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muddi, in India’s supreme court upholds decision to strip Kashmir of special status | Kashmir | The Guardian

Somewhat unrelated to the news but gave me a chuckle, but the judge ruling in favor of the decision is named Dhananjaya Chandrachud.

The first name translates to “conqueror of wealth” and the first part of the last name is “moon.” So he’s literally Moon-Chud the conqueror of wealth.

velox_vulnus, (edited ) avatar

The word -chud in Chandrachud is pronounced as -choodh. It means crest. Essentially, the word means someone who has a moon crest, which is a possible reference to Lord Shiva saving the Lunar God Chandra from Daksha’s curse.

Dhananjaya is an alternative title for Arjuna, one of the five (six, if Karna is included) from the epic Mahabharata.


Yes I know, just thought it was funny

JoumanaKayrouz, in New Yorkers march on Wall St. to demand an end to US funding of Israel : Peoples Dispatch avatar

We can only send thoughts and prayers to the kids dying of school shootings in our country, why do we need to fund a religious war on the other side of the world? I am seriously asking what benefit it is to the US?



kozy138, (edited )

Every bullet fired, every bomb dropped, is money in the bank for American military corporations. War = $$$


You’d think so, but then the same logic should apply to Ukraine right?


AIPAC owns American politicians. Ukraine doesn’t


Yeah, fair point… And don’t forget the russian assets in the GOP.


Russia owns Republicans


Didn’t the CIA say Ukraine blew up Russia’s Nordstream pipeline (which carries Russian oil to Europe)?

Krause, avatar

Don’t get the downvoted, I’m not sure about the CIA but the telegraph has stated the same from their own investigation


Yeah the cia are the ones who said their info points to a Ukraine operation. Ukraine denies it but again, according to the cia report, some state actor did it.

I’m not worried about downvotes. :) as far as i know it’s not like reddit where comments get hidden so meh, and With all the disinfo out there sometimes people get a little reactionary. Its nbd


You mean to say it doesn’t?


It was just a comment on the fact that GOP voted down the new care package for Ukraine. If it prints money for them and their buddies they should be for it right? So what could possibly be the reason they vote it down…? coughrussian assetscough


They’re being pragmatic, they actually want to get paid, and they don’t want the US to have to pay for all of these weapons and other material. Not everyone you disagree with is a Russian asset, no matter how hard that narrative is pushed.

All of the “aid” the US has sent to Ukraine has been on credit, a 21st Century lend-lease. The original 20th century lend-lease was a roaring success in terms of subjugating the British empire, and it’s also worth noting that a lot of US representatives of that era were very hesitant to approve the “care packages” in the first place as well. The debt Britain owes the US from WWII has actually never been repaid, but the US got global hegemony out of the deal so they agreed to look the other way.

Ukraine however has no ability to pay off the debt they have already racked up, let alone more. Not just because they’ve lost militarily but also because anything remotely productive in the country (primary farmland and factories) has been parceled off to the highest (US based) bidder, destroyed via the war, or can’t be productive in the foreseeable due to the loss of working people to emigration and war.


Both can be true. We can have a just war that prints money for bad people.

The war in Israel, however, is a bad war printing money for bad people.

Frankly, I don’t really understand how a privatized military industrial complex is not a blow to national security. You’d think we’d want more cost-effective munitions.

mkhoury, avatar

I was under the impression that there were resources in that area that the US currently has privileged access to because of their alliances there. So they have a stake in making their allies come out on top.


Gaza has oil. That’s all it’s ever about.


The Middle East in general has oil and Israel is our main base over there basically, being an ally in the region. They give us a zone of control. (Also Turkey but Israel is easier to control and it’s good to have backups.)


Turkey isn’t a reliable ally in the same way Israel is. Turkey is a relatively large country that has the capacity to act fully independently of any great power, and occasionally does. Israel is much smaller and can only sustain itself with US and EU support. A sanctions package like what has been applied to Russia would likely cripple Israel and see it wiped off the map rather quickly, so they have no choice but to stay on side.


Israel is also where a large percentage of our medical equipment and I think drugs too are from.

PanArab, avatar

It is not a religious war. Was it a religious war when the indigenous peoples elsewhere fought against the invaders? Palestinians are no less passionate about their land than the Lakota or Zulu.

