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towerful, in 'Scandalous': Anger as BBC 'refuse to cover' anti-Brexit rally in London

Whilst the BBC is impartial and independent and whatever etc. Key positions have been packed with Tory Party supporters/donors/friends.
It’s no surprise they toe the government line, especially for their fellow Tories

darq, avatar

I feel like the BBC's "aura" of impartiality makes it all the more dangerous when it does occasionally engage in propaganda. A lot of regular folks put a lot of trust in the BBC.


Similar to the “equal airtime” or “show both sides” when it comes to science.
It puts unscientific opinions alongside scientific theory as if they are equal.

The only thing I can say in favour of the BBC is that it seems like the majority of people feel it’s coverage is favourable to “the other side”.
So, while we may be saying “BBC is clearly biased” because of things like this, I guarantee there are people that we don’t agree with saying exactly the same about other topics.
So the situation is probably not as bad as it seems.

It does seem the majority of these “scandals” are about the BBC acting in favour of the Westminster UK government. But maybe that just the ones I actually see.

darq, avatar

I'm a little hesitant to put much stock in conservatives' claims of bias, because plain factual reporting tends to strike a lot of them as biased. Reality is biased against modern conservatism.

I don't think the BBC is the worst by any means. But a couple of years ago, they did come out with one of the most egregiously misleading articles I've ever seen with regards to transgender people. Very obviously deliberate in its misinformation and even including proven lies about contacting sources. And to this day the BBC stands by it and has dismissed complaints.

So yeah, worth being wary.


Very good points.
I just wanted to temper the discussion a bit, and just check that I wasn’t getting too carried away, echo-chambered or whatever.
Having done that, I still agree with you. I don’t think the BBC is impartial or unbiased.

Reverendender, avatar

Non-Brit here. Can someone explain to me what makes up a Tory, and why?


A Tory is the Conservative Party.
They are to the right. Although, if it’s US politics you are used to they would probably be considered center or old-school right - not this new Right bullshit that’s prevalent these days

Reverendender, avatar

So, their party revolves around thinly veiled plans to divert money to the rich, and tighten their control over the common people?


Torys have been buying up the land that NHS hospitals are on and jacking up their rents

…then railing on and on about the ever rising costs of health care

Playing the long game until some crisis comes and then poof, welcome to the American Health* care system, you give us everything you own and we’ll give you 3 months to live. Maybe.

And forget about dental and vision. That’s for rich people.

Seriously Neoliberalism is anti-nationalist. The rich fucking despise regular people and do everything they can to, first, ensure that they are getting the government contracts, and then B, looting all that money, saying government doesn’t work and dismantling us back to fuedalism.

Reverendender, avatar

Russia ain’t the only country with Oligarchs anymore!


Pretty much.
Their whole deal is “fiscal responsibility”, which apparently means applying austerity for about a decade and cutting huge amounts of public service budgets.

Mild tinfoil hat
Things like the amazing NHS end up underfunded (and leveraged as a bargaining tool, like when Brexit would give the NHS 350m extra per week). Obviously waiting lists get longer, some people maybe start seeking private care for some things. Then the Tories can turn around and say “the NHS is broken, people are using private care, we should sell off the remaining NHS and do the American thing. Think of the tax cuts!”.
/Mild tinfoil hat

They also hate immigrants, want the old Rule Britannia/British Empire thing back, think dealing with climate change is untenable, a whole bunch of fun stuff like that.

Reverendender, avatar

Sounds very American!


Yeh, but less cult and more tea, crumpets and stuff upper lips


Jeremy Hunt, current Chancellor of the Exchequer, literally co-authored a book on how to dismantle the NHS and replace it with a health-insurance based system.

He was Secretary for Health at one point too, and his policies didn't exactly rule out that he might be following the game-plan of that book.

There's no tinfoil hat needed here. The Tories are all but open about what they're doing at this point.


There’s no tinfoil hat needed here. The Tories are all but open about what they’re doing at this point.

I know, but a part of me has to believe that the government is working for the benefit of all it’s citizens.
Otherwise, what the fuck am I doing here? The future is bleak enough with hyper-consumerism, class/wealth gaps and climate change.


Mostly hate and misery, with a good dash of racism.

For a more serious answer, “tory” is the nickname for a member of the Conservative party, the UK’s major centre-right party. Much like in the US, they’ve been shifting further right in the past few decades and focusing more on “culture war” BS.


The Tory are a nickname for the right-wing conservative party.

Historically it has been used in a somewhat derogatory manner. If somebody is a Tory then they tend to engage in more right wing policies than a Conservative who tends to be more center-right. Although technically there’s no actual difference and they’re all the same party.

Anyway they’ve lately started calling themselves Tory in a weird “let’s take the word back” way, so you can more or less now just use the two words interchangeably.

Internally they have a lot of infighting about this, because some of the Backbenches (politicians who are members of the party but are not actually in government, think the equivalent of senators in the US) are unhappy with the parties direction because they feel that going full on lunatic right wing nut job might harm their chances of getting reelected. And based on current polling data it would seem that they are correct.


Tory originally came from an Irish word meaning robber/outlaw. 350 years on and they seem to be attempting to live up to it.


It no longer is impartial. It just reports what it’s told.

It’s not the job of a journalist to report that someone says it’s raining. They have to stick their head out of the window and check, and then report what they find. They have forgotten this and it’s shameful.

Madison_rogue, in Signs at Spanish beaches warn English-speaking tourists to stay away avatar

I think it funny that there’s an assumption in this thread that these posters are aimed at U.S. tourists when visitors from the U.K. outnumber the Americans by a factor of six to one.


People in this threat also don’t seem to realize how the island of Mallorca is full of foreigners, even some just living there, but nobody speaking Spanish. In fact it’s probably easier to get around with German or English in the touristic parts of Mallorca.

This is not about some poor US tourist who wasn’t good enough in school back home to learn Spanish. It’s about huge crowds of rowdy UK and German tourists who go to “Malle” every year for partying and getting piss drunk without any consideration of the locals.


Locals sometimes call it “the German island of Mallorca”

sab, avatar

Germans also refer to it as the 17th Bundesland. A Bundesland is to Germany what a State is to the US.


To be fair, they spent years encouraging that kind of tourism and are no annoyed that they’ve got to popular. As the article points out it represents 75% of their economic activity so they’d be buggered if everyone just said, fine we’ll go somewhere else then.


Nah, not really. They want to change from party tourism, which is concentrated on one small area to a more distributed culture tourism. Those tourist spend twice as much and not only in the big clubs but on small shops all around the island. So they have a plan and it makes sense.


Sounds like the role of the government to shape the tourist visa availability


Spain is in the EU, so no visa necessary for tourists.


Sounds like the government needs to reconsider that


So Spain should leave the EU?


Obviously not. Why would the only options be zero tourism controls or leave the EU?

So many people here can only consider black and white, it’s such limited thinking.


How do you “control” tourism?


Visas, residency/rental restrictions, curfews, noise ordinances, non local surcharges, resident member beaches (membership fulfilled by residency), or a hundred other things

Edit: example: in palm springs, you cannot have any outdoor music or elevated noise as a non resident.

If you do, you can be evicted from your rental same day


Visas only work for UK tourists side they aren’t in the EU; Spain and Germany are both in the Schengen Zone so there isn’t even a border to check for passports. Also, because Spain is in the EU, it may not be legal for them to provide pricing that discriminates between locals and EU tourists.

You can try to restrict the rental supply or make the area not as fun for tourists, but you can’t just put up a border unless you want to leave the EU.


Good thing I didn’t say “put up a border” then huh 🤔.


How do visas work without a border?


Hotels and rentals require they are filled out, either there, or ahead of time.


Visas are the permission a government gives to non-citizens to enter their borders. This competency has been given to the EU to manage as part of the Schengen Area, which is a visa-free zone for all EU citizens.

How is a group of towns going to start restricting access to their communities without seeing up a border?

And why would a German doesn’t need a visa to visit Spain, why would a hotel ask for something they don’t have?


When I, as an American, arrive at a hotel or rental in Mexico, I must present, or at that time process a visa entry form. That and my passport are logged by the provider.

One can assume they file that form with the government.

If I try to book further stays, beyond the allowable limit, the booking would be blocked, and I would be in trouble with the government / informed I need to leave promptly.

Think more flexibly dude, other places are already handling this.

