Whole Foods argues it can ban BLM masks because the Supreme Court let a Christian business owner refuse same-sex couples

Amazon.com’s Whole Foods Market doesn’t want to be forced to let workers wear “Black Lives Matter” masks and is pointing to the recent US Supreme Court ruling permitting a business owner to refuse services to same-sex couples to get federal regulators to back off.

National Labor Relations Board prosecutors have accused the grocer of stifling worker rights by banning staff from wearing BLM masks or pins on the job. The company countered in a filing that its own rights are being violated if it’s forced to allow BLM slogans to be worn with Whole Foods uniforms.

Amazon is the most prominent company to use the high court’s June ruling that a Christian web designer was free to refuse to design sites for gay weddings, saying the case “provides a clear roadmap” to throw out the NLRB’s complaint.

The dispute is one of several in which labor board officials are considering what counts as legally-protected, work-related communication and activism on the job.


Im ok with this. While BLM is a good thing, having to wear uniforms that promote any organization other than your employer is a problem. Imagine being forced to wear a pro-Trump t-shirt. Or an anti-union vest. Or some anti-gay, pro-religion hat while flipping burgers.


Wow that was a trip down red herring lane.


Huh? This isnt about wholefoods not wanting to force their workers to wear blm masks, this is about wholefoods wanting to forbid their workers from wearing them


Not at all what they’re saying. It’s about the employee’s speech in a work context not official policy.

@SankaraStone@lemmy.world avatar

That Bill of Rights isn’t for humans. It’s for corporations.


Don’t forget, Corporations are Peopleᵀᴹ


Corporations are people the same way Soylent Green is people, in that it is made of them. That’s it.


In the legal sense, “personhood” just means an entity can appear in court and defend themselves, not that it’s made of people. It doesn’t even give the corporation any human rights, it mostly just means that you can sue them

I don’t know why anyone would be mad about than

spaghettiwestern, (edited )

True if Soylent Green was immortal and sought money and power at any cost.

The GOP and right wing justices’ blithering about the Founding Fathers, Originalism, and “historical tradition” is absolute, self-serving BS and regularly the opposite of historical reality. If you have a few minutes this history of U.S. corporations is fascinating. An excerpt:

Initially, the privilege of incorporation was granted selectively to enable activities that benefited the public, such as construction of roads or canals. Enabling shareholders to profit was seen as a means to that end. The states also imposed conditions (some of which remain on the books, though unused) like these:

  • Corporate charters (licenses to exist) were granted for a limited time and could be revoked promptly for violating laws.
  • Corporations could engage only in activities necessary to fulfill their chartered purpose.
  • Corporations could not own stock in other corporations nor own any property that was not essential to fulfilling their chartered purpose.
  • Corporations were often terminated if they exceeded their authority or caused public harm.
  • Owners and managers were responsible for criminal acts committed on the job.
  • Corporations could not make any political or charitable contributions nor spend money to influence law-making.

For 100 years after the American Revolution, legislators maintained tight control of the corporate chartering process. Because of widespread public opposition, early legislators granted very few corporate charters, and only after debate. Citizens governed corporations by detailing operating conditions not just in charters but also in state constitutions and state laws. Incorporated businesses were prohibited from taking any action that legislators did not specifically allow.

@SpaceCowboy@lemmy.ca avatar

Corporations also tend to grind people up.


It seems like this would hurt their brand to pick this fight, since moronic “conscientious” labor aristocrats are their target demo.


moronic “conscientious” labor aristocrat



I think they’re counting on a large amount of them not caring once the symbols are out of sight, and after they smooth over the initial outrage with a bit of PR.


Honesty, imo, shame on Amazon for not barring anything but solid-colored, patterned, or Bezos-Empire-Branded masks, explicitly, in their dress code.

