
Where’s the video of the IDF or Netanyahu going over a 3D rendering of a hospital to explain how the Hamas tunnels may be underneath key infrastructure buildings?

The propaganda coming out of the IDF justifying their next move is always so insanrly ridiculous. But I guess if there’s now videos coming out of how and where these tunnels are, the IDF might find some more accuracy in their violence.


I am so glad this got posted here so we can have a discussion about it after it was locked on Lemmy World.

mayo, avatar

Israel is doing the best it can do in a difficult moral situation.

I wish I could block sources as well as users.


I genuinely don’t care about Hamas anymore, they’re symptoms of a greater evil, Israel is directly responsible for the radicalization of those people, because of the horrific conditions Palestinians are put in.


Hmmm they go from one country to another trying to take over the government that let them in. Egypt, Jordan, Saudi wont let them in either… wonder who that can be ??? s/


One side is right and the other is wrong… I suppose nobody considered this possibility and the answer was in front of us all this time. Looks like we found the key to fixing the Middle East. Well done!


“It’s almost as if.” No worries.


The video apparently states that this info is 8 years old and doesn’t really prove either way, whether hamas was digging tunnels under the hospital.


You… You get out of here with your ‘reading’ and ‘common sense’ and and ‘considered opinions’! Heathen!


So they did an analysis of 1 hospital that had hamas fighters in the hospital launching rockets within 200ft of the premises… and found that the IDF was mistaken about a tunnel at 1 of their claims… even though there is video footage of tunnels at other hospital locations, this particular one is false so that takes away credence to all claims.

And these claims for the qatar hospital is being made by the qatar news network. ok gotcha


No tunnels but surprise Saddam Hussien!

HuddaBudda, (edited ) avatar

However, Sanad’s investigation shows that this is simply the access hatch for a water reservoir that the hospital uses to fill therapeutic pools for amputees, water the grounds, and a reserve water source in case of emergency.

Sanad analysed satellite footage and archives of the hospital’s construction and spoke to one of the original engineers who built it.

It's pretty in depth.

However I have two problems with this logic.

  1. Israel did not confirm the existence of tunnels at that location, which would have been an easy thing to do with a camera and 2 minutes.
  2. This isn't exactly proof that those areas weren't repurposed for tunnels. Just that what Israel thought was a tunnel was not. Which is more of a problem of how the Israel military is assuming too much and bombing people in the process. While processing their assumptions like fact.

Their “proof” was a 3d render with tunnel systems throughout the entire hospital so no matter where they blew up, it was valid. They even had weapons on walls and red barrels so you know it was a bad guy base.

Toldry, avatar

Note that this article mentions the “Hamad bin Khalifa” hospital.

The article does not claim to disprove the claim that under the “al-Shifa” hospital there is a Hamas base.

They’re two different hospitals.

In other words, it is so far uncontested that there is a Hamas base under the al-Shifa hospital (which is the main hospital in Gaza).

TheCrispyDud, avatar

The fact that we have to specify which of the hospitals they've blown up really sucks.

OniiFam, avatar

Happens when your enemy has 0 regard for using their civilian shields. And Hamas purposely does it because they know white leftists on lemmy and reddit adjacent communities to go insane over it. You’d think that at some point the Palestinian population would get rid of the only real existential threat they can get rid of. Hamas and their associates.

Diva, avatar

I think I can safely say Hamas doesn’t care what anyone on reddit or lemmy thinks.

You’d think that at some point the Palestinian population would get rid of the only real existential threat they can get rid of.

“you can’t get rid of the american-funded war machine murdering you, so get rid of the only people fighting back so we kill you more slowly”

You people make me sick.

OniiFam, avatar

“American funded war machine that was created and defended for decades without US funding it”

“Instead demand ceasefire and for this to repeat again and again and this time for sure Hamas won’t take your gas and food to provoke massive bombings again I swear.”

Tell me, why is it that Israel is having to secure these humanitarian/refugee corridors for Palestinians with tanks? Who are they defending these people from exactly? Why is it that despite Palestine always being out of food and water they somehow always have materials for rockets to attack indiscriminately? And not to mention that Palestine gets nearly the exact same aid percapita dollar wise than Israel does from the US. It’s ridiculous. Surely anyone could see that supporting a terrorist group that is greatly provoking a large beast besides you is stupid. I dont believe Palestinians are some dumb people that can’t see the writing on the wall.

