admin, to socialwork avatar

Yesterday I put a limit on this robot:

Psychology/Health Research Bot

It can still be seen by subscribers and by people who directly look for it at its address above.

NYU "Information for Practice" puts out 400-500 articles per WEEK.

The bot has published 1700+ times since August 7th.

This bot answers the question: "Can there be too much of a good thing?" YES

It's not spam, its all high-quality health- and psychology-related research information. Just a metric ton of it.

You can find their homepage at:

I may design a bot that just carries the "News" section of their website in the future. Looks like that would be 1-3 posts per day or slightly less.

@psychotherapist @psychotherapists @psychology @socialpsych @socialwork @psychiatry

clayrivers, to blackmastodon avatar

💛 “Men and Mental Health”

Mental health is still considered a silent crisis for many men. Numerous experts attribute this fact to the growing number of pressures placed on men in our contemporary society.
—Elwood Watson, PhD


Techlawyer, to random avatar

I don’t know who needed to hear this today, but I needed to:

“You don’t need to set such high expectations of yourself on your day off.”

taylorlorenz, to random avatar

I totally disagree w/ this piece. Trigger warnings simply provide context on pieces of information so ppl can knowingly opt in to consuming it

Saying TWs are making ppl soft (as this piece argues) is like saying rating some movies as “R” is making everyone more scared, or saying parental advisory stickers made ppl unable to endure cursing.

Curious to hear ppl’s thoughts

admin, to psychology avatar


TITLE: Lithium May Reduce Psych Hospitalizations for People w/ Bipolar

Thank you Dr. Pope.

-------- Forwarded Message --------

The American Psychiatric Association issued the following news release:

Lithium May Reduce Psychiatric Hospitalizations in People With Bipolar,
Major Depressive Disorder

Taking lithium may significantly reduce the risk of psychiatric
hospitalization for people who have major depressive disorder or bipolar
disorder, a study in the Journal of Affective Disorders has found.

Maurizio Pompili, M.D, Ph.D., of Sapienza University in Rome and
colleagues analyzed data from the health records of 260 adult patients
who had either major depressive disorder or bipolar disorder and had
been admitted to the psychiatric unit of Sant’Andrea University Hospital
in Rome between February 2019 and August 2020.

The researchers compared the patients’ psychiatric hospitalization rates
for the 12 months before they started taking lithium with their
hospitalization rates during the first 12 months of taking lithium.

In the 12 months before taking lithium, 40.4% of the patients were
hospitalized, whereas only 11.2% of patients were hospitalized while
taking the drug.

This represents a 3.62-fold reduction in hospitalization during lithium

The risk of hospitalization did not differ significantly between
patients with major depressive disorder and patients with bipolar
disorder either before or during treatment with lithium, suggesting that
taking lithium similarly benefitted both groups of patients.

Pompili and colleagues wrote that this finding was “unexpected,” as
other studies have suggested that lithium is more effective in patients
with bipolar disorder than those with major depressive disorder.

The risk of hospitalization also did not differ significantly between
patients who took only lithium and patients who also took other
psychotropic medications, with the exception of patients who also took
antipsychotics: Patients who took an antipsychotic along with lithium
had 21.1 times the odds of being hospitalized than those who did not
take an antipsychotic.

“An association of co-treatment with an antipsychotic plus lithium among
patients who required hospitalization probably represents greater
illness severity,” the researchers wrote.

Ken Pope

Ken Pope, Nayeli Y. Chavez-Dueñas, Hector Y. Adames, Janet L. Sonne, and
Beverly A. Greene
Speaking the Unspoken: Breaking the Silence, Myths, and Taboos That Hurt
Therapists and Patients
(APA, 2023)

Hector Y. Adames, Nayeli Y. Chavez-Dueñas, Melba J.T. Vasquez, & Ken Pope:
Succeeding as a Therapist: How to Create a Thriving Practice in a
Changing World
(APA, 2022)

Ken Pope, Melba J.T. Vasquez, Nayeli Y. Chavez-Dueñas, & Hector Y. Adames:
Ethics in Psychotherapy & Counseling: A Practical Guide, 6th Edition
<> (Wiley,
“If you're reading this...
Congratulations, you're alive.
If that's not something to smile about,
then I don't know what is.”
― Chad Sugg, Monsters Under Your Head

@psychotherapist @psychotherapists
@psychology @socialpsych @socialwork

EgyptianAphorist, to bookstodon avatar

Gift from writer Sherman Alexie, a signed copy of his fine letterpress .

“A Memory of Elephants” is a limited edition of only 500 copies.

This slim volume is a confessional collection of poems that explores mental disorder, regret for things left unsaid to parents, tribal identity, and questions to .


