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athos77, in Morocco has received nearly three times more armored vehicles from the United States than allocated to Ukraine

Media bias / fact check for Voice of Europe;

Bias: Extreme Right

Credibility: Low

.Notes: Extreme Right, Propaganda, Conspiracy, Anti-Islam. Voice of Europe also has a poor track record with fact checkers.

Overall, this site is Questionable due to extreme right wing bias, promotion of propaganda, conspiracy theories and poor sourcing. A questionable source exhibits one or more of the following: extreme bias, consistent promotion of propaganda/conspiracies, poor or no sourcing to credible information, a complete lack of transparency and/or is fake news. Fake News is the deliberate attempt to publish hoaxes and/or disinformation for the purpose of profit or influence.

Sure sounds like a source I want to line the litterbox with.


As far as I can tell they just translated a Defence Arabia article and cross-referenced it with publicly available information on US deliveries to Ukraine. In another comment, I cited the original article (in Arabic) that they appear to draw from.

athos77, (edited )

I don't care. I'm tired of people submitting bullshit sources and then coming up with a reason as to why it's okay to listen to them just this one time. It drives attention and revenue to those sources, encourages their bad behavior, and normalizes the source as 'sometimes okay' in people's minds, eventually leading people to be less critical and and more susceptible to the bullshit the source wants to spread. Which is EXACTLY how propaganda outlets work.


Kick him in the dick!

Dogyote, (edited )

How about we engage with the content? They didn’t make up the numbers, so why is Morocco getting more tanks than Ukraine and why do they need so many?

Deceptichum, avatar

Who knows, maybe a better source would have provided some much needed information.


First sentence says where they deployed them, dingus.

Deceptichum, avatar

Oh so you knew why Morocco needed so many, yet you asked?


Nah I asked first and looked later. I was so overcome by the need to pop someone’s little righteous justice boner I couldn’t help but comment first.

protist, (edited )

The comment you’re responding to explicitly stated why they don’t want to engage with this content. To try answering your question though, I’m going to guess it’s because Morocco has been buying US arms for a lot longer than Ukraine has. In the title, “has received” is incredibly misleading, it makes it seem like the US is giving tanks to Morocco, but they’re buying them.

  1. I don’t care how they feel about the source. I think we’re all grown-ups here and are capable of seeing through any propaganda the source may have added to the facts. I’m here to discuss the factual content of the article, which is rather interesting. I haven’t been following the drama of northwestern Africa’s territorial disputes.
  2. Don’t guess, because you’re just wrong. 1st sentence. “The received tanks were immediately deployed to the southern part of the country, specifically to the disputed Western Sahara region.” Some other commentors added more relevant info, so nice of them.
  3. “has received” is indeed misleading, if you’re in high school. No one receives weapons for free, not even Ukraine or Israel. Obviously Morocco paid for them.
livus, avatar

Thank you


So that Morocco can enforce itself as the Israel of Western Sahara.


Obviously because Morocco makes sure Western Sahara stays a colony deprived of rights, so the West keeps getting those natural resources for cheap.


If you’re tired of bullshit sources, you should stop citing Media Bias / Fact Check.




Because it is itself a bullshit source.


While it’s true that Voice of Europe is baseless propaganda with no credibility, the same is true of, so in this case they’re correct, but purely by accident.

Omega_Haxors, (edited )

It’s true that MBFC biased but it’s consistent with its bias. Just shift their ratings to the right by about a meter then it will be accurate.


Well, no, because it’s also extremely biased in how it assigns factual reporting scores, and by extension, overall credibility scores. Not to mention they equivocate “bias” (on a scale zeroed at USA neoconservatism) with credibility.


Is it their fault that right wing “news” outlets lie all the time?

SkepticalButOpenMinded, (edited )

Why do you say that media bias fact check is baseless propaganda?

edit: One of the most left leaning but highly factual news sites I go to is This site is almost always against the major mainstream media consensus, but backs up its claims with lots of high quality reasoning and evidence. MBFC rate it left-center and high factual reporting.

It gives Jacobin, probably one of the biggest left leaning news sites in the US, a left leaning and high factual reporting score. Jacobin calls themselves left leaning, of course. For anyone who knows history, it’s right in their name. So what’s the problem there?

Meanwhile, it gives all the major right wing news sites poor ratings. Fox News, Breitbart, Epoch times, etc. get an extreme right and Mixed factual reporting score.