“Let us not ignore the truth among ourselves … politically we are the aggressors and they defend themselves… The country is theirs, because they inhabit it, whereas we want to come here and settle down, and in their view we want to take away from them their country. … Behind the terrorism [by the Arabs] is a movement, which though primitive is not devoid of idealism and self sacrifice.” — David Ben Gurion. Quoted on pp 91-2 of Chomsky’s Fateful Triangle, which appears in Simha Flapan’s “Zionism and the Palestinians pp 141-2 citing a 1938 speech.

PanArab, in Tel Aviv protesters call Netanyahu to resign avatar

They should all go, not just Netanyahu. Palestine is for Palestinians.

Peppycito, in Canada's surging cost of living fuels reverse immigration

Isn’t that just migration?


The opposite of “immigration” is “emigration”.

  • “migration” does not imply a direction.
  • “immigration” means migration in.
  • “emigration” means migration out.

This is a specific case where former immigrants are leaving in supposedly significant numbers.

ExIsraeliAnarchist, (edited ) in Tel Aviv protesters call Netanyahu to resign

These protest have been going on for years.
The idea that Israelis generally support him is part of his media narrative, not reality.
The fact that the protests were getting bigger and louder before 7.10 is another reason war was allowed to happen (it keeps people distracted and united against an enemy that isn't him, and the results are instant - many already saying to wait with holding him accountable until "after the war" as if he wouldn't start another or make this one last until he made sure he couldn't be removed).
When he went to visit the front lines, he didn't only refuse to meat, but expelled reservists who were called in to duty who were known to be at protests or signed letters against him.
They have now also made it legal to shoot protestors with live ammo and arrest anyone suspected of "interfering with military operation" (this is mostly to target Palestinians and Arab-Israelis, but also Jewish protestors)
The Israeli government doesn't represent the Israeli people.

random65837, in New Yorkers march on Wall St. to demand an end to US funding of Israel : Peoples Dispatch

Ya, stand with terrorists…sure.


Fuck Hamas and its sympathizers, but fuck Israel for all the innocents it killed. They are both fucking terrorists at this point.

Israel lost any moral high ground from 10/7 a long time ago.

Their body count on innocent people and a way higher than hamas.

Support innocent Palestinians who are being killed


About the Hamas part: AFAIK October 7th was mainly a military attack against legitimate military targets with military goals, with the (very much undeniable, don't get me wrong) atrocities committed being individual action that hasn't been proven to come from the top, If I'm not wrong about that understanding I don't see how Hamas and Israel can be put in the same position here.


They still killed a bunch of innocents. You can not deny that, if Hamas actually had a problem with it, then they should surrender everyone who killed innocents.

Do that, and maybe we can talk.

10/7 was a terrorist attack against civilians, the blow back has disproportionately affected innocent Palestinians.

Don’t defend terrorists.

If a legitimate army had soldiers that did that they would make a VERY public display of what happens to people who attack innocent people at a music festival and release videos of them going house to house in a settlement.

I have seen the pictures and videos from both sides and they are both indefensible.


I’m waiting for the IOF to make a very public display of the apache gunners who shot indiscriminately at the festival, or the tank commanders firing indiscriminately at homes in the kibbutzim. Your argument falls flat when the Israeli army not only is killing thousands of civilians in Gaza (and are proud of it btw), but also their own citizens on Oct 7.


Got any sources on any of this?

Krause, avatar

I don’t doubt that, I clearly stated fuck them both.

I have seen the videos from Hamas going building to building and shooting out tires and trying to scare people out with them.

Everyone has seen the Israeli videos, even their best ones don’t make them look good

Krause, avatar

israel killed their own, it’s been proven and admitted even on zionist media…/0000018b-e1a5-d168-a3ef-f5ff4d070…

also, israel admitted that hamas didn’t even know about the festival…/0000018b-e2ee-d168-a3ef-f7fe8ca2000…


You can not deny that, if Hamas actually had a problem with it, then they should surrender everyone who killed innocents.

Yeah they probably don't have a problem with it, that's true enough and can't be defended. But they didn't go "we should go there and kill civilians", is what I mean. Some people have that impression about the attack and that's playing right into Israel's hands. Unfortunately punishing soldiers who commit warcrimes is a standard neither side is trying to reach.