Mysticcshadow, to random avatar
Mysticcshadow, avatar
OutOfExile_IDR_Voice, to disabilityjustice avatar

Disability ID and Disability Deaths – How Police Killed Elijah McClain (1of2)
CONTENT WARNING (CW): The details and linked videos of this event may be disturbing to some. Image-eye contact.

Even with the positives disability designator IDs might bring, it's unlikely a card will prevent authorities from abusing and killing people with invisible disabilities. Aside from a change in attitudes, there are still far too many, long-overdue reforms needed. Many instances of police induced death involving the disabled, including people with autism, brain injury, and hearing impairments, were blamed on the victim. Most were, in fact, a direct result of: Ablest attitudes (ignorance), use of excessive force, and unacceptable treatment attributed to inadequate training. Utilizing invisible disabilities to scapegoat victims and bury the case, is another tactic often employed but, "inadequate training", is not what has killed so many people with disabilities.

Mentioned in part three of this piece, the history of one particular force, is a prime demonstration of a "pattern and practice", that has destroyed lives and families of people with invisible disabilities. According to other investigations, Aurora Colorado's pattern of policing, has raised concerns of implicit bias towards the disabled, POC and other marginalized people. Perhaps, one of the most famous examples from that city, is the death of a 23-year-old black man with autism and anemia, Elijah McClain. That case, sparked outrage from both the disabled and black communities, and with the first of three homicide trials set to begin in August, now is not the time to forget what happened to Elijah. The demeaning and despicable treatment he was subjected to, is not uncommon in "policing" of the disabled.

August 24, 2019: Elijah McClain, a massage therapist, violinist and "gentle soul", was walking home from a convenience store not, far from his home. Because of his anemia, which often made him feel cold, he was known to wear a ski mask. On his way home, someone in a house he passed called police to report an unarmed, "sketchy" individual. Minutes Later, Aurora PD's Nathan Woodyard saw Elijah walking to his home and stopped. Within 9 sec. of exiting his car, Woodyard had his hands on Elijah McClain. Just seconds later, officers Randy Roedema and Jason Rosenblatt showed up, also engaging with Elisha. As he explained he was an "introvert" and was "just walking home", one of the officers responded, "Relax, or I'm going to have to change this situation".

The officers had McClain against the wall before taking the five feet seven, 143 lb man to the ground. One of their body cameras was detached and landed in the grass, capturing an officer slowly walking out of view. With Elijah and police no longer being filmed clearly, one officer can be heard claiming, "he just grabbed your gun dude". Within four seconds of the allegation, Elijah can be heard choking as a result of police applying the carotid restraint, restricting his airflow. FOUR SECONDS?! One of the officers later told investigators that McClain "briefly" fell unconscious and the officers released their grasp on his neck. The chokehold was implemented only one min. and four sec. after the first officer exited his vehicle. The three officers involved, Woodyard, Rosenblatt and Roedema, all claimed their body cameras "fell off " in the "struggle" with this small statured young man.

The video footage is very difficult to listen to. Elijah McClain can be heard gasping as he pleads with officers to stop, saying, "I can't breathe". Elijah continues to plead, saying his name and that he was "just going home". Through his sobs, came the words myself and many others with invisible disabilities, will never forget. "I'm just different. I'm just different, that's all". It's hard to hear the police on the audio of one body cam but, Elijah's words are clear… "I'm so sorry. I have no gun. I don't do that stuff. I don't do any fighting. Why are you attacking me?". As officers ignore his pleas, they seem to spin tales of their "struggle" with a 143 pound person. One repeated the accusation that McClain tried to grab officer Roedema's gun, and that they "had" to use the carotid hold.

About six minutes after the initial contact by police, Elijah McClain can be heard vomiting for the first time. One of the officers commands him to "STOP" to which McClain apologized saying, "I'm sorry. I wasn't trying to do that. I just can't breathe correctly". In the next few minutes, McClain gets sick "a few more times" while officers held him facedown on the ground, telling him repeatedly to stop resisting. Reports say he was also handcuffed and still wearing the ski mask when he was sick, and as a result, was struggling to breathe. He may have been trying to roll on his side or remove the mask to breathe better, as police seemed to be acting out a show of "resisting arrest" for the body cam audio.

Police can be heard threatening him, "Don't get up. It's not gonna be good for you, I'm telling you right now". Another officer standing over him said "You keep messin' around, I'm unna bring my dog out here", saying he would let the dog attack Elijah. Approximately 11 minutes after the initial contact by officer Woodyard, the cameras capture police saying, "When the ambulance gets here, were gonna go ahead and give him some ketamine". This is also when they claimed "whatever he's on, he has incredible strength." Another concurs "yeah, crazy strength". It's alarming that police and individuals of such character, have authority to mandate the administering of this powerful sedative.

