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randon31415, in The world’s largest democracy is collapsing before our eyes

Sometimes, democracy is the enemy of freedom. In cases like that, which side do you support?


Well in any case, you shouldnt support Authoritarians, or those who rule through imposing long term centeralized control. They are the antithesis to freedom. Anyone can easily label themselves as supporting 'freedom'.

The true strength of democratic systems anyways is that it provides a buffer between people and out of control government entities. This government might have your approval but will the same people be leading in 40 years?? 60 years?? Will they have the same values??

They will have the same powers regardless of whether you agree with them or not.

Da_Boom, avatar

If democracy is the enemy of freedom, either that means it's not working correctly, or the people have a skewed idea of what freedom is.

Who's freedom? Your freedom? my freedom? Freedom of what? Freedom without boundaries is just Anarchy. but who determines those boundaries - who determines what kinds of freedom constitutes "freedom"

The US definition in its constitution defines The five freedoms it protects: speech, religion, press, assembly, and the right to petition the government.

So to break those down

  1. You can say what you like about the government, but likewise you can't silence anyone else on their opinion. This means they can state their opinion that you should get fucked when you say an opinion they disagree with - they can't actually make you get fucked though.
  2. You can practice any recognised religion freely without persecution. (Note: persecution does not stop people from criticising religion, as that would violate the freedom of speech, it stops government persecution from practicing or not practicing religions)
  3. It allows the press to report freely - the government can't dictate what the press can and cannot say, particularly when it comes to political and governmental matters
  4. Assembly - the right to gather and peacefully protest. - the moment it becomes even the slightest bit violent is when they're allowed to step in.
  5. The right for your opinion to be heard in government. You can post your opinions to government officials and have them be heard - likewise, other people can do the same. It doesn't mean the official has to act on it, just that they have to take it into account.

As to whether or not these freedoms are being honoured is up for debate. You'll have to read the lawbooks for the concrete legal definitions and decide for yourself if

  • the definition is wrong
  • the current situation fits the definition
  • how you would redefine it.

As an Aussie I have no say in how your country is run - and my own country has its own issues, but I do impore you to understand the position on the global stage your country has and why it affects us all.

aragon, in The world’s largest democracy is collapsing before our eyes

When a party form a government on its own i.e without any coalition partners, they tend to target the opposition with all the arsenal be it CBI , ED and sometimes even the Judiciary. However the elections are fair and impartial for the most part. Just recently, BJP got its ass handed to it in a state election in Karnataka. They may win the federal election again but it is hardly a death of democracy. Their grip on states have been slipping and once it goes out, they will most likely lose the federal government as well. The same happened during Indira Gandhi era. The same is happening now. Democracy survived then and will survive now. I am not saying there is no assault on democratic institutions in India. But they have proved resilient enough to prevent a democratic collapse as portrayed in this article.


And it's already been pointed out that the actions of Trump and Bolsonaro mirror the same undermining strategy but failed. Still, Modi controls nearly all the media now so it's going to be stronger propaganda than Fox News.

BrooklynMan, avatar

and just look at what happened to Fox News: finally knocked off of their pedestal after decades of being #1-- by MSNBC

LibertyLizard, avatar

MSNBC which does only marginally better reporting than Fox News. I have mixed feelings about this.

I haven’t looked at the numbers but I wonder if this is driven by the consolidation of media consumption by left-leaning consumers and the fracturing of media consumption by right-leaning consumers.

BrooklynMan, avatar

oh, don’t get me wrong, I’m not simping for MSNBC-- nor any corporate news conglomerate. I was just commenting on Fox News’s fall from… well, whatever it was. the top.

LibertyLizard, avatar

Yes, I feel the same. So while I do enjoy watching their decline I’m not sure this represents an improvement in the media ecosystem as a whole. I suspect a lot of former Fox News viewers have now been sucked into far right or even fascist media sources.


Which makes India's case sound more like Hungary or turkey don't you think? More or less complete control of the media while still having "fair" elections.

eyy, in China hits back at Biden: ‘Extremely absurd’ to call Xi a dictator

Learning from the North Korean Bureau of information i see

PrettyFlyForAFatGuy, in Kerala is rolling out free broadband for its poorest citizens. What’s stopping your government?

We had a guy who tried to do this in the UK. Everyone voted for boris though cuz brexit

yogthos, avatar

If Corbyn one UK could’ve been in a much better place today.

lntl, in Ballsy EU Commission moves to make Russia pay for Ukraine avatar

Sounds like if you invest in the EU, there's a chance your assets could be seized by the government if the government decides to. This is a risk investors don't like.