Because you are so rigid in your thinking, let’s drop the word “visa” and construct a new idea (uh oh!) And call it a “tourism allowance”


When I, as an American, arrive at a hotel or rental in Mexico…

When you cross a border.

When you, as an American, travel to Florida, do you need a visa?


Hardly the same…the Schengen zone is not a “United States”.

Further, I’m all set here cause you clearly want to just jerk off on the idea that existing law doesn’t allow for improvements on the system, when I’m clearly discussing moderate, wellness based changes to particularly impacted areas.

If this is how everyone involved.thinks, enjoy your puking tourists in silence


What is the Schengen Area and what does it do?


Apparently pack tourists on a Mallorcan beach, much to my not-concern-at-all 😉. Apparently you too


That isn’t what I’m arguing. I’m just aware of European law.

stopthatgirl7, avatar

That’s not how the EU works. The EU allows freedom of movement from any member state to another. You don’t need a visa, or even a passport, to go across borders in the EU; you just go. Be it for tourism or working.


One time I went to a bar in Mallorca, asked “dos cervezas, por favor” and the guy went: “Was? Zwei bier??”

It was surreal to realise that nobody there actually spoke any Spanish. Outside of the tourist traps Mallorca still has some authenticity here and there but it’s like the locals just hide in the shadows for the most part.


Are you counting by individuals or by volume?


Madison_rogue, avatar

No worries. There’s a chart on the Wikipedia page above. The U.K. boasts over 18 million tourists per year while the U.S. is just over 3 million.

charlytune, avatar

I’m surprised there’s that many Americans tbh, I wouldn’t have thought it would be on their radar, I think of Mallorca as a package holiday destination for Western Europeans.

Madison_rogue, avatar

The tourism figures were for the totality of visitors to Spain, not to Mallorca specifically.

charlytune, avatar

Ahhh ok that makes more sense. They probably tend to go to Madrid, Barcelona, Granada etc.


Haha amerifat joke funny


Lol but the gap is closing, US is 36 % obese and uk 27%.

o_oli, in The price of rice is skyrocketing, and it's pushing millions more people towards starvation avatar

More very real effects of global warming that will be ignored or blamed on other things no doubt.

Global warming will fuck us indirectly before the weather on a Sunday afternoon is actually the problem, many seem to miss that.


In Vietnam we’re losing crop because of saltwater backflow on the Mekong. Dams have been built in several places upstream and all the reservoirs are being filled.

Grayox, in Whole Foods argues it can ban BLM masks because the Supreme Court let a Christian business owner refuse same-sex couples avatar

Fuck Wholefoods

None of my homies shop at Wholefoods


You don’t shop at Whole Foods because of it’s policies.

I don’t shop at Whole Foods because I don’t believe in paying $4 for a apple.

We are not the same.


It’s $6, grandpa.

Travalanche, avatar

It’s Amazon/Whole Foods’ policies that lead to charging such ridiculous prices for their items. You are the same, even if you don’t realize it.


Whole Foods was charging ridiculous prices long before Amazon got involved.

Travalanche, avatar

True. And that hasn’t changed either.


I absolutely would be willing to pay 4 or more for an apple, if it were local, and profits go to a local farm. I’m aware that means I eat in-season then too


I live very close to the largest continuous fruit growing area in Europe. In-season 5kg crates go for five Euros, at the end of the season as low as one euro for 5kg on clearance. Don’t expect fancy-pants new strains to go at that price, though, it’s going to be Elstar or Holstein Cox.

And, fun sidenote: Out of season it’s indeed more CO2-advantageous for us to import apples from New Zealand than to store them. Buy apple sauce.


Out of season it’s indeed more CO2-advantageous for us to import apples from New Zealand than to store them

Not necessarily true, it would depend on the how clean the energy source of the refrigeration is. The only other major CO2Eq emission from storage of perishables is refrigerant leakage, but in most commercial scale usages that’s really low.


So just drive to your local farmers market. Get a pound or two for $5 and cut out the middle man. I go occasionally, I get good deals like $1 massive sweet onions, 3 for $1 bell peppers (like softball sized ones), etc. Go early though, they usually sell before official times and are sold out within 3 hours (restaurants hit them hard)


I do


There isn’t one in my town so boycott goin strong for N years?


Idk that 5% cash back is hard to beat. I mean sure, fuck amazon for being anti-union, definitely need to trust bust them to but until then I can’t get 5% cash back when buying household goods anywhere else.

marco, avatar

That 5% would be great, if WF wasn’t like 50% more expensive LOL


MaxPower, in New Covid wave has begun and masks should be worn again, scientists warn avatar

The lesson I’m learning is that we should have worn masks during “flu season” all along. In crowded and poorly ventilated spaces at least. It’s a cheap and easy measure and I don’t know what the BFD is with masks.


Well, you see, I want to be able to persecute others because that’s, like, the foundation of my religion. But it doesn’t really feel right because I end up feeling like the instigator. So I go out looking for reasons I’m being persecuted against so I can sleep at night after a good long day of playing the victim and retaliatory persecuting others.

And that basically explains masks and the rest of the garbage the right yells about.

HiddenLayer5, avatar

That’s been pretty common in Asia and elswwhere for a long time now. No excuse for the West to not replicate it.


No excuse but the entitlement of being adult toddlers. Or actual toddlers but they tend to be a bit more sensible. (Unfortunately, I’m partial to acting like a toddler now and again myself, so this comment is a little self deprecating – turns out it’s really hard to try to solvee social problems as an individual when the rest of society lives like fuck-you-i-don’t-care-if-i-cough-a-deadly-virus-into-your-face.)


Reusable masks I would suggest. We don’t want a huge pile of plastic waste.


Reusable masks only go so far. Any mask will reduce your risk of spreading the virus to others. But a good mask will do so far better, and only a good mask will protect you from infection from others.

For reusable masks, the only good ones either are either only good for a limited number of washes or require replacing a disposable filter the provides the actual protection (and so are mostly just holders for the disposable masks. It’s possible that the extra material saved using disposable filters vs disposable masks is not equal to the additional resources required to make the mask they fit into.)

Most reusable masks people wear tend to only provide ok protection for others and none for themselves. Often the ones I see provide very little protection for others and are really just a concession to following the word but not spirit of the rules.

I’d rather encourage people to use disposables that are usually far more effective than the reusables they would otherwise use personally.


No masks, no waste. More infections, higher mortality rate, les people even lesser waste, better … /dark


That’s one positive outlook for the whole of earth.


The disposable masks are reusable until they’re dirty, worn or damaged. They shouldn’t be reused if you think you’ve been in a high exposure area but if you wear it while in the corner store for 2 minutes, you can safely reuse it.


The only golden rule is, they’re not like underwear. It’s not okay to turn them inside out to the ‘fresh’ side indefinitely!


Masks just aren’t inherently a big deal. It’s just been made one by people seeking to politicise what should be a universally accepted good (trying to stop the spread and harm of a pandemic/epidemic disease.) People have reframed it as “they” are trying to control you! So vote for me/buy my tat/give me attention and I will protect “us” from “them”! and just about everyone has been influenced in their response to this simple practical health issue in some way as a result. Some entirely buying into the message and insisting there’s some insidious reason we’re being asked to take simple actions to prevent infection, others simply being a little more lax in their action than they would be if there wasn’t a fairly large vocal minority insisting that no action should be taken at all.


They are a big deal. Acting like it’s not affecting your life is just as stupid as people saying the bill gates is creating a new world order it whatever. It affects our immune systems, it affects our social life’s and it’s more than annoying in certain climate conditions, if you have a runny nose etc.

I will always wear a mask if it’s necessary but not just out of pure precaution


They’re implanting masks in newborns now.


You’re really showing some serious ignorance with your comments. It’s really funny that people are actually stupid enough to believe the stuff you’re trying to sell LoL.


I bet that plays well on Truth Social. Out here in the real world … not so much


I assumed satire, poeslaw…


I sure hope so. I assumed right wing dumb hyperbole


The lesson I leaned is that as long as it’s not a COVID everyone is dying, we need to save our healthcare system from collapsing situation we shouldn’t wear masks because we need to be able to fend off common colds with our body or we are artificially creating a pandemic. For example we almost had a new collapse of infant care because way to many babies for a certain flu type after everything opened up again which would normally spread out over longer periods.