The timing of the accusation that Elijah McClain attempted to grab the firearm, only seconds after body cams were removed, is highly suspect. Again, McClain was 143 lbs, being held by three much larger men. While one of the officer's body cam was still attached, another can be heard telling him to "move" his camera. I don't believe the body cams dislodged, and firmly believe these accused murderers doffed them. The Maclean's attorney said police intentionally removed their body cameras "to support a false allegation that McClain reached for a gun". Though it is not clear on the video, there is absolutely, no doubt in my mind. The same is true, regarding their claims for body cam audio that Elijah was "struggling". If he was struggling, it was likely for air and survival.

The report from paramedics, Jeremy Cooper and Peter Cichuniec claimed that when they arrived, Elijah was displaying signs of "excited delirium". The snap "diagnosis" was made, despite never touching, talking to, or checking Maclean's vitals. Were these paramedics scapegoating in an effort to protect their fellow first responders? After incorrectly estimating his weight, the paramedics administered 500 mg of ketamine to McClain, a dosage for someone nearly 60 to 70 pounds larger. For those who believe in forcibly drugging people, the proper ketamine dosage for Elijah's weight, is about 325 mg. Approximately 23 minutes after Nathan Woodyard stopped "to talk" to McClain, the officers responsible were informed, Elijah, had no pulse. Less than a week later, he was declared brain-dead on August 27, 2019, and died, three days later on the 30th.

According to–CPR news: "After McClain’s death, Dr. Stephen Cina, a contractor forensic pathologist for Adams County, completed the autopsy on Sept. 3, 2019. There were two Aurora police officers and two representatives from the Adams County District Attorney’s office in attendance". I'd be interested to hear that conversation, considering the findings of the autopsy. The Adams County corner ruled the cause of death as "undetermined" saying that, "a therapeutic amount" of ketamine was found in Maclean's system. The report, reeking of scapegoating, speculated about drug use and undiagnosed mental illness, while seeming to conclude nothing but suppositional "ifs".

Excerpt from Dr. Cina's report: "The manner of death may be accident if it was an idiosyncratic drug reaction,” . “It may be natural if (McClain) had an undiagnosed mental illness that led to excited delirium, if his intense physical exertion combined with a narrow coronary artery led to an arrhythmia, if he had an asthma attack, or if he aspirated vomit while restrained."... "It may be a homicide if the actions of officers led to his death (eg. carotid control hold…)”.

That's a lot of "Ifs". I can't help but wonder "IF", the presence of officers and DA personnel "may" have influence the doctors findings. In conjunction with the corners "undetermined" autopsy determination, Adams County DA Dave Young said, he would not bring charges against the officers. This seeming manipulation of justice, by those who controlled it, was met with outrage.

Another slap in the face, illuminating the culture of APD, occurred in October 2019, less than two months after Elijah's death. Several other officers returned to the scene, taking pictures while they joyfully reenacted the cardioid hold, used on McClain. In July, 2020, after the photos were made public, three officers were fired and one resigned. It's remarkable that they were fired for mocking and taking pictures, while the officers that killed Elijah were still patrolling the streets. The shouts of "Justice for Elijah", became louder as it seemed this heinous police action was being ignored. Once again, protesters took to the streets.

Protests, investigation, Arrests and Trials. Conclusion – "Justice for Elijah" below.

OutOfExile_IDR © 2023

@disabilityjustice @disability @actuallyautistics

weirdwriter, to random
thisismissem, to random avatar

The Fediverse has a Mental Health problem:

(Please do not reply directly to this post, use the hashtag instead, thanks!)

OutOfExile_IDR_Voice, to disabilityjustice avatar

I was sick, and you said "You look fine to me".
I was sick, and you cast me off.
I was sick, and you used it against me.
I was sick, and you took my health care.
I was sick, and you battered and killed.
I was sick, and you fought for a wooden hammer.
I was sick, and you fought about blue and red.
I was sick, and you fought as the nations watched with disdain.
I was sick, and you fought the "wrong" while resembling it.
I was sick, as you fought for "all" but, forgot about us.

OutofExile_IDR ©2023

Click here 🧠 to expand.

My adaptation of Matthew 25:39 inspired by the work below. (Not an endorsement for religion or church)

I was hungry, and you blamed it on the communist
I was hungry, and you circled the moon.
I was hungry, and you told me to wait
I was hungry, and you set up a commission.
I was hungry, and you said "So were my ancestors".
I was hungry, and you said we don't hire over 35.
I was hungry, you said God helps those…
I was hungry, and you told me I shouldn't be.
I was hungry, and you told me machines do that work now.
I was hungry, and you had napalm bills to pay.
I was hungry, and you said the poor are always with us.
Lord, when did we see you hungry?

