egb, to writing avatar
aby, to random avatar

Also, being face to face in a room full of people for 8 hours a day, 2 days next week is:

  • a HUGE fucking covid risk
  • going to have me dysfunctional for the rest of the week
  • a waste of the time I should be using to get my assessment handed in

DivergentDumpsterPhoenix, to autisticadvocacy avatar

One of the nuances that "responsible drinking" campaigns often miss is the reason why Autistic and otherwise neurodivergent people drink.

Autistic people don't necessarily drink with the goal of inebriation. Often, we drink to cope with the social environment. It acts as a social lubricant that makes it easier to talk and cope with the sensory bombardment that often happens in spaces where drinking is happening.

@actuallyautistic @autisticadvocacy @audhd

OutOfExile_IDR, to disabilityjustice avatar

Apparently, I'm that Karen, however, omissions often lead to misinformation, such as in this post. They can also be very damaging. So, I felt it necessary to respond.

First, one should have a look at the screenshot of the actual post (below). Second, I did not "come at" this person, I messaged him privately wondering if he realized how that statement may alienate an entire community and offend others with invisible disabilities. I was actually shocked at the reaction I received. To avoid confusion, the original post was by someone else and this individual boosted it into my timeline. It seems like they subscribe to the notion that "mentally ill" (as opposed below puts it) are like criminals and abusers.

This is the problem within the disabled community and seemingly the reason why there's been no progress in disability rights for everyone – lack of solidarity and cross disability support along with the willingness to slam someone secretly with half-truths and misinformation. Then comes the name-calling and profanity as the "right" likes to do.

While I was being slammed secretly online, I quietly reached out to others with invisible disabilities and mental health challenges to see what they though of the original post, not this user. The consensus is that this statement is extremely insulting and ablest. Now, I'm called a Karen and told "fuck off" by someone I once enjoyed interactions with regularly. Just another example of inequality and within the disabled community affecting people with ID and MH challenges. This is exactly why I focus on IDR.

The statement from the post in question:
"The second amendment right wing wants every criminal, MENTALLY ILL, drug addict, wife abuser to have access to AR 15s except Hunter Biden".

Sounds more like a blue vs. red post, rather then an anti-gun post. So apparently this poster feels that humans that live with mental illness are the same as criminals, wife abuser's, and drug addicts. Sounds like a right-wing ideology to me. The person calling me "Karen" in this thread, doesn't seem to see there's an issue with that which, is his prerogative but, lashes out in public with incomplete inaccurate information, like a right-winger.

I'm still curious to have my question answered by the original poster: "Mentally ill" what, or is that accepted terminology for "those people" with mental health challenges. The consensus among that community is that, this is offensive and ablest. Unfortunately when it comes to invisible disability, many within the disability community are the worst offenders. Insert any other health condition or marginalized group in the space where it says "mentally ill". See what kind of reaction you get from all the "Karen police" out there.

If you're going to come at someone and post about what they have to say, provide all the facts in the future. I will not stoop to your level and call you names or use profanity to refer to you. Apparently it depends on which health condition one lives with if they are accepted and defended by the disabled community. I would suggest revisiting your definition of Ableism.

There's a big difference between advocacy and "ablest police Karens". Advocates fight for inequality for EVERYONE in the disabled community where Karens complain for the sake of complaining. Giving half of the story while spreading misinformation about others, not giving them an opportunity to defend themselves. After the initial conversation I reached out and thanked this person and told him I appreciated him. The response was name-calling and profanity. That's class.

@disability @disabilityjustice @MadMovementMastodon

My public response while being slammed👇

OutOfExile_IDR, to disabilityjustice avatar

Apparently, I'm that Karen, however, omissions often lead to misinformation, such as in this post. They can also be very damaging. So, I felt it necessary to respond.

First, one should have a look at the screenshot of the actual post (below). Second, I did not "come at" this person, I messaged him privately wondering if he realized how that statement may alienate an entire community and offend others with invisible disabilities. I was actually shocked at the reaction I received. To avoid confusion, the original post was by someone else and this individual boosted it into my timeline. It seems like they subscribe to the notion that "mentally ill" (as opposed below puts it) are like criminals and abusers.

