bauhaus, avatar


Mint Press News – Bias and Credibility



A questionable source exhibits one or more of the following: extreme bias, consistent promotion of propaganda/conspiracies, poor or no sourcing to credible information, a complete lack of transparency, and/or is fake news. Fake News is the deliberate attempt to publish hoaxes and/or disinformation for profit or influence (Learn More). Sources listed in the Questionable Category may be very untrustworthy and should be fact-checked on a per-article basis. Please note sources on this list are not considered fake news unless specifically written in the reasoning section for that source. See all Questionable sources.

  • Overall, we rate Mint Press Far-Left Biased and Questionable based on the publication of conspiracy theories, pseudoscience anti-Israel propaganda, poor sourcing, failed fact checks, and false claims.

Detailed Report

  • Reasoning: Propaganda, Conspiracies, Pseudoscience, Poor Sources, Failed Fact Checks
  • Bias Rating: FAR LEFT
  • Factual Reporting: LOW
  • Country: USA
  • Press Freedom Rank: MOSTLY FREE
  • Media Type: Website
  • Traffic/Popularity: Medium Traffic
  • MBFC Credibility Rating: LOW CREDIBILITY


Mint Press News is an independent Minnesota-based news website launched in 2012 by Mnar Muhawesh. It covers political, economic, foreign affairs, and environmental issues. According to their about page, “We focus our coverage on issues relating to the effects of special interest groups, big business and lobbying efforts and how they shape policies at home and abroad, including American foreign policy. Through the lens of social justice and human rights, we report on how these dynamics drive our foreign affairs and impact the world, and examine the effects they have on our democracy and freedoms as defined by the constitution.”

Analysis / Bias

Mint Press presents news with a strong left-leaning bias in story selection. Headlines and articles use moderately loaded language like this: NFL Freezes Policy Barring Players From Kneeling During Anthem. This particular story is republished from the conspiracy website ZeroHedge. Typically, Mint Press sources their information, but sometimes it is from Mixed factual or conspiracy websites. In general, story selection moderately favors the left, such as this Trump Administration Opens Door for Corporate Attack on Vulnerable Wildlife.



We need a bot for this. Synopsis should be added to the tldr-bot or something.

bauhaus, avatar

ya know, I’ve looked into it. one of the biggest problems with bots is that they have to be hosted from somewhere. that’s my first hiccup.

I’d LOVE to make this a bot, but I don’t know where I’d host it from.


You can get a cheap VPS with a couple cores and some RAM for less than $5.

bauhaus, avatar

can I run it from inside a docker container?


The project has a dockerfile to create the Docker image with the required LAMP stack and python dependencies.


Oracle Free Tier - 4 CPU, 24 GB RAM.


Seriously? That’s awesome


I’ve heard it’s very unreliable and people have had their VPS deleted without warning.


Have backups. :)


I don’t think so. That whole website is premised on an elementary logical fallacy. Just because a news source is left- or right-leaning doesn’t make it inherently less trustworthy than a “centrist” one, in fact all you’ve done is introduce your own untrustworthy ideological bias into the judgement criteria by proactively dismissing anyone who doesn’t align with your definition of centrism.

MORTARS, avatar

it’s just a test of how much the position agrees with the people running the website haha

there’s no such thing as “bias-free” propaganda, and propaganda isn’t inherently subversive


why? read the article, and if you can’t tell the bias that’s on you.

oregoncom, avatar

Learn to read. If you can’t be assed to actually read the article you’re commenting on then go back to le 100 wholesome keanu reddit.

Ram_The_Manparts, avatar

pseudoscience anti-Israel propaganda

Lol what is this even supposed to mean

bauhaus, avatar

I suspect it’s just a typo and should say:

pseudoscience, anti-Israel propaganda

Ram_The_Manparts, avatar

Thank you whiskeypickle, that’s really helpful!

bauhaus, avatar


Ram_The_Manparts, avatar

Again; we know what you are doing, adroidBalloon.

bauhaus, avatar

I think you replied to the wrong comment

Ram_The_Manparts, avatar

Sure you do lol

bauhaus, avatar


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  • Salmarez, avatar

    I just reported this exact same phrase from Whiskey Pickle for ableism. Is that your alt? Anyway, don’t be ableist.

    bauhaus, avatar


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  • ElChapoDeChapo, avatar
    bauhaus, avatar


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  • Salmarez, avatar

    Don’t be an asshole. And maybe I should take my own advice, and not feed the troll.

    bauhaus, avatar

    says the troll

    Salmarez, avatar

    How are you not banned yet?

    bauhaus, avatar

    says the troll

    Salmarez, avatar

    I am going to disengage.

    bauhaus, avatar

    says the troll

    Salmarez, avatar

    I do think it was their alt.

    Krause, avatar

    It means they peddle far-left conspiracy theories like Palestinian children needing water and food to survive which is something that Israeli scientists have debunked

    Ram_The_Manparts, avatar

    Ah, I see curious-marx

    meth_dragon, avatar

    time ran the exact same article, what is your point?

    bauhaus, avatar

    shame on Time?

    also, it’s not the exact same article. it’s a different article by a different author. you can tell if you bother to read it instead of just googling around until you found another article with a similar click-bait headline…

    do you often lie to make your point, or is this a new experience for you?

    meth_dragon, avatar

    sorry, i thought native english speakers would be more familiar with the concept of hyperbole. i will take the time to write a brief summary of relevant semantic techniques used in subsequent posts to help out the more rhetorically challenged members of our community.

    bauhaus, avatar

    oh, so when you get caught in a lie, you just hurl insults rather than admit to it. hardly a surprise…

    meth_dragon, avatar

    notice how i didn’t prepend that post with a brief summary of rhetorical techniques like i said i would? that’s because i didn’t use any. ditto this post.

    bauhaus, avatar

    are you seriously expecting a pat on the back for not being a more toxic troll than you already are? is not lying and arguing in bad faith such a difficult impulse for you to control that you think you deserve treats when you don’t do either or both?


    meth_dragon, avatar

    you expressed confusion with my use of the english language and so i have adjusted my communication style to suit your apparent needs. if you feel this somehow reflects poorly on your personal character it is no fault of mine.

    the entire point of me linking the time article was to point out that it was cognitive laziness (and likely bad faith) on your part to invoke a third party ‘bias checker’ (that in all likelihood is itself biased) as some impartial mediator of reality. typically, the next logical step to take here would be to engage with the points of the articles in question and judge their merits through consensus based on verifiable fact, but it seems you got lost somewhere along the way and now you appear to be resisting attempts to shepherd you back on topic.

    bauhaus, avatar

    you expressed confusion

    no, you lied, and when caught in your lie, you lied again and called it “hyperbole” even though it was just obviously just a lie. now you’re piling lie upon lie thinking you’re fooling anyone but yourself.

    this is just sad.

    commiewithoutorgans, avatar

    We all understand how exaggeration works. @meth_dragon linked the article, clearly indicating it’s not the same article with the same word as the exaggeration. After that, @meth_dragon was willing to be clearer, but you had already removed the thread from being about the topic of whether or not this bias indicator has any value. Now it never returned to the point being obviously initially made

    bauhaus, avatar

    careful you don’t sprain something with those mental gymnastics!

    We all understand how exaggeration works

    clearly you know how to lie badly in an attempt to cover another pile of lies, but not how to lie well enough to convince someone smart than a small woodland creature— or yourselves.

    you know what would be impressive? if any of you could just admit you made a mistake and dropped this whole charade.

    commiewithoutorgans, avatar

    What more do you want than “I was exaggerating”? Once that was said, this whole BS could’ve just stopped. You then say “ok, now that we’re clear that you were exaggerating, how different are these articles?” But we never got there, because you derailed.

    Request an edit if you really think it’s so misleading, I’m sure @meth_dragon would’ve initially just edited if you were so concerned that this “lie” would mislead others. Now I doubt it, because you’ve proven to be acting in bad faith by not just accepting the explanation and continuing the initial discussion, but you had that chance.

    bauhaus, avatar

    What more do you want than “I was exaggerating”?

    since it was an obvious lie - not an “exaggeration” - not lying about it for hours and hours would be a nice place to start.

    But we never got there

    because I’m not stupid enough to believe such a feeble lie.

    Request an edit if you really think it’s so misleading, I’m sure @meth_dragon would’ve initially just edited if you were so concerned that this “lie” would mislead others

    I that were true, they would have after I confronted them rather than doubling down, again and again, with one lie to cover another. for hours.

    Now I doubt it, because you’ve proven to be acting in bad faith by not just accepting the explanation and continuing the initial discussion

    refusing to accept such an obvious and feeble lie is not “acting in bad faith”. you coming here to try to gaslight me into believing that lie, however, IS:

    “DARVO is an acronym used to describe a common strategy of abusers. The abuser will: Deny the abuse ever took place, then Attack the victim for attempting to hold the abuser accountable; then they will lie and claim that they, the abuser, are the real victim in the situation, thus Reversing the Victim and Offender.”

    commiewithoutorgans, avatar

    for hours” lol fuck off loser it’s the fucking internet, where interactions take a while.

    And “gaslight” and “abuse”? Jesus Christ kid, that’s some shit. I’m not replying anymore, so goodbye, you are being ridiculous and pathetic.

    bauhaus, avatar

    “for hours” lol fuck off loser it’s the fucking internet, where interactions take a while.

    And “gaslight” and “abuse”? Jesus Christ kid, that’s some shit. I’m not replying anymore, so goodbye, you are being ridiculous and pathetic.

    way to prove my point with a swear- and insult-filled tantrum.

    I’m not replying anymore, so goodbye

    gee, ya promise? lmao

    meth_dragon, avatar

    should have just called him names to begin with, this was one of the most pathetic interactions i’ve had online in recent memory

    although i guess it’s possible he’s like 11 and can’t really come up with anything else

    commiewithoutorgans, avatar

    Also they seem to have 7 likes on a lot of comments, or just above it. Get the feeling there’s some real bot/alt account stuff going on because I cannot imagine anyone liking it lol, let alone a consistent number as you go down the chain.

    MORTARS, avatar

    I honestly think this guy might be some kind of troll. every single exchange he has with people results in him reusing these points.

    Melonius, avatar
    bauhaus, avatar
    aaaaaaadjsf, avatar


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  • bauhaus, avatar

    Do you know what hyperbole is, or exaggeration?

    Yes, and I know when someone is lying but just says it’s “hyperbole” when called out on a lie, which is obviously what’s happening here.

    Of course it’s not the exact same article.

    so you even admit that they lied

    The point is that multiple sources collaborate the main point, that opium production has fallen under the Taliban.

    so what? there’s a famine right now, and there are obvious reason to shift production to a viable food source. twisting yourself into knots just to blame the US is absurd and not supported by the facts.


    Before 9/11 they had banned poppy cultivation. After America leaves, they ban poppy cultivation. During the occupation, lots of poppies are cultivated and processed into opium.

    America consumes 80% of the world opium supply on average.

