ArtThatMakesYouSmile, to random avatar
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the tiny ghosts welcome the sprout

💜 🧡 🤎 early showcase, sketches and roughs of my work

18+ vsitante, to porn avatar
EgyptianAphorist, to bookstodon avatar
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ArtThatMakesYouSmile, to random avatar

With all the rain we've had lots of mushrooms this year, just added this whimsical mixed media piece called "Enjoying The Toadstool", to my collection!! Happy Monday:)
Can Be Purchased Here..

lashman, to random avatar

Another daily done! :) Elegy in green.

You can grab the full-quality versions (for free) here:

My commissions are always open, so feel free to send me a message :)


Pixel art of an erstwhile magnificent Victorian mansion, now cloaked in the relentless, verdant embrace of nature. The skeletal remains, dappled with the soft hues of moss and lichen, serve as a testament to the indomitable march of time. This venerable relic, standing with quiet dignity in a limitless expanse of field, speaks of opulence lost and epochs surrendered. The architectural echoes of Victorian England resonate within each crumbled stone and weathered beam, whispering tales of yesteryears. Ivy tendrils, like the fingers of time itself, creep over the ruined façade, etching a poignant tableau of decay and resurgence, of man's fleeting dominion and nature's enduring reign.
Phone wallpaper version of a pixel art of an erstwhile magnificent Victorian mansion, now cloaked in the relentless, verdant embrace of nature. The skeletal remains, dappled with the soft hues of moss and lichen, serve as a testament to the indomitable march of time. This venerable relic, standing with quiet dignity in a limitless expanse of field, speaks of opulence lost and epochs surrendered. The architectural echoes of Victorian England resonate within each crumbled stone and weathered beam, whispering tales of yesteryears. Ivy tendrils, like the fingers of time itself, creep over the ruined façade, etching a poignant tableau of decay and resurgence, of man's fleeting dominion and nature's enduring reign. The image has a CRT filter applied.
Phone wallpaper version of a pixel art of an erstwhile magnificent Victorian mansion, now cloaked in the relentless, verdant embrace of nature. The skeletal remains, dappled with the soft hues of moss and lichen, serve as a testament to the indomitable march of time. This venerable relic, standing with quiet dignity in a limitless expanse of field, speaks of opulence lost and epochs surrendered. The architectural echoes of Victorian England resonate within each crumbled stone and weathered beam, whispering tales of yesteryears. Ivy tendrils, like the fingers of time itself, creep over the ruined façade, etching a poignant tableau of decay and resurgence, of man's fleeting dominion and nature's enduring reign.

lashman, to random avatar

Another daily done! :) Symphony of the spires.

You can grab the full-quality versions (for free) here:

My commissions are always open, so feel free to send me a message :)


Pixel art of an age-old narrative, etched upon the canvas of earth, where mountains, those colossal guardians of time, stand tall and grand, their stony countenances weathered yet unyielding. Nestled in their rocky embrace, a river ebbs and swirls in the foreground, its vibrant hues a living testament to the relentless cycle of life and death. The river's sinuous form, like a sapphire ribbon, adorns the scene and breathes life into the stoic landscape. From an aerial vista, the land lays bare its secrets, revealing an ancient tableau that whispers tales of epochs past. This is a planet echoing with the warm resonance of time, its memories etched into every crevasse and peak, its history a vivid tapestry woven in the threads of granite and water.
Phone wallpaper version of a pixel art of an age-old narrative, etched upon the canvas of earth, where mountains, those colossal guardians of time, stand tall and grand, their stony countenances weathered yet unyielding. Nestled in their rocky embrace, a river ebbs and swirls in the foreground, its vibrant hues a living testament to the relentless cycle of life and death. The river's sinuous form, like a sapphire ribbon, adorns the scene and breathes life into the stoic landscape. From an aerial vista, the land lays bare its secrets, revealing an ancient tableau that whispers tales of epochs past. This is a planet echoing with the warm resonance of time, its memories etched into every crevasse and peak, its history a vivid tapestry woven in the threads of granite and water. The image has a CRT filter applied.
Phone wallpaper version of a pixel art of an age-old narrative, etched upon the canvas of earth, where mountains, those colossal guardians of time, stand tall and grand, their stony countenances weathered yet unyielding. Nestled in their rocky embrace, a river ebbs and swirls in the foreground, its vibrant hues a living testament to the relentless cycle of life and death. The river's sinuous form, like a sapphire ribbon, adorns the scene and breathes life into the stoic landscape. From an aerial vista, the land lays bare its secrets, revealing an ancient tableau that whispers tales of epochs past. This is a planet echoing with the warm resonance of time, its memories etched into every crevasse and peak, its history a vivid tapestry woven in the threads of granite and water.

lashman, to random avatar

Another daily done! :) Cascade in colour.

