kkffoo, to actuallyautistic
@kkffoo@mastodon.social avatar

For some reason I thought my @actuallyautistic co-groupies might enjoy this;

@haui@mastodon.giftedmc.com avatar

@kkffoo @actuallyautistic Can relate. I try to keep mostly to the fediverse and have abandoned most others.

I use

Since then: no ads, rarely hatespeech in my feed and can decide what I want to see instead of corporate rule.

I also dont need paid subscriptions for it, unified all my chat apps to one and so on.

A case for preemptively defederating with Threads (kbin.social)

With Meta beginning to test federation, there's a lot of discussion as to whether we should preemptively defederate with Threads. I made a post about the question, and it seems that opinions differ a lot among people on Kbin. There were a lot of arguments for and against regarding ads, privacy, and content quality, but I don't...

ThatOneKirbyMain2568, to fediverse in A case for preemptively defederating with Threads
@ThatOneKirbyMain2568@kbin.social avatar

I feel the post doesn't really address my concerns.

Really? You think Threads will take over and rule Mastodon? Threads is its own platform, users on the fediverse can still join Mastodon of their choice and leave. I expect we'l see plenty of anti Mastodon servers pop up. If Threads were to somehow get an influence in Mastodon, just switch to switch to switch to So many choices.

This seems to not really understand the risk Threads poses. Threads is its own platform, yes, but it will dominate the visible content of any instance that federates with it. It's very dangerous to depend on a massive, profit-driven corporation for activity on the fediverse, as the things we value on the fediverse (decentralization, transparency, even distribution of content between instances, etc.) go against the corporation's motives. Meta does not stand to benefit from any of the things we value, and most of the Threads userbase (i.e. casual Instagram users) probably won't notice or care about federation. Meta does benefit if everyone depends on them for content, as then they can pull people to Threads just by defederating. People will choose to go to Threads where the amount of activity is what they're used to over staying on their Mastodon instance after activity has plummeted and they can't see most of the people they follow.

This is a big one. Meta might capture the mainstrean fediverse. Lets just be real the average regular internet user wasn't going to join Mastodon in the first place. Not that they wouldn't want to it just isn't on their list next to or even . Actually I take what Meta is doing as a compliment to the fediverse. Remember Twitter at one time under banned the talk of Mastodon or something like that. Threads might not have our interests at heart but they are already mainstream so why should they not allow their users be federated with us?

Yes, there are definitely a lot of people that the fediverse is just never going to appeal to. But of those who are interested in the fediverse, more will be inclined to join Threads due to it having most of the content & just requiring an Instagram login. There is a pool of people out there who will try out the fediverse if they're introduced to it — that's how we all got here — and if people can interact with the big Mastodon, Kbin, etc. instances from Threads, many will choose to do that when they wouldn't have otherwise.

srijit, to mastodonindians
@srijit@akko.chir.rs avatar

The presence of Indians, from India, in Fediverse is insignificant as on today. Most of us are happy with X and social media tools from Meta. Even the number of posts from existing users, in India, is very low though many of them seem to be active in the above mentioned social media sites.

What can be done to improve the situation? There are no carrots here.

cc: @mastodonindians

@rameshgupta@mastodon.social avatar


It's depressing. I clicked through & found overwhelming number of toots focused on gossip & entertainment.

For a country with the largest population on earth, I saw little to no engagement on international affairs, not even about regional affairs ( ), much less about and the world.


I switched from #X 6 months ago and never looked back 🙂


appassionato, to bookstodon
@appassionato@mastodon.social avatar

Reclaiming Our Space How Black Feminists Are Changing the World from the Tweets to the Streets

In Reclaiming Our Space, social worker, activist, and cultural commentator Feminista Jones explores how Black women are changing culture, society, and the landscape of feminism by building digital communities and using social media as powerful platforms.


ajsadauskas, to technology
@ajsadauskas@aus.social avatar

"Free speech absolutist" allegedly fires employee for raising security concerns.

Apparently Elon's version of free speech doesn't extend to employees who raise concerns about information security:

"Alan Rosa, who was Twitter’s global head of information security, filed the lawsuit late on Tuesday in New Jersey federal court, alleging breach of contract, wrongful termination and retaliation, among other claims. X Corp did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

"Rosa claims that late last year, after Musk acquired the company, he was told to cut his department’s budget for physical security by 50%...

