
Seems logical considering that people who burn it aren’t doing it without knowing the repercussions. Not saying the reaction it gets is correct or anything, it just seems to me that it is something being used to trigger reactions while putting other people’s lifes at risk.


Codifying religious texts as actually legally sacred and more important than others is wild, though.


It smats of blasphemy laws


I agree. However how do we explain people that are most likely burning books for hate speech/xenophobic reasons that they should stop doing that? This is a really hard subject and I completely agree that passing laws for this can be a slippery slope for other things.


Hate Speech laws get an L from me. Hate crime laws where a crime motivated by prejudice awards extra jail time is just a better solution. Think about what this is really saying - if you burn the Quran, muslims will riot… in Iraq. And the Iraqi government will condemn you. Really?


When you really think about it burning a book is, in fact, censorship theory-gary

@IchNichtenLichten@lemmy.world avatar

To the people defending this proposed law - hypothetically, if I were to set up a white board outside a mosque and draw the prophet, would you also be in favor of the police arresting me for … drawing?

If so, why?

Franzia, (edited )

I think this may already be illegal. You would be inciting and degrading members of a legal religion in Denmark, which has been against the law there since 1939. Blasphemy Laws were taken off the books in 2017, but this is a step back in that same direction. But then there is amendments to the constitution, I don’t fully understand.


Hinduism often has a belief in, “sanctity of the cow, … the belief that the cow is representative of divine and natural beneficence and should therefore be protected and venerated” (Brittanica).

One could argue that eating beef is inciting and degrading to [probably a select few] members of Hinduism.


The difference is Hindus won’t murder you.


I like this talking point


I think there’s a difference between eating beef in a place where that’s the norm and eating beef at a group of people to make them angry or mock them.


But for the Quran, “in public” is sufficient to meet the standard of “at” them?


Well plated beef is divine.


What are your intentions behind doing this in your hypothetical scenario?

@IchNichtenLichten@lemmy.world avatar

To find out where people are willing to draw the line. I’ve noticed that the people defending this proposed law are giving this question a wide berth.


I’m asking what your intentions are behind drawing on a whiteboard outside a mosque in the scenario not what your intentions were behind posing this hypothetical scenario. That part is obvious.

@IchNichtenLichten@lemmy.world avatar

The intention isn’t relevant.


Sure it is. Intent is what separates murder from manslaughter for instance. Intent definitely matters here. Why are you having trouble elaborating on that aspect of your hypothetical scenario.

@IchNichtenLichten@lemmy.world avatar

Fine, two scenarios: first, I’m doing it because I’m Islamophobic. Second, I’m doing it to test the limits of free speech. Can you tell the difference? No. That’s why it’s not relevant.


You don’t see the difference between these two scenarios? It may benefit you to learn about nuance.

@IchNichtenLichten@lemmy.world avatar

It may benefit you to pay attention to what I’m saying. Could you tell the difference?


What you’re saying here doesn’t make any sense. What you said previously made sense but lacked nuance or any deeper understanding of the situation you proposed yourself.

Perhaps you think blatant, ignorant bigotry and “testing freedom of speech” are the same thing, which explains your response, and shows you the reasoning behind mine.

@IchNichtenLichten@lemmy.world avatar

Oh boy. No, I don’t think they are the “same thing” I’m saying you can’t infer motivation just by observing therefore the motivation isn’t relevant. Try and keep up, or don’t.


You’re discussing the law and being arrested. Intent absolutely matters in this context which is why I brought up other examples of where intent matters as murder/manslaughter, hate crimes, assault versus self defense, etc. You seem quite confused about a topic that you brought up on your own…

@IchNichtenLichten@lemmy.world avatar

You’re not thinking clearly. Intent is irrelevant, it can’t be known in this example. Got it?

Just in case, here it is again. Intent is irrelevant.


But you defined the intent in your previous comment and laws/courts take intent into account when determining whether they’ve been violated or not.

If it can’t be known then your entire question/scenario is irrelevant and pointless because it could never apply to the real world. For someone who keeps talking about confusion and not following the conversation, you seem to lack even a basic understanding of what’s being talked about.