I’m a (mostly) vegan, liberal AF, solidly middle-class, homeowner married millenial parent (i.e the portrait of a Whole Foods customer), and I agree with BLM, but I would be put off by any political or politicalized messaging in a supplier/customer relationship. I’m here for your general tao seitan and a TTLA…not for your influence.


bro you’re absolutely right bro the status quo isn’t political

@Omegamint@hexbear.net avatar

“ Ask yourself: is there something sinister in moralism? And then answer: no. God is in his heaven. Everything is normal on Earth.”


Just consume product, get excited for next product, and assure yourself that you are smarter than both sides. mega-rich-light-bending-guy


Saying that black people exist and should remain alive is not a political statement. Do you want to ban hats that say “veteran” too? Or maybe charity and cancer awareness logos?

Being a live black person is not a political act. Think about that when ordering some seitan and being “liberal AF”, whatever that means.


This feels very similar to me to businesses freaking out and trying to prevent their employees from wearing rainbow flag or pronoun pins. Or rainbow masks, for that matter.

I think employee uniform requirements should be just enough to make employees identifiable so they can do their jobs (e.g. answer customer questions about where the lettuce is or whatever). Just a mandatory hat or shirt is enough to do that. Beyond that, they’re humans. Let them be fucking humans.


Saying that black people exist and should remain alive is not a political statement

It’s absolutely political because it sits on the false premise that others argue otherwise. Nobody does, it’s a false premise used to create racial divide and lower the moral of the black community


Political - adj - Of, relating to, or dealing with the structure or affairs of government, politics, or the state.

I don’t know if you really don’t know the difference between being black and supporting the BLM movement, but there is a definite difference. A good quick measure is would a politician hold an opinion on it? For a specific example do you think Tim Scott (one of the black Republican Presidential Candidates) would wear a BLM face mask?

I will assume that you are arguing and good faith and genuinely don’t see the difference, so here are a few contrasting examples:

Wearing a hat that says Veteran is a statement of fact, like wearing a hat with your college’s logo. It is not inherently political or supporting any particular political ideal.

Wearing a VFW hat on the other hand, would be political. The VFW seeks to educated and change the opinions of legislators regarding veterans.

If a black person was wearing a hat that said I am Black. That would be a statement of fact and not inherently political or supporting any particular political ideal.

Wearing a BLM hat on the other hand would be political. The BLM organization and supporters of the BLM ideals seek to educate and change the opinions of legislators and the public regarding black people.

Without typing out the same comparisons again, cancer awareness and most charities would fall under political ideals also. They almost always seek to influence government legislation or funding.


So you don’t agree with BLM then


Believe it or not it is possible to fully support a political ideal while still thinking corporations should stay out of politics.

For example, I think that cops taking money from people (Civil Asset Forfeiture) without charging them with a crime is amoral, unconstitutional (4th amendment), and un-American.

If, however, I saw a sign about it in my local McDonald’s I would definitely be like WTF?!?


It’s not “Black Lives Matter After Business Hours”

If you don’t believe black lives matter all the time, then you don’t believe black lives matter at all


Yeah, I tried that line on my youth pastor when I young zealous member of a church. His response didn’t make me happy, but did give me the opportunity to look at how others saw my actions.

If you have to wear a BLM patch for people to realize that you believe black lives matter, then are you showing it with your actions?

Of course his version was about my cross necklace that wasn’t allowed at work (no jewelry at all) and Christ’s love.

The simple fact is that more often than not, you will have a bigger impact on those around you when you show them that black lives matter with your actions, rather than by wearing a BLM patch. The people around you have seen a BLM patch and already formed an opinion about what it means. Many people that need to see and hear the message the most will turn their brains off as soon as they see the logo.

@silent_water@hexbear.net avatar

politics? in my treats? stuff

@M68040@hexbear.net avatar

Politics are everywhere. You cannot (and don’t deserve to) escape them, brunch gremlin. Ooga-booga-booga.