    What conclusion do these facts support?

    bauhaus, avatar

    What conclusion do these facts support?

    that you will draw biased conclusions and assert them free of any factual evidence to back them up.


    You said American blame for poppy production during the occupation isn’t supported by the facts.

    I restated those facts and asked what conclusion they do support.

    So did the occupation increase opium production on purpose or just turn a blind eye to it?

    bauhaus, avatar

    You said American blame for poppy production during the occupation isn’t supported by the facts.

    I didn’t claim that. but I’d like to see what I did say that you somehow twisted into that.

    I restated those facts and asked what conclusion they do support.

    you stated something and jumped to a conclusion you wanted, with zero facts to back it up.

    So did the occupation increase opium production on purpose or just turn a blind eye to it?

    here’s the staw man and association fallacies again— The US did not go there for this reason, which is the original assertion— so none of this is relevant. You’re trying to prove a point that has nothing to do with the argument of WHY the US was eve there which had nothing to do with opium. It was just one of many things the US concerned itself with once it was there. Like building schools. We didn’t go there to do that, either, but we happened to do it while we were there.

    are you capable of speaking in anything other than 100% logical fallacy?


    You, in this post:

    twisting yourself into knots just to blame the US is absurd and not supported by the facts.

    So what conclusion do the facts support if not that the us is to blame for opium production during the occupation?

    bauhaus, avatar

    So what conclusion do the facts support

    I’m not here to draw conclusions, just to present the facts (and object to when my words are twisted, when logical fallacies are used to argue against the facts, etc.), which is all I have done.


    Suggesting someone needs to twist themselves up in knots to blame the us for opium production during the occupation implies that the United States isn’t clearly responsible for opium production during the occupation.

    Unless theres another reason someone would have to twist themselves up in knots to get there, of course.

    That’s a conclusion. Now I’m not trying to get a gotcha or own or something here. I understand that sometimes when you get to talkin about something you might say things you don’t mean to. My question is how’d you get there?

    bauhaus, avatar

    Suggesting someone needs to twist themselves up in knots to blame the us for opium production during the occupation implies that the United States isn’t clearly responsible for opium production during the occupation.

    had someone actually made such a suggestion, that would be interesting. when and where did that happen?

    Unless theres another reason someone would have to twist themselves up in knots to get there, of course

    I’m not here to speculate.

    That’s a conclusion

    ok, goodbye!

    I understand that sometimes when you get to talkin about something you might say things you don’t mean to.

    I understand, and if you wish to apologize for twisting the things I said to try to win an argument, I’ll forgive you.

    My question is how’d you get there?

    probably the same way you did; using a web browser.


    had someone actually made such a suggestion, that would be interesting. when and where did that happen?

    Allow me to repeat myself:

    You, in this post:

    twisting yourself into knots just to blame the US is absurd and not supported by the facts.

    So, how’d you come to the conclusion that the us isn’t to blame for opium production during its occupation of Afghanistan?

    bauhaus, avatar

    So, how’d you come to the conclusion that the us isn’t to blame for opium production during its occupation of Afghanistan?

    because there are zero facts to support it.

    you argument is fundamentally flawed. no matter how many ways you twist yourself up, twist my words, or twist anything else, you’re never going to successfully argue against the facts.

    you lost this argument hours ago. you’re just torturing yourself at this point.


    Quick response!

    Would you say that the United States is responsible for governing industrial and agricultural output during its occupation?

    bauhaus, avatar

    first, as I’ve said, I’ve presented facts. I’m no here to discuss your straw man r be drawn into any rhetorical “traps” you might try to get me to admit something you can twist into something you can claim as a ‘win”— and I know that’s all you’re after here.

    I’m obviously not going to engage with you when I know you’re arguing in bad faith an from a flawed premise.

    it’s clear that you’re after some sort of catharsis - something to prove your hours of trolling was worth it, and I’m going to tell you now: you won’t get it from me.


    Lol believe me, the only thing I’ve gotten or expect to get from this interaction is a headache.

    I’m not using any strawmen or rhetorical traps (what even is that?) or twisting your words. If you feel attacked just tap out, there’s nothing to win or lose and a conversation on the internet isn’t worth getting heated over.

    What you said and I quoted a couple of times way earlier implies you don’t think the us was responsible for opium production during the occupation and I want to understand your viewpoint. Do you think the us was responsible for opium production during its occupation of Afghanistan?

    bauhaus, avatar

    Lol believe me, the only thing I’ve gotten or expect to get from this interaction is a headache.

    you have only yourself to thank for that. after all,. you made the decision to come and troll my comments, and you’re the one who refuses to stop. ¯_(ツ)_/¯

    I’m not using any strawmen or rhetorical traps (what even is that?) or twisting your words.

    except for the many, many times I clearly show you were, you said “nah-uh!” and we keep going around in circles.

    all because you refuse to admit you’re wrong and keep hatefully trolling me due to your deep-seated insecurities. because you just can’t walk away due to some hangup about what an internet stranger happens to think.

    but go on and deny that, too, and I’ll just keep repeating the same thing again and agin until the end of time.

    tired of losing yet? because I’m happy t keep telling you this forever.


    You said there were zero facts to support blaming the us for production during the occupation, so does that mean that the production didn’t happen or it wasn’t the occupation governments fault?

    There’s no wrong answer here. I’m not gonna send the stasi to break down your door for being a lib, I just want to understand how someone who clearly values logic and rhetoric came to that conclusion.

    bauhaus, avatar

    so does that mean that the production didn’t happen or it wasn’t the occupation governments fault?

    have fun on that journey of discovery!

    There’s no wrong answer here

    except for those which had no evidence to support them.

    I’m not gonna send the stasi to break down your door for being a lib

    you keep calling me names because it makes you feel better for trolling and bullying me, but you don’t know me at all nor what I believe because ii have said anything other than providing and debating the established facts. I could be communist or fascist or something in between, but all I’ve argued is the facts. nothing personal.

    I just want to understand how someone who clearly values logic and rhetoric came to that conclusion.

    I’ve said it hundreds of time, and you’re going to ignore it this time too: THE FACTS as supported by THE EVIDENCE.


    So you’re not going to explain how you came to the conclusion that the us occupation government in Afghanistan wasn’t responsible for opium production while it was in power and you’re also not gonna provide any source for the facts that led you to that conclusion?

    bauhaus, avatar

    So you’re not going to explain how you came to the conclusion that the us occupation government in Afghanistan wasn’t responsible for opium production while it was in power and you’re also not gonna provide any source for the facts that led you to that conclusion?

    I never said that. why do you think lying, especially when there’s evidence of what I DID say, will win you any “points” or whatever you’re after here?

    I drew no conclusions as there was no evidence to support such a conclusion.

    you’re welcome to prove - with evidence - how you came to that conclusion. As of now, none has been provided to support that conclusion. Someone asserted that and provided some link, but the evidence did not back up their claim.

    so, keep raging, but you’re wasting your time trying to twist my words into something I never said.


    Here I go repeating myself again:

    You, in this post:

    twisting yourself into knots just to blame the US is absurd and not supported by the facts.

    The thing people are blaming the us for is increased opium production under the occupation of Afghanistan.

    So are you suggesting that the claim that the United States is responsible for opium production during the occupation of Afghanistan isn’t supported by the facts?

    bauhaus, avatar

    twisting yourself into knots just to blame the US is absurd and not supported by the facts.

    so you admit that you lied about what I said, even quoting wha I actually did say to PROVE you lied, yet…

    The thing people are blaming the us for is increased opium production under the occupation of Afghanistan.

    you misrepresent a handful of commenters as “people’ making it seem like this is a commonly-held argument that rational people actually believe — without any evidence to back it up… or any evidence that it’s even true.

    so, based on these lies and bad-faith twisting of the argument, why should I engage with this discussion further knowing full well you’ll just continue to lie and twist my words because that’s exactly what you’ve been doing this whole time?

    So are you suggesting that the claim that the United States is responsible for opium production during the occupation of Afghanistan isn’t supported by the facts?

    see? you couldn’t even make it to the end of that comment before you did it again!

    can you not control it? is the lying a compulsion for you? I mean… the evidence of what I said is right there yet you insist I said something I clearly didn’t. it’s… very strange.


    So let me summarize:

    You won’t tell me what I’ve lied about. You won’t clarify your position. You won’t confirm or deny what statements of fact you accept. You won’t accept the other posters in this thread as people (???).

    You asked why you should engage in this discussion any further. I don’t believe you should. You seem to have nothing to say even when asked clear, direct questions intended to give you a platform to speak. There is no discussion here.

    If, on the other hand, you do want to keep going (you do not have to. You can just not respond. No one will judge you.):

    Based on your statement

    twisting yourself into knots just to blame the US is absurd and not supported by the facts

    Which was made in the context of other users blaming the United States for production of opium during the occupation of Afghanistan, I surmised you meant that the claim that the United States is responsible for opium production during the occupation of Afghanistan isn’t supported by the facts.

    Was I wrong in that? If so, what blame being placed on the us isn’t supported by the facts?

    bauhaus, avatar

    more trolling, I see


    I’m not trolling. I haven’t insulted or accused you of anything and I’ve tried my level best to treat you with the kindness of Christ and patience of Job.

    I’d like to know what you meant by

    twisting yourself into knots just to blame the US is absurd and not supported by the facts

    I took a look at the context, which was users blaming the us for opium production during its occupation of Afghanistan, and surmised you meant that the claim that the United States is responsible for opium production during the occupation of Afghanistan isn’t supported by the facts.

    Was that a wrong assessment? If so, what blame being placed on the us isn’t supported by the facts?

    bauhaus, avatar

    trolly troll…


    I want to understand what you meant. Ive refined my question to be as straightforward and clear as possible over our entire conversation.

    If you think you’re being trolled then just don’t respond. Look away. Do something else.

    If you are willing to have a conversation based on the thread topic:

    I’d like to know what you meant by

    twisting yourself into knots just to blame the US is absurd and not supported by the facts

    The context is users blaming the us for opium production during its occupation of Afghanistan, and surmised you meant that the claim that the United States is responsible for opium production during the occupation of Afghanistan isn’t supported by the facts.

    Was that a wrong assessment? If so, what blame being placed on the us isn’t supported by the facts?


    Hi guys, it’s pissy dickle here. This is one of my lost alts. They seem to be misbehaving. This is sad because I taught all my alts not to use logical fallacies such as:

    bauhaus, avatar

    what am I waking up to?

    grow up

    bauhaus, avatar


    oregoncom, avatar
    bauhaus, avatar


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  • ElChapoDeChapo, avatar
    bauhaus, avatar


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  • oregoncom, avatar
    bauhaus, avatar

    sorry for your troubles. I recommend you seek medical or psychiatric help.

