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American_Communist22, in Turkey, a NATO member-state, has launched an invasion of Iraq. Not a word from NATO and EU representatives who have been screaming about Ukraine for the past two months. avatar

I miss Saddam Hussein

realcaseyrollins, avatar

@American_Communist22 @yogthos he can't hold a candle to Hitler IMHO

Catradora_Stalinism, avatar

what? Are we talking about the man who was president and kept Iraq together and with some sort of future besides collapse and and american enslavement?


You mean the one that committed semi regular massacres? That Saddam?

JoeBidet, in U.K. Judge OKs Extradition of Julian Assange to U.S. avatar

Most “journalists” are at zero risk because they just parrot what their governments say.


Reading through the indictment, I think a lot of the fury is because Assange didn’t redact vulnerable sources, and when confronted had a very callous attitude about threats to the life or liberty of people who were mentioned. A responsible journalist would redact information like that to protect them from reprisals. Like, there are plenty of journalists that criticize the government in the West and receive leaks, but they’re not having the US government chasing them across the Atlantic.


…they’re not having the US government chasing them across the Atlantic.

Not yet they’re not. Wait until a legal precedent is set with Assange (too many have been already) and any journalist the government doesn’t like the look of can be locked away or worse.

Whichever way you look at it, exposing sources in an unethical way just doesn’t warrant the treatment Assange has gotten nor the threat of three lifetimes in prison. This isn’t about that, nor is this isn’t about a really stretched charge of hacking, it’s about showing anti-imperialist and anti-war journalists and whistleblowers who’s in charge.

obsolete29, in Why non-Western countries tend to see Russia's war very differently

I think each country has to decide for themselves what they’re going to do about the Russian invasion of Ukraine. Especially those countries who have been on the receiving end of US unilateralism as described in the article.

Despite all the past offenses of the US and the west, in this instance I think the west is acting as a force for good. Ukraine was invaded by Russia under false pretenses of “denazification” . The Ukrainians are asking for help to resist an invader. We should help them.

yogthos, avatar

There is no scenario here where Ukraine can win against Russia. All this conflict does is prolong the suffering of the people there. The only ethical thing to do is to help find a diplomatic solution and encourage negotiations. Unfortunately, western powers have been doing the opposite of that encouraging Ukraine to continue fighting and sending weapons. The reality is that the west doesn’t actually care about the people of Ukraine, and just wants to use them as pawns to drag Russia into a prolonged conflict there. It’s a ghoulish thing to do.


Yeah sure. The only ethical thing to do is to give Putin everything he wants so he doesn’t kill more Ukrainians. Got it.

yogthos, avatar

Please explain to me your galaxy brain logic of why killing more Ukrainians to achieve the same result is desirable. You’re not personally affected by any of this, so it’s easy for you to advocate ruining lives of countless other people to spite Putin.

If you feel so strongly about this then why don’t you pick up a gun and go to Ukraine yourself, if you’re not willing to do that then kindly shut the fuck up.


Well, it’s pretty easy logic to follow, and if you were anything other than a partisan troll, arguing in bad faith, you could easily follow.

The Ukrainians are asking for help. We should help them. That it’s. That’s the logic.

yogthos, avatar

I love how you just homogenized Ukrainians here. The Ukrainian regime that insists on continuing the fighting certainly does not represent the totality of people of Ukraine. It’s a large country with diverse demographics and right wing extremists that the west backs do not speak for all of Ukraine. Either you’re a troll or utterly ignorant on the subject you’re bloviating on.


Haha way to toe the partisan line. Russia has to invade to fight the nazi fascists. Got it.


Ahh yes, appeasement. Such a great plan. Next they invade Poland and you can just give them that as well to make sure that they don’t suffer. We can just go through a list of countries and give them one a year, no suffering.

Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it

yogthos, avatar

you used so many words to say you’re an ignoramus

The_Monocle_Debacle, in Russia has defaulted on its foreign debt, says S&P avatar

“we won’t let you transfer dollars”

“Ok I’ll pay in rubles”


“Ok then”

“Hey you can’t not pay us!”