Also, from what we know the music festival wasn't a one-sided Hamas massacre; there was combat with the IDF and many of the people who died died in the crossfire. Not saying there weren't people who killed innocents (particularly the guy who threw that one grenade should be hanged), but the image that Hamas went in guns blazing and killed a bunch of people is at this point in time plain Israeli propaganda that spread before the details were known.


Wow, fuck the IDF but this is some serious dick riding for Hamas. The “lone actions of a few individuals”? Are you serious?

Krause, avatar

The “lone actions of a few individuals”? Are you serious?

Unless you have evidence beyond “Israel claims it’s real” yes, that’s what happened.


Yes. Unless you have hard numbers or evidence Hamas leadership intended to cause civilian casualties we go with innocent until proven guilty. I mean hell why would the leadership want innocents killed? That's just bad press, and they're more useful as hostages.


There’s plenty of evidence. What are you smoking? I have to ask are you trolling?


Evidence like what?


Yeah, so you’re completely unaware or trolling, I can’t tell. Hamas has been launching rockets into civilian area indiscriminately since forever. Hamas has sent suicide bombers into public areas with civilians for the past last thirty years. The attack on the music festival with two hundred teens and young adults killed was not the act of some lone wolf. Please tell me you’re trolling because I can’t believe people are this uninformed.


I was talking about the current attack. And the music festival is still strictly in fog of war territory. There are people Hamas soldiers killed, that's undeniable, but there are also people who were killed by reckless IDF fire and people who simply died in the crossfire.


We have at least some numbers. Last I checked (which I admit was weeks ago) the death toll in Gaza was 11,000 and Israel claimed to have killed 60-80 Hamas fighters. That’s over 99% civilian deaths, and we know a significan portion of those are children. On October 7th, Palestinian militant groups killed about 1,200 people in Israel, 859 of them civilians. That’s over 71% civilian deaths, ignoring the fact that most Israeli adults are reservists and so trained fighters.


I meant civilians people who were intentionally killed by Hamas (there's a significant number people who died in the crossfire or to reckless IDF fire), but yeah this too.

Also the death toll topped 18k.

PanArab, avatar

“Let us not ignore the truth among ourselves … politically we are the aggressors and they defend themselves… The country is theirs, because they inhabit it, whereas we want to come here and settle down, and in their view we want to take away from them their country. … Behind the terrorism [by the Arabs] is a movement, which though primitive is not devoid of idealism and self sacrifice.” — David Ben Gurion. Quoted on pp 91-2 of Chomsky’s Fateful Triangle, which appears in Simha Flapan’s “Zionism and the Palestinians pp 141-2 citing a 1938 speech.


Yeah I’m sure all those dead children and babies on life support were actually terrorists


Did they condemn Hamas with their last breath? If not…



Nice strawman…because there’s a single person alive that accused the children and babies right? How pathetically ignorant. But you then ignore when those people you’re defending strap bombs to those children don’t you?


Right, we have to just murder those kids so they can’t be used as bombs. It’s like you’re seeing the matrix dude, amazing stuff


Better kill all of the Palestinians, even the children! One of them might have met a terrorist one time!

tetris11, avatar

Both sides are shitty. One side is being significantly more shitty without restraint. If you look at numbers, one side is doing considerably more harm than the other. If you look at individual acts of shittiness, then sure, under that squinted framing, both sides are equal.


The real problem is calling all Palestinians terrorists

PanArab, avatar

“Let us not ignore the truth among ourselves … politically we are the aggressors and they defend themselves… The country is theirs, because they inhabit it, whereas we want to come here and settle down, and in their view we want to take away from them their country. … Behind the terrorism [by the Arabs] is a movement, which though primitive is not devoid of idealism and self sacrifice.” — David Ben Gurion. Quoted on pp 91-2 of Chomsky’s Fateful Triangle, which appears in Simha Flapan’s “Zionism and the Palestinians pp 141-2 citing a 1938 speech.


You’re doing that right now, dear basement troll.

Mateoto, in Tel Aviv protesters call Netanyahu to resign

Since Ariel Sharon, conservative ideologies have been deeply ingrained in Israeli politics, and Netanyahu’s resignation may not bring about a fundamental shift in this longstanding trend.