    ElChapoDeChapo, avatar
    bauhaus, avatar

    seek help


    fucking liberal

    bauhaus, avatar

    can’t argue based on facts, so you just hurl insults. typical


    Others are arguing with facts, you aren’t paying attention, you’re showing clip art of the scarecrow’s phallus. We’re not in debate club, you’re not a teacher, I don’t respect you. The fact that you keep trying to turn your nose up doesn’t make you look like a genius, it makes you look more like a fucking liberal. cause you are, that’s what you. And you’ll achieve jack shit because of it. have fun voteing

    bauhaus, avatar

    borrowed form another comment: “nuh-uh!” isn’t a convincing argument. most people learn this when they’re 5.

    you’re showing clip art of the scarecrow’s phallus

    wow, if “scarecrow phallus” is what you see, that speaks volumes about the contents of your psyche. yikes

    that said, if you can’t debate your way around “clip art” and the best you have is the argument of a 5-year-old, that’s just an admission that you have no valid argument at all. that explains the whining and childish insults.

    rage on, sad kid.


    wow, if “scarecrow phallus” is what you see, that speaks volumes about the contents of your psyche. yikes

    holy shit, this is one of the funniest things I have ever seen. also “I’m not arguing with you.” “Wow, your arguments are shit.” what a brilliant dialogue. like leonardo da vinki wrote it.

    bauhaus, avatar

    holy shit, this is one of the funniest things I have ever seen.

    I knew your standards were low, but wow

    ElChapoDeChapo, avatar

    I have higher standards and I think you’re more pathetic than funny

    Is that better? pathetic

    bauhaus, avatar


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  • MORTARS, avatar

    I think subtly the voros twins’ best bit was calling Timon from the lion king “time-on”



    BurgerPunk, avatar

    michael-laugh um ackshually, fact check

    ThomasMuentzner, avatar
    oregoncom, avatar

    Appeal to Authority. Genetic Fallacy.

    bauhaus, avatar


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  • ElChapoDeChapo, avatar
    bauhaus, avatar


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  • TheGamingLuddite,

    Holy shit is this a bit? Do people on here really still believe in a neutral or unbiased press? Shouldn’t virtually every event from the Iraq war onward have already disillusioned you of that?

    bauhaus, avatar


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  • Judge_Jury, avatar

    Damn, this website really gets your goat doesn’t it?

    Grownbravy, avatar

    Gee, i wonder

    whiskeypickle, avatar

    lmao, no it doesn’t. the US didn’t go to Afghanistan to eradicate opium. the US didn’t give a shit about it at all, lmao.

    do tankies so blindly hate the US that they’ll give the Taliban a bj just to try to make the US look bad? wow…

    Fazoo, avatar

    We also didn’t threaten to kill the farmers for growing it. No shit the Taliban was successful. Comply or die. They’re the ones who were profiting from it anyway. Now that they’re in charge again, religion trumps financial needs.

    CamaradeBoina, avatar

    I’m pretty sure the Talibans (not to defend them, mind you), were already cracking down on poppy farming before 9/11 and the subsequent decade long war.

    So how were they benefitting? Or do you mean to say the US and allied forces allowed mass poppy crop farming that was then utilized by the Taliban to fund itself? You know there is an alternative hypothesis: the US and other occupation allied forces tolerated poppy farming to pacify and win over tribal chiefs and keep corrupt Afghan officials squarely on their side. Maybe both were happening, who is to say.

    Fazoo, avatar

    Financed their war effort. We valued the whole hearts and minds over destroying farmers livelihood.


    Lol, winning hearts and minds by protecting child rapists

    Fazoo, avatar

    Average soldier wanted to deal with that. It was high command keeping that shit going because they wanted to keep tribal leaders happy.


    That’s even worse? Your senior officers are supposed to be the ones doing the right thing.


    No no you see the rank and file totally wanted to stop all that child SA, but alas they simply had to follow orders


    “Just following orders” I say at my trial, confident no one has used this argument before


    Lmao, how can you justify this shit? Do you really think American was actually trying to win hearts and minds when even you admit high command was protecting child rapists?

    silent_water, avatar

    winning the hearts and minds of the people we brutally conquered and ruled over for 20 years

    Fazoo, (edited ) avatar

    Quite a few would disagree with that view, giving how many fled their own country when the Taliban took over again. But hey, don’t let that narrative ruin your perspective. Lol


    Of course people who cooperate with occupiers usually want out when the occupation ends. They don’t want to face the consequences of selling out their country.

    And of course “when people leave a Bad Country it’s for political reasons, when they leave a Good Country it’s for economic reasons” applies.


    So are you actually in favor of US action in Afghanistan?


    The US doesn’t need any help looking bad PIGPOOPBALLS

    aaaaaaadjsf, (edited ) avatar


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  • whiskeypickle, avatar

    it must be easy to say whatever you want when you don’t have to worry about facts, lol

    NightOwl, is a summary of the Washington Post’s reporting on Afghanistan, specifically on the US government’s own internal assessments from all levels of the military and political administration. In it, you’ll find this quote:

    Of all the failures in Afghanistan, the war on opium ranked among the most feckless. During two decades, the United States spent more than $9 billion on a dizzying array of programs to deter Afghanistan from supplying the world with heroin. None of the measures worked. In many cases, they made things worse.

    The US doesn’t need “tankies” or anyone else to make themselves look bad as far as the Afghan drug trade goes.

    whiskeypickle, avatar

    lmao, so? we get it. you hate the US. what’s your point? just to come here and whine about it?


    This flew over your head but it is heavily implied that the US’ “war on opium” was in fact a deliberate effort to subsidize opium production and transport, a policy that we have pursued for the benefit of our own state-backed terror organizations in many other countries. Regardless of all other opinions on the US and the Taliban, this is an issue that the Taliban is objectively better than us on, and saying “lol who cares” is not an argument against talking about it since obviously the people in this thread care because they’re in here talking about it.

    whiskeypickle, avatar

    This flew over your head but it is heavily implied

    are logical fallacies all you guys know?


    That’s not the creation of a straw man, that is an accusation I’m making of you, specifically, based on the fact that your comment in no way addressed the idea. If you read my comment you’ll see that I also address your “argument” directly.

    whiskeypickle, avatar

    That’s not the creation of a straw man

    I saw this in another comment, I think it works here:

    “nuh-uh” isn’t a convincing argument. most people learn this when they’re 5.

    hat is an accusation I’m making of you, specifically, based on the fact that your comment in no way addressed the idea

    just because you don’t understand (or refuse to acknowledge) what I said doesn’t make me wrong or you right.

    If you read my comment you’ll see that I also address your “argument” directly.

    with a logical fallacy. I pointed this out


    “nuh-uh” isn’t a convincing argument.

    lmao. Let’s review what you said that I responded to.

    lmao, so? we get it. you hate the US. what’s your point? just to come here and whine about it?

    🤡 “Why would you post world news in a world news community? Who cares?”

    whiskeypickle, avatar

    🤡 “Why would you post world news in a world news community? Who cares?”

    when you have t twist my words into something other than what they meant just to score imaginary points, it’s not me who looks bad… ¯_(ツ)_/¯


    I quoted you incredulously asking why someone would post and comment about this and then made a comical version of you incredulously asking why someone would post and comment about this. That’s not a straw man, unless you’re trying to tell me that you’re a scarecrow (because you certainly need a brain).

    whiskeypickle, avatar

    you misrepresented what I said to make the argument easier to defeat.

    when your unimaginative rhetorical tricks fail, you hurl insults.


    You’re complaining about hurling insults? Here’s you in this thread:

    what’s your point? just to come here and whine about it?

    are logical fallacies all you guys know?

    “nuh-uh” isn’t a convincing argument. most people learn this when they’re 5.

    “I know you are but what am I?” is not a convincing argument. most people learn this when they’re 5.

    your inability/refusal to understand is not my problem

    I’m amazed you didn’t snap your own neck with those mental gymnastics


    whiskeypickle, avatar

    I bet you find it frustrating that all of your bullshit doesn’t work.

    so sad. lol

    Dirt_Owl, avatar

    “I bet you find it frustrating that I’m too stupid to understand what you’re saying”


    whiskeypickle, avatar

    oh, look, another troll from hexbear misquoting me. guess that’s all you know how to do ¯_(ツ)_/¯

    someone should teach you kids how to read

    Dirt_Owl, (edited ) avatar

    No, I’m mocking you because I don’t respect you. Why should anyone take you seriously when your only response to any sort of citation is to pretend not to know how to read and post Reddit-tier debate bro buzzwords that you clearly don’t understand the meaning of. It’s hilarious.

    whiskeypickle, avatar

    No, I’m mocking you because I don’t respect you.

    oh, no! I don’t have the respect of an internet troll and a bully! what ever shall I do?

    Dirt_Owl, avatar

    Bullying and trolling is when people call out your slimy bullshit lmao data-laughing

    whiskeypickle, avatar

    not caring what internet trolls think of me = “slimy bullshit”?

    if you screamed your insecurities any louder, I’d go deaf

    Dirt_Owl, avatar

    People have been incredibly patient with you and you’ve done nothing but shid and fard everywhere in response.

    whiskeypickle, avatar

    People have been incredibly patient

    oh, how nice of ‘everyone” to dedicate hours upon hours trolling me. I feel special to have kept them from trolling anyone else.

    thanks for saying out loud how much control I have over you. all of you.

    Dirt_Owl, avatar

    Where are these trolls, are they in the room with you right now? Is everyone that refutes your dumb ass a troll?

    whiskeypickle, avatar

    and here’s the name-calling again. did something I say make you mad again? :(

    Dirt_Owl, avatar

    jesus-christ I didn’t think people this Reddit brained existed. What a trip. data-laughing Thanks for the laugh.

    whiskeypickle, avatar

    awww, look at you, trying use words, lol

    whiskeypickle, avatar

    no thanks

    ToxicDivinity, avatar ding ding ding! we got an association fallacy, just because you think 1 responder is a troll doesn’t mean they’re all trolls, you didn’t prove that, you just used a fallacy

    whiskeypickle, avatar

    ding ding ding! we got an association fallacy, just because you think 1 responder is a troll doesn’t mean they’re all trolls, you didn’t prove that, you just used a fallacy

    just because you ignore the proof doesn’t negate it.

    ToxicDivinity, avatar

    🚨 🚨 🚨 🚨 🚨 🚨 The fallacy police are on their way, you really did it now

    whiskeypickle, avatar

    are they… are the “fallacy police" in the room with you now?


    ToxicDivinity, avatar


    we found that you have used too many logical fallacies in the past to properly represent our organization

    whiskeypickle, avatar

    do you often play pretend when you get lost?

    ToxicDivinity, avatar

    stop trolling man, you’ve been brigading this hexbear post for hours, I hope we defederate from your instance

    whiskeypickle, avatar

    stop trolling man, you’ve been brigading this hexbear post for hours

    this post in on on the community !worldnews.

    you ARE lost, lol

    I hope we defederate from your instance


    ToxicDivinity, avatar

    words mean what I say they mean, stop moving the goalposts

    whiskeypickle, avatar

    words mean what I say they mean, stop moving the goalposts

    ToxicDivinity, avatar

    so much brigading from these users.

    they really are The_Donald of lemmy

    whiskeypickle, avatar

    aww, there ya go, blaming others for things you did to yourself.


    oregoncom, avatar

    Loaded Question.

    whiskeypickle, avatar

    sorry for your troubles. I recommend you seek medical or psychiatric help.

