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knfrmity, in ISPs say US should force Big Tech firms to pay for broadband construction

Great idea. They’ve taken advantage of cheap publicily subsidized infrastructure for far too long while making obscene profits. This is a great idea, as long as the infrastructure itself and the operator/service provider is collectivized as well.

Can we collectivize big tech while we’re at it?

Krause, in Ukraine is winning — and it is changing avatar

Written by Denys Shmyhal

That's Ukraine's current prime minister writing this opinion piece:


Lol, go back to Lemmygrad


Crazy how the creators of Lemmy made that instance along with this one.


Wait, they did??

TheRedBadger, avatar

If he’s referring to he’s wrong. has a different admin who’s not connected at all to admins afaik


Are admins connected to ones tho?


Here you go tankposting again

Otakeb, avatar

Lmao Putin bros on suicide watch. Stay mad.


Imagine simping for a genocidal dictator.


I agree, it’s super cringe when people simp for Elenskyy, or literally any US president ever.


Imagine simping for a genocidal dictator who's getting his ass kicked by a bunch of farmers.

nexguy, avatar

Wait... that bear is decked out in full combat fur and standard issue bear arms. No Russian soldier is that fortunate.

BaroqueInMind, avatar

Go fuck yourself, Tankie.

FaceDeer, avatar

It's heartening to see them being diluted away into irrelevance as the Threadiverse absorbs the users from Rexxit.


Yeah the first few days on here were rough. I almost feel like it was deliberate to try and make this place unpalatable, but then again, I've met total knobs* like this in real life too...

Edit fixing an autocorrected word


GDR was a fucking authoritarian travesty fyi

Krause, avatar

I guess this is why East Germans miss the GDR……/homesick-for-a-dictatorship-majority…

Today, 20 years after the fall of the Berlin Wall, 57 percent, or an absolute majority, of eastern Germans defend the former East Germany. “The GDR had more good sides than bad sides. There were some problems, but life was good there,” say 49 percent of those polled. Eight percent of eastern Germans flatly oppose all criticism of their former home and agree with the statement: “The GDR had, for the most part, good sides. Life there was happier and better than in reunified Germany today.”

zyratoxx, avatar

People miss the GDR because it’s antiestablishment and because a lot of people want what they don’t have. If the GDR was to exist again (and definitely after they made one or another fuck-up) people would want a united Germany again. This is the same reason why opposition parties usually fair better during the next election.

Krause, avatar

If the GDR was to exist again people would want a united Germany again

True, but it would be the GDR annexing West Germany this time 😍


Stalin’s biggest mistake was stopping at Berlin

Rive, avatar

If you are really enjoying simping for a neo-liberal protofascist dictatorship, then stop calling yourself a "Marxist"


rather simp for someone opposing nato expansion than for a neonazi puppet regime staffed by people handpicked by the CIA. I swear you liberals refuse on purpose to understand that in the grand scheme of things the action of a "bad guy" can still be beneficial.

Russia isn't conquering the world anytime soon. So what would you rather have? a more multipolar world where russia has a relatively safe and solid position after showing that it won't be bullied into submission by nato (with the whole world watching), or a world where russia is balkanized into several statelets without the political, economic or military strength to resist capitalist infiltration?

We saw what happened last time russia got defeated. We lost a bastion of socialism, we saw tens of millions impoverished while a few capitalits dismantled everything that the USSR had built, and the whole thing ushered 40 years of hegemonic atlantist domination.

So yeah, i am rooting for the "neoliberal protofascist dictatorship". There is a reason why literally nobody in the global south sanctioned Russia. 75% of the planet is reasoning the same way i am.


I swear you liberals refuse on purpose to understand that in the grand scheme of things the action of a "bad guy" can still be beneficial.

Please tell me the benefits of running a genocidal war of aggresion for anyone that isn't Putin.

Russia isn't conquering the world anytime soon. So what would you rather have? a more multipolar world where russia has a relatively safe and solid position after showing that it won't be bullied into submission by nato (with the whole world watching), or a world where russia is balkanized into several statelets without the political, economic or military strength to resist capitalist infiltration?