BrikoX, avatar

That is true everywhere. United Stares did the same to Afganistan, Iran, Russia. Venezuela did that to United States. Russia also is doing that. And many more examples.

gary_host_laptop, avatar

The US invested in Afghanista and Iran?

PolandIsAStateOfMind, avatar

So many bombs…


I don’t see why any business would invest in Europe anymore. The shift to multipolarity and the coming age of the global majority is gonna be rough on the imperial core.

forkball, in Musk-owned Twitter stiffed employees on promised bonuses, class action says avatar

I’ve lost so much respect for Musk the last few years. He’s become such a clown

gamingdexter, avatar

I was all for him when the Model 3 came out. Then he called that one rescue worker a pedophile. That’s when it all started downhill for me. Guy now always and will forever remind me of Russ Hanneman from Silicon Valley. Love Tesla as a company though, just has an idiot in charge. Edited

133arc585, avatar

Then he called that one rescue worker a gay boy (or something similar).

He called the rescue worker a pedophile.

C8H10N4O2, in Interesting read of a former passenger aboard the missing sub, Titan. avatar

I seriously can't believe they don't have at least an EPIRB. If they had one, the entire "they might be on the surface" idea could pretty much be ruled out.


Yes, of course! An EPIRB!

... what is an EPIRB?


An emergency position-indicating radiobeacon (EPIRB) is a type of emergency locator beacon for commercial and recreational boats, a portable, battery-powered radio transmitter used in emergencies to locate boaters in distress and in need of immediate rescue.

SheeEttin, in China hits back at Biden: ‘Extremely absurd’ to call Xi a dictator

You mean the man who surrounded himself with supporters and whose parliament eliminated his term limit, has similarities to a dictator? The man who had his predecessor physically removed from the party congress? That guy?

boredtortoise, in China hits back at Biden: ‘Extremely absurd’ to call Xi a dictator

China following Russia with the "war is peace" newspeak

gary_host_laptop, in Ukraine is winning — and it is changing avatar

Who wants to bet a hundred bucks?

fomo_erotic, avatar

Sure, what odds?

gary_host_laptop, avatar

I say Russia wins, I can pay with crypto when things end.


Be more of a caricature

vintageballs, in Biden labels China’s Xi Jinping a dictator avatar

I mean, yeah, he is a dictator. How is this news?

gary_host_laptop, avatar

I mean, yeah, the US is a fascist regime which literally inspired Nazi Germany, the only difference is that Germany fell and the US remained to stay alive.

u_tamtam, avatar

Hey! I just started to notice your messages around, with comments very critical of the USA with no argumentation whatsoever, that makes you my very first Lemmy troll, congrats :)


I agree


So Xi didn't make himself leader for life? And he doesn't exert significant control over China's government?

gary_host_laptop, avatar

No… Xi was a member of the CPC in his village since young, elections are taken place at different levels, from towns to municipalities and so on, until you get to the National People’s Congress where there members elect a president.

For the first level, the NPC elects the head of State and the heads of the judicial organs, i.e., the President of the State, the President of the Supreme People’s Court, the Procurator-General of the Supreme People’s Procuratorate and the Director of the National Supervisory Commission, and, upon nomination by the President, decide on the leaders of the central administrative organs, namely, the Premier of the State Council. (Article 62 of the Constitution)

For the second level, the people’s congresses of provinces shall elect the heads of the administrative and judicial organs at the provincial level, namely, the governors of the provinces or municipalities directly under the Central Government, presidents of high people’s courts, chief procurators of the procuratorates at the provincial level and directors of the supervision committees at the same level. (Articles 8 and 44 of Local Organization Law)

For the third level, the municipal people’s congress shall elect the leaders of the municipal organs, institutions, and judicial organs, namely the mayor, presidents of intermediate people’s courts, chief procurators of the municipal procuratorate, and directors of the supervisory committee at the same level.

For the fourth level, the people’s congresses of districts and counties shall elect the responsible persons of administrative organs and judicial organs at the district/county level, namely, the heads of the district/county, presidents of primary people’s courts, chief procurators of procuratorates at the district/county level, and directors of supervisory committees at the same level.

For the fifth level, the people’s congress of townships and towns shall elect the heads of the administrative organs and institution at the same levels, namely, the heads of townships/towns. There are no judicial organs in towns and townships, only agencies dispatched by judicial organs at the district/county level.


He exerts as much power as any other president, or less, he can’t do whatever he wants, there are democratic processes involved to take decisions…


Democracy isn’t just elections. The URSS had elections and they were not democratic.

gary_host_laptop, avatar

They weren’t a liberal democracy, which is different, they very much were a socialist democracy.