What crosses over into idiot territory is the people who think it’s a conspiracy that the flu kinda went away as we all tried to stop getting covid

As if it’s for some other reason other than stopping the spread of something that has identical transmission


That’s the damn truth lol. I wish I would’ve known and used masks more appropriately before; could have avoided a bunch of little respiratory infections. The most I would have had to deal with is people asking “are you sick?” because I’m wearing a mask


Pretty certain most masks just stop you spreading something and don’t protect you. So they’re asking a valid question. They only work en masse.


It used to be a valid question because the culture around masks was different before covid (where I live). Now people are more informed about types of masks and how to utilize them properly. If someone asks now, I just inform them; but the taboo is no longer really a thing. Some masks can protect others, some masks can protect both user and others.

Most I deal with now is someone pushing their ideologies about “not wearing one if you’re not sick”. And I’ll try and inform them if they care to listen. My wife is immunosuppressed and I work as an ICU nurse; I don’t play with fire when it could possibly end with me losing her, over something as simple as being aware. And neither of us have gotten covid yet, so we’re doing something right.

Misinformation about masking and general public hygiene is it’s own pandemic

underisk, in ‘A cocktail of ignorance and a big ego’: A Ukrainian war official has slammed Elon Musk after he disrupted a stealth operation by cutting off Starlink

I’d like to see more substantial consequences for consciously and deliberately sabotaging a war operation using a service the pentagon paid him to provide.


If any of us did that we’d be behind bars


Buddy we wouldn’t even make it to trial.


The richest man in the world facing consequences for his actions? Not in this timeline.


Well, he’s not a representative of any state, so technically assassination wouldn’t be an act of war…

I’m not advocating, just pointing out that as an individual, his position is a bit more precarious than I think he realizes.


And as much as I liked President Obama, he did set the precedent by targeting and killing a (bad) US citizen.




Anwar al-Awlaki. Most things that I’m seeing about him are that he is the first US citizen targeted by a drone strike but I remember it being a big deal that he was the first US citizen assassinated at all.


First that we know off.

Although I oppose drone strikes and Obama was the king of them, this fella was in Yeman at the time which is a bit different than wigging off your citizens on home soil.

Sludgehammer, avatar

Um… Obama isn’t the king of drone strikes, the Trump administration surpassed the total number Obama era drone strikes in under two years IIRC.


Seems you’re correct. I stand corrected.

Not that it matters but I am not American and have no dog in this race. I liked Obama and thought trump was… different.


That’s the most benign description of trump that I’ve read in a while.


You might be thinking of how Obama was the “king of making them safer” because before him they just let it blow up Kids and crap willy-nilly, and he was tired of seeing that stuff so he made them create a less explosive more knife like drone for less casualties.

The flying ginsu.


But he was slammed in a headline! There’s no way any other consequence could even be achievable.



Don’t worry, I’m sure our leaders are formulating a strongly worded condemnation of their own. One might even venture to suggest they could hold a hearing about it, or assign a task force to investigate! Canceling his government contracts or charging him with anything are obviously off the table, though.


Of course that’s off the table, there’s simply no way any kind of law enforcement in our country would ever consider such violent response to actions made by a citizen.

sxan, avatar

By a wealthy citizen, you mean.

Tosti, avatar

Ukraine should invite him to visit the country post war and then chuck his ass into jail. Or ask for his extradition.


He didn’t sabotage it though, as another user pointed out (with sources) he had already turned off starlink awhile ago and didn’t want to turn it back on for just this strike.

Sharpiemarker, in The Names of Thousands of Neo-Nazi Music Fans Just Got Leaked

Ha, good!

PseudoSpock, avatar

Too bad you can’t see who downvoted you, too… Need that leaked, as well.



roastedDeflator, avatar

In you can see that

PseudoSpock, avatar

First thing I’ve ever heard about that sounded like a positive to me.

SuiXi3D, avatar

Personally I like the UI better on mobile.

PseudoSpock, avatar

I’m pretty happy wit Voyager on iPhone. :)


Except the (1 reply) it cannot show for whatever reason.


I thought Voyager stopped updating?

Geert, avatar

No, @aeharding the dev is pretty active? Only reason why things slowed down with most apps is because devs are testing or waiting for the Lemmy 0.19 release.

PseudoSpock, avatar

Not that I’d heard of, and it still has me update every day or two.


Kbin also lets you follow specific users. The lemmy devs actively don’t want lemmy to be able to do that and I don’t understand why

PseudoSpock, avatar

Does it also let you disable anyone from following you as a user pref?

Kierunkowy74, avatar


PseudoSpock, avatar

Ah, bummer. I’m a bit of a privacy for me, but not for thee hypocrite.

Send_me_nude_girls, avatar

Wouldn’t it be pointless anyways, if people could just bookmark your profile url the old fashioned way regardless?

TheAnonymouseJoker, avatar

Likely to not trigger the toxic social network elements that Twitter and Instagram have had?

Drusas, is far and away less toxic than, probably because of the smaller community.


Hello from kbin. It's nice over here.

PseudoSpock, avatar

What’s the scoop on cookies over there? Not web cookies, but the yummy cookies full of sugar.

Kierunkowy74, avatar

Only from users for now.


If you look at the modlog I thought it was visible there.


You can. Sort of.

Lemmy does not provide it via the UI. But it does provide the info via federation. If you set up your own instance, other instances will happily share this info with you. The information is inconvenient to access, but not hidden or private.

AceTKen, avatar

Well that’s a terrifying prospect if you have any sort of opinion outside of the groupthink.


Wait till you figure out how much easier it is for the NSA Vaccum cleaner to spy on every single federated connection.


Hey fascist lurkers: fuck everything about your fascist ideology. Stop being slaves to your overlords and fucking learn a thing.

You can think for yourselves, I promise. It may be hard and uncomfortable at first, but you’ll like yourself a lot more if you just put in a small bit of effort. You’re better than this.


Hey, I just downvoted you.

Edit: Nevermind, getting a network error.

Edit: It will let me upvote you. Interesting.

PseudoSpock, avatar

Feature for me, bug for you… :)

FlyingSquid, avatar

Just shows what cowards Nazis are. Hide behind downvotes, never explain yourself.

reddig33, in Biden administration waives 26 federal laws to allow border wall construction in South Texas

I wasn’t aware a president could just “waive away” federal law.


It’s fine. When the migrant workers and others performing the “unsavory” jobs aren’t around to fulfill them any longer, we’ll just fill the positions with influencers who aren’t doing any real work anyway. Although I think it would be funny as hell to see Trump in an orange jumpsuit working the fields.


It’s always weird to me when I see liberals espousing the sentiment that we need foreign workers, or else who will do all the shitty work we don’t want to do?

It’s just as disturbing and racist to me as the “keep them migrants out of my country!” Take conservatives generally have. Americans are fucked right up man.


To be fair a couple of states cracked down hard on illegal immigrants and millions of dollars of crops rotted cause there was no one there to pick em. The states reversed course pretty fast.

Americans are pretty lazy at this point, and I speak as an American.


Which tells me that American farms would rather watch crops rot than pay people a proper living wage.

That’s fucked up.


This is also true, but that true across most industry in America at this point.

If pay is even across the board than why would one person want to toil in the sun vs sit on thier bum and deal with angry customers. Most pick the angry customers…

Even when the more manual labor jobs do pay well, a ton of people quit after a day or two, granted they’re usually younger people who didn’t realize what the job would entail.


Nobody said pay should be equal across the board. We’re talking about exploitation of migrant workers here man.


I’m not saying that either I’m saying Americans are lazy and have no sense of work ethic and immigrants regardless of what they’re paid (not that I want them to be paid anything but the fair wage anyone else should be entitled to) are a required part of our work force and I’m grateful for the work they do. We wouldn’t have roads or building, or food. Some get paid well, some get paid shit. Im not a farmer so I can’t tell you if they chose to let the whole seasons crop go to waste over paying others more to pick said crops, or if they just didn’t have anyone that wanted to do actual work. From my narrow view, I have the tendency to think that no one wanted to work.

Honestly, I think I took your comment to mean something it didn’t. I’m sorry for any misunderstanding.

Deceptichum, avatar

It’s not lazy to not want to do back breaking labor for poverty wages.

It’s entitlement to think these companies should be able to abuse workers like that.


Farm work is a lot different today than it was 30 or 40 years ago. Back in the '80s and '90s, it wasn’t uncommon for kids in rural communities to do farmwork like picking berries.

Fast forward to today and that would never happen. Farmers have very exacting standards and require very high productivity standards that only skilled adult laborers can meet. They’re not going to hire kids or other Americans.

