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DessertStorms, (edited ) in Germany begins dismantling wind farm for coal avatar

Ban straws! (even though disabled people need them and they create negligible pollution)

Replace your car with an electric one! (even though it still works fine and will end up in landfill, never mind the environmental cost of producing the new one, or the source of the electricity it uses)

Reduce your carbon footprint! (even though its a term we invented ourselves to shift responsibility to you, while we fly our private jets around creating more pollution than you ever could in 10 lifetimes)

Recycle! (even though 90% of it ends up in landfill anyway because we don't want to pay to actually recycle it)

All equates to

Look the other way while we continue to rape the planet and blame it on you!!!

Never forget - capitalists (and the governments they're co-dependent on) only want more money, they don't car about you or me or the planet, only about themsleves and the numbers in their accounts, and they will never willingly stop doing whatever it takes to make more.


Luckily many people live in democracies where they can simply vote to enact climate policies.

Sadly most people living in those democracies choose to continue enabling climate change.

The reason nothing is being done against climate change isn’t corrupt politicians. It’s the millions of people voting for them.

DessertStorms, avatar

Lol, no.

The fault lies with those who built and benefit from the system, not those trapped in it who are merely given the illusion of choice.

Get off your high horse and aim your anger at the right people, otherwise all you are doing is enabling their rigged system.


Your first link is US only, your second link is about a completely seperate issue. You don’t need to dismantle capitalism to protect the climate.

In Germany, where I live, the voters could easily vote for the greens “Grüne” and the left “Linke”.

If those two parties had a majority in government, we’d have a climate friendly system in no time.

But they don’t. We had a conservative government for 16 years. Now we have a center government, which sadly includes the small government / free market party “FDP”, blocking all significant progress.

No systemic oppression stops people from voting Left/Greens. But they never did, and never will.

There’s now an uprise of the far right party “AfD” in Germany, to the point it’s becoming one of the major parties.

In Germany people have the choice readily available to stop actively damaging the climate.

But every couple of years, they freely choose to not do that.

I feel like many left-wing people regularly forget about the billions of people who genuinely do not care to do anything about climate change.


Under capitalism, the capitalist class controls the media, and can use their wealth to control the political class.

A democracy can only make choices so far as it’s voters are informed, and when a group controls most sources of information, it can control the democracy as a whole.


Under a capitalist democracy with antitrust laws… the “capitalist class” will create all sorts of media sources to earn money from whatever sort of information any voters will eat up. A single group can’t control most sources of information, because it will be eaten alive by all the competing groups at once.

It’s up to each voter to decide whether they want to religiously follow a single source, or contrast it with others, and which ones.


There will of course be different sources of information, but that does not mean that they will present a fair and balanced spread of ideas. The capitalist class will push their own interests. A single owner is not required for that to occur


does not mean that they will present a fair and balanced spread of ideas

Not fair, and not balanced, just full spread.

The “capitalist class” interest is to earn money, which necessarily makes it fill ALL possible revenue niches: from state sponsored propaganda, through different interest group propaganda, all the way to anti-system, extremist, and a large variety of scams. If nobody else is doing it, someone will, no exceptions.

Assembling a “fair and balanced” set of sources, is left as a task for each voter; that’s where each one’s ability to contrast sources comes into play.


You don’t need to dismantle capitalism to protect the climate.

You absolutely do. If it was profitable to destroy the envrionment capitalism would do it in a heartbeat. And guess what it IS profitable to destroy the environment, that is why it is happening! You cannot protect the environment under capitalism.

smollittlefrog, (edited )

You can limit capitalism without abolishing it.

In Germany people are guaranteed 20/24 paid vacation days. That’s not profitable.

That’s a limit imposed on capitalism. It can be done and has been done without abolishing capitalism.

That’s just one of the thousands of policies that limit capitalism.

You can limit capitalism (as literally every capitalist nation does) without abolishing it.

Enforcing climate friendlyness would be just another limit.


When you try to limit capitalism you get nuclear plants being shut down and coal plants being opened and the environment still being destroyed.


When you try to dismantle capitalism… you get capitalism under a different name, with a dictator on top of it. Better hope the dictator wants to protect the environment, and that he knows how to! (see: Great Chinese Famine)

nik282000, avatar

Most people don’t have a ‘green’ option for which they can vote.

We won’t touch the Greenbelt.

-Doug Ford, 2018

Ford says he’s confident nothing criminal took place in Greenbelt land swap amid RCMP probe.

-CBC news, 2023

Not that he was a green leaning politician to begin with but this is just another example of blatant lies used by politicians to get elected and totally fuckover their country.


No they can’t? If it was as simple as voting for green policies we’d see more of them. The only thing people can do is vote for greenwashed policies that do not impact the bottom line of industry.


But the millions of people have been denied education, mislead, and propagandized by the corrupt politicians, it’s probably not productive to blame victims here.


I do not believe the majority of people don’t know about the effects of climate change. I believe that the majority of people voting against climate friendly policies simply choose to not think long term.

Someone who votes to continue the status quo is to be blamed for the status quo.


I get you, and I probably went a bit too far in my statement as I don’t think they’re completely blameless, just don’t think they’re the primary party deserving of blame, that goes to the powerful.


We must elect a Supreme Chancellor to get us through these tough times.

napoleonsdumbcousin, (edited )

While I partly agree with your argument at the end of your comment, I think your examples are really unfitting.

Only single-use plastic straws are banned. There is also an exemption for straws that are necessary for medical reasons. The needs of disabled people are included in the exemption.…/E-9-2021-003536-ASW_EN.html

If people buy a new car, the old one (if still functional) typically enters the second-hand market, not the landfill. There is no reason why this would be different if the new car is an electric vehicle.

The carbon footprint is a perfectly fine concept on its own, the problem is just that some people shit on it with their private jets, which are a legitimate concern. Some people also argue that “most of the pollution is done by corporations, not individuals”, completely ignoring the fact that these corporations only do it while producing goods for the people. That does not mean that we can just blame the people for it, but everybody has the responsibility to vote for policies that keep the corporations in check.

Recycling is really bad in some countries, but works pretty well in others. For example in Germany 56% of plastic waste is recycled, 44% burned. 90% of paper is recycled.…/das-solltest-du-ueber-recycling-wisse…


The problem is we are only talking about a small fraction of the trash. >90% of waste is industrial waste, of that a third is just from Construction/Demolition.

Consumers can recycle everything, but it won’t make more than a 10% impact. We need to start forcing industry to recycle and we can start with concrete. 8% of all global emissions are from concrete production, that’s not even accounting the energy to haul it around. We have the ability today to use concrete to make down cycled products on site (road base, filler, non structural blocks, etc) eliminating transportation and other impacts. But few even consider it, companies and customers don’t want to wait the extra day that it takes, and it’s not always profitable either.


I doubt your numbers are factual. Depending on the industry, you’ll have very specific, non mixed waste materials, which would be way easier to recycle than mixed trash from households.


I just had to do a project on this for work and almost if not all of those numbers most likely came from the EPA’s site from the studies they reference. Other sources, including international sources are similar, I have no reason to doubt the veracity or the figures.

When rereading your comment I get the impression you think I am saying only 10% of industrial waste is recycled. That is not that statement, the statement is simply 90% of waste in landfill is industrial.

DessertStorms, avatar

That's a lot of words to say "I lick boot".

But just to address my pet peeve (mostly because I can copy pasta my own comment, and no I'm not going to edit out the "ableist" because even if you don't mean t, advocating and making excuses for the straw ban is ableist)

There are many reasons people can't use different alternatives.