The "bullying into submission" is a paranoid fabrication of an increasingly unhinged fascist regime. Ukraine had no intention of joining NATO until this war, and now as a result of this fiasco even Finland has decided to join. And your usage of this particular phrase shows that this whole affair is Russia throwing a temper tantrum at its irrelevancy on the global stage. And if Russia is indeed balkanized into statelets (hopefully not, we don't need even more nuclear quasi-states) it will be the fault of the guy currently pissing himself in a bunker near Kremlin.

We saw what happened last time russia got defeated. We lost a bastion of socialism, we saw tens of millions impoverished while a few capitalits dismantled everything that the USSR had built, and the whole thing ushered 40 years of hegemonic atlantist domination.

Once again, tankie, Russia is waging a war of aggresion. All they have to do to prevent their defeat is to turn their tanks around and go back to Moscow. But that would mean the surefire end of strongman politics and the fall of Putin, so gadflies such as yourself have to regurgitate propaganda. And lamenting the loss of USSSR, imao, the country that was so prosperous that it a wall had to be built in order to stop people from escaping it. Truly a workers paradise. Perhaps 80 years of economical mismanagement and political repression was responsible for its collapse, and not invisible NATO gremlins with sledgehammers.

So yeah, i am rooting for the "neoliberal protofascist dictatorship". There is a reason why literally nobody in the global south sanctioned Russia. 75% of the planet is reasoning the same way i am.

The global South has neither the economical leverage, nor the political will to impose sanctions. They are staying away from this because they gain nothing from it.

Please stick to posting on lemmygrad, you are embarrasing yourself outside of your echo-chamber.


So what would you rather have? a more multipolar world where russia has a relatively safe and solid position after showing that it won't be bullied into submission by nato (with the whole world watching), or a world where russia is balkanized into several statelets without the political, economic or military strength to resist capitalist infiltration?

The 2nd one


id rather countries dont invade other countries because they felt 'bullied into submission' over said countries existing

id also rather tankies stop pretending to have any kind of moral conviction or interest in some greater good or world peace behind their support of protofascist dictatorships invading other countries


id rather countries dont invade other countries

So you don’t count Iraq, Iran, Yemen, good part of South America, Palestina, almost whole of Africa as countries and people or else you would be agains all western powers too?


can you cite the specific quote where i proclaimed my support for western powers invading iraq, iran, yemen, a good part of south america, palestina and almost the whole of africa

is this deflection so people stop talking about russia doing the things youre supposedly against, or is having an issue with something because i have moral convictions as opposed to because the wrong team is doing it just incomprehensible

very illustrative of my point either way, thank you for your comment

Untitled9999, avatar

I just looked at The rules on that site say "be respectful".

Your attached picture shows you are not respectful at all. You are supporting Putin, a dictator, who rigs elections, and who orders assassinations of political opponents (Navalny) and former Russian intelligence agents (Skripal, Litvinenko).

And of course Putin has in no way been respectful towards Ukraine. Invading Crimea in 2014, and the larger invasion in 2022.

So, you are being disrespectful towards Ukraine, and therefore you're not embodying the stated rules and values of your Lemmygrad server.


That community will ban anyone who questions their Christi fascist oligarchy. It’s weird how a bunch of pretend communists can worship the an extreme right wing, genocidal, theocracy ran by oil tycoons who run around in yachts while the working class is thrown to meat grinder.

Rive, avatar

People like this is why I am very suspicious of everyone who calls themselves a "Marxist-Leninist" online, because chances are, they read neither Marx nor Lenin and are actually just fascist larpers

fomo_erotic, avatar

basically the same as The Donald.

19 yo edge lord thinking being extreme is cool

CannotSleep420, avatar


Linnce, in More than 800m Amazon trees felled in six years to meet beef demand

Amazon lost about 44 million hectares to agriculture in 35 years, 86.3% of which became pasture and 13.6% were used for agriculture.

