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florge, in 'Dead' woman found breathing in coffin at own funeral

Now she is in intensive care in the same hospital where doctors declared her death.

Doesn’t sound reassuring.

P00P_L0LE, in Ukraine war: Kyiv claims first victories of counter-offensive - BBC News avatar

Today our troops captured a two-room apartment with kitchen, toilet, and bathroom. They have succeeded in retaining two-thirds of it despite fierce counterattacks by the enemy.


You might have the wrong city. Mr prigo was originally hailing those successes in bakhmut.

TheOubliette, in Ukraine war: Kyiv claims first victories of counter-offensive - BBC News

An area amounting to about 6 km by 6 km. Still an excuse for cheerleading and manufacturing consent for escalation. One of the villages is like 6 houses.


It’s funny how with certain folks its always the fighting back that’s the escalation, never the original aggression…


Oh yeah the original aggression. Which one?

zalack, avatar

Your head is so far up your own propaganda I can’t even tell what you’re trying to say here.


Western liberals keep ignoring anything before 2022 in order to create a black-and-white narrative. This leads them to the conclusion that they’re fighting absolute evil and so any means are justified no matter how many people will die, and how dangerous and even counter-productive their actions.


Before 2022, like Russia didn’t invade in 2014.


Nah. I don’t see Russia as absolute evil. And there are plenty of means the west does not consider justified. Nobody I know falls into either of these categories.

I don’t want Ukraine to kill poor Russian sods but as long as Russia kills poor Ukrainian sods I think it’s only fair if they get to shoot back.

Most of us just want Russia to go home and let Ukraine be Ukraine.


Do you want the USA to go home?


Don’t get me wrong. I’d be highly surprised if there weren’t at least some American fighting in Ukraine on a more than just “personal capacity” but with the fixation the Republicans have with tying Biden to Ukraine it’s highly likely that any sizeable involvment would have been been discovered and made public by now.

If you think the Russian Army is fighting the combined western might right now, then I have disappointing news for you.


This is such a simplistic view of the war. The civil war started because the country already had internal fault lines, and was pulled in different directions by Russian and Western meddling until it broke. The invasion was just the latest in a series of escalations. Nothing about this war is in the interest of the people living on the battlefield, they got duped or forced into fighting each other. Encouraging them to fight on is messed up.

Edit: I’d also like to add that Russia seemed quite willing, prior to the invasion, to have a compromise in which Ukraine would be neutral. The US especially clearly wasn’t interested, insisting instead on its own supremacy, in which no opposing or neutral countries are to be tolerated. To this end they also supported the worst elements of Ukrainian society, ultra-nationalist Banderites, which they had been doing since the end of WW2.


never the original aggression…

Ah the Maidan Coup, ya the Ukrainians shouldn’t have done that, you’re right

FaceDeer, avatar

How dare the people rise up against their rightfully-installed rulers and decide they want someone else. What did they think this was, a democracy?


Yanukovich, while definitely corrupt, won in a fair democratic election that was judged free and fair by international observers… The coup overthrew a democratically elected leader. He was not appointed by anyone.

zalack, avatar

I guarantee you it means something to the residents of those six houses.

It’s easy to lose track of individual humanity at the scale of a war, but this victory is the one these people will always most remember when they think of the tide turning. Their lives are worth something.

DerPapa69, avatar

Doesn’t change the fact the the suMmEr OfFensIVe is going horribly lol

Real life is not like the movies

pleasemakesense, avatar

The summer offensive that has been going on for what? One week? Looking at how fast Russia gained ground in bakhmut, vuhledar, and avdiivka, this offensive is going swimmingly

DerPapa69, avatar

I would save this comment and get back to you when the offensive has crumbled, but something tells me you and all the other Reddit libs currently swarming this website will have long crawled back to daddy Reddit by then ;)

E: Uh oh, seems like I’ve angered le epic reddit army! Whatever shall I do?! I know, I’ll just wait a month or two until 80% of the accounts in this thread are long dead :3


Reading this made me very sad for you. Good luck.

harcesz, avatar

@DerPapa69 The fact that this instance often bans people for countering your imperialist world-view created a bubble where you might think it’s the libs that you speak out against. In reality it’s not only radicals that you write of but it’s also our comrades, long time antifa, anarchist and communist militants that are dying fighting back against yet another imperialist incursion into CEE from Russia. No amount of western ignorance, privilege and lack of education will stop us from struggling for our right to self-determination, solidarity with the refugees from Ukraine and all victims of this invasion or the broader struggle against a centuries long oppression of our peoples. With regards, from admin of one of the first lemmy instances.

redditors_re_racist, in TSMC announced that most of its valuable chips will still be produced on the island. This is despite intense pressure from the Joe Biden White House to “friendshore” TSMC’s most advanced chips.

lmao @ triggered le redditeurs downvoting u

yogthos, avatar

must be such a culture shock coming to a forum that’s not overflowing with US propaganda

mrc, in Silvio Berlusconi, former Italian PM, dies at 86

I’m Italian and I didn’t like him. Still his death hurts quite a bit. He’s been around since I was a child, he was always there (probably owning a media company helped). He was well loved by many thanks to owning AC MILAN.