Diva, avatar

I can’t with the Obama pfp and the rationalizing collective punishment and indiscriminate slaughter, it’s just too perfect.

I literally don’t care what you have to say dronie

OniiFam, avatar

Mmhmm. Notice how you didn’t answer who the IDF has to protect Gazan refugees from on their way out of Gaza.

And indiscriminate? Given a terrorist straps babies onto their bodies and begins attacking people. Is it morally wrong to stop the terrorist with force or will anything to stop him from massacring people is a war crime? I just found out a secret hack. Clearly us soldiers should just strap babies on themselves to invade all other counties. Instant justification to conquer anything. Thanks mate.

For indiscriminate slaughter it sure doesn’t match the description of it btw. Just look at ww2. That was indiscriminate.

As for your claim of me justifying collective punishment I’m not. Simply is the act of shooting the terrorist that chose to strap babies on his body. That isn’t collective punishment. That is the unfortunate reality of enemies that use human shields.

Diva, avatar

Given a terrorist straps babies onto their bodies and begins attacking people. Is it morally wrong to stop the terrorist with force or will anything to stop him from massacring people is a war crime?

officer, you need to get better material you’re literally paraphrasing a comic villain for some dumbass thought experiment instead of actual reality. -that reality being that the european settler state holds all the cards and you’re victim blaming the people resisting.

you would literally defend anything though because you’re either getting paid to push this shit ignorantly or are someone who belongs at the bottom of a pit.

OniiFam, avatar

I’ll make it easy for you. Hamas is the government of the people and they use human shields. If you use a human shield the fault does not fall on the one stopping the terrorist. It falls on the terrorist. What backwards logic. You didn’t even refute it btw. That “dumbass thought experiment.” It isnt as if Jews are by far the most genocided group in history and were genocided from the Arab world. It isnt as if a 2 state solution was offered for peace in the 80s and soundly rejected by Palestinian terrorist. I will never be okay with terror campaigns against civilians from either side. If you live in the US let me take your stuff btw. Possibly assault you and your loved ones too. I have more right to my ancestors lands and its fruits than you.

Diva, avatar

you would literally defend anything though because you’re either getting paid to push this shit ignorantly or are someone who belongs at the bottom of a pit.

I have more right to my ancestors lands and its fruits than you.

I agree death to the terrorist american state

OniiFam, avatar

What a nuanced take. Very unique. Very real. Totally not a talking points machine that has never had an original thought.

Diva, avatar

I’m agreeing with you america should be dismantled and existing property turned over for redistribution

Diva, avatar

Totally not a talking points machine that has never had an original thought.

Judging from the shit you’re pumping out this is also projection.

OniiFam, avatar

I mean you are the one defending terrorist. Those terrorist had no option than to jeopardize their ceasefire that they never respected nor than to explicitly say they dont give a fuck about Palestinian lives and that they are the UN’s problem. But w/e

Diva, avatar

The American state bombs hospitals, weddings, murders civilians in its two decade long wars and kills people via collective punishment ‘sanctions’, how is terrorism somehow different?

The occupation forces are doing a genocide and you’re pissing your diaper over terrorism fuck you

OniiFam, avatar

I love how your kind throws around genocide as if Gaza hasn’t ballooned to several times the population size in a few years. Man how is it that Israel is so bad at genocide? Are they stupid? Just drop bombs on civilian centers and dont tell them dumbasses. SMH. How do they manage to miss so many civilians in a dense population area like that? Wtf. Are their state-of-the-art automatic bombs that hit where rockets where shot from really that bad at ignoring that and hitting concentrated areas? SMH. What a dumb argument. If yall keep using genocide for everything its really gonna lose all its meaning as it already is. If Israel wanted to, they could easily wipe out 99% of life in the Gaza strip. WW2 combing campaigns easily got more than all the bombings this campaign so far in just 4 raids.

And angry about terrorism? Ya. I mean you are welcome to celebrate the beheading and burning of people alive and the brutality. That just makes you evil. The path to peace isn’t by continuing to be terrorist. Israel would want nothing more than to stop having to deal with Palestine.

Diva, avatar

The occupations stated goal is ethnic cleansing, they’ve done it before and are doing it now.

Hilarious that you claim to be indigenous while defending an ethnostate. Death to America

OniiFam, avatar

I mean I am, im not just not insane. Simple as. You really should get around actual people instead of only your online socialist friends. You’ll find indigenous people aren’t nearly as terrorist-supporting as you wished they were. But i dont want just any land. I want yours.