“I tried to, in rubles”

“No, use dollars”

“You won’t let me”


“If you invade there will be sanctions.”

“We don’t care”

“It will make finances not as good”

“We don’t care”

“That means you can’t pay your debts”

“We don’t care”

“Ok then”


“Hey, why can’t we pay our debts?! Let’s make up an imaginary conversation that selectively excludes critical contextual details and absolves us of blame in the most adolescent way imaginable”


knfrmity, in The ‘Ukraine effect’ on the world’s poorest and most vulnerable

The exports figure doesn’t tell the whole story though. There was a twitter thread going around earlier in the week showing that most grain is consumed in the country its produced in. The shortfall is something closer to 1%, which of course hits poor and less agricultural countries most heavily but can be made up with exports from other countries like India. I get the impression that the issue is global shipping logistics and the greed of capitalists, not a huge shortfall in actual food supply.

yogthos, in Russia Demands Wikipedia Take Down Information About Ukraine War avatar

I bet that if it was the US asking Wikipedia to edit articles the media wouldn’t use the word “demand” or attribute it to the whole US. A likely headline would be: “email shows US official asked Wikipedia to censor ‘misinformation’”.


The US edits information on Wikipedia to serve its narrative all the time, just through quiet back channels. Western media wouldn’t report on it even if it were done super obviously. It’s rumored that one of the most prolific Wikipedia editors is really British Intelligence. You can also trace the IPs doing edits to places like the CIA.

gary_host_laptop, in Microsoft under threat of nationalization or asset seizure by Russia avatar

How is the government going to handle the use of public computers if Microsoft is getting out of Russia? I mean, I’m sure they already have a lot of pirated copies and old versions of Windows, as any (at least third world) country does, but at some point I don’t see any option to either pirate every copy of Windows or start using Linux.

triplenadir, avatar

I don’t see any option to either pirate every copy of Windows…/Microsoft-Activation-Scripts 🏴‍☠️

daojones, in During today’s Regular Press Conference, Chinese MFA spokesman Zhao Lijian released more information about US biological labs in Ukraine.

I wonder who is pushing this news story.

kamikaze, in During today’s Regular Press Conference, Chinese MFA spokesman Zhao Lijian released more information about US biological labs in Ukraine.

The claims for weapons being developed in these biolabs were proven false by a lot of news outlets and scientists. It seems like this has become a vapid talking point.

yogthos, avatar

The claims for weapons being developed in these biolabs have not in fact been proven, and no independent verification ever happened. By proven you must mean US officials saying trust me. Two big questions for you:

If the US wants to prove its innocence, why doesn’t it open up these bio-labs for independent investigations by international experts?

Why does the US insist on being the only country in the world to oppose the establishment of a multilateral verification mechanism though it claims to abide by the BWC?


Yes exactly they have not been proven. We agree. No weapons. Just labs.

yogthos, avatar

No, we do not agree at all. We don’t know what’s in those labs, and US won’t let independent investigators into these labs. If you don’t understand why that’s a problem what else is there to tell you really.


We agree completely, I agree with you, that we do not know. However, if you do research on this subject, you can read what independent journalists and scientists have to say and the likelihood of it being any kind of weapons is very low. We agree. You’re just more skeptical and crossing into borderline conspiracy territory by not providing evidence to back up your skepticism. I will happily go into my search history and provide you links of well known scientists discussing this topic if you’d like.

yogthos, avatar

Skepticism doesn’t require evidence. The only party that needs to provide evidence is the US who operate these labs. All the following questions need clear answers:

  • If the international community’s concerns are “disinformation”, why doesn’t the US release detailed materials to prove its innocence?
  • What did they spend the $200 million on?
  • What kind of research was conducted on which pathogens?
  • What kind of sensitive information about public health cannot be shared?
  • Does the Ukrainian side know what the US has been working on in Ukraine?
  • What is it trying to hide when the US Embassy in Ukraine deleted all relevant documents on its website?
  • Why does the US insist on being the only country in the world to oppose the establishment of a multilateral verification mechanism though it claims to abide by the BWC?
  • If the US wants to prove its innocence, why doesn’t it open up these bio-labs for independent investigations by international experts?
putinmoipresident, in Debunking of Ukraine biolab claims