Denmark… do you believe in fairies?


Then quit acting like it.


Fuck the Quran


That’s messed up, whatever happened to separation of church and state


That’s a US law.


lol, Denmark has an official state religion!

@PuppyOSAndCoffee@lemmy.ml avatar

Burn whatever you want, hate whoever you please. It is unpleasant however better than the thought police sending you to the ice prisons for ungood ideas. This idea that censorship stops anything but innovation and creativity is ludicrous.

ghosts, (edited )


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  • Assian_Candor,
    @Assian_Candor@hexbear.net avatar

    Better for racists lol

    @PuppyOSAndCoffee@lemmy.ml avatar

    Historically the walk is far too short for the state to position itself as the victim of your hate. And then what?

    @Assian_Candor@hexbear.net avatar

    Yfw when you can’t say slurs without consequences angery

    PuppyOSAndCoffee, (edited )
    @PuppyOSAndCoffee@lemmy.ml avatar

    I agree…civil society should be intolerant of hate and its idols. The state, however, as a control structure, is a terrible judge of whom to hate and whom to love; Danes should be proud their government has done better than most…and strive to keep it that way.

    The state must protect all its inhabitants from physical harm, educate on tolerance and empathy, and from there, abdicate who to love and hate to its citizens.

    @iridaniotter@lemmygrad.ml avatar

    Hate speech isn’t free speech!


    I hate religion…


    Whoah whoah whoah, you’re hating on a belief I can simply change, that has led to death and oppression for millennia.


    Yeah… someone really should punish me before I run my mouth again


    How dare you question the purple unicorn lobster!! You will be burned at the stake for your refusal to believe in our irrational fairy tales.

    @bi_tux@lemmy.world avatar

    Tell that the muslims who keep burning pride flags

    @iridaniotter@lemmygrad.ml avatar

    Okay, sure! Hate speech isn’t free speech!


    Hate speech has no objective definition.

    @iridaniotter@lemmygrad.ml avatar

    Language is a social phenomenon, yes.


    “Blacks and whites should be equal.” Would have been considered hate speech in 1890.

    @iridaniotter@lemmygrad.ml avatar

    Thankfully your style of rebuttal would be just as tiresome in 1890 as it is in the modern day.


    Except I’m 1890 I would have had the weight of academia and public policy behind me.


    The centre-right government said it wanted to send a signal to the world.

    That Denmark negotiates with terrorists?


    You misunderstood the article. They plan on jailing them now.


    Jailing the protesters, not the terrorists, no?

    @Faydaikin@beehaw.org avatar

    Depends on how they plan to handle it. If a new law was formed specifically around the Quran, there might be a case.

    But if it’s outlawing book burning in general, that’s quite another story.

    Personally, I don’t understand why a law like that isn’t already in place after WW2.


    But if it’s outlawing book burning in general, that’s quite another story.

    “The law, in its majestic equality, forbids rich and poor alike to sleep under bridges, to beg in the streets, and to steal their bread.” The intended target of this law is crystal clear.

    @Faydaikin@beehaw.org avatar

    Absolutely. Which is why we’ll look at the wording of such a law very carefully.


    Then I envy you, that your legislators are competent and honest enough to do so.

    @Faydaikin@beehaw.org avatar

    The Jury’s still out on that one. We’ll have to see, if the Bill should come to pass.

    @FaizalR@kbin.social avatar

    @BrikoX Just burn them back.


    Why not just make a law against inciting acts of aggression? Filming yourself burning religious texts is purposely trying to piss people off. That way it would cover anything that has the same goal without being just about religion. Freedom of expression, unless it’s just trying to make others angry.

    Lets the law handle each case individually.

    @lukzak@lemmy.ml avatar

    How about we strive for a society where people can burn their own property without having to worry about violence?

    The islamists that react violently are only proving the point of the people burning the books. Tbh if you try to hurt someone for just burning SOMETHING THEY OWN, maybe you don’t deserve to live in a first world country.