Source in portuguese

That's almost the size of Sweden. We really should get used to eating less meat. The worst part is it has to be a global change since most of the meat is exported and that's where they get the most profit.

gary_host_laptop, in Blinken says he failed to revive military-to-military talks with China avatar

How fucking deranged is to put such a horrible condition in the relationship of the two biggest countries in terms of economy against each other, specially given the historical context between them being not friendly, over a fucking bullshit thing such as a balloon, just to create some magazine drama. Four months of non diplomacy between this two countries feels like years and it seems anything could happen. China and the US need to be on friendly terms, they can cooperate and help their people.


You don’t think China would do they same thing if the situation was reversed?

azimir, in Andrew Tate charged with rape and human trafficking

I hope they get a fair trial, are allowed to present their defense, and are treated properly by the courts as defendents.

If they’re found guilty I hope they’re given a very long sentence in a very dark hole. No, I won’t shed a tear if they’re convicted. They’re both human pieces of shit. If they’re tried and convicted pieces of shit then the world will be a little bit better while they’re incarcerated.

133arc585, in Red carpet welcome for Modi as US-India ties set to deepen avatar

It should be worrying to people of USA, and the world, to see USA giving platform and support to extremist nationalists and ethnostate-advocates:

Human rights defenders this week condemned President Joe Biden’s upcoming state dinner for Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi—who was once banned from entering the United States for supporting violent Hindu supremacists who massacred Muslims—as part of an ongoing U.S. “whitewash” of the right-wing leader’s extremism.

“For almost a decade now, human rights activists and others have regularly brought to the White House—Democrats or Republicans—that Modi’s regime is authoritarian, it’s right-wing, it’s anti-Muslim, and it’s anti-minority” Suchitra Vijayan, author of Midnight’s Borders: A People’s History of Modern India, told Huff Post.

“To fail to note Modi’s violent, anti-minority, authoritarian tendencies, and his corrupt mismanagement of the Indian economy, is not only to ignore the U.S. government’s own findings but a strategic blunder with the potential to jeopardize global stability,” IAMC said.

Human Rights Watch published a letter to Biden ahead of the visit, critizing the disregard for human rights by Modi’s government:

There are numerous areas of concern. Increasingly in recent years, BJP leaders have used toxic and hateful speech targeting religious minorities, inciting violence or discrimination against them. BJP-led authorities have tightened restrictions on free speech while ramping up censorship and using overbroad and vague laws to investigate and prosecute critics. Modi’s government has also demonstrated blatant bias in protecting BJP supporters and affiliates accused in a range of crimes, including murder, assault, corruption, and sexual violence. At the international level, Modi’s government has often proven unwilling to stand with other governments on key human rights crises, abstaining or refraining from condemning grave human rights violations elsewhere.

bernieecclestoned, in De-dollarization: Egypt drubs dollar in trade with BRICS nations

“Nothing of the sort has been implemented but there are discussions so that we can trade in local currencies of countries like India, Russia or China,” Egyptian Supply Minister Ali Moselhy was quoted as saying by Reuters

Lol, not quite what the headline sensationally implies

gary_host_laptop, avatar

The title is sensationalist but it is indeed a reality that we will see unfold in the next couple months/years. I honestly can’t wait for my country to finally be free from the dollar.


You won’t be free from the dollar, 90% of foreign exchange is in dollars, most global commodities are priced in dollars

The dollar and the euro make up for nearly 80% of all global payments.…/share-of-global-payments-by-curren…

gary_host_laptop, avatar

My country and my Brazilian brothers are already planning on creating a local currency called Sur Global, and it seems the trend after the proxy war in Ukraine is shifting towards trade done in other currencies among the Global South. I remain hopeful we will be free from your oppression in the future, even if you do not wish to see my people better!


Lol, oppression. Capitalism has done more to lift people out of poverty and provided the technology to do so than any other system in human history.