    ToxicDivinity, avatar another strawman, you can’t prove that these people are trolls, they’re just regular people expressing their opinions same as you

    whiskeypickle, avatar

    thats another strawman, you can’t prove that these people are trolls, they’re just regular people expressing their opinions same as you

    you’re welcome to try to prove that

    ToxicDivinity, avatar

    You made the argument, the burden of proof is on you. Stop trying to make other people do your work for you

    whiskeypickle, avatar

    You made the argument, the burden of proof is on you

    what argument? you seem lost. and mad.

    ToxicDivinity, avatar

    do you have dementia? should we call your next of kin or something?

    whiskeypickle, avatar

    yeah, you’re definitely lost.

    ToxicDivinity, avatar a strawman, you’re strawmanning your opponent by pretending that they have no real argument even though you’ve seen their argument and ignored it.

    whiskeypickle, avatar

    “I know you are but what am I?” isn’t a convincing argument. most people learn this when they’re 5.

    ToxicDivinity, avatar
    Ram_The_Manparts, avatar

    Seems to be working pretty well, bauhaus.

    whiskeypickle, avatar


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  • whiskeypickle, avatar


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  • Dirt_Owl, avatar

    The Reddit brain on display is amazing. My favorite part is when he uses debate terms incorrectly.

    Like it’s clear that he’s heard people use the terms but doesn’t actually understand what they mean.


    “you see, I have graphics. that makes my case stronger.”

    whiskeypickle, avatar

    I you can’t argue against “graphics”, you’re just admitting how weak your position is.



    “you see, I have drawn myself as the chad.”

    whiskeypickle, avatar

    “you see, I have drawn myself as the chad.”

    if that’s what you have to do to fell better about yourself, I promise not to judge.


    you quoted the entire text of my comment, like it was unclear what part you were referring to.

    whiskeypickle, avatar

    sad story bro

    ToxicDivinity, avatar

    you are now strawmanning to avoid engaging with the subject at hand

    whiskeypickle, avatar

    “I know you are but what am I” isn’t a convincing argument. most people learn this when they’re 5.

    ToxicDivinity, avatar

    I can copy and paste a response to every comment you make as well. It doesn’t make you right, you just copypasta your response and move on. If that isn’t a logical fallacy I don’t know what is

    whiskeypickle, avatar

    congratulations on discovering copy/paste?

    let me know when you discover a rational argument based on fact that’s actually relevant to the discussion.

    Dirt_Owl, avatar
    AntiOutsideAktion, avatar

    Invoking the concept of a strawman when someone says you’re not paying attention

    That’s just plain fucking stupid.

    whiskeypickle, avatar

    your hurt feelings don’t make much of an argument.

    AntiOutsideAktion, avatar

    Who said I was arguing with you, dipshit? What would the point of that be? I’ve seen how you act. You ignore literally everything everyone says and post clippings from a high school textbook you clearly never read and don’t understand.

    And what the fuck would I be making an argument about in the first place? You aren’t talking about anything. Shame on my comrades for engaging with you for anything other than to bully your ass for being a blight on the conversation other people are having around you.

    whiskeypickle, avatar

    Who said I was arguing with you, dipshit?

    you replied to my comment. are you lost? lol

    and your childish tantrums and name-calling don’t impress me, nor does your bullying. all it tells me is that you’re so afraid of losing an argument to a stranger on the internet, it drives you into a blind rage.

    that’s how much control you give to strangers because you have no control over yourself.

    AntiOutsideAktion, avatar

    you replied to my comment. are you lost? lol

    Are you a fucking smurf? Do you have blue fucking skin?

    Do you read the completely different words ‘reply’ and ‘argue’ and just hear “smurf smurf smurf!” in your head? You understand different words convey different meanings, right?

    whiskeypickle, avatar


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  • AntiOutsideAktion, avatar

    You said someone used a strawman argument when they said you didn’t pay attention to what they told you.

    Speaking of tantrums. Speaking of looking like a fool.

    whiskeypickle, avatar

    You said someone used a strawman argument when they said you didn’t pay attention to what they told you.

    congratulations on learning to read, but that doesn’t explain anything.

    Speaking of tantrums. Speaking of looking like a fool.

    yeah… that still doesn’t explain why you did those things….

    AntiOutsideAktion, avatar

    congratulations on learning to read, but that doesn’t explain anything.

    It does, the message simply went over your head because you don’t understand the concept of a strawman.

    You may be shocked to find that those cool drawings you’ve been posting have words on them. Maybe you should learn to read too!

    whiskeypickle, avatar

    it’s sad that you have to keep telling yourself that, despite zero facts to support it.

    AntiOutsideAktion, avatar

    What part am I telling myself and from when was it repeated?

    Have some more pride in your trolling, you fucking loser. You’re sleep walking here. Up your game.

    Sleepy Smurf.

    AntiOutsideAktion, avatar

    Ben Smurfpiro

    AntiOutsideAktion, avatar

    Get it? He’s short.

    Rom, avatar


    whiskeypickle, avatar

    Have some more pride in your trolling

    “I know you are but wha am I?” isn’t a convincing argument. most people learn this when they’re 5.

    AntiOutsideAktion, avatar

    isn’t a convincing argument

    smurf smurf smurf smurf!

    whiskeypickle, avatar

    smurf smurf smurf smurf!

    someone’s bot needs a reboot

    AntiOutsideAktion, avatar

    All four of them. Your post only shows up with 1 vote on it.

    whiskeypickle, avatar

    oh, it got rebooted!

    numbers seem to confuse it, tho

    AntiOutsideAktion, avatar

    Is this new tactic of putting emotional distance between yourself and this interaction helping you feel less upset?

    whiskeypickle, avatar

    Is this new tactic of putting emotional distance between yourself and this interaction helping you feel less upset?

    is that how your mind works? yikes!

    AntiOutsideAktion, avatar

    Lol dumped it quick I see

    whiskeypickle, avatar

    dumped what? your coping mechanism?


    AntiOutsideAktion, avatar

    I’m talking about you speaking as if you’re observing the interaction from far away, no longer addressing yourself to me.

    Elaborate on what you were talking about, please. What coping mechanism am I using?

    whiskeypickle, avatar

    I’m talking about you speaking as if you’re observing the interaction from far away, no longer addressing yourself to me.

    sounds convoluted. do you do that often to cope with feelings and situations you have difficulty processing?

    AntiOutsideAktion, avatar
    whiskeypickle, avatar

    no thanks.

    AntiOutsideAktion, avatar

    shrug-outta-hecks be a pissy little punk ass then. I postsed it for the benefit of everyone who comes later to laugh at you. Do what you want.

    whiskeypickle, avatar

    aww, mad troll calling names :(


    AntiOutsideAktion, avatar

    This reply is funny because it implies you were fine being called a smurf.

    whiskeypickle, avatar

    it’s funny you think that’s an insult.

    so cute!

    AntiOutsideAktion, avatar

    It’s funny as an insult because it reflects both how you used bots to give yourself upvotes (you also post on them with those fallacy notecards of yours, don’t think it hasn’t been noticed) and how you can’t tell the difference between words.

    By calling you a smurf I’m saying you’re both a fucking idiot and a pathetic loser who needs other people to think you’re getting social validation but are faking it and are receiving none.

    If someone said that shit about me I’d be very upset, but I guess it’s just incorporated into your self image so fundamentally it doesn’t even register as an insult. That’s fucking sad lol.

    I hope you’re short irl too so it hits on three levels.

    whiskeypickle, avatar


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  • AntiOutsideAktion, avatar

    Yeah really funny how all your posts appeared with exactly five upvotes and after that no one upvoted them afterwards.

    you’re saying you’re child who can’t argue a point and can only deal with heir anger with name-calling.

    Again, you fucking moron, from the very beginning I said I had no intention of arguing with you and that you didn’t have any points to argue with in the first place. Am I wrong? Do you have a point?

    whiskeypickle, avatar


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  • AntiOutsideAktion, avatar

    No points rattling in your head confirmed.

    because all the comments in this thread

    Literally the second you got called on it.

    you’re doing this to yourself, you know… it stops when you walk away….


    Oh my god you think you’re a badass doing this. Holy shit that’s fucking hilarious.

    whiskeypickle, avatar

    Literally the second you got called on it.

    called it

    Oh my god you think you’re a badass doing this

    why would I? just because it’s what you think doesn’t mean it’s what normal people think.

    I think you enjoy being this angry or you wouldn’t even be here trolling. why else would you torture yourself like this?

    AntiOutsideAktion, avatar

    Lol if anything it would have been post hoc ergo propter hoc

    You’re bad at doing your own bit lol

    why would I?

    Lmao how the fuck would I know?

    whiskeypickle, avatar

    Lol if anything it would have been post hoc ergo propter hoc

    well, you’re the pro at wielding local fallacies. nice telling on yourself, btw.

    You’re bad at doing your own bit lol

    I just got you to confess to the trolling you’ve been denying, so… obviously not, lmao

    Lmao how the fuck would I know?

    you pretend to know lots of things about me. why would you stop making stuff up now? if you can’t even make sense out of your own argument, how do you expect it to make sense to anyone else? LOLOLOL

    AntiOutsideAktion, avatar

    well, you’re the pro at wielding local fallacies. nice telling on yourself, btw.

    I’m not a pro I’m just not some sophomoric idiot that uses them as yugioh cards without reading them.

    whiskeypickle, avatar

    good for you?

    AntiOutsideAktion, avatar

    Neutral. Your core personality trait is just something I learned in school. Except I didn’t fetishize it as being a way to argue itself. And I actually paid attention in class.

    whiskeypickle, avatar

    more insults because you can’t argue facts.

    we learned about that in school, too.

    AntiOutsideAktion, avatar

    When did I insult you just now? What makes you think I can’t argue facts?

    whiskeypickle, avatar

    [gestures widely a everything]

    AntiOutsideAktion, avatar

    Use words, dummy. That’s been your problem from the beginning. You can’t articulate a fucking point to save your life.

    whiskeypickle, avatar

    You can’t articulate a fucking point to save your life.

    says the guy who hurls insults and swear words and trolls for hours and hours.


    AntiOutsideAktion, avatar

    Wanna go back and count the number of times I pointed out you never made a point to argue about and tell you how many times you’ve proven me right so far

    whiskeypickle, avatar

    aww, like how you’ve been trolling me from the start and you have no rational argument other than to try to provoke and troll?

    seriously, you don’t think any rotational person believes a word you say, do you? you’re not that delusional, are you?

    maybe you are….

    AntiOutsideAktion, avatar

    A rational argument about what? What was the point of yours I was supposed to be arguing about?

    rotational person


    whiskeypickle, avatar

    A rational argument about what? What was the point of yours I was supposed to be arguing about?

    you tell me. you’re the one who’s wasted the last 6 hours trolling me

    AntiOutsideAktion, avatar

    If you have a point you want to make why would I know what it is. That’s the point of asking questions stupid.

