
As a German, thank you. Meanwhile we’re still dragging our feet with the TAURUS, sigh.

sewerkat, avatar

The amount of ruscist sympathisers in this thread is depressing. Are depleted uranium munitions fucked up? Yeah and they shouldn’t be used. But that isn’t an excuse to bootlick a fascist invader that is already performing ethnic cleansing on territories they took last year

Dee, (edited ) avatar

Yeah, I use threads like these to block users. Can’t wait for lemmy to implement user level instance blocking like mastodon has.

Edit: don’t downvote me, tell me what issue you have with this.

pelikan, (edited )

I have no issue with your blocklist (and not gonna downvote your comment), but i still have to say that your position is pretty strange. Why at all join which is known as real Babel tower with wide range of different opinions without any of them being dominant or enforced (and that differs .ml from .world, beehaw, hexbear, lemmygrad and so on)? If you need echo chamber, you can join other instance or get back to reddit, no reason to wait someone to code some functions.

TheAnonymouseJoker, avatar

Vietnam 2.0

There, I said it. I keep saying Ukraine is a condom for West to try having its little intercourse with Russia. But Russia will not allow STDs.


And you know how the Vietnam war ended, right?

There was a peace agreement between the north and the south, and then a few years later North Vietnam broke it and invaded again, taking over all of the country.

TheAnonymouseJoker, avatar

No, I only know that USA planted a false flag to invent a war in Vietnam, only to have used napalm and other chemicals, which ended up in children still born being defected. People like you that create diversions need to get a taste of their own medicine.

realharo, (edited )

So basically admitting you don’t know the actual history? Maybe start with reading a Wikipedia page or something.

None of that excuses US war crimes in Vietnam, but it does show how a potential future with a hypothetical peace treaty could look like.

TheAnonymouseJoker, avatar

Peace treaty with USA? Wear a red nose and some makeup and walk on the streets while saying that. You will earn good money.


So basically admitting you don’t know the actual history? Maybe start with reading a Wikipedia page or something.



And you know how the Vietnam war ended, right?

There was a peace agreement between the north and the south, and then a few years later North Vietnam broke it and invaded again, taking over all of the country.

The US never ratified it which is important because it was their war of aggression.


dropping a bunch of depleted uranium around seems a lot like the actions of a state that couldn’t give less of a shit about the wellbeing of the people living there


“To the last Ukrainian” is no longer enough, now future Ukrainians have to die too.



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  • usernamesaredifficul,

    tankie is when you think it is bad to knowingly poison children



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  • usernamesaredifficul,

    you know when we met I was on the fence about anarcho-natoism but your warm wit and gentle compassion over the course of our acquaintance has really brought me around. Thank you



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  • CredibleBattery, avatar

    Go blow yourself up for ukraine, dronie


    Why would I blow myself up if I was using a drone you dumb fuck. Jesus you guys are dumb.

    CredibleBattery, avatar

    Offer still stands chud. I heard that they massively lowered conscription requirements, so now you have a chance to join. 😘



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  • ThisMachineKillsFascists, avatar

    Average bloodthirsty NATO supporter



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  • CredibleBattery, avatar


    please, by all means, keep breathing that uranium dust you seem to support so much



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  • CredibleBattery, avatar

    Can’t help but notice that you are still not enrolled in the Ukrainian army, curious.



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  • CredibleBattery, avatar

    soypoint-1 killing civilians to own le tankies soypoint-2
    has to be a new one. Damn tankies must’ve really pissed you off a lot if your mask dropped that fast, little piggie.

    cannot, (edited )


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  • ThisMachineKillsFascists, avatar

    We’re not cheering for any of the leaders in this war, you are. That blood is on your hands, warmonger.



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  • ThisMachineKillsFascists, avatar

    Ngl telling people to kill themselves makes your accusations of genocide a little shallow sounding. antelope-popcorn



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  • ThisMachineKillsFascists, avatar

    Right now it sounds like munching popcorn. Yim yum! meow-popcorn



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  • ThisMachineKillsFascists, avatar

    First time trolling, hmm? miyazaki-laugh

    ThisMachineKillsFascists, avatar

    Damn this kid is going XBox Live levels of meltdown antelope-popcorn



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  • usernamesaredifficul,

    frankly I found their performance repetative

    CredibleBattery, avatar

    Why aren’t you on the trenches already?