133arc585, avatar

In Eastern Europe, Russia, China, Mongolia, North Korea, and Cuba, revolutionary communism created a life for the mass of people that was far better than the wretched existence they had endured under feudal lords, military bosses, foreign colonizers, and western capitalists. **The end result was a dramatic improvement in living conditions for hundreds of millions of people on a scale never before or since witnessed in history.**State socialism transformed desperately poor countries into modernized societies in which everyone had enough food, clothing, and shelter; where elderly people had secure pensions; and where all children (and many adults) went to school and no one was denied medical attention.

Michael Parenti, Blackshirts and Reds, 1997.

Improvement of living conditions in the USSR for example happened not just for a massive number of people, but at a pace not seen before.

In the USA, a prime example of capitalism gone wrong, there’s poverty so bad that it’s the 4th leading cause of death (and worse, the poverty may even be underreported). There’s rolling back of social programs, overturning of child labor protections, destruction of the public education system, over-incarceration and for-profit slave labor-driven prison systems[^1]. Try to make me a similar list of government-backed initiatives in the USA that are intended to lift people out of poverty rather than put them there or keep them there. There’s a lot of effort being spent on making sure people can’t get themselves out of poverty. The USA is much more interested in punishing and continuing to exploit the impoverished than helping them–helping them isn’t profitable.

Another thing you’re conveniently overlooking is the destruction of the rest of the world, that is, the ones not being supposedly lifted up in those capitalist states. Even if everyone in the capitalist states was lifted out of poverty, if the cost of that was destruction of other country’s economies and lives of the people therein, effectively putting them into or keeping them in poverty, then it’s a wash at best. Capitalism is great at externalizing negative costs: externalizing it not just onto consumers, but onto citizens of the world, and, worse, onto the future stability of the planet and its ability to host life.

If you take into account the number of people forced into and kept in poverty worldwide and compare that to the number of people truly lifted out of and kept out of poverty due to capitalism, I don’t think you’d be able to assert what you have.

[^1]: And if you’ll remember, the only reason most of these social programs ever existed in a somewhat-useful manner in the first place was because the USA had to convince its populace that the existing capitalist system was better than the competing socialist/communist states it was waging economic and ideological war on. Once it was able to destroy the ideological competition, it could change its narrative as well: now, the failure of those socialist/communist states was due to inherent failures of the underlying ideology and not due to a concerted external effort to defeat it. Once there was no competition on the “treating-your-citizens-better-and-like-humans-deserving-of-empathy” front, tearing down of these programs sped up, and the money that was taken out of the taxpayer’s pocket that should have funded those programs was not returned to the taxpayer but instead funneled cleanly upwards.


The end result was a dramatic improvement in living conditions for hundreds of millions of people on a scale never before or since witnessed in history

Should be pretty easy to provide some actual numbers then, doesn’t look good according to this:…

I’m not even including North Korea as people are literally starving because of military spend, and Cuba may have free education and healthcare but it’s shit compared to any western European country

133arc585, avatar

Is that data supposed to go back before 1990? Because it doesn’t on my end, and as such that data isn’t going to prove your point or disprove mine.

North Korea is confounded by the fact that Western sanctions are in large part responsible for famine: the region is notorious for not being very arable, and the USA’s meddling with the South Korean puppet state actively worsens the situation. Similarly in Cuba: not every fault can be blamed on the USA, but if you don’t think the continuous trade embargos aren’t partially at fault for the situation, I don’t think you’re honestly evaluating the situation.

Cuba may have free education and healthcare but it’s shit compared to any western European country

Don’t let perfect be the enemy of good. I would much rather have access to any sort of free healthcare than not have access to any, as is my current lot in life. I don’t care how good certain exclusive healthcare is, when the majority of the population has no access to healthcare. But frankly I think you have an unjustly negative view of the Cuban healthcare system:

Quoting Ileana Morales from the Cuban Ministry of Public Health,

Cuba has the highest ratio of doctors per inhabitant in the world. We have more than 100,000 doctors for a population of 11 million – 9.2 for every 1,000 inhabitants. We also have the highest ratio of health workers per inhabitant – 500,000 overall. But it’s not that we have leftover professionals. We don’t have so many doctors because we like training them, but because we have a health policy that employs all of them. This includes those who are in management positions and those who are committed to our international solidarity missions, our collaboration in health.