    And if you purposely antagonize people who are known for killing people who disagree with them, you don’t either. It’s like yelling fire in a crowded room, for any reason other than there being a fire.

    Yeah it’s ridiculous, but they aren’t just burning their own property. They are filming it with the purpose of causing problems. And it did. They can’t do whatever they want if it endangers others. In an ideal world no one would react with physical violence to words. But we don’t live in that world.

    I’m not a fan of that law existing, but I can see why they would want it.

    @lukzak@lemmy.ml avatar

    The burners are not causing problems. They’re exposing a sickness that these individual people have in their minds. A healthy person doesn’t try to hurt someone just because they’re offended.

    These sick people who would hurt someone for burning a book are the same sort that would throw acid on a woman for some bullshit medieval family honor, for example.

    Better to incite them and get them arrested and perhaps even deported before they’re allowed to hurt anyone. It shows you won’t tolerate it in your society.

    Hell, it may even encourage more moderate Muslims to move to that country if they know that the society doesn’t tolerate the actions of the small, insane minority. The Muslims that believe in liberal ideals like freedom of expression are exactly the type of immigrants that make a society stronger and we should encourage them.

    All this law will do is allow that unhinged mental illness to rest, in secret, before coming out in some other toxic way.

    I’m not saying that the book burners are being entirely altruistic here. I wouldn’t be surprised if they honestly hated all Muslims. But it is their right to express it without hurting anyone. This feels more like a “broken clock is right twice a day” sort of situation.


    I get that. But I think the danger is from outside the country, so they aren’t going to be arrested.

    @lukzak@lemmy.ml avatar

    They can be arrested or just refused entry if they are known to be connected to extremist groups. They should be screened as any other person traveling to Denmark.

    If we let them, especially external actors, influence our domestic policy, then they win. Look at what happened to the USA after 9/11. The terrorists won and it’s proof that terrorism works. Not only do the people capitulate to the terrorists, but bad domestic actors use it as a means to push some other (anti freedom) agenda.

    The alternative is just laying down and letting medeival assholes decide domestic policies of the secular world. Don’t let terrorism win.


    They’re exposing a sickness that these individual people have in their minds. A healthy person doesn’t try to hurt someone just because they’re offended.

    Exposing and healing are not the same thing. They are fanning the flames, reducing neither the behaviour nor its causes. They’re handing out meth to junkies.


    I argue that law should be used against those who react to these burnings in an aggressive manner. Violence is already covered.

    If they stop taking unnecessary offense, I assume the burnings will stop too.

    @synae@lemmy.sdf.org avatar

    Not necessarily, if I were to burn a Bible and no one cares but they still continue revoking abortion access (and further bigotry) then I will probably keep burning bibles ib protest of the christofascists.


    Yeah, but it’s making other people aggressive outside of the country. So its not very helpful, you can’t police people in other countries. This whole thing is like pedestrians walking in a crosswalk without looking for cars. Yes, the pedestrian has the right way, and the car should stop. But being right doesn’t really matter if you’re dead.

    @Trudge@lemmygrad.ml avatar



    OK I sort of get it, not that I agree with it, but 2 years in jail? That’s absurd.

    I’m from a conservative area and have heard countless stories of people who were traumatized in the name of Christianity. If one of those people feels like desecrating the Bible then it’s just a form of personal expression. If that upsets you well then start a conversation with them and learn from each other. Putting someone in jail is not the solution.

    I’m just saying Christianity has a broad spectrum and has changed a lot over time. Even from a Christian point of view you must value criticism in order to find the way forward. That counts for all religions. And if you don’t think so, you’re just arrogant.


    If one of those people feels like desecrating the Bible then it’s just a form of personal expression.

    If the planned Danish law is anything like the German ones (age-old, introduced after the 30years war) then that’s absolutely fine. You can even do it publicly on SatanCon. Ritual blasphemy is just as much a protected religious expression as religious reverence, meaning that Christians aren’t even allowed to revile you for it in a manner suitable to disturb the public peace.

