Trans_figth, to random Spanish avatar

TRANS HELP🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍⚧️

It's terrible what I'm going through right now, I haven't been able to eat for days, this is terrifying, no one wants to help me get a safe home, I feel like my life is worthless😭😭

Could someone please help me get a safe home and some food? please I beg you💔🙏🏻

#MutualAid #MutualAidRequest #HelpFolksLive2023 #TransCrowdfund #translivesmatter #emergencycrowdfund #Transgender #crowdfunding #Help$Wjmgtrans

Trans_figth, avatar

Please friends could you help me? sorry to bother but i need help 😭🙏🏻

@IndigenousMutualAid @Andrea @Weirdodragoncat @athena @transcaffeine @maia @mi @Testoceratops @vantablack @edendestroyer @CAETFOOD @sabrinaweb71 @jdrakeh @edendestroyer @kkarhan @neitahchan @FrazzledWings @someonetellmetosleep @sudaksis @holyramenempire @LadyDragonfly @SteveKLord @Krona @autumn_64 @lashman @LavenderPawprints @psychoatberea @bacchus1234 @DrSuzanne @mutualaid @lgbtqbookstodon

Trans_figth, to random Spanish avatar

Trans Help 🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍⚧️

I have had to fight for months to be able to survive from bad people and try to find a safe home, I have not had much luck, I have suffered a lot these last few weeks and I have not been able to eat or sleep well, please could someone help me get the funds to Can I spend Christmas safely?

Goal: 500$


Trans_figth, avatar

Please help me get a safe home and be safe😭🙏🏻

@IndigenousMutualAid @Andrea @Weirdodragoncat @athena @transcaffeine @maia @mi @Testoceratops @vantablack @edendestroyer @CAETFOOD @sabrinaweb71 @jdrakeh @edendestroyer @kkarhan @neitahchan @FrazzledWings @someonetellmetosleep @sudaksis @holyramenempire @LadyDragonfly @SteveKLord @Krona @autumn_64 @lashman @LavenderPawprints @psychoatberea @bacchus1234 @DrSuzanne @mutualaid @lgbtqbookstodon

Trans_figth, to lgbtqbookstodon Spanish avatar

URGENT HELP🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍⚧️

I still can't find a home, I have had to spend a little of the money raised since I have had to eat, please help me get the remaining funds so I can finally have a safe home, there is only $180 left to be able to cover the rent and be safe💔

@mutualaid @lgbtqbookstodon


Trans_figth, avatar

@mutualaid @lgbtqbookstodon Another night in the dark, I don't understand why no one wants to help me everyone hates me for being a transgender person😭💔

Trans_figth, to lgbtqbookstodon Spanish avatar


I'm only $180 behind, please can someone send them tonight I want to get out of this difficult situation soon I'm already tired of being on the street please don't hesitate to help me donate if you can💔

Please help this poor Transgender girl get a safe home and food🥺

@mutualaid @lgbtqbookstodon


Trans_figth, avatar
Trans_figth, to lgbtqbookstodon Spanish avatar

I will never be able to have a safe home, I am stuck in my fundraising, no one wants to help me yesterday I had to sleep on the street again, I feel like I will lose this battle I am sick of this horrible life I only get contempt for being a transgender person I'm just looking for a little to help and be happy is my last chance please donate💔😭


@mutualaid @lgbtqbookstodon


Trans_figth, avatar

Please help me get a safe home and be safe😭🙏🏻

@IndigenousMutualAid @Andrea @Weirdodragoncat @athena @transcaffeine @maia @mi @Testoceratops @vantablack @edendestroyer @CAETFOOD @sabrinaweb71 @jdrakeh @edendestroyer @kkarhan @neitahchan @FrazzledWings @someonetellmetosleep @sudaksis @holyramenempire @LadyDragonfly @SteveKLord @Krona @autumn_64 @lashman @LavenderPawprints @psychoatberea @bacchus1234 @DrSuzanne @mutualaid @lgbtqbookstodon

Trans_figth, avatar

I have received another $100, please, friends, we are very close, please, I don't want to spend another night out here. Could someone send me $200 so I can cover the rent and be safe again?💔🏳️‍⚧️