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  • TheBigMike,

    From what I’ve read depleted uranium is not proven to cause cancer, nor is it not proven (With the exception that you inhale it or eat it).

    In Iraq it’s still up to debate if it causes cancer or birth defects, since burning buildings and other burning stuff also causes a lot of nasty things to humans.

    From what I’ve read they were also used in Bosnia, and they haven’t had similiar effects to Iraq.

    So let the Ukrainians have their depleted uranium.


    I was just gonna say, you’re correct, and I’m pretty sure there are WAY more toxic chemicals and debris on a battlefield. Think of all the older structures built with asbestos products being destroyed, for example…

    Last I read, alot of the effects Vets ended up with from Iraq, were from the immense open pits they burnt their trash in.


    the International Coalition to Ban Uranium Weapons saying there are dangerous health risks from ingesting or inhaling depleted uranium dust

    Literacy rates in capitalist nations continue to plummet.


    But I said that in my original comment, didn’t I? Maybe I just said it a but unclearly, since English isn’t my first language, but it’s there.

    Here’s the part I mentioned it.

    With the exception that you inhale it or eat it


    And then you said go ahead and give Ukraine depleted uranium rounds


    Yes I did say that.

    Firstly. The main cause of concern with depleted uranium is that according to some research it can linger around the area where they were used, and give people depleted uranium poisoning. Note that there hasn’t yet been any concrete evidence to prove this is the case.

    Secondly. Ukraine themselves asked for these weapons, so they have most likely gone over the risks of using depleted uranium ammunition and have deemed their usefulness to outweigh the potential health down sides that comes from using depleted uranium.

    Thirdly. The rounds given to Ukraine are armor piercing rounds, so the chances of them being fired at buildings are minimal, thus minimizing the possibility of them affecting people if they really were as dangerous as some research tells us.


    Secondly. Ukraine themselves asked for these weapons, so they have most likely gone over the risks of using depleted uranium ammunition and have deemed their usefulness to outweigh the potential health down sides that comes from using depleted uranium

    yes because the ukrainian government couldn’t give a shit about the welfare of the people being poisoned


    Refer to point one


    If only the world were so simple that we could trust the organization tasked with banning the substance rather than reading primary sources.

    I agree that depleted uranium shouldn’t be used, but your quote from the International Coalition to Ban Uranium Weapons means nothing.


    That’s like not listening to doctors about whether or not you should quit smoking because doctors are biased

    RedWizard, avatar

    That aligns with their chosen reality. People are simple creatures and any money will turn them into obedient slaves. The only doctor you can trust is the one who isn’t going paid because they’ve been ostracized for speaking the truth.


    What are you on about? @rogrodre was doing exactly the thing that you’re describing. Treating statements from an organization called “The Coalition to Ban Something” as fact, without any other review, is only believing information that confirms your beliefs.


    That’s not the same thing at all.

    The comment above mine is more akin to wanting to ban water because the Coalition to Ban Dihydrogen Monoxide said so. Or wanting to ban abortion because Americans United for Life said they’re immoral. Or to increase fossil fuel usage because OPEC said it isn’t bad for the environment. You’re citing an opinionated secondary source without even considering the other side.

    If you want facts, you go to unbiased, peer reviewed primary sources. Or at least hear both sides. If you want opinions, go to a “coalition to ban something.”

    The comment 2 above mine was saying that depleted uranium’s effects are up for debate. The next commenter provided only one side of the argument and claimed that it was fact, even mocking their literacy for not seeing it.


    yes it is an opinionated source but it is also an opinionated source with scientific evidence to back up its claims. What you are doing is seeking false balance between the position that has been reached trhough scientific peer reviewed study and the position “nuh uh”


    I’m agreeing that depleted uranium weapons are a bad idea. I’m disagreeing that someone is illiterate for not believing an opinionated source.

    I could easily quote Wikipedia just as the prior comment quoted OP’s article:

    The U.S. Department of Defense claims that no human cancer of any type has been seen as a result of exposure to either natural or depleted uranium.