Cross-posted this in the ‘NATO’s war in Ukraine’ community and a mod deleted it logging this (Removed Post Debunking of Ukraine biolab claims reason: western bullshit) someone needs to check these mods and see if they have everyone’s best interest in mind ¯_(ツ)_/¯


Since this :…/
Admin. Dessalines on “US atrocities”
We should at least remain critical. Thanks for your work 👍.


Your whole essays repo is very nice. Did someone add the biolab nonsense to that list in your repo or something? Sorry not really following the relevance of this to my comment

southerntofu, in Russia Ends Another of Ukraine's War Crimes - Fresh Water Flows Again to Crimea

Not upvoting, not because the subject isn’t interesting, but because of the framing: “The great popular hero russia restores water to the poor victims of the ukrainian despotism”.

I’d be interested in more sources on the implications behind this. I’d also be interested if you were to publish the same kind of propaganda against Turkey’s war crimes against the autonomous communities of Rojava ;-)

TheAnonymouseJoker, avatar

I would be more interested in you stopping NATO apologia in threads, but you have demonstrated otherwise by calling others Russian empire puppets. You are bothered and need to say “not upvoting” because you are supportive of Ukraine not letting Crimea having water supply, and do not want to say it openly.

Do you seek interest in publishing photos on Lemmy like this, since you call critics of current narrative “puppets of Russian Empire”?


If you can point to one instance where i advocated for NATO, i’d be happy to provide an apology. Unfortunately this does not exist except in your mind where being against the Russian empire means siding with the western empire. I strongly recommend you do some reading on third-worldism and the importance of non-alignment (in regards to colonial empires) for the socialist/communist/anarchist movement worldwide.

Do you seek interest in publishing photos on Lemmy like this, since you call critics of current narrative “puppets of Russian Empire”?

Challenge accepted. I’m all up for denouncing nazism/fascism where it is. I just criticize when denouncing a specific brand of fascism is done in a way to reinforce another (whether it’s USA or Russian fascism/imperialism).

TheAnonymouseJoker, avatar

On your “challenge accepted” post, you for some reason play both sides trope in plenty hideous ways:

On the Russian side of things, there’s also a bunch of neo-nazis in the army as well as traditional nationalists/fascists. It’s not exactly a secret either:

Both governments have long fought against popular movements and anarchist/antifascist networks. Both countries have neo-nazi/fascist militias parading down the streets and beating/killing random people. Just like France or USA have them too.

Check out the wikipedia page on neo-nazism.

This is a prime example of a grifter and not a critic. Criticism must happen not against the oppressed (pro-Russian) narrative, but the dominant (pro-NATO, pro-Ukraine) narrative. Russia needs to do a lot of catchup on whatever Anglo countries have done, for Russia to be equally called an empire.

You are a grifter trying to paint Russia as an equal to NATO in terms of whatever incidents have happened to date, when just about most of whatever is shown to paint Russia bad in the media is debunked as fake news.

Claims of Russia striking rockets in civilian places to gain empathy, when the below is Smerch complex, and not rockets with fuel in them.

Smerch complex that is supposed to explode... oh wait pacifiers do not explode, but NATO media has done the damage.

Playing both sides trope when the media is suspiciously imbalanced against Russia is purely meant for grift purposes. You have already attempted to label Lemmy users as “pro-Putin internet leninist fanboys” in a post 2 hours ago:


You are gaslighting Lemmy users continuously in comments to create a cauldron and it is not meant for having a balanced debate and dialogue.

HMH, in Anti-US/NATO protests in Kyiv today avatar

Can you give a little more context please? Do any news outlets report on this, how many people did protest?