I’m a (mostly) vegan, liberal AF, solidly middle-class, homeowner married millenial parent (i.e the portrait of a Whole Foods customer

you could have left this description out and we would still know this about you from this bootlicker take


I agree with BLM, but


Death to America



@SpaceCowboy@lemmy.ca avatar
  1. Politicize the idea the that an ethnicity shouldn’t be arbitrarily beaten by police.
  2. Ban that idea because it’s "politicized"
  3. Everyone is ok with it because despite politicize is a verb we’re supposed to pretend this isn’t being done by someone that thinks it’s ok for police arbitrarily beat the shit out of minorities.

It’s almost like this a system of some kind. And maybe racist? A racist system? So not only aren’t we doing enough to take on systemic racism, corporations like Amazon are creating new forms of systemic racism.

@Kuori@hexbear.net avatar

stunning satire


That idea has no bearing on reality, you likely support many businesses owned by right wing assholes indirectly just by living somewhere that doesn’t use 100% renewable energy for all of its power needs, for example, and so do I, you can’t really help it. Corporations are people under US law and they have been doing political speech under that regime in the form of unlimited spending for over a decade. If Amazon actually believes that black lives matter they should indeed say it. False neutrality and saying that black lives matter is too political a stance for them to want to take is a stance in itself.


How Cool And Liberal and definitely not two faced. So while black people begin to avoid Whole Foods, you’ll still be shopping there because its not a problem for you. And as a good liberal of course, you agree there’s no reason people can state “black lives matter to me” on their clothes. Sure, in the privacy of your own property but not in Massa’s house. Bezo’s free speech quashes the protections of the speech of his lessers and… that is simply the law. You’re relieved of guilt.

You know, I’m not a tankie, but the self deluding, boot licking, and casual racist assumptions about whose lives are “political statements” based on their lamenting of being constantly murdered and stepped on by society, do give me a sympathetic window into their specific disgust of neoliberals. People like you go along to get along and nothing more.

You’re quite fine with racism because Whole Foods is cheap.


But this is specifically about workers wearing a BLM mask. Not the general public.

Amazon/Wholefoods are totally within their rights as employers to enforce a dress code. That’s it. That’s the end of the line.

Now, if they had previously let workers wear “FJB” masks without enforcing the dress code, that’s obviously a bias and something that should be dealt with.

This is, quite obviously, a worker violating a dress code and seeking publicity by riding the coattails of a heated issue with their own persecution complex.


If Amazon has a dress code, either it allows for a degree of self expression or it does not. The move to ban political messaging in the workplace doesn’t apply to the mere statement “black lives matter”. Black Lives Matter was a social movement and its name was informal and de-facto. There is an activist organization Black Lives Matter that claims (to my knowledge) a limited ownership of white-on-black “ Lives Matter” but the phrase itself doesn’t have a PO box, it doesn’t make political contributions. It is a value statement that one believes black human beings have inherent value. So to cede that the English phrase “black lives matter” is political assumes that the default LEGAL and POLITICAL viewpoint is that they do not, which is the terrifying, unspoken, yet not codified by law, truth underlying half of the America justice system. When you make the argument that Amazon has the right to ban such a phrase from clothing on political grounds you and Amazon are both admitting that you believe black lives in a general sense have no value and you’re willing to take it to court, because that is where this is probably going.

Are we really thinking that anyone at Amazon who matters actually believes that? Believes that this fundamental values conflict of American access to protected speech would actually resolve in a way that decidedly points to black lives having no worth as a legally upheld opinion in America? Really that is neither here nor there, we’re watching a version of this fascist semantics argument about free speech play out with minor or medium consequences all over the internet. This sort of move will curry some favor with racist culture warrior consumers and businesses, but it is about clamping down on employee rights to communicate symbolically at all. If the color chartreuse was a meme amongst unionists and union proponents, Amazon would do the same thing. On one side of the coin they are making a concession toward a racist status quo and on the other they are saying that the SCOTUS ruling they cite allows them to ban symbols in the workplace.