@mutualaid @lgbtqbookstodon

Francystrans, to blackmastodon Spanish avatar


God I'm so scared the donations have disappeared and I only have a couple of days left to raise the remaining rent money, I don't want to lose my home please help this poor trans girl pay the rent and keep me safe I hope all my community can help me🏳️‍⚧️💗


#MutualAid #TransCrowdfund #fundraising #HelpFolksLive2023 #trans #crowdfunding
@blackmastodon @lgbtqbookstodon @mutualaid @BlackMastodon


Francystrans, avatar

Please do not ignore this help message I urgently need to pay the rent for my home otherwise they will throw me out on the street if you see this please share and donate😞
@peterdeppisch @soft @squeakypancakes @VoxofGod @dgoldsmith @motex @schratze @Bratapfel @Scott1984FP @_L1vY_ @NoctisEqui @JoscelynTransient @jo @chronomyst @Kalshann @Andrea @yanegatondemo @ElectricWill @MorpheusB @eilonwy @aBirdieOnaWire @edendestroyer @aendra @GrimmReality
@blackmastodon @lgbtqbookstodon @IndigenousMutualAid

Francystrans, avatar

Urgent I have to pay the rent right now🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍⚧️

There is only $100 left to cover the rent, we are very close, please, this is desperate, could someone send them right now, I beg you, I don't have more time💔🙏🏽

@blackmastodon @lgbtqbookstodon @mutualaid @BlackMastodon


Francystrans, to blackmastodon Spanish avatar


God I'm so scared the donations have disappeared and I only have a couple of days left to raise the remaining rent money, I don't want to lose my home please help this poor trans girl pay the rent and keep me safe I hope all my community can help me🏳️‍⚧️💗


@blackmastodon @lgbtqbookstodon @mutualaid @BlackMastodon


Francystrans, avatar
Trans_figth, to lgbtqbookstodon Spanish avatar


I will try this one last time since no one has cared to help me, I am a Transgender person who is on the streets trying to survive and find a new home, today is my birthday and my only wish is to be able to get a safe home and food I can't stand any more suffering I don't want this life anymore😔💔

@mutualaid @lgbtqbookstodon$Wjmgtrans


Trans_figth, avatar
Trans_figth, avatar

I don't want to spend another night in the dark again, please friends help spread these and please help with any donation they only rent $325 so we can cover the expenses and be able to go to a safe place, God I just hope that someone of good heart can see this and help me with a blessing🙏🏻

@mutualaid @lgbtqbookstodon$Wjmgtrans

Francystrans, to blackmastodon Spanish avatar

Urgent Rent Payment🚨🚨

I am very close to being able to cover the rent, there is only $290 left. Could someone please help me reach my goal soon? I need the money as soon as possible so as not to be thrown out onto the street by my landlord, please don't ignore me and help this poor trans girl keep her home🙏🏽

@blackmastodon @lgbtqbookstodon @mutualaid @BlackMastodon


Francystrans, avatar

Please friends could you help me share my fundraising? I'm in a complicated situation🥺🙏🏼

If you have anything extra, don't hesitate to donate💔

@mutualaid @Tinu @vantablack @notzackforwork @Miriamm @Lilith @tellington @RoseThorndyke @blue_miranda @lila_bliblu @nileane @emy @UnePorte @laser @copygirl @GenderGP @raccoonformality @rmondello @JoscelynTransient @jo @david @ClarusPlusPlus @oldladyplays @stefistarlite @DelphineUnseen @SleepyCatten @danirabbit
@blackmastodon @lgbtqbookstodon @mutualaid

leyonhjelm, avatar


The streets deserve better than you. Crawl into a manhole cover and live with a paedophile clow.