So I understand why you would besmirch MBFC if you’re some rightwinger. But, from the left, I don’t understand. Reality has a left leaning bias.


Bruh of course a .ml says this shit

livus, in Morocco has received nearly three times more armored vehicles from the United States than allocated to Ukraine avatar

Well yeah they're a colonial occupying power. Ukraine is just trying to resist one.

morrowind, avatar

Morocco? Or do you mean the US?

livus, avatar

Morocco, it runs Africa's last colony, with all the brutality that implies.

The US brokered a deal under the Trump administration where Morocco would normalize relations with Israel in exchange for the US "recognizing their sovereignty" over neighbouring Western Sahara, a mineral rich region.

Morocco Agrees to Normalize Ties With Israel in Exchange for U.S. Recognition of Western Sahara Sovereignty.

Background: Western Sahara: the six-decade struggle to liberate Africa’s last colony.

SharkAttak, in Morocco has received nearly three times more armored vehicles from the United States than allocated to Ukraine avatar

Well how else could they keep the Saharawi menace at bay and keep their stolen land?

PanArab, avatar

Not quite. Morocco has historical claims to the Western Sahara as well as Mauritania. Morocco was carved up by the Spanish and French during the scramble for Africa in the 19th century. While Morocco eventually gave up its claims to Mauritania it retained the Rif and Western Sahara.

livus, avatar

historical claims

That's a bit misleading.

PanArab, avatar

I’m willing to discuss the nuances, but you just linked me to a very long Wikipedia article.


Stolen land? Every single person alive today is on stolen land. The only difference is how recently their ancestors stole it.

Even the first nations of North America stole land from other tribes for a few millenia before the Europeans showed up and stole it all.

The world has never been, and will never be, a static place.

There are plenty of reasons to help out disadvantaged or oppressed groups, ownership of land just isn’t one of them.

livus, avatar

Contested ownership of land is one of the driving forces behind violent oppression, torture, internment without due process, ethnic cleansing etc etc.

There's absolutely nothing wrong with being opposed to this stuff.

Every single person alive today is on stolen land.

Plenty of our ancestors raped people but saying "every single person alive today has DNA from rape" is not a very good reason to support more rape now.


Every single person alive today is on stolen land

Who the Aborigines stole the land from? Or Polynesians?


Each other.

These people fought, they aren’t some sort of saints that always got along peacefully for 60,000 years.

This part of history always gets ignored, but there are archeology studies showing it definitely happened.


Interesting theory. So Americans stole the land from Americans because there was a civil war? That’s definitely a way to look at it.


You’re grouping together people who were not together. The different tribes that existed were similar to the countries that exist today, though obviously a little less formal in nature.

It’s not a civil war when two different tribes fought. Any more than it would be a civil war if Canada and the US fought.

Rozz, in Zulu king's official crowning by President Rampahosa invalid, court rules

Is this a good thing or a bad thing or just weird? How do they lean?


The king’s royal household gets about ZAR 71 300 000 per year [1] (EUR 3 500 000, tho I think the actual buying power is much more than the euros would indicate).

I don’t know if that royal family brings in any tourism money like royals in some other countries. Hopefully not, because tourism is a major contributor to catastrophic climate change.

The South African constitution states that “A traditional authority that observes a system of customary law may function subject to any applicable legislation and customs, which includes amendments to, or repeal of, that legislation or those customs. The courts must apply customary law when that law is applicable, subject to the Constitution and any legislation that specifically deals with customary law.” [2]

Traditional laws include polygamy, and the previous king had 6 wives and about 28 children. [3] The former president of South Africa, the openly corrupt Jacob Zuma, is a Zulu and had about 21 children. [4]

The Zulu king effectively owns 30% of the KwaZulu-Natal province, and that 30% is more land than the entire country of Rwanda. [3] [5]


Thank you for some background info

akilou, in The Names of Thousands of Neo-Nazi Music Fans Just Got Leaked

Maybe all of these people were just buying gifts for their neonazi friends and family

jabathekek, in Morocco has received nearly three times more armored vehicles from the United States than allocated to Ukraine avatar

Could this be from an agreement/treaty already put in place before Russia’s invasion?