Never mind that to deny access to a literal lifeline for the sake of 0.003% of the plastics in the ocean (literally a drop in an ocean) because it makes you feel better and requires zero effort or sacrifice (from you), instead of actually acting to resolve the problem (like being anti-capitalist rather than just trying to apply band aids to its symptoms) is not only gross and ableist, but also a colossal counterproductive waste of time.

As for medical exemptions - disabled people shouldn't need to ask for basic accessibility, nor should they have to disclose personal medical information to get it, but now that ableists like you have forced this situation to boost your own egos, they do, and are often denied, because wait staff are not medically trained, and are often abelists like you (or have bosses that would fire them for "handing out straws willy nilly" if they even have straws available which now many places don't), so they get refused and called liars and accused of destroying the environment.
Never mind that expecting people to always have their own accessibility aids, rather than have them freely available creates an inaccessible society.

Which is exactly what ableists like you are fighting for.

napoleonsdumbcousin, (edited )

I was exclusively talking about the EU ban, not about some random US cities’ bans (This is a thread about Germany after all). None of your points really apply to the EU ban.

It does not ban the distribution (you can still legally buy leftover stock - my local cinema seems to have a century’s worth of supply), just the first-time sale of newly produced non-medical single-use plastic straws.

The “medical exemption” is not on an individual basis, but an exemption for a production line of straws. Everybody can buy the straws afterwards. The EU ban is not cutting a “lifeline” for disabled people.

The links you provided talk about bans by local city councils in the USA, which have their own (apparantly stupid) rules.


We’ve made electric powered airplane jet turbines. If the rich want private jets, we should require those to be EVs. I don’t give a shit that the tech is untested, and neither do they judging by that “submarine.”


Do you think cars are immortal, and are just passed on from owner to owner for all eternity?


All hail CarLord The Eternal


No? Nobody thinks that?

My comment was just a response to the following:

Replace your car with an electric one! (even though it still works fine and will end up in landfill, never mind the environmental cost of producing the new one, or the source of the electricity it uses)

…which for some reason suggests that the introduction of electric cars leads to premature scrapping of existing cars - which is bullshit.


Only East German ones. Then the pigs eat some rotten parts off of them, and the remainder is reassembled into fewer cars. The circle of life. The last people on this planet will still be driving a Trabi.


Cuban cars are


or the source of the electricity it uses

Oh, quit this noise. In the same countries where electric cars are becoming common, wind/water/sun-produced energy is also on the rise. Electric cars decouple the energy used from the means of production in ways that gasoline will never have, and the potential outweighs the temporary conditions of power generation in socially backward areas like Darfur and America.

DessertStorms, avatar

You are literally commenting on an article where one of those countries has shut down a wind farm to go back to miming coal (never mind that my point still stand regardless because renewables are still just a fraction of electricity production, or that it is the wealthy people buying the electric cars who contribute more emissions than the poorest 50% of the population, but good to see the greenwashing has worked so well on you), so which of us is actually making noise, and which is addressing the problems we face?

ToyDork, avatar

The wind farm (singular) they’re tearing down have been abandoned for 4 years now because the company that owned them went bust; bad placement was apparently to blame for these specific windmills being useless, doesn’t mean they’re 100% switching back to coal.

Also, I think they’d move the windmills if it is at all possible to not scrap them.


Might be a good idea for you to read the article


Do you believe every headline you read on the internet? Looks like it. This isn’t „Germany end all wind farms“, the people who wrote that headline want you to think that. Don’t be such an easy mark.

moormaan, (edited )

The title, paired with an expensive paywall and the fact that the quote below is the only part visible for free would certainly suggest that this comment is true.

Here’s the un-paywalled article intro:

“German energy giant RWE has begun dismantling a wind farm to make way for a further expansion of an open-pit lignite coal mine in the western region of North Rhine Westphalia.

One wind turbine has already been dismantled, with a further seven scheduled for removal to excavate an additional 15m to 20m tonnes of so-called ‘brown’ coal, the most polluting energy source.”

I think this article from last year is relevant to this story:…/german-windfarm-coalmine-keyenb…


What I’m saying is RWE is a privately owned company. The headline says „Germany begins…“ which is objectively untrue.

It is trying to suggest that Germany passed a decree to disassemble all windfarms. Yet the opposite is true.


I agree, that’s what I’m saying. I used “this” ambiguously, I just realized. I edited “this” to “this comment”, and added another clarifying sentence before the quote.

Here’s an excerpt from the older article which isn’t paywalled, that I linked in my comment (before the edit):

“Constructed more than 20 years ago, the turbines at the small Keyenberg wind park are less powerful than modern equivalents, with each producing about 1MW of energy per hour at a wind speed of 15 metres per second, roughly a sixth of the output of a more efficient state of the art turbine.

Since windfarms in Germany are no longer eligible for subsidies after 20 years in operation, the park would probably have been “repowered” with new technology or wound down even if it were not for the nearby mine.

Nonetheless, North-Rhine Westphalia’s ministry for economic and energy affairs on Monday urged RWE to abort its plans to dismantle the windfarm.

“In the current situation, all potential for the use of renewable energy should be exhausted as much as possible and existing turbines should be in operation for as long as possible,” a spokesperson said.”


Got ya


Electric cars contribute less emissions than ICE cars even if the grid’s electricity supply is entirely coming from coal. Of course cars in general are a much worse solution to transport than really any form of public transportation, but that’s no reason to spread pro-ICE car propaganda.


Replace your car with an electric one! (even though it still works fine and will end up in landfill, never mind the environmental cost of producing the new one, or the source of the electricity it uses)

A new EV breaks even with a used car in less than a decade. It does not matter if it is getting its energy from coal, it still will emit less carbon within a decade.

Recycle! (even though 90% of it ends up in landfill anyway because we don’t want to pay to actually recycle it)

90% of plastic recycling. That is thanks to the oil companies who saw backlash against the ridiculous amount of plastic in the 70s and decided to invent a resin code whose symbol mimicked the recycling symbol. Recycling centers were flooded with a ton of plastic which they did not have infrastructure to actually recycle. China took it for a couple decades and then it became unprofitable for them. Basically only resin codes 1 and 2 are recyclable. But most people think all of it is. Absolutely recycle metals. If your city has recycling pickup and you are not recycling stuff like aluminum, you kind of suck.


Basically only resin codes 1 and 2 are recyclable. But most people think all of it is

I read somewhere that this is false and all of them are recyclable. Don’t quote me on it though.


I think you can technically recycle probably almost any plastic, perhaps almost any material in general. It’s just a question of if the recycling process is affordable and competes in price with just buying the unrecycled version of that plastic. So other plastics besides PET and HDPE I’m sure you can recycle, it’s just that the cost is prohibitive.


Technically yes but there has to be the infrastructure to do it. Most cities cannot process them. It’s also generally not profitable and does not save much from an emissions standpoint either.


Absolutely recycle metals

You don’t need to; all trash, no matter the bin, goes under a magnet that will pick out anything ferromagnetic, and through an induction trap that will pick out non-ferromagnetic metals. Even if for some reason it gets dumped in a landfill, it’s still possible to mine it out.

Aluminum in particular is more expensive to mine+refine than to recycle. Some places you can even throw it on the ground, and someone will pick it up to sell for recycling. Copper you can get even stolen from you, and don’t start me on Palladium, some people will “recycle” the catalytic converter from your car if you don’t park it in a safe place.


I’m from Sweden, we’re among the best in the world at recycling. We have closed all our landfills and even import combustible trash to burn for energy (we clean the fumes extremely well).

Every time I see a discussion about trash anywhere in the world I get sad that people are so uninformed about what’s possible.

