irfan, to random

Reading this, made me realise that waiting for #firefish to return with some sort of action/decision about helping (or not helping) me to export my notes which I haven't received for over a month now might not be the best idea.

Things could get worse and could simply go down (permanently) and I might just lose my account/connections entirely (instead of just my posts). I'd migrate my FF account here and now, but while this instance is great and snappy and have a much better lead/maintainer at the helm, it's getting frequent downtimes that doesn't seem to be easily solvable from my POV.

I'm getting some things straight now and hopefully I'll be able to migrate and dump FF for good, here or elsewhere I have in mind.


A case for preemptively defederating with Threads (

With Meta beginning to test federation, there's a lot of discussion as to whether we should preemptively defederate with Threads. I made a post about the question, and it seems that opinions differ a lot among people on Kbin. There were a lot of arguments for and against regarding ads, privacy, and content quality, but I don't...

ThatOneKirbyMain2568, to fediverse in A case for preemptively defederating with Threads avatar

I feel the post doesn't really address my concerns.

Really? You think Threads will take over and rule Mastodon? Threads is its own platform, users on the fediverse can still join Mastodon of their choice and leave. I expect we'l see plenty of anti Mastodon servers pop up. If Threads were to somehow get an influence in Mastodon, just switch to switch to switch to So many choices.

This seems to not really understand the risk Threads poses. Threads is its own platform, yes, but it will dominate the visible content of any instance that federates with it. It's very dangerous to depend on a massive, profit-driven corporation for activity on the fediverse, as the things we value on the fediverse (decentralization, transparency, even distribution of content between instances, etc.) go against the corporation's motives. Meta does not stand to benefit from any of the things we value, and most of the Threads userbase (i.e. casual Instagram users) probably won't notice or care about federation. Meta does benefit if everyone depends on them for content, as then they can pull people to Threads just by defederating. People will choose to go to Threads where the amount of activity is what they're used to over staying on their Mastodon instance after activity has plummeted and they can't see most of the people they follow.

This is a big one. Meta might capture the mainstrean fediverse. Lets just be real the average regular internet user wasn't going to join Mastodon in the first place. Not that they wouldn't want to it just isn't on their list next to or even . Actually I take what Meta is doing as a compliment to the fediverse. Remember Twitter at one time under banned the talk of Mastodon or something like that. Threads might not have our interests at heart but they are already mainstream so why should they not allow their users be federated with us?

Yes, there are definitely a lot of people that the fediverse is just never going to appeal to. But of those who are interested in the fediverse, more will be inclined to join Threads due to it having most of the content & just requiring an Instagram login. There is a pool of people out there who will try out the fediverse if they're introduced to it — that's how we all got here — and if people can interact with the big Mastodon, Kbin, etc. instances from Threads, many will choose to do that when they wouldn't have otherwise.

FinchHaven, to fediverse in A case for preemptively defederating with Threads avatar


"If were to somehow get an influence in , just switch to switch to switch to So many choices"

This exposes how little (if anything) the writer understands about any of those distributions

Mastodon is not interchangeable with Lemmy

Mastodon is not interchangeable with Pixelfed

Mastodon is not interchangeable with Firefish


cc @rob299

Sylkeweb, to random avatar

I‘ve updated my blog post about the interconnectivity of Fediverse services with a new table. There are still many gaps where I need to test more but here we go for now:

box464, to random avatar

and Advent Calendars - learn something new about these platforms each day of December! It feels very indieweb / geocities and I love it.

My fellow english speakers - it will require the use of a translation service, but those are in about every browser nowadays, so no excuses.

Side note: What word keeps being translated as "mackeral" - is it "platform" or "instance"? 😆

maegul, to random avatar

Went to dot social just to see how it’s going, having heard bad things a couple of weeks ago.

It was errors everywhere, nothing working at all. The server’s own numbers show a major fall in users since sept.

So I think I’ll call it a day for me and firefish … that little fedi-episode was sure interesting.

Sad part is it’s main effect seems to have fragmented the whole misskey fork subset of the Fedi, which could have really done with a solid English-lang *key against masto-dominance

panos, to random

I have some very exciting news to share - or at least they are exciting to me! Drumroll... we've started working with @namekuji on a new project! It will be based on but the idea is not to create an "improved firefish" (or ), but more or less a new platform. We wanna get creative with it! That's all I can say at this point - we'll have more info to share soon. I can tell you one thing: This will be an amazing ride!