USA and Morocco signed a treaty 1786 which remains the longest unbroken relationship in U.S. history, in 2004 Morocco was declared a “Major Non-NATO Ally”, and Morocco’s military and law enforcement train and work together with their U.S. counterparts.

Tosti, avatar

Or those Russian tanks they had are now freed up to be transported elsewhere.

naturalgasbad, in Morocco has received nearly three times more armored vehicles from the United States than allocated to Ukraine

Original source seems to be from Defense Arabia in Arabic:…/المغرب-يحصل-على-دبابات-أبرامز…

tiredofsametab, in The Names of Thousands of Neo-Nazi Music Fans Just Got Leaked

Weird. Lots of purchasers in Japan. All have Japanese-looking names, but who knows if some of those are real.


Isn’t Japan extremely socially conservative?


Some Asian countries also have a weird thing for Hitler.…/southeast-asia-s-weird-fascin…


Thanks for sharing. Also wtf.


In many ways yes. Japan has its own brand of racial superiority which is why I just found it a bit weird they're going for nazi shit. It could also just be that they heard and liked a song, but I kinda doubt that this is the case.

RealFknNito, avatar

Japan is conservative in the sense that anyone that isn’t Japanese can go get fucked. How many Japanese neo-nazis are also multilingual to understand the lyrics? This seems less like nazis in Japan and just people who found music they didn’t hate.


I mean if someone in Japan wanted to look towards their right-leaning history, the Japanese Empire isn’t too far away, and it aligned with Hitler.


Japan literally has rising fascist movements that want to bring back Imperial Japan, I think it’s fair to say that they know what they’re listening to.


I understand that Japan’s youth displays a lot of Hitler and Nazi stuff. Not that they’re Nazis or haters, they just think it’s funny or something? Kinda like clueless American kids sporting Che Guevera shirts and posters?


Not really, it’s also seen as a weird thing done by loners to them. One of the most famous animes in recent times, Overlord, features a WW2-based german character with manerisms and speech reminiscent of a SS officer. Every time they’re on screen, the main character nearly dies of embarassment.


Ah! Maybe not Japan then. I was thinking of this link posted below:…/southeast-asia-s-weird-fascin…

dylanmorgan, in The Names of Thousands of Neo-Nazi Music Fans Just Got Leaked

Man, far right websites all seem to have shit infosec as a common thread along with racism and other assorted bigotry.


Exploit that and out then as the shit-stains they are.


This is because all the infosec professionals are left-wing furries. We run the Internet. You cannot escape us, you cannot out-hack us.


meow meow




Hmmm. I blocked the yiffit instance and yet this comment is not hidden…

Also not kink shaming but it was every other goddamn post on All


shows up as pawb instance for me


This is, not all furries are pervs…

violetraven, avatar

Thank you for your service. Do you take skritches for payment?


As soon as I finish my degree lol.

violetraven, avatar

Good fluff🥰


Did someone say SiegedSec?


There’s actually a simple explanation for that. Much like the “conservative/christian entertainment” industry the alt-tech movement is primarily composed of failures and hacks who couldn’t cut it in the mainstream field.

AdlachGyfiawn, avatar

It’s also because right-wing extremism goes unpunished while left-wing extremism gets you shot in the head.


A smart racist is an oxymoron.

This includes their knowledge about security.

pomodoro_longbreak, avatar

A smart racist would have to be stupid in such a specific kind of way that it would be like a zyzygy of all the stars in the sky aligning at the same time.


Syzygy - a roughly straight-line configuration of three or more celestial bodies in a gravitational system.

Thanks for the new word!

pomodoro_longbreak, avatar

Pleasure! It’s a really cool word

No1, avatar

Syzygy… Are you sure that’s not a polish soccer goalkeeper?


All websites have shit infosec. It’s not a problem confined to the far right.

PanArab, in ‘I no longer feel at home here’: German Muslims frustrated by Israel backing avatar

That’s the whole point. Germans hate Arabs and want to transfer the Holocaust guilt onto them.


What an absurd and completely nonsensical accusation. Have you considered that Germany is, due to historic responsibility, far more likely to detect antisemitism and far less tolerant of it?

PanArab, avatar

“There has been Anti-Semitism, the Nazis, Hitler, Auschwitz, but was that their fault? They see but one thing: we have come and we have stolen their country. Why would they accept that?” David Ben-Gurion (the first Israeli Prime Minister): Quoted by Nahum Goldmann in Le Paraddoxe Juif (The Jewish Paradox), pp121.