It isn’t good to shop at Whole Foods with this knowledge in the back of your brain. We will now, if you want, employ the thought terminating cliche that there is no ethical consumption under capitalism, and this is almost always true. However Amazon should not be allowed to target symbolic expression like this without a dress code saying “our employees wear an apron with the Amazon smile on it and a grey, breathable jumpsuit underneath”. There are workplaces like this with dress codes where this isn’t an issue. You are seeing Amazon casually admit it controls the symbolic language of the workplace entirely if it suits their agendas. Legality is not universal truth, especially when the Supreme Court has been arranged to flagrantly serve the interests of the business class. So there’s one argument for why people should get to wear chartreuse colored shirts that say whatever the fuck they want but hate speech.

I lost this typing it the first time and my second try wasn’t as good. I don’t care if you have a bunch of holes and flaws in my arguments to point out, I will quietly read them and appreciate them, but I will maintain you’re arguing for something racist and unethical either way unless it’s a really good argument. IE you’re not going to get me to say “gee you are right” by drawing similarities to Twitter cancellations over bad words and deplatforming of conservatives for speech that would get them punched in the nose in a public venue. In life, it is impossible to avoid political ideas, and even more impossible to avoid the techniques for propagating memetic formatted ideas like ads for conflict diamonds or unwell street preachers screaming the good word. You should buy your seitan somewhere that isn’t trafficking with fascist pseudolegal interpretations of free speech so they can control their employees by betting that a spineless lower court will uphold a directly evil SCOTUS ruling.


AFAIK the ruling about serving same sex couples specifically relates to “compelled speech”, which means it definitely doesn’t apply in this context and Amazon is hoping that right wing courts will expand the ruling (they might).


Also that ruling was over a fake issue that didnt happen so it’s an entirely fraudulent ruling to begin with.


I think we can compromise by not wearing BLM masks and instead wear Fuck Tha Police masks


What a wild hill to die on.


In that case, the workers should wear union masks instead.

@infuziSporg@hexbear.net avatar

After reading this, why am I getting a feeling in my stomach that reminds me of being on a roller coaster right before a big drop? Why do I feel like all of America is going to be like that very soon?


My gut says it’s going to be more complicated than that. I believe in people and at a certain point the reactionary stuff is going to overplay their hand and I think we’re already seeing it.

At a certain point this stuff just breaks down, people will lose their patience. In my wildest dreams the 2020 riots were a kind of dress rehearsal for something more organized in the future. Eventually I think liberals might lose their ability to usurp movements.

Don’t get me wrong, we’re headed for bad times, but we don’t have to feel doomed. Believe in people.

@infuziSporg@hexbear.net avatar

I believe in a subset of people. But that subset of people is not enough to prevent things from getting very ugly.

I expect we’ll have something to eclipse 2020. But I also expect there’s going to be a very strong reactionary backlash waiting in the wings again. I’m hoping to secure more viable refuges by that point.


Oh yeah, there will be a bigger reactionary backlash, and that backlash will cause even more “normal unaffiliated” people to realize what’s at stake. I don’t mean to sound accelerationist or apocalyptic, but everything has a breaking point and pronounced change only comes through conflict.

I think we’re seeing a little bit of it through the abortion bans. People are genuinely pissed off about that.

We just have to hope there will be enough people who won’t tolerate reactionaries. I can’t say what will happen, but you’re right, it might get very ugly soon. But at the same time we can’t say we’re already defeated


The abortion ban is why I disagree with your take. Liberals said if abortion gets banned they were gonna riot and stayed out in the streets for exactly 2 or 3 days. Liberals have trained a lot of people to think we can vote our way out of anything. They don’t even really support things like abortion related mutual aid bc stuff like that is seen as lesser importance than defeating Trump (or whoever the next Republican is.)

I don’t think we are defeated but winning isn’t gonna come from us reacting to terrible things happening, it’s gonna come from more proactive organizing before shit hits the fan.


I fully expect to see the day when all those liberals figure out that they should’ve paid more attention to that guy with the two cows who kept telling them to arm up and be ready instead of constantly banning him from all the platforms

@silent_water@hexbear.net avatar

there’s a balance. arming up and prepping without organizations is pointless - the paramilitaries will crush a lone homesteader. community defense requires a whole community.