While I think this is very interesting, this submission kinda breaks

Please only post links to actual news sources, no tabloid sites, etc

doesn’t it?

yogthos, avatar

was posted on vk

k_o_t, in Anti-US/NATO protests in Kyiv today avatar

guys about to be invaded by russia and they’re protesting nato/us imperialism? priorities??

don’t mention horseshoe theory don’t mention horseshoe theory don’t mention horseshoe theory don’t mention horseshoe theory don’t mention horseshoe theory don’t mention horseshoe theory don’t mention horseshoe theory don’t mention horseshoe theory don’t mention horseshoe theory don’t mention horseshoe theory don’t mention horseshoe theory don’t mention horseshoe theory don’t mention horseshoe theory don’t mention horseshoe theory don’t mention horseshoe theory don’t mention horseshoe theory don’t mention horseshoe theory don’t mention horseshoe theory don’t mention horseshoe theory don’t mention horseshoe theory don’t mention horseshoe theory don’t mention horseshoe theory don’t mention horseshoe theory don’t mention horseshoe theory don’t mention horseshoe theory don’t mention horseshoe theory don’t mention horseshoe theory don’t mention horseshoe theory don’t mention horseshoe theory don’t mention horseshoe theory

yogthos, avatar

Who told you Ukraine is about to be invaded by Russia?

k_o_t, avatar

your comment is clearly formulated in a way so that my reply to it should give my reasons why i believe russia is likely to invade ukraine, which isn’t bad in any way of course (formulation, not invasion), but, i’m afraid there’s not much i can offer besides the existing satellite pictures, convoy footage, articles and other news coverage, intelligence of other countries etc, which you no doubt have already seen

don’t get me wrong, i, more than anyone would like this whole thing to turn out to be a too-far-taken negotiating tactic for russia’s demands to stop expansion of nato, bc i have ukranian friends who are likely to get drafted, some of my closest friends in russia were at risk of being drafted even before this whole thing started, i myself could get drafted in the event of a war

i would be really happy to be able to look back at this comment in a year and laugh at how ridiculous this whole thing was, but, one thing we’ve learned is that we’ll never fail to be surprised by the kind of fucked up shit a crazy, nationalistic autocrat with zero oversight catering to a nationalistic population can do…

yogthos, avatar

First, let’s establish some context here. What Russia is rightly concerned about is the fact that NATO has been relentlessly expanding to the east. They’ve now given NATO an ultimatum that it has to roll back and comply with the original security guarantees that were given after USSR dissolved. The threat to Russia is real and should not be understated. NATO being able to put nukes in Ukraine would mean that they could reach Moscow in five minutes. This is a red line for Russia. All the NATO members have already stated that there is no prospects of Ukraine joining NATO or EU in the foreseeable future. This precludes any reason for Russia to act.

Russia has also never once said that it plans to invade Ukraine. The troops you’re talking about are stationed in their barracks. Likewise, France, Germany, and even Ukraine are saying that there is no Russian invasion happening.

So far, the only countries insisting that there is some imminent invasion are US and UK. And the country that’s been most damaged by these claims is Ukraine since all the investors are now pulling out leading to the economy crashing. This is the primary reason Ukrainian government has now broken with the US narrative.

Russia is achieving its goals without any need to invade Ukraine. Europe has absolutely no interest in having a full out war in Ukraine, and it’s also heavily dependent on Russian gas and oil meaning that EU has little appetite to try and sanction Russia. On the other hand, US appears to be pushing for conflict as a distraction from the disastrous domestic policy and because accepting Russian demands would be seen as weakness. This is already driving a serious wedge within NATO. Russia will continue to apply pressure by doing military exercises within its borders, and negotiating with western powers. France, Italy, and Germany are already having direct talks with Russia and this is the most likely path towards resolving the issue.

Russia invading Ukraine would be counter to their goals as it would actually help unite NATO against them. There is no conceivable benefit to Russia from fighting a war in Ukraine. It’s also worth noting that Russian media hasn’t talked about any war, and typically countries prepare their public for a war when they’re planning on having one.

