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scrof, in Early stages of Ukrainian counteroffensive ‘not meeting expectations,’ Western officials tell CNN avatar

They should try advance through minefields as vast as an ocean and then criticize.

ToastyWaffles, avatar

It's understandably difficult when the Ukrainians fail to make gains, but it's Russian incompetence when they do it?

gary_host_laptop, in Early stages of Ukrainian counteroffensive ‘not meeting expectations,’ Western officials tell CNN avatar

Who would have thought! I totally didn’t see this coming! I’m absolutely not being sarcastic!

meteotsunami, in Early stages of Ukrainian counteroffensive ‘not meeting expectations,’ Western officials tell CNN

Although disappointing, not entirely unexpected. Assaulting and defending are two different things and without air or artillery superiority, the assault phase is even more difficult. So these lads are pressing in on well prepared defensive lines without a ton of battle space preparation. Hopefully, they can perform well enough, and violently enough to overcome the typical 3:1 requirement for beaching and destroying fortified positions.

JoseAmador95, in This woman is the front-runner to be Mexico's next president - Los Angeles Times avatar

Please no


I’m not mexican, why not, if you wouldn’t mind me asking?

ImFresh3x, in De-dollarization: Egypt drubs dollar in trade with BRICS nations

Try again, op.

This is how real life goes:



yogthos, avatar

I see seething and coping is going well for you

Protoknuckles, in Early stages of Ukrainian counteroffensive ‘not meeting expectations,’ Western officials tell CNN

Interesting. With how poorly Russia has done so far, I think the expectation was for the counter offense to be fast and severe. I wonder if their training is better suited to holding land, if they were holding back their more competent troops from the front line, or if the soldiers are more invested in their defense than the offense.

133arc585, avatar

I think the expectation was for the counter offense to be fast and severe.

Only if you’ve been chugging western propaganda. It was pretty clear beforehand, and has been very clear since it “started”.


Russia did a shit tonne of work putting in mines, trenches, and structures everywhere. They might not fight for shit, but they can dig holes and place dragon teeth. Doesn’t really require much advanced thought or tech.

FaceDeer, avatar

Well, the quality of some of that work leaves much to be desired, in some cases. But even if it's all crap there still is an awful lot of it so it'll take time to clear a path.


Also, while the morale of russian front-line soldiers is shit, their artillery in combination with minefields are responsible for most Ukrainian losses.


Offense has been losing to defensive technology since after WW2 the major exception being ICBMs of course.

Quacksalber, (edited )

That may have been the case in meme-circles, but anyone looking at the war objectively knew it was going to be slower. The Kharkiv counteroffensive only was so brutally effective, because the russian defensive lines were so weak and they didn't have any secodary defensive lines to fall back on. Meaning that once the defense was breached, Ukrainian Humvees could just keep driving and pursiung fleeing russians.

Kherson had a better defense setup, but with the bridges over the Dnipro cut, russia couldn't supply them.

Now, russia had time to create layered defensives and their logistics are harder to cut. The push towards the south is the most difficult offensive Ukraine has undertaken so far, so it's only logical for it to take the longest.

There is also a difference in tactics: While russia employs zerg rushes of convicts and mobilized into fortified Ukrainian positions, Ukraine tries to achieve local supperiorities of firepower and taking russian positions into pockets. That lowers your own casualties, but makes offensive operations more difficult.

assassinatedbyCIA, in US Troops Are in Peru to Counter Chinese and Russian Influence in Latin America, Reports Peruvian News Outlet

Aww shit here we go again. Monroe doctrine 2.0. Fuck. I pray that latin america isn’t fucked too hard this time.


Very appropriate username. And I wouldn't expect much difference.

fromagemangeur, in Early stages of Ukrainian counteroffensive ‘not meeting expectations,’ Western officials tell CNN

Sad for Ukraine. I wonder whether we’re back to WWI with long, static defensive lines and grinding, awful, slow advances.

ToastyWaffles, avatar

It's also a factor of Russia not competently executing the initial invasion and got themselves bogged down. Similar to the Germans in WW1 on the western front, they got bogged down before they could take their key objectives, but the eastern front remained mostly mobile during the war because of the vast size of the front, and they eventually won on that front. Because you either win by our maneuvering your enemy an encircling them, or attriting the hell out of them till they have nothing left, and I think the pendulum has swung again towards a defensive advantage, especially with UAVs and remote mine laying systems, and precision artillery munitions.

It's a big part of why US doctrine is so focused on quick fast and overwhelming assaults and a strike first mentality. Even in Desert Storm they were severely worried about being bogged down by the Iraqi Army and starting a prolonged conflict with massive American losses. So it was imperative to flank the Iraqi Army from the western desert by the French Armored Corps.

yogthos, avatar

We now know that Russia and Ukraine signed an agreement back in March, and Russia pulled back as a show of good faith. Then the west told Ukraine that the agreement was unacceptable and that’s how we got where we are today.