Adaptation of Matthew 25:37 by Anonymous – 1971

Image by Alex Velazquez from Pixabay

@disability @disabilityjustice @actuallyautistic

essie_is_okay, to random avatar

I can't remember where I read this. But telling mentally ill people to eat well and exercise to boost their mood is like giving someone a new pair of scissors that is still in the packaging. The person needs scissors to open the new scissor packaging. This is not a helpful thing to do at all.

artworkshop, to random Russian avatar
DivergentDumpsterPhoenix, to autisticadvocacy avatar
18+ admin, to socialwork avatar

TITLE: YouTube Pseudo-Psychology, Algorithm Traps, and How I Got Set-Up
to Look Like I Cheat

My wife and I share a YouTube Premium subscription. A few weeks ago I
was scrolling through YouTube recommendations when I came across a video
on different male personality types.

"Sure", I thought, "I'm a therapist -- why not check it out". So I
watched the video as it invited me to try and decide which type of male
I was as they described them. I noticed they made the "Sigma Male"
sound the most attractive -- which was a bit odd -- but I thought little
more about it.

A few weeks later (tonight), up popped a video on 10 characteristics of
a "Sigma Male". I was curious, so I watched it. They spent the whole
video making "Sigma Males" seem like super heroes. Suspicious now, I
went to the channel these videos were coming from to look around.

I was displeased to see that 10% of the videos were on male personality
characteristics, and 90% of the videos were dedicated to how Sigma
Males Get Women.
Video after video of how to bag yourself a blonde or
brunette. Yuck.

You can guess where this is going -- now our shared YouTube
recommendations list is full of how-to videos on attracting hot women.
The uncool thing is I have never watched any such video to deserve
this. The really uncool thing is my wife will be spotting this
tomorrow. Happily -- she is very understanding and not the jealous type.

Besides -- she can always look at my view history. I'll also be sending
her this message. :)

Is there actually a valid psychological theory outside pop psychology
including "Sigma Males"? When I Google it, I get lots of pop psychology
websites, including something called the "Incel Wiki".

Now I do feel slightly ill.

-- Michael


I sent the original note above out a few days ago on a national psych   
listserv and it engendered some relevant psychological discussion on how   
AI and algorithms effect the mental health of our clients.

Happily my wife thought the note and situation above hilarious (I   
thought she might).

Part of what was so troubling to me here was the clear funneling process   
being executed on vulnerable young men on YouTube:

STEP 1: Grab guys just interested in learning about themselves. (Or   
psychotherapists interested in personality systems.)

STEP 2: Make "Sigma Males" sound like the most attractive type so they   
are identified with. (Lonely geeks are recast as desirable lone wolf   
types with all the skills of alpha males.)

STEP 3: Game the YouTube algorithm so the next recommendations are how   
"Sigma Males" get women. (I decided to bail at this point so I am not   
going to view what is being recommended. Judging by the fact that "Sigma   
Male" connects in Google searches to Incel websites, I shutter to think...)

[It's possible that "Sigma Male" is a term from a legitimate personality   
system, but if so, its been at least partially co-opted by pop psychology.]

A discussion commenter stated: /"The mental health challenge is to help   
people become aware of how AI is taking over their lives so that they   
can manage the AI rather than have the AI manage them."/

My new resolve to periodically create new YouTube profiles to get out of   
old tracking algorithms is one example of an adaptation.

*People need other ways to escape tracking to get out of boxes* -- like   
the old BBS (bulletin board systems) that let you read (or not read)   
every community comment from every poster without algorithms tailoring   
your newsfeed.

*People need tools to recognize when they are being herded into specific   
ways of thinking.* Like many of our political silos. Like my original   
example above of an interest in male psychology potentially leading to   
Incel-like "education" on how to be a "Sigma Male" who gets all the women.

*Businesses need some government regulation in what tracking they can do   
-- in all environments, but especially the free ones.* People may need   
to return to PAYING for their information sources so they themselves are   
not the product.

Ironically, it was GOOGLE, whose "I'm feeling lucky" button below the   
search engine field used to take users to a random website somewhere on   
the Internet.

*We are now in need of actively maintaining personal ways to randomly   
escape our information bubbles so as to better recognize them.**  
-- Michael

*Michael Reeder, LCPC  
*Hygeia Counseling Services : Baltimore / Mt. Washington Village location*  
*410-871-TALK / michael(at)*

#psychology #socialwork #psychotherapy #research #incel #AI   
#artificialintelligence #youtube #mentalhealth @[email protected]   
@[email protected] @[email protected] @[email protected]   
#Algorithms #personalitytests @silos
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