This is the problem within the disabled community and seemingly the reason why there's been no progress in disability rights for everyone – lack of solidarity and cross disability support along with the willingness to slam someone secretly with half-truths and misinformation. Then comes the name-calling and profanity as the "right" likes to do.

While I was being slammed secretly online, I quietly reached out to others with invisible disabilities and mental health challenges to see what they though of the original post, not this user. The consensus is that this statement is extremely insulting and ablest. Now, I'm called a Karen and told "fuck off" by someone I once enjoyed interactions with regularly. Just another example of inequality and within the disabled community affecting people with ID and MH challenges. This is exactly why I focus on IDR.

The statement from the post in question:
"The second amendment right wing wants every criminal, MENTALLY ILL, drug addict, wife abuser to have access to AR 15s except Hunter Biden".

Sounds more like a blue vs. red post, rather then an anti-gun post. So apparently this poster feels that humans that live with mental illness are the same as criminals, wife abuser's, and drug addicts. Sounds like a right-wing ideology to me. The person calling me "Karen" in this thread, doesn't seem to see there's an issue with that which, is his prerogative but, lashes out in public with incomplete inaccurate information, like a right-winger.

I'm still curious to have my question answered by the original poster: "Mentally ill" what, or is that accepted terminology for "those people" with mental health challenges. The consensus among that community is that, this is offensive and ablest. Unfortunately when it comes to invisible disability, many within the disability community are the worst offenders. Insert any other health condition or marginalized group in the space where it says "mentally ill". See what kind of reaction you get from all the "Karen police" out there.

If you're going to come at someone and post about what they have to say, provide all the facts in the future. I will not stoop to your level and call you names or use profanity to refer to you. Apparently it depends on which health condition one lives with if they are accepted and defended by the disabled community. I would suggest revisiting your definition of Ableism.

There's a big difference between advocacy and "ablest police Karens". Advocates fight for inequality for EVERYONE in the disabled community where Karens complain for the sake of complaining. Giving half of the story while spreading misinformation about others, not giving them an opportunity to defend themselves. After the initial conversation I reached out and thanked this person and told him I appreciated him. The response was name-calling and profanity. That's class.

@disability @disabilityjustice @MadMovementMastodon

My public response while being slammed👇

toplesstopics, to random avatar

Now that my kids are FINALLY in school again, I'm tentatively starting to schedule some long-delayed again for my / / / decriminalization / / and advocacy / / many other issues-focused video series !

You don't have to be focused on any of the above topics, just have something interesting to say, and a decent webcam to record with (unless you live near and want to record an interview in person!) Bonus points if you're willing to appear nonsexually topless on screen with me, but definitely not required. I'm also happy to blur your face out or whatever else you need, if you want to keep your identity anonymous.

We can start the process of setting up an interview if you'd be so kind as to fill out the form I have here:

And if you'd like to check out previous interviews I've done, you can see them here: (please keep in mind some of these are really old when I was a lot worse at conducting interviews, I think they're better now 😅 )

paul, to random avatar

I know what ableism is & educate true ableism. I also know the damage to the community that the 'ableist police Karens' do

Here I sit in a motorized wheelchair, hooked up to a feeding tube pump, with a pump in my abdomen & cath in my spinal column that delivers medication to my brain and an anti-ableist 'police' Karen came at me in a DM over a gun violence boost

When I wouldn't engage, it abused two of my HashtagGames tags with a lecture & a 'take a look at yourself' with a misquote

Feck Off.

mrs agnes brown saying feck off

OutOfExile_IDR_Voice, avatar

Apparently, I'm that Karen, however, omissions often lead to misinformation, such as in this post. They can also be very damaging. So, I felt it necessary to respond.

