
I live in the larger city right next to the town/urban area where the Midgård company is located. I had only vaguely heard about them before and didn’t know where they operated from. I found a disturbing amount of people living very close to me (geographically) that are in the register. I’ll be sure to spread this and hope to get them to be known nazis by most people around here. Absolute filth… I haven’t been able to go through the whole list yet, but I both really hope and really hope not to find someone I know on it. It would be nice to blow up the life of someone like this, but at the same time, it would suck to find out that it’s someone you know. I’m very left leaning, and so are most people in my life, and in this country, my city and especially my part of the city in general, but it’s of course impossible to really know stuff like this about everyone you come in contact with.

Going to follow this closely and really wish to see some nazi fucks get found out by others around them and have consequences rain down on their pathetic lives.


If you downvoted this comment, you’re a fucking piece of shit. I hope your name is in this list or another and that you get found out and shamed.


Implying you couldn’t figure out by meeting them. I’m guessing just like people who listen to Christian music these people are loud and proud. Probably have SS tattoos on their neck. Unless it’s actually decent music and random listeners just got doxxed as Nazis.


Do they list the bands somewhere? I’m on mobile and the website is pretty bad


What is Christian music?


Super cringe faith music. Like easy listening with lyrics all about Jesus.


ok, and how is that the same? It’s like getting mad at puppies and kittens lol


Maybe if you read the comment that you replied to which explained the analogy then you’d know


I don’t get the analogy because it makes no sense. You’re comparing Nazis to people who hate Nazis lol


Ok so when you compare things it doesn’t mean that you think they’re identical, for example if i compare the similarities between the number one with the number two I’m not saying that 1=2; they are both sigle digit integer values and someone can say that without equating them.

The statement made was that Christian music fans and nazi music fans share a trait, though the trait is expressed differently - that trait being that they are very easy to identify from outward appearances and that it would be hard to know one without knowing about their beliefs. People who listen to Christian music tend to wear crosses and talk about Jesus a lot, Nazis get swastikas tattooed and talk about Hitler.

That doesn’t mean they’re the same in every regard or morally equivalent, I have a lot of things in common with Hitler and so do you, if someone pointed out the fact we all have respiratory systems that doesn’t mean they think we’re culpable for genocidal war crimes.


When they came for the neo-nazis I said nothing.


And then when they came for you… joking no one intolerant enough to come for someone else was left.


I’m too high to parse that


When they didn’t come for neo-nazis, neo-nazis came for you.


The only good nazi is a dead nazi. Gotta love how tech illiterate fascists are.


Shhh, Don’t let them in on the secret.


As a Brit I hate fucking scandinavians. They smell like spoiled milk.🤢


How did the neonazi music shop get their customers SSNs?


Like ultra conservatives, most neonazis probably aren’t real smart


Most likely its a payment plan for purchases. Klarna is a company where you can delay payment and such. They are a third party connection, so I believe a webshop will not know that is input on Klarnas end. But who knows how Midtgård does in their checkout process…


Why is do they never explain what makes it neo nazi.


Neo = new

Nazi = Nazi

So, they’re not the old nazis, but they’re still flying swastikas and preaching the destruction of “inferior races”

@P00P_L0LE@lemmy.ml avatar

incredible amounts of nazi-treat-defending in this thread. wish I could say I’m surprised but, of course, I’m not.


Nazis are the lowest-hanging fruit. Thus we see many dwarven fruitarians here. And dwarven fruitarians seriously deserve mocking.


This whole thing is disgusting. Nazis suck. So do people calling for violence or removal of rights from literally any human. Buncha Nazis in here, just against a kind of person it’s ok to be horrible to.


This is actually a philosophical problem. I think it’s the parable of pacifism, if I remember right? Basically, the advocacy for total pacifism and acceptance of all groups doesn’t work if one group is specifically advocating for the death of the others because then there’s a net loss.

So yes. No nazis. Period.


It’s the paradox of tolerance and it’s bullshit. Daryl Davis has converted more KKK members talking to them than anyone has with a fist.

Edit to add: killing Nazis doesn’t defeat fascism. You can kill people with weapons, but words are the armaments of ideas. You want to kill an idea, it’s through words.


World War 2 would like to disagree with you. Fist and guns are very effective at dealing with Nazis.


Oh snap, Nazis all died in ww2? Fuck why didn’t these guys get the memo?

