EU_Commission, to random avatar

What you just see of fast is not what it really is.

Fashion is one of the least sustainable industries worldwide.

We are creating a greener, more competitive textiles sector with the Strategy for Sustainable and Circular Textiles by:

  • tackling greenwashing,
  • restricting the export of textile waste,
  • discouraging the destruction of unsold or returned textiles,
  • setting requirements to make them last longer,
  • and more.!Mqjfnv

Drawing © Gatis Šļūka

EU_Commission, (edited ) to random avatar

Celebrate European by pedaling into a sustainable future 🚴‍♀️💚

In 2022, bicycle production in the EU increased by 10%, with a record-breaking 14.7 million of bikes produced.

Cycling not only protects your health but also serves as an eco-friendly alternative to driving, curbing air pollution.

Do you know which country is the biggest producer of bikes? ↓

Visit for more information on how you can contribute to a greener world.

EU_Commission, to random avatar

No, means no!

In her State of the Union, President von der Leyen highlighted the urgency of addressing gender-based violence. Here's what we're doing:

🔹 EU's Gender Plan 2020-2025: Preventing violence against women, supporting victims, holding perpetrators accountable.

🔹 Istanbul Convention: Global guidelines to end violence against .

We're also creating new rules for online and offline safety.

A video of President von der Leyen in Strasbourg during her State of the Union address to the European Parliament, where she emphasised the need to combat gender-based violence. Transcript: "I know this house supports our proposal on combating violence against women. Here too, I would like we cast into law another basic principle: No, means no. There can be no true equality without freedom from violence."

EU_Commission, (edited ) to random avatar

Global competition creates and protects jobs. But it must be fair.

President von der Leyen unveiled bold steps to ensure fair play, free and safe trade at :

  • We launched an anti-subsidy investigation into electric vehicles from China, whose prices are kept artificially low.

  • From 🇯🇵 to 🇺🇸, we will work with our partners to cut our reliance on single suppliers for critical materials.

  • By year's end, we should finalise trade agreements with 🇦🇺, 🇲🇽 and Mercosur – 🇮🇳 and 🇮🇩 coming next.

EU_Commission, to random avatar

From wind to steel, the future of clean tech industry has to be Made in .

We want to support the industry in building its model for decarbonisation. Starting this month, we will discuss with the industry the best way to do this.

Our industry is already a European success story, but it faces a unique mix of challenges.

That is why we will present a European Wind Power package to boost fast-track permitting and focus on access to finance, among others.

Offshore wind farm in the Kattegat sea outside Denmark.
Wind turbines at sea, drone aerial view from above at a huge windmill park in the Netherlands
Visual showing a windfarm in the mountains of Croatia

EU_Commission, to random avatar

Europe once again must answer the call of history.

And that is what we must do together.

🔴 Follow our live updates on President von der Leyen speech. ↓

EU_Commission, to random avatar

At the Delhi Summit in India, President von der Leyen and leaders discussed vital global challenges.

Here are our highlights:

  • An and Africa partnership to address priorities, such as food security.

  • The unveiling of the India-Middle East-Europe economic corridor and the Trans-African Corridor.

  • A call for global carbon pricing.

  • A call for an AI framework and trusted and open digital public infrastructures.

  • Readiness to support Morocco after the deadly earthquake.

A photo of members and participants of the G20 paying homage to Mahatma Gandhi at Raj Ghat in Delhi, India.
A photo with Brazil's President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva and European Commission Ursula von der Leyen talking.
A photo with Nigeria's President Bola Ahmed Tinubu and European Commission Ursula von der Leyen talking.

EU_Commission, to random avatar

How did Europe’s gas and electricity prices fall after the highs of last year?

With the war raging on our continent, we had to take measures to protect people from high prices.

It was the beginning of plan, which meant:

  • increasing gas reserves,
  • saving energy consumption,
  • purchasing gas jointly,
    working with reliable partners like Norway and the United States,
  • Increasing the deployment of renewables across the .

Our depicts its singular impact.

jarjan, avatar

I would argue that your last point:

  • Increasing the deployment of renewables across the .

Should have been the first point, and should have been the focus of attention for the past decade. But since there's never going to be a better moment again than now: Stop subsidising fossil fuels now!

EU_Commission, to random avatar

Unity, solidarity and determination.

These values guided us throughout a decisive year:

  • Standing side by side with Europeans amid challenges
  • Providing unwavering support to
  • Making stronger and greener

On 13 September at 09:00 am CEST, President von der Leyen will take stock of what we have achieved so far and present her vision and actions for the coming year.