First, one should have a look at the screenshot of the actual post (below). Second, I did not "come at" this person, I messaged him privately wondering if he realized how that statement may alienate an entire community and offend others with invisible disabilities. I was actually shocked at the reaction I received. To avoid confusion, the original post was by someone else and this individual boosted it into my timeline. It seems like they subscribe to the notion that "mentally ill" (as opposed below puts it) are like criminals and abusers.

This is the problem within the disabled community and seemingly the reason why there's been no progress in disability rights for everyone – lack of solidarity and cross disability support along with the willingness to slam someone secretly with half-truths and misinformation. Then comes the name-calling and profanity as the "right" likes to do.

While I was being slammed secretly online, I quietly reached out to others with invisible disabilities and mental health challenges to see what they though of the original post, not this user. The consensus is that this statement is extremely insulting and ablest. Now, I'm called a Karen and told "fuck off" by someone I once enjoyed interactions with regularly. Just another example of inequality and within the disabled community affecting people with ID and MH challenges. This is exactly why I focus on IDR.

The statement from the post in question:
"The second amendment right wing wants every criminal, MENTALLY ILL, drug addict, wife abuser to have access to AR 15s except Hunter Biden".

Sounds more like a blue vs. red post, rather then an anti-gun post. So apparently this poster feels that humans that live with mental illness are the same as criminals, wife abuser's, and drug addicts. Sounds like a right-wing ideology to me. The person calling me "Karen" in this thread, doesn't seem to see there's an issue with that which, is his prerogative but, lashes out in public with incomplete inaccurate information, like a right-winger.

I'm still curious to have my question answered by the original poster: "Mentally ill" what, or is that accepted terminology for "those people" with mental health challenges. The consensus among that community is that, this is offensive and ablest. Unfortunately when it comes to invisible disability, many within the disability community are the worst offenders. Insert any other health condition or marginalized group in the space where it says "mentally ill". See what kind of reaction you get from all the "Karen police" out there.

If you're going to come at someone and post about what they have to say, provide all the facts in the future. I will not stoop to your level and call you names or use profanity to refer to you. Apparently it depends on which health condition one lives with if they are accepted and defended by the disabled community. I would suggest revisiting your definition of Ableism.

There's a big difference between advocacy and "ablest police Karens". Advocates fight for inequality for EVERYONE in the disabled community where Karens complain for the sake of complaining. Giving half of the story while spreading misinformation about others, not giving them an opportunity to defend themselves. After the initial conversation I reached out and thanked this person and told him I appreciated him. The response was name-calling and profanity. That's class.

@disability @disabilityjustice @MadMovementMastodon

My public response while being slammed👇

jackhutton, to random avatar

No one cares about Hunter Biden. The pro-second amendment right wing wants every criminal, mentally ill, drug addict, wife abuser to have access to AR-15's EXCEPT Hunter Biden.
So hypocritical

OutOfExile_IDR_Voice, avatar

Every "mentally ill"?! I'm not part of the red gang or the blue gang but, this is an absolutely archaic ablest attitude and statement. Every "mental ill"? Every mentally ill what? Health conditions are not what killed people.

@disability @disabilityjustice @MadMovementMastodon

crecente, to publichealth avatar

Article (free through Sept 30)
📚 Mental Health Help-Seeking Behavior of Male Video Game Players: An Online Survey

▪️ Many participants hadn't sought help but "[a] notable proportion of participants ... had sought help for a friend."

▪️ Barriers include cost and stigma.

▪️ Help-seeking higher among those with greater self-esteem and social capital.

▪️ Strategies include normalizing and promoting a culture of support, understanding, and help-seeking behaviors.


@psychology @publichealth

EricIndiana, to random avatar

Tomorrow, I will command Jeff Bezos to make my new book, OCD-Free, go live on Amazon.

thevglibrary, to bookstodon avatar

Released in 2010, Ryan G. Van Cleave's "Unplugged" recounts their very real struggles with Video Game addiction, their rock-bottom, and their ongoing battle to control the impulses to play.