People died in the war. Some of them were Nazis. But NAZIS themselves did not die. You can’t kill an IDEA by killing people. You kill an idea with better ideas, with kinder words, and with more compassion.


Kill all nazis. 🤷

The amount of nazi sympathizers in this thread is too damn high.

“we should have a polite chat with them as they work to genocide everyone they don’t like” no thanks.


This thread IS full of a bunch of psychopaths, but it’s not the ones advocating for not-violence.

By all means, if someone’s already getting, or in imminent danger of becoming, violent, do what you have to to stop that. Anything else and you’re a murderous psycho.


It’s not about converting nazis. First off, I’ve heard that he supposedly has a 95% success rate and I’d call that bullshit for basically anyone claiming a 95% success rate. Secondly, fuck nazis. Once you throw in on murder of innocents you’re no longer innocent.

“oh that’s not very tolerant of you!” neither is your burning of crosses and donating your money to defend people who strung people up in trees 🤷


My? Careful, don’t make such bold assumptions. Nazis suck, I’m with you on that. But do you actually not see the issues with what you said? Why are we assuming the individual has done something to hurt anyone, rather than just have some less-than-savory beliefs? It’s all very convenient, using the sins of a few in a group you hate to blame the whole group, right? I’d hate it if anyone else decided they hated a group enough to wish every member dead because of some small populations shitty actions. It’s a bit thought policey, and a lot fucking insane.


using the sins of a few in a group you hate to blame the whole group, right?

First off, I was very specific in my condemnations. Re-read my comment instead of using your reflexive pro-nazi mentality.

Second off, the nazis aren’t a loose blanket grouping of ideologies. They had a specific mindset, with a specific goal. I’m willing to play with the idea that “boots on the ground” soldiers were just taking a paycheck, but anybody ideologically onboard was so specifically for one reason and one alone.

It’s only “thought policey” in the way that you can be charged for having a murder vision board of your ex laid out with their movements and company all laid out for the perfect murder. No, you HAVEN’T committed a crime but all signs point to “You’re gonna commit a crime.”

TLDR: Fuck you if you don’t want to get yoked up for being a nazi, don’t put in with nazis. 🤷


It’s a shit argument and it’s ABSOLUTELY thought policing. You can’t say someone will do something until there’s been something done. It’s just not how things work. Yes, that includes if they strongly believe that any specific group of people should be killed, for any reason, unless they’ve ACTUALLY KILLED A PERSON OR MADE AN ATTEMPT. Anything short of that? That’s called thought policing bud.

Unless you’re not talking modern-day Nazis. If you’re just talking about the WW2 Nazis that actively rounded up Jews and didn’t see any problems with it, well… Yeah, we went to war over that. It was one of the few good reasons for a conflict. That’s dead and done.


Your entire argument is we’re not allowed to so much as CRITICIZE a nazi until they commit a genocide, regardless of the fact that they already did that once.

Eat my whole ass, you murderous nazi piece of shit.


Who said anything about not criticizing them? Jesus you are unhinged. The fuck you think I’m doing everywhere else? Making actual fucking arguments about why Nazis are bad, not just spouting “kill people kill people!”

Do you want to END Nazis or do you just want to be able to KILL Nazis?

@Sway_Chameleon@lemmy.world avatar

It’s called the “Paradox of Tolerance” if we are tolerant of all including the intolerant than intolerance will eventually win out and eliminate tolerance, therefore society should not tolerate the intolerant.


I love that some of these idiots used their work email addresses. I wonder if Full Care landscaping out of Louisville, Kentucky cares that their VP of Operations is a neo-nazi?


Go find out


Their customers might! Though it is Kentucky…


It might get them more customers.


“Show a swastika and enjoy 15% off your purchase.”


Of course they do, why do you think they made him VP?


At least one danish politician used his parliament email address to purchase stuff from them.


Man, far right websites all seem to have shit infosec as a common thread along with racism and other assorted bigotry.


Exploit that and out then as the shit-stains they are.


This is because all the infosec professionals are left-wing furries. We run the Internet. You cannot escape us, you cannot out-hack us.


meow meow




Hmmm. I blocked the yiffit instance and yet this comment is not hidden…

Also not kink shaming but it was every other goddamn post on All


shows up as pawb instance for me


This is pawb.social, not all furries are pervs…

@violetraven@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

Thank you for your service. Do you take skritches for payment?


As soon as I finish my degree lol.