    Surely the DoD has at least some scientific research, no? It would be foolish to take this quote and believe that depleted uranium is safe, and it would be even more foolish to insult someone’s intelligence for not doing so.


    The problem with depleted uranium isn’t that it is poison to touch, but that it dissolves into the dirt and dust and poisons everything because people will, in fact, be breathing it in as an aerosol and drinking what gets in the water supply.


    Sounds plausible, but wouldn’t it cause the same types of effects in Bosnia if that were the case?


    In the follow follow up report they said that the risks of the DU dust causing any harm are minimal.

    Grimble, (edited )

    (EXTREME CW: the link is exactly what it says, but worse)

    Listen. You just saw the report that proves health effects exist. It was right above you, yet youre still talking. Every time you reply, you just pick a single piece of the last argument to ‘debunk’, even if the rest of the comment answers your whole useless fucking question. By now I’m convinced youre only dragging out this discussion to waste our time. Ive seen at least 30 separate people pull this twitter-lib trick and not one is from our instance. Fuck off.

    You know why wartorn countries keep mysteriously suffering birth defects? Because of people like you, who dance around and confuse anyone who tries to protest these weapons. Yet if i ever sent you a graphic picture of a deformed baby, whose defects entirely stem from uranium, you’d recoil in disgust and call me a psychopath. You couldn’t look at the end-product of your beloved bomb, much less any bomb, without throwing up. You want to prove me wrong now, so fucking look.

    Call me a propagandist. Tell me i photoshopped the fucking brain-sac onto that kid second-from-left. Look at the pictures until you feel something, or cease all feeling in your pointless shaking little body.

    Next you’ll try to criticize my “needless aggression.” But you know where it came from. Fuck outta here

    Here it is again, in case you missed or tried to ignore it.


    radiation asside it’s a highly toxic heavy metal yes it will cause health defects


    So what’s the difference between lead, tungsten, and depleted uranium? They all cause cancer and other symptoms, and both tungsten and depleted uranium must be decontaminated if the tank carrying them is destroyed.

    And from what I’ve read you will die of the toxicity before you will die of the radiation.


    So youre telling us there’s an even more deadly aspect than the radiation, and youre still defending this like your life depends on it, huh?

    I thought liberals had a rule against bending science to fit political agendas. Guess that’s another lie you tell yourselves


    Depleted Uranium isn’t radioactive, really. U-238, stripped of all the U-235 (hence, depleted) is incredibly stable. While it is technically radioactive, it barely registers. So maybe learn what you’re talking about?


    Read it again. Keyword “toxicity”. No patience for you flipflopping around points like this


    Your comment specifically said, “you’re telling us there’s an even more deadly aspect than the radiation” so I’m not sure what you’re on about my guy.


    Seems a little strange considering their refusal to provide M1 Abrams tanks from their stockpile as these have depleted uranium armor.


    They’ll receive their first 14 M1A1 by Sept. 25. I don’t think any foreign countries get the reactive armor except for the US.


    The UK.


    Maybe there are way more secrets in making armor with depleted uranium (and certainly other things layered in) than just shaping a shell with it?


    I’m just glad that as an Adult in the room, I’m on the right side of history. Arming Ukranian Nazis with depleted uranium is actually the least evil option and anyone who doesn’t understand that is a child.

    Another 50 billion for the cause!

    ButtBidet, avatar

    The 500k homeless people in the US humbly accept and understand.




    UK did it last time. But yeah, same shit under a different name.



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  • CombatLiberalism, avatar

    Do you think these rounds just magically disappear after they’re used? They’re going to continue to litter the land and cause generations of people completely uninvolved in the conflict to suffer from birth defects, lung damage, and cancer, as can be seen after its use in Iraq. No one is immune to depleted uranium. At this point you can just admit that you care more about killing Russians than you do defending Ukraine, consequences be damned.

    Cummunism, (edited ) avatar

    ruzzia orcs

    had trouble spelling Russia, did ya? your brain isn’t worth saving. cringey reddit /r/worldnews phrases can fuck off forever into the pit.

    edited because i realized i wasn’t on hexbear. so yea, ^that^ is the more polite version.


    We all feel for you. Must suck to start a war and then lose it.


    Ooc, Why do you think Russia invaded?