The most similar thing I can think of was the death of Elizabeth II.

Sims, in Ukraine war: Kyiv claims first victories of counter-offensive - BBC News

Ukraine doesn’t really win anything. This is the third Army they are wasting. Too bad for the Ukrainian conscripts.


Bunch of Redditors hete getting stoked for this war to be down to the last Ukrainian.

P00P_L0LE, avatar

I can’t wait for the “blackout” to end so they can go back to huffing cope and baying for blood on r/ukraine again

YellowtoOrange, avatar

You want russia to win? Not enough rape, castrating, stealing children, shelling appartment blocks for you?

P00P_L0LE, avatar

the thing you bloodthirsty redditors don’t understand is, the only correct position on this war is hoping it ends as soon as possible. I hope peace talks can be established, and we can all move past this with as few people as possible being shoved into the woodchipper. I am not pro russia, and I’m certainly not pro ukraine. The only correct position is anti war, anything less is baying for blood.


I have little trust that an “end” that leaves Russia occupying a large portion of Ukraine will last. It’s a message to Russia’s leadership that invasions will be rewarded. First Georgia, then Crimea, then Ukraine more broadly. Make some allegations about a Russian minority being persecuted and it’s time to roll in the tanks! That’s probably a large reason why Europe has been willing to arm Ukraine to the teeth: to send a message that the West is serious this time after wimping out in the case of Georgia and Crimea.

Sims, in Ukraine war: Kyiv claims first victories of counter-offensive - BBC News

Ukraine doesn’t really win anything. This is the third Army they are wasting. Too bad for the Ukrainian conscripts.


correct, they have reconstituted themselves twice over and there’s hardly any elements left of their prewar jäger, mountain, airborne etc. divisions.


Third army? Did the other two go somewhere?

dethleffs, in Ukraine war: Kyiv claims first victories of counter-offensive - BBC News avatar

Slava Ukraïni!


Quit reddit behavior please. This adds nothing and is not at all useful.

dethleffs, avatar

I’m just expressing my hope they will succeed and liberate many more villages and cities, in the most succint way possible. And they will succeed.


You just said ‘glory to the heroes’. Which heroes are you wishing glory to? Cause that saying has a history that you are apparently unaware of.

YellowtoOrange, avatar

The ones right now (not 70 years ago) defending their country (aka the Ukrainians) from imperialists (russians) who are shelling civilians, kidnapping children, castrating soldiers, raping women. YHave you been keeping up?

CriticalResist8, avatar

Totally agree bro we must secure the existence of our people amirite?

iridaniotter, avatar

Funnily enough, the Ukrainian constitution does have a line in there like that, although thankfully it has to do with radiation and not… you know.

Providing ecological safety and maintenance of ecological equilibrium in the territory of Ukraine, overcoming consequences of the Chernobyl catastrophic crash - catastrophic crashes of planetary scale, preserving gene pool of the Ukrainian people are obligation of the state.

CriticalResist8, avatar

I don’t know, the gene pool comment is weird. Do they think Chernobyl is going to give them superpowers, or are they Banderites?


Just things fascists say while they murder Poles and Jews.

Che_Donkey, avatar

you’re super and are loved… No need to be the token edgemaster 5000 here.


This was literally what Bandyerites, i.e. fascists that assisted the Nazis and did ethnic cleansing all on their own, used as a rallying cry.

Akasazh, avatar

Context is important for meaning.

The nazis used a salute one French painter imagined the Romans using. In the United states kids used to make the same salute to pledge allegiance to the flag. This doesn’t make the american kids (nor the Romans) nazis. Becouse the context matters.


Context is important. The people in Ukraine who started making that a thing again now were, for the most part, all direct descendants of the Nazi collaborators in Ukraine, who are now erecting statues to their Nazi father/grandfathers.