This reporter did a good job capturing just how fucking difficult farmwork is:

Tak, avatar

There is no such thing as unskilled labor but this video shows not that Americans won’t do farmwork but that Americans want to be paid more.

Americans do a lot of hard manual labor but it is labor that is generally paid much better.


I’m a conservative. I want immigrants to come legally. We need to provide paths for people to come here.

Honestly immigrants tend to work harder and still believe in the American dream. I have more in common with the immigrants than I do most liberals. They don’t see America as failing, they seem as the land of opportunity.

My roommate is an immigrant. Works 14 hour days, 5 days a week. He loves what America has provided for him.

MelodiousFunk, avatar

Honestly immigrants ... still believe in the American dream

That's because they're new. Just wait until they've had the rug yanked out from under them a few times while someone tut-tuts about bootstraps.


He’s been here for twenty years. He made 500k last year. He’s a big advocate of pulling yourself up from your bootstraps. That’s his story as an immigrant from Mexico who had nothing and now has a good career.

More Americans could learn from immigrants and pulling themselves up instead of expecting things to come to them.


You know the phrase pulling yourself up by your boot straps was first invented to make fun of people like you? Lmao


And people like me don’t care what people like you think. While you are trying to mock people, we are crushing it.


Good job buddy. Keep on “crushing it”.

krolden, avatar

$500k and lives with a roommate.



Someone is awfully judgy. He’s a traveling nurse. He goes from assignment to assignment.

I’m only at that house a few weeks out of the year. So I have no issue renting a room to a good cause.

krolden, avatar

So you’re a landlord too?

The self owns write themselves.


How is that an own? I provide temporary living to traveling nurses.

That’s smart living. I’m there about two weeks every quarter. They want a home to live in. Works great for everyone.

If you think being successful is an own, then I own it.


Lol, no. Been here 20 yrs, pull in great money as a sr software engineer in the valley and I still think America is the land of opportunities and call it home. I started with 0 dollars in my bank with a simple part time job that would pay me $7.25 an hour at my local community college.

Sometimes, you actually do need to pull yourself up by the bootstraps and work hard to get to where you need to be. I’ve seen a lot of entitlement around me and people complaining without doing much of anything to fix it.

Complaining and not doing anything about it isn’t unique to the US. That said, America still offers a ton of opportunities for those looking to succeed, and there’s a reason why the American economy commands ~28% of the world’s GDP. All things considered and if this admin stays in office for another term, I see the opportunities increasing even further.

Deceptichum, avatar

Americans and conservatives really are fucking idiots eh?


Show me where I said “Americans and/or conservatives are fucking idiots”.

Deceptichum, avatar

You seem to misunderstand, probably because your an American conservative.

I’m calling you the fucking idiot, you fucking idiot.


And I gave you the benefit of the doubt and actually removed my insult calling you an idiot for making the dim witted comment you made.

You see the difference a decent education makes? Good job on assuming my political leanings, which btw are not conservative, so you’re wrong there as well.

Calling you a fucking moron is probably an insult to the term “fucking moron”, but let’s leave it at that so that your room temp iq can comprehend at least this much.


The entitlement is what is killing our country. People just want the nanny state to take care of them.

I grew up poor, and was told if I did X Y and Z i would be successful. I did those things. I was successful. I had liberal friends who were surviving paycheck to paycheck. I put them on the same plan and they gasp became successful.

It is why I love immigrants. They don’t listen to people who say you can’t be successful in America. They just come here and crush it.


My take is that it appears to be driven by mentality rather than whether somebody is an immigrant or not. People, immigrant or not who like putting in the work end up succeeding while those that complain or act entitled do not. It’s plain as day, nobody is going to give you a hand out so you have to work for it. Welcome to capitalism. It sucks, but get with it or you lose.

I’ve got successful immigrant and non immigrant friends and those that end up succeeding also end up being like minded. That said, I do think that, yes, immigrants more commonly have the “work hard or fail” mindset given their prior socioeconomic status typically ends up being unfavorable which serves as a catalyst for them.

I agree with entitlement becoming more and more common these days but that can also be attributed to people being generally more outspoken and having platforms to voice their concerns.


While I support living wages and single payer system. Until those happen, hard work is the path to success.

I’ve done well and I’ve worked hard.

Ive watched immigrants come and start businesses while people from here say there is no opportunity to do that here.

Socialism/communism isn’t the answer as everyone just ends up with less and not enough.

People need to realize they control the destiny and can chart their own path.





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  • wintermute_oregon,




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  • wintermute_oregon,

    I have no qualms about being a conservative. Also, isn’t a house.



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  • wintermute_oregon,

    Not sure you understand conservatism.

    Anyways have a nice living in your mom’s basement.



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  • wintermute_oregon,

    I’m not going to have off topic debate with someone because they are butt hurt that others are successful.

    You don’t like conservatives. Not the first time I’ve met a bigot.

    As such the conversation is wasted time as you’ve already made up you mind. You just want to be the edge lord and as such I have to respectfully decline.


    Why do you think immigrants wouldn’t come legally if that was an option?


    I do. I clearly said that.


    Well that certainly wasn’t my intent in my statement, it was more just an observation that so many Americans are too damn entitled to do the work that others are happy to get paid for.


    People would do it if they were paid properly to do it. We shouldn’t have to imperialize and impoverish other countries to the point that they have to make dangerous journeys to come to do shitty jobs (and when I say shitty I mean ridiculously underpaid) or else crops will rot. Getting mad at the people for not wanting to do these jobs is aiming your anger at entirely the wrong people.


    Is working for more than slave wages “entitled” now?


    No, but complaining about things not being done to your satisfaction when you’re not willing to do the job yourself certainly is. It’s bad enough how many people are disgusted by the idea that their food actually comes from dirt, but it’s also pretty sad that these same people consider working on farms as menial labor not worthy of minimum wage when those workers are the ones actually putting in the hard labor.


    Who’s complaining about satisfactory work? The illegals do fine work. They do it for a low wage and without the protection of labor laws because they’re illegal and have to take what they can get. Americans can get jobs where they are protected by labor laws and make more money, so they do. That’s not entitlement it’s common sense.


    What’s so weird about telling the truth? That you’re uncomfortable about it?

    It’s not like you can be an illegal immigrant and walk into an office building and go through the corporate HR process to get hired on a white collar job. The desirable jobs will mostly require proof of citizenship or a work visa. Therefore the illegal immigrants will be looking for the under-the-table work which is usually the undesirable jobs.


    marking the administration’s first use of a sweeping executive power employed often during the Trump presidency.

    It’s shitty all the way around.


    Why do you think The President is beholden to congress? The separation of powers explicitly says that isn’t the case and if there is something the president is doing that the other 2 branches of government say he shouldn’t do, there is a specific process for such a thing. Otherwise he has enormous leeway to do what he feels should be done even if some dumb asses in congress or on the internet don’t want it to be the case.


    I get what you’re saying, but there’s a lot more to separation of powers than this. You might be well aware of all this, but for those that aren’t, here’s a giant wall of text.

    The executive branch’s powers are clearly defined and including acting as the head of the military, the head of foreign affairs, and the executor of the laws congress passes. It is quite restricted by congress in many ways. Of course, the executive branch has emergency powers and limited ways around the laws congress enacts, but that’s not the default and it is very much intended to be restricted by congress.

    The executive branch also has room to make interpretations (create regulations) and to prioritize certain laws when they come into conflict.

    This is what they’re doing here. They have weighed the laws (from congress) they are tasked with enforcing, which includes (a) specific immigration restrictions and (b) a variety of other ones that could impact their ability to execute the immigration restrictions (the “26” laws waived, including water and environmental protections). The DHS (an executive branch agency) has determined that (b) these 26 place an undue burden that prevents them from executing (a) the immigration restrictions, and is therefore temporarily waiving (b).

    You can read the actual order here: …

    Notice that it does not say it’s randomly waiving laws of its own accord without a law that it is executing. It is clearly referencing the statues (enacted by congress) that it is acting on. It is identifying that it is failing to execute some laws, but only so it can prioritize another one it has deemed more important for this specific action. It’s also become popular for the executive branch to use emergency decrees to act unilaterally, but these are supposed to be much more limited and a functioning judiciary/congress should hold the executive accountable when this happens.