Don’t transfer your guilt onto us. Even David Ben Gurion knew we had nothing to do with German crimes.


Do keep yourself warm with that blanket statement?


This is a fact. They pretend Germany is “importing antisemitism”, as if that needs importing. And somehow, someone that comes here, fleeing a genocide committed by Zionists, is clearly the real antisemite when they complain about it, because apparently no one could object to this treatment unless they hate Jews for no reason.

PanArab, avatar

No, I keep myself warm with Ben Gurion quotes:

“Let us not ignore the truth among ourselves … politically we are the aggressors and they defend themselves… The country is theirs, because they inhabit it, whereas we want to come here and settle down, and in their view we want to take away from them their country. … Behind the terrorism [by the Arabs] is a movement, which though primitive is not devoid of idealism and self sacrifice.” — David Ben Gurion. Quoted on pp 91-2 of Chomsky’s Fateful Triangle, which appears in Simha Flapan’s “Zionism and the Palestinians pp 141-2 citing a 1938 speech.

OhStopYellingAtMe, in The Names of Thousands of Neo-Nazi Music Fans Just Got Leaked avatar

Nazis deserve no rights.

RealFknNito, avatar


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  • PoliticalAgitator,

    Music is an extremely important part of my life but there isn’t a single band that would make me give money to neo-nazis.

    I don’t know why everyone is so eager to absolve them. If they have something to say in their defense, they can say it themselves.

    RealFknNito, avatar


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  • Mongostein,

    No. There’s no plausible deniability here. These bands’ whole gimmick is that they’re Nazis. It’s not some catchy tune you randomly heard on the radio. There is nothing subtle about it. It’s racist songs with racist lyrics. You would have to seek it out to listen to this garbage.

    RealFknNito, avatar


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  • Mongostein,

    Well I don’t live in Japan so I’m not worried about that. Also, tons of Japanese people speak English.

    RealFknNito, avatar


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  • Mongostein,

    In a country of 124m people that has every subculture you could imagine, I can absolutely guarantee you that there are Japanese nazis. (They were a part of the axis after all.)

    Being smart is not a pre-requisite to being a nazi. It’s actually a hindrance.

    Djinn, (edited )
    Lianodel, (edited )

    Also, can we appreciate how desperate and nonsensical that entire argument was?

    Okay, lots of them are Japanese. So… what about the ones that aren’t? Why isn’t that person concerned about the one who absolutely understand what it means?

    And secondly… it’s still a huge red flag that Japanese customers were going so far out of their way to buy extremely obscure music from racist bands from an overtly Nazi music seller. If an American specifically imported music from a Japanese shop only racists know or care about, covered in Axis power imagery, that’d still point towards being a huge racist.

    That user is seriously turning themselves in knots to defend people who buy Nazi music from the Nazi store.


    This might surprise you, but Japan has very close ties with fascism. Ever seen the Japanese flag with the rays coming from the center red sun? That’s the flag of Imperial Japan, a fascist terror that scarred much of Asia. Japan refuses to denounce their war crimes, and there are an unfortunate number of reactionary fascists who use the flag of Imperial Japan as a symbol they support.

    I’m absolutely not saying that every Japanese person is a fascist, not even close. I am, however, saying that I’m fairly confident that these particular Japanese fans are aware of the Nazi ideology of the bands they listen to, and listen precisely because of that.


    You are defending the indefensible, would you give the benefit of the doubt to a p*do ring too? They are fucking Nazis, have been open about this for three decades they sell Nazi paraphernalia, they host Nazism bands. You accidentally listening to Celine Dion once doesn’t compare.

    People are indeed becoming unhinged with all this misplaced tolerance: fascists need to be dealt with straight away, we have so many examples in history about what happens when you hive them the benefit of the doubt. I can’t believe this site’s been up since the 90s.


    I’ve listened to songs with suicidal lyrics, I’m not suicidal

    A song with “suicidal lyrics” is not even remotely comparable to the albums this site sells, which is why they don’t need a dedicated pro-suicide website to sell them on.

    Would you rush to defend an album put out by ISIS, that pushed the agenda of ISIS, with all profits going to ISIS?

    It’s getting exhausting seeing people become increasingly unhinged and justifying it because “well, they’re baddies.”