… and Cuba doesn’t hoard its medical professionals …

We do a lot of international collaboration. Cuba has been there to support others during all the major health disasters. During the Ebola crisis, Cuba was one of the very few countries that sent medical brigades in Africa. We are always present during earthquakes, fires, and floods. And we always favor communities where most of the time there are no health workers, or we go to places that lack healthcare services. This is the vision of Cuban medical collaboration, which is implemented through two main channels: health workers’ training and provision of care.

Notice that healthcare works differently when it isn’t purely profit driven. It works differently when incentive structures favor patient health over profit.

I mentioned this later in my comment: if you look at the suffering caused externally by capitalism, it’s at best a wash with the benfits caused internally by it. You’re also pointing to examples where things aren’t great because of USA’s interference. It’s disingenuous.

The USA loves to wage economic and ideological war and, when it makes some progress in tearing down its target, point to the downfall of the target and pretend that the downfall is purely due to internal conflict. And you’re buying in to that narrative.

The latter part of my comment was, in my opinion, more important than the first part. The proportion of the world’s population being hurt by capitalism, compared to the proportion of the world’s population helped by it, is massive; the fact that you’re putting more value on small benefits conferred to a small proportion of the population at the expense of the rest is unfortunate but to be expected in a defense of capitalism.


North Korea is confounded by the fact that Western sanctions are in large part responsible for famine: the region is notorious for not being very arable, and the USA’s meddling with the South Korean puppet state actively worsens the situation

If the place is not so arable, why is South Korea doing so well?

It’s almost as if communism leads to autocratic states in every country to try it…

yogthos, avatar

This same South Korea? Almost, like you have no clue regarding the subject you keep attempting to debate here 🤡…/75-of-young-want-to-escape-south-…


Up close, things look different. According to a recent survey of 5,000 persons, 75% of 19-34 year old natives of the world’s 11th richest nation want out

Young people want to travel, shocker.

Stop sending me polls, it’s boring.

yogthos, avatar

Yeah, it’s so boring to hear what people living in the country have to say about it.


It is. Finally we agree. Good bye

yogthos, avatar

figures you wouldn’t understand what sarcasm is, bye

yogthos, avatar

yeah let’s look at some actual numbers shall we

Professor of Economic History, Robert C. Allen, concludes in his study without the 1917 revolution is directly responsible for rapid growth that made the achievements listed above possilbe:

Study demonstrating the steady increase in quality of life during the Soviet period (including under Stalin). Includes the fact that Soviet life expectancy grew faster than any other nation recorded at the time:

A large study using world bank data analyzing the quality of life in Capitalist vs Socialist countries and finds overwhelmingly at similar levels of development with socialism bringing better quality of life:

This study compared capitalist and socialist countries in measures of the physical quality of life (PQL), taking into account the level of economic development.

This study shows that unprecedented mortality crisis struck Eastern Europe during the 1990s, causing around 7 million excess deaths. The first quantitative analysis of the association between deindustrialization and mortality in Eastern Europe.

Meanwhile, hilarious for you to mention Cuba and DPRK given that your shithole excuse for a country has done everything possible to choke their trade with the world. Good thing that SWIFT is going the way of the dodo now.


Lol, you’re claiming one measure in physical quality of life means communism is great. Ignoring the fact that all of those countries have now either failed or have moved to a market based system in order to improve life.


yogthos, avatar

Yeah, pretty hilarious that once these countries abandoned communism and switched to capitalism quality of life rapidly deteriorated. Thanks for underscoring my point.