    What the executive branch is NOT doing here is very important too. It is NOT deciding it doesn’t want to do what congress says. Congress could rewrite the immigration law or any of the other 26 laws to change the way the executive branch executes them, if it feels the executive is implementing them wrong. And the judicial branch could easily weigh in on this if someone affected brings the case to them.


    Agreed with what you are saying. But the important thing I was getting at is that the Executive Branch isn’t paralyzed just because Congress passes a web of laws that make all actions of the executive unlawful. They are fully autonomous and able to prioritize what laws they enforce, and how they enforce them which is absolutely what they are doing here. Though obviously leftists would prefer that Biden enforce different laws with different priorities.


    Very true. Even just writing (or rewriting) the regulations is full of ways to get whatever the executive branch wants.


    The controversial work, which included construction on federally designated wilderness, was permitted under the Real ID Act. Created in the wake of the September 11 attacks, the act grants DHS the authority to waive any law, including bedrock statutes meant to safeguard the environment and areas of cultural significance, to build border barriers in the name of national security



    Fuckn hell


    Patriot Act had a lot of babies


    The article is misleading, Biden is actually explicitly not ignoring this law that is from 2019:…/joe-biden-forced-build-dona…

    TLDR: This is a 2019 law passed by Congress during the baby hands administration. The Biden administration has been pretty careful not to overstep other branches of government(I think as a direct response to how flagrantly and harmfully baby hands used executive action), and while Biden returned wall money taken from the DoD, the rest of the wall money was explicitly designated by Congress for building the border wall in 2019 and Congress will not cancel that legislative order(wall funds), despite Biden asking Congress to cancel the 2019 wall funds law since arriving in office in 2020.

    This post is misleading, the money is being legally used for a legislatively required purpose and any federal laws are being broken legislatively by Congress as a result of baby hands in 2019, not the Biden administration.


    Look. The system works.


    Yup. It’s too bad that something functioning correctly doesn’t mean it’s functioning well.


    26 laws waived for Biden to build Trump’s wall for him, and we won’t help the poor because [stack of excuses].


    Wow, you even misunderstood the TLDR.

    Congress is building this wall from a baby hands law in 2019 that broke those federal laws, Biden tried to stop the wall legally, Congress told him no, and to your last point he just canceled 90 billion dollars of debt for a poor people.

    You could be more wrong, but it would be hard to imagine how.

    SpookyUnderwear, (edited )

    Alright man enough with the “baby hands” stuff. It was slightly humerus the first time I read it but after seeing you post it for the third time it just makes you look sad now. We get it. You don’t like him. You look like a conservative who repeats “sleepy Joe” unironically.

    Edit: holy shit you made the same comment 10 times. Nah, I’m good.


    As soon as diaper don stops calling names, he’ll stop receiving the same treatment.

    Oh, and yeah a lot of people were asking why. I just reposted the answer to everybody who asked why this was happening.

    krolden, avatar



    Don’t worry about it, I don’t think anyone’s paying attention to you anyway.


    Mod hat:

    Hey, there are a millions of ways of making fun of Trump without body shaming. Body shaming affects everyone, and Trump will not see your comment.


    I completely agree that name calling should be off the table, but as long as baby hands continues to body shame and use pejorative nicknames on public forums, I have no problem with equal treatment.

    I don’t see the benefits of giving special treatment to abhorrent people.


    Okay, well, youre going to be banned if you keep doing it. “But he started it” isnt a valid reason to body shame here.


    My argument is not that he started it, my argument is that donnie consistently attacks other people via body shaming and there’s no reason why he should not wear the clothes he’s fashioned.

    Is diaper don okay? Cheeto, is it specifically body shaming that makes you uncomfortable?

    If you just like donny and want to use that mod power to protect him, that’s your prerogative, I’m just trying to get the rules clear, because Donnie in no way has earned the respect of his proper name.


    Cheeto is fine, diapers seems ageist

    If you just like donny and want to use that mod power to protect him,

    I’m not being cynical when I say you shouldn’t use bigoted insults. I’m literally a trans communist, people like Trump want to kill me.


    Thanks for the answer; i always found the Cheeto epithet a little tame since he likes being orange but doesn’t like people noticing his hands, but I’ll make future donny pejoratives avoid body shaming specifically.

    I don’t think you’re being cynical.

    High fives for trans communism, why not travel since there are so many countries and so many of them are nicer and more favorable toward at least one and often both of those lifestyles? I’m assuming you’re in the states.


    why not travel since there are so many countries and so many of them are nicer and more favorable toward at least one and often both of those lifestyles? I’m assuming you’re in the states.

    Because this is my home and I’m fighting for it to not be a hellscape. If/when trans genocide measures look like they’re going national, I will move.


    I realized American capitalist opportunity was a sham and then realized most American ideals were hollow, and the lack of any permanent positive American ideal pretty much did away with any sense of home left for me here, but I respect and appreciate your determination and give my sincere best wishes to your campaign.


    Why are you blaming Biden and not Congress?


    Because Congress didn’t waive 26 laws to enforce 1.


    So he’s following the one that’s actually an issue. Cool.


    It’s sort of wink wink nudge nudge.

    bdonvr, in Israel-Palestine escalation live: Strikes hit Gaza after Hamas offensive

    Down with the settler government


    Go to hell you bloodthirsty pig. Slaughtering civilians in the streets and inside air raid sirens is not resistance, it's inhuman.

    Uranium3006, avatar

    Isn't that what the IDF does?

    magnetosphere, avatar

    When you limit yourself to specific incidents, it’s easy to judge right and wrong. Over the course of years, though, neither side can claim the moral high ground.

    Overall, this is one of the most pointless, wasteful, and inhumane conflicts in human history.


    Personally, when dealing with two groups who claim the same land, I side with the one that’s been there the longest, not the one that shouldered it’s way in, demanded a room, and started shooting anyone who told them to leave.

    But the US kind of has a penchant for that.


    Killing - no matter the victim is inhuman.

    Believing one side has the right to kill while the other must take it, is pretty gross.

    “Slaughtering civilians in the streets” is precisely what the IDF does on the regular, just so you know. It’s hard to imagine any group of people would live under military occupation for 70+ years after being forced to leave their homes for refugee camps without the desire to fight for their freedom.

    Pat_Riot, avatar

    There is almost nothing in this world that is more human than killing other humans. History is full of it. Religious texts are full of it. It’s what humans are best at. Is it awful? Sure, but it’s an act as human as it gets.


    Point made. Sadly it’s true. Especially today as we spend trillions on technology designed to kill.


    No it’s not. You’re just shilling out propaganda on the day of a massacre.


    Sorry, but I have been an advocate for Palestinian rights for years. I’m not just shilling out propaganda on the day of a massacre. As I type this, the confirmed death tolls have Israelis near 100 while Palestinian deaths are near double that. So if you want to start talking about massacres, just so far today Israel has caused more death, let alone the days, weeks, months, years and decades prior to today.


    Agreed. Which is why the IDF also needs to be eliminated.

    Both sides are and have been commiting atroscious acts against civilians and neither side can be excused for their inhuman actions.


    But in that consideration the power imbalance cannot be ignored. The IDF is a highly modern, most likely even nuclearly armed army, wheras the people inside Gaza are denied access to such simple things as building materials by the Israeli Apartheid.


    Absolutely agree with you here

    ToastyWaffles, avatar

    The IDF was just rounding up innocent civilians this week, you gotta look at a bigger picture than just this morning.


    Imagine being brutalised for so long you resort to this

    Uranium3006, avatar

    We need international peacekeeping in the region to enforce a new set of accords


    The international community has shown to be Pro-Israeli and thus anti-Palestinian. The Palestinian Plan for Partition was a plan to peacefully split up British Palestine into a separate Jewish and Arab state, as well as Jerusalem becoming a free city. The plan gave 62% of the land to the Jewish community despite the Arabic population having twice the population. Obviously the Arab population rejected this plan on the basis that it violated the right to natuonal self-determination, and thus this perpetual conflict was born.
    Especially with the US being so obviously Pro-Israel and having virtually all power on the decision-making of the West, why would you think the Arab population would ever get fair treatment under an international "peacekeeping" mission?

    queermunist, avatar

    The “international community” huh?

    More like “the US and it’s friends”

    rjs001, avatar

    That typically are the ones making the choices when “peace keeping” is being done


    Well, yeah, the US and its allies are the controlling party in the international community.


    Very disappointed in the Lemmy community for down voting this.

    thilosch, avatar

    @bdonvr @zephyreks Yes please, but not like this!