"Rosa says he objected because the cuts would put Twitter at risk of violating a $150m settlement it entered into earlier in 2022 with the US Federal Trade Commission (FTC), which claimed Twitter had misused users’ personal information. The agreement required Twitter to implement privacy and information security controls to protect confidential data.

"He was fired days after raising those concerns, according to the lawsuit. Rosa is seeking unspecified compensatory and punitive damages, and legal fees."


@technology #X #Twitter #ElonMusk #Elon #Musk

parismarx, to random
@parismarx@mastodon.online avatar

Yesterday Elon Musk told advertisers to go fuck themselves and threatened to send his mob after them if they pull their ads from Twitter/X.

Over the years, he built a reality where he was a genius who could never be wrong. But as his fantasy collides with the real world, Musk is melting down — and has the power to make us all feel the pain as he crashes back to Earth.



eunews, to random
@eunews@mastodon.social avatar

Paris mayor quits X platform, calling it a 'gigantic global sewer'

Paris Mayor Anne Hidalgo on Monday announced she was quitting the X platform formerly known as Twitter, calling it a "gigantic global sewer" that was "destroying our democracies" by spreading abuse and misinformation.



brekke, to academicchatter Norwegian
@brekke@eupolicy.social avatar

@academicchatter I recently published something on my personal website for the first time, and accidentally bumped into some interesting data on the reach of .

I shared the content on first (November 1), and on the day after. On November 20 I edited the post here, leading to two new boosts.

My toot received 6 boosts and 7 stars; my tweet got 6 retweets and 38 hearts. Yet, in terms of website traffic the two dates of Mastodon activity outperform Twitter.

@ahimsa_pdx@disabled.social avatar

@brekke @academicchatter

"in terms of website traffic the two dates of Mastodon activity outperform Twitter"

If I'm reading this correctly, I think this means that Mastodon users are more likely to visit a website and read the article (at least some of it) than X/Twitter users?


Free_Press, to random
@Free_Press@mstdn.social avatar


White House slams Elon Musk for supporting antisemitic post

The White House said it was “unacceptable to repeat the hideous lie behind the most fatal act of Antisemitism in American history at any time.”


nmronline, to nmrchat
@nmronline@mstdn.science avatar
SteveMcCarty, to academicchatter
@SteveMcCarty@hcommons.social avatar

Deleted my #X #Twitter account because of its evil owner, so call me ex-X as I cross it out of my nice life here in #Japan! Thanks to @dangillmor for the nudge. I'm a stickler anyway about living by #academic #ethics: https://japanned.hcommons.org/academic_life

I'm in the #Humanities Commons instance, and we have free profiles like https://hcommons.org/members/stevemccartyinjapan that include a link to the old blue bird of Twitter, and members are increasingly leaving, so our admins at @hello might want to reconsider having that item in the next version of profiles.

What can I do with all this new free time besides taking contemplative hikes in Kyoto? I'm still looking for a wide range of informants and academic colleagues, as I should have big news on #international #collaboration in 2024. I'm looking for #friends in fields such as #online #education, #bilingualism, #language #teaching with #technology, #journalism, #interculturalcommunication, and #Asia.

A little positive reinforcement goes a long way!


petersuber, to academicchatter
@petersuber@fediscience.org avatar

How are services adjusting for the decline of , especially ? Are they giving Twitter mentions less weight? Are they tracking mentions in other social-media platforms? If so, which platforms? Where do they think academics are going? Do they have good data?


ajsadauskas, to technology
@ajsadauskas@aus.social avatar

Elon's "extremely hardcore" toxic work culture means people are forced to take Adderall without a prescription to meet their workload. Just ask SpaceX employees.

"Some SpaceX workers resorted to taking Adderall to keep up with the pace of work at the company's launch facility, and others found themselves falling asleep in the bathroom during long workweeks, a recent Reuters investigation found.

"Travis Carson, a former SpaceX worker at the company's facility in Brownsville, Texas, told Reuters some workers took Adderall — a stimulant designed to help people with ADHD improve their focus and concentration levels — without a prescription to keep up with the pace of work."

Source: https://www.businessinsider.com/spacex-workers-took-adderall-slept-bathroom-iv-treatments-deadlines-report-2023-11

What a nightmare!

#X @technology

appassionato, to bookstodon
@appassionato@mastodon.social avatar

Breaking Twitter

BREAKING TWITTER takes readers inside the darkly comic battle between one of the most intriguing, polarizing, influential men of our time—Elon Musk—and the company that represents our culture’s dearest hope for a shared global conversation. (sic!)