⚠️ Content Warning for both the description and the book



beatnikprof, to academicchatter avatar

We get so much guidance on how to identify student burnout.
Do admins get that same amount of guidance to identify burnout?

ienvision, avatar

@beatnikprof @academicchatter
It's easy to id faculty burnout - if you identify as faculty - you're probably burnt out. And I tend to be an optimist! Culture is representative of the collective #mentalhealth of the organization. Smart orgs use PD resources for Personal development - ie - addressing compassion fatigue or Secondary traumatic stress.

EgyptianAphorist, to bookstodon avatar

‘It’s dark because you are trying too hard. Lightly child, lightly. Learn to do everything lightly. Yes, feel lightly even though you’re feeling deeply.

Just lightly let things happen and lightly cope with them. So throw away your baggage and go forward.

There are quicksands all about you, sucking at your feet, trying to suck you down into fear and self-pity and despair.’

―Aldous Huxley


Resister, to socialwork avatar

I just have to say that the people I am privileged to support amaze me every day.

They often credit me for their victories.

However - they deserve the credit. Their willingness to engage in the work has created the shift. I highlight and celebrate this often with folx.

It gives me joy to see people walk out of my office feeling a sense of control over their own lives again.

This is the art of social work.


PsychTink, to autisticadvocacy

"constant fighting with our own sense of identity causes further psychological distress...

"Instead of asking “what’s wrong w/ me?” We need to shift discourse over to “what happened to me?”. It’s vital that psychological distress be placed in the context of one’s environment&
experiences of the complex power dynamics within them."

@audhd @actuallyautistic @autisticadvocacy
Thanks for your work @DivergentDumpsterPhoenix

strypey, to adhd avatar

"I guess that he frequently hears criticism or negative feedback. By age 10, a child with ADHD will hear 20,000 corrective comments, according to Michael S. Jellinek, M.D. 1 This barrage of judgment, coupled with his internal pressure, can amplify his fear to the point that it shuts him down. Completely."

#ADHD @adhd

strypey, avatar

"I am tough. You are tough. We think we can carry the world on our shoulders without any help. We are wrong.

The pandemic has pushed all of our lives into the unknown. The fear associated with not knowing can be unbearable. We suffer in silence. While circumstances forced us to go through periods of social distancing, remember that isolating, hiding, and withdrawing is harmful to our mental health."

#JuneSilny, 2023

#ADHD #MentalHealth #PandemicFatigue


admin, to socialwork avatar

Private, vetted email list for mental health professionals:
Open LEMMY instance for all mental health workers:
A 3-year-old short video, but a good one from SciShow -- a
consumer-oriented YouTube science show which is generally well-done.

Goes into:
-- ADHD and sleep disorders overlaps
-- Chicken and the egg problem -- which comes first
-- Altered Circadian Rhythm & ADHD correlation
-- Sleep Onset Insomnia: Is treating it a way to improve ADHD symptoms
(pretty much YES, although more research would be good)

Lots of research, although mostly children's studies. Should many
people with ADHD be taking melatonin?

The Overlooked Connection Between ADHD and Sleep*
By SciShow Psych. About 6 minutes long.

#ADHD #ADD #attention #psychology #socialwork #mentalhealth #sleep   
#melatonin #sleeponsetinsomnia #CircadianRhythm #counseling   
@[email protected] @[email protected] @[email protected]   
@[email protected] @[email protected] #counselors #counseling  
NYU Information for Practice puts out 400-500 good quality health-related research posts per week but its too much for many people, so that bot is limited to just subscribers. You can subscribe at @[email protected]
DivergentDumpsterPhoenix, to autisticadvocacy avatar

Psychiatry in the west has been built upon a long history of colonial aggression. If you are part of a minority group, chances are you will end up in a psychiatrists office at some point in your life.

Psychiatry then positions the problem in your brain, rather than the political and material circumstances of your life.

Psychiatry needs to do better.