Arataka, to random avatar

Is usually so slow? Was looking to see how things changed since I last heard about it and man that instance is SUPER slow to load everything, is this an instance issue or a firefish issue?

synth, to random avatar

Because of the antenna issue on firefish I spent the last few days testing other software...

What I discovered is basically I didn't understand how federation works and it actually works a lot worse than I thought ​:blob_notlikethis:​

I thought it was something like: if your server is connected to, your server will pull

It's actually that if your server is connected to, it will only pull posts from people that are followed by people on your server from, and posts boosted by those people.

This makes the antenna issue a lot less important because realistically if I want to discover other artists and other esperantists who aren't already known to me, I basically need to have an alt on to follow those hashtags to identify new people for my main account to follow.

Why not just move to mastodon? Well, *key instances have the feature set that I am interested in using for my actual posts. Aspects of fedi-culture which stress other people out like alt-text do not really bother me... needing to keep my posts within 500 characters, and being unable to react with an appropriate emoji is what stresses me out ​:blob_sweats:​

I guess this leaves a question: why not a better federated misskey instance? Well, I feel comfortable here.

Also tbh learning that this is how federation works makes the constant defederation drama on here even more inexplicable. Users receive posts from awful people in timelines because someone in your group is following awful people or someone one of you follow is boosting awful people. Awful people find users to harass thru well federated servers like same as I will find more artists to follow thru there. The only way out of that is allow-listing rather than block-listing is my guess.

jo, to random

I have been seeing lots of talk about and the "dumpster fire" that FF social has devolved into. I have a lot of sympathy for the dev team finding as we have here at that FF/IS doesn't scale well. The devolution has been more public over at FF social cos Fedi's own Guy Kawasaki was hyping it up and was part of the team until it wasn't producing the results he expected and he slinked off. I wonder if the seed funders have done the same. Chris and Kainoa had separate funders, both involved in political tech. I think they were hoping to throw some seed money at something that wouldn't drag the chain like Mastodon development and be the new Twttr for liberal politics to electioneer on. 🤮 Kainoa told me who his funder was and from that point I haven't promoted Calckey/Firefish since.

Gotta love the "but we're the good guys" tech VC people, male, white, older, cishet, been "around" social tech for a while, looking to ride this Fedi thing into "significance"/"success", who found their side project who they fed "advice" to without any real stakes/responsibility. And when Kainoa wasn't the 10x dev they hoped, they've jumped ship, not that they could do any better.

It would be nice for the sake of transparency that there was some kind of repository where such funding was disclosed. Ironic when one of the funders is about protecting democracy.

RookieNerd, to fediverse avatar

@fediverse Let's face it. When talking about the Fediverse, it is very hard to sell interoperability between different types of instances as a major advantage.

youronlyone, avatar

@RookieNerd @fediverse

(and its forks) to mention a few, fits your description. ^_^

18+ youronlyone, avatar

@RookieNerd @fediverse

Do not recommend one software and/or one instance.

Using your scenario, would you recommend photography instances based on knowing Mastodon only allows up to 4 “attached” images? Not only that, Mastodon will only display 4 images even if there are more than that?

Or, are you going to recommend designed for images. Or, maybe , , , , which all allow more than 4 images and will display all the images even if it exceeds their software's attach limit?

Quite frankly, in my opinion, with the image display alone, Mastodon is highly not recommended. So, the number of users and instances Mastodon have does not make it the best software, as you have mentioned earlier, “Mastodon is the level of UX other projects should aim to”. It's not.

The best approach is we understand what the user needs and suggest to them the appropriate software and instances that will suit their needs.

Let's forget about the Fediverse for a while.

We have to remember that not everyone is on Twitter or Facebook. There are hundreds, if not thousands, of individuals who only have an Instagram account. Why? They don't need Twitter and Facebook.

In Korea, for example, they have their own culture and platforms for communication Twitter/Facebook-like, so they don't need those. But many of them have Instagram accounts.

Now, let's go back to the Fediverse.