Zugriffe auf heise.de von Mastodon/Twitter/Bluesky (social.heise.de) German

Seit einer Weile teilt @heiseonline auch Links zu Artikeln auf #Bluesky (aber nicht automatisch wie hier) und da wollte ich jetzt mal vergleichen: Über die aktuell so gehypte #TwitterAlternative sind in drei Monaten so viele auf heise.de gekommen, wie über #Mastodon an einem normalen Wochentag. #Twitter liegt weiter davor....

maki, to de_edv in Zugriffe auf heise.de von Mastodon/Twitter/Bluesky
@maki@feddit.de avatar

Ich hatte zwar einen #Twitter Account, habe diesen aber nie benutzt. Ich bin eigentlich erst auf das Format so richtig gestoßen, als der Crash mit #elonmusk los ging. Dann kam Jan Bömermann um die Ecke und Zack war ich auf Mastodon. Da gefällt es mir gut aber zwischenzeitlich gefällt es mir auf Lemmy besser.

Einen #bluesky Account habe ich nun auch. Diesen habe ich genau einmal benutzt. Das Interface ist nicht so toll, daher nutze ich lieber weiterhin Toot! und bleibe in der Fediverseblase. Bisher habe ich noch keine unfreundlichen Menschen im Fediverse getroffen. Manche Downvotes lassen sich damit erklären, dass das Thema wahrscheinlich nicht interessiert 🤷‍♂️ Ist das schlecht fürs Karma?

Heise bin ich gleich gefolgt, als der Verlag seine eigene Instanz eröffnet hat. Da die Posts alle von Bots kommen, sind die bei mir mittlerweile weichgezeichnet und ich müsste die immer für die Info anklicken. Zuviel Arbeit. Daher reagiere ich auf Posts mit heise Bezug, wenn diese in meiner Timeline auf Lemmy aufploppen. Sollte vielleicht auch mal statistisch erhoben werden ;)

norztech, to france in Pourquoi j’ai supprimé mon compte Twitter (et pourquoi vous pouvez probablement en faire autant sans hésiter)
@norztech@tilde.zone avatar

@Climatix Intéressant et remarquable, compte tenu de la fermeture de plus en plus dure de #twitter / #X.

NB : L’application est distribuée sur Fdroid aussi :

#SquawkerApp #anonyme #ViePrivéeNumérique

Numerous verified X accounts are claiming that the Maine mass shootings were a “false flag” (www.mediamatters.org)

When X (formerly Twitter) owner Elon Musk changed his platform’s verification system, he ushered in a new reality where fringe conspiracy theorists could easily promote false claims about breaking news. That happened again shortly after the deadly mass shootings in Lewiston, Maine, as Media Matters found numerous heavily...

AlRoeh, to communicationscholars German
@AlRoeh@social.tchncs.de avatar

NEW RESEARCH: The 2nd article in our research topic on Anti-Stigma
Communication (https://fro.ntiers.in/anti-stigma_comm) was published a
few days ago. Richard Brown et al. take a close look on
communication on (former) about different conditions and

#X @communicationscholars @academicchatter

santoshgontu, to mastodon

@mastodon is growing but it can never replace . The day Mastodon will make things commercial it will flip.

mho, to random
@mho@social.heise.de avatar

actually has 407K+ more monthly users than it thought

Open source and decentralized social network Mastodon has more users than it thought. The service, which competes with #X (formerly ) and other

"That leaves Mastodon with a total of 1.8 million monthly active users at present, an increase of 5% month-over-month and 10K servers, up 12% — a testament to Mastodon’s current upward swing at a time when the nature of X continues to remain in flux."


w7voa, to random
@w7voa@journa.host avatar

The platform formerly known as rolls out a new ad format that can't be reported or blocked. https://mashable.com/article/twitter-x-new-clickbait-ad-format

eunews, to random
@eunews@mastodon.social avatar

The same day that Elon Musk fired the entire Twitter team concerned with fighting election disinformation, he also endorses a post where people are being encouraged to vote for the far-right German AFD party. The AFD thanked him for his endorsement and for disbanding the team that was fighting election disinformation.



jamieannmason, to random
@jamieannmason@mastodon.social avatar

Why are you posting about Twitter's censorship? That's old news..

I'll say it again...

If you are still on Twitter, there should be no more surprises..


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