    Then maybe you should explain your exhaustion to the group responsible for their overwhelming majority of mass shootings, who openly celebrate the killing of black and LGBT+ people, rather than someone you’ve decided isn’t appropriately sad that neo-nazis got exposed for doing a thing they did.

    RecallMadness, (edited )

    I like folk music and industrial music. The overlap of the two seems to also have a disproportionate overlap of … what’s the best way to put it?… fascist-adjacent music. Imagery, themes, etc.

    Am I a fascist? No.

    Are the artists fascist? I don’t know, Boyd Rice Douglas P/Death In June sure has had some controversies about him, but he’s not been banned from streaming services. But In some ways I don’t care, I don’t have the time to unpick every lyric, image and interview from the artists I listen to, to make a decision on their political views. I just like the music. Open a public playlist and listen.

    None of the music I listen to appears to be sold on Midgard. But does that mean they’re not fascist?


    Probably no need to worry. I like folk and especially nordic folk music (as in Wardruna, not Bob Dylan), which is very obviously something a neo-nazi would also probably like, if only for the superficial themes at play. I used to feel a bit afraid I might accidentally like and support someone I wouldn’t want to, but I’ve come to learn that these shops like midgard, they don’t have those kinds of “normal” releases usually, since they as a shop are often also banned on distributors’ side, so they couldn’t even get them if they wanted. At least eventually that’d kick in, as people report the shop to the bands or labels.

    The music and merch these shops sell are… very obviously neo-nazi. I recommend you take a look at the shop just to get an idea, though obviously a content warning is necessary here.

    This is all to say that unless the music you listen to is very obviously racist or neo-nazi or otherwise explicitly problematic, I wouldn’t worry.

    Of course I might myself be wrong here, but I’ve tried to keep up and stay up to date as to which bands I like could be or turn out problematic.

    None have so far, at least as far as I’m aware.

    They’d have to be very explicit. I think you’d know for sure, if that was the case.

    I listen to a lot of music like wardruna, I simply love the mysticism and the atmosphere of history, magic and rawness, but all of the ones I listen to are actively and publicly denouncing their music being used or approbiated by neo-nazis or other far-right movements or groups.

    I think a lot of people would make a lot of noise, if one of the more popular ones would refuse to publicly denounce that. Or otherwise dodged these questions. Some, like Wardruna, are very actively and explicitly fighting those forces and are in a sense “reclaiming” some of the themes and fascinations that nazis and neo-nazis used to have, especially in norse mythology and history and their themes.

    I am no longer anxious about being associated with wrong music. I think it’ll be very obvious if a band or a brand otherwise, takes a dodgy stance or especially very explicitly supports those dangerous ideals.

    Which is to say, I wouldn’t worry, unless the lyrics, branding and themes are very explicit in their meaning.

    RecallMadness, (edited )

    It’s not entirely clear cut.

    Douglas P of Death in June (who I meant to reference in my original post) sells (sold?) Algiz Rune pins, and stickers of Totenkophs on rainbow backgrounds (but, he’s openly homosexual) as band merch.

    Sol Invictus was formed by Tony Wakefield, who got kicked out of Death in June for being too right wing; and then he subsequently went on to create Above the Ruins for the National Front (interestingly, used to be banned but is back on Spotify), (but now regrets it).

    Von Thronsthal use a logo very close to the Schwarze Sonne, and self-published under “Fasci-Nation Recordings”.

    Both are on Spotify with no problems.


    You don’t need to be a fascist to make excuses for fascists, but it’s bizarre that you read my comment about all the apologists the decided “he just hasn’t heard my brilliant apologise yet”.

    You can drop the “it could happen to you” act because it almost certainly won’t. For this site and those albums, “I just didn’t have time to unpick what the lyric ‘until every kike is dead’ meant” isn’t even a remotely plausible excuse.

    Stop defending them.


    Based and NAZI PUNKS FUCK OFF-pilled


    We just watched that movie the other day. I support his message, but man, dude’s gotta pick his battles lol.


    Movie? It’s a classic hardcore punk song title.

    Fucking nazi’s taking Dead Kennedys satires as straight-faced and messing up the concert scene so they wrote this little song which left very little space for misunderstanding (even for nazi idiots).


    I’m gonna guess he’s talking about Green Room, which is a very good movie.