The political landscape has been characterized by continuity, and despite changes in leadership, the core ideologies often persist. The implications for the lives of Israelis and Palestinians might not undergo a substantial transformation.

Obligatory: Fuck Hamas and Netanyahu


That's true, but honestly anybody is better than Netanyahu. This guy is the reason the conflict didn't end in the 90s.

PanArab, avatar

Hamas did nothing wrong. It exists in response to Israeli aggression. I promise you this, even if Hamas goes away, Palestinians and other Arabs will continue to resist. Israel has created far more enemies with its ongoing genocide in Gaza, they will forever be pariahs and will forever be at war with us.

“Let us not ignore the truth among ourselves … politically we are the aggressors and they defend themselves… The country is theirs, because they inhabit it, whereas we want to come here and settle down, and in their view we want to take away from them their country. … Behind the terrorism [by the Arabs] is a movement, which though primitive is not devoid of idealism and self sacrifice.” — David Ben Gurion. Quoted on pp 91-2 of Chomsky’s Fateful Triangle, which appears in Simha Flapan’s “Zionism and the Palestinians pp 141-2 citing a 1938 speech.

Ab_intra, in Tel Aviv protesters call Netanyahu to resign avatar

I hope that happens.

ProfessorOwl_PhD, in Landlords for Israel’s Arms Trade Shut Down, LondonMetric’s Mayfair Offices Re-decorated avatar

Did anyone else parse the headline as an organisation called “Landlords for Israel’s Arms Trade” being shut down, or just me?

Tosti, in French activists urge Biarritz district to drop 'racist' name avatar

Yes, erase the history there. That way people are no longer reminded of it either.

Isn’t putting a nice statue to the woman (giving her a name and a face) with a plaque explaining why the street has its name not a better solution. Instead of erasing it showing people that some of the things we hold dear don’t nessecarilily are because of nice things.

Or actually name the street after the woman’s real name (if we know it)

totallynotarobot, in Despite lack of evidence, allegations of Hamas ‘mass sexual asasult’ are fueling Israeli genocide in Gaza

Rape is always used in war, and always used as an excuse for escalation, and never really cared about by the men in power.

The question shouldn’t be whether rape is happening; it should be what kind of scum cynically uses that as an excuse to bomb shit harder when they don’t give a fuck about actual rape victims?

ExotiqueMatter, avatar

The question shouldn’t be whether rape is happening

Excuse me? We absolutely SHOULD question whether rape is happening.

This "that’s just how war is" kind of narrative needs to go, there is no laws of physics that force armies to commit rape or any voluntary attack against civilians for that matter.

That’s not useful, that’s not helpful, that’s not smart, that’s not having a “nuanced understanding”, that’s cynical minimization of unwarranted violence and horrible crimes against civilians.

It shift the blame of warcrimes on a cynical and frankly halfassed “that’s just how it is” kind of “explanation” and minimise the responsibility of the culprit.

You can’t just say that both sides of a conflict always do this and handwave it as if it was some kind of universal law, if you want to claim that, you need to prove it.

library_napper, in Reuters journalist Issam Abdallah killed by Israeli tank, investigation finds avatar

On my feed this article appears immediately next to an article that the US bypassed congressional authorization to send more “emergency” ammunition to Israel.

The majority of the people killed by these weapons are civilians. The US is complicit in war crimes.


We’re all just supposed to pretend like Israel isn’t the weirdest country on the planet. You’d think the term “religious ethnostate” would say all that needs to be said, but no, somehow seemingly normal, sane people think there is nothing wrong with it and in fact encourage it…


The US is complicit in war crimes.

Always has been.

library_napper, in US skips congressional review to approve emergency sale of tank shells to Israel avatar

Fucking blatantly supplying arms yo commit a genocide. The history books will remember this, Biden.

lnxtx, in Indonesian online activists wage war against Israeli officials avatar

Russia Today, the enemy of my enemy is my friend, right?

SovietyWoomy, in US skips congressional review to approve emergency sale of tank shells to Israel

Good thing we got rid of the president who doesn’t respect democracy by voting blue no matter who


It’s not binary. Trump tried to overthrow democracy. Biden legally skipped congressional review.


Right, tell me more about how trump would’ve been better…

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