    Fuck off with this nonsense. Fucking let people live and come to some terms/ reality.

    o_d, avatar

    That’s what op was advocating for. Or did you forget that Israel is an apartheid state?

    aaaaaaadjsf, avatar

    let people live and come to some terms/ reality.

    So I take you support a ceasefire and negotiations to end the Russia - Ukraine war?


    Stop conflating two separate issues. If you want to discuss how the Palestinians have accomplished nothing but their own suffering, while having nothing to show for it, then I’m all ears. Ukraine is separate topic that I’m more than willing to discuss but not in regards to the current terrorist attacks that have taken place today all throughout Israel

    aaaaaaadjsf, (edited ) avatar

    If you want to discuss how the Palestinians have accomplished nothing but their own suffering, while having nothing to show for it, then I’m all ears

    If you want to defend acts of Israeli apartheid towards Palestinians, I’m not going to listen. I’m South African, I oppose apartheid everywhere. As Nelson Mandela said, our freedom is incomplete without the freedom of the Palestinian people.

    I will not defend the killing of civilians by any side. That is morally unjustifiable. I will be clear however, that violence begets violence, and Israel has been indiscriminately bombing civilians (a terrorist tactic), and stealing land and homes for decades. The way to end this is to stop the violence, and come to the negotiation table. A two state solution of some sort is a compromise that is desperately needed to ease tensions.


    You’ve been defending terrorists the whole time. Israel has never taken hostages like the Palestinians have. There’s no end goal in these attacks. Whatever problems the Palestinians have will not be fixed by what they’re doing.

    SexMachineStalin, (edited ) avatar

    You’ve been defending terrorists the whole time. Israel has never taken hostages like the Palestinians have. There’s no end goal in these attacks. Whatever problems the Palestinians have will not be fixed by what they’re doing.

    I can change the place names in your quote a bit and you sound exactly like the typical boilerplate response of a 1970s-80s South African pro-Apartheid liberal whining about how “uMkontho we Sizwe is too violent”. Just flatly admit that you support the Apartheid rule and the list of crimes perpetrated by the Israeli government.


    TinyPizza, avatar

    No, they just double tap buildings to kill rescuers. Very noble.


    . If you want to discuss how the Palestinians Banderites have accomplished nothing but their own suffering, while having nothing to show for it, then I’m all ears.


    Kuori, avatar

    hey you should die. screaming, preferably.


    The illegal settlements that are condemmed by the UN? Yeah sound about right to let murderous religious fundamentalist occupiers just occupy. You say the same to the Ukrainian people fighting the Russian invasion? They should just come to terms with Crimea being occupied?

    Bnova, avatar

    Agreed, we need for the Europeans and occupiers to go home.

    SexMachineStalin, avatar

    u mad, settler? packwatch

    ElChapoDeChapo, avatar

    Allow me to join you

    packwatch stalin-smokin


    What a moving, salient political take. Good thing “Just stop it and leave us alone😡🤬” is a belief that always survives against armed militant resistance


    and come to some terms/ reality.

    Imagine telling this to someone when France was under occupation by Germany

    MattsAlt, avatar

    With the establishment of a relationship of oppression, violence has already begun. Never in history has violence been initiated by the oppressed. How could they be the initiators, if they themselves are the result of violence? How could they be the sponsors of something objective whose objective inauguration called forth their existence as oppressed? There would be no oppressed had there been no prior of violence to establish their subjugation.

    And it is clear that in the colonial countries the peasants alone are revolutionary, for they have nothing to lose and everything to gain. The starving peasant, outside the class system is the first among the exploited to discover that only violence pays. For him there is no compromise, no possible coming to terms; colonization and decolonization a simply a question of relative strength.

    Get this into your head: if violence were only a thing of the future, if exploitation and oppression never existed on earth, perhaps displays of nonviolence might relieve the conflict. But if the entire regime, even your nonviolent thoughts, is governed by a thousand-year old oppression, your passiveness serves no other purpose but to put you on the side of the oppressors.

    Kuori, avatar

    tell that to the fascist government exterminating palestinians on their own land

    rjs001, avatar

    Death to the settlers!

    Pons_Aelius, in Burger King faces legal claim saying Whopper is too small

    When I buy a new car, the car is the same as the one in the posters and built by the same people.

    A team of food stylists spent at least 30 minutes to create the perfect whopper for the add image and were paid 100 times more than an actual fast food employee to do so.

    Why that is allowed to represent something made in 30 seconds by someone on shit wages is beyond me.

    Especially_the_lies, avatar

    Not to mention that the food stylists create something that isn’t even edible. They frequently use things that aren’t food to make it look more palatable onscreen.


    I used to work in product photography. That is not true or legal here in Aus. The only thing they are allowed to use in the picture are ingredients used in store.

    I cannot speak to the laws in other markets but that is not the case everywhere.

    Of course they will go through hundreds of buns to find the perfect one etc, so it is still incredibly wasteful.

    Maestro, avatar

    Same thing in Europe. But I think in the US everything is allowed (surprise surprise)


    Freedom to manipulate and trick our consumers motherfucker 🦅

    StarServal, avatar

    Everything for the God of Profits


    Surely that one must be related to Supply Side Jesus


    While it doesn’t have to be “food”, it does have to be edible in the US…

    But that aside, burger king used to be good. It used to be decent sized and was almost worth the cost. Now on the other hand, it is so tiny and doesn’t feel remotely worth the price.

    In my area, they just closed about 5 locations this year, and to be honest, I am only sad about the few people losing their job at these locations.

    Burger King has gone so far down hill since 2020.

    AnUnusualRelic, avatar

    Everything is edible at least once.

    Tavarin, avatar

    Man that sucks, BK in Toronto is still a nice big burger, and on Whopper Wednesday it’s cheap so it’s definitely worth it. Shame the US side has gone to shit.

    insomniac, avatar

    They’re still an absurdly huge burger at every Burger King near me in the US. The suit is alleging they’re smaller than the advertisements. Not sure what OP is talking about but one thing I’ve noticed about BK is they are wildly inconsistent from location to location so it might be even more regional.


    I heard it used to be, but isn’t anymore. Granted, this is hearsay with no source, but a buddy of mine who worked in advertising was telling me about it a while back. Could be wrong tho.


    Even in places where they have to use the actual ingredients, there’s a lot of tricks to making it look different in photos. That burger might only be partially cooked to reduce shrinkage, then the burger and bun are frozen so they hold shape for the photo. Vegetables carefully picked out and arranged, tomato/pickles blotted dry, and the sauce applied with an eye dropper to provide visual balance after the rest of the burger is stacked.

    I will say from my experience, that tends to apply to advertising photography for large franchises. If we’re taking about food photography associated with a high profile event or restaurant where food is actually served, there’s minimal difference between the photo plate and what’s actually served. Sometimes the photo plate is just one picked out while producing the ones being served, sometimes it’s the first/last plate and a person takes a minute to pick out the best looking of ingredients from the same container that was used to serve the rest. Sometimes it’s just an extra minute arranging the plate nicely compared to the last 150 that were done quickly to keep up with service. Often the photographer then gets to eat the plate they’ve just photographed.


    This lawsuit is not happening in Australia.


    It should simply be considered false advertisement.

    You can probably legally require your money back, saying it looks nothing like the photos, but that’s not enough imo


    That’s why a big lawsuit is a better solution. They’ve already stolen the search cost from you, and are relying on you just giving up when you see your disappointment burger.


    Advertising is scum and I don’t understand why we allow it all.

    It does not help the economy to distract consumers all day as much as possible, all it does is let companies compete on the basis of who can spend the most on advertising or who can hire the most manipulative advertisers rather than who can make the best product.


    People see pictures of North Korea and say “wow its so eerie something is wrong and i cant figure it out.”

    Its that there are no ads everywhere. People are conditioned to be comforted by disengeuous promises from ads, and are scared when there arent business signs everywhere.

    Its entirely achievable to have no ads. Ads are bad for everyone.


    Trust me that’s not the reason


    Vermont and Maine have banned billboard ads. It doesn’t feel like North Korea.


    That sounds awesome! :o :D


    Yeah, ads are the reason people in NK are starving.


    Everyone thinks, “But advertising doesn’t work on me.” That’s why it’s still legal.