One Swedish company, Swedish Plastic Recycling, is currently building a recycling plant that will be able to handle ALL of the country’s plastic waste and automatically recycle almost all of the kinds of plastic there are.

This is even profitable if done right.

Sources upon request.

NocturnalEngineer, in 1 in 10 flights taking off from UK are private jets

Majority of private jets carrying 3 passengers or less, releasing 10 times as much carbon per passenger than a commercial flight.

As a peasant, I don’t think reducing my carbon footprint will offset the disgusting (increasing) display of greed from the elites.

Alto, avatar

Perhaps the greatest scam the rich ever pulled off was convincing the common people that climate change is somehow our fault instead of theirs. A single billionaire harms the earth an order of magnitude more in a single year than most small towns will in a decade


Source needed!


Well for example, I read the other day that 1 in 10 flights taking off from the UK are private jets.



Tosti, avatar

Excellent response. You made me laugh. Well played sir!


That’s funny and made me chuckle but it doesn’t substantiate the claim made.


That’s very interesting.

Majority of private jets carrying 3 passengers or less, releasing 10 times as much carbon per passenger than a commercial flight.

As a peasant, I don’t think reducing my carbon footprint will offset the disgusting (increasing) display of greed from the elites.

Alto, avatar

I was being incredibly conservative and generous to the billionaires, considering the carbon footprint of just 125 of them is bigger than the entire nation of France


Well sort of. The source says it’s from their investments, not from their lifestyle.

Unless people have made an active choice to move their savings into an ESG pot, this will be true for everyone, just scaled according to the size of the pot.


Sort of an important mention, yes, but also sort of skewed.

As the article points out 50%-70% of their emissions are due to their investments, meaning those 125 billionaires still have more direct emissions of the size of up to half the country of france.

And I don’t think its fair to equate having some little money in the bank, with employing brokers to ensure the exploitation of human labour and planetary resources enables you and your children to live in luxury without ever having to work

The difference is living off of what you work for and needing a bank account vs living off of your capital (meaning other peoples labour)


But the “little money in the bank” is in aggregate making a huge contribution.

So it’s easy to find the people who we want to blame big. But in aggregate we all have a role to play. That’s a harder message to swallow.


A single billionaire harms the earth an order of magnitude more in a single year than most small towns will in a decade

But if you and your family stop using plastic straws, turn the heat down in winter, meticulously sort all your recycling and use public transport more for the next decade, you can help Jeff Bezos offset the emissions for his next weekend trip to the Maldives!

infectoid, avatar

Something inside me just died.

gornar, avatar



Well yea. If every person reduced their impact by a tonne, that’s 65 tonnes of CO2 saved

How many private jets is that?

Rootiest, avatar

If every person reduced their impact by a tonne, that’s 65 tonnes of CO2 saved

Woah there, not everyone!

We can’t expect the wealthy jet owners to participate, we are trying to offset their carbon usage after all, it wouldn’t be fair if they had to do it as well…


I’d prefer to reduce climate impact by running over Bezo’s head with a tank.


In other words, if all the billionaires just ceased to exist, it would result in the humanity achieving the emission goals?

14specks, avatar

I mean, that’s not strictly necessary either. Chinal allows a good many billionaires to exist, but they are hitting their emissions targets ahead of schedule, cause they don’t let the billionaires run the entire show like they do in the USA.

gornar, avatar

“How to Cook Forty Humans”

oce, avatar

It’s not neither only the rich nor only the poor, it’s all of humanity, and that’s not the rich saying that, it’s the IPCC. Now the rich (countries) of course have more means to lead the change and their guilt is much higher when they don’t.


Any source for the 10x statistic? That seems low


The easy solution is to just directly tax carbon emissions and dump the money into methods to reduce emissions (transit, trains, green construction, agricultural controls, etc.)

People don’t like taxes though, so this will never happen. An emissions-based tax is possibly the easiest way to disproportionately tax the wealthy.



I’ve long argued that courageous states should radically reform their tax system. Rebase the entire tax system around carbon tax, setting the level to ensure the state has the same income base.

There’s a naturally progressive tax system built into that but we could make it even more progressive by laddering up the rates as the carbon emissions increase.


I don’t think this type of policy is possible at the state level. The EU is gearing up for a carbon market on transportation. Carbon tax should come next, if we don’t let big money lobbies kill the policy.

HiddenLayer5, avatar

We might as well extract the fat from billionaires and burn them as carbon neutral fuel.


Render The Rich.

joelthelion, avatar

We need both. The elite’s footprint is gross and disgusting, but we peasants are far more numerous, so reducing the elite’s footprint alone won’t do the trick.


the thing is, i will refuse to behave until the bigger misbehavers are held accountable

joelthelion, avatar

This kind of reasoning is why we are not making progress. It’s much easier to hold others to high standards when you’ve applied these to yourself first. The same goes for countries: it will be easier to pressure China/India when the West has done their part.


how do you expect people to apply those standards to themselves before they are applied to the biggest sinners? most people don’t even buy how bad it is

gary_host_laptop, avatar

No, we are not making peogress because of your kind of reasoning. We need to make accountable to the bourgeois, the rulling class, even if the whole working class reduced its carbon footprint it would still not make a significant change, they must be replaced and forced to change their ways.


If all the rich were dead, the “normal folks” would still want 2 day shipping, cellphones every 3 years, non local ingredients, and fossil fuel cars.


The West can only “do its part” because we’ve shipped all our worst industries to China and India.

joelthelion, avatar

Doing our part includes reducing our consumption. Where things are produced doesn’t matter all that much for this part of the problem.


Global industrial practices and corporations are the biggest offenders, by far.

You know who uses all the shit they make?


Yeah I can recycle and grow my own food and compost and ride my bike and walk places as much as I want. It won’t save as much carbon in my lifetime as even one of these flights.

It’s depressing, but I still do it because I don’t want to be part of the problem and I’ll need to know how to do these things when the world really goes to shit.

Lols, in Musk cut internet to Ukraine’s military as it was attacking Russian fleet

random people having this kind of influence on international conflicts because they have a lot of money is good and healthy and okay


The free market will create another satellite network if musk’s isn’t right! /s


This but kind of unironically, him doing this makes it much more likely the US government will blow some of its military budget to fund some sort of competitor.


That would be pretty cool considering they have tons of military budget obviously and more competition is a good thing.

u_tamtam, avatar

That’s kind of how we all get to use and enjoy the GPS today


It wouldn’t be free market then.


If Musk doesn’t learn to play ball, the us government might well take control of the tech for the remainder of the war. Geopolitics is the game that is played with all the pieces.

Silverseren, in Revealed: WHO aspartame safety panel linked to alleged Coca-Cola front group

Okay, corruption like that should be corrected. Regardless, there's no scientific evidence that aspartame is harmful. Let alone a biochemical reason for why a dipeptide of two amino acids, phenylalanine and aspartic acid, that dissociates in the stomach into its constituent components and some byproducts would be harmful in the first place.

Unless you have phenylketonuria, but you have much bigger problems in that case and, if that is the case for you, kudos on being at an age and capability to read and understand this post, you are incredible.

Edit: Also, just noticed the part about US Right To Know, which is a well known anti-science group that's been pushing pseudoscience and fearmongering about other topics, such as biotechnology, for years. So them being involved here raises questions.


I want to get rid of it because I want a non sugar coke that doesn’t taste like burned tar soaked in urine


Then drink the Diet Coke with Splenda one? There's also Coke Life that has stevia instead. They basically made sure they have a version with each type of sweetener.