Diva, avatar

literally every normal person I work with and know in daily life supports the Palestinian people and is disgusted by Israel.

You’re the most pro-US ‘indigenous’ person I’ve ever run into, you must be making bank

OniiFam, avatar

Software developer. Have quite a bit of time.

I can agree that Palestine needs better treatment and Israel needs to work towards peace. I can also believe that organizations like Hamas make peace impossible. But you aren’t supporting Palestine. You are supporting Hamas. Please do me the favor and ask your coworkers if Hamas was justified in beheading those babies. Please. Im sure they’ll be ecstatic to hear that you are fully behind those acts of terror. Its okay. People have finally seen how bad Hamas really is. Make sure to show the video of the kid and mom that were tied together and burned alive to your coworkers and tell them how they deserved it. Tell them how the raping was so cool. Those settler babies had it coming. Im sure they’ll think you are a normal person.

Diva, avatar

Oh you must be one of the Elizabeth Warren types lol

Absolutely pathetic

OniiFam, avatar

So you won’t tell your coworkers? I thought you said its normal with them. Its funny that you still think they are talking points. You probably are the kind that still believe that one hospital was bombed by the IDF and for no reason and a gorllion Gazans died in that infinite density parking-lot.

It must be easy to just ignore all points and just move to your next point when I do address yours. Ya not a single original thought in your head.

Diva, avatar

This is the whitest thing I ever read lol

OniiFam, avatar

Man it must make you so mad that I have darker skin than you. Absolutely seething lmao. You are going down the line of prompts that were programed into you almost perfectly. Not once having to use that brain of yours. Impressive.

Diva, avatar

idk I’m not the one who reads like a llm output

OniiFam, avatar

Mmmhmmm and you still cant answer a single question. How pathetic. It really must make you seethe every night that you weren’t born darker than paper.

Diva, avatar

I just don’t care to engage with ridiculous IDF bullshit, I’m mostly just mystified how someone could end up as ridiculous as you are

OniiFam, avatar

I talk all the time to friends who are extremely Pro-Palestine. I love discussing and arguing with them. Not one of them blatantly supports terrorism like you. And of course you don’t want to engage with anything. Engaging with anything would require you to think and form your first thought. Can’t have that. Too spooky. Also please please please go talk to your friends about how you support terrorism and it is justified. Like I said show them the videos of Hamas murdering, raping, and torturing civilians and geefully tell them how you love how these ‘freedom fighters’ are hitting back finally. I often wonder how people like you end up the way you are. Probably never struggled in life huh? Biggest struggle you had in your life was probably putting down a fork and having to become an adult. What a privilege.

Diva, avatar

I don’t ‘support terrorism’ but I’m not going to condemn people resisting an occupation.

America did deserve 9/11 though

I’m trans and not exactly white either, I’ve had plenty of struggle in this shithole country

OniiFam, avatar

“Not exactly white” If you consider the Israelis in Israel as white, as you clearly do, then you are just as white at least.

And why not condemn evil acts just because you think the people are oppressed? Navajo mentally unwell guy goes into your home and kills your loved ones. Do you clap and say “yas queen take back that land!” No you don’t because that is stupid and inhuman. Being unable to condemn something so easily identifiable is ridiculous. Btw I’ll still take your stuff if you are offering. Just need to know where to go.

Diva, avatar

If a cadre of politically motivated terrorists sunk a US aircraft carrier and my family was on it, I would not care.

OniiFam, avatar

What a fascinating stance. Do you love your family?

Diva, avatar

of course I do, more than anything. However the US is a world historic evil which must be opposed.

OniiFam, avatar

That is unique. I don’t think 99% of people would share nor understand this point. Fascinating. Well at least it is morally consistent. Honeslty based. Still dont approve but as long as you stick to your moral frame I can at least understand some of it. I guess the next natural question is how far that should extend? E.g. what is the cut off? Can Israel, using argument, claim that they are justified because of the ancestral land? As an example.

Diva, avatar

Jews, Christians, and Muslims co-existed in Palestine long before the European colony arrived.

The state of Israel is the problem, Palestinians are resisting the occupation of a foreign-imposed ethnostate. I don’t support ethnostates. It’s not a valid justification.

