garethsouthwell, to bookstodon avatar

#introduction @bookstodon

Hi everyone.

I'm a writer and professional illustrator/book designer. My background is in philosophy (teaching, examining, PhD, writing), and I've been publishing books aimed at a popular audience for about 17 years.

These days, I'm moving away from that into fiction – sci-fi, speculative.

I've been an illustrator for a similar amount of time, and now most of my work is book cover design through Reedsy.

Please check out links and hashtags in bio if interested.

estelle, to sociology avatar

Welcome @Nita_Alexander to the Fediverse!
You will feel welcome here! 💜

You may post an with and saying if you are at John Carroll University, Cleveland, Ohio or at James Cook University in Queensland, Australia 🙂

You may subscribe to @sociology.

Please browse , , , .

jillyhorrorshow, to random avatar

Hello. I'm Jilly Horrorshow and I've been a naughty girl.
I make to get you off. Here's a tiny snippet to whet your appetite. Lots more free samples to come on Mastodon, and full length filth at


Wem auf Mastodon folgen? German

Ich empfinde Lemmy mittlerweile als wirkliche Reddit Alternative, weil hier genügend Content vorhanden ist. Leider ist das bei Mastodon immer noch nicht so, obwohl ich schon länger dort bin… Habt ihr Tipps wem man dort für lustigen Content folgen kann? Sowas wie El Hotzo oder Böhmermann, die dort leider auch nicht sooo...

DmMacniel, to dach in Wem auf Mastodon folgen? avatar

Als Startpunkt in Mastodon ist es immer empfehlenswert Tags statt Benutzer zu folgen. Über die Tags kannst du dann passende Benutzer finden, die passende Interessen verfolgen wie du. Auch kannst du folgen, um neue Leute kennenzulernen.

pumpensumpf, to fediverse in As Twitter destroys its brand by renaming itself X, Mastodon user numbers are again soaring | TechCrunch

One idea is to browse the hashtag and follow people whose introductions sound promising to you. The hashtag might also be useful. If you want to follow scholars and scientists, there is this list grouped by discipline: in general, you can follow hashtags on Mastodon, e.g. “” for pictures of plants.

sab, to technology in Twitter is now X as the little blue bird disappears avatar

That makes sense. Hopefully when Threads joins the Fediverse it will be easier for those who depend on traffic for income to reach a broader audience.

Some tips on the fediverse, in case you'd want to try it out more more:

  • Pixelfed might be more suited for a visual artist, and seems to be gaining traction. It of course federates perfectly with Mastodon.
  • While Mastodon is to a degree designed specifically not to be Twitter, services like Firefish might scratch the same itch while being more feature rich
  • Use hashtags liberally, as people might follow hashtags to find content that interests them (if you post something with on a federated server, it will also show up in
  • Start of with an introduction post (#introduction), include hashtags related to your work
  • Don't start out on a very tiny server if you're there to try to reach a broader audience. That's easier from a more central node, unfortunately

Good luck, no matter what you opt for!

narrativohazardexpunged, to random
<pre class="ql-syntax" spellcheck="false">[HELLO! I EXIST HERE NOW AND I AM MAKING THAT EVERYONE ELSE'S PROBLEM]

2 - >:)

3 -

<pre class="ql-syntax" spellcheck="false">4 - I AM SEVEN ANTINARREMEPLEXES IN A TRENCHCOAT⁽⁵⁾
⁵ - ᴵ ᵂᴵᴸᴸ ᴺᴼᵀ ᴱˣᴾᴸᴬᴵᴺ ᵂᴴᴬᵀ ᴬᴺ ᴬᴺᵀᴵᴺᴬᴿᴿᴱᴹᴱ ᴾᴸᴱˣ ᴵˢ: ˢᵁᶠᶠᴱᴿ₍₆₎
⁶ - ᴵˢ ᵀᴴᴵˢ ᴱᴺᴼᵁᴳᴴ ᶠᴼᴼᵀᴺᴼᵀᴱˢ ʸᴱᵀˀ
⁷ - ᴡᴏᴡ ᴛʜɪs ɪs ᴀ ғᴏʀᴍᴀᴛᴛɪɴɢ ɴɪɢʜᴛᴍᴀʀᴇ !!!! ᴀʟsᴏ ᴛʜᴇsᴇ ᴀʀᴇ ɪɴɪᴛɪᴀʟs ɴᴏᴛ ᴀ ᴋᴇʏsᴍᴀsʜ

-you-can-call-me-Narra-because-Boy-Howdy-is-SDKLAMTDMZSPBSEH-is-a-God-Damn-Nightmare -i-have-no-idea-what-i'm-doing!!!!!'s-so-good-i-need-the-brainrot-to-spread

hadeantaiga, to random

My name is Eli. I'm a graduate student finishing up a master's degree. My subject area is lunar science!

