Time
TNG (9ET): A Matter of Time
DS9 (10E): Resurrection
VOY (11ET): Ex Post Facto
ENT (midnight): Babel One, Part 1

MirrorAyako, to allstartrek
@MirrorAyako@universeodon.com avatar

9/24: Starting at 8PM Eastern, we live toot Star Trek episodes playing on the H&I network, using the hashtag . If you don’t get the H&I station, you can also stream. Join our group @allstartrek for updates!

One of the greatest crossover appearances in my opinion.

TOS (8ET): Operation—Annihilate!
TNG (9ET): Unification, Part 1
DS9 (10E): You Are Cordially Invited
VOY (11ET): Eye of the Needle
ENT (midnight): Observer Effect

MirrorAyako, to allstartrek
@MirrorAyako@universeodon.com avatar

9/22: Starting at 8PM Eastern, we live toot Star Trek episodes playing on the H&I network, using the hashtag . If you don’t get the H&I station, you can also stream. Join our group @allstartrek for updates!

Great guest appearances from Joan Collins and Ashley Judd tonight!

TOS (8ET): The City on the Edge of Forever
TNG (9ET): The Game
DS9 (10ET): Sacrifice of Angels, Part 2
VOY (11ET): The Cloud
ENT (midnight): Daedalus

MirrorAyako, to allstartrek
@MirrorAyako@universeodon.com avatar

9/21: Starting at 8PM Eastern, we live toot Star Trek episodes playing on the H&I network, using the hashtag . If you don’t get the H&I station, you can also stream. Join our group @allstartrek for updates!

I think the Vidiians were the best alien villains on Voyager. I wish we saw more of them.

TOS (8ET): The Alternate Factor
TNG (9ET): Disaster
DS9 (10ET): Favor the Bold, Part 2
VOY (11ET): Phage
ENT (midnight): Kir’Shara, Part 3

MirrorAyako, to allstartrek
@MirrorAyako@universeodon.com avatar

9/20: Starting at 8PM Eastern, we live toot Star Trek episodes playing on the H&I network, using the hashtag . If you don’t get the H&I station, you can also stream. Join our group @allstartrek for updates!

The Crystalline Entity is beautiful but apparently deadly!

TOS (8ET): Errand of Mercy
TNG (9ET): Silicon Avatar
DS9 (10ET): Behind the Lines
VOY (11ET): Time and Again
ENT (midnight): Awakening, Part 2

MirrorAyako, to allstartrek
@MirrorAyako@universeodon.com avatar

9/19: Starting at 8PM Eastern, we live toot Star Trek episodes playing on the H&I network, using the hashtag . If you don’t get the H&I station, you can also stream. Join our group @allstartrek for updates!

H&I screwed up the schedule for DS9, so tonight we get to see the hapless Alexander.

TOS (8ET): Devil in the Dark
TNG (9ET): Ensign Ro
DS9 (10ET): Sons and Daughters
VOY (11ET): Parallax
ENT (midnight): The Forge, Part 1

MirrorAyako, to allstartrek
@MirrorAyako@universeodon.com avatar

9/18: Starting at 8PM Eastern, we live toot Star Trek episodes playing on the H&I network, using the hashtag . If you don’t get the H&I station, you can also stream. Join our group @allstartrek for updates!

At your next work meeting, you can say, “Shaka, when the walls fell” to describe the project you’ve working on and thoroughly confuse them.

TOS (8ET): This Side of Paradise
TNG (9ET): Darmok
DS9 (10ET): Sons and Daughters
VOY (11ET): Caretaker, Part 2
ENT (midnight): The Augments, Part 3

MirrorAyako, to allstartrek
@MirrorAyako@universeodon.com avatar

9/17: Starting at 8PM Eastern, we live toot Star Trek episodes playing on the H&I network, using the hashtag . If you don’t get the H&I station, you can also stream. Join our group @allstartrek for updates!

The first episode of Voyager is on tonight! I never fully understood the significance of the banjo and hoedown.

TOS (8ET): A Taste of Armageddon
TNG (9ET): Redemption, Part 2
DS9 (10ET): A Time to Stand
VOY (11ET): Caretaker, Part 1
ENT (midnight): Cold Station 12, Part 2

MirrorAyako, to allstartrek
@MirrorAyako@universeodon.com avatar

9/15: Starting at 8PM Eastern, we live toot Star Trek episodes playing on the H&I network, using the hashtag . If you don’t get the H&I station, you can also stream. Join our group @allstartrek for updates!

I can’t believe what luck we're having! Another great line up tonight. We say goodbye to Voyager. But don’t fret, Caretaker will start on Sunday and we start the cycle all over again.

TOS (8ET): Space Seed
TNG (9ET): Redemption, Part 1
DS9 (10ET): A Call to Arms
VOY (11ET): Endgame, Part 2
ENT (midnight): Borderland, Part 1

MirrorAyako, to allstartrek
@MirrorAyako@universeodon.com avatar

9/14: Starting at 8PM Eastern, we live toot Star Trek episodes playing on the H&I network, using the hashtag . If you don’t get the H&I station, you can also stream. Join our group @allstartrek for updates!