OniiFam, avatar

I can think that the creation of a state for Jews can be supported. The manner wasn’t justified. But the idea in of it is very easy to justify with a group that historically has been among if not the most persecuted ethnic group in history. A group that has been expelled from nearly ever nation in the world at least once, it feels, like jews might have probably the best argument out of just about anyone for a place to call their own where they can defend themselves. Jews even in the US are still by far the biggest victims of hate crime.

I do think Palestinians did have a right to fight Israel, but obviously not terrorism and this is where you and i will disagree with no possibility of reconciliation. But Israel managed to hang on and largely on their own resources pre-1960s. Hell the largest land increase Israel has ever had was the result of a war and the land was given to them for peace.

But in the modern era, even though the original foundation was not justified, the only reasonable path towards peace is for the 2 state solution with the support if Saudi Arabia and other Islamic nations to help enforce and encourage peace. Israel will never give up the Israeli state and the collapse of Israel will result in the genocide of the Israelis there as is the explicit and stated goals of most groups opposed to Israel in the area and has been demonstrated. But a scared Israel fighting for their life would be a disaster for Palestinians.

Diva, avatar

“Not exactly white” If you consider the Israelis in Israel as white, as you clearly do, then you are just as white at least.

I’m at least as brown as the people they’re gunning down on a daily basis

Diva, (edited ) avatar

I went to pro-Palestine marches with half of my coworkers, (the other half had kids to watch) this just is really showing you’re surrounded with whites

OniiFam, avatar

Btw you never answered. Why is it that the IDF has to secure humanitarian corridors for Gazan refugees with IDF tanks? Who are they protecting the Gazan refugees from there? Of course you won’t answer questions. You’ll just move on to the next talking point.

Diva, avatar

Of course you won’t answer questions. You’ll just move on to the next talking point.

You are the one repeating the same IDF shit like the next person you regurgitate it to is gonna buy it lol

I can’t believe you people get paid for this

Diva, avatar

And angry about terrorism? Ya. I mean you are welcome to celebrate the beheading and burning of people alive and the brutality. That just makes you evil. The path to peace isn’t by continuing to be terrorist. Israel would want nothing more than to stop having to deal with Palestine.

America deserved 9/11


Here’s a fun “tickle your brain” moment. How many Israelis are descendants of ethnically cleansed Jews from other middle eastern states? The other half of the catastrophe that Hamas supporters really don’t want to talk about.

Diva, avatar

Yes, europe making a colony of the people it ethnically cleansed to do their dirty work on an entirely different set of people is really gross, glad we agree.

Israel could stop being an ethnostate, instead of disenfranchising non-jews and sterilizing non-white jews.


Isn’t just about 20% of the Israeli population Arab? Again: Europe didn’t ethnically cleanse the Middle East. That’d be the belligerents of ‘48 who went from sizable Jewish populations to populations you can count on a hand. You know, a good ol’ fashioned ethnic cleansing.

Diva, avatar

Isn’t just about 20% of the Israeli population Arab?

do they get to vote the same as Jews?

Europeans are just projecting their guilt and instrumentalizing the very people they ethnically cleansed to do their dirty work. It’s sick.


Yes… If you’re an Israeli citizen, you’re an Israeli citizen. There’s a sizable proportion of Arabs in Israel, particularly East Jerusalem who chose to hold Jordan citizenship rather than Israeli, and cannot vote.

Shit, if the Palestinian Arabs who could vote, did, Bibi would likely not be in power and things may have turned out differently.…/arab-citizens-of-israel-hold-…

Diva, avatar

Just gotta change the war machine bombing your families from the inside with hope and change. got it.


… You don’t understand this conflict at all, do you? Bibi’s a bastard, but if eligible-to-vote Arab citizens of Israel showed up to vote against the shitheels anywhere near as well as the shitbag American Christian settler contingent, his party could not have formed a government and, since he is currently charged with corruption, his competitor parties wouldn’t have fallen in line to give him a joint government.

Diva, avatar

I don’t really see how participating in electoral democracy fixes the problem of settler conquest. The state has lost all legitimacy in a lot of peoples eyes and I don’t blame them for not wanting any part of it.

I don’t blame people for resisting occupation.


Ask for a UN peacekeeping force.

It's not a hard solution, go in with surgical precision instead.

FFS, at this point it is obvious they don't give a shit about the hostages, find a tunnel and start pumping a stoichiometric ratio of something and light a match.

That has to be better than killing all the civilians they are bombing, starving, and all the other ways their not allowing aid in.