90% of your comments and posts are pro-CCP and anti-US. Do you get paid to do this? Or are you that brainwashed?


Despite the fact that China is one of the world’s most effective democracies – this label from Biden is bad for international relations and peace. The Cold War is in full effect, and it heating up to armed conflict is seeming more likely over the next decade.


That’s just fear mongering.

Also when did china become a democracy, yesterday ? China has never been a democracy.

gary_host_laptop, avatar

Insulting the leader of another country and saying this can hurt diplomacy is fear mongering?

yogthos, avatar

one of the world’s most effective democracies

Oh, honey

yogthos, avatar

The same imbeciles who think China is a dictatorship think that US is a democracy. 😂


I understand it to be geopolitically significant. Biden, head of state for a big country. Xi, head of state for another big country. China's made it known they don't want Xi called a dictator. Biden's done it anyway.

It's the scale of the thing that matters here. It's a political statement of gravity. He's calling any bluff they've got going, and demonstrating that the USA doesn't respect China enough to use their preferred nomenclature. It's a calculated insult and a challenge.

cyd, avatar

It's a calculated insult and a challenge.

Occam's Razor says that Biden, a famously gaffe-prone politician, simply made a gaffe.

133arc585, avatar

This is just a replay of the “Oh He’s Just An Innocent Idiot” nonsense that was so popular around George Bush. People would say he’s an idiot and that he didn’t realize what he was doing, and that got him off the hook for the absolute atrocities he committed against not only the people of several countries around the world but also against the people of his own country. Don’t give Biden the same treatment; don’t let him off easy.

If it was a mistake, it’s not a minor one; major “mistakes” like this warrant corrections after the fact, either from Biden directly or from White House communications. Since he hasn’t corrected it, it’s safe to assume it was intended.

yogthos, avatar

This statement was made at a private fund raising event, but the white house intentionally chose to publish it. This isn’t a gaffle.

TiffyBelle, in Submarine missing near Titanic used a $30 Logitech gamepad for steering avatar

Stop mocking the missing Titan submersible for being piloted with a video game controller. Submersibles are more reliable when the devices used in them are kept simple, marine scientist says.

This is an interesting article that makes some good points. Why re-invent the wheel and potentially make something unnecessarily complicated and less reliable when simple items with simple electronics often have less that could go wrong?

PolandIsAStateOfMind, avatar
DonaldTrump, in Ukraine is winning — and it is changing avatar

Let me tell you, folks, those Ukrainians, they're doing tremendous things with what they've got. I wish them nothing but the best in their efforts to keep the Russians out. Nobody understands the importance of tight border security better than I do, believe me.

Untitled9999, avatar

The real Donald Trump would probably stop supplying aid to Ukraine though, and thus force Ukraine to accept the loss of some of their territory. He's said publicly that he would get the war ended as soon as possible if he was president again, and I'm sure this is the sort of end he means.

Another problem with Trump is that he implied in an interview with Tucker Carlson that the US blew up the Nord Stream pipeline. I doubt this is true. I think Russia did it. Also, Trump didn't even believe his own intelligence agencies who said that Russia interfered in the 2016 US presidential election.


the US blew up the Nord Stream pipeline. I doubt this is true. I think Russia did it.

But... why?...

Even the US stopped pretending that Russia did it because everyone understood that it made no sense.

Why would Russia sabotage one of their main sources of revenue in the middle of a war?


They blew up most of their sources of revenue by going into a war.


I'm willing to entertain this notion if you extend it to America doing Pearl Harbor, 9/11, and the Unabomber. Oh, and also Ukraine did the Ukraine war by shelling and raiding the Donbas for 8 years.

TomHardy, avatar

You know that Russia until today still pumps gas through pipes in Ukraine and sells it to Europe? Why wouldn’t they start with or at least close/bomb that pipe too then?

Linnce, in More than 800m Amazon trees felled in six years to meet beef demand

Amazon lost about 44 million hectares to agriculture in 35 years, 86.3% of which became pasture and 13.6% were used for agriculture.

Source in portuguese

That's almost the size of Sweden. We really should get used to eating less meat. The worst part is it has to be a global change since most of the meat is exported and that's where they get the most profit.

gary_host_laptop, in Blinken says he failed to revive military-to-military talks with China avatar

How fucking deranged is to put such a horrible condition in the relationship of the two biggest countries in terms of economy against each other, specially given the historical context between them being not friendly, over a fucking bullshit thing such as a balloon, just to create some magazine drama. Four months of non diplomacy between this two countries feels like years and it seems anything could happen. China and the US need to be on friendly terms, they can cooperate and help their people.


You don’t think China would do they same thing if the situation was reversed?

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