    Where things get iffy is doing it in front of a Church just to piss them off. Rule of thumb: If you’re protesting a religious institution, keep religion out of it. E.g. back in the 60s people were protesting against the Churches’ backwards sexual morals by kissing in front of churches. Much more effective than burning the Malleus Maleficarum. That’s more suitable for an inquisitor to do in private to cleanse themselves.


    Does this apply to all works of fiction, or only those believed by extremist groups?

    I can understand not being allowed to burn historically significant documents and books, but mass-produced books are just cheap fire tinder.

    @ikidd@lemmy.world avatar

    If this goes through, my wife might get her wish when I disparage the Harry Potter books.

    I’m too pretty for prison.

    @lasagna@programming.dev avatar

    Just get an ass infection.

    @Zehzin@lemmy.world avatar

    If a book is important to one or more ethnic groups, burning it is a hate crime, period. Being mass produced has nothing to go with it.

    @c0mbatbag3l@lemmy.world avatar

    Islam isn’t an ethnic group, and your logic is insane.

    Can’t burn a dictionary cause one or more ethnic groups consider it important. Or the Bible.

    Hate crime? Jesus get a grip.


    I guess anti-senitism isn’t a thing in your book then?

    Oh wait you burned all of yours away.

    NuPNuA, (edited )

    Jews are an odd outlier as it’s both an ethnicity and a religion and one doesn’t automatically indicate the other. You can have people with no ethnic link who are Jewish by dint of conversation to the religon, and ethnicly Jewish people who are entirely athiest. anti-Semitism is about racism against ethnicly Jewish people, not criticism of the religion.


    You also missed the entire point of my comment, but keep going. Very enlightening.


    If you don’t understand why this refutes your comment, then you just need to keep re-reading it.


    Or maybe you (and others here) need to re-read my response to understand what the point of it was. I understand what the person was saying, just don’t think bickering over how the Jewish people are a “multinational ethnic group” is relevant to the discussion.


    I’m not claiming that anyone missed a point because I understand what is being argued.




    Not really true, but I guess it depends on the country.

    In the United States at least, burning your own book, flag, or whatever is legally protected free speech. Just as long as you aren’t destroying someone else’s property.

    Context also matters. Burning bibles during a religious service is probably a thin line.


    Nobody is coming for your copy of Mein Kampf

    Zehzin, (edited )
    @Zehzin@lemmy.world avatar

    Nazis aren’t an ethnic group. Burn the books, and the nazis.


    Islam isn’t an ethnic group.

    @Zehzin@lemmy.world avatar

    When did I say it was? It is the primary religion of a lot of ethnic groups that are being persecuted.


    Everything is important to someone, why do particular groups get privilege just because they’re a religion. Should we ban the burning of Star Wars DVDs as that’s a huge franchise with lots of hardcore fans who may get upset? Should it be illegal for me to burn a copy of Action Comics #1 because it’s important to comic fans?

    Zehzin, (edited )
    @Zehzin@lemmy.world avatar

    To answer your rhetoric question: Because people believe in it for some reason. If millions of people were crazy enough to think Star Wars happened and molded their lives after it, and you started burning Star Wars DVDs because you despise Star Warite refugees, yes, people would be very upset at you for doing that.

    People are clearly burning religious text to demonstrate their contempt to a group of people, it’s the definition of a hate crime.


    The uncomfortable truth is that it matters whether the group in question contains enough people willing to kill indiscriminately if you upset them too much.

    @IchNichtenLichten@lemmy.world avatar

    Islam is an ethnic group?


    No, it’s a religion. But multiple ethnic groups are Muslim.


    Hate speech, not a hate crime. In this case, the hate speech is criminal.


    How about no burning anything in public? It’s a stupid thing to do and proves nothing, risks starting unintended fires, or people injuring themselves, etc.


    LOL. Of course, I don’t advocate for burning things just to burn things.

    I just don’t think that burning your own books should be considered a crime.

    @synae@lemmy.sdf.org avatar

    Burning stuff is a classic protest move though, and that shouldn’t be restricted either - within safety limits of course; i.e. Don’t leave your burning flag, book, bra, whatever where it might destroy unrelated stuff.

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