The State of the Union will be about the decisive moments we have had and those lying ahead of us.

A video video with shots from topical moments happened in the last 12 months. The spoken words of President von der Leyen punctate it. Superimposed text: A decisive year Superimposed text: Solidarity with Europeans Voice over: “I am here to send one clear message and that is: Tin bòta. L’Europa è con voi. Europe stands by your side.” Superimposed text: Support to Ukraine Voice over: "We stand firmly by Ukraine as determined as ever to support Ukraine financially, economically and militarily, to increase our own defense capabilities." Superimposed text: Energy security Voice over: "Despite this crisis, we managed to keep the economy growing on the one hand, but on the other hand we were able to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Superimposed text: Renewable powerhouse Voice over: "Europe has become the house of renewables. Superimposed text: Digital leader Voice over: “Since we proposed the European Chips Act in February last year, more than EUR 90 billion of industrial investment in Europe has been announced. Superimposed text: Competitive industry Voice over: “We must nurture our own clean tech industrial base, both to create good jobs, well-paying jobs here in Europe. And, of course, to ensure access to the clean solution we need so urgently.” Voice over: “The best part of our history is still to be written. The path towards a more perfect Union has only just begun. Superimposed text: State of the Union SOTEU 2023 STATE OF THE UNION 13 SEPTEMBER 2023

EU_Commission, to random avatar

With skills come opportunities.

President Ursula von der Leyen announced the European Year of Skills during last State of the Union speech. Throughout 2023, we have been working hard to boost our targets: 60% of adults in training and 78% in employment by 2030!

How? 🤝
Through different initiatives, like the Pact for Skills – 1,500+ members and 14 big partnerships in key sectors are pledging to upskill up to 6 million people.

President von der Leyen announcing the European Year of Skills at SOTEU 2022 followed by images of people doing different jobs. At the centre of the video is the European Year of Skills logo, which includes the title and a star. In the top-right corner is the text Delivered 2023.

EU_Commission, to random avatar

“You are beautiful in every single way.” 🏳️‍🌈🇪🇺

These inspiring lyrics from Christina Aguilera, the godmother of EuroPride Malta, in her song 'Beautiful' perfectly capture the event's spirit.

From 7-17 September, 10 days of cultural and political events will make this Pride unforgettable. Among the distinguished guests attending the event will be Commissioner and proud Maltese, Helena Dalli.

In line with our Equality Strategy 2020-2025, we are committed to an inclusive future for all.

EU_Commission, to random avatar

What would the future of our Union look like?

On 13 September, President von der Leyen will lay out her vision for our common future in the State of the Union address.

From moving towards a clean, modern economy to helping countries worldwide fight climate change and our unflinching support to Ukraine – this is the moment to take stock and plan for the challenges ahead of us.

Tune in to listen to the speech and share your ideas for the future.!tXRJWP


Cladupont, to politicalscience avatar

Curious about what my research tells us about the challenge to transform our societies to climate neutrality and sustainability? Have a listen to this podcast episode from the Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland…!

I’ll be happy to get feedback, too!


EU_Commission, (edited ) to random avatar

Unlocking a more inclusive EU.

We're making this vision a reality.

Today’s proposal introduces:

♿ The European Card: Issued by national authorities, it will complement existing certificates and ensure that disabled people get the treatment they are entitled to.

🚗 The Enhanced European Parking Card: Replacing national parking cards, it will guarantee parking rights in all countries, enabling independent .


ManyRoads, to news avatar

May the world reflect on these thoughts, this ode, this homage to freedom and humanity from one of the world's great 20th Century minds, Thomas Mann. (1929 Nobel Prize in Literature laureate)

"God Help our Darkened and Desecrated Country"

EU_Commission, to random avatar

Alphabet, Amazon, Apple, ByteDance, Meta, Microsoft

These are the first 6 companies designated as ‘gatekeepers' under the Digital Markets Act.