  • Loading...
  • Sassy,

    Fuck yes. Why is there sugar added to applesauce and fruit juice? Why is it so hard to find low calorie drinks that don’t contain artificial sweeteners? The way to curb sugar intake is moderation.


    Sugar is antibacterial, hence why honey can stay good like forever. It’s a cheap way to increase shelf life that also makes people really like the food because we evolutionary seek that stuff out. It’s not right though. We work long hours so convenient foods should allow us to buy back some time. But when they’re all like this, you end up either having to do it yourself or risk your health. There should absolutely be limits. But with food costs as they are, who is going to fight for that? The alternatives are more expensive, or you reduce shelf life. It’s much better regulated here in the EU but we too are still not there, obesity is still on the rise.

    oce, avatar

    It’s tasty, cheap, antibacterial and gives attractive colors (caramel). That’s why companies like to put it everywhere, it’s just awfully convenient.


    Were I live sugar is added to cider, making it basically extra sweet apple juice with a touch of alchool.


    Oh god, Okanagan Cider is so, super sweet. Might as well drink sugar water with added alcohol.

    I live near a cidery, and everything is a dry or semi-dry. So much better.


    I live in the UK and was astounded at the sugar consumption when I visited the US.

    The most interesting one was bread - it was so sweet, almost like cake, while our bread is just plan savoury bread.

    There seems to be an OTT approach to added sweetness that I thought was bad in the UK but is next level in north America.

    Another key difference was the milk in coffee shops. I went into Double cup and found some half and half (semi skimmed milk?) and dumped a bunch of it in my coffee. Nope literally half cream half milk. Blllerchhhh.

    That just doesn’t even exist over here.

    Amir, avatar

    You can also just get fruity syrup and make syrup juice with a lot of water.


    Nope, not an option. If I want a glass of coke after I brushed my teeth - I don’t want any sugar in it


    Drinking coke - sugar free or otherwise - right after you brush your teeth will still fuck up your teeth.

    It’s rammed full of acid.


    Except it doesn’t stay in your mouth for hours because you salivate. With sugar, judging by how my mouth feels, the bacteria stays and probably has a whole ass banquet for hours after


    That’s not better. Splenda just tastes odd. And I haven’t seen that in stores in years, and I don’t remember liking it the first time around


    Splenda legit causes digestive problems… Aspartame is fine… Especially in comparison


    Splenda is worse… Stevia is fine


    I find that Stevia has a vaguely creamy flavour to it. Which works well in some instances, and not in others.

    Aspartame just tastes awful, for me I get this weird sticky/bitter sensation over the roof of my mouth and turn my throat.

    Splenda/Sucralose tastes fine, but has noticeable effects elsewhere, which are a bit TMI.


    Stevia tastes just awful to me. I wish I liked it.


    Drink Olipop or Poppi.

    blackluster117, avatar

    Dude, Olipop Vintage Cola is next level. That perfect vanilla cola without being too overpowering. I love to have it with a great sandwich and chips or dinner!


    I like their Cherry Vanilla. It goes right through me, though. The apple cider vinegar they use cleans you out. 🤐


    This reads like an ad straight from the 60s lol


    Absolutely… Aspartame is safe


    Aspartame isn’t only safe, it also goes GREAT with a cold glass of Coke Zero™! *

    *these statements have not been approved by the FDA


    I especially like the part where they get away scot free, and the guy is just telling us to ignore them… maybe fire them for the conflict of interests? Ugh.

    athos77, in Amish men ‘shunned’ after nationwide emergency alert outs them for having phones

    Not that this isn't possible, but the entire article is based off one guy talking about it on TikTok . Which is probably about as reliable as a bunch of those creative writing exercises on AITA.

    Zeth0s, (edited )

    NTA, you should leave your husband

    <span style="color:#323232;">This is an automated action performed in response to the acronym AITA

    Fuck, that fired neurons.


    Probably but I wouldn’t expect many other Amish (except those with the phones) to be talking about it lmao

    maporita, in A plane took off from Switzerland with 111 people on board and 0 of their suitcases

    This is what bugs me more than anything. They “know” my bag didn’t make the flight but instead of sending me a message (to the email / phone number I already gave them) they make me wait two hours on the ground after a one hour flight.


    Forget the contact details, captian could have informed it at any point during the flight but nope, can’t cause any problems that may affect their schedule.


    The actual right response should have been not to depart. Or cancel the flight. What are 111 passengers going to do without their luggage at the destination?!


    Go shopping at the airlines’ expense!

    Riven, avatar

    That’s not entirely fair. I would rather arrive at my location without luggage than not at all. I can always get some cheap shirts and shorts or whatever at my destination. I can’t get my hotel, and other prepaid scheduled expenses fees back.


    Which just reiterates the initial point, communication solves this.

    ‘hey guys, so, basically we can’t get your bags on the plane lolol wanna still go? Stay on the plane. Umad? Get off and get a refund’

    Wow. Hard stuff.


    The issue with that, is that would cause more delays so them not telling people before departure makes sense. Not telling them on arrival is stupid.


    Sure. But that’s you. And probably me. But we don’t represent all possible, legitimate scenarios.


    Read the article if they had not taken off at that time they wouldn’t have made the return flight in time (Zurich airport has no landings past midnight). So not flying means that 111 people would not make it to Bilbao (without their bags) and a similar amount of people wouldn’t make it to Zurich (with their bags).

    Personally, I would rather take the flight and get my bag a day or two later. Annoying af yes but at least you get some compensation to get some clothes.

    If half the people are flying home it’s not even that big of a problem.

    Couldbealeotard, avatar

    I agree, but I think it would be better to inform the passengers and give them a chance to alight.

    The problem there is that those passengers would demand a replacement flight or a refund, and we can’t have that, can we?


    Of course, informing them before take off would have been ever better. But then the plane still needs to fly, even if empty.

    And the passengers can still get compensation, maybe even more than the refund of the flight so I’m sure that for many of the passengers this was the better deal.


    The crew fucking knew… like I kind of understand not saying it on the plane as some people might react badly or whatever but at least when they are on destination at least inform them…


    Checking bags is bullshit.

    Let some high school dropout from the TSA search your bags while you get foot fungus.


    The TSA is in the USA only. The TSA is an American government department. They do not exist in Switzerland or Spain, two countries which are not the USA.


    Exactly. If they’d have just said outright “look, we fucked up, your bags aren’t here, go to your hotels, and we’ll have them sent on tomorrow”, people would have been annoyed but could at least have enjoyed their holidays.

    The complete lack of communication from transport companies is beyond maddening. And it’s the same everywhere. When my train is “delayed”, I’ve no idea if that’s 5 minutes away or if it’s an inferno lying on its side on an embankment. The automated announcements will be the same either way.


    The one time I had a bag left behind I was flying into Narita airport in Japan. At the luggage carousel there was a person holding a sign with my name on it.

    appel, in Iceland allows whaling to resume in ‘massive step backwards’ avatar

    Oh there’s only like 200 whales left, might as well finish them off - icelandic gov.


    Minke has a minimum population estimate of 17000, so you are a bit off there. ……/Com Minke Whale-Can E Coast Stock_SAR…


    Good job their industry doesn’t kill 217 per year guaranteeing its pathway to extinction then!

    Come on, it was fucking obvious the prior user was doing hyperbole why did you feel the need to do a smarmy correction? Extremely reddit behaviour.


    Well the prior user was implying that the purpose of whaling is to hunt them to extinction, which is a pretty strange policy to have for any nation. Is that actually Icelands purpose in the whale hunting, to make them extinct?


    It’s mostly to sell to the Japanese market iirc. Not many in Iceland actually have a taste for whale. Huge waste of time and resources.