    But I was definitely quoting the Dead Kennedys lawl


    Likely. Awesome movie. I remember calling it before they started playing.


    Hahaha hell yeah. I think it’s time for a rewatch.


    Liberals on their way to defend literal nazis.


    I certainly wouldn’t listen to Neo-Nazi music no matter how nice the tunes are, because I personally couldn’t stand supporting literal fucking Nazis and listening to Nazi bullshit.

    It’s not like the Nazis are the only ones making music, there are countless good, leftist bands out there. There aren’t slim pickings, there are oceans of good music out there.


    Benefit of the doubt is a huge deal. It’s entirely possible to enjoy music and have NO idea of the message, themes, content, etc. source: Pumped Up Kicks.

    Edit to add: Iced Earth. Really fun power metal band. Loved a ton of their stuff, and then found out the bands lead was arrested at the jan. 6 riot. That stuff doesn’t really bleed into their music, and I was avoiding them for a while because of it, but at the end of the day, the music is good, and that’s why we listen to music.


    Pumped Up Kicks is explicit satire, not an actual call for school shootings.

    Let me ask this: what makes more sense, a random, specifically Japanese group of people, enjoys northern European Neo-Nazi music for the tunes? Or, perhaps, the fact that Japan has legitimate fascist movements, and historical ties to fascism without heavily denouncing them like Germany, means fascists are likely to search out more fascist music?

    I understand your point, but it’s incredibly hard to just randomly stumble upon fascist music and enjoy it for the vibes. This is a specific level of dedication in a country with higher than normal levels of support for fascism.

    Infiltrated_ad8271, avatar

    So, you advocate against human rights? Denying rights and dehumanizing according to people's ideas is pretty nazi.


    You ever Heard of the tollerance paradox? Of you tolerate someone that hates a Group like nazis you are Not better.


    I don’t believe that extends to denying them their basic human rights, though.


    That depends on how much of the social contract a group is willing to break.

    We benefit from knowing just how far nazis are willing to go to further their beliefs. And their efforts should be resisted in kind.


    If people break the law, we restrict their freedom. Many seem to oppose that idea nowadays, or at least claim to. There’s a certain irony in that. But yes, if an individual breaks the social contract in a manner deemed “against the law”, then certain rights are removed from them.

    Infiltrated_ad8271, avatar

    The paradox of tolerance is about absolute/unlimited tolerance. One can set limits on tolerance and respect the human rights of the intolerant, it's not mutually exclusive.

    Btw, the combination of "X people don't deserve human rights" and "those who don't support taking rights away from X are equal to X" is especially atrocious.


    The tolerance paradox is bullshit. Source: Daryl Davis, the black dude who converted a ton (like over 80) KKK members by just being a tolerant human to them.

    You have to tolerate the person, not the message. You can say “you’re a valid human being” and “the stuff that comes out of your mouth is actually terrible” at the same time. Doing anything else pushes all of those valid humans with bad ideas together and makes a big echo chamber.

    andxz, (edited )

    He didn’t say we should just say gas them to death (like they’d do to some of us in a heartbeat), he just pointed out they deserve no right to be aggressive against minorities.

    I see no issue there. If they want to be decent citizens there’s an easy solution to that; stop being a nazi.

    Edit: I otherwise agree with your comment, as they probably need some deprogramming to actually achieve said solution.


    So you’re saying for example a woman gets brought up in an environment where she’s raised as a nazi you think that it’d be acceptable for someone to rape and beat her?

    I don’t really think you do, I’m not going to bother listing other examples but you get the point - what you’re saying is not only absurd but it’s clearly not what you actually believe.

    All people are people, it’s that simple and there’s no more to it.


    The first sentence you posted is exactly the thread that line of thought leads down. Disenfranchised people need to be talked to, met with empathy from the people they’ve been told are The Other. That’s the only way to destigmatize the two from each other.


    No, I was saying Nazis have a history of death and destruction, while people leaning towards democracy tend to be a little more gentle with their fellow man.

    Nobody deserves to be beaten or raped and I certainly didn’t imply that.


    You literally said they should have no rights, I get that you hadn’t thought about what you were saying but I really think it’s important to think about the implications of things we say.

    I’d link that clip everyone always uses about the law Vs satan but it’s overused, surfice to sau dehumanising humans isn’t a thing good people do - and yes I know it’s popular to at the moment but when I was a kid everyone thought calling things gay as an insult was a great thing and we as a society grew from that so we can grow from this.