    A rational argument about what? What was the point of yours I was supposed to be arguing about?

    Answer please.

    whiskeypickle, avatar

    If you have a point you want to make why would I know what it is.

    I made it many hours ago.

    AntiOutsideAktion, avatar

    A rational argument about what? What was the point of yours I was supposed to be arguing about?

    Then you should be able to provide an answer, please.

    whiskeypickle, avatar

    Then you should be able to provide an answer, please.

    I did. sorry for you troubles with reading/comprehending

    AntiOutsideAktion, avatar

    I appreciate your sympathy but if you’re cognizant of my mental deficiencies it would be good of you to accomodate them if you’re planning on continuing this conversation.

    To wit I need an answer please.

    Literally just tell me what you think we’re talking about. Come on. You can do it. Don’t be scared. Nice and slow.

    whiskeypickle, avatar

    sympathy? what makes you think I have any sympathy for you? or any feelings at all?

    AntiOutsideAktion, avatar

    The part where you used these words in this order:

    sorry for you troubles with reading/comprehending

    Why do you need to have sympathy for me in order to continue this conversation productively?

    Answer please.

    whiskeypickle, avatar

    sorry for you troubles with reading/comprehending

    AntiOutsideAktion, avatar

    Yeah I wasn’t going to make fun of you for the grammatical error because it’s not fair to be mean to fucking idiots like you

    whiskeypickle, avatar

    If you have a point you want to make why would I know what it is.

    AntiOutsideAktion, avatar

    Do you think quoting someone smarter than you is going to make your arguments better? That’s actually adorable. And usually you’d be right! But you’re running into the same problem as the fallacy flash cards, dummy. You have to read the words first to know what it says.

    whiskeypickle, avatar

    aww, mad boi is hurling insults again because he can’t handle his rage in a healthy way :(

    AntiOutsideAktion, avatar

    Lol I love Scrappy Smurf

    Do have another line for him or is that it? Other impressions?

    whiskeypickle, avatar
    AntiOutsideAktion, avatar

    Uncultured swine. That’s Hefty Smurf. You’re Tuffy* Smurf. The Scrappy Do analogue.

    This one

    whiskeypickle, avatar

    mad boi has to hurl insults because he can’t handle his rage in a healthy way :(

    AntiOutsideAktion, avatar

    Haha! Yeah! That guy!

    The impression only gets sharper.

    whiskeypickle, avatar

    aww, mad boi is hurling insults again because he can’t handle his rage in a healthy way :(

    AntiOutsideAktion, avatar

    You should practice in private if you’re just going to do repetition work

    whiskeypickle, avatar

    says the troll

    AntiOutsideAktion, avatar


    whiskeypickle, avatar


    AntiOutsideAktion, avatar

    …yeah? (breathy)

    whiskeypickle, avatar

    when trolling fails… flirt?

    AntiOutsideAktion, avatar

    I think I just figured out why you stuck around all this time hyperflush

    whiskeypickle, avatar

    says the troll who can’t leave after 6+ hours

    AntiOutsideAktion, avatar

    Don’t deny the attraction. It’s firey. The conversation flows between us and the time gets lost. I feel like we found each other here.

    whiskeypickle, avatar

    So what exactly are you doing here? after six hours of trolling, you’re just getting madder and madder.

    it’s fun to watch

    AntiOutsideAktion, avatar

    I’m gettin in those cheeks is what I’m doing

    whiskeypickle, avatar

    says the troll

    AntiOutsideAktion, avatar

    yeah baby time to pay the troll toll

    whiskeypickle, avatar

    It’s weird that you’re still asking the question you just got the answer to. Comes off a little unhinged tbh

    AntiOutsideAktion, avatar

    I’m extremely aroused

    whiskeypickle, avatar

    says the troll.

    after six hours of trolling, you’re just getting madder and madder.

    why keep doing this to yourself?

    AntiOutsideAktion, avatar

    Oh I see. You like it a little rough. I can play mad.

    Your safeword is fallacy

    whiskeypickle, avatar

    says the troll.

    after six hours of trolling, you’re just getting madder and madder.

    why keep doing this to yourself?

    AntiOutsideAktion, avatar

    Boy are you failing to read the room.

    This is like a carnival for us. I’m taking screenshots.

    whiskeypickle, avatar

    says the troll.

    after six hours of trolling, you’re just getting madder and madder.

    why keep doing this to yourself?

    whiskeypickle, avatar
    whiskeypickle, avatar
    whiskeypickle, avatar
    whiskeypickle, avatar
    oregoncom, avatar
    whiskeypickle, avatar


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  • brain_in_a_box,
    whiskeypickle, avatar
    whiskeypickle, avatar
    whiskeypickle, avatar
    whiskeypickle, avatar
    Commiejones, avatar

    The point @AntiOutsideAktion was making is that you have no value as a poster. Your words are meaningless because you are not even trying to say anything you are just trying to be antagonistic.

    To him your only purpose in existence is to be used as a speed ball for anyone with a brain to show how many times they can smack your ugly mug. Your only virtue is your ignorance as it makes you keep coming back for more.

    He just got a free workout at the dunking gym. He didn’t brake a sweat pummelling your thick leathery brain. He is using you to make himself look like a golden god of shitposting by measuring himself against you. (though his endurance is pretty impressive) If you had any redeemable qualities I’d feel his continued dunking was a bit mean and I’d pity you but you are beyond pity to the point of farce. You seem too pathetic to exist and yet you do. Its a marvel that makes me laugh.

    whiskeypickle, avatar

    says the troll

    Commiejones, avatar


    alsonow I’m trolling pigpoop

    whiskeypickle, avatar

    says the troll

    Commiejones, avatar

    I think this ones broken someone call IT.

    whiskeypickle, avatar

    aww, frustrated?

    Commiejones, avatar

    no. I was kinda amused but you are boring now. I think I’ve proven @antioutsideaktion is where the humor comes from and that you are useless except as a prop in the hands of a master. I leave it to him.

    whiskeypickle, avatar
    AntiOutsideAktion, avatar

    This is about to get intensely sexual mark my words

    whiskeypickle, avatar

    blank speech bubble?

    whiskeypickle, avatar

    that’s not an IQ you should brag about

    whiskeypickle, avatar
    whiskeypickle, avatar
    AntiOutsideAktion, avatar

    Answer the question? Hello?

    whiskeypickle, avatar

    aww, you don’t like the answer you got?

    maybe spend another six hours trolling me and see if I give you a different one.

    AntiOutsideAktion, avatar

    lol you’re the one who said you had a problem with me. I ask you what the problem is and you act this way?

    So don’t fucking act all wounded next time

    whiskeypickle, avatar

    lol you’re the one who said you had a problem with me.

    prove it

    So don’t fucking act all wounded next time

    aww, mad boi has to use swear words and insults because he can’t process his rage in a healthy way

    AntiOutsideAktion, avatar

    aww, mad boi has to use swear words and insults because he can’t process his rage in a healthy way rage-cry

    lol ok “I don’t have a problem with you” guy

    whiskeypickle, avatar

    lol ok

    admitting your problem is the first step

    AntiOutsideAktion, avatar

    First step to what?

    Answer please.

    whiskeypickle, avatar

    lol ok

    AntiOutsideAktion, avatar

    That’s not a very effective argument

    whiskeypickle, avatar

    you said this wasn’t an argument, lmao. you’re confused again

    AntiOutsideAktion, avatar

    That’s right. I’m not arguing. But what you said isn’t a very convincing argument.

    whiskeypickle, avatar

    how can I make an argument if we’re not arguing?

    AntiOutsideAktion, avatar
    1. The premise that I was making bad arguments.
    2. All the times you said something was invalid because of this or that logical fallacy.

    Two is sufficient.

    WE’RE not arguing because I’m not arguing. YOU however have made many arguments, just only over petty in the moment interactions without any larger subject or point you were trying to make.

    At least how I tell it. Do you have a point?

    Answer please.

    whiskeypickle, avatar

    lol, it’s funny when you try to untangle your own mental gymnastics

    don’t hurt yourself1

    AntiOutsideAktion, avatar

    Oh cool! A new premise you’ve introduced!

    What mental gymnastics?

    Answer please.

    whiskeypickle, avatar

    how can I make an argument if we’re not arguing?

    how can I make an argument if we’re not arguing?

    AntiOutsideAktion, avatar

    Is this the first time you’ve encountered a word with more than one definition? You don’t have to answer that one.

    An argument can be an interaction between two people. That’s what we’re not having because I’m not joining in one.

    An argument can also be a premise with or without supporting evidence or explanation. You’ve done a few of those.

    whiskeypickle, avatar

    says the troll.

    after six hours of trolling, you’re just getting madder and madder.

    why keep doing this to yourself?

    AntiOutsideAktion, avatar

    Well that time I did it to explain to you that it’s not “mental gymnastics” it’s just knowing two whole definitions of the word ‘argument’.

    Why do you project anger onto someone taking the time to explain themselves to you?

    Answer please.

    whiskeypickle, avatar

    says the troll.

    after six hours of trolling, you’re just getting madder and madder.

    why keep doing this to yourself?

    AntiOutsideAktion, avatar

    after six hours of trolling, you’re just getting madder and madder.

    Can you do me a favor and post that picture you have of the circular reasoning fallacy?

    Thanks sweaty

    whiskeypickle, avatar

    Thanks sweaty


    AntiOutsideAktion, avatar
    whiskeypickle, avatar

    see, this is what happens when your mom gets the “discount” facelift

    oregoncom, avatar

    Ad Hominem. Burden of Proof.

    whiskeypickle, avatar

    sorry for your troubles. I recommend you seek medical or psychiatric help.

    oregoncom, avatar
    whiskeypickle, avatar


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  • ElChapoDeChapo, avatar

    Stay down for your own good dipshit

    whiskeypickle, avatar


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  • ElChapoDeChapo, avatar
    whiskeypickle, avatar


  • Loading...
  • oregoncom, avatar

    Ad Hominem

    whiskeypickle, avatar

    sorry for your troubles. I recommend you seek medical or psychiatric help.

    Ram_The_Manparts, avatar

    Some top-tier redditoring right here.

    Very epic.

    whiskeypickle, avatar

    Some top-tier redditoring right here.

    you seem lost. this is lemmy. L-E-M-M-Y.

    maybe write it down?


    maybe write it down?

    Peak 16 or 60 thing to say

    whiskeypickle, avatar

    Peak 16 or 60 thing to say

    I figured speaking to as if you were a teenager might bear more success in your understanding.

    clearly I aimed to high.

    Rom, avatar



    You weren’t talking to me bro, check again

    whiskeypickle, avatar


  • Loading...
  • ShimmeringKoi,
    whiskeypickle, avatar

    says the troll

    Ram_The_Manparts, avatar

    I’m saying you’re acting like the worst kind of redditor.