@violetraven@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

Good fluff🥰


Did someone say SiegedSec?


There’s actually a simple explanation for that. Much like the “conservative/christian entertainment” industry the alt-tech movement is primarily composed of failures and hacks who couldn’t cut it in the mainstream field.

@AdlachGyfiawn@lemmygrad.ml avatar

It’s also because right-wing extremism goes unpunished while left-wing extremism gets you shot in the head.


A smart racist is an oxymoron.

This includes their knowledge about security.

@pomodoro_longbreak@sh.itjust.works avatar

A smart racist would have to be stupid in such a specific kind of way that it would be like a zyzygy of all the stars in the sky aligning at the same time.


Syzygy - a roughly straight-line configuration of three or more celestial bodies in a gravitational system.

Thanks for the new word!

@pomodoro_longbreak@sh.itjust.works avatar

Pleasure! It’s a really cool word

@No1@aussie.zone avatar

Syzygy… Are you sure that’s not a polish soccer goalkeeper?


All websites have shit infosec. It’s not a problem confined to the far right.

@FartsWithAnAccent@kbin.social avatar



I love your username


Ha, good!

@PseudoSpock@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

Too bad you can’t see who downvoted you, too… Need that leaked, as well.



@roastedDeflator@kbin.social avatar

In kbin.social you can see that

@PseudoSpock@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

First thing I’ve ever heard about kbin.social that sounded like a positive to me.

@SuiXi3D@kbin.social avatar

Personally I like the UI better on mobile.

@PseudoSpock@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

I’m pretty happy wit Voyager on iPhone. :)


Except the (1 reply) it cannot show for whatever reason.


I thought Voyager stopped updating?

@Geert@lemmy.world avatar

No, @aeharding the dev is pretty active? Only reason why things slowed down with most apps is because devs are testing or waiting for the Lemmy 0.19 release.

@PseudoSpock@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

Not that I’d heard of, and it still has me update every day or two.


Kbin also lets you follow specific users. The lemmy devs actively don’t want lemmy to be able to do that and I don’t understand why

@PseudoSpock@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

Does it also let you disable anyone from following you as a user pref?

@Kierunkowy74@kbin.social avatar


@PseudoSpock@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

Ah, bummer. I’m a bit of a privacy for me, but not for thee hypocrite.

@Send_me_nude_girls@feddit.de avatar

Wouldn’t it be pointless anyways, if people could just bookmark your profile url the old fashioned way regardless?

@TheAnonymouseJoker@lemmy.ml avatar

Likely to not trigger the toxic social network elements that Twitter and Instagram have had?


kbin.social is far and away less toxic than lemmy.world, probably because of the smaller community.


Hello from kbin. It's nice over here.

@PseudoSpock@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

What’s the scoop on cookies over there? Not web cookies, but the yummy cookies full of sugar.

@Kierunkowy74@kbin.social avatar

Only from kbin.social users for now.


If you look at the modlog I thought it was visible there.


You can. Sort of.

Lemmy does not provide it via the UI. But it does provide the info via federation. If you set up your own instance, other instances will happily share this info with you. The information is inconvenient to access, but not hidden or private.

@AceTKen@lemmy.ca avatar

Well that’s a terrifying prospect if you have any sort of opinion outside of the groupthink.


Wait till you figure out how much easier it is for the NSA Vaccum cleaner to spy on every single federated connection.


Hey fascist lurkers: fuck everything about your fascist ideology. Stop being slaves to your overlords and fucking learn a thing.

You can think for yourselves, I promise. It may be hard and uncomfortable at first, but you’ll like yourself a lot more if you just put in a small bit of effort. You’re better than this.


Hey, I just downvoted you.

Edit: Nevermind, getting a network error.

Edit: It will let me upvote you. Interesting.

@PseudoSpock@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

Feature for me, bug for you… :)

@FlyingSquid@lemmy.world avatar

Just shows what cowards Nazis are. Hide behind downvotes, never explain yourself.


Fantastic news!


Fascistish news you mean!


AFA Sweden stands för Antifascistiskt Aktion, or Antifascist Action. Not Stockholm based as they claim, there are many groups.

Great job in leaning Midgard, they also regularly doxx Swedish Nazis on their main website.

@HerbalGamer@sh.itjust.works avatar

Correction: The name of the Stockholm-based group is AFA Sweden, not AFA Stockholm.

They noticed :)

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