@infuziSporg@hexbear.net avatar

If you harbor 5 fugitives, you have something to fear from the government. If you harbor 500 fugitives, the government has something to fear from you.

What I’m saying is, when the time comes, I hope you’ll have way more than 2 cows.

@infuziSporg@hexbear.net avatar

I’m not saying we are or will be vanquished. I am saying that the balance of guns and land is not in our favor (although the balance of distribution infrastructure is slightly in favor of the libs).

Liberals will largely stand by if fascism takes over, especially in this country. One of the best hopes we have is that the military would crack down on a coup, and the balance of representation in the military is very much not in our favor. The other best hope is balkanization or at least devolution, where state and local governments become more relevant than the federal government and this allows us to thrive in pockets.


Philip K Dick’s “Safe And Sound” enters the chat

@silent_water@hexbear.net avatar

it’s a cycle that keeps escalating so long as profits get squeezed tighter and tighter. at some point the whole system breaks and the only question is who seizes power when that happens. if we have orgs and can channel popular discontent, it will be us. if not, we’ll be posting from the camps. the future is not yet written - projecting the present forward into the future is good at telling you what will happen next week but it’s a shitty approximation before you even get out to a year.

@infuziSporg@hexbear.net avatar

Any way you put it, things are going to get crazy. That’s why I’m getting that feeling.


Holy shit. So Amazon and Whole Foods are just openly racist now. Not even trying to hide it anymore.

Conservatives will be celebrating as soon as they have someone read this article to them.


Jesus y’all. Let me spell this out plainly.

  • BLM is a political organization.
  • Wearing BLM gear is a political statement.
  • Whole Foods doesn’t want employee uniforms to make a political statement.

Bet every single person here would be pleased if this was about banning Trump masks. I’ll give you a crisp $20 bill if those are allowed. Or any other sort of political speech.

@Grayox@lemmy.ml avatar

The statement Black Lives Matter is not political, you absolute ham sandwich…


So you deny that BLM is a political org?

They sure seem to be calling for political action.


Having a just cause does not make a movement apolitical. Agreeing with that cause does not make the statement apolitical.

You seem to have your emotions mixed up with facts. And here I thought that was a conservative trait.


While I would agree that it is political, it’s because it is a movement and has become political. The organization was created after the movement and does not necessarily reflect the will or intentions of the actual movement. It’s like if back in the day there was an org called Women’s Suffrage. It doesn’t mean the focus of all people who want women’s suffrage are part of an organization named that after the movement started.


Women’s suffrage is probably the worst example you could have chosen – in what way is fighting for the right to vote not inherently political?


I was saying that BLM is a political movement. It’s not necessarily an organization.


I refer you to Skunk Anansie, though.



The statement itself shouldn’t be political in its sentiment, but obviously the organization exists and it has its own policy positions, events, advocacy, and I can go to their website to donate. I think it’s fairly obvious which one Whole Foods would be concerned with.


Ah, so if I wear a hat at work that says “save babies” and then an organization pops up called “Save babies” and they start donating to politicians, should I no longer be allowed to wear my “Save Babies” hat?




If the company you’re representing would prefer you didn’t, then sure.

Let’s use another example, if someone was a big supporter of fascism and was wearing a hat or mask that said, “save fascists”, would you prefer the store couldn’t prevent them from wearing that?

How bad would the phrase have to get to change your mind?


I’d say the difference comes down to choice. You choose to be a fascist. You choose to be a trump supporter. You don’t choose to be black. You don’t chose to be an infant.

Examples. If you wore a SPLC clothing article, I think the employer would be allowed to object, but if you wore clothing showing support for women, or indigenous people, then they should abide it.


Then neither is “Make America Great Again”


That’s multiple candidates campaign slogans. It’s was a Republican presidential slogan in 64 and 80, very famously part of Reagan’s campaign.



The statement itself is as political as the statement “black lives matter”.

serpentofnumbers, (edited )

Let me make it a little more clear: how about “All lives matter”?