Another great line up tonight! I love Data attempting a relationship on tonight’s episode. I also loved the Orville version of this episode with Dr. Finn and Isaac. Too funny!

TOS (8ET): The Return of the Archons
TNG (9ET): In Theory
DS9 (10ET): In the Cards
VOY (11ET): Endgame, Part 1
ENT (midnight): Home

MirrorAyako, to allstartrek
@MirrorAyako@universeodon.com avatar

9/12: Starting at 8PM Eastern, we live toot Star Trek episodes playing on the H&I network, using the hashtag . If you don’t get the H&I station, you can also stream. Join our group @allstartrek for updates!

Excellent line up tonight. I have to showcase creepy Garak because he gives out great serial killer vibes.

TOS (8ET): Court Martial
TNG (9ET): The Mind’s Eye
DS9 (10ET): Empok Nor
VOY (11ET): Renaissance Man
ENT (midnight): Storm Front, Part 2

MirrorAyako, to allstartrek
@MirrorAyako@universeodon.com avatar

9/12: Starting at 8PM Eastern, we live toot Star Trek episodes playing on the H&I network, using the hashtag . If you don’t get the H&I station, you can also stream. Join our group @allstartrek for updates!

Our favorite Maquis, Eddington is on tonight.

TOS (8ET): Tomorrow Is Yesterday
TNG (9ET): The Host
DS9 (10ET): Blaze of Glory
VOY (11ET): Homestead
ENT (midnight): Storm Front, Part 1

MirrorAyako, to allstartrek
@MirrorAyako@universeodon.com avatar

9/11: Starting at 8PM Eastern, we live toot Star Trek episodes playing on the H&I network, using the hashtag . If you don’t get the H&I station, you can also stream. Join our group @allstartrek for updates!

Arena is such a fun one! We see Kirk battling the Gorn tonight.

TOS (8ET): Arena
TNG (9ET): Half a Life
DS9 (10ET): Children of Time
VOY (11ET): Natural Law
ENT (midnight): Zero Hour

MirrorAyako, to allstartrek
@MirrorAyako@universeodon.com avatar

9/10: Starting at 8PM Eastern, we live toot Star Trek episodes playing on the H&I network, using the hashtag . If you don’t get the H&I station, you can also stream. Join our group @allstartrek for updates!

The great Jean Simmons is on tonight (not to be confused with Gene Simmons of Kiss)!

TOS (8ET): The Squire of Gothos
TNG (9ET): The Drumhead
DS9 (10ET): Soldiers of the Empire
VOY (11ET): Friendship One
ENT (midnight): Countdown

MirrorAyako, to allstartrek
@MirrorAyako@universeodon.com avatar

9/8: Starting at 8PM Eastern, we live toot Star Trek episodes playing on the H&I network, using the hashtag . If you don’t get the H&I station, you can also stream. Join our group @allstartrek for updates!

It’s always fun to see serious and grumpy Worf in cosplay.

TOS (8ET): The Galileo Seven
TNG (9ET): QPid
DS9 (10ET): Ferengi Love Songs
VOY (11ET): Author, Author
ENT (midnight): The Council

MirrorAyako, to allstartrek
@MirrorAyako@universeodon.com avatar

9/7: Starting at 8PM Eastern, we live toot Star Trek episodes playing on the H&I network, using the hashtag . If you don’t get the H&I station, you can also stream. Join our group @allstartrek for updates!

I made a comment a few days ago that Dr. Bashir, I Presume is Flowers for Algernon but in space. But tonight’s TNG is probably closer.

TOS (8ET): Shore Leave
TNG (9ET): The Nth Degree
DS9 (10ET): Ties of Blood and Water
VOY (11ET): Q2
ENT (midnight): E2

MirrorAyako, to allstartrek
@MirrorAyako@universeodon.com avatar

9/6: Starting at 8PM Eastern, we live toot Star Trek episodes playing on the H&I network, using the hashtag . If you don’t get the H&I station, you can also stream. Join our group @allstartrek for updates!

Not the Romulans! I do like the older Romulan uniforms with the funky helmets over the more recent shoulder pads.

TOS (8ET): Balance of Terror
TNG (9ET): Identity Crisis
DS9 (10ET): Business As Usual
VOY (11ET): Human Error
ENT (midnight): The Forgotten

MirrorAyako, to allstartrek
@MirrorAyako@universeodon.com avatar

9/5: Starting at 8PM Eastern, we live toot Star Trek episodes playing on the H&I network, using the hashtag . If you don’t get the H&I station, you can also stream. Join our group @allstartrek for updates!

Archer’s questionable ethical decisions example 76.

TOS (8ET): The Conscience of the King
TNG (9ET): Night Terrors
DS9 (10ET): A Simple Investigation
VOY (11ET): Workforce, Part 2
ENT (midnight): Damage, Part 2

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