They have 6 months to ensure their core platform services comply with our rules, including:

✔ Allowing users to unsubscribe and remove pre-installed services
✔ Allowing the download of alternative app stores

❌ Banning tracking outside of their services without consent
❌ Stopping ranking their products more favourably!NbfBbn


A plain visual that vaguely resembles the format of a digital letter, with the European Commission logo in the top-left corner and the following text as the body: " 6 September 2023 Re: Digital Markets Act Core platform services: Ads: - Amazon - Google - Meta - Browser: - Chrome - Safari Number-Independent Interpersonal Communications Services: - WhatsApp - Messenger " In the bottom-right corner a stamp-like text that says: “6 months to comply.”
A plain visual that vaguely resembles the format of a digital letter, with the European Commission logo in the top-left corner and the following text as the body: " 6 September 2023 Re: Digital Markets Act Core platform services: Intermediation: - Amazon Marketplace - App Store - Google Maps - Google Play - Google Shopping - Meta Marketplace Search: - Google Search Video Sharing: - YouTube " In the bottom-right corner a stamp-like text that says: “6 months to comply.”
A plain visual that vaguely resembles the format of a digital letter, with the European Commission logo in the top-left corner and the following text as the body: " 6 September 2023 Re: Digital Markets Act Core platform services: Social Network: - Facebook - Instagram - LinkedIn - TikTok Operating System: - Google Android - iOS - Windows PC OS " In the bottom-right corner a stamp-like text that says: “6 months to comply.”

wuppi, avatar

@EU_Commission I really like what the is doing for consumer rights and data protection. What happens when the companies don’t do what they are supposed to?

andrew, to law avatar

Tues 9/5 - Hogan Lovells CEO, EU Set to Crack Down on Anticompetitive Behavior, Paxton Impeachment Trial and Navarro Contempt Trials Begin, and Column Tuesday on Millionaire Tax-Funded Student Lunches

personnel news, gears up for crackdown, impeachment trial, contempt trial, and Column Tuesday, this time about maybe not putting kids into debt for their lunches.


EU_Commission, (edited ) to random avatar

Today we commemorate the 60th anniversary of the passing of pioneer Robert Schuman.

Schuman was a member of the French resistance in World War II. After the war, he drew up the famous ‘Schuman Declaration’ to unite and prevent further wars.

Today we pay tribute to his legacy that continues to transcend generations.

Join us for the upcoming address on 13 September to witness our commitment to protecting his legacy.

EU_Commission, to random avatar

EU policies have a real impact.

Here are some examples we'd like to share with you:

The EU-funded Infineon chips fab in Germany will create over 1,000 new skilled .

➤ Green Deal Industrial Plan

France's newly opened, first gigafactory in Billy-Berclau received €1.3 bn in funding.

The EU’s biggest geothermal heating system in Szeged, Hungary, provides affordable to over 28,000 households.

More on 13 September. →!hBrJFX

Image of an electric car plugged into a charging point.
A photograph of a geothermal energy power plant in Szeged, Hungary.

EU_Commission, to random avatar

New school year, new challenges!

We know that sometimes dealing with topics such as disinformation might not be very easy… but dear , we have got you covered!

Explore our guidelines filled with tips and interactive exercises to teach your students more about how to:

✏️ know more about their digital footprints,
📏 engage with fact-checking, and
📘 tackle disinformation.

Good luck to all the and teachers for this new chapter of your path!

jarulf, to bookstodon avatar

I use #Linux as the main OS on my computers, but also use Windows 10 on one.
For the sole reason to download the #ebooks I buy.
I play the occasional Windows-only game as well, but those I can do without.
I can't do without ebooks.
I really, really wish there was an open standard for getting any ebook, with or without #drm, onto any device without having to rely on a single piece of software from one company.
#EU, do something!
#DailyRant #PetPeeve #ADE #AdobeDigitalEditions

EU_Commission, (edited ) to random avatar

One Union, one speech, two weeks to go.

In just two weeks, we're gearing up for the highly anticipated State of the Union (SOTEU) address.

Every September President von der Leyen takes the spotlight before the European Parliament to reflect on our accomplishments and unveil the exciting agenda that lies ahead.

Join us for the landmark annual event at the political heart of our Union!

❗️Save the Date: September 13

EU_Commission, to random avatar

Who brings a smile to your face with just a wag? 🐶

On , let's take a moment to honour our furry companions!

These four-legged heroes work diligently to ensure our safety.

With their sharp senses and unwavering dedication, they not only intercept unlawful items at borders but also provide aid during conflicts, natural disasters, and anti-terrorism efforts.

These dedicated heroes deserve our recognition every day.

A dog wearing a special camera jumps out of a police lorry while taking part in a special intervention demonstration at the Belgian Federal Police Headquarters in Brussels, Belgium.
A dog searches bags in a demonstrative event in Brussels, Belgium.
A dog of the French Customs sits next to an officer waiting to check containers at the Port of Le Havre, France.

nichorra, to bookstodon avatar

Friends living in , what are the best options for ordering English-language books? What do you do?

Asking for a friend. TIA.


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