That’s just a “thought terminating cliche”, like “it is what it is”. Its intention is to end a conversation that the speaker doesn’t want to have.


Created as a response to “Black Lives Matter”, it means “I don’t care about black lives because I am not black. Stop talking about them.”

To prove this, just ask anyone who utters or displays that phrase the following question:

“What do you think about black people?”


And you think if this goes through, Amazon wouldn’t also ban masks with that slogan on them?


I think you missed the joke “All Lives Matter” was the fascists’ response, making both political


Neither is political. One is a statement of identity and the other is against that identity.

“I exist” and “you should not exist” are not political opinions. They are existential ones.


So you agree with that the BLM masks should be replaced with Fuck Tha Police masks


“Black Lives Matter” is not a statement that merely means “I exist”. It’s a statement borne from a social/political movement, and it’s disingenuous to suggest otherwise.


It absolutely is in our socio-economic climate you cheese brain.


On its own it’s not, but it definitely is in the current political and cultural context. There’s no getting away from that. It’s going to provoke a political reaction in any conservative and there’s no point in pretending otherwise.


Those people are already pissed that you have a mask, so…

@Grayox@lemmy.ml avatar

That’s an indictment of Conservatism. What are they trying to Conserve and when was America great? Cause it was not great for folks of color or queer folk back then, and we wont go back.


I can and do agree with everything you argue while also maintaining the objectively obvious fact that context matters in politics.


The fact that there is an organization of the same name does not mean they own the slogan. People using the slogan almost never do so in reference to this organization nor are necessarily even aware that such an organization exists.

BLM is more of a human rights statement. Anything is “political” if the right choses to whine about it. An example is putting pronouns on name tags. It’s a great idea to ensure employees are addressed correctly and frankly shouldn’t be any more political than a name tag containing your name, but the right choses to view them as political because they need a constant culture war.


This might mean something if “BLM” was owned by an organization.


So Black Lives Matter is not a political slogan, let alone an organization? Saying Black Lives Matter means nothing to anyone except by taking it literally? Nothing to do with politics whatsoever?


By that metric any opinion is political.


You only think it’s political because conservatives don’t like it.


These kids are so blind by the hate bandwagon they can’t see what this is. Don’t try. On top of that BLM as an organization is trash. Started out as something good, but it’s become nothing but another organization that exploits who it proposes to stand for.


If this thing was a fight to wear “Make America Great Again!” masks, these people would sing a different tune. And some ass will be along to explain how that’s totally different…

The whole notion of BLM is political. In the same sense that no one denies making America great is a bad thing, no one denies black lives matter. Yet they are political slogans, end of story. Whole Foods does not want employees wearing controversial political slogans.

I’ve supported the idea of BLM from day 1. Even dumped a right-wing buddy I was slowly turning around. I have zero patience for the haters. Zero. But if I owned a business, employees would not be wearing anything that even smelled of politics.

These children can’t get their emotions untied from facts.


BLM is a political organization.

This is like saying “Trump has Little Hands” is a political organization because some guy wants to copyright “Trump has Little Hands” to sell on merch. Absolutely ridiculous take and it clearly show where you stand on these sorts of issues.

@SpaceCowboy@lemmy.ca avatar

Let me spell it out plainly:

  • BLM is a movement concerned with police brutality against minorities
  • There is a political organization called BLM, but nobody but right wing whack jobs gives a shit about that organization
  • There is also the Bureau of Land Management that is also refereed to with the acronym BLM,
  • Somehow you know BLM on a mask doesn’t refer to the Bureau of Land Management but you’re being deliberately stupid it referring to a political organization and not the movement.
  • Jeff Bezos isn’t going to give you any money no matter how wide you spread your asshole for him.

You are really jumping through some hoops to prove that the saying, “Black Lives Matter” has nothing to do with politics. Say it out loud for us. Say it’s not a slogan and has no ties to political views.

Not accepting facts contrary to your position? How very conservative of you.

No matter how far left I am, there’s always assholes like you pushing people back to the right. I’m not going right because a bunch a angry teenagers are… angry. But you’re not doing the liberal cause any justice here. In fact, you’re actively hurting it.