Not according to actual data from the last 30 years, but you don’t actually accept facts so discussing anything with anyone as deluded as you is pointless

Why do you think 19th century ideology is relevant in the 21st?

yogthos, avatar

Yes, according to actual data from the last 30 years. And of course, we can just see what the people who lived under both systems have to say:

And it’s the height of ignorance to think that communism is a 19th century ideology that hasn’t been successfully evolving for over a century. I knew that UK education system was bad, but holy shit that’s embarrassing.

yogthos, avatar

Humans are responsible for crimes, not capitalism…

Technology, specifically the computer and the internet came as a direct result of the industrial revolution and the scientific method.

Babbage, Lovelace, Turing, Berners Lee.

yogthos, avatar

No, capitalist ideology that necessitates constant growth and capitalism is directly responsible for setting the conditions for how humans behave. Meanwhile, technology develops much faster outside capitalism as USSR has shown where nearly a century of capitalist progress was accomplished in mere decades with USSR going from an agrarian society at the time of the revolution to being the first in space.

Rumblestiltskin, avatar

The page you posted is just using the SWIFT network. People who don’t trade in USD generally don’t use SWIFT. USD is still the dominant currency but I have seen numbers somewhere around 50% not 80%.

133arc585, in UK Home Secretsry Suella Braverman encourages police chiefs to use stop and search powers more often to "seize dangerous weapons and prevent more knife crime attacks" avatar

Who is surprised by this? She’s xenophobic and racist. This is the same “Law and Order” nonsense as in the USA. Look at who is the primary target of this legislation to get an idea of her real intentions.

Suella Braverman has said people who enter the UK illegally after crossing the Channel on small boats “possess values which are at odds with our country” as well as “heightened levels of criminality”.^1

She’s not wrong that the people coming over likely do have values which are at odds with hers and those in power: these people are coming over to better their lives, which is something those in power absolutely do not have as a goal.

Last year, the UK agreed to send tens of thousands of people more than 4,000 miles (6,400km) away to Rwanda as part of a 120-million-pound ($146m) deal.^3

Mind you, she’s also a hypocrite who definitely understands what she’s doing:

In her maiden speech, she recalled how her father, Christie Fernandes, had fled tensions in Kenya to seek a new life in the UK. “On a cold February morning in 1968, a young man, not yet 21, stepped off a plane at Heathrow airport, nervously folding away his one-way ticket from Kenya. He had no family, no friends and was clutching only his most valuable possession, his British passport. His homeland was in political turmoil,” she said.^4

How can you believe that her actions here are for the greater good, when she repeatedly proves she’s not able to do good things? How can you not believe that this is yet another angle in her policy push that disproportionately hurts the already disadvantaged.

These sorts of quasi-legal police stops are already used to enforce “pre-crime”: simply being caught with rope, or spray paint, or various other items is in itself enough to be detained and questioned for an extended period of time, if not charged. These are violations of rights, plain and simple, and yet instead of correcting them, people like Braverman are pushing to make them more defensible within the existing legal framework.

Evoke3626, in Tourist submarine missing in the Atlantic

Wow this is horrifying, can’t even imagine. I also can’t imagine the survivability of such a small vessel means there is any chance of them being alive. Horrible


And imagining its size and depth will be both hard to find and resurface.

14specks, avatar
gmatkins, in False Witnesses and Sinister Plots: Exposing the CIA Connection in the 'Chinese Police Station' Narrative

MintPress news repostsRussian-generated fake news stories and defended Bashar Al-Assad.

133arc585, avatar

If we’re going to do this whole “your source is unreliable” nonsense, can we at least get some consistency? Attack the BBC for outright lies and misinformation and siding with moneyed interests at the expense of the rest of humanity; attack CNN for the same; attack The Economist for the same; attack NYT for the same; attack the Washington Post for the same.

Also, just because their editorial opinion differs from yours doesn’t mean they’re unreliable. Just because they “defended Bashar Al-Assad” doesn’t mean they are “fake news”. There are plenty of people in the world whose world-view does not align with yours, and they aren’t all lying and wrong. It should also be noted that if an article links out to other sources, then even if you don’t agree with the article’s editorial opinion, you can still gauge the truthfulness and form opinions on the subject by following to the sources.