14specks, avatar

Do you have links that to sources about how that unfolded?

yogthos, avatar
ImFresh3x, in Sunken boat killing hundreds overshadowed by Titan submersible coverage

Ya well tragic shit happens all the time. We’re desensitized to it. This submarine is interesting and the circumstances are kind of like a movie. Of course media will cover it more. It’s what people are interested in.


Yeah, the titanic situation involved submarines, suspense, radar, underwater drones, etc.

The suspense was key, too. A race against the clock of oxygen running out. What happens if the drone finds them, but can't free them? Stuff like that made it a very unique story.

So of course people are more interested in that one.


More to your point, the reason we are so interested is in the uniqueness of the situation. For the North Americans this the Titanic is culturally significant. For Europe, the migrant issue is local news. The problem is that our news is blended.

fubo, in US Troops Are in Peru to Counter Chinese and Russian Influence in Latin America, Reports Peruvian News Outlet

The article describes Dina Boluarte as Peru's "unelected president" — but a different description would be that she was vice-president at the time that president Pedro Castillo attempted a self-coup to elevate himself from president to dictator, failed, and was then impeached & removed by Congress.

As a US citizen, I have to wonder if there's an analogy there with Mike Pence, who was VP to president Donald Trump but did not cooperate in Trump's attempted self-coup on January 6 2021. Pence's non-cooperation arguably saved the US from a Trump dictatorship.

Peruvians, or other folks who know more about Peruvian politics — is that an entirely terrible analogy?


The situation is pretty complex. I don’t have my finger on it entirely, but I get the feeling he was going to be forced out whether he self-couped or not. They seemed to be looking to remove him from the get go and were obstructionist

j4k3, in US Troops Are in Peru to Counter Chinese and Russian Influence in Latin America, Reports Peruvian News Outlet avatar

China sends investors, the US responds by sending military. Sometimes I hate my country. Sorry Peru.


A month ago, Colombia’s first left-wing President Gustavo Petro dismayed many of his supporters by committing to strengthen Colombia’s cooperation with NATO in areas such as climate change, human rights, integrity building and cyber defence

Not just military.


What would it even mean to co-operate with NATO on

climate change, human rights, integrity building and cyber defence[?]

NATO is only concerned with one of these things. Co-operation in this respect can only mean exacerbating climate change, ignoring human rights, and I don't even know what it might mean for one of the most violent military alliances in history to build integrity.

Edit: missing question mark added.

Deceptichum, avatar

Climate Change is on the mind of every military in the world.

Any force not planning for what conflicts will erupt is insane.

So yes NATO cares very much about climate change:


I stand corrected. I still don't think they plan to do anything about climate change. Not unless they're forced by public pressure. The plan is more to protect the capitalist class from the destruction of climate change.

Edit: the linked report is informative but it's very idealist. It says that NATO has been aware of climate risks since 1969 and had done this or that through the years to take environmental degradation, such as cleaning up after wars. This may all be true. But if we used a weighing scales and measured these positive actions against the environmental degradation it has caused, the scales would tip over.

Not to mention that one of the functions of NATO is to maintain the conditions of the existing balance of international trade, which allows the global north to contribute disproportionately more to global emissions than the global south. So NATO-as-a-military-alliance cannot be analysed in isolation from the political economy that NATO exists to protect.

Edit 2: see:


we use environmental input-output data and footprint analysis to quantify the physical scale of net appropriation from the South in terms of embodied resources and labour over the period 1990 to 2015.



This analysis proposes a novel method for quantifying national responsibility for damages related to climate change by looking at national contributions to cumulative CO2 emissions in excess of the planetary boundary of 350 ppm atmospheric CO2 concentration. This approach is rooted in the principle of equal per capita access to atmospheric commons.


For this analysis, national fair shares of a safe global carbon budget consistent with the planetary boundary of 350 ppm were derived. These fair shares were then subtracted from countries' actual historical emissions (territorial emissions from 1850 to 1969, and consumption-based emissions from 1970 to 2015) to determine the extent to which each country has overshot or undershot its fair share. Through this approach, each country's share of responsibility for global emissions in excess of the planetary boundary was calculated.


As of 2015, the USA was responsible for 40% of excess global CO2 emissions. The European Union (EU-28) was responsible for 29%. The G8 nations (the USA, EU-28, Russia, Japan, and Canada) were together responsible for 85%. Countries classified by the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change as Annex I nations (ie, most industrialised countries) were responsible for 90% of excess emissions. The Global North was responsible for 92%. By contrast, most countries in the Global South were within their boundary fair shares, including India and China (although China will overshoot soon).