    But you already knew that.

    whiskeypickle, avatar

    I’m saying you’re acting like a redditor.

    you tried to insult me, but you failed. that’s on you, not me, lmao


    No, he succeeded

    whiskeypickle, avatar

    ooo, so you’re an internet psychic? tell me, what are this weekend’s Powerball numbers?


    The weekends powerball numbers are:


    whiskeypickle, avatar

    Hmm…. somehow I don’t think your mom is a lotto number.

    whiskeypickle, avatar
    whiskeypickle, avatar
    whiskeypickle, avatar
    whiskeypickle, avatar
    whiskeypickle, avatar
    whiskeypickle, avatar
    whiskeypickle, avatar
    whiskeypickle, avatar
    whiskeypickle, avatar
    whiskeypickle, avatar
    whiskeypickle, avatar
    whiskeypickle, avatar
    whiskeypickle, avatar
    whiskeypickle, avatar
    whiskeypickle, avatar
    whiskeypickle, avatar
    whiskeypickle, avatar
    Commiejones, avatar

    Your right she is a 1 in a million woman and everyone wants her. I wish she was my mom too.

    whiskeypickle, avatar


    Ram_The_Manparts, avatar

    Ok bauhaus

    whiskeypickle, avatar

    like the band? had to google that. is that supposed to me some kind of insult?

    Ram_The_Manparts, avatar

    We all know what you’re doing lol

    whiskeypickle, avatar

    We all know what you’re doing lol

    googling brit goth bands form the 70s/80s?

    Ram_The_Manparts, avatar

    Running a pack of alts on this tiny corner of the internet is some seriously fucked up behavior lmao

    whiskeypickle, avatar

    not as much as imagining that rather than the possibility that your trolling is, oh, say, unpopular.

    but, sure, a paranoid delusion of yours is way more reasonable that you facing consequences for your actions. totally… lol

    oregoncom, avatar

    Ad Hominem

    whiskeypickle, avatar


  • Loading...
  • AntiOutsideAktion, avatar

    Neither do you

    whiskeypickle, avatar

    “no you!” isn’t a convincing argument. most people learn this when they’re 5.

    AntiOutsideAktion, avatar

    I’m not trying to argue though. What are you, stupid?

    Answer please.

    whiskeypickle, avatar

    I’m not trying to argue though. What are you, stupid?

    aww mad boi has to use insults because he can’t process his rage in a healthy way :(

    whiskeypickle, avatar

    person with blank speech bubble….?

    is this your idea of wit?

    whiskeypickle, avatar

    mythical creatures now?

    whiskeypickle, avatar
    whiskeypickle, avatar
    whiskeypickle, avatar
    whiskeypickle, avatar
    whiskeypickle, avatar
    whiskeypickle, avatar
    whiskeypickle, avatar
    whiskeypickle, avatar
    whiskeypickle, avatar
    ElChapoDeChapo, avatar

    Only person in this thread who may actually be a bot

    whiskeypickle, avatar

    you need psychiatric help

    AntiOutsideAktion, avatar

    Difference is I explicitly said I wasn’t arguing. If you think you’re winning an argument… what’s it about?

    whiskeypickle, avatar

    Difference is I explicitly said I wasn’t arguing

    you lied. shocking!

    If you think you’re winning an argument… what’s it about?

    you tell me. you’re the one who came here to troll

    AntiOutsideAktion, avatar

    That’s right. I came here to troll you, not argue.

    Why do you keep acting like I’m not making good arguments when I tell you I’m not arguing in the first place?

    Answer please.

    whiskeypickle, avatar

    That’s right. I came here to troll you, not argue.

    and you’re proud of this? lmao

    Why do you keep acting like I’m not making good arguments

    acting? who’s acting? do you think you’re at the movies or watching tv? lmao

    Answer please.

    why should I?

    AntiOutsideAktion, avatar

    acting? who’s acting?

    Okay that’s perfectly fair. You believe I’m making arguments.

    On what topic are we arguing?

    Answer please.

    whiskeypickle, avatar

    You believe I’m making arguments.

    you said that, not me.

    AntiOutsideAktion, avatar

    I said you were acting like I was making bad arguments.

    You indicated that you were not acting.

    So I was making bad arguments. At least in your perception.

    What topic were they on?

    Answer please.

    whiskeypickle, avatar


    AntiOutsideAktion, avatar

    This isn’t a very convincing argument.

    whiskeypickle, avatar

    how can i be arguing when you said this wasn’t an argument?

    AntiOutsideAktion, avatar


    So what exactly are you doing here?

    Answer please.

    whiskeypickle, avatar

    So what exactly are you doing here? after six hours of trolling, you’re just getting madder and madder.

    it’s fun to watch

    AntiOutsideAktion, avatar

    Why would you ask that question? I already answered it and you demonstrated that you heard the answer by providing it in the very next sentence.

    So since you know my motivations, what are yours?

    Answer please.

    whiskeypickle, avatar

    So what exactly are you doing here? after six hours of trolling, you’re just getting madder and madder.

    it’s fun to watch

    AntiOutsideAktion, avatar

    It’s weird that you’re still asking the question you just got the answer to. Comes off a little unhinged tbh

    whiskeypickle, avatar

    says the troll

    AntiOutsideAktion, avatar

    Yes, that’s right. I do say that you come off as unhinged when you keep asking questions you know the answer to.

    whiskeypickle, avatar

    mad boy has to hurl insults because you can’t handle your rage in a healthy way…

    AntiOutsideAktion, avatar

    Can you explain what you mean by that?

    Answer please.

    whiskeypickle, avatar

    I do say that you come off as unhinged when you keep asking questions you know the answer to.

    AntiOutsideAktion, avatar

    Yes I figured that’s the object on which you were having the reaction that there was irony afoot. Still need you to use your big boy words to explain.

    whiskeypickle, avatar

    says the troll

    AntiOutsideAktion, avatar

    aww baby I thought you had the stamina to handle me

    whiskeypickle, avatar

    It’s weird that you’re still asking the question you just got the answer to. Comes off a little unhinged tbh

    AntiOutsideAktion, avatar

    Still +5 upvotes on this six hours later, huh?

    Weird how the only people who find value in your comments only ever show up right when you make them.


    whiskeypickle, avatar

    says the troll

    you’ve been at this for over 6 hours…

    it’s 3:48a on the east coast. it’s more likely those few people went to sleep than your paranoid delusion is true, even after you keep moving the goal posts.

    AntiOutsideAktion, avatar

    Yeah but I’ve been taking breaks and not really doing this with anyone else. I just looked at the thread again.


    Why are YOU doing this to YOUR self? It’s amazing. It’s like you have a supervisor breathing down your neck to keep you posting.

    whiskeypickle, avatar

    says the troll.

    after six hours of trolling, you’re just getting madder and madder.

    why keep doing this to yourself?

    AntiOutsideAktion, avatar

    Are you okay? Do you need out?

    whiskeypickle, avatar

    says the troll.

    after six hours of trolling, you’re just getting madder and madder.

    why keep doing this to yourself?

    ElChapoDeChapo, avatar
    whiskeypickle, avatar

    you need psychiatric help


    You know we are leftists here. You can just say you are into your wife sleeping with other men. We respect a diversity of lifestyles. You don’t have to do the whiskey overcompensation persona thing here. We can accept and respect who you are.

    whiskeypickle, avatar

    You know we are leftists here. You can just say you are into your wife sleeping with other men. We respect a diversity of lifestyles. You don’t have to do the whiskey overcompensation persona thing here. We can accept and respect who you are.

    you have a talent for self-contradictory speech. the way you mix the word “respect” with overflowing disrespect, how you espouse leftism and diversity while speaking the sexism and misogyny of a fascist… it’s artful.


    It is artful. That is the point. Further, the only sexism I talked about is the internalized negative self image that would lead a person to think ‘whiskey pickle’ is anything other than a cringe attempt to develop a self identity by subverting the worst societie’s worst instincts. Most of us here have done worse, but we grew stronger and passed through that phase. Join us.

    whiskeypickle, avatar

    It is artful. That is the point.

    artful trolling and disingenuousness is the point? and you proud of that? ew…

    Further, the only sexism I talked about is the internalized negative self image that would lead a person to think ‘whiskey pickle’ is anything other than a cringe attempt to develop a self identity by subverting the worst societie’s worst instincts.

    OR I like a drink called a pickleback, which is a shot of whiskey served with a pickle brine chaser, and you’ve decided to demonize me because of your own deep-seated insecurities that you’re projecting onto me.

    ut thanks for that revolting glimpse into your psyche…

    UnicodeHamSic, (edited )

    No doubt you like a whisky drink, but why? Is it you are drawn to the stereotypically masculine drink because you feel your masculinity is threatened by some other aspect of your life? It just feels performative is all.

    I could be reading more into it that in there. However your completely uncritical regurgitating of western propaganda can only lead me to belive introspection is not a well developed skill in your life.

    whiskeypickle, avatar

    I could be reading more into it that in there

    yeah, you just told me a bunch of your insecurities.

    I just had this drink once and thought it was a goofy name, but, WOW… you ran with that….


    Yet am I wrong? You have not been able to refute any point I made. You are obviously a little emotional but I think you still have potential

    whiskeypickle, avatar

    wrong about what? your weird insecurities you attribute to me or the strange imaginings you use to try to insult me?

    you’ll have to be more clear


    That you have no personality, no self worth, no critical thinking skills and you are defensive about it. All I see from you are projections and deflections. Honestly, it is a little underwhelming. You can do better as a person.

    whiskeypickle, avatar


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  • brain_in_a_box,
    whiskeypickle, avatar

    guy with empty word bubble? is that supposed to mean something? lol

    oregoncom, avatar

    Personal Incredulity

    whiskeypickle, avatar


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  • whiskeypickle, avatar


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  • ElChapoDeChapo, avatar

    Really, you’re never looked in a mirror? It’s you!

    whiskeypickle, avatar


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  • oregoncom, avatar

    Ad Hominem

    whiskeypickle, avatar

    sorry for your troubles. I recommend you seek medical or psychiatric help.

    ElChapoDeChapo, avatar
    whiskeypickle, avatar

    you need psychiatric help


    Yeah, you seem like the kind of guy who says “Well thanks for that mental image!”.

    whiskeypickle, avatar

    do you occupy a lot of your time imagining ways to insult strangers?

    whiskeypickle, avatar


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  • ShimmeringKoi,
    whiskeypickle, avatar


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  • Awoo,

    you have a talent for self-contradictory speech. the way you mix the word “respect” with overflowing disrespect, how you espouse leftism and diversity while speaking the sexism and misogyny of a fascist… it’s artful.

    Wtf are you talking about? Nobody said anything sexist or misogynyst. Words have meaning. Saying that you’re into cuckoldry has nothing to do with being sexist to women. It’s rude to you yes but fascist? Come the fuck on. Stop saying socialists are fascist for fuck’s sake it’s unbelievably cringe and nobody is buying it.

    whiskeypickle, avatar

    Wtf are you talking about?

    aww, sorry you don’t get it, but that’s not my problem.