    That would make sense.


    I’ve seen like a handful of places selling it in Iceland, and they’re all full of tourists who have it just to say they’ve had it.

    It’s not great meat by all accounts.


    Yes, correcting hyperbole with relevant information is bad, actually.


    Yes? It’s a rhetorical technique, you don’t need to correct something everyone already knows is an exaggeration for effect. It’s socially inept comic book guy behaviour that is ridiculed in so many different ways.


    You don’t need to correct something everyone already knows is an exaggeration (and I agree it doesn’t seem very socially aware to do so) but this is a political discussion on the internet, so

    1. Everyone does not know the original figure is an exaggeration, especially by how much
    2. Providing the actual information ads value to the conversation and in this context this is more important than whether the commenter comes off as smarmy or socially inept

    What if they said “Hey I know you’re being hyperbolic, but for anyone who’s interested, here’s the number estimated by experts…”?
    The only difference here is tone.

    I’m not sure why they only shared numbers for minke whales, as these don’t seem to be hunted anymore in Iceland in contrast to fin whales, whom the article was about.

    Global fin whale population was estimated in 2018 by IUCN to have been around 100000.…


    Fuck me I am not reading that. Stop writing so much over a fucking exaggerated joke. Fuck off comic book guy. Please touch grass, smoke a joint, have sex, or just get some social relationships or something. Anything.


    Outside of this Internet Melee, I’ve (WELL ACTUALLY) been struggling with this same dilemma with my youngest kid. We’re both autistic so this is an extremely fun topic!

    Where do we draw line between doing a bit, sincerity, and just lying for fun?

    Caveat: We’ve both been awake for two whole days right now. (Thanks, heritable sleep disorders!)

    I don’t remember what question I wanted to ask here, or how it related to this discussion. I’m just stream of consciousness typing words while I attempt to explain to another kid why Zack Snyder’s Watchmen is worth watching, with the explicit understanding that 0.00% of the characters are good people, let alone HEROES.

    Anyway, America sucks and Palestine deserves freedom. Okay Google, press the REPLY button.


    Thank you for attending my TED Talk. Please buy PPBC.


    Ah. So just a couple of whale hunting seasons away from extinction.


    Why do you guys keep talking about Minke whales?

    Read the fucking article. They’re hunting fin whales, which are considered Vulnerable.

    macabrett, in New Covid wave has begun and masks should be worn again, scientists warn avatar

    I want to share my experience as a disabled person, because I think it’s very easy to simply not notice our non-existance:

    I don’t exist anymore. I’m a hermit. It’s been years since I’ve done anything in public. I go to the rheumatologist, I go to a lab to get blood tests, and once a year I get an x-ray to make sure I don’t have TB. I don’t do anything else. There’s about a two week period where being outside isn’t some unbearably high or low temperature that exacerbates my condition.

    Please care about covid. Just, please. Do it for people like me if that helps you, but mostly do it for yourself. This virus can make you like me and it’s miserable (I was sick before Covid, but Covid is known to trigger autoimmune conditions which are the primary cause of my suffering).


    Covid is known to trigger autoimmune conditions

    waves Hi, I’m new here. Recent owner of (currently) 12 different autoimmune markers. 😭

    macabrett, avatar

    I’m so sorry, it’s not a good time. I hope you find treatment that offers some level of relief.

    MDKAOD, (edited )

    Scariest part is the discovery and uncertainty of it all. "oh well if it’s scleroderma, you’re dead in 10 years. If it’s just scleroderma Ana, maybe it’s lupus. It could also be this weird ass thing that less than 1000 people in the world have. Well, I mean you have the marker, but it could also be lupus. Maybe MS. Are you still having dysphagia and have you choked on food lately? "

    Excuse me while I gently sway back and forth in the corner over here.

    And don’t get me wrong, I’m not a antivax person, like at all, I have 5 rona shots now. But if someone tries to suggest with 100% absolute certainty that either covid itself or the toll the vaccine took on me didn’t unlock an underlying autoimmune disorder, I’ll kick em. I’m not saying that the vaccine gave me an autoimmune issue. I’m saying it likely existed prior but was the catalyst.

    silent_water, avatar

    I’m not in quite as bad shape but I also reacted badly to the vaccine. I get awful migraines after every shot/covid exposure lasting months and it’s become permanent since the last one. I quite literally have not had a single day free from migraines in 6 months and I’m completely intractable to every medication we’ve tried. like they’re talking about burning out various nerves in my face and neck to try and prevent them but it feels hopeless. I no longer get to have a social life and I’m struggling to keep a wfh job - I’m effectively bedridden all the time because of the side effects of migraines (dizziness, vertigo, muscle weakness, primarily), and I’ve been getting seizures for the past year.

    I wish people would just do the bare minimum to protect people like us but I’ve mostly given up. just trying to get used to my new, extremely small world.


    you mentioned burning nerves in your face but have you looked into botox for migraines? they inject in the back of your neck. Or maybe doctors already suggested this for you? I understand they only use it for very severe migraines.

    macabrett, avatar

    The uncertainty is awful. It took me ten years to get diagnosed with anything. I had so many doctors that thought I was just seeking pain pills. I had to beg a primary care physician to refer me to a rheumatologist. The rheumatologist guessed what I had within 5 minutes. A few blood tests, X-rays, and an MRI later and I had a diagnosis. Ten years and then someone guesses it in 5 minutes. Autoimmune diseases are weird like that.

    I’m also incredibly pro-vax, but those things knock me on my ass for days. Seems pretty common for people with autoimmune diseases.

    starlinguk, avatar

    My shit started about two months after having Covid. Longgg before I got vaccinated. I think some people think it's the vaccine because problems don't tend to start right away when you have covid. It takes a while.


    I never tested positive for covid. I was sick once, but repeatedly tested negative across multiple brands of at home kits. My wife was sick a couple of weeks afterwards, and tested positive at the first sniffle.


    Iraglassceiling, avatar

    Hugs ❤️

    You’re in good company


    Thanks. Very much. :)

    Clever username.

    Iraglassceiling, avatar

    Thank you! :D

    starlinguk, avatar

    Welcome to the club! Herbal tea?


    👋 Sure haha


    I’m so sorry for you, man. I had to take care of my parents when covid started (they’re all fine now) and couldn’t stand the mouth breathers thinking only they and themselves mattered.

    Frank, avatar

    100% with you. Haven’t taken my mask off in public in years, and making regular attempts to goad my friends in to putting theirs back on.


    Since the beginning of the pandemic, my biggest fear hasn’t been to catch the virus, but to spread it, especially to my immunocompromised relatives. You’d have to see when I tell that to people; they look at me weirder than if I answered “yes” to their mocking “afraid of COVID?” 🙃

    macabrett, avatar

    Thanks for looking out for us. I wish more people looked at it the way you do. It’s been really weird seeing headlines since 2022 that excitedly proclaim “hey its only old people and disabled people dying now!”

    Aliveelectricwire, avatar

    If more people thought like you I could have a life again. I’m severely immunocompromised and COVID almost killed me when I caught it a year ago


    Hi there - I am also immunocompromised and have 2 exciting autoimmune diseases. I work in an office every day (actually a lab, but regardless).

    Your behaviour is not normal, and you should seek therapy so you can enjoy your life!

    justastranger, in Ukraine tells critics of slow counteroffensive to 'shut up'

    It’s like every time there’s a war everybody forgets how fucking long they take. WW2 took six years. The Vietnam War took almost 20 years, same with the Afghanistan War. Anybody expecting anything solid within the next couple years is delusional. Ukraine is in it for the long haul.