CoughCool, in Missing Titanic sub crew believed to be dead, tour company says

you don't say?
Anyhow, back in the rest of the world: the rent is high, groceries are expensive, and the world is burning

LostCause, in Missing Titanic sub crew believed to be dead, tour company says

Can‘t believe all the waste of resources to look at some trash on the ocean floor, die, search the whole place, then find some more trash on the ocean floor. Climate is doomed.

Only good headline I read today is the orcas now attack boats, at least they try to fight before going extinct, admirable effort.


I see Reddit is leaking.

Entropywins, avatar

I believe it was the sub that leaked...

szczur, in Missing Titanic sub crew believed to be dead, tour company says avatar

Well, it's a tragic example on how capitalism really ruins things for everyone. The OceanGate drama should have been the wake up call. But it wasn't and these people are dead. And they get infinietly more media coverage than hundreds of souls lost in Pylos.

What a fucked up world we live in.

relative_iterator, avatar

Must we do the comparisons? The sub story was simply more interesting. It's not some media conspiracy, unless the media is already controlling the upvotes on kbin lol

FaceDeer, avatar

Yeah, this comparison is getting really strained. As the Joker once said:

Nobody panics when things go “according to plan.” Even if the plan is horrifying! If, tomorrow, I tell the press that, like, a gang banger will get shot, or a truckload of soldiers will be blown up, nobody panics, because it’s all “part of the plan.” But when I say that one little old mayor will die, well then everyone loses their minds!

A sunken ship filled with hundreds of migrants in the Mediterranean is, horrifyingly, a routine thing. It's "part of the plan." But a billionaire in a minisub possibly stranded on the Titanic? That's newsworthy. Yes, it sucks, but it's human nature and some battles are just impossible to win under the current circumstances.


How is the story of five idiots choosing to do something incredibly dangerous – and predictably dying – more interesting than hundreds of desperate souls perishing at sea because of racist policies? That latter should be absorbing almost as much interest and attention as climate change, considering how closely they're connected.

And it is a media conspiracy. The news doesn't happen by accident, it happens by several people coming together and deciding what to report on.

Conspiracy, from the American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language, 5th edition (emphasis added):

  1. A joining or acting together, as if by sinister design.
  1. A combination of persons for an evil purpose; an agreement between two or more persons to commit in concert something reprehensible, injurious, or illegal; particularly, a combination to commit treason, or excite sedition or insurrection; a plot; concerted treason.

In this instance the media decided to report overwhelmingly on the bunch of idiots rather than the plight of and the conditions leading to the death of hundreds of tragic deaths. This comes as no surprise because to media barons and many media consumers, apparently, the life of refugees is seldom as interesting even as a politician caught with their pants down. The result is that nothing will improve for refugees but the safety rules for keeping other billionaire idiots alive might be reformed. If that's not sinister, reprehensible, or injurious, I don't know what is.


The juxtaposition of a sub full if 1%ers going on a joy dive vs hundreds of people desperately trying to get to a safe land is stunning.

lemuria, in The world’s largest democracy is collapsing before our eyes

can you even call it a democracy anymore?




Yes it is still a democracy, maybe a democrazy. There are no widespread voter suppression, disenfranchisement.

The most recent election has shown that.

There are some pockets of election tampering, violence but nowhere widespread.


Of course not. India used to be secular. the far right Hindu extremism is taking over. Also it’s so good to be able to post this and not be trolled by pro Modi trolls. The amount of concentration of power due to lack of alternatives is so scary.

PS: I’m an Indian who now lives in Australia.


Just to clarify, the lack of alternatives creates a vaccine creating an almost defacto win for Modi et all. that’s the part of democracy collapsing


What makes it not a democracy ?

a form of government in which the people have the authority to deliberate and decide legislation (“direct democracy”), or to choose governing officials to do so (“representative democracy”).

Going by wikipedia, India fits in as a representative democracy. None of the elections are contested despite widespread corruptions. Its pretty much assumed all major parties do so and thus in a level field.

Where most have issue is:

Features of democracy often include freedom of assembly, association, property rights, freedom of religion and speech, citizenship, consent of the governed, voting rights, freedom from unwarranted governmental deprivation of the right to life and liberty, and minority rights.

India has some level of trouble with almost all of those. Both in past as well as some ongoing.

A large part of the reason is all available government choices are shitty in some sense or other. Modi is bad but so was their opposition. India didn’t start having these issues magically the day modi came to power. In that sense many blaming him ignore how deep rooted these problamatic views are in general soceity (at least in some areas and communities).

My point is that the many issues pointed here stems from a deeper problem and exists despite India being a democracy not because it isn’t. Infact if it was nearly as authoritarian as many claim, it would have plunged into greater chaos.

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