I'm transmasc nonbinary and I've been on testosterone for a year and a half.

I'm into a lot of different fandoms, see my profile for the full list. Currently I'm mostly into Trigun, The Expanse, DS9 and Star Trek in general, Zelda (recently Tears of the Kingdom), and Dragon Age!

I like to talk a lot about transmasc issues from an Intersectional Justice and Feminism perspective. Also, I am converting to Judaism .

#introduction #transmasc #nonbinary #trigun #theExpanse #DS9 #TotK #zelda #dragonAge #intersectionalFeminism #intersectionality #feminism #judaism #starTrek

TeaHands, to technology in A week in, Threads has lost half of its active users avatar

Remember to make your intro post! Tag it with plus the tags for whatever else you’re into. Let the people come to you! 😄

cirn9, to random avatar

hey so :akko_hi2:
my name's erik, 20 y/o, and im a ukrainian trans guy currently living and studying in cork, ireland

i am a sprouting enthusiast of (i mostly run endeavourOS + xfce) and software development (starting with python), but most of my interests tie back to stuff:
i draw, study , listen to , 70s, 80s and 90s classic and , watch such as , , , and read .
so expect to see all that!

im new to mastodon and would love to make new friends, so if you like some of the same stuff hit me up any time!! :arknights_op_Kroos:

How do you find (fun & interesting) accounts to to follow on Mastadon?

On Twitter I mostly followed people I knew in real life, comedians, some novelty and parody accounts. I joined Mastadon and I really don’t see anything interesting to me looking at trending posts and what not. It seems very grown up and dry. I miss a little of the “Wild West” aspect of twitter from early 2010’s with...

fossilesque, to nostupidquestions in How do you find (fun & interesting) accounts to to follow on Mastadon? avatar
DrChickenbeer, to nostupidquestions in How do you find (fun & interesting) accounts to to follow on Mastadon? avatar


Write an introduction post (and make sure you hashtag it ). Use lots of hashtags in your posts, it will link you with other folks using the same ones. Jokey ones aren't very useful, try to keep them general.

Follow liberally (like the other commenter said, you can just unfollow if they stop being interesting, retoot generously (as there is no algorithms, retooting is the only way posts gain traction (and people will notice if you're retooting them), follow any hashtags that seem interesting.

Also, since nobody else mentioned it, always alt-text any images you shared, not only because it is courteous and expected for you to do so, but it will help you get followers, because many people won't follow people who don't use alt-text.

Oh, and the same goes with content warnings!

It's these little things that make good Mastodon members and will keep people engaged with you.

(You can watch how people who do well on the platform format their posts to validate what I've said).

Mastodon is awesome, I love it. Good luck!

PS: I almost forgot to mention your instance! Check out your local timeline to see what's going on there. If there isn't anything interesting there maybe move to a more active instance, or one that reflects your interests.

Sorry this is so long, I kept adding things.

independentpen, to random avatar

New for the new folks! I . I'm a and a . I'm an . I've consulted in and for 15 years. I just got a masters in and because that's what I'd like to focus on, moving forward. You can find my on, along with lots of other stuff – public talks that I give at conferences and such, and some of my fiction read aloud, and my .

tobleh, to random avatar

This is 3.0....or 4.0? I forget LMFAO

I'm Tobleh, I'm a Canadian of Filipino heritage, and I'm from the GTA in 🇨🇦.

I'm a guy (cis), romantic, / .

I'm REALLY into ; mostly into and Naoko Yamada (i.e. Tamako Market/Love Story, Liz and the Blue Bird).

I'm also a user; right now "btw i use arch" on my main PC, Fedora on laptop - both with the DE.

As of writing, I've graduated from my nursing degree, and plan to get into nursing, with a long-term goal of getting into mental health. I can't give medical or mental health advice; please talk to a doctor, therapist, or other health professional.

As for minor hobbies:

Nice meeting y'all, I guess. XD

For more info and other socials, check my Carrd in my bio, or my AniList for my anime taste.

marews, to random avatar

Hello! 👋
I'm Mar.