You can grab the full-quality versions (for free) here:

My commissions are always open, so feel free to send me a message :)


Pixel art of an ethereal symphony, where the alpine majesty stands firm and grand, draped in a resplendent tapestry of vibrant hues that captures the soul's quiet whispers and the heart's loud thunders. A stream, a silver ribbon, dances and twirls through the verdant landscape, whispering ancient tales of the mountain's heart, echoing secrets of the stones, and murmuring the songs of the sky. Amidst this awe-inspiring spectacle, a meadow blooms, a soft green palette flecked with myriad colours, dotted with floral gems that sway gently to the mountain's tune. Each flower a verse, each petal a word in the unending poem of the land. Here, in the embrace of the mountain and the song of the stream, under the watchful eyes of the skies, lies Switzerland.
Phone wallpaper version of a pixel art of an ethereal symphony, where the alpine majesty stands firm and grand, draped in a resplendent tapestry of vibrant hues that captures the soul's quiet whispers and the heart's loud thunders. A stream, a silver ribbon, dances and twirls through the verdant landscape, whispering ancient tales of the mountain's heart, echoing secrets of the stones, and murmuring the songs of the sky. Amidst this awe-inspiring spectacle, a meadow blooms, a soft green palette flecked with myriad colours, dotted with floral gems that sway gently to the mountain's tune. Each flower a verse, each petal a word in the unending poem of the land. Here, in the embrace of the mountain and the song of the stream, under the watchful eyes of the skies, lies Switzerland. The image has a CRT filter applied.
Phone wallpaper version of a pixel art of an ethereal symphony, where the alpine majesty stands firm and grand, draped in a resplendent tapestry of vibrant hues that captures the soul's quiet whispers and the heart's loud thunders. A stream, a silver ribbon, dances and twirls through the verdant landscape, whispering ancient tales of the mountain's heart, echoing secrets of the stones, and murmuring the songs of the sky. Amidst this awe-inspiring spectacle, a meadow blooms, a soft green palette flecked with myriad colours, dotted with floral gems that sway gently to the mountain's tune. Each flower a verse, each petal a word in the unending poem of the land. Here, in the embrace of the mountain and the song of the stream, under the watchful eyes of the skies, lies Switzerland.

lashman, to random avatar

Another daily done! :) Ascend into the storm.

You can grab the full-quality versions (for free) here:

My commissions are always open, so feel free to send me a message :)


Pixel art of a solitary temple, a silent sentinel of truth, perched with undying dignity atop the craggy, unforgiving peak of a mountain. It stands resilient against the tumultuous symphony of the storm, a harmonious clash of nature's raw power dancing fiercely around it. The world below exists as a mere whisper against this majestic tableau of spiritual solitude. The storm, in its wild and reckless abandon, weaves a backdrop of chaos and beauty, a canvas of dark roiling clouds and fierce winds. Yet, amidst this tempestuous scene, the unforeseen artist of the heavens parts the veil of clouds, allowing an epic burst of celestial lighting to descend. This ethereal illumination, a divine spotlight, casts a heavenly glow upon the stoic structure. The Temple of Truth, under this celestial spotlight, transforms into a beacon of hope and enlightenment, a shining star amidst the storm's fury, an ode to resilience in the face of adversity.
Phone wallpaper version of a pixel art of a solitary temple, a silent sentinel of truth, perched with undying dignity atop the craggy, unforgiving peak of a mountain. It stands resilient against the tumultuous symphony of the storm, a harmonious clash of nature's raw power dancing fiercely around it. The world below exists as a mere whisper against this majestic tableau of spiritual solitude. The storm, in its wild and reckless abandon, weaves a backdrop of chaos and beauty, a canvas of dark roiling clouds and fierce winds. Yet, amidst this tempestuous scene, the unforeseen artist of the heavens parts the veil of clouds, allowing an epic burst of celestial lighting to descend. This ethereal illumination, a divine spotlight, casts a heavenly glow upon the stoic structure. The Temple of Truth, under this celestial spotlight, transforms into a beacon of hope and enlightenment, a shining star amidst the storm's fury. The image has a CRT filter applied.
Phone wallpaper version of a pixel art of a solitary temple, a silent sentinel of truth, perched with undying dignity atop the craggy, unforgiving peak of a mountain. It stands resilient against the tumultuous symphony of the storm, a harmonious clash of nature's raw power dancing fiercely around it. The world below exists as a mere whisper against this majestic tableau of spiritual solitude. The storm, in its wild and reckless abandon, weaves a backdrop of chaos and beauty, a canvas of dark roiling clouds and fierce winds. Yet, amidst this tempestuous scene, the unforeseen artist of the heavens parts the veil of clouds, allowing an epic burst of celestial lighting to descend. This ethereal illumination, a divine spotlight, casts a heavenly glow upon the stoic structure. The Temple of Truth, under this celestial spotlight, transforms into a beacon of hope and enlightenment, a shining star amidst the storm's fury.

lashman, to random avatar

Another daily done! :) Electric nocturne.