    I obviously meant they shouldn’t have any rights to practice their nazism or do harmful things to whomever they dislike so much, not that they shouldn’t have any human rights.

    I feel like this should’ve been fairly obvious given the context of the conversation. Human rights should always be the first concern no matter who it concerns. Do you think nazis feel the same way?


    With all due respect, with just how many people are literally calling for violence in this thread, no, I didn’t connect those dots either. If you’re actually truthful about not meaning they shouldn’t have human rights, I’d strongly consider editing your previous statement. If you leave it, you’re feeding into the hate echo chamber that you actually seem pretty opposed to. Words have got to be specific, if you’re going to speak in absolutes, or people WILL misunderstand or mischaracterize you.


    They might, but from my point of view human rights are a given in every situation. I also feel strongly about every human being holding the same value regardless of their standing in society.

    I thought we were discussing what could be done to curb nazism, and again, I didn’t mention any sort of violence anywhere. I thought it was clear that I meant that Nazis shouldn’t have rights to do harm to others, or do other hateful things. I was in no way advocating removing their human rights.


    Understood. Context matters, for both of us.


    I’m glad we agree, and to be fair you were completely right; my original post wasn’t as clear as it could’ve been.


    “they’d do that to us in a heartbeat” is both wrong (not every person who entertains these ideas actually wants to kill anyone) and also not even a good point. If you want to improve the world noticeably, you have to be BETTER THAN not the same as. Go talk to a nazi, actually understand what they think and feel, and figure out where that disconnect is.

    charonn0, avatar

    There’s no paradox if you look at it as a social contract. If you don’t uphold your part of the contract (tolerating others) then you aren’t entitled to benefits from the contract (being tolerated by others).

    OhStopYellingAtMe, avatar

    Ohhh yeah. I see where you’re confused.

    Nazis aren’t people.

    SplashJackson, in ‘I am a Zionist,’ says Biden at Hanukkah event, promises continued military assistance to Israel

    I am a donut.




    I concur!

    Ooops, in ‘I no longer feel at home here’: German Muslims frustrated by Israel backing avatar

    Funny how those people protesting openly for Palestinians without any problem, the people constantly criticising Israel's government openly and in the media and the people equally loudly critisising the German government for their one-sided comments in the beginning are somehow telling the story of how they are suppressed and censored. (Funnily enough the other half also criticed them, but for not instantly stopping humanitarian aid to Gaza... so basically it doesn't matter anymore anyway. The government is wrong by definition, then people look for arguments to justify that statment.)

    And yeah, sure. We know that fairy tale about not being allowed to say anything is popular, the other morons on the conservative to right side sing the same song. But it gets really boring after a while. In particular when you complain about not being allowed to speak quite openly in the media.

    If you don't feel home in Germany because the support of Israel after an outright terror attack frustrates you or because you feel censored for not being allowed to openly call for the murder of all jews (or the destruction of Germany to create a new caliphate here - yes that also happened and was a reason for some restrictions on protests), then we did a good job for once. Yes, you are not supposed to feel home here.

    The other saner ones can happily join with Germans also constantly criticising Israel. We know that there is no good side in this conflict. And Israel's goverment has enough right-wing idiots competing with Hamas in insane genocide narratives (that are at best lightly criticised for their comments when such lunatics shouldn't have a job in government at all) to have earned their fair share of the blame.

    Ffs... if you want to honestly criticise anything, then there is enough. Acts from fringe idiots against muslims are happening, just like acts of antisemitism are happening. Most of those are commited by a stupid minority that is fortunately shrinking, but sadly also becoming more radical and visible. I feel for everyone on both sides that is feeling less safe in Germany at the moment (although I really don't think that this isn't a German problem - not when I open international news and get similiar reports from elsewhere). That's something we can't talk enough about so please address those problems loudly.

    But people pretending to (or actually feeling) suppressed because they can't call for a genocide openly anymore or who alternatively try to innocently criticise Israel's government while openly associating with those genocidal voices... please leave.

    And people seeing a rise in antisemitic and anti-muslim actions rise side-by-side, even acknowledging that it's coming from the same right-wing idiots (like the one quoted in the article), but then turning around and criticising Germany's support of Israel's right to exist as the reason to not feel at home here anymore... get your head checked.