If those are the users we are reaching out to, then there should be no problem recommending Pixelfed. Because for these target market, their only concern and type of use is to share, well, photos or their latest digital artwork. They don't care about a Twitter/Facebook-like experience or use.

That brings us back to the features of . It is an “added benefit”.

  1. Users who want to follow this content creator can do so using their existing account.

Okay, you can't do this with , the last time I checked, however, you can do it with . That's a Lemmy limitation, not the fediverse.

  1. For the content creator who migrated to the fediverse, in particular, Pixelfed in our scenario, they have a greater reach because they're federated.

(Extra: You can actually turn Pixelfed into a regular Twitter-like software if you are using the web UI. Although, last time I heard it will be removed eventually.)

(Extra 2: BookWyrm also allows Twitter-like feeds and interaction, it's not restricted to just books.)

ey, to random avatar

is my shit completely broken or is firefish fucked now? i cant use at all the site doesnt even load; i tried signing up for and i cant post, tf is going onn?

Blickwinkel, to random German avatar

Ich poste im Moment längere Beiträge auf Firefish und muss aber dann von meinem Mastodon Account aus weiter kommunizieren, weil die Antworten nicht auf dem Firefish Account ankommen. Sehr, sehr merkwürdig 🤔

DerEmil, to askfedi_de German avatar


Im kann ich (Wort-) UND-verknüpfen. Sehe ich das richtig, daß das in nicht geht?

183231bcb, to random

What's the status of federation between Lemmy/KBin and Misskey/Sharkey/Firefish/Iceshrimp? I just tried loading several Lemmy and Kbin posts in Sharkey and it doesn't work. I remember having the same issue with Firefish, and I vaguely recall hearing awhile back it was something related to authorized fetch. Have their been any recent developments on that front?

nintendo, to random
tiago, to academicchatter avatar

It seems like Mastodon is losing its mindshare to #Bluesky among many academics.

I can't help but think this has to do with the self-imposed limitations of Mastdon — lack of quotes, ordered timeline, etc. Makes it less interesting to use, for no real advantage.

Sad, because the underlying decentralization is much more robust.


baum, avatar

@tiago @academicchatter

well is not the and on for example quotes look like this ^^

AndyGER, to random German avatar

sieht nett aus. Ich hätte aber Fragen dazu und leider ist es schon wieder so, dass ein Administrator dieses Netzwerks es nicht für nötig erachtet, eine höfliche Anfrage mit Beachtung zu beschenken.

So wird das nichts mit dem !

energisch_, avatar

@AndyGER gibt doch mittlerweile mehrere, kannst du nicht ne Frage an die ganze Runde richten?

energisch_, avatar

@AndyGER via @askfedi_de ? bisher wurde mir immer weitergeholfen von unterschiedlichsten Leuten mit konkretem guten Rat - warum soll das beim Thema nicht möglich sein?

therealahall, to random avatar

Hmmm apparently if you move from server A to server B then back to server A, your followers don’t come back with you.

Looks like 2/3rds of my followers didn’t migrate back when I moved from @therealahall. I don’t think there’s anything @jerry can do but good to know for fellow and migrators like myself.

I have all of the data, maybe there’s something I can do on an import?

risibledog, to random avatar

ok i rly like , anybody got a good recommendation for an ios app

OrntLaOkro, to askfedi_de German avatar

Hey, @askfedi_de, gibt es eigentlich Mastodon-Clients oder -Nutzeroberflächen mit integrierter Übersetzungsfunktion?


@OrntLaOkro nicht mit Mastodon, hat das

atomicpoet, to fediversenews avatar

Did you know that SoraSNS for iOS has this awesome feature called "Explorer" mode?

It's actually pretty handy because it helps me find interesting content from all over the that it thinks I might enjoy.

This could be a real game changer for those who feel like discoverability is a bit lacking on the Fediverse.


atomicpoet, avatar

I must say, I haven't felt this level of excitement for a Fediverse client since IceCubes!

SoraSNS is truly a gem that I've come across. Not only does it seamlessly support various Fediverse server software, even including , but it also excels at efficiently organizing notifications. And let me tell you, the cherry on top is the amazing algorithmic sorting feature that can be tailored to suit individual preferences.

This really adds a touch of friendliness to the Fediverse, inviting those who crave a little more than just the usual reverse chronological feeds.

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