    “We’ll fight til the last Ukrainian!” - libs

    Burp, avatar



    “We shouldn’t help the rape victim and they should hope that it’s over quickly. Also, it’s actually not rape, it’s a special sexual operation and they deserved it.” - Tankies


    Funny how if you’re against another endless war you’re a tankie and support Putin…

    I’m neither a tankie nor I support Putin. But I also don’t support NATO and the Empire.

    But just as a note, most “tankies” don’t support Russia and know Putin is a conservative capitalist. I mean he is the direct result of the dismantling of the USSR by internal revisionists (tsarists and capitalists) and the CIA.

    But again, it’s the Iraq war all over again. And you libs are doing THE SAME THING. It’s hilarious.


    There's a load of things I could say, but they would all be pointless, so I'm going to say this. It would be less depressing if you were actually being paid by the Russians.

    EDIT: Which, you know, is not actually out of the question.

    novibe, (edited )

    “Being against war means you are our enemy!” - the “pacifist”, “anti-war”, liberal.


    Funny how pacifists are the first to cry when someone hits them.


    Let’s not ruin pacifism, self-defense can be a form of it



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  • boredtortoise,

    Pacifism can be both, ending all wars and defending against fascism


    pacifism /ˈpasɪfɪz(ə)m/ noun the belief that war and violence are unjustifiable and that all disputes should be settled by peaceful means.


    How is that funny

    BitPirate, avatar

    it’s the Iraq war all over again

    Oh so you’re against the invasion after all?


    More than you guys it seems. You’re all salivating at the idea of Russians dying and this war never ending.


    Putin could stop this war and thus Russians from dying at any minute. He’d just have to give up on imperialism.

    BitPirate, avatar

    I’d be happy if Russia would simply send its soldiers home.


    Me too. We take Putin out, return the USSR, and then we dismantle the far-right apparatus in Ukraine as well. We close all US military bases and shut down NATO.

    We then impose on the US strict international laws to never have a military, to interfere or invade another nation again, or it’s dismantled and given to all 3rd world countries it fucked over the past 100 years.


    „Libs“ we’re against the Iraq war. It divided the US population and the whole western world. Never listened to American Idiot?

    I’m confused. You want us to protest against one sort of imperialism, but not the other?


    I think you’re remembering incorrectly bro… After 9/11, if you didn’t support invading any vaguely Muslim country you were a traitor. Fucking libs on TV were cheering for killing Saddam and invading Iraq, dismissing any attempts to question why would that even make sense as weak-spined traitorous behaviour.

    Also, how can you say that while you support a never ending war in Ukraine?

    Is Russia imperialist? Yes. Is this invasion a tragedy? Yes. Did it happen, and will continue to happen for a long time in good part because of the US? Fuck yes as well.

    I don’t support Russia invading or winning the war. I don’t support NATO breaking its promises and meddling in Eastern Europe propping up Nazis.

    The US Empire is directly responsible for Putin, in the first place. And it’s now directly responsible for the extreme right in Ukraine.

    What anyone who’s actually against war wants is for the US Empire to fall and NATO to be dismantled. For Putin to fall and the Russian people to have freedom again. For the Nazis in Ukraine to not have power anymore.

    If you support sending billions in weapons to Ukraine (as fucking debt, Ukraine will be in debt to the US and Europe for centuries…), if you support war games in South Korea, Taiwan, if you complained when Biden left Afghanistan… you’re literally a war hawk.


    You blathering fool. I’m not your bro and never will be.

    When you see a school bully who fights a smaller kid who doesn’t want to give up his lunch money, what do you do? You are the kind of person shouting at the victim to comply to avoid any further bloodshed, right? You’re fucking filth. I think I even watched a Star Trek episode about your fucking kind, lol.

    Just for your information: NATO has nothing to do with this. Other than being a scapegoat of course. Quite the opposite, if Ukraine was part of NATO, this war would never happened. Why do you think Poland and the Chech Rebublic were so eager to join it? NATO is a defense pact. But I know, people like you don’t care. NATO is the big boogie man you need to justify your political views.

    And no, I don’t remember incorrectly. The Bush regime was republican. They faked evidence to attack Iraq. The were huge demonstations and turmoil Google the Dixie Chicks, listen to American Idiot. I’m not american. I’m german. We were one of the countries who were part of a so called “axis of evil” because we didn’t agree with the war. Shut the fuck up.

    I was always pretty left leaning. Never liked US-Imperialism since I got 16 and realised Tom Clancy Novels were pretty one-sided. But if supporting ukraine means I’m a Hawk, so be it. All I know is, I don’t want to be on your side!


    We were one of the countries who were part of a so called “axis of evil”

    Slight correction, no, they didn’t go that far. We’re “Old Europe”.

    It was also when they renamed French Fries to Freedom Fries to protest the French being, well, French, as if the French wouldn’t already be constantly doing that. (Meanwhile Belgium was hoping someone would notice them).


    Thanks for the correction. And yes, I remember the freedom fries, lol! Poor Belgium.


    Your comment truly reeks of “I’m pretty left leaning” lmao


    Lol. What a pathetic comment. Are you trying to imply it’s “left“ to sit back and let imperialistic dictators invade other countries?

    You said it yourself. Putins war is imperialistic. Wow, if we had only a thing that would defer imperialistic Russia from attacking its neighbours. Oh, we have! NATO!

    And your comments reeks of dying braincells.


    “NATO is the answer to imperialism” LOL I’m dying


    I wrote to Russian imperialism, you imbecile.

    But I expect nothing less from a moron who writes that abolishing the NATO would bring peace.

    ShimmeringKoi, (edited )

    It is 2023. I am being called a tankie for opposing the escalation of a needless slaughter engineered by the western military industial complex.

    It is 2003. I am being called a Saddam lover for opposing the escalation of a needless slaughter engineered by the western military industial complex.

    It is 1969. I am being called a commie and probably also racial slurs for opposing the escalation of a needless slaughter engineered by the western military industial complex. manhattan


    Alexa play “Story of my life” by One Direction.


    And shelling civilians in the Donbas is presumably the equivalent of putting on a nice dress in your metaphor?

    Make extremely inappropriate and wrong rape comparison ⇒ Accuse anyone who disagrees of being a rape apologist ⇒ FUCK TANKIES!

    Extremely normal and sound logic there, definitely not just vibe-based emotional manipulation.


    Ask Prigozhin whether that shelling actually happened. You swallowed Russian propaganda hook, line, and sinker.


    OHCHR estimates that between mid-April 2014 and 31 May 2016, at least 9,404 people, of which up to 2,000 are civilians, have been killed as a result of the conflict. The vast majority of civilian casualties, recorded on the territories controlled by the Government of Ukraine and on those controlled by armed groups, were caused by the indiscriminate shelling of residential areas, in violation of the international humanitarian law principle of distinction.

    Na better believe Prigozhin, that guy never told a lie or said anything that was totally wrong.


    What do you believe your source to say, exactly? That Ukraine shelled indiscriminately? If so, you should read it again.


    Yes it says that exactly, unless you think the “armed groups” shelled themselves.


    Maybe the armed groups headed by known criminals (look at who ran those “people’s republics”) shelled the civilians? They also shot down MH-15.


    You do realize that direction of the shelling wouldn’t be hard to determine? If you look at the side of a shelled building you know roughly which direction the shells are coming from. In your worldview OHCHR was duped by some elaborate conspiracy of repeated false flag attacks. That doesn’t even pass the sniff test. Also, why bring MH-15 into this? You cannot discredit my OHCHR source by bringing this up, what’s the connection there?