@SpaceCowboy@lemmy.ca avatar

Are you saying black lives don’t matter?

Where is the debate on the statement “black lives matter”? Please argue against that statement.

No what you’re saying is that the statement has been politicized by bad actors. But those are the politics of the bad actors, not politics around the statement itself.

Should the depiction of the Earth as being round be banned as well? There is controversy around that, by idiots and grifters of course, but how is it different about the controversy around BLM?


Surely you share the same opinion about those who wear gear that says “All lives matter”? They’re just good people preaching a message of love?

@SpaceCowboy@lemmy.ca avatar

Maybe I would if I bash my head into a wall enough to cause enough brain damage that I don’t understand that “all lives matter” is part of the politicization effort by bad actors.

See there is an actual real world where people did things with motives that are very well understood. If your “logical” arguments are completely dependent on ignoring specific realities, it’s not really a logical argument at all. Demanding someone ignore reality so you can have a big “aha! I proved you to be a hypocrite!” kind of moment is rather silly isn’t it?


So you only bashed your head enough to not understand that the phrase “Black Lives Matter” is borne out of a social/political movement?

Are you saying all lives don’t matter?

Where is the debate on the statement “all lives matter”? Please argue against that statement.


You are arguing in bad faith. BLM came out of police brutality targeting predominantly black communities. Period. End of story. If you don’t understand that, that’s because you’re willfully ignorant of the world happening around you.


Are you lost? That’s exactly what I’m saying…


No. Because they are in bad faith inverting the wording of the phrase to sound like “muh common sense” but in reality are just reactionary contrarians that are communicating their social conservative opinions.


Saying Black Lives Matter is only political to right wing racists who believe that the status quo, that Black Lives Don’t Matter, is fine.


So it’s political then? Just because one side of the spectrum has heinous beliefs does not make a thing non-political.


Amazon bought Whole Foods, they’re the same company now.


Companies have no rights unlimited genocide on corporate personhood

@PosadistInevitablity@hexbear.net avatar

Pin the BLM mask directly to Jeff Bezos fucking face. Staple it if necessary.


Lots of places ban attire or even the direction you wear your hat already and that extends to customers so it doesn’t seem all that odd to ban something affiliated with mass arson.

@Scary_le_Poo@beehaw.org avatar

Wow, now this is one hell of a shit hot take.


How so, I live in the ghetto, they burned a ton of shit down and most bars and restaurants ban backwards hats just as a starter. We also know they stole a ton of money to buy mansions.


It’s only online white people that think BLM is some righteous thing. They probably haven’t ever been to a bar where the attire bans colors, they go to the ones that ban poor people.

@marco@beehaw.org avatar

We also know they stole a ton of money to buy mansions.

Who is they? Where are those mansions?

@marco@beehaw.org avatar

So they bought one mansion with donated money legally and then had a private birthday party in it? I’m guessing it wasn’t your money they used lol.

If the IRS finds that wasn’t proper, by all means, go after them, like any tax cheat.

That doesn’t invalidate the cause. Otherwise, you’d have to claim the same about preventing kids cancer, after the Trumps used that donated money for their private funds.


Oh just one mansion to have a birthday party, totally for the cause lol, lol, lol. OMG these white people are so stupid.

@marco@beehaw.org avatar

No point in talking to you if you can’t even understand the article you yourself posted.

@DBVegas@hexbear.net avatar

What a psychotic lib take Jesus Christ.


I wish we would ban something affiliated with posting dumb bullshit.


Thanks for yet another post proving this place was better before we federated


Then defederate


stop posting dog shit

@nat_turner_overdrive@hexbear.net avatar

Funnier to just dunk on you absolute dork-ass losers


You just hate black people

@nat_turner_overdrive@hexbear.net avatar

Ah yes, supporters of Black Lives Matter hate black people. Truly you are an intellectual.


White people are too stupid to understand it.