    ThePantser, avatar

    Advertising works on everyone. Just there are those of us that don’t impuls buy and look into and research the interesting product they just seen an ad for, before buying. But billboards those annoy the shit out of me. Like I know McDonald’s exists and there is a 70% chance there is one at the next exit, why do I need 4 billboards telling my there is a McDonald’s coming up in 5 exits?


    Because an alarming amount of drivers are doing any number of things besides looking out of the windshield and probably missed 3/4 of them.


    And this is why there’s a row of billboards advertising a sex store near me. I think there’s like 10 of them, and there’s always at least one with an anti-porn Jesus message in the mix. It’s kinda glorious.

    But billboards should be banned. They are a distraction, they ruin otherwise pleasant scenery, and we just don’t need the ads. We get enough ads, damn.


    I agree but it is a tough one to police. If your business is next to a road, can you advertise from there? What signage you allowed to put up? Only your own? What if you have two business on the same property? Both get a sign? What if you sell McDonalds a 5% stake in your land?

    But they are an eyesore. Hate them.


    Not really that tough to police, they just need to put more robust and consistent regulations in place. There are already many regulations on building signage, and if billboards would be banned they would need to fully define what was banned so… I don’t see this actually being that much of a problem.

    For example, specifically the accessory vs advertising section:…/nyc-signs-rules-and-regulations


    Those billboards aren’t for you, they’re to remind the kids in the back that McDonald’s exists.


    Fun fact, most car advertising uses a computer generated car. Photoreal cars bave been achievable for years now and it just makes sense for them to do it as they can keep it looking flawless throughout the ad. There’s even a “mocap” car with an adjustable body to match the length/width etc. of the car it’s supposed to be that they can just pin the model to.

    Jah348, in ‘Hard to know’ if Bruce Willis is aware of dementia condition, wife says

    “world news”

    MotoAsh, in Colombia announces war crime charges against Netanyahu

    At least some country has the balls to call Israel on their horse shit. I don’t care what your opinion is on any religion. If you’re for genocide on either side, you’re a piece of trash unworthy of respect.

    Netantahu is pro genocide. Fuck him. Full stop. Any counter opinion is purely wrong.

    DarkDarkHouse, avatar

    Netanyahu is pro Netanyahu, this is just a convenient genocide.



    anewbeginning, in Rishi Sunak considers banning cigarettes for next generation

    Creating a new illegal drug market.


    For some. Some would ultimately quit and some would never start.

    DrJenkem, avatar

    There can be some significant downside to a black market though. De-regulation could pose additional health risks to users as the product may be exposed to unknown and untested chemicals. Not to mention the additional violence and related crimes that always seem to accompany a black market. Prohibition didn’t work for alcohol. Prohibition isn’t working for Weed. Why do we think it will work for nicotine?


    I think a big part of the difference is that most people get addicted to cigarettes just by being around it, rather than seeking it out. Cigarettes don’t get you high/drunk (well OK, you get a small buzz early on, but nothing like weed or alcohol).

    People will seek out weed even when it’s illegal because the risk is worth the reward (to them), because it comes with an intense high you can’t really get anywhere else. I don’t see nearly as many people seeking out cigarettes in the same way, unless they’re already hooked.

    I don’t think it will “solve” the cigarette problem, but I do think that prohibition for cigarettes won’t go quite the same route as prohibition for weed and alcohol.

    Now, whether I want the government to be able to ban recreational substances just because they think it’s bad (or use that as an excuse) is another question


    I don’t think you’ve seen how many high schoolers have a crippling nicotine addiction already


    I got my first cigarette from a black market dealer. Cig prohibition will go the exact same way.


    In fairness, smoking tobacco is one of the few routes of administration where outlawing makes sense. The overall societal cost is very high, even for non-smokers, as in second-hand smokers and cigarette butts littering. It’s one of the few substances that health experts often recommend to make as unattractive as possible, be it through taxation or law.

    I don’t really mind vaping or heating that much, I’d be fine with making cigarettes illegal while keeping the alternatives. Unfortunately, latest legislation has imposed higher burdens on the latter while doing jack about smoking.


    Using the litter aspects of cigarettes as a reason to curb smoking has always been a tough one for me. Say someone quits smoking and takes up vaping. Now we have introduced plastic waste & to an extent e-waste in the form of batteries in the disposable vapes.

    I don’t have an answer to it but I have at least thought about how there is no 100% environmentally friendly alternative outside of smoking straight tobacco leaf in rolling papers.


    You can always ban disposable vapes? Requiring anyone that wants to vape to carry around those massive refillable batteries would do wonders to discourage people picking up the habit.


    There are refillable vapes that aren’t that size. Though you do throw away the coil/juice container.

    Haven’t seen one of em biguns in a while.


    The “disposable” vapes are a different issue that needs to be tackled. I’m pretty sure that a meaningful deposit (5 or 10 euros) and the obligation for every seller to accept returns would solve the problem.


    That is the most reasonable route. A “core charge” type of model where you get the addition fee waived if you bring in an old one.

    Same scheme they use with car batteries and some auto parts. Although, some auto parts have a core charge as part of a dubious ploy to prevent the aftermarket from getting the headlight for duplication.


    I’m not doubting you, but like, what r&d firm is gonna go, welp, this $50 core charge is too much for us, guess we won’t do it.


    I forget what Chevy it was, but they just released a new model and the $2,500 headlight came with a $500 core.

    Source: I ordered it.


    It works for beer cans!

    In my part of the US, we hardly ever see beer or soda containers in litter. We do see liquor bottles, wine bottles, and sports-drink bottles as litter. Guess which drink containers have a deposit and cash redemption and which don’t?

    The “bottle bill” works. It creates incentives for all sorts of people, from frugal homeowners to homeless folks, to collect and return containers. Applying it to other products that show up in litter would just make sense, especially dangerous ones like vape batteries or cartridges.


    I mean smoking itself isn’t environmentally friendly. You’re taking all the nicotine and smashing it with oxygen, producing lots of carbon particulates including CO2 and CO - greenhouse gases. Yes, it’s only a tiny amount, but you don’t get that with vaping. With vaping you just extract whole molecules, rather than breaking things down, at least as long as the temperature is properly controlled.

    A good vape should have next to no waste. The vape itself should not be disposable, and batteries should last a year minimum even with heavy use. That just leaves whatever container you get your liquid in, which wouldn’t be hard to recycle. Alternatively you could use a dry herb vape, along with pipe tobacco - but if we’re honest if you have a dry herb vape you’re probably not putting tobacco in it. You’re going to put in things like lavender and thyme, of course.

    ComradeChairmanKGB, avatar

    Using the litter aspects of cigarettes as a reason to curb smoking has always been a tough one for me.

    Tell me you’ve never had to clean up after smokers without telling me you’ve never had to clean up after smokers.


    Smoked cigarettes for 15 years and chewing tobacco for 5 years. Try again.

    ComradeChairmanKGB, avatar

    So people had to clean up after you is what you’re saying.


    You’re forgetting the harm from all the fires (house, grass, and forest) caused by smokers too.…/Fires-in-Canada-Originating-from-Smo…


    I think a larger more unnoticed social harm is the damage it does to single payer/socialized medicine. When you only have one insurance pool every person receiving healthcare related to smoking is funding that could have gone to treating diseases that aren’t as easily preventable.

    The same goes for things like diabetes, which is absolutely destroying medicare. Right now one out of every three medicare dollars are being used to treat a completely preventable disease for the vast majority of those inflicted with it.

    I think that if you want to smoke or drink tons of soda, that’s fine. But we shouldn’t be lessening the scope of healthcare coverage for other people just because of your bad habits. Either the industry making the money needs to subsidize the healthcare cost of their consumers, or the consumers themselves need to do it.


    That becomes ammo against single payer, then. “If we get socialist medicine, they’ll bring back prohibition!”


    I thought smokers ended up being cheaper for healthcare in the long run because they don’t live as long?


    For private healthcare maybe? A lot of the reasons private insurance groups are even somewhat functional is because the vast majority of healthcare cost are shifted over to medicare once people start falling apart.

    Most things like cardiovascular disease and lung cancer happen in the late 50s or older. People who aren’t yet old enough for medicare will file for disability to access it earlier in the event of severe illnesses.


    Smokers on average don’t die that much younger. But they do have a much less healthy end of life.

    The life expectancy of male smokers, ex-smokers, and never-smokers at age 40 years was 38.5, 40.8, and 42.4 years respectively. In women, the corresponding life expectancies were 42.4, 42.1, and 46.1 years.


    Women: don’t smoke, but if you do, never stop.