    This actually IS misogynistic. Lmao you people can’t help yourselves

    whiskeypickle, avatar

    “I know you are but what am I?” isn’t a convincing argument. most people learn this when they’re 5.


    If you don’t engage in good faith there is little reason for me to bother doing anything other than reporting.

    whiskeypickle, avatar

    If you don’t engage in good faith

    you’ve been trolling me since your first comment. to act like you’re interested in “good faith” anything is hilarious, but not as hilarious as acting like a victim because I didn’t give you the satisfaction of getting angry like you 💋

    “DARVO is an acronym used to describe a common strategy of abusers. The abuser will: Deny the abuse ever took place, then Attack the victim for attempting to hold the abuser accountable; then they will lie and claim that they, the abuser, are the real victim in the situation, thus Reversing the Victim and Offender.”


    I have only made two comments, one pointing out what they said wasn’t sexist or misogynistic, and another in response to your actually-sexist response.

    You also keep upvoting yourself in the most obvious way and it’s hilarious.

    whiskeypickle, avatar


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  • Awoo,

    You realise the instance admins can see that right?

    whiskeypickle, avatar

    about a dozen hexbear accounts brigading several different political posts across and

    I do know. I’ve been talking to them

    guess which instances are considering defederating from hexbear?

    and you’re providing tons of fuel for that decision… thanks for that ❤️


    I am once again asking liberals to learn how federation works or go back to reddit.

    whiskeypickle, avatar

    “everyone I hate is a liberal!”



    Who are you quoting?

    whiskeypickle, avatar

    it’s cute how you pretend not to know.

    whiskeypickle, avatar

    weird face emoji? k…

    ElChapoDeChapo, avatar

    How do you not recognize yourself? Have you never looked into a mirror?

    whiskeypickle, avatar


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  • oregoncom, avatar


    whiskeypickle, avatar


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  • wopazoo, avatar

    Ad hominem

    whiskeypickle, avatar


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  • ElChapoDeChapo, avatar

    Just can’t help yourself can you? Absolute loser

    whiskeypickle, avatar


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  • ElChapoDeChapo, avatar

    Yeah you’re right, that’s too fair to you

    You’ve already removed the mask of civility and revealed the ugly face of fascism beneath

    whiskeypickle, avatar


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  • oregoncom, avatar

    Genetic Fallacy

    whiskeypickle, avatar


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  • Awoo,



    It’s sad that you’d make such a piss-poor attempt of gaslighting as if she’s the only one to notice your hilariously obvious exactly 5 upvotes on everything

    whiskeypickle, avatar

    hit a nerve did I?

    guess it wasn’t really gaslighting after all…


    Yeah, if anything the cuckold fans are likely to be less misogynistic. They can appreciate a woman’s activities without being threatened or offended by their autonomy.

    Commiejones, avatar

    Chad Feminist Cuck needs an emoji


    the way you mix the word “respect” with overflowing disrespect

    Well excuse him for trying to make a lib feel at homeedgeworth-shrug

    whiskeypickle, avatar

    your gushing insecurities are supposed to be a “favor”?

    doom_and_gloom, (edited )


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  • whiskeypickle, avatar

    They were directly responding to your words, to disprove them.

    except they didn’t disprove them. US Marines also peed a lot while they were there, but it’s not why they are there. it proves nothing.

    Do you really not see the connection between the comments?

    correlation ≠ causation

    doom_and_gloom, (edited )


  • Loading...
  • whiskeypickle, avatar

    You’ve moved the goalposts, but no matter.

    “I know you are but what am I?” is not a convincing argument. most people learn this when they’re 5. (borrowed form another comment)

    Operation Enduring Freedom was sold as a war on terrorism

    see, you even admit that it wasn’t about opium.

    the US repeatedly cited opium as a target of the war because they claimed it funded the Taliban.

    you’re welcome to cite sources to back up your claims. and I’ll be happy to point out how the timeline doesn’t support your assertions that the war was about opium, it just happened to be something the US did while we were there.

    Or did you think it was retaliation for 9/11 or something?

    what I think is irrelevant. that facts are what matter.

    I have American friends who died defending those poppy fields. I remember it all very well.

    irrelevant. present facts. not anecdotes or your feelings.

    Also do feel free to explain how this is any way relevant to the conversation:

    correlation ≠ causation

    I have, repeatedly. your inability/refusal to understand is not my problem.

    doom_and_gloom, (edited )


  • Loading...
  • whiskeypickle, avatar

    You don’t seem to be capable of following the conversation

    I’m perfectly capable of noticing when people move the goalposts because they can’t prove their argument with facts, as I keep pouting out. raging about it doesn’t change this fact or any other facts.

    Oh my, you are really lost!

    not according to the facts. if this continues to confuse you, that’s not my problem.

    I’m sorry that I do not know how to find search results from 2001

    not my job to prove your argument.

    Yes, that’s why I was trying to figure out why you are struggling with them.

    “I know you are but what am I?” is not a convincing argument. most people learn this when they’re 5.

    you’ve presented nothing but anger, insults, and logical fallacies, none of which are convincing of anything other than that, when you can’t argue the facts in good faith, you resort to these bad-faith tactics ad nauseam because, so blinded by anger and hate, you can’t handle defeat.

    Well that pretty much confirms my suspicions

    so you admit to arguing from a position of clear and obvious bias. we get it— you hate the US. this has zero bearing on the facts— just that you like to insult people when you lose an argument.

    Ah, so you do realize that it makes absolutely no sense lol

    I’m not responsible for your lack of comprehension.

    Looks like my job is done here. Rage on, little snowflake.

    the finest projection in all the land.

    ToxicDivinity, avatar

    oh man

    theres just so many logical fallacies from whiskey pickle here I don’t even know where to start, I’ll just leave this little guide for you maybe you can read up on this stuff a little.

    whiskeypickle, avatar

    “I know you are but what am I?” isn’t a convincing argument. most people learn this when they’re 5.

    ToxicDivinity, avatar

    I’m not responsible for your lack of comprehension, learn about logical fallacies or I’m gonna have to call the fallacy police and you don’t want to deal with them

    whiskeypickle, avatar

    oh, so you’re shifting to comedy now?

    ToxicDivinity, avatar


    whiskeypickle, avatar

    who? where?

    oregoncom, avatar

    Strawman. Bandwagon

    whiskeypickle, avatar

    sorry for your troubles. I recommend you seek medical or psychiatric help.

    whiskeypickle, avatar

    sorry for your troubles. I recommend you seek medical or psychiatric help.

    ksynwa, avatar

    You selectively picked an activity that American soldiers would do everywhere (peeing) over something they did only in Afghanistan (guarding opium fields) only because it would support your argument.

    That my dear good m’sir is a classic case of cherry picking.

    whiskeypickle, avatar

    You selectively picked an activity that American soldiers would do everywhere (peeing) over something they did only in Afghanistan (guarding opium fields) only because it would support your argument.

    nope, just an example. you’re not very good at this

    ksynwa, avatar
    whiskeypickle, avatar

    whatever you have to tell yourself to sleep at night.


    He actually never said he needed that to sleep at night. Textbook case of a strawman argument. You can do better.

    whiskeypickle, (edited ) avatar

    I wasn’t making an argument, just a dismissal

    Krause, avatar

    just a dismissal

    Sorry, that would be an Appeal to the stone fallacy:

    whiskeypickle, avatar

    I wasn’t making an argument, just a dismissal of the person

    you’re never going to be able to prove me wrong because your entire premise is flawed (twisting my words to try to “win”)

    you’re not very good at this trolling thing

    oregoncom, (edited ) avatar

    Ad Hominem. Moving Goalposts

    whiskeypickle, avatar

    sorry for your troubles. I recommend you seek medical or psychiatric help.

    oregoncom, avatar

    Ad Hominem

    whiskeypickle, avatar

    sorry for your troubles. I recommend you seek medical or psychiatric help.

    whiskeypickle, avatar

    I’m unimpressed by your self-portrait



    Ha you were conclusively proven wrong and didn’t even blink. A brain so smooth no facts can get stuck on it.

    spoilerPost another 🤓 “I was on the debate team” graphic, that’s how discussions work

    whiskeypickle, avatar

    Ha you were conclusively proven wrong and didn’t even blink

    oh, you mean here?

    the US didn’t give a shit about it at all

    ya got me there. they did care. still doesn’t prove that it’s why the US was there, and, in fact, several of the linked sources directly state to the contrary against claims that it was.

    too bad it’s meaningless and - like always - you’re wrong. lmao


    Lol so you initially ignore being wrong, then acknowledge you were wrong somewhere else, then say “well that was meaningless” when you go back to claim you were adult enough to say you missed on that one? …What?

    Go back to reddit if you’re going to be a debatelord

    whiskeypickle, avatar

    wow, you moved those goalposts so fast and with such double-standards, I’m amazed you didn’t snap your own neck with those mental gymnastics. impressive!


    Reddit bingo card

    whiskeypickle, avatar

    Reddit bingo card

    wow, you are lost.

    ElChapoDeChapo, avatar

    You’re the most reddit-logo person who has ever lived

    whiskeypickle, avatar


  • Loading...
  • RedQuestionAsker2,

    you don’t need a hyphen there.

    whiskeypickle, avatar


    Kuori, avatar

    lmao, so? we get it. you hate learning. what’s your point? just to come here and whine about it?

    whiskeypickle, avatar

    I’ve certainly learned a lot about hexbear trolls and what triggers them: getting called out as trolls and images of logical fallacies. just look at you!




    whiskeypickle, avatar

    Thanks, I fed em all to the hogs:


    whiskeypickle, avatar


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  • ElChapoDeChapo, avatar

    Stay mad loser stalin-smokin

    whiskeypickle, avatar


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  • pissydickle,
    whiskeypickle, avatar
    whiskeypickle, avatar


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  • ElChapoDeChapo, avatar

    The only thing logical fallacies trigger for us is our funny bones

    Nothing funnier than a fool who thinks shouting “logical fallacy, logical fallacy, logical fallacy!” over and over again wins any argument instead of just making them look like the asshole they are

    whiskeypickle, avatar


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  • Frank, avatar


    whiskeypickle, avatar


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  • pissydickle,

    DARVO is an acronym used to describe a common strategy of abusers. The abuser will: Deny the abuse ever took place, then Attack the victim for attempting to hold the abuser accountable; then they will lie and claim that they, the abuser, are the real victim in the situation, thus Reversing the Victim and Offender.

    whiskeypickle, avatar

    look how mad you are

    whiskeypickle, avatar

    still going. gotcha

    whiskeypickle, avatar


  • Loading...
  • pissydickle,

    My alt is currently suffering from the above, I apologize for his behavior.

    whiskeypickle, avatar


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  • pissydickle,

    How come you and OkToBeTakei post the same graphics?

    whiskeypickle, avatar


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  • pissydickle,

    Speaking of mental illness, I think my alt here is suffering from the following:

    whiskeypickle, avatar

    still going. gotcha

    whiskeypickle, avatar


  • Loading...
  • pissydickle,

    DARVO is an acronym used to describe a common strategy of abusers. The abuser will: Deny the abuse ever took place, then Attack the victim for attempting to hold the abuser accountable; then they will lie and claim that they, the abuser, are the real victim in the situation, thus Reversing the Victim and Offender.”

    whiskeypickle, avatar


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  • whiskeypickle, avatar


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  • whiskeypickle, avatar


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  • Bartlebee,

    Am i a wimp or was that article kinda long?