I wish this war hadn’t started. The Russians were wrong for invading, but the amount of white-washing of literal Nazis because the Ukrainians are reframing their national identity away from the USSR and Russia is absolute dogshit. The people who used that saying were bad. The people trying to make it a thing now are directly related to those bad people, and don’t want them thought of as bad anymore.

All of the justifications people are using now are the same justifications used by assholes promoting the lost cause myth about the civil war.


all direct descendants of the Nazi collaborators in Ukraine

literal Nazis

That’s the same sort of twisted interpretation of history that I see out of Republicans in the US. The Democratic Party used to be the party of slavery and the south, so they’re practically all slavers today! Black people just laugh at them and continue voting Democrat in droves.


Bad analogy. Better one would be if the Democratic party started to put up statues to Jefferson Davis because the Democratic Party members who were children/grandchildren of Jefferson Davis wanted to re-rehabilitate the image of Jefferson Davis.

I promise you that if the Democratic party started trying to retroactively white wash the confederacy, or specific subsets of the confederacy, in the same exact way the Ukrainians are, that the people that were oppressed by the Democratic Party would no longer vote for them.

CriticalResist8, avatar

Banderite slogan.…/a-45215538

BombOmOm, avatar

How dare someone be proud of a country and want them to be victorious against invaders!

CriticalResist8, avatar

Yeah whatever, it’s still a banderite slogan lmao


Bandera? The guy who was imprisoned by Hitler?

TheAnonymouseJoker, avatar

No, Bandera, the one who formulated armies for Hitler.


Point is, the guy’s motivations were singularly around Ukrainian nationalism. Then when Hitler found him inconvenient, he was imprisoned. When judging people’s actions, it’s best to stay informed about their motives. Especially so when you’re trying to cast people as Nazis by two degrees of separation.

TheAnonymouseJoker, avatar

Its best to also talk with larger context in mind, not whitewashing Bandera and Hitler.


Stalin made a deal with Hitler to split up Poland. Surely anyone who doesn’t condemn Stalin’s legacy must be essentially a Nazi?

PolandIsAStateOfMind, avatar

Then when Hitler found him inconvenient, he was imprisoned.

And released soon after and pumped with money and send as agent to fight Soviets. You might also read what happened to him after war.

loops, avatar

Heroyam slava!

Raphael, in US citizen detained on drug charges in Moscow identified as rock band manager Travis Leake avatar

Regardless of any geopolitical circumstances it’s important to always celebrate the arrest of drug addicts, be they Americans, Russians, Ukrainians or Chinese.

redditors_re_racist, in Russian cargo plane seized at Toronto Pearson airport

the Canadians, and through them the West and the Rules Based International Order, are showing that they will dispense with the thing supposedly at the foundation of liberalism, the sanctity of private property, if you happen to be on the right enemies list that day


Isn’t that libertarian?


nope, white countries maintain that your investments are safe there regardless of your politics or national origins.

now that they are seizing property based on politics, what makes that any different from any other country that expropriates property as needed?


Not sure where my reply went.

Russia has stolen airliners from the west that were under lease. If you act like an animal then you get treated as one.


russia doesn’t pretend to be a rules based international order™ country.

nice tu quoque, i thought the west considered themselves better than the rest??

redditors_re_racist, in Ukraine says it retakes 3 villages in 'first results' of counterattack

PR looking ass war. they took 3 villages before the russian main line of contact and already calling it woke

Lihpat, in US citizen detained on drug charges in Moscow identified as rock band manager Travis Leake

Not smart. I wouldn’t be surprised if they planted the drugs on him.

argv_minus_one, in US citizen detained on drug charges in Moscow identified as rock band manager Travis Leake

Stupid games played: 1
Stupid prizes won: ⏳ pending, please stand by…

lntl, in US citizen detained on drug charges in Moscow identified as rock band manager Travis Leake

I don’t know what this guy was expecting to happen after openly criticizing the russian state and then remaining in country during the war.

Is he guilty? Probably not.

Is he a fool? Absolutely.

worfamerryman, in Ukraine counter-offensive actions have begun, Zelensky says

Well a good offense is a good defense. I’m not surprised that this is happening at all and I don’t think anyone should be.

Had there been a time in history where the world sided with aggressor?


the whole world from Arabia to India to China stands with Russia. Z.

Basic maths to find out that Pro-Russia is more widely held take than Pro-Ukraine.

Because the west starts wars Russia ends them. Georgia invaded South Ossetia, and Ukraine invaded Donbass.

Akasazh, avatar

You should get a refund from wherever you took basic maths.

I stand corrected.

yogthos, avatar

you should follow your own advice…/united-west-divided-from-the-rest-globa…

yogthos, avatar
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