    The OHCHR report you linked doesn’t state who bombed, from what I skimmed. But I’m sure you read it and can point me to such a finding?

    Speaking of MH-15, who slaughtered people in Bucha? Which side is bombing shopping centres during the day and apartment buildings in the night? We all know that. And now you come with a source which does not establish that Ukraine bombed civilians and you want me to believe it wasn’t the Russian side which has a well-established pattern of doing the exact thing? In Chechnya, in Syria, in Afghanistan?

    I’m not saying that you can’t – if the evidence is there, go ahead, post it. But actually post evidence and not what you decided was evidence without even reading half-way through the thing.


    I don’t think I can go any more official than the OHCHR, and I don’t think I can convince you of your good vs evil narrative with any source. People got shelled, it’s obviously implied they got shelled by the other side, and no theory to the contrary is put forward in the report.

    I’ll let you ponder this: This would be the first conflict in which one side commits all the war crimes. Even more curious, the side which commits no war crimes has a bunch of volunteer units literally using Nazi, SS and Bandera iconography. You know, the guys that marched hundreds of thousands of civilians into the woods and murdered them. Does that seem plausible to you?


    You’re talking about the side that has the Wagner group, right?



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  • rjs001, avatar

    Huh? We said the libs said that and the GOP are libs


    There’s a lot of angry liberals replying to your post, so I thought I’d link a great video on how/why the war in Ukraine came to be:;si=gaMRzFwo5J…

    This channel is leftist but they aren’t communists, as far as I know.

    Tldw: This war was completely avoidable. Had the US/NATO kept its promise to not expand eastward none of this would have happened. Even Biden said that 25 years ago. Americans groomed certain Ukrainians for political office, and prevented others from running. There was an opportunity to end the war last year on somewhat decent terms for Ukraine, but Boris Johnson rushed in to stop it from happening, promising massive support. But war exhaustion has caught up and Ukraine is running out of people, and western leaders are already starting to call for the end of the war — except this time it will be on russias terms and Ukraine is going to get fucked. Big western capitalists have had their fingers in this pie because there’s a lot of money to be made in the country. That’s it.

    Anyone with two brain cells to rub together knows that Putins invasion was a horrific, imperialist move. Any commie you see protesting the war isn’t doing it because they support Russia (Russia is a capitalist country), they’re doing it because they don’t support NATO. We are often the makers of our own enemies here in the west. Viet Cong, Taliban, ISIS, and Russia were all created or shaped by western (mainly US) policies.


    Libs gonna lib man…


    Judging by the tl;dw that video is hitting bingo on this one.


    Thanks I’ll watch it when I’m home from work. Right now it looks like it’s just some guy talking, whereas the video I linked only talks about things that are public knowledge. I haven’t watched yours yet though.

    Egon, avatar

    You should probably judge by the video, you moron


    Seems like to you being a lib means not falling for badly researched, one-sided videos?


    You didn’t watch the video did you? They don’t mention anything that

    All you liberals give cons a lot of shit for being bloodthirsty war hawks but you froth at the mouth at the thought of war too. You’ll look at situations like what’s happening in Gabon and Niger, say “wow the French are fucked and they kind of deserve it for what they did to those countries”, and then develop an amazing blind spot for western imperialism in Eastern Europe.

    Obviously this war shouldn’t have happened. Obviously Putin is an asshole. Obviously what’s happening in Ukraine needs to be stopped.

    We (the west) made our own monster though.

    BitPirate, avatar

    All you liberals give cons

    All this my team, your team rhetoric…

    Honest question, but how many times a day do you think about events and try to fit them into one of these two categories? At what point do you start using these terms interchangeably for good and evil?

    These days, I try to skip posts from people who crossed that line. Left, right or centre. If someone has limited their mental capacity to binary decisions, it’s not worth arguing with them, because the answer to everything will always be “my team”.

    MindSkipperBro12, (edited )

    Frontlines were actually moving, especially in the Eastern Front. Not so much in China and the Pacific, though.


    That’s not strictly true. On the short end, there was the six-day war. On the long end, there was the hundred years’ war.

    Putin was clearly aiming for the short option, but then I suppose most belligerents usually are.


    Dude took the low end and said “fuck that we’ll do it twice as fast.”

    The good news is I don’t think Russia can continue to sustain these kind of losses for 199 more years.


    Neither can Ukraine…


    I’d actually love to see a graph that shows the distribution of lengths of various wars


    The Anglo-Zanzibar War lasted less than an hour


    ‘Gunboat diplomacy’ isn’t very diplomatic.


    And Russia expected their little venture to be done in days.


    It was never supposed to turn into a real war. They wanted to assassinate Zelenskyy put some Russian plant in as president, annex some more land and call it a night. Obviously Zelenskyy survived and the rest is history.


    “No plan survives first contact with the enemy”


    “Everyone has a plan 'till they get punched in the mouth."


    We can hope Putin dies from being an old fuck and Russia gives up


    The US is on its last legs though. It badly needed this win. The US falls before Putin dies.


    What drugs are you on and where can I get some?


    Clearly hasn’t compared the US and Chinese economic data


    Lol literally every single line of that post is absolutely nonsense.

    The US is on its last legs though.

    Lol in what universe? By way metric is the most powerful nation in the world limping along?

    It badly needed this win.

    If we badly needed a win we wouldn’t be sending 30+ year-old surplus gear. Ukraine would have F-35s instead of the air force trying to pawn off A-10s because we’re retiring them and don’t want to break them down.

    The US falls before Putin dies.

    Unless he’s a Highlander there’s no fucking chance.

    IonAddis, avatar

    I always take a peek at the comment history when I see things like this. And this guy basically just woke up to say things like this in one specific thread.

    I’m no longer a mod of anything these days, but if I had a mod-hammer I’d send you into the next galaxy.

    rjs001, avatar

    To say the truth. The Us is collapsing and soon their Nazi vassals in Ukraine and Isntreal will also suffer a complete and utter collapse (god willing)


    That’s because it isn’t really about any particular military objective, it’s about creating business for the war industry.

    magnetosphere, in Fifa suspends Luis Rubiales from all football-related activity over Hermoso kiss avatar

    …79 women’s football players who signed a letter in which they stated they would refuse to play for their country as long as Rubiales remained in his post.

    How am I only learning about this now? It’s fucking awesome.

    Anyway, the next step is to fire Rubiales. Will that happen?


    They’ll wait and see what the public reaction is and what other dirt will come out about him before making a decision.

    Then, when there’s no possible way that they can justify keeping him, they’ll fire him and make out like they did it because they care about women’s voices.

    Look at how Man U handled the Greenwood ordeal. If they could’ve gotten away with it, I guarantee he would still be on the squad.

    Look at Deshaun Watson.

    ikidd, avatar

    Nope. Apparently what they’ll do is take legal action against the victim for not providing consent after the fact.

    Bold decision, Cotton. Let’s see how it plays out.


    That’s very bold. Legal posturing and peacocking. Trying to control the narrative and limit damage before a token resignation and a settlement.


    The federation also said that, if selected, players have “an obligation” to play for the national team, after 81 female players said they will not represent Spain until Rubiales is removed from his post.

    Poor guy is getting a bad look. /s

    Fuck him. And fuck this org. “He did nothing wrong,even though it’s documented.”


    Go and select them then, and see what happens when your players take to the field playing touch rugby to fulfil their “obligation”.


    FIFA and RFEF are different, aren’t they?