@actuallyautistic @autisticadvocacy

admin, to socialwork avatar

Private, vetted email list for mental health professionals:
Open LEMMY instance for all mental health workers:

TITLE: Suicide Most Common Cause of Death in People w/
Schizophrenia—"Need for Continuous Suicide-Prevention Efforts for People
w/ Schizophrenia"

Thank you Dr. Pope

-- Forwarded --

The American Psychiatric Association issued the following news release:
Suicide Most Common Cause of Death in People With Schizophrenia, Study Finds

Suicide is the most common cause of death in patients who have
schizophrenia spectrum disorders, a study in Schizophrenia Bulletin has

Marie Stefanie Kejser Starzer, M.D., of Copenhagen University Hospital
and colleagues analyzed data from the OPUS I study, a randomized
controlled trial of 578 patients experiencing their first episode of
psychosis. Patients enrolled in the study between January 1, 1998, and
December 31, 2000. When the patients enrolled, they were between 18 and
45 years old; had received first-time treatment for a diagnosis of
schizophrenia, schizotypal disorder, delusional disorder, acute or
transient psychosis, schizoaffective disorder, or nonspecific nonorganic
psychosis; and had not received antipsychotic medication for more than
12 weeks. They were randomized to receive treatment as usual or a
specialized early intervention that consisted of two years of assertive
community treatment (including family involvement, social skills
training, and psychoeducation) by a multidisciplinary team. Patients
were then assessed multiple times over a 20-year period.

By the end of 2021, 14.2% of the patients had died. Of those, 48.6% died
of external causes (for example, suicide or accidents) and 51.4% died of
medical conditions and diseases.

The most common cause of death was suicide, accounting for 27.8% of
deaths; followed by accidents at 13.9%; unspecified medical
abnormalities at 11.1%; and cardiovascular disease and cancer, both at 8.3%.

Death due to external causes, mostly suicide, occurred at a steady rate
throughout the study, whether the patients had received treatment as
usual or the specialized early intervention. Starzer and colleagues
wrote that this indicates a need for continuous suicide-prevention
efforts for people with schizophrenia.

“Early intervention services alone cannot address this issue, as the
risk [was] present long after [the specialized early intervention]
ended,” they wrote. “Perhaps more regular screening for suicide risk in
aging patients with schizophrenia could help prevent some of these late

Patients with a history of substance use had a higher risk of both
all-cause mortality and death from medical conditions and diseases.

“This underlines the importance of proper treatment of comorbid
substance use at any time after patients are diagnosed,” the researchers
wrote. They noted that the treatment of mental illness and the treatment
of substance use are often managed by separate entities. “Lack of
integrated treatment could be leading to suboptimal care for
dual-diagnosis patients, and a more multidimensional and non-categorical
treatment approach is needed.”

Ken Pope

Ken Pope, Nayeli Y. Chavez-Dueñas, Hector Y. Adames, Janet L. Sonne, and
Beverly A. Greene
Speaking the Unspoken: Breaking the Silence, Myths, and Taboos That Hurt
Therapists and Patients
(APA, 2023)

@psychotherapist @psychotherapists
@psychology @socialpsych @socialwork

NYU Information for Practice puts out 400-500 good quality health-related research posts per week but its too much for many people, so that bot is limited to just subscribers. You can subscribe at @PsychResearchBot

TheTechnoNerd, to mentalhealth

I'm on my way to therapy. How about you all?

Resister, to random avatar

Tips on how to talk to someone experiencing a mental health crisis.

sethabrutyn, to sociology avatar
sethabrutyn, avatar

A community-based study on the social roots of #youth #suicide and some sociological suggestions for #suicideprevention and #mentalhealth promotion. It is a one-of-a-kind. The book works to illuminate how this community struggled, what it did right, and what lessons we might learn for other communities struggling.

#sociology #mentalhealth

@annamueller @sociology @sociology

thomasinselmd, to random avatar

More people are receiving treatment than ever, yet outcomes are no better. Why?

One answer: better outcomes require improved quality of care, not just more access to care. This new piece in TIME by Jamie Ducharme is worth the read.

EgyptianAphorist, to bookstodon avatar

The Professor & the Madman:

A Story of Murder, Insanity & Making the Oxford English Dictionary


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