    /s for good measure


    At least over here, taxation on cigarettes offsets the direct cost caused by smoking according to experts. That’s why I left it out, I do believe you’re allowed to be stupid and smoke. But keep the damage to yourself and make sure non-smokers aren’t paying for it one way or another.

    So yeah your demand is at least partially already reality over here.


    “taxation on cigarettes offsets the direct cost caused by smoking”.

    By about 25 percent. I calculated it a few years back combining the total US taxes on tobacco (state, federal and local) and comparing it to the Medicare expenditures on treating the percentage of lung cancer caused by tobacco smoking. This is actually pretty skewed against my claims since tobacco isn’t always smoked so the tax from smoking is smaller than the total tobacco tax revenue, Medicare only pays for a portion of the lung cancer treatments (since not everyone uses Medicare but the private insurance data isn’t as available), and this is only one albeit expensive aliment caused by tobacco smoking. So 25 percent is a generous estimate.

    Long story short “sin taxes” don’t actually pay for anything, it’s a complete myth mostly promoted by people who want to use the product.


    For-Profit healthcare is the scam here, not people drinking or smoking “too much,” whatever that means to you personally.


    I’m fairly sure cig smokers are a net gain on the Exchequer


    “the overall societal cost is high”

    Just like every other drug. Everyone wants to legalise marijuana, ostensibly for the tax money (but not really), and yet it has far greater social costs than tax will recover. Even the states that legalise it (and consequently becoming tourist destinations) are not actually benefiting from it even though the “Las Vegas effect” means that they should disproportionately benefit from it.


    What are the “far greater social costs” of cannabis compared to tobacco?

    jasory, (edited )

    So the fact that we already have one awful policy (legal tobacco) is not sufficient to justify implementing another one. Marijuana seems to have roughly the same or slightly lower impact on lung cancer as tobacco (hard to measure since most people smoke both). Of course it has other harder to measure effects like long-term brain damage, and DUI risk, or even loss of economic productivity and workplace accidents.

    The US (and most of the world) has been triumphantly marching towards banning smoking and yet we seem to be normalising the use of another substance that isn’t any better. It seems likely that we will be in the same place with marijuana in a few decades as we are with tobacco.

    Edit: I realise that you may have not read my connected comment. Taxing tobacco doesn’t make the government money, lung cancer from tobacco smoking directly costs Medicare 4x the total tax revenue from all tobacco products. So that is my basis for “taxing legal tobacco is a poor policy” and by extension marijuana will be as well.


    My understanding is that cig smokers actually save our NHS a fair bit of cash, as they die early & rapidly, and they’re a boon to the Exchequer due to the huge sin taxes we have


    My country already has a cigarette black market for cheaper imported cigs. Banning them won’t work it’ll only make it harder to regulate the industry.


    So by your logic, cigarettes shouldn’t be taxed at all?

    Also, the way this is proposed kind of avoids the issue. People importing cigarettes already smoke, and they’ll be able to in the future because this only targets people born after a certain date to deter them from starting.


    No, because I don’t believe a solution that captures every single black market cigarette is possible. The best solution is to heavily regulate the industry and spread accurate information about cigarettes and I’d also personally ban cigarettes in movies under a certain age rating unless essential to the character in some way such as they develop cancer later in the movie or something.


    Once you spark up it’s not obvious at a glance if the cigarette is duty paid or not. There’s a marked difference between a lit cigarette and no cigarette.


    People will just smoke in bushes. Teens already do so they don’t get caught by their parents.

    Pxtl, avatar

    Except we have cleaner alternatives in the form of vaping. This isn’t like prohibition where all alcoholic beverages were banned, or like drug prohibition where all narcotics and hallucinogens are only accessible for medical need.

    If you need nicotine, you can still buy it. Just not in cigarette form.


    you can make it illegal to sell and only a fine for getting caught. Major retailers won’t do it, cornershops(“/bodegas” for the US) that sell under the counter will do it until they get caught, new ones won’t bother because they want their business to be a success, and honestly, probably make more money on chewing gum than black market fags

    nicotine high isn’t worth the effort to a dealer to sell if you’re used to selling fent, coke, weed, triple sod, clarky cat etc

    gone within a generation. if you really want it, go to France, smuggle it. it’s probably not worth it.


    Black market cigarettes is a very real thing actually.


    fair comment but so is black market everything — from heroin to beanie babies.


    Yea and the black market is one of the main reason things are harmful. 1 they r unregulated so your getting God knows what 2 they’re most likely connected to gangs or your countries version of them so ur prolly funding then and 3 it creates a stigma around the drug causing addicts to be less likely to seek out help


    right but people still murder, even though murder is illegal

    no one thinks that murder should be legal (except for the guys from Alfred Hitchcock’s Rope)


    Drugs are a personal vice which the person can do without ever harming another person. Murder is murder. I don’t think it should be legal for drug addicts to steal for their drugs, even tho some will whether or not its legal because that involves harming another person.


    bodegas for the US

    Mostly just the New York City area. In the Boston area they’re “packies” (not an ethnic slur – it’s “package store”) and most of the rest of the country it’s a “convenience store” or “corner store”.


    Shittest high ever. Only people already hooked would be interested and they could buy it legally anyway.


    I got my first cig from a black market dealer. In my country black market dealers have popped up to get around taxes on cheaper foriegn cigs


    Honestly, tobaco is pretty crap as a recreational drug. It would surprise me if non-smokers would go out of their way to get black market cigarettes like they would with alcohol if it got banned.


    There already is a cigarette black market for cheaper imported cigs atleast in my country.


    But that’s people who are already addicted. I doubt anyone is going to the black market to try tobacco.


    I did. My first cig was from the black market.


    there’s a black market in Australia, but it’s very small and penalties for suppliers are so high there’s barely any incentive to run it, with a dwindling customer base


    Do u not think that a factor of that is that people are still able to get cigs legally, even if they r expensive.

    Veraxus, in Biden Wants Arms Deals With Israel to Be Done in Complete Secrecy, Without Congress avatar

    How about: No arms deals with any entity that indiscriminately murders innocent people, women, and children?

    Poggervania, avatar

    So practically every major power in the world?

    Veraxus, avatar



    Shit no deals with Boeing, Northrup Grumman, etc.

    Oh well, I’m certain they won’t bribe Congress to force their deals through… /s


    Nice no more police funding




    Just yesterday Biden pulled $334M out of his arse for more police funding!…/ar-AA1jhl2b


    Police at school lmao


    No more government benefits for people that have abortions either.

    Think of all the savings


    What? Think about the BlackRock’s and Vanguard’s!


    How about: No arms deals?


    IMHO Putin is much more clearly in the wrong than either side of the Israeli conflict, which justifies arms deals that eventually end up in Ukraine.

    Zacryon, in Internet Archive's digital library has been found in breach of copyright. The decision has some important implications

    If we want authors to survive, we’ve got to stop assuming that authors’ intellectual labour is a public commodity.

    Ah yes, because it’s the fault of (internet) libraries and not greedy publishers who try to keep the royalties for their authors as low as possible. /s

    How about looking where this problem starts instead of where it ends?


    Piracy dies (mostly) with easy and reasonably priced ways to pay for content. Most people don’t want to do something illegal and want to support those who make content.

    But when publishers like Warner Brothers are removing content from services making pirating sites the only place to find artists’ work, then little are going to pirate.

    Without sites like the Internet Archive, so much stuff would risk being lost forever because of greedy copyright practices.


    IA helps keep democracy alive. Documentaries that are banned by dictators, like the BBC documentary on Modi that was banned in India by Modi, would be unavailable to people without IA.


    Especially fucking Wiley. If you’re a student paying hundreds for a textbook with a “supplemental code” that makes it so you can’t buy it used, then it’s probably by fucking Wiley. Fucking greedy cunts.

    Paradoxvoid, avatar

    If we want authors to survive, we’ve got to stop assuming that authors’ intellectual labour is a public commodity.

    The irony being that this is exactly what copyright was originally intended to facilitate - authors creating works to become public domain within a relatively short period of time.


    There are authors starting to publish without a publisher. I think that is the right direction, not making all books free. Maybe once the publishers have less control there will be some copyright reforms to shorten the time it takes to bring works into the public domain. Right now it is 95 years from publishing, but I think the author’s life plus 30 years or something might make a bit more sense. For example, George Orwell has been dead for over 70 years, but his works are still under copyright.

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