    Easy: they think they are a superpower and that they can use their military to keep independent, neighbouring countries aligned with them politically in order to protect their geopolitical interests. They are not and they can’t.


    And when you day “aligned geopoliticaly” what’s that exactly?


    It means that government in a given country will side with Russia on international scene in order to protect their interests. Isn’t that obvious? Like Hungary is politically aligned with Russia but Germany isn’t.


    thank you for your service, cummunism




    AntiOutsideAktion, avatar

    The problem is that it’s a heavy metal poison not that it’s radioactive.


    And lead, famously, isn’t a heavy metal. And neither is copper (used for jacks)

    No no Ukraine is only allowed to eject invaders with the most pure tungsten rounds.

    AntiOutsideAktion, avatar

    These decisions are being made by people who will not be having children with birth defects because of them


    No you’re right our brave mujahideen fighters in Ukraine deserve the right to have their conscripts poison and maim their own children. They’ve got the uranium bullets and cluster bombs, but surely we’ve got some agent orange around here we can spare.


    You understand that Ukrainians live in Ukraine and poisoning their children is bad

    I can’t believe you are seriously arguing our “do not poison Ukrainian children” policy is evidence we do not care about Ukraine


    Ask them whether a miniscule chance of light poisoning is preferable to getting abducted.

    Or, as happened just recently in Germany, thrown down a bridge.

    If you have another idea of how to get Russians to GTFO of Ukraine go ahead, present it at the UN, get your peace nobel price. In the mean time, STFU when people are defending themselves against an imperialist aggressor.


    The last years of the Donetsk conflict have seen double-digits civilian casualties. There were about 2000 in the first year, then there was exponential decline.

    Have you compared recent pictures of Donetsk with Mariopol or Bakhmut? I’ll give you a hint: One is still standing. If Ukraine wanted to it could easily flatten Donetsk, it’s in artillery range. A million Russian-speaking inhabitants, if Ukrainians are so genocidal why don’t they just go for it?

    Russia killed more civilians in the first months of the 2022 invasion that died overall in Donetsk and Luhansk since 2014. A fuckton of those Russian-speaking (like in e.g. Mariopol). Russia abducted more children than died in the “people’s republics”.

    In other words: Shut the fuck up with your “Ukraine is shelling Russian-speaking Ukrainians” bullshit. Either you’re severely misinformed, or a straight-up Putin bot.

    And with that in mind: Do you seriously think that the proper way to react to an invasion, an invasion which comes with near uncountable human rights abuses and disregard for the civilian population, to react to that with “Oh, since you’re asking so nicely Russia, here, have a cookie”? No. Fuck that, fuck you, and fuck everything you believe in.


    You really shouldn’t uncritically accept anything Ukraine or Russia says about the war. Of course they’re going to say the other side is targeting civilians while we only attack valid military targets. Don’t you remember Libya? Iraq? Afghanistan? Bosnia? We know how the news operates in these situations.

    Russia abducted more children than died in the “people’s republics”.

    This is misframing refugees fleeing into Russia as abduction. These aren’t moustache-twirling villains.


    Don’t you remember Libya? Iraq? Afghanistan? Bosnia? We know how the news operates in these situations.

    Yes: We have plenty of reports about shit that people did. And we have the same now.

    This is misframing refugees fleeing into Russia as abduction.

    a) UN. b) Have you watched the Russian state TV shows where they parade them? If you know anything about body language they were screaming “The fuck why do I have to say this vile shit they put in my mouth I want out of here”.

    These aren’t moustache-twirling villains.

    Indeed not, but only because Putin doesn’t have a beard.

    Why are you defending a genocidal regime? It’s hitting all five points of the UN genocide convention, one would suffice.


    Ask them whether a miniscule chance of light poisoning is preferable to getting abducted

    on what medical basis are you rejecting the established medical position on the severity of heavy metal poisoning.


    You didn’t read the article did you. Hint: Look for the IAEA quote.


    the problem is both but the heavy metal is worse.


    I hope some U238 finds its way into your lungs, fascist scum.


    It’s only a hazard if you are handling it all the time, or you hang out around old targets where there is a fuck ton of uranium dust just waiting to get stirred up. If it gets in your lungs, you are not going to be a happy camper after a few years. Even so, depleted uranium emits alpha particles which is the weakest form of radiation.