@blackmastodon @lgbtqbookstodon @mutualaid @BlackMastodon

Francystrans, to blackmastodon Spanish avatar

Friends it is the worst thanksgiving night of my life as I am alone in the dark and in danger of losing my home again, I can barely eat please can someone help me on this special day to keep me safe and stay in my home please💔

Please feel free to donate and share🤞🏻

#MutualAid #TransCrowdfund #translivesmatter #ThanksGiving #HelpFolksLive2023 #trans
@blackmastodon @lgbtqbookstodon @mutualaid @BlackMastodon$BlackTransss

Francystrans, avatar
Francystrans, avatar

Good morning friends, I am still behind on my rent, please I need to get the money soon otherwise you will throw me out on the street, I beg you for a little help since I need around $600 to cover the rent, I hope the good people can you help me in this difficult time🏳️‍⚧️💞

@blackmastodon @lgbtqbookstodon @mutualaid @BlackMastodon$BlackTransss

Francystrans, to random Spanish avatar

Friends, I need your help, it's almost the end of the month and I have to cover the rent soon because they could throw me out on the street again, please, I'm begging you for a little help because I don't want to go through another difficult time out there, I just want be safe, don't hesitate to donate and share as much as you can every help is a blessing💔😔

Rent Payment:750$


Francystrans, avatar

Urgent Rent 🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍⚧️
I have received another $60 to my fundraiser friends please if you see this I tried to help this poor trans girl get the funds to be able to pay the rent and not go back to the streets I hope to count on all the good people and the entire trans community please try help in any way come on💞🏳️‍⚧️



Francystrans, avatar
randapanda, to blackmastodon avatar

URGENT! plz share/boost! 🚨 tw// abuse My son and I are homeless living in my car.. escaped abuse from his dad, and he has autoimmune issues.. we need funds for food/gas/a room.. anything truly helps.. it’s $250 a week for an extended stay and my goal is to raise $1000 for a month stay. goal: $25/$1000 c*shapp- $nxty @mutualaid @blackmastodon

leyonhjelm, avatar


You make terrible life choices and shouldn’t be subsidised for them

@mutualaid @blackmastodon

PeachySummer, avatar

Lmao them food stamps isn't enough?

kshernandez, to random avatar

Good Monday Morning, everyone. Only 25/888 raised so far for urgent rental assistance at least 230 of that needed immediately. #mutualaid Please donate if possible, share always, pray. Orig link below with details. v: @skillingmesoftly

kshernandez, avatar

@blackmastodon @BlackMastodon @BigAngBlack @mutualaid Please ampify the above post? I'd greatly appreciate the help.

Francystrans, to lgbtqbookstodon Spanish avatar

🏳️‍⚧️ Medicines And Food 🏳️‍⚧️

I am so sad because I have not been able to get the funds to be able to buy my medicines and be able to eat, it has been a very hard few days because without my medicines for depression I am very bad. Please if you see this help a Transgender girl who is trying to get out of a difficult situation🏳️‍⚧️💞
#TransCrowdfund #MutualAid #MutualAidRequest #Trans @mutualaid @BlackMastodon @blackmastodon @lgbtqbookstodon$BlackTransss

Francystrans, avatar

Please help me get some food and medications😭💔

@mutualaid @BlackMastodon @blackmastodon @lgbtqbookstodon @DrALJONES @ember @JessieSynn @Shrigglepuss @chirpbirb @yassie_j @knautschaffe @vantablack @dyani @eclairwolf @Skye @BigJesusTrashcan @peterdeppisch @bacchus1234 @rippersspot @deliberately_me @corbden @lgbtqbookstodon @aemstuz @WrenArcher @Waitnwallflower @Tweetfiction @tanweerdar @tillybridges @oconnell @JessTheUnstill @digitalrodent @slcw

Francystrans, avatar
Francystrans, to lgbtqbookstodon Spanish avatar

🏳️‍⚧️ Medicines And Food 🏳️‍⚧️

I am so sad because I have not been able to get the funds to be able to buy my medicines and be able to eat, it has been a very hard few days because without my medicines for depression I am very bad. Please if you see this help a Transgender girl who is trying to get out of a difficult situation🏳️‍⚧️💞
#TransCrowdfund #MutualAid #MutualAidRequest #Trans @mutualaid @BlackMastodon @blackmastodon @lgbtqbookstodon$BlackTransss

Francystrans, avatar

Please try to help me, it has been almost 24 hours since I received my last help. I have barely been able to eat and I still cannot take my medications. I am very desperate because without them I have a very bad time. I pray that any good person can help me and that all my trans community try to help in any way I am very hungry🏳️‍⚧️🤞🏽
#MutualAid #TransCrowdfund #trans #crowdfunding #help
@mutualaid @BlackMastodon @blackmastodon @lgbtqbookstodon$BlackTransss

Francystrans, avatar
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