When terrorists take hostages, you don’t bomb the building and kill all of the hostages because it also kills the terrorists.

OniiFam, avatar

That is a bold claim. Has Israel killed the hostages?


Are Palestinian citizens being used as human shields not hostages? Both Israelis and Palestinians, and I know this might be a bit contentious, are human beings.

OniiFam, avatar

I’m pretty sure the comment was referencing the Israeli hostages. Are Gazans hostages. Ya id agree. And still it would boil down to the terrorist with babies strapped on them. International and moral law does not dictate that you cannot touch a terrorist because they willfully attempt to maximize civilian deaths.


If hamas had a secret tunnel under an Israeli hospital they would surgically remove it, not bomg the hospital.

OniiFam, avatar

An isolated tunnel? Probably. Because Israel has free movement in their own territory and can organize that. Do you honestly think that Israel can just freely organize the surgical removal of thousands of tunnels away from the iron dome? What a dumb ass statement. Do you actually think about what you type?


The World: Hey you may have committed a war crime.

Your Response: It’s okay though, nobody can prove we committed a war crime in this other location!

What is wrong with you?


To the shock of probably 1 pro isreal tech bro


You severely underestimate the support for Israel outside of your bubble.


lol… their time is up


I mean regardless of the support Isreal has or not, what I said was still technically correct

PanArab, avatar

There was no Hamas or tunnels when they massacred Palestinians in Tantura in 1948

There was no Hamas or tunnels when they massacred Palestinians in Khan Yunis in 1956

Israel never needed an excuse they just need a lie to sell to the rest of the world now that everyone is watching

Sir_Kevin, avatar

Seems like they learned from uncle sam how to empire.


@PanArab @ira Hamas wasn't founded until THE 80s. Wtf do people think was happening for the first 40 years lmao 🤦 You literally can't blame everything on Hamas, they didn't even exist for half the time.


You’re right, it was previously the PLO that were bombing places and hijacking planes


The simplest explanation is that if Israel knew where Hamas is, they would have taken them out before any attack by Hamas. They don’t know.

PanArab, avatar

So they kill more than 4000 children? Would they have done the same if the kidnappers were anywhere else in the world? What makes killing over 10,000 civilians a fair trade?

The purpose of this war on Gaza is ethnic cleansing.


It doesn’t make it a fair trade. My point is they have no idea who they are targeting, or they would have been doing targeted take downs before the conflict.


It’s almost like an occupied populace is in itself an inbuilt insurgency for the obvious reasons.

Oddly enough a lesson not learned from WW2.


Agreed. Not really the point of the discussion, and also patronizing, but I wish you a good day.


How exactly was it patronizing?


Oh the lesson was learned. It’s just being used to kill the oppressed population.


It was in Paris as well, time makes martyrs of oppressed children.

PanArab, avatar

Collective punishment is a war crime. Having a 90% death rate being civilians is a war crime. Targeting hospitals, schools, water wells, aid trucks and bakeries is a war crime.

They said so themselves. The intent is ethnic cleansing. They have said as much that the goal is to depopulate the Gaza Strip. They have called Palestinians “human animals”.

“I have ordered a complete siege on the Gaza Strip. There will be no electricity, no food, no fuel, everything is closed,” Gallant says following an assessment at the IDF Southern Command in Beersheba.

“We are fighting human animals and we are acting accordingly,” he adds.…/defense-minister-announces-co…


That is one of the laziest info graphs I’ve ever seen. All of this is terrible, bit please redo it for the first few months of each conflict. This graph was made to show the US as saviors.


Yup, thermobarics make tunnels deathtraps and Israel certainly has the thermobarics we sold them.


Israel’s not using Fuel-Air bombs here. There’s no point. They’re just using a shedload of mk 80 series with guidance systems. Probably the Mk 81s that the US brought back into service to try and reduce collateral damage during the Iraq war.


Except they have, it’s been documented alongside white phosphorus on mixed targets (civilian w/ “terrorists”).…/defence-unleashing-the-unp…


Hamas leadership is in Qatar.


shocked Pikachu face

Who could have foreseen Israel lying?

IchNichtenLichten, avatar

One of these days the IDF is gonna fuck up and accidentally tell the truth.


There have been plenty of Isreali politicians and military people openly saying they are punishing the people of Gaza and want to ethnically cleanse the place.


A small price to pay to find tho!

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