    I don’t deny the fact that uranium dust is bad. The reasons why it is bad are usually left out of the all the articles that hate on it for the wrong reasons.

    Hell, here in Colorado we have more issues with radon. As far as uranium is concerned, there are problems with rainwater runoff concentrating it from the old mines that we have, but that is about it. Of course that isn’t good, but it takes massive tailings piles from old mines to cause issues for groundwater and such.


    Ahh wonderful, time for so many future children to be born horribly disfigured via contaminated drinking water. Also don’t forget all the booming cancer rates!


    We have advanced beyond fighting to the last Ukranian and are now involving future Ukranians



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  • ThisMachineKillsFascists, avatar

    You sure seem angry about someone not wanting children harmed



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  • ThisMachineKillsFascists, avatar

    Lmao wow


    what the fuck did you just say to me,


    Yet more confirmation that the West regards Ukrainians as subhuman, and that they know they’re not getting the territory back. Generations of birth defects, the unexploded bombs that cluster bombs leave behind, more and more people being drafted and shoved into a meat grinder in a war that’s already lost, just so some American ghouls can make a bit of extra cash off their Raytheon stocks.

    None of this was worth it. But it’s going to keep happening. The US will keep arming Nazis and pushing war over diplomacy and destabilizing everything until something is done to get rid of those bastard war profiteers and the ghouls who lied us into Iraq and Afghanistan.

    This shit’s so fucking stupid. Can’t wait for the chickenhawks to call me a bad person while sitting behind their keyboards demanding others be forced to fight in their stead.


    Yup, defence is definitely what they shouldn’t do. Russia is obviously doing God’s work here.

    polskilumalo, avatar

    This war wouldn’t have even happened in the first place if not for the United States.


    Are the NATO soldiers that definitely kicked off the war by invading Russia in the room with us now?

    polskilumalo, avatar

    Ah yes, history started in 2022. Mind reminding me by whose sabotage caused the Soviet Union to be illegaly disbanded? Because guess what, this story starts in 1989 and context for many of it’s intricacies begins for a few cases even earlier. Including the Nazis of Ukraine and why they are so prominent in our (Hexbear and Lemmygrad) discussions.

    Geopolitics and conflicts aren’t defined by boots on the ground action, that is just an end stage and consequence of escalating actions done beforehand. So no, there is no NATO soldiers in the room with us right now. But there is plenty of high ranking officials, military and not, who have been cooking this proxy war for a while now and the consequence is Russian aggression and deaths of thousands.

    All of this could’ve been avoided. But you don’t care. You just want to be above them morally, as that’s all that matters for you. Being on the “good team”, like it’s sports.

    “Can you see those aggresive ruskies? Killing innocents without reason! At least we aren’t like them!”

    Ironic amd sadening.


    although the Ukrainians using such rounds in Ukraine also seem to regard other Ukrainians as subhuman



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  • Dirt_Owl, avatar

    Can’t wait for Azov to become the new Taliban and bite America in the ass


    bite America in the ass

    It won’t be America it bites in the ass; they’ll be a deadly menace to their neighbors in the West (as I would imagine Russia is going to remain on its toes about armed Ukrainian militias). They’ve been pretty open about their far right views. Frankly this was actually a brilliant strategy for the government; much like how they turned the Middle East into nations yearning for America’s protection, so too will the rest of (Western) Europe now become new clients. As a business strategy it’s brilliant, my only question is why European governments and the idiots who vote for them over there actually going along with this; you’re watching the car careening towards the cliff, why are you cheering the guy pushing it from behind rather than slamming on the brakes.

    Even the Taliban didn’t commit 9/11 until the US had already been engaged in military actions in Afghanistan for years by that point. War profiteering is the point.

    polskilumalo, avatar

    File size requirements made me create this low res monstrosity lmao, also please do replace the Tilted Towers for the Palace of Culture and Sciences for thr more realistic scenario.


    “Lol, how could people in the past be so dumb? Anyway, I’m off to give cluster bombs to some Nazi paramilitary groups.”

    krolden, avatar

    FYI that text was not in rambo


    TIL. Apparently what it actually said was “The Gallant People of Afghanistan,” but the point is largely the same.