You can grab the full-quality versions (for free) here:

My commissions are always open, so feel free to send me a message :)


Pixel art of a lone figure, enveloped in a halo of ethereal moonlight, standing steadfast in the heart of a whispering forest. The trees, ancient sentinels of time, stretch upwards, their branches etching intricate patterns against the star-speckled canvas of the sky. The moon, a silent luminary, showers its silver radiance over the scene, casting long, mysterious shadows that dance and sway with the forest's secret rhythm. Suddenly, the tranquillity is punctuated by the electric crackle of cyan lightning, splitting the heavens into a thousand shards. The lightning, a serpentine spectacle of surreal cyan, adds a pulsating rhythm to the serene nocturnal symphony. It illuminates the forest in brief, startling flashes, casting an otherworldly glow over the undergrowth, and painting the solitary figure in strokes of spectral luminescence.
Phone wallpaper version of a pixel art of a lone figure, enveloped in a halo of ethereal moonlight, standing steadfast in the heart of a whispering forest. The trees, ancient sentinels of time, stretch upwards, their branches etching intricate patterns against the star-speckled canvas of the sky. The moon, a silent luminary, showers its silver radiance over the scene, casting long, mysterious shadows that dance and sway with the forest's secret rhythm. Suddenly, the tranquillity is punctuated by the electric crackle of cyan lightning, splitting the heavens into a thousand shards. The lightning, a serpentine spectacle of surreal cyan, adds a pulsating rhythm to the serene nocturnal symphony. It illuminates the forest in brief, startling flashes, casting an otherworldly glow over the undergrowth, and painting the solitary figure in strokes of spectral luminescence. The image has a CRT filter applied.
Phone wallpaper version of a pixel art of a lone figure, enveloped in a halo of ethereal moonlight, standing steadfast in the heart of a whispering forest. The trees, ancient sentinels of time, stretch upwards, their branches etching intricate patterns against the star-speckled canvas of the sky. The moon, a silent luminary, showers its silver radiance over the scene, casting long, mysterious shadows that dance and sway with the forest's secret rhythm. Suddenly, the tranquillity is punctuated by the electric crackle of cyan lightning, splitting the heavens into a thousand shards. The lightning, a serpentine spectacle of surreal cyan, adds a pulsating rhythm to the serene nocturnal symphony. It illuminates the forest in brief, startling flashes, casting an otherworldly glow over the undergrowth, and painting the solitary figure in strokes of spectral luminescence.

lashman, to random avatar

Another daily done! :) Ancient echoes among leaves.

You can grab the full-quality versions (for free) here:

My commissions are always open, so feel free to send me a message :)


Pixel art of an ancient tree house, secluded and serene, standing as a silent testament to the passage of time in the heart of a vibrant forest. The structure, nestled comfortably among the sturdy branches, is awash with the radiant morning light that filters through the verdant canopy above. Delicate sunbeams dance on the worn wooden planks, highlighting the intricate grain and the countless memories etched into them. The tree house, under the soft and protective shadow of the ageing tree, exudes a sense of tranquil solitude. Its windows gaze out onto the woodland realm, offering a picturesque vista of the forest as it awakens to a new day. The dappled light, the rustle of leaves, and the symphony of the forest inhabitants all contribute to the tranquil and timelessly enchanting atmosphere.
Phone wallpaper version of a pixel art of an ancient tree house, secluded and serene, standing as a silent testament to the passage of time in the heart of a vibrant forest. The structure, nestled comfortably among the sturdy branches, is awash with the radiant morning light that filters through the verdant canopy above. Delicate sunbeams dance on the worn wooden planks, highlighting the intricate grain and the countless memories etched into them. The tree house, under the soft and protective shadow of the ageing tree, exudes a sense of tranquil solitude. Its windows gaze out onto the woodland realm, offering a picturesque vista of the forest as it awakens to a new day. The dappled light, the rustle of leaves, and the symphony of the forest inhabitants all contribute to the tranquil and timelessly enchanting atmosphere. The image has a CRT filter applied.
Phone wallpaper version of a pixel art of an ancient tree house, secluded and serene, standing as a silent testament to the passage of time in the heart of a vibrant forest. The structure, nestled comfortably among the sturdy branches, is awash with the radiant morning light that filters through the verdant canopy above. Delicate sunbeams dance on the worn wooden planks, highlighting the intricate grain and the countless memories etched into them. The tree house, under the soft and protective shadow of the ageing tree, exudes a sense of tranquil solitude. Its windows gaze out onto the woodland realm, offering a picturesque vista of the forest as it awakens to a new day. The dappled light, the rustle of leaves, and the symphony of the forest inhabitants all contribute to the tranquil and timelessly enchanting atmosphere.

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