The only scenario Russia has stated that it would engage militarily in Ukraine would be if Ukraine invaded Donbas. Ukraine has been ignoring its Minsk agreement commitments failing to grant autonomy to Donetsk and Luhansk, and has been engaging in committing war crimes in these regions by attacking water supply and civilian targets.


The threat to Russia is real and should not be understated.

NATO doesn’t invade countries. This is a threat to their geopolitical interests, not a direct threat.

You can whatabout your way and compare them to America acting on their interests, but that just makes them the same as America, not better.

muad_dibber, avatar
k_o_t, avatar

russia is a country with the most number of nuclear weapons in the world, being extremely sensitive about any border disputes, fueled by an unfortunate self-perpetuating symbiosis of a large portion of the population being nationalistic being catered to by an equally nationalistic autocrat…

no sensible country would touch such an explosive combination country with a long pole, let alone try to invade, which would virtually guarantee mutual destruction with nuclear weapons…

muad_dibber, avatar

fueled by an unfortunate self-perpetuating symbiosis of a large portion of the population being nationalistic being catered to by an equally nationalistic autocrat…

Not all nationalisms are equal. Russia’s nationalism has invaded 0 countries, and has like 4 external military bases that are holdovers from the USSR. I’m showing you a picture of dozens of NATO bases used to launch invasions and encroachments for Euro-american chauvinist interests, like as @yogthos mentioned, in Yugoslavia, Syria, Libya, Afghanistan, Iraq.

How many countries has Russia since the 1990s, compared to NATO?


Damn dude, this aged like milk. Just popped up in my feed when sorting by hot and I was pretty confused 😅

yogthos, avatar

war mongers got their way in the end and now we are where we are

133arc585, avatar

Olga is glad that Russia has intervened in the conflict, and she indeed corrected me when I once referred to the Russian SMO as an “invasion”, telling me that Russia did not invade. Rather, they were invited and welcomed in. That does seem to be the prevailing view in Donetsk as far as I can tell.

Russia, Donbass, and the reality of the conflict in Ukraine


Well, the warmongers don’t seem to be doing so well. It’s been well over 100x (coming up on 200x) of the initial timeline with no victory in sight.

With respect to your original statement though, we have now seen which sources were more accurate so we can judge more carefully who to take seriously in future.

yogthos, avatar

People are making good money off this war though, including in Ukraine. There have been lots of reports of grand scale embezzlement of the funds and resources being sent for the war.


What’s your hypothesis here? Some corrupt folks in Ukraine figured that maybe if Russia attacked and on the chance than the country could maintain a solid defence and assuming that western nations would be willing to send large amounts of military aid over a sustained conflict there could be money to be made? Seems like quite a dice roll to me let alone how they could exert influence over Russia to get them to invade. Maybe I’m misunderstanding what you’re suggesting but it seems pretty implausible to me.

yogthos, avatar

Only a child would come up with a hypothesis like this. An adult would understand that Ukrainian oligarchs keep their wealth in western banks, and they make money through the corrupt government they set up after the coup in 2014. If you think Ukrainian oligarchs care about Ukraine any more than US oligarchs care about the US then you must’ve been born yesterday.


Damn you got me, I was born yesterday. It’s been a wild 24 hours.

gary_host_laptop, in ‘Fight Club’ Author Chuck Palahniuk Responds to China’s New Ending avatar

The US Authoritarian Regime Bans ‘Fight Club’ Book in Various States

The author also said that he saw the irony in many Americans’ angry response to China’s actions, given that his books are banned in many locations across the U.S.

“What I find really interesting is that my books are heavily banned throughout the U.S.,” he said. “The Texas prison system refuses to carry my books in their libraries. A lot of public schools and most private schools refuse to carry my books. But it’s only an issue once China changes the end of a movie? I’ve been putting up with book banning for a long time.”

He also said that having his work revised in ways he can’t control is nothing new to him.

“A lot of my overseas publishers have edited the novel so the novel ends the way the movie ends,” he said. “So I’ve been dealing with this kind of revision for like 25 years.”

gary_host_laptop, in 671 stray dogs and cats adopted last year | Macao News avatar

not world news

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