    Then you’ll love to know that the Spanish football federation threatened to sue them, because FIFA rules say players can’t refuse calls to the national team. Rubiales is only the tip of the iceberg, the entire federation is a glorified pigsty.

    magnetosphere, avatar

    That’s an asinine, empty threat. The players clearly have public opinion on their side. All FIFA is doing is advertising how out of touch they are. FIFA is begging to be put in their place.

    sanguinepar, avatar

    I mean, to be fair to FIFA (did I just type that?) they have suspended him:…/fifa-suspends-luis-rubiales-fro…

    EDIT - ha, forgot what thread I was on and didn’t realise I’d just shared the OP link! Oh well

    It’s the Spanish FA who need to step up though, they’re making absolute fools of themselves.


    Sexists close ranks around each other to protect their own. This probably only ends after the Spanish FA has been completely rebuilt.


    The Spanish Federation is threatening the players not FIFA.

    library_napper, avatar

    Hey, pigs are very nice creatures. Don’t be mean to pigs by comparing them to these asses.


    Whee hoo, hold up ! asses are kind, gentle beings that deserve better than being equalled with those dicks.

    library_napper, avatar


    Nonameuser678, avatar

    Pretty sure some of the national men’s team have joined them as well.

    Meltrax, in Zelensky refuses to hold elections in wartime Ukraine

    "Zelensky follows the laws in the Ukraine Constitution while the country continues to be at war"

    • FTFY, dickbag headline writer

    The Ukrainian constitution prevents Parliamentary elections during wartime, not Presidential ones.


    Yeah didn’t this come up as a clickbait non-issue last year?

    TigrisMorte, in ‘Orphaned by decree’: Italy’s same-sex parents react to losing their rights

    But everyone swore that we were over reacting when we called her Fascist.

    Ashyr, (edited )

    How could anyone be overreacting? Isn’t her only claim to fame her relationship to a fascist?

    It would be one thing if it’s incidental, but that’s always seemed one of her primary selling points.


    The self proclamed “queen of the traditional family”, almost actual quote

    FatTony, avatar

    Her grandfather would be … laying perfectly still in his grave.


    The people who tell you that you’re overreacting are usually just scared to admit what’s happening to themselves.

    gnuhaut, in Biden calls China a 'ticking time bomb' due to economic troubles

    Yeah yeah, I’ve heard that before. There’s a whole cottage industry of “experts” that have predicted the imminent collapse of China going back decades. Call me when it actually happens.


    China’s economy is stacked like a house of cards and could come crumbling down due to some unforeseen global financial shock, but then again that sounds like most modern economies. I think people just pick on China because, instead of having a group of billionaires stack up the cards, the government does it themselves.

    PP_BOY_, avatar

    You just described the US, UK, and much of the western world entirely. The global economy is just a bunch of "IOU"s


    China is a bit different in that regard, though.

    Since apartments are pretty much the only investment for private savings, there’s a huge percentage of the GDP tied to construction. This bubble is not quite bursting, but rapidly deflating, leaving many regular people practically without savings.

    Other countries have inflated real estate markets as well, but their markets simply are not that large in comparison (percentage of GDP).


    Even if that shock happens, China will still be in a better situation. Like, they actually manufacture stuff there, and the government builds infrastructure aggressively. That’s two massive benefits to economic security and health.


    But what if all that high speed rail disappears, huh? Didn’t think about that, stupid tankie.

    Frank, avatar

    It’s a legitimate risk. Rail theft by the mole-people is up 12% in the last quarter.


    The Chinese government stacks the cards though it actually has the capability to use some toothpicks to hold them in place, and will immediately rebuild it things start to fall apart.

    To contrast, the US will flounder and pull their one “low interest rates” lever while having a political blowout over some sort of stimulus funding package that probably won’t pass.


    People (westerners) pick on China because they want it to collapse. It’s entirely wishful thinking.

    ThomasMuentzner, avatar

    Do you repeat something you heard there or can you in detail describe how the worlds greates manufacturing Hub is a economy build on Cards…


    china believes in the heart of the cards

    ElChapoDeChapo, avatar

    This is what China wanted their relationship with the US to be like but our ruling class is just too evil and shortsighted for that


    If that’s the case then the US’s economy is a card dealer pointing a gun at everyone at the table

    Frank, avatar

    Well, actually it’s because China’s roaring economic success is both deeply embarassing and existentially dangerous to international fascism and it is absolutely vital that they both discredit China and prevent their thoroughly indoctrinated population from learning anything about China at all costs.

    PanArab, in Investigation disproves Israel claim of Hamas tunnel under Gaza hospital avatar

    There was no Hamas or tunnels when they massacred Palestinians in Tantura in 1948

    There was no Hamas or tunnels when they massacred Palestinians in Khan Yunis in 1956

    Israel never needed an excuse they just need a lie to sell to the rest of the world now that everyone is watching

    Sir_Kevin, avatar

    Seems like they learned from uncle sam how to empire.


    @PanArab @ira Hamas wasn't founded until THE 80s. Wtf do people think was happening for the first 40 years lmao 🤦 You literally can't blame everything on Hamas, they didn't even exist for half the time.


    You’re right, it was previously the PLO that were bombing places and hijacking planes


    The simplest explanation is that if Israel knew where Hamas is, they would have taken them out before any attack by Hamas. They don’t know.

    PanArab, avatar

    So they kill more than 4000 children? Would they have done the same if the kidnappers were anywhere else in the world? What makes killing over 10,000 civilians a fair trade?

    The purpose of this war on Gaza is ethnic cleansing.


    It doesn’t make it a fair trade. My point is they have no idea who they are targeting, or they would have been doing targeted take downs before the conflict.


    It’s almost like an occupied populace is in itself an inbuilt insurgency for the obvious reasons.

    Oddly enough a lesson not learned from WW2.


    Agreed. Not really the point of the discussion, and also patronizing, but I wish you a good day.


    How exactly was it patronizing?


    Oh the lesson was learned. It’s just being used to kill the oppressed population.


    It was in Paris as well, time makes martyrs of oppressed children.

    PanArab, avatar

    Collective punishment is a war crime. Having a 90% death rate being civilians is a war crime. Targeting hospitals, schools, water wells, aid trucks and bakeries is a war crime.

    They said so themselves. The intent is ethnic cleansing. They have said as much that the goal is to depopulate the Gaza Strip. They have called Palestinians “human animals”.

    “I have ordered a complete siege on the Gaza Strip. There will be no electricity, no food, no fuel, everything is closed,” Gallant says following an assessment at the IDF Southern Command in Beersheba.

    “We are fighting human animals and we are acting accordingly,” he adds.…/defense-minister-announces-co…


    That is one of the laziest info graphs I’ve ever seen. All of this is terrible, bit please redo it for the first few months of each conflict. This graph was made to show the US as saviors.


    Yup, thermobarics make tunnels deathtraps and Israel certainly has the thermobarics we sold them.


    Israel’s not using Fuel-Air bombs here. There’s no point. They’re just using a shedload of mk 80 series with guidance systems. Probably the Mk 81s that the US brought back into service to try and reduce collateral damage during the Iraq war.


    Except they have, it’s been documented alongside white phosphorus on mixed targets (civilian w/ “terrorists”).…/defence-unleashing-the-unp…


    Hamas leadership is in Qatar.

    CaptObvious, in The back-to-office backfire: Companies ending WFH perks lose out on top talent, who view flexible work as equivalent to an 8% raise

    People don’t like offices and are more productive when they’re happy. Who knew?


    I did. I always knew.

    ikidd, avatar

    Bullshit. You only knew since I told you on Thursday.


    Companies forcing people back to the office are a red flag for bad management, so I’m sure that’s another reason they’re seeing people leave.

    My company realized that they can remove office space and use that money for more employees. What a fucking crazy concept.

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