    Or stop lying... saying you are not allowed to protest for a free country in a report that actually shows a picture from a recent demonstration, prominently showing "Freedom for Plalestine" and "Stop the occupation terror" banners is either delusional or a bad attempt of gas lighting.

    PanArab, avatar

    “There has been Anti-Semitism, the Nazis, Hitler, Auschwitz, but was that their fault? They see but one thing: we have come and we have stolen their country. Why would they accept that?” David Ben-Gurion (the first Israeli Prime Minister): Quoted by Nahum Goldmann in Le Paraddoxe Juif (The Jewish Paradox), pp121.

    PanArab, avatar

    or the destruction of Germany to create a new caliphate here

    You are so close to getting why we reject Israel.…/List_of_towns_and_villages_dep…

    Ooops, avatar

    Oh, I get it. They expelled you half a century ago, like you did with them more than a century ago, like they did a few centuries ago, like you did several hundred years before that... and at some point we can also add christian crusaders to the mix for even more "fun".

    So you (and I explicitly mean both sides here, equally infested with hateful morons) chose to fight for the sake of fighting until everyone is dead because you are all too dense to consider another option.

    velox_vulnus, avatar

    like you did with them more than a century ago

    Here, for you. Muslims were the majority since the fifth century. Even if you were to ignore the Ottoman census, the Jews were still a minority. It is the net Muslim population that dropped.

    So you (and I explicitly mean both sides here, equally infested with hateful morons) chose to fight for the sake of fighting until everyone is dead because you are all too dense to consider another option.

    Typical centrist response. We’ve seen how well the settlers have treated the native Americans, Africans and the Aboriginals.

    velox_vulnus, avatar

    Translation: “We did the bare fucking minimum about teaching our people that we did a ‘bad thing’. This ‘bad thing’ also happens to be a convenient excuse to hide our war crimes in other parts of the world.

    And hey, we can’t trust ourselves from comitting this horrific act again, so we’ll greenlight for the existence of something as barbaric and backward as an ethno-religious state in the 21st century, at the cost of killing and displacing the natives, instead of bringing rehabilitative schemes in our own land.

    We’ll also make sure to shove this down the throats of other groups that we have exploited, while also making them feel guilty of our crimes, knowing in full that they had nothing to do with it, and wonder in confusion about why they’re angry at us - oh, are we supposed to apologize to them by not selectively rejecting other parts of the history? Get over it, shit happen! Also, this will no longer be our burden, and hey, we’re the good guys now!”

    Ooops, avatar

    Yeah, that famous "we don't talk about and don't teach history" in Germany with barely mentioning enough to use it as a cover for imaginary war crimes in all these wars Germany is involved in all over the world...

    Is there a common guide to your alternative reality or are you pulling this stuff out of your ass as you go?

    velox_vulnus, (edited ) avatar

    Yeah, that famous “we don’t talk about and don’t teach history” in Germany with barely mentioning enough to use it as a cover for imaginary war crimes in all these wars Germany is involved in all over the world…

    Herero and Namaqua genocide, the Maji Maji Rebellion as well as other undocumented atrocities in Namibia, Cameroon, Tanzania, Togo, Ghana, Burundi and Rwanda. They were all imaginary, right?

    Colonial amnesia at it’s finest. Who knows what more will I uncover, once I start bringing Asia? Sook Ching in Singapore, Nanking Massacre and the Boxer Rebellion in China. There’s also Roma and LGBTQ+ persecution in Europe.

    Talking about Holocaust is the bare minimum. Respectfully, I’m from one of the many ethnic group in India that had to face cultural and language genocide, thanks to German missionaries.

    PanArab, in 18 Jewish Elders Arrested Following Gaza Ceasefire Protest Outside White House avatar

    Happy Hanukkah to them ❤️🕎 and shame on Biden.

    aseriesoftubes, in The Names of Thousands of Neo-Nazi Music Fans Just Got Leaked

    I love that some of these idiots used their work email addresses. I wonder if Full Care landscaping out of Louisville, Kentucky cares that their VP of Operations is a neo-nazi?


    Go find out


    Their customers might! Though it is Kentucky…


    It might get them more customers.


    “Show a swastika and enjoy 15% off your purchase.”


    Of course they do, why do you think they made him VP?


    At least one danish politician used his parliament email address to purchase stuff from them.

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