I'm in flow when I can focus on the endless beautiful forms and patterns of nature. I love seeing how things connect. I used to observe nature as a job (as a scientist), but I could not survive in academia.

I'm also a mom.

A year or so ago, I found out about neurodivergence. Reading and listening to the accounts of autistic people sharing their experience filled me with an overwhelming feeling of peace and kinship. This lead to a path of self-discovery. I'm also learning about ADHD as my partner and my kid are AuDHD.

I'm also an immigrant.

jeze, to random avatar

Hello everyone. After much back and forth and flip flopping all over instances I think I've found my home in the . I'll do yet another .

I'm Jeze- a writer that's currently penning a series of serialized shorts over on Tumblr called “Eternity." If you like horror I encourage you to give it a look over at

Other than that I am into particularly devices and . All kinds from vintage Apple to and organizers.


_bydbach_, to histodons avatar

At last, it's publication day for the 'Minoritised Languages and Travel' special collection in the Modern Languages Open journal edited with an intro by yours truly -- and all available Open Access.

Allow me to share each paper in this thread as they get published one by one.

First up,
“Everything Remains the Same”: Julio Camba Travelling Spain
by David Miranda-Barreiro

In the first decades of the twentieth century, the Madrid-based Galician journalist Julio Camba (1882–1962) acquired long-lasting fame as a travel writer thanks to his foreign chronicles published in the Spanish press and subsequently compiled in a series of volumes. [...] Drawing on studies on state nationalism (Billig 1995) and Spanish nationalism (Taibo 2014, Delgado 2014) this article examines not only Camba’s own views but the response from contemporary scholarship to his texts.

@histodons @academicchatter

_bydbach_, avatar

This leaves me with just my own to the whole special issue.

This introduction to the MLO special issue “Minoritised Languages and Travel” provides an overview of the pieces in this collection in context with historical travel accounts in German about nineteenth-century Wales.

Happy reading, y'alls. (For convenience, I will later post the link to the complete bundle.)

@histodons @academicchatter @historikerinnen

mateodelarioja, to random avatar

After a few days of exploring Mastodon, I figured I should post an

I am a who has worked with everyone from the girl next door to Penthouse's Pet of the Year.

I am hoping to share my work with a new audience and make new connections.

If you enjoy my work, please consider giving it a

maxim, to random avatar

Programmers, developers, coders!

Let's get to know each other in Mastodon

📻 Make a repost, write what you do and where you are from
🤝 Subscribe each other
🛰️ Let this signal pass through all obstacles

Let the wave flow! Halt and Catch Fire!

VikingDublinDogs, to random avatar

This is our post for all new followers. We are a grassroots research project investigating Age and and in Ireland and Britain. We are using cutting edge technqiues like , , measurements (size/shape analysis) and dating on dog bone samples. Our website is and we are running a crowdfunding campaign to raise costs of at the moment. If you can help please do and please RToot

NikaShilobod, avatar


@histodons @archaeodons

RT for OP: "This is our post for all new followers. We are a grassroots research project investigating Age and and in Ireland and Britain. We are using cutting edge technqiues like , , measurements (size/shape analysis) and dating on dog bone samples..."

aozora, to random avatar

yesitooamseekingshelter ---

anywho, name's Aozora. i'm an avid rhythm gamer who's also a fan of music-related anime! I do a bit of art and graphic design on the side (kami-sama please give me back my energy to draw often)

am pretty much a gadget nerd, too (loves to talk about computers, phones and the likes, but is not very good with code.)

so yeah, heyyo!


PickyBurrito49, to random avatar

Now that I am here, an would be in order. I sidestepped my way into when my friend @Tearcell mentioned they were participating in a game jam and asked if I was interested in helping. That weekend was my first taste of . It was also my introduction to the @godotengine and the crazy magic that are , which I still don't really understand. 4 game jams later, found on, and we are now working on releasing on !

threefolder, to random avatar

I'm Quinn! I'm an artist and game dev. Trying out Mastodon after coming over here from Twitter!

Fermiverse, to ArtemisApp in Artemis FAQ

How does Artemis work with kbin?
Artemis uses its own APl which scrapes kbin.
This is only temporary until an official kbin APl is

Isn't there an official api under or is it not working properly?

Just curious as scraping is one thing but you have to do the work twice when switching to the api

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