    And full of lies and tankie propaganda.


    I’m so tired of all this authoritarian propaganda on Lemmy, it’s killing the community

    doom_and_gloom, (edited )


  • Loading...
  • CurlyMoustache, avatar

    Just like Facebook 😢


    What a my$t€r¥!

    automater, avatar

    Are there any moderators on here? Mint press news… Jesus


    I’m not sure if you noticed but when you’re scrolling down your feed list, just below the link itself is a little bit of text that shows the source. Just read it … takes a fraction of a second… and if it’s from somewhere you don’t like then don’t open it. Just move on.

    Moderators … please pay no attention to posters like this, you’re doing a fine job and we thank you. Keep the news coming from various sources abd let us decide for ourselves if we want to read it. Like adults.

    automater, avatar

    The rules specifically say reputable news sources only. I didn’t make the rules. If you don’t like them maybe you should go.


    And who defines reputable? You I suppose?

    CamaradeBoina, avatar

    Well I mean barring your personal dislike of the source, it does report an objective fact: opium cash crop farming exploded under the US / Joint alliance occupation and decade+long anti insurgency war, and died out once they left.

    And this objective fact DOES raise important questions: what in the hell was the US doing all this time? They had infinitely more resources than the Talibans do now to subsidize non opium crops for farmers, to encourage diversification and development, etc. Did they turn a blind eye to the mass scale poppy farming? If so, why? It generated huge sums, was it a strategic use of and encouragement of corruption of local Afghan administrators and tribal elite to “make the occupation easier”? Did some money return to western elements? What was the impact on world trafficking?

    Like you can dislike mintpress news but IMO it’s important to, now that the US/West occupation of Afghanistan is over, not swipe it all under the rug and investigate.


    Fighting the Taliban? The objectives had nothing to do with the war on drugs. I thought it was well known that the reason there was hardly any opium farming in Afganistan before the invasion was because of the Taliban.

    We can go on about how the invasion failed catastrophically but. This is just Afganistan going back to the way it was.


    when the news article is correct but not liberal enough fro you.


    When you are so deeply propagandized that seeing any different viewpoint causes you to cry for help.

    ElChapoDeChapo, avatar
    oregoncom, avatar

    If you’re so much of an intellectual coward that the only thing you can do is cry propaganda when presented with a dissenting opinion, then you should go back to reddit.


    No, it doesn’t raise questions. We knew back in 2003 that there was never a long-term plan. The point was to kill a guy, and then to do some military spending. A major success, on those lines.

    The Taliban are terrible, though.


    Turns out they were also attempting to monopolize the worlds heroin supply too, a major success on those lines too.


    This is the kind of stupid article that someone publishes to make tankies look fucking stupid, and then tankies rush to defend it because they have completely lost the plot.

    Flinch, avatar

    “tankie” is when you understand cause and effect


    What am I supposed to be defending here? I’m honestly confused.


    Is “lost the plot” your fedposting activation phrase or something?

    oregoncom, avatar

    Tankies under your bed. Tankies in your closet. Tankies everywhere. Spouse left you? Jodie’s a Tankie. Kids don’t love you? They’re Tankies.

    ShimmeringKoi, (edited )

    During the time of the US occupation of Afghanistan, opium from the region comprised a full 90% of the world’s heroin supply. So I would say “the same thing they’ve been doing since at least the days of the Vietnam War and the Golden Triangle.”


    The us was using opium as a weapon of war against russia and iran. Its well known and the public health concequences in both those countries were horrific

    But since mexico has orders of mag itude more state capacity than the taliban their failure to solve opium problem makes one almost certain the us goverment is also behind that.


    You got a source on that? Last I checked Opium is an excellent cash crop that the Taliban used to fund their guerilla war with the US. Now that the Americans are out there is no point to keep growing it.


    Just search opium in russia or opium in iran. You will see that its a huge problem there. You will also see both countries complaining to the us that they are maliciously increasing opium production.


    Last I checked Opium is an excellent cash crop that the Taliban used to fund their guerilla war with the US. Now that the Americans are out there is no point to keep growing it.

    You got a source on that?

    BirdyBoogleBop, (edited )
    GaveUp, (edited )

    The source for that claim is entirely from the US state department. Not to mention some expert disputed that claim

    “The estimated all-time high for opium production was set in 2017 at 9,900 tons worth some $1.4 billion in sales by farmers or roughly 7% of Afghanistan’s GDP, the UNODC reported.”

    “Mansfield says his field studies show the most the Taliban can earn from illicit opiates is about $40 million annually”

    So the Taliban made at most 40 million per year while the entire country (under US occupation and control) made over 1 billion per year

    ThomasMuentzner, avatar

    USA frooze the National Reserves of Afgahnistan after their Ho Chi Ming City Replay , thereby actually punging Afgahnistan into Starvation crisis und accelerating the switch from Cash Crop to Food Production , this has now increased the Water Use in the helmaz river valley thereby is leading to borderclashes with iran over the water use.

    Farman, (edited )

    Not really. The river was also closed to iran during the american ocupation. In fact the taliban actually released watter at some point. Less than they should have but more than the previous regime.

    The border clashes have nothing to do with that and more to do with the taliban organization being run more like a mcdonalds than a regular state. Sometimes a franchise owner decide they want to invade iran and get into a shootout. But the central command in unaware of that.

    PolandIsAStateOfMind, avatar

    80% of worlds’s opioids consumption is in USA which has 4,6% of worlds population.

    That’s what they are doing, waging Third Opium War on their own people.


    Intelligence agencies love the drug trade because:

    1. It’s easy (certainly for a state actor) dark money
    2. It’s ubiquitous
    3. It gives you blackmail material on all sorts of useful people
    4. It gives you the proven ability to smuggle bulk quantities across the globe
    5. Who is going to blow the whistle on you?
    lingh0e, (edited )

    This entire thread is justification for telling hexbear to fuck off. These goons are trying to create a leftist version of The_Donald.

    edit: and nothing of value is lost.

    edit2: lol, look at all the brigading shitheel goons I get to ignore.

    BurgerPunk, avatar
    JohnBrownsBussy2, (edited ) avatar


    I’m obviously biased as an accursed tankie myself, but looking at this thread:

    • 1.) The article wasn’t even posted by a hexbear user.
    • 2.) The level of discourse seems to be pretty level between hexbear natives and other users.
    • 3.) The failure of the US to fight illicit opium production in Afghanistan, despite it being a public aim of the US and its allied government in Afghanistan, is well documented. Just doing a quick look, here’s a New York post article (I know, I know, but it’s well sourced, and certainly not leftist): Why the only winner of America’s war in Afghanistan is opium . It cites the Afghanistan papers and a variety of US and Afghan officials, and illustrates a timeline on how every program implemented by the US to combat opium production only intensified cultivation. The success of the Taliban government in cracking down on it despite far more limited resources suggests either gross incompetence or malice on the part of the US government.

    EDIT: I will also point out that the harshest criticism of the US here is from a user from your own instance. That wouldn’t even be allowed on hexbear, so glass houses.

    Flinch, avatar

    wojak-nooo mods help!! The lefties are posting well sourced arguments again!!

    AntiOutsideAktion, avatar

    All things I don’t like are exactly the same, united in their nature of me not liking them. very-intelligent

    autismdragon, avatar

    leftist version of The_Donald.

    This is not a thing which is possible.

    Frank, avatar

    Their complaint with The Donald is that they were mean, and we’re mean, so we must be exactly the same, because liberalism is about being civil and fascism is about being incivil.

    Flinch, avatar

    something something, “liberals don’t understand words, only tone”

    Frank, avatar

    Like dogs!

    Dirt_Owl, avatar

    The_Donald is when you have entirely different politics from The_Donald.

    Rom, avatar

    This isn’t even your instance lmao.


    edit: and nothing of value is lost.

    Behold the Redditor


    Is… are you coming out as a fan of the heroin industrial complex here? Are you really mad we don’t support Big Heroin ™️


    Another redditer who doesn’t understand how federation works.

    JohnBrownsBussy2, avatar

    You see, brigading is when content that I am interested in is algorithmically prioritized in my feed and I interact with it. The more algorithmically prioritized the content is, the more it’s an inorganic brigade.

    autismdragon, avatar

    No dont you understand Hexbear is an evil cabal who organizes raiding certain posts. What? You cant see that anywhere on their instance? Huh… they must be hiding it… uh… somewhere.

    JohnBrownsBussy2, avatar

    We all live together in the posters’ gulag in Yakutsk where we are forced to post incessantly for the glory of the post-Soviet motherland.

    We we see a bad post we all gather around the collective 2004 Gateway laptop and laugh at it.

    ElChapoDeChapo, avatar

    No dont you understand Hexbear is an evil cabal who organizes raiding certain posts.

    We’re not?!? sicko-wistful

    Frank, avatar

    “Organize” is the problematic term here. We absoltuely are not that.

    Frank, avatar

    We have a secret brigade thread in double-lemmy. Lemmy2.0

    NailBunny, avatar

    Whenever leftists post outside of their home instance it inevitably breaks down into a rehashed version of “This is America, why can’t you speak American?”


    This entire thread is justification for telling hexbear to fuck off.

    Why exactly? You have not given a reason. Vaguely gesturing at the thread full of people criticising the US is not a very good reason, unless you are an angry american nationalist.

    eatmyass, avatar

    Won’t somebody think of the opium trade!

    JohnBrownsBussy2, avatar

    Glad to see that your instance filter is working. Everyone should be free to curate the content they see.

    For the benefit of others, checking your comment history, it is hilarious to me that you’ve never posted in your home instance even once and have the audacity to call us brigadiers.

    booty, avatar user posts an article on

    random reactionary from a third instance: wtf how could hexbear do this wojak-nooo

    Rom, avatar

    Look at all the users I blocked! LOOK HOW MUCH I DON’T CARE!! rage-cry


    Sorry, I’ll turn the mind control machine off now sadness

    Frank, avatar

    It’s just like the good old days, where everything anyone didn’t like on Reddit was because they were being bridaged by the Hexbaerinos.

    Commiejones, avatar

    “I’m so proud of my echo chamber! Want to see pictures? No critical thinking can touch me! hahaha!”


    I had a bunch of friends who went to Afghanistan/Iraq and they were protecting poppy and marijuana fields


    Between shooting civvies and raping how did they find the time?


    Canadian, not Murika. That’s how


    Well, the Canadian weed legalization makes a lot more sense all of a sudden.

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