    Phantom_Engineer, avatar

    I thought they went back and changed it after the fact.


    That’s what the rumor said, but googling seems to indicate it was a hoax. Though like I said the original is basically the same thing.

    PolandIsAStateOfMind, avatar

    I mean who else it could even mean in USA movie? Especially considering what was in that particular movie.


    That guy is about as real as the elections in a Soviet country.

    There’s no proof he’s ever even been to Ukraine 😂


    Seems like a guy who would have fit right in:…/us-cohen-ukraine-commentary-idUSKBN…


    Aw jeez his made up record would have fit right into this article?

    Who cares he’s still not real.


    How do you know? So it is just your opinion? There is a video with testimony - what exactly do you got that makes you so sure?

    Asymptote, (edited )

    There’s literally no proof he’s ever been to Ukraine. You want me to prove a negative. Good luck with that.

    Edit: lol I’m gonna do the impossible. He couldn’t have been in Ukraine while being simultaneously in prison.

    Dirt_Owl, avatar

    about as real as the elections in a Soviet country

    Because capitalist elections between corporate donors are so real lmao

    Are you going to vote for Bloomberg or Blackstone next year? Good little piggy.


    You Americans are something else. There’s a world outside your little shithole bubble you know.

    Dirt_Owl, avatar

    I’m not even American. Our economy is global and America is the imperial core of that economy.

    One of my local PMs was caught taking bribes from the NRA a few years back ffs


    Oh well… The amount of health risks that these rounds would cause would pale in comparison to the mines that the Orcs have planted everywhere. Anything to drive out the invaders!

    Flinch, avatar

    hitler-detector beep beep beep

    cynetri, avatar

    is this a /s or a fr moment


    A fr moment

    Dirt_Owl, avatar

    Their name is UraniumBlazer

    BeamBrain, avatar


    The only time before the Ukraine War that I saw this term used to refer to real human beings was on Stormfront

    yogthos, avatar
    BeamBrain, avatar

    Libs saw the events unfolding and were all like “YES! Now I can do socially acceptable racism! ORCORCORCORCORCORC”

    yogthos, avatar

    The mask fell off awful quick.


    Because calling someone an Orc is so much worse than kidnapping children and raping woman.


    Why are you visiting stormfront? Lol outing yourself so readily.

    Uh oh! Hexbears been infiltrated!


    Wine cave warrior NAFO ghouls are already doing Adults In The Room armchair calculations about how these death treats will increase chances of a profitable victory for their corporate masters by .03216% and how it’s a heroic sacrifice that disposable Ukrainians must make to defend the land for future profitability.

    maybe-later-honey 🍷 🍷 maybe-later-kiddo


    Using depleted uranium rounds on your own territory seems bad. Especially since ukraine is a major exporter of grain.

    Then again , shooting a gun inside is stupid, until someone is breaking in and trying to kill you.


    According to the article, studies in places where the ammunition has been used “indicated that the existence of depleted uranium residues dispersed in the environment does not pose a radiological hazard to the population of the affected regions.”

    What effect does it have on the grain?


    And an environmental hazard, since Uranium is poisonous?


    Did you completely ignore what he referenced in the article?

    AnyOldName3, avatar

    As well as being very mildly radioactive, depleted uranium is still a heavy metal, so can poison you in a similar way to lead. IIRC, that’s the most dangerous aspect of the material, and isn’t mentioned by the article.


    As opposed to the other bullets that are also heavy metals.




    Ok, but the alternative is lead or tungsten, both of which are similarly toxic. So unless you are suggesting Ukraine only fights with artisanaly grown wooden weapons I’m not sure what point you’re making.


    If there’s one country to trust with nuclear safety it’s actually Ukraine. Capable engineers and scientists, understanding of institutional failure, and certainly not least memory of Chernobyl.


    Then again, shooting a gun inside is stupid, until someone is breaking in and trying to kill you.

    Killing the opponent is the last resort in most developed countries.


    Even as they’re burying your neighbors in mass graves? Interesting…


    War has different rules.


    Does not compute. Why should depleted uranium have any effect on grain production. Its strong radioactive components are, as the name says, depleted. The only worry is inhalation immediately following impact.

    I think there’s way too much misinformation about this and way too many people talking without a clue

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