@nat_turner_overdrive@hexbear.net avatar

Strong comeback, glad to know you’re not able to meet the low bar of “stating your position” much less bothering to defend it.

I think reddit is probably a better place to pretend to be a black conservative, for what it’s worth.


Kill yourself whitey, you will anyway once you mutilate yourself for the cause LOL LOL LOL, suck my big black dick pecker boy! LOL LOL LOL!


Is this the fabled act of Ragesturbation I’m witnessing?


Feels like an evolution of the “you’re white, you’re opinion is wrong” d*stiny bit

@nat_turner_overdrive@hexbear.net avatar
@Kuori@hexbear.net avatar

fuck off back to reddit-logo shitbag

@M68040@hexbear.net avatar

Arson is based. This shit needs to crumble already


So you admit you burned black peoples stuff they rely on on purpose.

@M68040@hexbear.net avatar

Not just theirs. None of this is worth anything


Bc you didnt own it, racist.

@M68040@hexbear.net avatar

Big whoop. Let it die. Let it all die.


You’ll never own anything, not even a dick anymore. All for the people that hate you LOL LOL LOL!

M68040, (edited )
@M68040@hexbear.net avatar

Shit, as long as you lot have it worse i couldn’t give the barest shit what happens to me. Eat the bugs, bitchcakes. Long live Blackrock

@nat_turner_overdrive@hexbear.net avatar

oh no did black people burn businesses owned by white people who don’t live in their communities and only have businesses there to extract any wealth from them?


They weren’t im my area. Whitey

@nat_turner_overdrive@hexbear.net avatar

oh do tell mr definitely not making this up

@silent_water@hexbear.net avatar

acting like you were there and know what happened when you actually sat at home on your ass so you could post about it is peak whiteness.


Yeah, we should ban workers from being able to wear the American flag (see: Napalm, Vietnam War Atrocities)


mass arson


Death to America


Do you have any friends? You know like actual friends you can rely on and won’t drift apart from as soon as you stop giving them something?


do you?


I am blessed with an amazing support network of friends and comrades.


@nat_turner_overdrive@hexbear.net avatar

mass arson

but it’s a BLM mask not a Fraternal Order of the Police mask?


All you crackers really showed your colors today.

@nat_turner_overdrive@hexbear.net avatar

The colors of supporting black people and hating cops? You know just insisting something completely irrational doesn’t work very well unless you have the entirely of lib-shit reddit to help you downvote. Here you’re going to have to at least try to make a coherent point or continue to be dunked on.


Too white, go away.

@nat_turner_overdrive@hexbear.net avatar




@silent_water@hexbear.net avatar

I’m hoping this will break liberal fantasies about trusting certain corporations, but it probably won’t. It’ll push more suburban white liberals into the maw of being reactionary.

Is it accelerationist of me to want comfortable suburban liberals to just become conservatives already? They’re already most of the way there and it would help more properly delineate where the political divides really are.

@M68040@hexbear.net avatar

Shit, that’s kinda what I want. I want to quit having to pretend I want to coddle them and start shitting on them at every possible opportunity.


Shit I’m way past that. I’m ready to watch the world burn so people are forced to deal with the consequences of their treachery toward this planet and her people. Complacency needs to be eliminated.

LifeInMultipleChoice, (edited )

I have worked for companies that have rules stating no logos/brand names could be noticeable. So a black pair of shoes that had a Nike check on it would be considered unacceptable. I always worried the dickies emblem on my work pants might cause issue. White socks were an issue which since you are wearing long pants and shoes… shouldn’t even be noticeable. All tattoos had to be covered, no facial hair allowed, and no piercings. Hair color must be a natural color.

I think the concept behind BLM is good, but I would have never thought wearing a mask with their logo on it would be allowable work attire.


Imagine getting angry at a company enforcing a uniform policy. You kids are wild.

@triplenadir@lemmygrad.ml avatar

imagine doing free PR for a man with as much money as Jeff Bezos


Stay mad


I assume you mean “doing paid PR”, since they are at work and getting paid for it?

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