Edit to add: In this specific case, we saw several news sources you are unlikely to call ‘fake news’ all report the same lie with tiny variations: NYT, CNN, and Politico, among others. What they said was so blatantly false, even the Pentagon denounced it. Cuba condemned the reports, saying:

Cuba’s Deputy Foreign Minister Carlos Fernandez de Cossio said the accusation is “untrue and unfounded”, arguing that the articles were “promoted with the malicious intention to justify the unprecedented reinforcement of the economic blockade, destabilization and the aggression against Cuba”.

Why would the USA do such a thing? Perhaps it’s because The Pentagon Is Freaking Out About a Potential War With China (Because America might lose.). Have we seen similar actions from these untrustworthy news sources in the past? Absolutely, NYT published an article in 2020 that, while demonstrably false, was still cited by the US House of Representatives Armed Services Committee and used to extend the war in Afghanistan; the Pentagon even admitted the report was false only a couple weeks later.

Before you get all up in arms that a news outlet from another country or side of the political spectrum must be spewing 100% lies, you should ask yourself why you are willingly to blindly believe the entrenched western media outlets, who have proven time and again that they are used to manipulate world events, manipulate public opinion, and are overall a blight on the average man’s wellbeing.

PlasmaK, in Kremlin decides that goal to "demilitarise" Ukraine has largely been achieved
CannotSleep420, avatar
Ni, in Global temperatures briefly spike above key climate threshold, scientists warn of more extremes avatar

We do need action on all levels of society, and we need to be treating this as a crisis.

On a local level (in the UK) there are a lot more community and Council groups being setup to try and find solutions I would absolutely recommend attending those.

Other than that, ensure your pension is invested in green and eco investments and try to fly less (maybe even drive less).


Pension, lol. I don’t know how old you are, but I wouldn’t count on pension in very few decades.

We would need to do much more than flying less, driving less and invest money. We would need to change the entirety of our lifestyles. And by now we probably need to have luck as well.

polskilumalo, avatar

Lifestylism is not something that will magically save the planet, there are actors bigger than us and who control more power over the planet then the entire population located on it.

Also flying less and driving less, you can only do that if the infrastructure is built for it. In Europe? Yeah duh, look at Italy it killed domestic flight thanks to trains. But the US? Forget it! Amtrak fucking sucks, and you still have to drive from your suburb to the train station because viable public transport does not, and will not exist there. It’s been gutted completely by General Motors who essentialy are defacto the US government. (EDIT: The previous statement is to say that the US does not respond to the needs of it’s citizens but to those of capital)

The true enemies of the world are the shareholders willing to kill it for profit, and they have names and adressess. (Side note; do not commit to adventurism)

knfrmity, in America’s latest inflation wave is all about corporations ‘using excuses’ and ‘cover’ to increase profits, says top UBS economist

Inflation was only ever caused by two things: corporations increasing prices, and massive balance of payments inequities. Except that it’s almost always the former, since the latter almost never happens (except for the US and their exorbitant privilege) and leads to hyperinflation.

paciphae, in [The Times] She thought she was unshockable, then two castrated Ukrainian soldiers arrived avatar

Just when I thought they couldn’t slink any lower. Pootin and his friend Winnie the Pooh could use with a few fewer testicles.

Stalins_Spoon, avatar

Do you ever take a moment to realize how fucking stupid you sound

CannotSleep420, avatar

First Stalin ate all the grain in Ukraine, now Putin is taking all the testicles in Ukraine. Horrifying.

BurntPunk, in Kremlin decides that goal to "demilitarise" Ukraine has largely been achieved

dying on the ground riddled with bullets haha! You see, I have successfully disarmed my opponent, as they are now entirely out of ammo. Mission accomplished!


"We have purposely trained him wrong, as a joke"


“How do you like my nuts to your first style?”

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